Panchayat (2020) s02e04 Episode Script


Vikas, check if the jeep's arrived.
Doesn't sound like a jeep.
Just check.
You make me work so hard.
It's a Travera (SUV) like I told you.
What's keeping him?
No one's interested in
finishing his work on time.
All he needs to do is drive around
the village, and it's already noon.
Leave drugs, Embrace life
Sometimes pump is stop working.
I think that's the vehicle.
There's a loudspeaker tied on the roof.
Seems like it.
Yes, sir.
Why is he driving so slowly?
Hurry up.
There is no hope in addiction
quit drinking and be high on life.
Quit drinking and be high on life.
Does the speaker work?
So switch it on, and go around
the village playing the slogan.
And distribute these pamphlets in
the end before you leave.
Go on.
Smells like liquor.
Smells like liquor.
-Are you drunk?
Turn off the vehicle. Turn it off.
The drive of the de-addiction campaign,
is drunk himself.
What madness is this?
Turn off the vehicle.
This man's unbelievable.
He will run over someone.
Come out. I said come out.
Come out or do I call the Police.
Turn off the vehicle.
Turn off the vehicle I said.
-What are you doing?
-Turn it off!
-Wait a minute.
-Turn it off! Quickly.
Come out. Come on.
I drove all the way from Baliya.
Did anyone die?
How would we know who
you ran over on your way here?
Check the tires.
If I did run over someone,
the tires will be covered in blood.
-I will check.
-But mister
Have faith. I'm pretty good at this.
Drive slowly.
Slow enough to give
others a chance to escape.
That's the formula.
I thought only I knew this.
We've a lot of things in common.
Don't talk rubbish.
Drive around the village and leave.
Come on. Leave.
Drive slowly.
Come on.
Which way is Phulera?
Oh, God. You're in Phulera.
You cannot do it.
Please get down. Come out.
Listenas I said. Have faith.
I am pretty good at this.
Okay, fine. Now go.
Take the next left.
"quit drinking and be high on life."
Drive slowly.
Drive slowly, okay.
Start as soon as possible
Slow down, man.
[Indistinct announcement]
There is no hope in addiction.
Is this way he came from Balliya?
Oh no!
-What is he doing?
-Quit drinking and be high on life.
[Indistinct announcement]
God. I hope he's not dead.
Is he dead?
Hello, Mr. Driver. Get up.
Have faith. Have faith
-Mr. Driver, get up.
-Get up.
Throw some on his face.
Get up.
Get up.
Look, it's raining. It's raining.
Come on, get up. Get up.
-Get up.
-Get up.
Shall we leave him out here?
Definitely not. The de-addiction
guy is drunk and driving.
Villagers will yell at us.
We cannot leave him out here.
Give him a hand.
Sir, give him a hand.
I am.
Make him sit.
Pull up that chair.
Pull up that chair.
Get another chair. Put two chairs.
Hold him. Hold him.
Hold him.
Hurry up.
Make him sit.
Give me keys.
Where am I?
Am I home?
Alcohol is a terrible thing.
Look at his condition.
One should control
-Not that way. Sit down.
-Sit down, bro.
-Not that way.
-Not that way.
That's not Malti,
it's Abhishek sir's room.
Not on the bed.
Look at this.
What nonsense is this?
I just changed the bedsheets yesterday.
-I am back home, Malti.
-Wake up, bro.
-Malti. Malti.
-Sir, who could Malti be?
How would I know who Malti is?
Call the Pradhan sir.
Let's not disturb her.
The groom's family is
coming over to see Rinky.
Ohh yeah.
I think the Pradhan sir hired
that Travera. Isn't it?
These things are important, to
build an image in front of the guests.
He should've hired a Scorpio
for a better impression.
Am I wrong, sir?
Let's first with the problem at hand.
Yes, sir.
We can discuss these things later.
No, you're right.
-Wake up.
-Check his pockets.
Maybe a phone or something.
-Leave me. Leave me.
-Wake up.
-It's locked, sir.
-Show me.
-Pattern locked.
-Leave me.
How much more makeup
are you going to put on?
They are coming to see Rinky, not you.
Coming. Just packing the chain.
Pack my charger as well.
I did.
Worried about the charger.
Come on.
Let's go.
What are you looking at?
You're a stunner even in this old age.
I am not old. Let's go.
God. Look at her.
Why are you carrying such a big bag?
We're only going to meet them,
not kidnap him.
Fix your hair first.
-Let's go.
-It's fine.
Anddon't be too
formal in front of the boy.
Be a little casual.
No need to be so causal
with him before the wedding.
Be quiet.
And greet your in-laws
by touching their feet.
How can they already be her in-laws?
"Rinky's papa"
Yes, Mr. Pathak.
Madhuban Restaurant.
Madhuban starting with "Madh". Yes.
I've booked the place in advance.
We'll be there within the hour.
Yes, one hour.
We're on our way.
You're in the car now.
Take that thing off your shoulder.
Let's go, Mr. Driver.
Do you knowMadhuban Restaurant.
Have you?
Check the back pocket.
Does he have a wallet?
Give me the wallet.
What's all this
Balram Yadav.
Lodhipur, Baliya.
Lodhipur is pretty far away.
Listen Balram Yadav, drunkard.
Wake up.
Look, Malti's here.
Malti's here. Get up.
Look at that.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
What's going on here?
Whatever it is,
you don't need to interfere right now.
Fine. Mr. Secretary will
take care of it. Let's go.
Come on.
Sir, this is a serious problem.
We'll have to get him sober again,
only then will he leave.
My advice is let's give him a tight
slap, and he'll snap back to reality.
Who are you calling?
Only an expert can tell
us how to get him sober again.
Yes, Mr. Secretary.
Prahlad, the de-addiction
campaign driver is drunk himself.
-Is he high?
-He's lying unconscious on my bed.
What do we do now?
What else? Give us a solution
on how to get him sober again.
Nothing doing.
Give a tight slap.
And he'll snap back to reality.
How about some non-violent
solution, Prahlad?
I don't want to get violent.
Thentake him to the handpump outside,
and bathe him with cold water.
Or feed him.
Are you not coming today?
I won't be coming today, Mr. Secretary.
Rahul has a train to catch today.
I'm preparing some food for him.
Okay, fine.
I'll think of something then.
What's the matter, father?
Some drunkard's entered
the Panchayat office.
He's making trouble.
Bloody junkie.
Should we take him
to the handpump outside?
Taking him all the way
out there won't be an easy task.
Plus we'll have to change his clothes.
I am not going to bathe some
random drunkard and change his clothes.
Then we'll have to feed him some food.
Let's check what's in the kitchen.
There are some lentils still left.
Cook some rice.
We'll have a portion of rice and lentil.
Let's add some papad and pickles
as well. He'll have a complete meal.
Why don't we cook him some
vegetables and fritters as well?
Why go through all that hard work?
Let's make some rice.
Okay, sir. I'll wash the
rice while you wash the plates.
What's keeping them?
Sir, will they be arriving late?
The chilly paneer
starter is getting cold.
Might taste like rubber when you eat it.
Please reheat it again.
-They must be on their way.
-Yes, of course.
Go on.
Call them once.
Hello. Mr. Pathak.
Where the hell are you?
Where are we?
We arrived long ago and
have been waiting for you.
Arrived? Where?
We're waiting here
at Madhuban Restaurant.
Even we are at Madhuban Restaurant.
Which Madhuban Restaurant are you in?
Madhuban Restaurant,
the pride of Baliya.
Hello. Mr. Pathak.
We're at Madhuban Restaurant,
the pride of Baliya.
And we're Madhuban Restaurant,
the real pride of Baliya.
How many Madhuban Restaurants
are there in Baliya.
This is the real deal, sir.
That other Madhuban restaurant
belongs to our owner's step-brother.
This one's the original place.
Hello, Mr. Pathak.
This is the original
Madhuban restaurant.
So come over here.
It's only one kilometre
from his location.
It's only one kilometre
from his location. Come over.
And the roads are good too.
The roads are good.
You'll get here in no time.
The chilly paneer is getting cold.
Hurry up or else it
will taste like rubber.
-What are you
-Hello, Mr. Pathak.
Listen, Mr. Dubey.
You guys come over here.
This restaurant is better.
Mr. Pathak,
I've booked the place for two hours.
I've also paid in advance.
You cannot be such a cheapskate,
Mr Pradhan.
You've saved a lot of money in dowry.
I didn't book the place
because it's cheap, Mr. Pathak.
Chilly paneer is 275 rupees per plate.
300 if you add taxes.
300 if you add taxes.
Do you think six pieces
of paneer for 300 rupees is cheap?
Over here it's 350 per plate,
without the taxes.
Come over. We're waiting.
What a cheapskate?
What did Mr. Pathak say?
How many whistles more, sir?
Couple more.
What's the matter?
Isn't that the Panchayat
office's vehicle?
Get it out of the way.
There's a lot of space this way.
Why should I go that way?
I want to go this way.
This is a public road,
not the Panchayat's personal property.
Move the jeep.
-Can you drive?
Here we go.
Once again.
Here we go. Here we go.
Come on.
Stop. Stop.
Sit here. Turn the wheel.
Turn to the left.
Shall I start pushing?
Slow down.
Sir, we call him Banrakas
this is the reason.
The day I leave this village,
I'll give him a good thrashing.
Doesn't that sound like the whistle?
Shitthe rice is cooking.
Burnt or not burnt.
It's a little burnt.
More than a little.
I am not cooking for him again.
Feed him whatever we have.
Cover it with the lentil.
He's drunk. He won't know.
He's a few levels above drunk.
Get the plates. Let's feed him.
We won't get insulted
if we go over there.
It's not about getting insulted.
It's about ideologies and maturity.
Fine. Maybe this
is a cheaper restaurant.
But I've booked the place in advance.
No sensible man would raise
an issue over such a trivial matter.
Crazy family.
They called me a cheapskate today.
Tomorrow they will
call Rinky a cheapskate.
Do you want to marry off
your daughter in such a family?
They are the groom's family.
Trying to show off their reputation.
So let them.
Why should we?
If we leave them unaccounted for now,
who will stop them
from doing so in future?
Let's meet them.
I'll never set foot
in that Madhuban again.
You call those rascals
here if they want to meet.
What if I call and say
something absurd like I do?
I am counting on that.
Hello. This is Rinky's mom speaking.
Are you guys here?
No. We would be really
glad if you guys could come over.
We've paid in advance.
Please don't say no at this time.
Just come over.
But try to understand
We'll wait 30 minutes.
I'll reheat the chilly paneer again.
-And soft drinks for us.
Hey Malti's husband, get up.
Get up and eat.
What do we do?
-Get up.
-Give me a hand.
-He'll fall.
-Careful. Careful. No, he won't fall.
This way.
He's too heavy, sir.
Here. Eat some food.
To hell with
Here, eat some food.
Why are you being so
polite with this guy, sir?
I heard it once. Don't keep abusing it.
Leave it. He doesn't mean it.
He'll drop the food.
Give him some water.
What happened, mister?
Why are you crying?
Even Malti would cover
burnt rice with the lentil.
It's not too burnt.
You can still eat it.
-Eat it.
-She would say the same thing.
Eat it, mister. Don't cry.
How much do you make in a month?
What are you saying?
Eat your food.
How much?
20,000. Now eat.
Two kinds of people in the
world become addicted to alcohol.
The first kind who
earns more than he needs.
And the second kind
who less than he needs.
We both fall in the second category.
What are you saying?
I may earn less but I'm not an addict.
I thought the same way.
But people become one.
When you get married, have kids,
and you're unable to
run the house in 20,000.
Then you'll become on.
You'll become one too.
Finish your food.
What happened?
-Eat your food.
-Malti, come back.
Come back, Malti.
Sir, let's throw him and his Malti out.
I've had enough of his drama.
Him and his Malti.
What to do?
Let him sleep.
Give him some bedsheets.
Are father-daughter glad now?
What are we waiting for?
Pay the bill.
I thought we'll give
the boy this if I like him.
What do I do with this now?
You decide now!
Child, you wear this.
It's for a guy, father.
Fine, no one wear it. I'll wear it.
I spent money on it.
Mister, reheat that
chilly paneer once again,
pack it properly,
and send it to my vehicle outside.
See you then, sir.
Okay, fine.
If you want I can
lay him out in the hall.
No. He'll be sober in some time.
Okay, sir.
don't take his words seriously.
Drunk people say rubbish things.
Okay, sir. See you tomorrow, sir.
"Some raging, some soothing."
"No one knows what's left."
"Floating away like a smoke."
"Several dreams have turned to ashes."
"There was a silence,"
"and a soulful melody."
"And a handful of ashes left."
"What you got"
Slow down. Slow down.
What happened, Mr. Secretary?
Did he wake up or not?
Not yet, he's still sleeping.
He's really high.
Where to? Catch a train?
Yes, I'll help him
board a bus for Baliya.
From Baliya he'll catch a train.
Say hello, son.
See you, brother Abhishek. Bye.
-Okay, bye.
Eat on time.
You should eat on time too, father.
"Took a few puffs,"
"smiled when I felt low."
"Seems unique."
"Life seems a little unique."
"Opens its arms and calls me."
"Going wherever it takes me."
"Some raging, some soothing."
"No one knows what's left."
Pradhan sir, hot chilly paneer.
Pradhan sir, let it go.
You'll find much better
suitors for Rinky.
Absolutely. There's no
lack of suitors in this world.
The best.
What the
Whatever happens, happens for the best.
Yes, Pradhan sir.
It happens for the best.
So tell me, sir.
What good came out of
meeting this drunk driver?
That we're drinking beer together.
Absolutely right.
I would've had a drink today anyway.
Haven't had a sip for fifteen days.
You have a big mouth too.
You know, Pradhan sir,
that drunk driver
got Abhishek sir worried.
He said you'll become
a drunkard like me in future.
I was actually stressed for a second.
He quickly started reading his book.
And now he's drinking with us.
Mr Secretary,
sometimes it's important
to be stressed in life.
Seehe's awake. He's awake.
Is he washing his hands?
Yes, he was eating with his hands.
Maybe he's washing that off.
He's sober again.
He can't even walk properly,
I wonder how he's going to drive.
I hope he doesn't run
over someone on the way.
He turned properly.
Hope he doesn't come this way.
Forgive me for my behaviour.
Happens sometimes.
Turned into a gentleman
after turning sober.
Addiction destroys even the best of men.
Don't worry, Mr. Secretary.
You'll never turn into him.
No one can predict these things.
We'll drink in control from today.
The Pradhan sir gave me a shower.
It's what he said.
We'll drink in control.
His wife name Malti.
It's nice
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