Partisan (2020) s02e04 Episode Script

Polish Flower

Everyone wants to be
a part of something bigger, right?
Something bigger than ourselves.
Something to believe in because
it's in the human nature.
But ever since the industrialization,
mankind has taken greater steps
away from nature.
And by doing that,
away from themselves and their own
true purpose.
Man is a part of the evolution
and is selected by the wishes
of evolution,
in this eternal cycle.
But, and this is important,
we have also received
an entirely unique ability to
our own development.
And that requires a leadership
that can take that direction,
towards a future
where the chaff will be sifted
from the wheat.
Where the seed eventually will
lay cleaned and ready in our stocks.
Are you following my reasoning?
Mimmi! Where is Mimmi?
-There you are! Hello.
Would you stand up?
Mimmi is pregnant as we see.
Your husband is here too, Hendrik,
sitting beside. Stand up as well.
Look at this couple. How beautiful.
And Mimmi, you're born in Sweden,
are you not?
Yes, you're right.
-As we can hear, Finnish parents.
And that is Russian and Slavic blood,
heritage. Correct?
-Yes. Yeah.
So there my friends.
In that woman's womb lies the
most insidious form of parasite.
Because we can't see any difference.
It's masked with light colors,
just like all of us sitting here.
You'd think it'd belong to the same
but it's not the same.
Bengt, what the hell
Hendrik, you can stay with us,
I have no problem with that.
But Mimmi, you unfortunately have to
take your offspring and leave.
What the fuck is this?
Aaron, can you open the door?
This is refinement.
That you all agreed on.
Come on now, turn those frowns.
Now we're going to play music,
this is supposed to be a festivity.
Here you are!
Calm. Long deep breaths.
Long deep breaths.
Take him down.
Yes, despite all
he deserves some dignity.
Have you decided?
About the offer.
No! Gunn, don't watch!
Don't even look at it.
No! No! Trust me. Come.
Sorry for disturbing.
May I have a moment?
I heard the shocking news and
wanted to forward my condolences.
Thank you.
What you are doing here
at Jordnära is
I didn't believe it at first
but now
You're laying the rocks
for a perfect future.
You must be proud.
I wish I could show you my home.
It has everything
you can dream of.
What you are doing is so
And what you are carrying
is the most
the most
valuable thing that we have.
Just relax.
I didn't do anything.
Just relax.
We don't have to do this.
I need to give this a try.
That's what the doctor said.
But it sucks.
What's going on here?
I came to offer my sincere
condolences for your loss.
Thank you.
Well, if you could please
excuse us?
won't keep my offer on the table
You have until tonight
to make up your mind.
How was it?
Was it a nice chat or?
He's actually really nice,
they just have a different way.
Why are they here?
I don't understand
why he's so interested in me.
They are here because
Simply because they are so impressed
by what we're doing here at Jordnära.
They are building something similar
where they're from.
It will be fantastic.
Incredibly nice.
So what's happening now is
that we're finally getting our ideas
and our way of life out into Europe.
That's pretty unbelievable, right?
And with that they have
a really good offer to you.
That you would
That both you and your child
That you'd get to go there
and be involved from the beginning.
Then you'd be a part
of the foundation
of an entirely new Jordnära.
No. No, I don't want that.
I have everything here.
But this is probably better for you
than what you can realize.
But I have all my friends here.
You said that my child
could grow up here.
-You said that we could live here.
I want you to go with them.
This can't be discussed.
You said that me and my child
would be taken care of by you.
You said we could live here.
I don't want you
to send anyone away from here.
No, I agree with you.
It wasn't fun at all.
But I think that it's important
that we
have the direction forward
and are consistent.
I don't want you to bring my property
into your project.
-Your property?
-Yes. My property, yes.
You seem to have forgotten
our agreement.
What agreement?
When I married you, you were a widow
with two daughters,
so there's an agreement all right.
You can't handle the property
on your own
and I've come in here
and made the community blossom.
Can you get dressed? We're going out.
Okay? Wake up. Are you awake?
Maud? Maud? Can you wake up?
We're going out. Okay? But be quiet.
Please, put this on.
What's going on?
We're just going out for a bit.
-Come, come with me.
Put on that one. Are we ready?
Mom, what are you doing?
can't you just get in the car?
You can't leave
in the middle of the night.
Can't we talk about this in the car?
-What about dad?
-But Maud, he isn't your dad.
-Valeria, come!
But honey, can't you just
Maud, listen.
You're weak.
They will be back soon.
-Yeah, I love it.
-Did you plant these?
Yeah, I did plant these.
They were a gift.
I planted
But you can't actually see the one.
I'm coming!
That's a beautiful What is that?
This is a Polish flower
that Mildred's family brought.
We planted it.
What brings you by?
There's been a death at Jordnära.
We heard this morning. Yeah.
So, then that's not why
I saw you yesterday then.
I was just thinking.
You saw me where?
At Jordnära.
At Jordnära?
No. No, I wasn't there.
At Jordnära? Yesterday.
-You want to get her out?
I just had the weirdest
conversation with Björn.
He said that he wasn't at Jordnära
yesterday, I saw him.
The weirdest conversation
I've ever had, sorry.
-Are you going there today?
Okay, good. I'll see you. Bye.
What's up? Been running?
What were you doing yesterday then?
Have you talked to Robert?
Yeah, he mentioned that he saw you
at Jordnära yesterday.
I heard that.
No, I was far away from there.
I was on a family thing.
But we've got bigger things
to talk about.
It was their head coach.
The gymnasts found him
right before practice.
-The gymnastics coach?
Do you know who he is?
No, or I've heard of him.
There was no meeting with Richard,
he has just been found dead.
Okay, what do you know?
Something feels off with
Björn as well.
Did you find him here on the floor?
The gymnasts found him hanging.
We took him down, thought there was
something we could do but
And we did it for him as well.
Even if this is a suicide
it's still a crime scene.
We need to talk to everyone
who's involved.
The ambulance will be a while.
Did he leave a letter or a note?
No, nothing.
It was very unexpected.
A shock for us all.
Does he have any family?
A close relative that we can talk to?
Richard didn't have a family.
Or yes
The team was his family
and we were his friends but
if you want to talk to the one
who was closest to him then it's me.
If that would be of any help
of course.
Yes, I'll start with the kids.
Are you hungry?
No, I'm good.
Have you been to the police?
What the hell are they going to do?
It's not like they've helped us
so far.
Besides, I'm almost 18.
Then I can try to get custody
of Maria.
So they don't take her and like force
her into foster care or something.
Are you sure
that you haven't seen her?
What the fuck is this?
Some things have happened
since you left.
Her name is Gunn
and she's really nice but
I didn't want to, it was Maud's idea.
I had to do it.
Had to?
I don't understand
how you can continue to play along.
She's completely mental.
Do you understand what she did to me?
-In the basement?
-I know.
-You know what they're doing?
Injecting semen into girls
and having some crazy brainwashing
about how the best thing you can get
is a child from an invalid old man.
And yet you stay?
It's totally sick, Victor.
Richard was already deeply depressed
when he came to us.
He had been Sweden's rising star
in gymnastics.
He won absolutely everything.
But then, two weeks
before the Olympics,
he had an accident
and his entire career was over.
Just like that.
And if I'm to be completely honest,
he started self-medicating
pretty heavily.
And those demons
can be hard to get rid of.
But a lot of people never saw
how he actually felt
because he was so very good
at putting up a perfect façade.
And I'm not sure on this but I think
that our latest plans for Jordnära
started something in him.
What plans were that?
-We're going to expand.
Yes. Yes, there are many
who have noticed us
and the important work
that we do here
-in our clinic, for an example.
-Have I missed anything?
We need to cut off
all access to the gym
until the technicians arrive here.
May I take a look at that clinic?
-Yes, now.
I would like to have a look at it
if it's alright.
Yes, of course.
Could I get access
to Richard's cellphone?
Yes, of course, no problem.
This is actually one of Sweden's
most modern care clinics,
and we offer traditional care
of course.
But we're trying to combine it
with alternative
and complementary medicine.
Yes, with that we've come a long way.
Just keep going.
In there. To the left.
Here is our laboratory. Be my guest.
For a long time, we've had
an interest in researching
and refining nature's assets.
Shall we continue?
Let's move on.
We live very cleanly here
and make sure that we provide
our bodies with that they need
so that they can protect themselves
from harmful parasites and viruses
and other intrusive things
that don't belong in our system.
And if you do that,
then disease rarely occurs.
We can continue here.
Can we go in here?
Yes, sure.
Everything's very lavish.
It must have been a great investment.
Yes, I would never compromise
on quality when it comes to health.
But yes, sure it was expensive.
The truth is,
in the beginning we didn't think
we would be doing
traditional healthcare but
And what made you change your minds?
Yes, thanks for the tour.
What's in there?
Can you leave us for a while?
He went into a coma
a couple of years ago.
Before that he'd been ill for a long
time because of an accident.
We realized quickly that if we were
to give dad a chance to survive
we had to arrange it ourselves.
So that's when we established
this clinic.
Yes, you seem to believe a whole lot
in conventional medicine any way.
When it comes to your own family.
Yes. Like I said, we believe in both.
How did he end up in a coma?
After the accident he struggled
for many, many years
but eventually his body
couldn't take it anymore.
There are many accidents here
at Jordnära.
What are you getting at?
If this is an interrogation,
then you could have said so
from the start, right?
No, we should wrap this up now.
We have a job to do.
The phone.
Richard's phone.
Is it you who is
the next of kin then?
Yes, it's me.
Good. We'll be in touch.
Is she still here?
What was that?
What the hell is going on?
They cut him down.
Yeah, but they were hoping
that they could help him.
They have contaminated
the entire crime scene.
What was I supposed to say?
It was already done.
Richard contacted me yesterday,
wanted to meet and tell me something.
And now he's dead.
Wait, what? He contacted you?
Why are you telling me this now?
Mildred, for fuck's sake.
You can't keep information like this
to yourself.
Is it from Johnny?
Is he still here?
Nicole, I want to talk to you.
Maria is here at Jordnära.
And the only thing I ask of you is
that you listen to what I have to say
and then you'll get to meet her
Why should I believe
in anything you say?
I understand.
You don't trust me.
I understand that.
Can you leave us for a while?
I wanted so much, and maybe a little
too much, to have you and Maria here.
your mother
Valeria is my sister.
So you and Maria, you are
the only rightful heirs to Jordnära.
All of this.
It will be yours.
Here are some pictures that I think
maybe you haven't seen before.
I miss my sister so much,
much more than I think
you will ever understand.
But she is still inside of me.
And inside of you.
I hope that you give me the chance
to make everything right.
Drive down there.
-I want to talk to them.
Yes, drive down there.
I want to talk to them!
I'd like to ask a couple questions.
-Do you speak English?
Yes, I speak English.
We have some questions
about the accident.
I don't know nothing,
I must do work.
You're the truck drivers?
Do you know where Johnny is,
he's also a driver here, right?
What does this have to do
with accident?
We found another body in the car
and we believe it's him.
What are you talking about Mildred?
That's not true.
What happened to your leg?
Did Johnny do that?
It was the machine.
What machine? Can I have a look?
Hey, fuck you.
1-Fuck you, show me your leg.
-Fuck you.
-Fuck you, show me your leg!
-Piotr, do something!
Don't worry about it.
She doesn't know anything about it.
What don't I know about?
-What? Are you from Poland?
-Holy shit.
My dad's from Skierniewice.
I got an uncle in Skierniewice.
-What are you saying?
-You got to be kidding!
Maybe we're related.
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
How well do you know Teddy Bear?
Björn? We're colleagues.
Why Björn?
Why are you saying my name?
I don't understand.
Why do you ask?
What are you talking about?
-Björn, calm down.
-Why do you ask me that question?
Why Björn? Why do you
keep saying my name?
Björn, calm down!
She is with us.
What the fuck does he mean by that?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Björn, drop the gun!
Björn, drop the gun!
Drop the gun.
Björn. Björn.
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