Reginald the Vampire (2022) s02e04 Episode Script

Watch the Sunrise

Previously on "Reginald the Vampire"
I am Balestro.
- What the
- You have 30 days.
Every vampire in this earthly
realm will be exterminated.
You're the reason angels
want to kill us all.
If I'm going to die, then
I am going out on my terms.
- What's up?
- It's my mom.
My mom spent most of
the last month in bed.
Behold, I am Altus.
Call me Dad.
Duck! Duck!
You, hamster, stop!
They towed my home away.
I'm going to need accommodations.
But now that I'm facing
certain death again,
I have to lie to Sarah about it.
There's something else going on,
and I came here to demand
that you tell me what it is.
I will help you.
It's time I revealed
my true nature to you.

You're an angel?
I am.
- Since when?
- The dawn of creation.
- But you love slushies.
- They are delicious.
Hey, Cupid, back the fuck up.
Whoa, Reginald.
Cupid is the offspring
of Venus and Mars.
- I am a messenger of the divine.
- Didn't ask. Don't care.
- Reginald.
- Why don't you get your halo
and get out of here, all
right? Before I bring the pain.
I mean, it might not be possible,
but I will sacrifice
this body if I have to.
No one is asking you to do any of that.
- What's gotten into you?
- Reginald is afraid.
He sees me as a rival.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not afraid.
- And I am not a rival.
- Of course you're not.
Reggie, come on.
Slushy guy is harmless
and, okay, an angel.
Is that why I feel so safe around you?
You feel safe because you are safe.
Sarah, listen to me.
This is my pledge and my truth.
- Sarah, if you just let me explain
- Reginald, please.
Right, sorry.
Angels are real. Mind is blown.
How is this possible? [BREATHES DEEPLY]
Carry on.

- What are you doing?
Documenting our road trip,
starting with the snack-making.
- Honey, smile.
- No, not you him.
Me? I'm making sandwiches.
You're cutting the crusts off.
- Crusts are gross.
- [CHUCKLES] You're adorable.
Aren't you, like, 1,000
years too old for that?
I am not 1,000.
Oh, that's good to hear,
because I don't know
if I could, uh, handle the, uh, age gap.
So how old are you?
Oh, middle-aged, in incubus years.
But on the other hand, I'm also the guy
who offered to drive at 3:00 a.m.
to go see a sunrise of all things.
If we don't get there early, we'll
miss when the sky gets all glowy.
What kind of kid wants to wake up
at 3:00 in the morning?
- An awesome one.
- She's got you there.
Mm, well, I don't have
to be happy about it.
Oh, sure you do.
- Ooh.
- Better?
- Getting there.
- No, no, no.
He might be my dad, but
no smoochies allowed.
- Oh, but Mama has needs.
- No!
We need to document this, too.
Altus, get in here
- family selfie.
Oh, well, there's that
family resemblance.
Okay, I want all smiles,
no goofball faces.
Got it? Okay.
In three, two, one.
- Really?
If he's here to kill us, then
why hasn't he done it already?
Maybe because he got sidetracked.
What if he's here to observe us
- Like an advanced scout?
Oh, yeah, he's
observing something else.
Reggie, are you mad because
Balestro is going to eradicate
the entire vampire species
or because there's an
angel mackin' on your girl?
She's not my girl anymore.
Can angels even mack?
That's, like, a sin, right?
I have no idea.
What do you think they're talking about?
You can listen if you want to.
Use your ears.
Invading Sarah's privacy?
God. It's off-limits.
We're vampires, not monsters.
So slushie guy turns out to be an angel.
But what's with the
obsession with slushies?
I-I don't get it.
Is it a misdirect or
or part of his disguise?
My 23rd favorite combination
is 2/3 Mango Swirl,
1/4 Chocoholic Blast,
and the remaining 1/12 Passion Pulp.
My 24th favorite combination
What's his deal?
I'll tell you what it's not honesty,
because if he was
telling Sarah the truth,
that angels are coming
to wipe us out in 27 days,
she would kick him
right in the celestials.
- I'm outing this guy right now.
- Oh, hang on, hang on.
Maybe right now is not
the best time for that.
Why, because it's rude to interrupt?
No, because the entire vampire species
is counting on us, is
counting on you and your big
Big brain. Work the
problem, solve for X.
Be the hero we need.
I'm totally down with the hero concept.
That's the spirit.

Mom, are you ready?
Altus is going to be here
with the van any minute.
[SCOFFS] Fine.
Dad is going to be here
with the van any minute.
Please tell me you didn't
forget to set your alarm.
Are you still asleep?
You know what? Doesn't matter.
If we get you changed fast,
we can still make it on time.
Here, just put this on.
Mom, wake up. This isn't funny.
Mom, wake up! Mom!

How did this happen?
Sometimes it just does.
No, but she was okay.
She was Mom.
I don't I don't understand.
Do you want a hug?
I don't believe this. This is not true.
How about some water or or a snack?
We packed the snacks.
For the road trip.
I'll get them for you.
Where's your backpack?
Hey, I got here as fast as I could.
I'm so sorry.
I went into her room.
I thought she forgot to set her alarm.
She was fine before bed.
She wouldn't forget to set
it. Why didn't she set it?
Hey, hey, hey.
A lot of things are not going
to make sense right now, okay?
But you know what? They don't have to.
What are you doing?
I'm getting your snacks.
She's in there.
How about we just
leave it alone for now,
contact the coroner?
But she needs snacks.
What do you mean, the coroner?
T-that's who you call.
Have you made the call?
- We've been busy.
- Right.
Right, okay. I'll do that right now.
No, they'll go in the
room. They'll take her.
Hey, Claire, why don't we go sit down?
Don't talk to me like I'm a kid!
Well, you are a kid.

No one gets snacks.
No one takes Mom away.
And no one opens this door.

Oh-oh, shit.
My family believes that we're chosen.
I ran away from that.
They believe that being chosen
means you have a guardian angel
that watches over you.
Last year I had this moment
behind the Slushy Shack.
I prayed.
Did you hear my prayer?
No, I didn't.
So you're not my guardian angel.
I'm not.
Are you anyone's guardian angel?
What do you do all day?
Okay, I can't believe I asked
an actual angel that question.
Are there harps?
Do you sit around all day on
clouds watching us like ants?
I'm a cosmic entity tuned to
the vibrations of existence,
a glimmer of the Almighty's light.
I don't watch ants.
Oh, okay.
Got it. No ants.
[GASPS] Just to be clear,
"ants" means "people."
Oh, no. Oh, God.
- What's wrong?
- Claire.
- Who's Anne?
- Claire's mom.
She's dead.
Whoa, what? When?
Wait, did you just read my mind?
- Yes.
- You can't do that.
It's rude and creepy.
And just don't do it again, okay?
I'm sorry. Your thoughts belong to you.
Todd, I have to go to Claire.
Yeah, yeah. Go, go, go.


Hey, I'm Todd, the manager.
I'm Uriel, an angel of the Almighty.
Oh, cool.

I guess that explains
that heavenly jawline.
Claire, I know you are grieving.
But you need to step
away from the door, okay?
Your mom wouldn't want this.
Less stress-pacing, please.
Damn it, Anne. Why
didn't you just tell her?
Talking to yourself
is not helping either.
Tell me what?
There was something
wrong with her blood
bone marrow, white blood cells.
I didn't understand, not really.
She was sick?
N-no, that's not true.
Well, that's why I've
been here so often.
Human medicine couldn't save her.
We had hoped that there
was a supernatural cure.
We tried everything.
I was ready to give up.
But then out of nowhere,
she seemed better.
And I thought well, I hoped that
If she was sick, why didn't she tell me?
She wanted to wait.
Wait for what?
I don't know. The right time, a miracle.
What's going on?
Claire won't move from
the door, and her mom
she's inside.
What are you talking
about? What right time?
- What miracle?
- I don't know.
- Then why did you say it?
- I don't know!
What good are you if
you don't know anything?
What do you want from me?
I loved her, okay?
I loved her.
But you
we just met.
Okay, enough of that. Let's
just take a deep breath.
She wanted me to be here for Claire
because she knew she couldn't be.
But Claire doesn't want me.
Can you blame her?
I couldn't save Anne. I failed.
I'm so, so sorry, Claire.

But you're better off
with me gone.
- Altus, wait!
- Altus, no!


See you later, Dad. Thanks for nothing.



We need to talk.
You're Maurice Miller,
the vampire deacon.
You're their leader.
And you're Uriel, one of the angels
who wants to exterminate me and mine.
I am an angel,
but I no longer wish
for your extinction.
My mission on Earth was to
find Balestro's offspring.
You're here for Balestro's kid?
Not anymore.
You're an angel, but
you're not on his side?
I'm on my own path now.
Then you won't mind
telling me how to stop him.
Balestro is a celestial entity
with powers beyond your imagining.
- He can't be stopped.
- That's not good enough.
There's got to be something I can do.
Accept the inevitable.
Accept your death.
There is no other choice.

Do you have any other questions for me?

How about a slushy?
Or we could go get something to eat?
If you want to go so bad, just go.
[SIGHS] No one's going anywhere, okay?
We're not leaving you alone.
If you don't want to move,
you don't have to move.
No one is rushing you.
But sooner or later,
you have to think about what that means.
Like what, the afterlife?
No, Claire, honey, this is about you
and what you're going through, okay?
It's a process.
You're right.
Death is just a process.
It doesn't mean you have to die from it.
Uh, Claire, you know
that's not how that works.
No, there has to be a way.
- A way to what?
- To bring my mom back.

- Uh
I'm not hungry.
Reggie says you haven't eaten a thing.
If she says she's not
hungry, she's not hungry.
What have you got there?
how to bring her back.
Can I see?
Yikes, your phone's at 1%.
- Where's the charger?
- In my backpack
in her room.
I'll text Reginald to grab
a charger on his way back.
Let's hear Claire's idea first.
All right, start with the obvious
- turn her into a vampire.
- Won't work.
She'd need vampire blood
in her system when she
- died.
- I know that.
- Are zombies real?
- No, they're not.
[SCOFFS] And why would
anyone want to live like that?
Zombie's a definite no.
Here's an interesting
one Lazarus miracle.
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
I don't think Son of God is
on call for miracles anymore.
I've got an idea, but
we'll need a spirit board.
How is a stupid toy going to help?
Just because they're sold as toys
doesn't mean they aren't
useful in a séance.
And if we're going to
bring your mom back,
we should probably make sure
her spirit's up for the trip.
No harm in trying.
Okay, there's a spirit board
on the shelf over there.
Thanks for taking me seriously.
We got you.
But can I have my pizza first?
Oh, yes. Please.
They are awful when they're hangry.
Can you pass me a slice, too?


She seemed completely
healthy just the other day.
Terminal lucidity.
It's a phenomenon
where people experience
increased energy and alertness
in the days leading up to their death.
They call it a death rally.
Maybe Uriel can do something about it?
Are we really going to ask him
to bring Claire's mom back to life?
Is that something angels can even do?
Well, I'm worried about what
happens to Claire if we can't.
[SIGHS] We need to get Altus back.
What? So he can just run away again?
He's the only family she's got.
Sometimes family isn't the best option.
You know, I want to
help in any way we can,
but I don't have the first
idea what it feels like
to lose someone like that.
I'm glad my parents aren't in my life.
I chose that.
But the fact that they're alive
it feels good to know that they are.
It's weird, right?
I miss my mom and dad all the time.
Hawaii is a long way from Rubber City,
and as you know, vampire
travel is complicated.
- Maybe they'll come visit?
- [CHUCKLES] I don't know.
Akron's got nothing on the
most beautiful place on Earth.
My dad loves his beaches, so
- Akron's got you.
Give me your phone.
Um, sure.
But why?
They may not be in your life,
but they're not gone either.
Hey, Mom.
How are you?
[CHUCKLES] Nothing is wrong, I promise.
I-I just wanted to say hi.
Yeah, okay, put him on.
Hey, Dad.

He's not here.
I came here to check on you.
[DOOR SLAMS] What the
hell happened here?
Microburst blew right through.
Yeah, it looks like it.
Well, you don't want me
leaving a trail of bodies
everywhere I go.
So I got to work through
my feelings somehow.
Don't worry, Maurice. I'm fine now.
Ang, you call this fine?
Given the state of things
you, me, everybody dust
when that angel comes back
yeah, this is what fine looks like now.
I swear to God, if you
look at me with pity,
I will rip those eyes right
out of your pretty face.
You're coming with me.
Can't leave you here alone.
I don't need a damn babysitter.
Maybe not, but if I leave you,
you're liable to burn
down Reggie's apartment.
Ah-ah, come on, let's go.
Got a destination in mind?
Yeah, time to go check on Claire.
Hello? Todd?
- Got thirsty customers here.
- Yeah. No, little busy here.
Hey, you're an angel, right?
That question was
rhetorical. This one isn't.
Can you bring someone back to life?
There's a cosmic balance
that must be maintained.
Yeah, yeah, I read that comic book.
Yes or no?
Violating a law of creation
comes at a great price,
one that must be paid willingly.
Okay, great.
Retail, wholesale,
aftermarket, how how much?
A death for a life, a life for a death.
you're saying the only way
to bring someone back is if
someone takes their place.
But you must appeal to a
far higher power than me.
And the journey there
is beyond your scope.
It's impossible for you.
Well, look at you
sitting there all satisfied
in your normie clothes
with your total unwillingness
to answer prayers or bring
dead moms back to life.
What good are you?
Also rhetorical.
- Mikey.
- Hey.
He's just
- Thanks.

- Is that really your job?
- No.
But the repair guy
can't come until Tuesday.
So wait until Tuesday.
My dad's funeral happened on a Tuesday.
It's a crazy coincidence, right?
One-in-seven chance, but sure.
It was a weird day.
No one would look me in the eye.
At first, I thought maybe
I wasn't smiling enough,
so I tried smiling bigger.
That just made it worse.

All I wanted was for
everything to be normal.

Claire's gonna want that, too.

But for her, normal
is a Chocoholic Blast with just
a pinch of Tropical Coconut,
which she can't have
if we've got a broken
Tropical Coconut machine!

How can I help?
Pass me that screwdriver.


We are gathered to make contact
with the spirit of
Anne, mother to Claire.
Anne, do you hear us?
Mom, if you can hear me,
please give us a sign.
Hey, uh
What are you doing?
Do you not know what
a séance looks like?
We need to open that door.
Nobody opens this door.
Claire, look, I'm really,
really sorry about your loss,
but your mom is gone.
And no matter how much
you wish that wasn't true,
she's not coming back.
Claire just needs a little more time.
- What about the damn body?
Out of the way, spark plug.
- Make me.
- Hey, okay, guys, calm down.
Back off.

This, uh, thing with the door
it's only the beginning.
Is that a threat?
Call it experience.
[WHISPERS] You've got power.
[NORMALLY] But sooner or
later, you're going to realize
that all the power in the
world can't change a thing.
That door has to open.
But if it's later, it's later.
Do not let any motherfucker
tell you how to feel
or when to feel it, you hear me?

[SOFTLY] Thanks.
Reginald was angry with me.
You look so sad. Why?
We're grieving for Claire's mom
and for Claire.
But human lives are short.
It's not unusual for the
mother to pass before the child.
You think that we
measure our lives in time.
You're not wrong,
but we also measure our lives in people.
I don't understand.
Every person in my life
is a piece of my life,
and the more someone
matters, the bigger the piece.
You follow?
Now, if someone who mattered to me
suddenly died
it would feel like a piece
had been ripped out of my life
or ripped out of me.
You feel their absence like a wound.
A wound that never
heals, not completely.
Tropical Coconut is back in business!
- Yeah, all right.
Can you glamour me to forget her?
Why would you want me to do that?
I get this is a process.
I get that I need to
face what happens next
but I don't think I
can do that right now.
I just want this feeling to be over.
your mom introduced
you to your first music,
your first food, your first jokes.
If I erase her [SIGHS]
I'm erasing things that
make you who you are.
then can you at least erase the pain?
There's no shortcuts.
You need to go through this
because you need to know that you can.
Otherwise, how will you
ever love someone again?
I don't want to love again
if it means feeling like this.
But you will. [CHUCKLES]
And I could quote
at least 20 different
song lyrics to prove it,
but, basically, when you're ready,
love comes back.

Come here.

Anybody order a Chocoholic Blast
with just a pinch of Tropical Coconut?

Burrito run?
- Oh, I don't mind grabbing them.
- Maybe grab some waters? Got to hydrate.
Already grabbed
- flat and fizzy.
- What else you got?
- Everything a grown girl needs.
No offense, but your idea of nutrition
is chocolate and roses.
- I thought you liked roses?
- Not for dinner.
Hey, can someone call Claire's school
and let them know she's going
to be missing a few days?
Yeah, I'll look up the number.


I know it's weird
keeping you from the door.
But the thing is,
as long as the door is shut
it means Mom isn't really gone.
Maybe she's waiting for me
to tell me a story or give me a hug.
I hate this so much.
Like, why does everyone
wear black at funerals,
as if they're not already the
most depressing things ever?
At my mom's funeral,
everyone has to wear
tie-dye, something bright.
Just not black, okay?

I guess I'm I'm ready.

Who are you?
I'm Uriel angel, messenger, warrior.
What the hell are you doing here?
I'm here to give Claire a gift.

So you want to talk about
what happened back there?
Not really.
Yeah, don't care. We're
going to talk about it.
I don't really see the need to.
You picked a fight with a child.
I was an idiot, okay?
It won't happen again.
Sure it will.
Balestro is coming,
and there isn't a damn
thing you can do about it.
Remember what you told
me? It's okay to be afraid.
I don't have time for afraid.
Yeah, well, it's got time for you,
and sometimes fear comes out
in the worst possible ways,
like picking a fight with a child
or trashing Reginald's apartment.
So you own up to it. You face it.
Otherwise you're fighting two battles
Balestro and yourself.
if you're so wise, what do we do now?
Oh, hell if I know.
I'm just here for the pep talk.
Saving the vampire
species from extinction?
That's on you, Deacon.
Are you ready?
Got to hand it to you, Claire Bear
you picked one hell of a spot.
It's one of my favorite places.
I just wish I could
have seen it for real.
- Are you really you?
- Yes, I'm really me.
Uriel said I'd get to
see you one last time,
but I thought this
was, you know, a fantasy
or a dream or a squishy-feelings thing.
- I didn't realize it'd be you.
- Surprise.
What am I supposed to do? Am
I supposed to find a way
a way to bring you back
with me can I do that?
I think we're just supposed to talk.
About what?
Whatever you want.
You were sick for a long time.
But you didn't tell
me? Why did you do that?
If I knew, I would have been
different. I would have been better.
Oh, if I would have
told you, if you knew,
every time I'd look at you,
I'd see it in your face.
Every time you'd smile
at me, make a joke,
I'd know you were hurting,
and I didn't want that pain for you.
So I get to deal with
all of this out of nowhere
by myself?
You're not alone.
You know what I mean.
Is it so bad that I didn't want death
hanging over the last
days we had together?
It was totally selfish.
Yes, I suppose it was.
This is so unfair.
You're a really good person.
You don't deserve this.
I was okay.
Well, there are a lot
of assholes out there
who deserve to die way more than you.
[SNIFFLES] I don't want to spend
whatever time we have left
talking about assholes
not when we should be saying goodbye.
I don't want to say goodbye.
From the moment you were born,
I have loved you with all my heart.
Please don't go.
Pretty sure I don't have a choice.
But you know what?
I'm going to be with you every day.
That's just a thing people say,
but it's not really true.
No, but I will.
I'll be that voice inside your head
every time you don't make your bed
Every time you leave your
dirty dishes on the table,
because is it so hard
to put them in the sink?
I know you, Claire, better
than you know yourself.
And I know that you're kind
and smart
and, most of all, you are strong.
Do you hear me?
You are strong enough
to get through this.
You're strong enough to say goodbye.
I love you, too, Mom.
I love you more.
I love you infinity.


You won't go ♪
Lightly ♪

But I woke up ♪
Smiling ♪


Well, I was dreaming,
I was dreaming, love ♪
That we were floating
through the city streets ♪
There was a stillness
in the air that night ♪
It felt so free ♪

But easy is the summer sun ♪
And you are like the winter moon ♪
So maybe you can
understand why they say ♪
Great service, don't you think?
Just a top-notch send-off.
Why don't you take a few days off?
Let me take care of you,
give you a chance to reset.
That sounds nice. Yeah,
that sounds awesome.
Look who finally showed up.

I'm sorry for not making the funeral.
It's okay. No big deal.

And I'm sorry for the way
I handled things before.
I had no right to talk to you like that.

For the record, I would
have kicked your ass.
Don't I know it.
You don't think they're
going to fight, do you?

Probably not.

Sarah, I need to tell you something.
Oh, finally.
You you knew?
I knew you had a secret, again.
It's, uh, along the
lines of disaster and woe.
Well, isn't that just great?
[CHUCKLES] What is it now?
Wait. Oh, let me guess.
You're going to die again, aren't you?
That's a surprisingly good guess
[LAUGHS] Well, of
course it's about dying,
because isn't it always, hmm?
What's the story now?
In 23 days, an angel's
going to return at midnight
and wipe every vampire off
the planet, me included.
- Why?
- It's a long story
Cain and Abel, the dark and the light.
- It's all very biblical.
- An angel?
Is that why you don't like Uriel?
It turns out Uriel's okay.
But the Big Bad we're
actually up against
is called Balestro.
Well, thank you for telling me.
You're welcome.
I wish you could have told me before.
- Me too.
- Yeah.
- I'm going to need a minute.
- Yeah.
Could've gone better.
So, uh, you want me to glamour her
to forget everything you said?
Because that was
Thanks, but no shortcuts.
Sarah deserves the truth.
So this this is where we are.
Thank you.
You okay?
I can't believe Altus never showed.
Shall I hunt him and kill him?
- No.
- A little light torture?
- No.
Hope you're not talking about me.
Not at the moment.
[SIGHS] I could really
use a parent right now.
- Group home, here I come.
- No.
I promised Reginald on the
eve of his certain death
that turned out better than expected
to watch over you.
And that's exactly what I'm going to do.
And not to mention,
a certain someone, me,
has already taken
care of Child Services.
Glamouring bureaucrats is a blessing.
Wait, so I'm going to live with you?
Mm-mm. Not me
Like I said, we got you.

- See you, Reg.
- Thank you, guys.
See you, buddy.
So what's the latest on Balestro?
Uriel any help?
Turns out Uriel's here
for Balestro's kid.
Whoa. Okay, so Balestro's a dad.
That's an interesting data point.
Yeah, but, uh, Uriel's
on his own path now,
and it has nothing to do with
our End-of-Days situation.
- So, not very helpful.
- No.
- We're fucked.
- Very much.
[SIGHS] And only 23 days
until Balestro comes back.
Why don't you just kill him?
I-I did not expect that from you.
Do I have complicated feelings
about the whole "angels are
real" thing? You bet I do.
But if I have to choose between
Team Angels and Team Friends,
fuck the angels.
Okay, we're happy to hear that,
but we're talking about
a celestial being here.
He's a big-ass angel.
And while we're on the
subject, can angels even die?
- Of course they can.
- Uh, wait.

Uriel loaned me his flaming sword
to kill the angel Raphael
so he wouldn't kill Sarah.
So I killed him.
Uriel lent you his sword?
Did the job, too.

Why would Raphael want to kill me?
Not the most important
part of the story.
Okay, agree to disagree.
Okay, look, if our only two options
are to die in three
weeks or go out fighting,
I choose to fight.
- Big-ass angel.
- The bigger they are
- Won't be easy.
- Is it ever?
What the hell? Let's kill Balestro.
That celestial motherfucker.



- You all packed up?
- Yeah.
- Time to go.
- Um, just one more thing before we do.
Sure. Take all the time you need.

You won't go ♪
Lightly ♪

But I woke up ♪
Smiling ♪
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