School Spirits (2023) s02e04 Episode Script
A Walk-in to Remember
[SIMON] Previously on
School Spirits
[RHONDA] Janet was upset about the gift.
I only meant it as a symbol.
That we continue the work
You know it's not what I wanted.
[SIMON] Believe me now?
What, Simon? She
crawled out of her grave?
What if the objects are the keys?
OK, but where does it go?
Hello, Rhonda.
[MADDIE] There's a
wrecking ball named Janet
running around in my body.
You have no idea what I'm capable of.
I'll be lucky if my body's
not behind bars tomorrow.
Maddie, you're safe. You can come home.
- Hello?
- Hi, Mom.
[SANDRA] I thought you
were dead. Where were you?
Why didn't you call? Are you OK?
Are you hurt? I
What I said to you before you left,
what I did
Buying that stupid cabin.
I know how much I hurt you. I
What I put you through
all of these years.
I'm so, so sorry, Maddie.
I won't do that to you ever again.
Oh, you must be so hungry.
Can I make you something?
A sandwich or some eggs?
A bath. I just want a bath.
No, Janet, no!
OK to come in?
I made you cinnamon toast.
The way you like it.
I almost called Simon
while you were in the bath,
but I knew you'd want to do it.
Simon, Nicole, Xavier.
They've been so worried about you.
[MADDIE] I don't
I'm not ready for anyone
else to know I'm back yet.
I just want to be with you.
No one else, just you, please.
[SANDRA] I'll let you get ready for bed.
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone, gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
So how'd you know how
to get out of there?
I didn't. I just ran.
When I went to pick it back
up, I saw the glow again.
That's when I realized the letter,
you need to hold it to get in and out.
So it is a key?
Wait, so you're saying
Mr. Manfredo was in there?
So your key opened a door to a scar.
And when you walked inside, you saw
- Your own personal hell.
- Well, that's upsetting.
[MADDIE] You said the room was red.
And when you saw Mr. Martin
the last time he disappeared,
you saw a red light.
When I opened the door for
Janet before she ran into me,
there was a red glow coming
out of the fallout shelter.
That has to be where
Mr. Martin's hiding,
inside the scars.
I don't know. It's not
exactly the Ritz in there.
[WALLY] Maybe he's doing something else.
Who knows what weird,
Freaky Friday experiments
he could be doing in
there. I don't know.
Maybe Janet's just the beginning.
OK. OK. Yeah, I see where this is going.
You want me and Wally
to go take our keys
and unlock the door to
our own personal hellscapes
and, like, Nancy Drew around in there.
I would have said Hardy Boys, but yeah.
OK, yeah. As tempting as that
sounds, I'm not gonna do that.
Didn't you just apologize to Rhonda
for making her do something
that she didn't want to do?
That's different.
- [CHARLEY] How?
- Not really.
No, it is different. If
Mr. Martin's actually in
Look, if you guys want
to go in, be my guest,
but I am staying the hell out.
No pun intended.
[MALE RADIO DJ] They seemed
to play more as a team
Hey. Where were you last night?
I was studying with Simon.
I think I told you that.
Yeah? Then why do your
clothes in the hamper
just reek like beer?
Come on, Xavier.
You just got out of the
hospital a couple of days ago.
You're in no condition
to be out late at night
- partying and drinking.
- I wasn't.
Maybe I sat in something.
Well, I'd like you home at 3
o'clock after school every day
till you can be honest with me
about where you've been going
and what's going on with you.
Hartman says it's mandatory.
I'm not ready to go ♪
Hold on, hold on, hold ♪
Are you coming to school today or what?
Oh, shit. I Yeah.
- What were you listening to?
- [NICOLE] Nothing.
Uh-huh. And does nothing
go by ShredHead99?
Is this the reason your
phone is buzzing all night?
What? Come on. At least
tell me if he's cute.
I don't know. It's just some
guy I'm talking to online.
OK, but haven't you seen
his pic? Insta? TikTok?
No, it's not like that.
You know, I've been thinking.
After seeing Maddie last night,
I kind of changed my mind
about the Janet thing.
- I think Simon might be right.
- He's not.
How can you be so sure?
Because that would
mean that Maddie is dead
and not just a runaway, and
because it's batshit crazy.
[NICOLE'S MOM] Girls! Girls,
you're going to be late!
I'll be ready in five.
[REGINA] You've reached Regina Lloyd.
Please leave a message
So we can only use our own keys?
If you have one.
please report to the library
for today's workshop.
I can't believe we have
to be here all fucking day.
It's like something
happens to one person
and now we're being punished
for it with group therapy.
I'm not hugging anyone under a six.
God, I know. Kill me now.
[RHONDA] Anyone else thinking what I am?
This might be a great day to hijack
one of these sad skin suits
and finally bust out of here.
- No.
- What the hell's wrong with you?
Hello? You said you
were in emotional pain
the day Janet took your body.
And didn't Mr. Martin write that
reliving trauma can lead to
access points or whatever?
Well, this school's about
to be lousy with trauma.
Believe me.
Those two icicles will be
melting in the bathroom by noon.
You think Mr. Martin
hasn't thought of that?
Maybe you should go check your scar.
Like now?
Good morning, Mama.
You haven't called me that in years.
Did you sleep OK?
Here, come. Sit.
Oh, no, no, no. Don't eat
that. I know you don't like it.
I'll make French toast.
You know what?
We can go on a big
grocery shop later today.
Stock up on all your favorites.
- Hi, how are you?
- Hi. Hi. I'm so, so, so sorry.
That's OK. You ready to go?
Uh, I can't go to the meeting today.
I got called into work
last minute. I'm sorry.
Oh. You sure that's all?
You didn't get one of
those alerts, did you?
Oh, no. No. I'm OK. Really.
I would invite you inside, but
- [MR. ANDERSON] You gotta go?
- Yeah. I have to go.
Yeah. No, that's fine. I'm
gonna make the meeting anyway.
I should probably go.
My plea deal went through,
so I've been a bit
of a mess all morning.
I actually have to go into the school
today to clear out my desk.
Officially forfeit my teacher's license.
Oh, God. I'm so sorry to hear that.
Another time then?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Dude, I thought you said 10.
That thing in the
library is about to start.
Oh, Maddie's coming. She
just runs on ghost time now.
You know what you're gonna say to her?
Yeah. Yeah. I actually wrote it all out.
I almost had a friend look it over.
What friend?
Shit's getting weird here, Simon.
The ghost world just went full-on
Hausu, but scarier.
Uh, what, someone got eaten by a piano?
At this point, anything's possible,
which is why I need an ETA on my body.
- What'd you say about a piano?
- We'll get there.
Um, but first, Xavier has
something he needs to say.
I I do. I do.
Do we really have time
for this right now?
Now or never, buddy. Come on.
Maddie, I
Yeah, actually, I
think I'm just gonna
I'm gonna go to that
thing in the library.
I will save you a
seat, man. You got this.
- [SIMON] Xavier!
- Simon!
We found Janet, at the college
campus Nicole's brother goes to.
Saw her and everything.
- We lost her.
- Where'd she go?
I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know.
She ran off, and then
campus security came.
So she's gone?
Like, gone, gone? Like,
maybe never coming back gone?
Don't freak out. We're gonna
find her, OK? I promise.
This community has been
through a lot this semester.
Recent events have affected us
all, faculty and students alike.
Which is why we are taking
the time to learn to connect
to one another so that we can
know how to reach out to someone
who might be hurting or lost.
I'm going back to that
campus to find Janet.
- You with me?
- Yeah.
[CHLOE] Missed you last night.
Litchfield versus Split River.
Biggest game of the season, and
our captain wasn't even there.
You know, I thought
you'd at least stop by.
Is this because of what
I said about Xavier?
- Something just came up.
- What?
We're gonna go back to the
campus after this. You in?
[HARTMAN] Today is all about
respect, healing, and listening,
which is why we will be
collecting all of your phones
- to ensure a disruption
-free environment.
- Thank you.
[HARTMAN] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You four get turned around?
Workshops are that way.
Today was designed
specifically with you in mind,
and you will participate.
- Until 6?
- [HARTMAN] That's right.
OK, you can't actually
expect us to stay until
I can, and I do.
Simon, I know you have
your eyes on Northwestern,
and believe it or not,
I am trying to help you.
I even change your schedule,
only to find you cutting class anyway,
and you've dragged these three with you.
You leave early today,
and you will be suspended.
Your future is on the line, son.
Your phones. Now.
Go on.
OK. Come on.
Come on. Here we go.
What the hell are you doing?
Get in the game, Wally. Now!
Wally, I said get in the game!
Coach, I can't.
It's how I die.
- Make me proud, honey.
- Mom?
For God's sake, quit being a pussy.
[ANNOUNCER ON PA] He's got the ball.
Wally Clark, down the field.
He's at the 40, he's at the 30.
- [ANNOUNCER] Ooh, God.
[ANNOUNCER] Clark takes
a big hit. He is down.
What the what the fuck?
[ANNOUNCER] This doesn't
look good for Wally Clark.
You are such a disappointment.
[SANDRA] I had the clasp fixed.
I left it out in case you
wanted to wear it again.
Um, your schoolwork is
in that bag by your desk.
I have been picking it up every week.
I'm not going back to that school.
What happened to you?
I'm heading out to the store.
Are you sure you don't
want to come with me?
Just promise me one thing.
You will be here when I get back.
Oh, hey. Have you seen Charley?
Wally? What's wrong?
What, did you go to the
field? Did you get in?
Wally, what happened?
Did you see anything?
Nothing that could help us. Sorry.
OK, so, you hold the clay in one hand,
and with the other, you wet the clay
and squeeze your hand down
in a straight, even motion.
- You want to do it?
- I
Sorry, do you want me to leave the room?
You know, maybe we just
start with ashtrays.
[MADDIE] Hey. There you are.
I wanted to give this back to you,
and let you know I couldn't get in.
[RHONDA] I already told him.
Look, can we not talk about
these scars for one minute?
I came in here to try to forget.
Yeah, I get it.
I just saw Wally, and I'm not
sure it's even worth it anyway.
I'm gonna find him and
see if he'll talk to me.
- Has she used her key?
- I don't think she has one.
- She's not really dead.
- Right.
But if she did, she
would probably use it.
No matter how scary it was.
You're already dead, you know?
What's the worst that could happen?
Take something sharp.
Janet could be halfway
to Muskegon by now,
and I'm walking in circles
with a blindfold on.
If you stopped pulling, you
wouldn't be walking in circles.
It's a trust exercise, Simon.
You're supposed to trust me.
You know, it's kind of
hard to trust someone
who got stage fright in front
of a pot of hydrangeas, Xavier.
What happened to having
my back out there?
You know, new idea. Just
point me to the exit.
If I get caught, I'll just say
I didn't know what I was doing.
- Dude, shut up. Dude, shut up.
- You shut up!
Dude, you didn't see her face today!
If you saw her face,
you wouldn't have to deal
with it for the rest of
How's it going, you two?
Still working on that whole
trust thing, Mr. Hartman.
Step forward if you're
wearing jeans today.
Step forward if you're an only child.
Now, step forward if you've
ever felt misunderstood
by your family.
Step forward if you
have difficulty finding
hair or skin products that match
your hair type or skin color.
- Really, Chloe?
- What?
You know Dior just discontinued
my favorite concealer.
Take a step forward if you
felt particularly anxious
or overwhelmed in the past week.
- Hi.
- Sheriff Baxter.
Sorry I haven't reached
out in a little while.
This week's just been
Well, honestly, I spent more time
at the hospital than the precinct.
I wanted to let you know, we're
still looking for Maddie's b
For Maddie.
[SLAMS TRUNK] How's Xavier?
- I hear he's
- Yeah, he's OK. Yeah. Thank God.
- See ya.
- See ya.
I can't breathe.
[BULLY] What'd you put
in your mouth this time?
I need my EpiPen
Mr. Martin was there, in your scar?
Yeah, at first I thought
he was part of it.
Like Mr. Manfredo.
But, but when I saw him sneaking out,
it was like the room
wouldn't let me leave.
I couldn't get anywhere until
suddenly I made it out of there.
I chased him all the way
to the football field,
which is pretty impressive
considering I had just been in
full anaphylactic shock, but
Oh Charley, you didn't have to do that.
I wanted to. I
But I saw the red light
on the scoreboard before he disappeared.
So Mr. Martin can just
get in and out of our scars
without our keys,
and yet we can't even get into
Charley's scar with his key.
- Why?
- I don't know.
Did Quinn find anything
else in Janet's notebook?
No, she's still working on it.
And in the meantime,
we're supposed to what?
Just keep chasing after a
man that can just go anywhere
and won't tell us anything?
- I'm going back in.
- Wally?
Woke up today ♪
In my middle school bedroom ♪
Except it isn't mine ♪
But the one I'd always dreamed of ♪
I had a dream ♪
It's not like me to remember ♪
Maybe it's a sign ♪
I was brushing my teeth
as they all fell out ♪
What does it mean? ♪
Always see myself at 23 ♪
Just sitting here Reminding me ♪
- [SANDRA] Hi, Maddie. I'm home!
- I'm in my room.
You look nice.
Come sit.
I saw Xavier's father
at the grocery store.
The police think you
were murdered, Maddie.
I can't tell you how hard
it's been, not just for me.
For everybody.
I know you want your privacy right now.
But I told Sheriff Baxter you're back.
I had to.
He wants to come by
and take a statement.
If there's anything
that you want to tell
me before he gets here.
Anything about what happened.
Anything at all.
You should say it now.
OK, so one thing that
people don't know about me
is that I was a tap dancer.
In high school, I was afraid
that people would make fun of me for it.
But then they saw my Ball-Change-Buffalo
and everything changed.
- I'm gonna pass, if that's OK.
- Yeah, it's OK.
I guess I do have something to say.
It's kind of painful to talk about.
But here goes.
Recently, a friend of mine,
someone I thought was a friend anyway,
just dropped me out of the blue.
Honestly, I shouldn't be that surprised.
I mean, she has a history.
She uses people, and
then when she's done,
when she doesn't need them anymore,
she just ices them out like
they don't matter at all.
She ditched this one friend
way back in middle school,
and you'd think ancient history, right?
The second that girl got a boyfriend,
this snake starts sleeping with him
right behind the girl's back.
- Okay, that was
- [NICOLE] Claire!
- That was messed up.
- Leave me alone, Nicole!
It's not like she said anything
you haven't thought a
hundred times before.
[MADDIE] Wally, wait up.
Can you please just stop
for a second and talk to me?
You've been avoiding me ever since
- I can't.
- Why?
'Cause if I stop to think about
what's on the other side of that field,
I'm not gonna go in.
- And I have to go back in.
Wally. Here. Can you just come here?
Just take a deep breath, please.
Mr. Martin trotted me on that
field every year like an idiot.
And he knew what was hiding
out there the whole time.
And he didn't say shit.
Not to me, not to
Charley, not to Rhonda.
What was out there?
I said I don't want
to talk about it, OK?
[HARTMAN] Sorry about
the timing of this.
Lawyer suggested we get
this over with right away.
Look, I got to admit, Derek,
I still don't understand.
You were one of my best
teachers. Passionate. Committed.
They really fired him.
I love teaching. More than anything.
Then why?
My dad needed help.
And I've been cleaning up
his messes my whole life.
And then this time
I made an even bigger one.
Look, I'm only supposed
to give you 15 minutes,
but you just take as
much time as you need, OK?
You think they'd let me out of here
if I just stick this in my eye?
Please don't.
Excuse me, are you using these?
No, go ahead.
Your dad called the main office, Xavier.
Says he needs to talk to you.
Look at that, Simon.
You're not the only one
with trust issues, huh?
You're not surprised
they let him go, are you?
No. I mean, I get it.
But Mr. Anderson's the
best teacher I ever had.
He actually cared.
And it's my fault he got fired.
If we hadn't figured out all that
He stole that money,
Maddie. He made that choice.
Yeah? And who's to say I
would have made a better one?
I mean, I've had to clean
up a few messes in my life,
and it always backfires.
- That's not true.
- No?
Look what you're willing
to do just to help me.
I mean, you won't even tell
me what happened in there.
Because it's bad, Maddie.
When I died, I felt nothing.
No fear, no pain. Just happened.
But in the scar, everything
that happened to me,
feeling the disappointment from my mom,
feeling the disappointment
from my coach,
feeling like I had to be the
Wally the crowd wanted me to be,
all of that, I felt that.
I felt it in there over and over again.
Then don't go back in there.
Mr. Martin, to me, is
like Mr. Anderson to you.
I trusted him. I looked up to him.
I thought that he really cared about me.
And then I found out
that all that was a lie.
So if going back to
that field means I can
finally confront him and finally
get the answers I'm looking for,
then it's worth it, Maddie.
It's worth it to me.
[MADDIE] Maybe Charley was wrong.
Maybe Wally?
There you are. What
are you doing in here?
I just, um, I came here
on my bathroom break.
I just got off the phone with my dad.
Nicole, Maddie's back.
I mean, Janet. Janet's back,
but she's at Maddie's house.
My dad's on the way to meet
her and Sandra right now.
- We gotta go.
- To Maddie's house?
- Yeah.
- Wait, what about Simon?
He doesn't know. Come on.
Wait, what do you mean he doesn't know?
We can't not tell
Simon that Janet's back.
The moment that we tell Simon,
he's gonna run out of here
in two seconds flat and get
slammed with a suspension.
Believe me, Hartman's
been dogging him all day.
And if we get caught,
won't we get suspended, too?
- Better us than him.
- Why?
Nicole, Simon can't get
kicked out of school.
He can talk to Maddie.
We can't, all right?
Oh, shit!
[SHERIFF BAXTER] Are you sure
she's ready to speak to me?
[SANDRA] I told her you were coming.
Ms. Novak, can I, uh,
can I go to the bathroom?
[MS. NOVAK] Be back in five.
Can you please move your armpit?
Kind of attached to me, Nicole.
OK, but does it have to
be attached to me, too?
Look, the day is almost over.
Maybe we should just
go back to our groups,
wait it out, and then we can
all go to Sandra's together.
What if we wait it out
and Janet runs again,
or God forbid, burns down another house?
So we're supposed to just go there,
find Janet, pretend
she's Maddie, and then
- And bring her back here.
- And if she doesn't want to go?
- We don't give her a choice.
- Oh, OK.
Cool, yeah. We'll just hog tie
her and drag her back? Cool.
I'm pretty sure that's
called kidnapping.
All right, coast is clear. Let's go.
Great. Guess I'll just
grab my zip ties on the way.
[SHERIFF BAXTER] I'm trying to help you.
We found your backpack
at an empty housing development
along with a mattress.
Were you sleeping there?
OK, let's, uh, let's go
back a little bit to the,
uh, the blood in the boiler room.
Did somebody hurt you there, Maddie?
Did you hurt yourself?
Maddie, you gotta you
gotta tell me something.
No, I I don't know.
I don't remember.
Which is it?
I don't know.
Maddie, my department spent
a lot of time and resources
trying to find you.
And now you can help us.
Especially if there's a
dangerous person out there
who could do this to somebody else.
Your mom tells me you don't want
to go back to school anymore.
Is that because somebody
hurt you at that school?
Hey, what are you doing?
We need to continue the interview.
Absolutely not. She's
obviously traumatized.
[SHERIFF BAXTER] Maybe there's
something else going on.
You need to leave. Now.
I understand this is upsetting.
Maddie's disappearance
affected all of us.
And my own son. He was accused of
By you, I believe.
Yeah, by me. And by
a lot of other people.
And he hasn't been the same since.
I don't even know where
he is half the time.
Or why he won't talk to me.
I just I
I think Maddie
may have something to do with it.
Your daughter owes us answers.
You'll get them when she's ready.
Leave. Now.
Are you OK?
Thank you.
Of course.
Claire, hey, have you
seen Xavier? Or Nicole?
I feel like I searched the whole school.
- Sorry. I didn't mean to
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Are you?
How'd you get that?
Um, I stole it.
From the main office.
Two days ago, I realized my
debit card wasn't working.
So I called my mom this morning
to see if she could fix it for me.
Just for lunch money. Or whatever.
But she didn't answer.
So I just tried her again just now.
And what'd she say?
She didn't.
It's been three days.
And she still won't pick up the phone.
When my parents were getting a divorce,
I asked her if I could
live with my dad for a bit.
And she didn't talk
to me for three months.
So comparatively
speaking, this is nothing.
Claire, that's not OK.
I'm sorry.
Chloe's right.
I use people.
And when I don't need them anymore,
or when they piss me off, I just
ice them out.
I did it to Maddie.
I even did it to Nicole today.
My mom can be a complete asshole.
Apparently, I'm just like her.
You know why Maddie ran
away from me last night?
Because I am literally the last person
that she'd want to talk to.
God, I didn't even manage
to say the one thing
that actually mattered.
That I'm really fucking sorry.
For Xavier, for shutting her out, for
acting like a bitch instead of just
telling her what was going on with me.
I should've just been honest.
I should've opened that door.
Simon, tell her I say Lola.
It's the name of the stuffed
dog she gave me when my dad died.
Uh, Claire.
I know you don't believe me,
but that person that you saw
last night at that college party,
that was not Maddie. That wasn't Maddie.
The real Maddie, she's
sitting right next to me.
She says, "Lola says hi."
It's not that I don't
believe you, Simon.
It's just, I don't want it to be true.
I don't want Maddie to be gone.
She's not gone.
- Do you hear that?
- Hear what?
Hear what? What's going on?
[MADDIE] There's this
strange humming sound
coming from everywhere.
And this feeling like
my insides are shaking.
This sound, this feeling
I've never felt it before,
but the others told me
this is what happens at this
school when someone dies.
Where the fuck is Wally?
Yuri? Come on, come on.
We have to go find
out what just happened.
You go. I'm gonna hang back here.
Seriously? Someone just died at
this school and you're just
You're just gonna stay
here and throw another pot?
When was the last time
that you left this room?
You know, took a snack
break or watched the sunrise?
You're already dead. You know?
What's the worst that could happen?
I have to find Charley and Rhonda.
[CLAIRE] Simon, what are we doing?
Looking for people
we can't see. Come on.
- Simon! Hey, buddy.
- Where the hell are you going?
There you all are. I knew it.
You couldn't wait 30 more minutes, huh?
Even though I know I made
myself perfectly clear.
Maddie's back.
[NICOLE] She got home last night.
She's at her mom's house. She's alive.
You guys, apparently Janet is
I looked everywhere for him.
I searched every inch of that field.
Mr. Martin is not in there.
There's been no ambulances,
no fire trucks, no announcements.
No dead bodies.
The only other time
somebody died at this school
without leaving a body behind
is when Janet jumped into yours.
What are you saying?
That Mr. Martin could have
just walked out of here?
In someone else's body?
That he could be anywhere or anyone?
Did we just make everything worse?
- That was such a waste of time.
- Really?
I got a lot out of it.
- Hey, about earlier.
- Don't worry about it.
Seriously, it's been a
crazy day for everybody.
I go humming ♪
"Like A Prayer" ♪
I wear ♪
My body ♪
You fools! You're in
danger! Can't you see?
They're after you!
They're after all of us!
They're here already! You're next!
I wear my body ♪
Like a rotted peach ♪
You can have it if
you handle the stink ♪
[MAN ON TV] You don't believe
a word of this, do you?
I'm as open as a gutted pig ♪
On the small of every back ♪
You'll see a picture of me ♪
Wearing my body ♪
What the fuck?
[SIMON] Previously on
School Spirits
[RHONDA] Janet was upset about the gift.
I only meant it as a symbol.
That we continue the work
You know it's not what I wanted.
[SIMON] Believe me now?
What, Simon? She
crawled out of her grave?
What if the objects are the keys?
OK, but where does it go?
Hello, Rhonda.
[MADDIE] There's a
wrecking ball named Janet
running around in my body.
You have no idea what I'm capable of.
I'll be lucky if my body's
not behind bars tomorrow.
Maddie, you're safe. You can come home.
- Hello?
- Hi, Mom.
[SANDRA] I thought you
were dead. Where were you?
Why didn't you call? Are you OK?
Are you hurt? I
What I said to you before you left,
what I did
Buying that stupid cabin.
I know how much I hurt you. I
What I put you through
all of these years.
I'm so, so sorry, Maddie.
I won't do that to you ever again.
Oh, you must be so hungry.
Can I make you something?
A sandwich or some eggs?
A bath. I just want a bath.
No, Janet, no!
OK to come in?
I made you cinnamon toast.
The way you like it.
I almost called Simon
while you were in the bath,
but I knew you'd want to do it.
Simon, Nicole, Xavier.
They've been so worried about you.
[MADDIE] I don't
I'm not ready for anyone
else to know I'm back yet.
I just want to be with you.
No one else, just you, please.
[SANDRA] I'll let you get ready for bed.
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone, gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
So how'd you know how
to get out of there?
I didn't. I just ran.
When I went to pick it back
up, I saw the glow again.
That's when I realized the letter,
you need to hold it to get in and out.
So it is a key?
Wait, so you're saying
Mr. Manfredo was in there?
So your key opened a door to a scar.
And when you walked inside, you saw
- Your own personal hell.
- Well, that's upsetting.
[MADDIE] You said the room was red.
And when you saw Mr. Martin
the last time he disappeared,
you saw a red light.
When I opened the door for
Janet before she ran into me,
there was a red glow coming
out of the fallout shelter.
That has to be where
Mr. Martin's hiding,
inside the scars.
I don't know. It's not
exactly the Ritz in there.
[WALLY] Maybe he's doing something else.
Who knows what weird,
Freaky Friday experiments
he could be doing in
there. I don't know.
Maybe Janet's just the beginning.
OK. OK. Yeah, I see where this is going.
You want me and Wally
to go take our keys
and unlock the door to
our own personal hellscapes
and, like, Nancy Drew around in there.
I would have said Hardy Boys, but yeah.
OK, yeah. As tempting as that
sounds, I'm not gonna do that.
Didn't you just apologize to Rhonda
for making her do something
that she didn't want to do?
That's different.
- [CHARLEY] How?
- Not really.
No, it is different. If
Mr. Martin's actually in
Look, if you guys want
to go in, be my guest,
but I am staying the hell out.
No pun intended.
[MALE RADIO DJ] They seemed
to play more as a team
Hey. Where were you last night?
I was studying with Simon.
I think I told you that.
Yeah? Then why do your
clothes in the hamper
just reek like beer?
Come on, Xavier.
You just got out of the
hospital a couple of days ago.
You're in no condition
to be out late at night
- partying and drinking.
- I wasn't.
Maybe I sat in something.
Well, I'd like you home at 3
o'clock after school every day
till you can be honest with me
about where you've been going
and what's going on with you.
Hartman says it's mandatory.
I'm not ready to go ♪
Hold on, hold on, hold ♪
Are you coming to school today or what?
Oh, shit. I Yeah.
- What were you listening to?
- [NICOLE] Nothing.
Uh-huh. And does nothing
go by ShredHead99?
Is this the reason your
phone is buzzing all night?
What? Come on. At least
tell me if he's cute.
I don't know. It's just some
guy I'm talking to online.
OK, but haven't you seen
his pic? Insta? TikTok?
No, it's not like that.
You know, I've been thinking.
After seeing Maddie last night,
I kind of changed my mind
about the Janet thing.
- I think Simon might be right.
- He's not.
How can you be so sure?
Because that would
mean that Maddie is dead
and not just a runaway, and
because it's batshit crazy.
[NICOLE'S MOM] Girls! Girls,
you're going to be late!
I'll be ready in five.
[REGINA] You've reached Regina Lloyd.
Please leave a message
So we can only use our own keys?
If you have one.
please report to the library
for today's workshop.
I can't believe we have
to be here all fucking day.
It's like something
happens to one person
and now we're being punished
for it with group therapy.
I'm not hugging anyone under a six.
God, I know. Kill me now.
[RHONDA] Anyone else thinking what I am?
This might be a great day to hijack
one of these sad skin suits
and finally bust out of here.
- No.
- What the hell's wrong with you?
Hello? You said you
were in emotional pain
the day Janet took your body.
And didn't Mr. Martin write that
reliving trauma can lead to
access points or whatever?
Well, this school's about
to be lousy with trauma.
Believe me.
Those two icicles will be
melting in the bathroom by noon.
You think Mr. Martin
hasn't thought of that?
Maybe you should go check your scar.
Like now?
Good morning, Mama.
You haven't called me that in years.
Did you sleep OK?
Here, come. Sit.
Oh, no, no, no. Don't eat
that. I know you don't like it.
I'll make French toast.
You know what?
We can go on a big
grocery shop later today.
Stock up on all your favorites.
- Hi, how are you?
- Hi. Hi. I'm so, so, so sorry.
That's OK. You ready to go?
Uh, I can't go to the meeting today.
I got called into work
last minute. I'm sorry.
Oh. You sure that's all?
You didn't get one of
those alerts, did you?
Oh, no. No. I'm OK. Really.
I would invite you inside, but
- [MR. ANDERSON] You gotta go?
- Yeah. I have to go.
Yeah. No, that's fine. I'm
gonna make the meeting anyway.
I should probably go.
My plea deal went through,
so I've been a bit
of a mess all morning.
I actually have to go into the school
today to clear out my desk.
Officially forfeit my teacher's license.
Oh, God. I'm so sorry to hear that.
Another time then?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Dude, I thought you said 10.
That thing in the
library is about to start.
Oh, Maddie's coming. She
just runs on ghost time now.
You know what you're gonna say to her?
Yeah. Yeah. I actually wrote it all out.
I almost had a friend look it over.
What friend?
Shit's getting weird here, Simon.
The ghost world just went full-on
Hausu, but scarier.
Uh, what, someone got eaten by a piano?
At this point, anything's possible,
which is why I need an ETA on my body.
- What'd you say about a piano?
- We'll get there.
Um, but first, Xavier has
something he needs to say.
I I do. I do.
Do we really have time
for this right now?
Now or never, buddy. Come on.
Maddie, I
Yeah, actually, I
think I'm just gonna
I'm gonna go to that
thing in the library.
I will save you a
seat, man. You got this.
- [SIMON] Xavier!
- Simon!
We found Janet, at the college
campus Nicole's brother goes to.
Saw her and everything.
- We lost her.
- Where'd she go?
I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know.
She ran off, and then
campus security came.
So she's gone?
Like, gone, gone? Like,
maybe never coming back gone?
Don't freak out. We're gonna
find her, OK? I promise.
This community has been
through a lot this semester.
Recent events have affected us
all, faculty and students alike.
Which is why we are taking
the time to learn to connect
to one another so that we can
know how to reach out to someone
who might be hurting or lost.
I'm going back to that
campus to find Janet.
- You with me?
- Yeah.
[CHLOE] Missed you last night.
Litchfield versus Split River.
Biggest game of the season, and
our captain wasn't even there.
You know, I thought
you'd at least stop by.
Is this because of what
I said about Xavier?
- Something just came up.
- What?
We're gonna go back to the
campus after this. You in?
[HARTMAN] Today is all about
respect, healing, and listening,
which is why we will be
collecting all of your phones
- to ensure a disruption
-free environment.
- Thank you.
[HARTMAN] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You four get turned around?
Workshops are that way.
Today was designed
specifically with you in mind,
and you will participate.
- Until 6?
- [HARTMAN] That's right.
OK, you can't actually
expect us to stay until
I can, and I do.
Simon, I know you have
your eyes on Northwestern,
and believe it or not,
I am trying to help you.
I even change your schedule,
only to find you cutting class anyway,
and you've dragged these three with you.
You leave early today,
and you will be suspended.
Your future is on the line, son.
Your phones. Now.
Go on.
OK. Come on.
Come on. Here we go.
What the hell are you doing?
Get in the game, Wally. Now!
Wally, I said get in the game!
Coach, I can't.
It's how I die.
- Make me proud, honey.
- Mom?
For God's sake, quit being a pussy.
[ANNOUNCER ON PA] He's got the ball.
Wally Clark, down the field.
He's at the 40, he's at the 30.
- [ANNOUNCER] Ooh, God.
[ANNOUNCER] Clark takes
a big hit. He is down.
What the what the fuck?
[ANNOUNCER] This doesn't
look good for Wally Clark.
You are such a disappointment.
[SANDRA] I had the clasp fixed.
I left it out in case you
wanted to wear it again.
Um, your schoolwork is
in that bag by your desk.
I have been picking it up every week.
I'm not going back to that school.
What happened to you?
I'm heading out to the store.
Are you sure you don't
want to come with me?
Just promise me one thing.
You will be here when I get back.
Oh, hey. Have you seen Charley?
Wally? What's wrong?
What, did you go to the
field? Did you get in?
Wally, what happened?
Did you see anything?
Nothing that could help us. Sorry.
OK, so, you hold the clay in one hand,
and with the other, you wet the clay
and squeeze your hand down
in a straight, even motion.
- You want to do it?
- I
Sorry, do you want me to leave the room?
You know, maybe we just
start with ashtrays.
[MADDIE] Hey. There you are.
I wanted to give this back to you,
and let you know I couldn't get in.
[RHONDA] I already told him.
Look, can we not talk about
these scars for one minute?
I came in here to try to forget.
Yeah, I get it.
I just saw Wally, and I'm not
sure it's even worth it anyway.
I'm gonna find him and
see if he'll talk to me.
- Has she used her key?
- I don't think she has one.
- She's not really dead.
- Right.
But if she did, she
would probably use it.
No matter how scary it was.
You're already dead, you know?
What's the worst that could happen?
Take something sharp.
Janet could be halfway
to Muskegon by now,
and I'm walking in circles
with a blindfold on.
If you stopped pulling, you
wouldn't be walking in circles.
It's a trust exercise, Simon.
You're supposed to trust me.
You know, it's kind of
hard to trust someone
who got stage fright in front
of a pot of hydrangeas, Xavier.
What happened to having
my back out there?
You know, new idea. Just
point me to the exit.
If I get caught, I'll just say
I didn't know what I was doing.
- Dude, shut up. Dude, shut up.
- You shut up!
Dude, you didn't see her face today!
If you saw her face,
you wouldn't have to deal
with it for the rest of
How's it going, you two?
Still working on that whole
trust thing, Mr. Hartman.
Step forward if you're
wearing jeans today.
Step forward if you're an only child.
Now, step forward if you've
ever felt misunderstood
by your family.
Step forward if you
have difficulty finding
hair or skin products that match
your hair type or skin color.
- Really, Chloe?
- What?
You know Dior just discontinued
my favorite concealer.
Take a step forward if you
felt particularly anxious
or overwhelmed in the past week.
- Hi.
- Sheriff Baxter.
Sorry I haven't reached
out in a little while.
This week's just been
Well, honestly, I spent more time
at the hospital than the precinct.
I wanted to let you know, we're
still looking for Maddie's b
For Maddie.
[SLAMS TRUNK] How's Xavier?
- I hear he's
- Yeah, he's OK. Yeah. Thank God.
- See ya.
- See ya.
I can't breathe.
[BULLY] What'd you put
in your mouth this time?
I need my EpiPen
Mr. Martin was there, in your scar?
Yeah, at first I thought
he was part of it.
Like Mr. Manfredo.
But, but when I saw him sneaking out,
it was like the room
wouldn't let me leave.
I couldn't get anywhere until
suddenly I made it out of there.
I chased him all the way
to the football field,
which is pretty impressive
considering I had just been in
full anaphylactic shock, but
Oh Charley, you didn't have to do that.
I wanted to. I
But I saw the red light
on the scoreboard before he disappeared.
So Mr. Martin can just
get in and out of our scars
without our keys,
and yet we can't even get into
Charley's scar with his key.
- Why?
- I don't know.
Did Quinn find anything
else in Janet's notebook?
No, she's still working on it.
And in the meantime,
we're supposed to what?
Just keep chasing after a
man that can just go anywhere
and won't tell us anything?
- I'm going back in.
- Wally?
Woke up today ♪
In my middle school bedroom ♪
Except it isn't mine ♪
But the one I'd always dreamed of ♪
I had a dream ♪
It's not like me to remember ♪
Maybe it's a sign ♪
I was brushing my teeth
as they all fell out ♪
What does it mean? ♪
Always see myself at 23 ♪
Just sitting here Reminding me ♪
- [SANDRA] Hi, Maddie. I'm home!
- I'm in my room.
You look nice.
Come sit.
I saw Xavier's father
at the grocery store.
The police think you
were murdered, Maddie.
I can't tell you how hard
it's been, not just for me.
For everybody.
I know you want your privacy right now.
But I told Sheriff Baxter you're back.
I had to.
He wants to come by
and take a statement.
If there's anything
that you want to tell
me before he gets here.
Anything about what happened.
Anything at all.
You should say it now.
OK, so one thing that
people don't know about me
is that I was a tap dancer.
In high school, I was afraid
that people would make fun of me for it.
But then they saw my Ball-Change-Buffalo
and everything changed.
- I'm gonna pass, if that's OK.
- Yeah, it's OK.
I guess I do have something to say.
It's kind of painful to talk about.
But here goes.
Recently, a friend of mine,
someone I thought was a friend anyway,
just dropped me out of the blue.
Honestly, I shouldn't be that surprised.
I mean, she has a history.
She uses people, and
then when she's done,
when she doesn't need them anymore,
she just ices them out like
they don't matter at all.
She ditched this one friend
way back in middle school,
and you'd think ancient history, right?
The second that girl got a boyfriend,
this snake starts sleeping with him
right behind the girl's back.
- Okay, that was
- [NICOLE] Claire!
- That was messed up.
- Leave me alone, Nicole!
It's not like she said anything
you haven't thought a
hundred times before.
[MADDIE] Wally, wait up.
Can you please just stop
for a second and talk to me?
You've been avoiding me ever since
- I can't.
- Why?
'Cause if I stop to think about
what's on the other side of that field,
I'm not gonna go in.
- And I have to go back in.
Wally. Here. Can you just come here?
Just take a deep breath, please.
Mr. Martin trotted me on that
field every year like an idiot.
And he knew what was hiding
out there the whole time.
And he didn't say shit.
Not to me, not to
Charley, not to Rhonda.
What was out there?
I said I don't want
to talk about it, OK?
[HARTMAN] Sorry about
the timing of this.
Lawyer suggested we get
this over with right away.
Look, I got to admit, Derek,
I still don't understand.
You were one of my best
teachers. Passionate. Committed.
They really fired him.
I love teaching. More than anything.
Then why?
My dad needed help.
And I've been cleaning up
his messes my whole life.
And then this time
I made an even bigger one.
Look, I'm only supposed
to give you 15 minutes,
but you just take as
much time as you need, OK?
You think they'd let me out of here
if I just stick this in my eye?
Please don't.
Excuse me, are you using these?
No, go ahead.
Your dad called the main office, Xavier.
Says he needs to talk to you.
Look at that, Simon.
You're not the only one
with trust issues, huh?
You're not surprised
they let him go, are you?
No. I mean, I get it.
But Mr. Anderson's the
best teacher I ever had.
He actually cared.
And it's my fault he got fired.
If we hadn't figured out all that
He stole that money,
Maddie. He made that choice.
Yeah? And who's to say I
would have made a better one?
I mean, I've had to clean
up a few messes in my life,
and it always backfires.
- That's not true.
- No?
Look what you're willing
to do just to help me.
I mean, you won't even tell
me what happened in there.
Because it's bad, Maddie.
When I died, I felt nothing.
No fear, no pain. Just happened.
But in the scar, everything
that happened to me,
feeling the disappointment from my mom,
feeling the disappointment
from my coach,
feeling like I had to be the
Wally the crowd wanted me to be,
all of that, I felt that.
I felt it in there over and over again.
Then don't go back in there.
Mr. Martin, to me, is
like Mr. Anderson to you.
I trusted him. I looked up to him.
I thought that he really cared about me.
And then I found out
that all that was a lie.
So if going back to
that field means I can
finally confront him and finally
get the answers I'm looking for,
then it's worth it, Maddie.
It's worth it to me.
[MADDIE] Maybe Charley was wrong.
Maybe Wally?
There you are. What
are you doing in here?
I just, um, I came here
on my bathroom break.
I just got off the phone with my dad.
Nicole, Maddie's back.
I mean, Janet. Janet's back,
but she's at Maddie's house.
My dad's on the way to meet
her and Sandra right now.
- We gotta go.
- To Maddie's house?
- Yeah.
- Wait, what about Simon?
He doesn't know. Come on.
Wait, what do you mean he doesn't know?
We can't not tell
Simon that Janet's back.
The moment that we tell Simon,
he's gonna run out of here
in two seconds flat and get
slammed with a suspension.
Believe me, Hartman's
been dogging him all day.
And if we get caught,
won't we get suspended, too?
- Better us than him.
- Why?
Nicole, Simon can't get
kicked out of school.
He can talk to Maddie.
We can't, all right?
Oh, shit!
[SHERIFF BAXTER] Are you sure
she's ready to speak to me?
[SANDRA] I told her you were coming.
Ms. Novak, can I, uh,
can I go to the bathroom?
[MS. NOVAK] Be back in five.
Can you please move your armpit?
Kind of attached to me, Nicole.
OK, but does it have to
be attached to me, too?
Look, the day is almost over.
Maybe we should just
go back to our groups,
wait it out, and then we can
all go to Sandra's together.
What if we wait it out
and Janet runs again,
or God forbid, burns down another house?
So we're supposed to just go there,
find Janet, pretend
she's Maddie, and then
- And bring her back here.
- And if she doesn't want to go?
- We don't give her a choice.
- Oh, OK.
Cool, yeah. We'll just hog tie
her and drag her back? Cool.
I'm pretty sure that's
called kidnapping.
All right, coast is clear. Let's go.
Great. Guess I'll just
grab my zip ties on the way.
[SHERIFF BAXTER] I'm trying to help you.
We found your backpack
at an empty housing development
along with a mattress.
Were you sleeping there?
OK, let's, uh, let's go
back a little bit to the,
uh, the blood in the boiler room.
Did somebody hurt you there, Maddie?
Did you hurt yourself?
Maddie, you gotta you
gotta tell me something.
No, I I don't know.
I don't remember.
Which is it?
I don't know.
Maddie, my department spent
a lot of time and resources
trying to find you.
And now you can help us.
Especially if there's a
dangerous person out there
who could do this to somebody else.
Your mom tells me you don't want
to go back to school anymore.
Is that because somebody
hurt you at that school?
Hey, what are you doing?
We need to continue the interview.
Absolutely not. She's
obviously traumatized.
[SHERIFF BAXTER] Maybe there's
something else going on.
You need to leave. Now.
I understand this is upsetting.
Maddie's disappearance
affected all of us.
And my own son. He was accused of
By you, I believe.
Yeah, by me. And by
a lot of other people.
And he hasn't been the same since.
I don't even know where
he is half the time.
Or why he won't talk to me.
I just I
I think Maddie
may have something to do with it.
Your daughter owes us answers.
You'll get them when she's ready.
Leave. Now.
Are you OK?
Thank you.
Of course.
Claire, hey, have you
seen Xavier? Or Nicole?
I feel like I searched the whole school.
- Sorry. I didn't mean to
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Are you?
How'd you get that?
Um, I stole it.
From the main office.
Two days ago, I realized my
debit card wasn't working.
So I called my mom this morning
to see if she could fix it for me.
Just for lunch money. Or whatever.
But she didn't answer.
So I just tried her again just now.
And what'd she say?
She didn't.
It's been three days.
And she still won't pick up the phone.
When my parents were getting a divorce,
I asked her if I could
live with my dad for a bit.
And she didn't talk
to me for three months.
So comparatively
speaking, this is nothing.
Claire, that's not OK.
I'm sorry.
Chloe's right.
I use people.
And when I don't need them anymore,
or when they piss me off, I just
ice them out.
I did it to Maddie.
I even did it to Nicole today.
My mom can be a complete asshole.
Apparently, I'm just like her.
You know why Maddie ran
away from me last night?
Because I am literally the last person
that she'd want to talk to.
God, I didn't even manage
to say the one thing
that actually mattered.
That I'm really fucking sorry.
For Xavier, for shutting her out, for
acting like a bitch instead of just
telling her what was going on with me.
I should've just been honest.
I should've opened that door.
Simon, tell her I say Lola.
It's the name of the stuffed
dog she gave me when my dad died.
Uh, Claire.
I know you don't believe me,
but that person that you saw
last night at that college party,
that was not Maddie. That wasn't Maddie.
The real Maddie, she's
sitting right next to me.
She says, "Lola says hi."
It's not that I don't
believe you, Simon.
It's just, I don't want it to be true.
I don't want Maddie to be gone.
She's not gone.
- Do you hear that?
- Hear what?
Hear what? What's going on?
[MADDIE] There's this
strange humming sound
coming from everywhere.
And this feeling like
my insides are shaking.
This sound, this feeling
I've never felt it before,
but the others told me
this is what happens at this
school when someone dies.
Where the fuck is Wally?
Yuri? Come on, come on.
We have to go find
out what just happened.
You go. I'm gonna hang back here.
Seriously? Someone just died at
this school and you're just
You're just gonna stay
here and throw another pot?
When was the last time
that you left this room?
You know, took a snack
break or watched the sunrise?
You're already dead. You know?
What's the worst that could happen?
I have to find Charley and Rhonda.
[CLAIRE] Simon, what are we doing?
Looking for people
we can't see. Come on.
- Simon! Hey, buddy.
- Where the hell are you going?
There you all are. I knew it.
You couldn't wait 30 more minutes, huh?
Even though I know I made
myself perfectly clear.
Maddie's back.
[NICOLE] She got home last night.
She's at her mom's house. She's alive.
You guys, apparently Janet is
I looked everywhere for him.
I searched every inch of that field.
Mr. Martin is not in there.
There's been no ambulances,
no fire trucks, no announcements.
No dead bodies.
The only other time
somebody died at this school
without leaving a body behind
is when Janet jumped into yours.
What are you saying?
That Mr. Martin could have
just walked out of here?
In someone else's body?
That he could be anywhere or anyone?
Did we just make everything worse?
- That was such a waste of time.
- Really?
I got a lot out of it.
- Hey, about earlier.
- Don't worry about it.
Seriously, it's been a
crazy day for everybody.
I go humming ♪
"Like A Prayer" ♪
I wear ♪
My body ♪
You fools! You're in
danger! Can't you see?
They're after you!
They're after all of us!
They're here already! You're next!
I wear my body ♪
Like a rotted peach ♪
You can have it if
you handle the stink ♪
[MAN ON TV] You don't believe
a word of this, do you?
I'm as open as a gutted pig ♪
On the small of every back ♪
You'll see a picture of me ♪
Wearing my body ♪
What the fuck?