Sight Unseen (2024) s02e04 Episode Script
Murder on the Dancefloor
Do you want to join me for dinner?
Active shooter!
It's fine.
It's really, really not.
[LEO] They say I'm gonna be okay.
Damn well better. Who else is gonna
tell 'em how amazing I was in there?
[SUNNY] You were always
so careful with your books,
so why is that one out of place?
It was there when I went to bed
I'm sure of it!
My anti-anxiety medication
I take it after breakfast every morning,
and I know that I saw it last night,
and then, this morning, it was gone.
[TESS] The way I'm hearing
you put away groceries,
I'm surprised
you can find anything in your apartment.
You did just send in
your dead boyfriend's hidden USB files
to the FBI.
That would throw anyone for a loop.
The Mayo Clinic
says that you need seven hours a night.
Are you getting seven hours, Sunny
Per day or per week?
[CHUCKLES] Sleep-deprivation it is.
[SUNNY] Maybe you're both right.
I have been obsessing
over Rigby's research.
Should we have kept
investigating ourselves?
My hacker skills can only go so far.
[TESS, LAUGHING] Are you serious?
You suck worse than you did
when I would kick your
ass in high school.
Wait-wait-wait. You were a gamer?
Yeah, every day after
school in grade 10,
Matt and I would have
these epic gaming sessions
in his basement.
You guys know what's crazy?
I still know the sound so well
that it's almost like
I can see it again.
Next best thing to gaming,
since those days are gone.
Don't be so sure.
from Superintendent Bennett.
- Sir?
- Get your tap shoes on, Tess.
We've got two bodies.
There's something in the shadows ♪
[SUNNY] and make a sharp right.
We're here.
Okay. Give me a scan.
You know, Jake and I
were comped tickets to the ballet once.
Lasted 20 minutes.
Wait till he sees this.
Jake ain't here, amiga.
He got pulled into
the Detsky case, so
you're stuck with me.
They are loaning us Owen Cooper
from the 14 Division for backup.
Come on. They're sticking us
with a hand-me-down from the 14th?
Yeah, Bennett says he's good.
'Course, what's he
gonna say "he sucks"?
- Hey, how you feeling?
Ah, it only hurts when I laugh,
so you don't have to worry.
All right. What have we got?
Brigit and Melinda Lamb,
45 and 18
mother and daughter,
both very well-regarded
on the dance circuit.
Brigit is ballet royalty.
She's won gold for her pas de deux
at the Moscow International
Ballet Competition.
[TESS] Somebody knows
a lot about ballet.
I know a lot about a lot of things,
and Brigit is now an instructor.
Melinda her daughter
and star student.
Not a healthy mix, apparently, since
they're both dead
and Melinda's looking like the shooter.
Two gunshot wounds.
Entry wounds on the posterior thorax.
Shot in the back?
Yeah. No prints on the
weapon, except the daughter's.
One bullet
lodged in the wall,
three spent casings
and they match the half-empty box
we found in the daughter's gym bag.
So daughter has a 7 p.m. with Mom,
who pulls a Whiplash
and runs drills for two extra hours.
Mom turns her back
to change the music
daughter pulls a gun out of her gym bag,
and pop, pop
puts two in Mom's back,
then points the gun at her own heart
uh, for a quick
self-checkout at 10:13 p.m.,
when shots were called in.
Security footage?
Uh, no one seen coming or going.
Plus, dancers need key cards after six,
and the last person to
use one was Melinda here.
- What about the building?
No other entry point? Exit?
None that we could find.
Where would she get a gun?
We'll do the trace test.
We'll review the evidence,
check with family
but this is murder-suicide.
It's open-and-shut.
Why did Bennett call me?
Well, you'll have to ask him.
Just holler if you need. I'll be around.
[SUNNY] So, Tess, what are you thinking?
That teenaged girls rarely
resort to gun violence.
Tell me what you see.
They probably missed something.
Wait. Wait, there's
there's something on the floor.
To your left straight down.
Some kind of tape.
Is that blood on it?
[LEO] It's "spike tape,"
for hitting your mark.
Most of it got hit with blood spatter.
[SUNNY] So where do you want to start?
[TESS] Let's bag this tape.
We need more insight.
If there are other family members,
I want to talk to them.
[SUNNY] Yeah, she has an older sister.
You seem pretty sharp
for three hours of sleep.
Matt's right. I'm so tired.
You know, I've heard
power naps boost your mood
and improve your productivity.
Would you mind if I
just took a quick break?
You're not the only guide on EyesUp.
Go get some rest.
I'd like to talk to you
about your mom and sister.
Can you tell me about
their relationship?
I mean, our mom was no picnic
but, we always worked
through our problems.
So Melinda was never violent?
- No!
- She had a gun, though?
I have no idea where she got it from.
It's corny, but
ever since I was a little girl,
I used to think of them as flowers.
Melinda was a violet.
Delicate but sturdy, you know?
Mom was a hyacinth show-offy, bold.
Violets don't kill.
Did Melinda ever have any issues
with her mental health?
I'd never seen her so happy.
She was just invited
to the Prix de Lausanne.
That's a big deal.
I can only imagine.
What about dating?
Did she have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?
Not that I knew of.
Not that I would.
Were you two not close?
Not like when we were younger.
I just, um
I didn't visit much after I moved out.
When was the last time
you saw each other?
Last month. We spoke in Stanley Park.
I did most of the talking.
Was that unusual between you two?
Was she somehow withdrawn?
She was in training.
A dancer needs focus
so, I was giving her space.
Is that all?
Yeah, for now.
[MATT] All right. Thursday. Bye.
Professor Alleyne!
Oh! Love what you've
done with the place.
[GIGGLES] That was a joke.
I can't see.
You got my message.
Yeah, which intrigued me
especially the part
about not telling Tess.
Why? What are you up to this time?
You ever heard of "Night Assassin"?
Sure. Yeah. My ex was a gamer.
Well, it was Tess's favourite.
I've been teaching myself Moja
it's this new software, super-fast.
Game changer.
Anyhow, I've been using it
to modify the game for
the visually impaired.
And you need a guinea pig?
- I'm in.
- Yeah? Okay, well, be warned
beta-testing is not just
one evening's commitment.
Fair warning
I get paid in deep dish and margaritas.
You got a deal.
[SUNNY] I shut the
window. I'm sure of it.
I don't know, maybe it
was the window washers.
No, the window was locked
from the inside,
and they're still dirty.
Okay, why don't you ask Kye?
Because he's visiting family,
and I don't trust the new concierge.
Why are we back at the crime scene?
What are we looking for?
[TESS] Never trust
an open-and-shut case.
I wanna check all the
entrances and exits again
anywhere you could get in
without showing up on camera,
anywhere somebody could hide
What about the locker room?
Ahead, to the left.
What is it?
I feel a draft.
So, it is possible
[DETECTIVE] You're right
breeze came from the hatch.
It was still cracked open.
[SUNNY] Who's the new guy?
I'm sorry, who are you?
Detective Owen Cooper, from 14th.
I've heard great things.
Is it rude to offer you a
handshake if you can't see my hand?
You should try me on high-fives.
Anyway, Leo, what I'm saying is,
technically, it is possible
for somebody to climb the catwalk,
hoist themselves through,
and run to the other
side of the building.
Where we did found a
security-cam blind spot.
- [DRYLY] Doin' great.
- Thank you.
Look. If someone did exit via the roof,
that shows extreme foresight.
Yeah. And an incredible
sense of balance
like a dancer might have?
Okay, well, we know Melinda
had issues with her mom,
which still makes the
simplest explanation
the most likely.
Occam's Razor.
[SUNNY] I like him.
So, the boyfriend
What do you got?
Miles M uh
Miles "Gatlin"
got the name from the
other dancers in the company.
Well, Melinda's sister said
she didn't have a boyfriend.
No. She said she didn't know of one.
Trace came back on the gun.
Melinda's Colt
was registered to a "Nathaniel Powell",
deceased since 2008.
No word yet on a
connection to the victim.
Could've been stolen or
she got it on the Dark Web.
Come on. Does Melinda seem
like a "Dark Web" girl to you?
It gets worse.
Press just announced
it as murder-suicide,
so I guess our two favourite words
are "no" and "comment".
The boyfriend's not returning any calls
so he's officially a Person of Interest.
Are we jumping the gun here, new guy?
- Pun intended?
- There's no evidence.
Unless Tess's "mystery DNA"
theory on the spike tape
comes through.
Okay, Leo.
I want us to follow up
on all of the details.
Look, if you're gonna phone it in,
just save us all the trouble
and do it from home,
free up some desk
'Cause consulting takes
up so much more space.
Hey, hey, hey, guys? Guys?
I know I'm just "Owen the New Guy",
but we gotta work together here.
How about a coffee break?
Everybody likes coffee, right?
I'm a "flat white" guy.
- Excuse me.
- Macchiato?
- Uh, do you know
- Cappuccino?
The Lamb murders?
We're not speaking to reporters.
No, no. I'm not a reporter.
I'm Miles Gatlin
Melinda's boyfriend.
I killed them.
He's fidgeting.
You're saying you killed
Brigit and Melinda Lamb?
Well, I lent my
grandfather's gun to Melinda,
and now two people are dead, so
I may as well have pulled the trigger.
So much for getting our guy.
So you didn't actually pull the trigger?
When did you give her the gun, Miles?
A couple of months ago.
She kept badgering me to get her one,
and I finally caved.
Why did she want it?
Uh, she said she had a stalker.
Yeah, at first, I was worried, right?
Made sure to walk her home, but
then she kept seeing
things that weren't there.
I think the whole thing
was just in her head.
Well, then why give her a gun?
Th-There was a big
ballet thing coming up
the Prix de something
"Prix de Lausanne."
I-It's a big deal,
and she needed her rest,
but she got stuck on
this whole stalker thing,
and she couldn't sleep.
[LEO] And you thought
a loaded gun would
give her peace of mind?
When did you two last speak?
Uh it was the day before yesterday.
We had a long talk on the phone.
What about?
I broke up with her.
Okay, but I had to
her mother controlled
Melinda's whole life.
It was killing us, so I
gave her an ultimatum
stand up to Brigit, or we're done.
So her mom was hard on her?
She was a monster to those girls.
She controlled everything
in Melinda's life.
Her-Her friends, her
clothes, her diet
even how she walked.
And it got worse before
the big dance events.
Whenever Melinda would miss a spin
- "Pirouette."
- Yeah.
Brigit would lash out
and it got under Melinda's skin.
She stopped eating,
started biting her nails.
I honestly think her mom
is why Melinda started
seeing bogeymen in the bushes.
And when all this was going on,
you decided to walk away?
It was a bluff.
Right? Look, I-I just wanted
her to stand up to Brigit.
Look, I loved Melinda.
I could never leave her.
I even went to this
stupid ballet documentary
she was bugging me to
see last night. I
Look, I-I told her
to take a stand against her mom, okay?
But I didn't mean that
Oh, my God, what did I do?
We've got Melinda's browser history.
She was looking at suicide hotlines.
That doesn't make her a killer
it makes her a troubled teenager.
Well, phone records also confirm
Miles's last call to Melinda
96 minutes,
the day before the incident.
[TESS] So he could've been lying about
whatever he was talking about.
[LEO] Or he could be telling the truth.
All right, what do you
think about the stalker?
Well, no one jumped out as threatening
on her social media pages,
so who knows?
Could be all in her head.
So I just got back from
the Westmount Theatre,
where that ballet doc Miles
mentioned was playing
Arpeggio: Four Dancers, Four Acts.
[OWEN] Yeah, that's the one.
[SUNNY] Oh, I love that documentary.
So I met up with security,
and they pulled this from the logs
8:50 p.m., Friday night,
Miles is seen in line for the movie,
the doc's almost two hours long.
And the murders happened at 10:13 p.m.,
which puts Miles at the theatre.
Yeah, but he could've
slipped out the back door.
And then he was seen
exiting the building at
11:11, after the film.
Okay, all right.
So this does rule him out as a suspect,
but I am not gonna rush this.
What more should we look at?
Well, the sister, for one
there was something off in her reaction.
That's tough.
People grieve differently.
You ever read The Stranger?
Albert Camus.
Thanks, new guy.
We took French in 12th grade, too.
Okay, look, you guys, have
fun with your book club.
I'm gonna check in
with the sister again.
You need directions back to your desk?
So I've been messing
with this Night Assassin enhancement,
where a smoke bomb plunges
you into total darkness,
forcing you to rely solely on sound.
- Do you hear that?
- Mm.
It's more echoey.
Wait. Yeah, but that's because
you're in wide-open
enemy territory, right?
So you have to step back or else
that happens.
Footsteps? Is that all?
- What do you mean?
- I don't know you could
try a "splash" for rain sound?
Uh, "leaves" for jungle terrain?
I'm sorry,
does it have to be in total darkness?
80% of us can see
something like Tess.
You should try a hybrid
a gradient
of, um, of partially-sighted
perspectives or something, yeah.
You staring at me? That's very rude.
I'm just really impressed.
And I'm staring.
[SUNNY] I can't wait to see
her reaction to the photo I found.
Four years ago,
you were the apple of your mom's eye
and you were the one going
to the Prix de Lausanne,
until your bike accident
changed everything.
Is that why you and Melinda
didn't talk much anymore?
My relationship with
my sister is private.
Not while we're
investigating her murder.
If you think I had
something to do with this,
you're out of your mind.
What I think is that you
know something about her
and you're not telling me.
You're not a dancer
you wouldn't get it.
Try me.
Ooh. You hit a nerve.
[TESS] Your silence is starting
to look like obstruction.
I just lost my sister and my mother.
I get to grieve how I want.
[CHOKES UP] So unless there's
some kind of charge here,
this conversation is over.
[SUNNY] And she's outta there.
She's not wrong.
Why do people lose their heads
over all this ballet stuff?
I don't get it.
So let's fix that.
[SUNNY] And then Alma
dances across the screen
and she pulls off an
incredible pirouette
and she is bathed in the light
and the shadows of the stage.
I can't believe I just let you
narrate an entire
ballet documentary to me.
It's not just "a documentary".
Arpeggio: Four Dancers, Four Acts
you know, if Melinda wanted
her boyfriend to watch it,
it probably says something about her.
What do you think?
I think that's two hours of my life
I'm never gonna get back.
Come on.
None of it moved you? Not even Pavlo?
Pavlo was fine.
I just don't relate to what he does.
What is it about dance
that you just can't grasp?
It's too pretentious for
you? It's too rarefied?
[SNAPS] It's because I can't see it!
Dance is visual.
And right now, I don't
care about missing out,
but someday I might.
As a sighted person
who can't possibly know
what your experience is
I respectfully, and
totally, disagree with you.
Dance isn't just visual.
it's about sound
and movement and space.
It's not just something that you see.
It's something that you
"Lab results are in."
The lab processed your evidence.
The bad news first
all the DNA and fingerprints
belong to the victims.
And the blood spatter expert
examined bullet angles,
spatter patterns, body positions
and it all leads to
ba-dum-ba-dum murder-suicide.
Did I call it or what?
also took a closer look
at Tess's spike tape.
It contained traces of blood
from both the mother and the daughter.
But the bodies were 15 feet apart
that's a long way for spray to travel.
Okay, but there were
three bullets, right?
Two for the mom, one for the daughter,
so it could be spatter from
that first, non-fatal gunshot,
from when the mom was running away.
The sequencing analyses show
that the droplet that hit first
should've belonged to the mother,
yet it was type O
which matches the daughter.
Melinda was shot first?
You can't put a two-shot in
Mom with a bullet in your heart.
Which means we got a double homicide,
and the murderer's still out there.
What? Who did this?
I can't get a read on this new guy.
I mean, is he just really
good at playing dumb,
or ow!
Hey, you there?
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- What's on your mind?
- [SUNNY] If I tell you,
you're gonna think I'm crazy,
and neither of us wants that.
[TESS] Try me.
[SUNNY] Maybe later.
Good timing.
So, given the fact that this
is no longer a murder-suicide,
we're back at ground zero.
We don't know if Brigit
Lamb was the target,
or daughter Melinda, or both.
Maybe we do.
This just came in from Tech.
They combed her social media
for the stalker Miles mentioned.
[TESS] Yeah, but I
thought they came up empty?
They did, but apparently,
they found something
using the Wayback Machine.
This is from two months ago
posts from someone
named "Lycanthrope271".
"Your pique is as empty as your soul."
"If I can't have you, no one can."
"Swallow, swallow poison
Melinda be gone,
Melinda be gone." Yikes.
Ah, there's nothing
creepy at all about that.
The posts starts about
three and a half years ago
maxed out at a hundred a day.
And entirely erased a month ago.
"Lycanthropy". That's the werewolf one?
Look at the new guy
with the college degree.
Okay, we gotta get on this,
so how fast can tech trace the register?
They're trying to track the I.P.,
but the poster's using
heavy-hitter encryption.
It could be weeks.
[SUNNY] Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
Mm. I might have something faster.
Echoes. Falling back
falling back.
Softer footfalls and
- Ha! There we are.
How are you this good already?
Ah, it's a skill.
Right, well, your turn. Eyes closed.
Ugh okay.
I can feel you cheating!
No, that's I'm not
cheating. That's not fair!
You're gonna make me fall into th
- swamp.
- Game over!
You're gonna make me
fall into the swamp.
- Mm-hmm!
Uh, give me a sec.
- Hey, Tess.
- Hey. I need a favour.
Can you track an I.P.
for "Lycanthrope271"?
- One sec.
- Tess.
I just found our stalker.
His real name is Shane Calvert.
They're bringing him in now.
You want to work him with me?
but you did the legwork,
you take it home.
Nice job.
Thanks, Tess.
You too.
Hey, Matt? Can you track
his I.P. just to confirm ?
The name is Shane Calvert.
Shane Calvert.
I spoke to an old high school friend
of Melinda Lamb's,
and she said that you used
to go to Melinda's recitals
And then send her creepy drawings
of ballerinas getting
dismembered by werewolves.
Lotta blood, lotta gore
That's wait, hold on
She thinks you followed
them home one night,
after they met for drinks,
although she couldn't
see your face in the dark,
but she said Melinda
seemed used to it
like it happened a lot.
I never followed Melinda home.
But you did send her
creepy murder drawings?
Not to mention harassing her online?
She also said Melinda kept complaining
about things going missing
her keycard, her slippers
No! Th-That's
I slid into Melinda's DMs,
but that was, like, three years ago.
You did a little more than that, Shane.
Social media is forever.
Okay, so I popped off
a few nasty comments
when she rejected me,
but I stopped after a couple weeks.
You've made over 1,000
postings to Melinda Lamb.
What are you talking about?
You are "Lycanthrope271," correct?
I haven't used that handle
in, like, three years.
Well, this says you
used it two months ago.
is somebody trying to
steal my screenplay idea?
Yeah, it's, um Blood
on the Dance Floor.
It's American Werewolf in London
meets Black Swan it's
gonna be, like, killer!
You wanna read it?
Where were you last
night at 10 p.m., Shane?
I was in Atlanta for "Monsterama"
check my passport.
Why don't I bring it in when
I bring in the screenplay?
Huh? How 'bout that?
Dude, you're gonna love it. I promise!
It think it was really generous of you
to let Leo take it solo,
even if it was a dead-end.
Well, Leo's a good cop, he deserved it.
There's nothing more satisfying
than taking down the bad guy.
You can say that again.
Man, I thought we had him, I wanted it.
You know, I love
that it's still a competition for you.
We're gonna get our guy.
Call from Matt Alleyne.
Sunny, let me call you back.
Hey, I'm just on my way home.
You may as well head back to work.
Pulled that trace that you wanted,
for Lycanthrope271.
First 11 came from Shane Calvert
the thousands after that?
Sadie Lamb.
Melinda's sister.
So, how did you take over
Shane Calvert's online identity?
Sadie's avoiding your eyes.
[SADIE] It was surprisingly easy.
I sent him a phishing
email to access his account.
I'm not proud of what I did,
but I wasn't in a good place.
Sadie, talk to me about Melinda.
What was going on between you two?
When she was little, I was her hero.
I was the big sister, you
know? The star ballerina.
But Melinda also saw Mom push me so hard
I would cry myself to sleep.
She saw me get cynical, but
I don't know, we were
still pretty good until
[SUNNY] She's stopping.
Until the accident?
It was two days before
the Prix de Lausanne.
Mom had gotten more
and more controlling.
One of my friends had a birthday,
but she wouldn't let me go.
She said that something bad would happen
if I did,
so Melinda made me promise to stay home.
And you didn't?
I snuck out. I took my bike.
It had just rained
and I lost control on
the way down a hill,
and I woke up with a broken femur
and my ballet career behind me.
How did Melinda handle it?
Not great but, with my career over,
I watched her get sucked into Mom's web
and throw herself into
dance, just like I did
until I became an afterthought.
Turns out she was
better than I ever was.
So, you used somebody else's identity
to tear her down?
Like I said, I was angry
but I swear, I didn't kill her.
Sadie, you sent over a thousand posts.
Any prosecutor could argue
that you had motive for both murders.
I was nowhere near
the academy that night.
I haven't gone back since the accident.
So where were you?
Where I am every night
at home, reading a book.
[TESS] Can anyone back that up?
She's shaking her head no.
Don't leave town. We'll be in touch.
I think she's held
something back from us
every time we've talked to her, and
she's doing it again now.
She's wearing her
pointe shoes too tight.
[LAUGHS] Okay, how do you know that?
Know what?
Pointe shoes.
Why don't you just
say "ballet slippers"?
Because that's what they're called
they're called pointe shoes.
And before, it's like this stuff
just rolls out of your mouth.
If you haven't noticed,
I'm pretty good at my job.
- Oh, yeah?
- It's called research.
- Hmm.
- Oh, and speaking of which
I was listening to the transcripts
of your first interview.
That stuff about her
mother being a hyacinth
and her sister being a violet
rang false to me.
It's textbook projection.
She's putting out an image
she wants to reflect back on herself,
hoping we fall for
that feminine archetype,
but we all know the truth, don't we?
Violets do kill.
We just got a break.
Someone walking his dog
in Sadie's neighbourhood
the night of the murders
saw Sadie Lamb burying
something in her backyard.
And are we bringing this someone in?
They used our anonymous tip line,
but it's enough to get a warrant.
We'll have officers
banging on Sadie's door
by the end of day.
[SUNNY] Oh, my God.
No, it's just my imagination.
Oh, my God.
Who are you?
Come on. Come on, come on.
Oh, God. Who is that?
I can't, I can't.
[BENNETT] The anonymous tip was legit.
The seizure at Sadie's
turned up a key card
to the dance academy
wrapped in a bloody rag
buried in the backyard.
The rag's on its way to forensics.
Card's been confirmed as Melinda's.
Explains how she got inside.
So Sadie lifts Melinda's key card,
and then Melinda gets in with Mom's?
Gives a plausible path to our killer.
Yeah, but she said she was
on good terms with Melinda.
Let's get some statements,
see if that holds water.
Rustle up a few of Melinda's peers
for their take on the sister.
If Sadie's our killer, I
want our ducks in a row.
[TESS] Yeah. I'll talk to the boyfriend.
She's lying.
Yeah, Melinda hadn't
seen her sister in years.
And you know this for a fact?
She specifically mentioned
it during our last call.
How normally, a girl
would turn to her
sister during a breakup,
but they weren't speaking.
I never saw Sadie as a killer.
You know, if anything,
I felt sorry for her.
You know, her career
being cut short like that?
Yeah. Right. Just like Pavlo.
The dancer from Ukraine?
The guy with the two Corgis.
He had to send them away
when he got sent to the front?
Right. Yeah. Yeah, the dog guy.
Sorry, I'm bad with names.
No, of course.
I-it's been a long couple of days.
We really appreciate you coming down.
We understand how difficult
this must be for you.
You know what? Do you mind
sticking around a little bit longer?
We could use your brain
to help us nail Sadie.
Pavlo didn't have any
dogs. I made that up.
Miles did not see that documentary,
or if he did, he didn't
see the whole thing.
Maybe he was getting popcorn.
For 30 minutes?
If he was trying to
understand the girl he loved,
why would he skip an entire act?
So what, you think he
slipped out the back,
wedged the door, ran to the academy,
murdered two people, and
ran back, in 30 minutes?
It's a possibility.
If we're taking this for a walk,
we're saying this guy's one
calculated piece of work.
He played that crime
scene like a maestro.
Okay, which means we need to be smarter.
Okay, he knew to shoot
his girlfriend first,
he knew to catch her
by surprise, up close,
to make the spatter play for suicide.
He knew how to play
the anonymous tip line
to lead us to the
evidence that he planted.
Well, looks like we'll be
pulling some overtime tonight.
Any objections?
- No.
- All right.
Tess, keep that kid
talking as long as you can.
Let's nail this bastard.
[TESS] Yeah.
Yeah, you do,
but I had fun,
and I hope Tess appreciates it
when you surprise her with the game.
You should come.
Uh, I was sensing a
romantic play at hand.
Well, you're right about the play,
just wrong about the person.
I see.
Mm-hmm? [CHUCKLES]
You don't have a thing
for blind girls, do you?
- Is that a thing?
- Yeah! I just don't want
to waste my time with somebody
emotionally unavailable.
Trust me.
Me and Tess, we had our shot.
We're just friends.
[LEO] That's right.
Well, I don't care how late it is.
I need every CCTV shot
from Balfour to 26th, on the 19th,
9 to 11 p.m.
"Just takin' it for a walk."
Sorry 'bout that.
Issues with another case.
Is your coffee okay?
He's nodding. Looks bored.
He doesn't know we're onto him.
We're almost done here.
So in the two years
that you and Melinda were together,
how often did she mention her sister?
Not often.
And you asked me that already.
[SUNNY] Or maybe he does.
Okay, between you and me,
the person we think
is responsible for this
has proven to be extremely clever.
They have thought through
every angle of this crime,
from their alibi
to every detail of the crime scene
Hey! Sorry I'm late.
I just did a run
from the Westmount Theatre
to the dance academy and back,
adding on the time it took
to access the rehearsal
area through the roof.
And what did you discover, Owen?
Oh, you know, I discovered
that it took 29 minutes,
which is two minutes
less than the third act
of a very compelling ballet
documentary we all watched.
Is this a joke?
Does it look like we're joking?
The corner of Davie and Seymour.
Caught by CCTV at 10:31 p.m.,
barely 20 minutes after
a gun took the lives
of Brigit and Melinda Lamb.
Hoo looks an awful lot
like you, doesn't it, Miles?
Well, hang on. That's strange,
because you were
watching the documentary
at the same time.
[OWEN] We also texted
your photo to a witness,
who confirmed it was likely you
who followed Melinda home last month,
not her so-called stalker.
Apparently, things
were rocky for a while.
Mm! And Tech just sound-matched
the voice of our anonymous tipster
to you,
when you used a burner phone
to pose as the neighbour.
You know how many times
I was there for Melinda?
How many hours I spent
hearing her sob on the phone?
What, I'm supposed to sit and take it
when her mom convinced her to dump me?
Oh, I knew it.
That's what I thought.
That 96-minute phone call
wasn't you dumping Melinda.
It was the other way around.
You see
Sadie might've been
estranged from her mom,
but she still knew her inner-circle
and while you've been in here,
she was helping us get statements
to confirm the real reason
her mom and sister were murdered.
Brigit Lamb was a deeply flawed mother,
but she had her moments.
Like when she convinced her daughter
to dump her manipulative,
psychotic boyfriend for good.
[SUNNY] He's looking right at you.
I'm not gonna lie,
Tess. It's pretty creepy.
They got what they deserved.
No, they didn't.
But you will.
You're under arrest for the murders
of Brigit and Melinda Lamb.
New guy earned that
flat white after all.
New guy did.
Love my job.
[TESS] You know, I gotta be honest
I can't say I was excited
to partner with you again,
but we did okay.
Since we're doing
confessions, here's mine
I took ballet.
[LAUGHS] Yeah, that's a good one.
[SUNNY] Uh, Tess
Oh. You're serious?
Mm-hmm. Three years, classical.
Quit when I was 12, and moved to Modern.
But no cop has ever seen
it and no cop ever will.
Well, technically, I can't see.
And technically, you're not a cop.
My point is
it's late,
and I know you wanna
dance in front of a cop.
- Uh-uh.
- So, bust a move in front of me,
you scratch that itch, and
it's like nobody ever saw it.
You're good.
But not a chance.
Oh Tess.
Tess, he's good.
He's, like, really freaking good!
You want me to describe it to you?
I can feel it.
So this whole time
the intruder you were
looking for was you?
[SUNNY] Yeah! And the craziest thing
is that my sleep-walking
self left the apartment.
[LAUGHS] Well, I bet
you didn't get too far.
Tess, are you even curious where I went?
Because I am!
[SIGHS] I'm sorry.
I'm just not myself.
I just feel like I am losing my mind.
I was distracted during the entire case.
Sunny, come on.
You really think it's
weird you start sleepwalking
right after you find Rigby's USB drive?
I mean, you've had a lot on your mind.
And, look
I hope you realize Miles
would still be walking around
if we hadn't watched
that documentary together.
I just got an email from the FBI.
Okay. What did it say?
They're arresting
Rigby's research partner.
He confessed to planning the hit.
He wanted to steal Rigby's research.
I mean
are you okay?
Yeah, I guess so.
You don't sound too happy.
Hey, maybe at least
you'll stop sleepwalking.
I still saw Rigby die,
and I still ran away from my life,
and I'm still so stuck, Tess,
I'm so stuck in this apartment.
Sunny, we're all a little stuck, Sunny.
It's about baby steps.
One foot in front of the other.
Matt, this is amazing!
I can hear everything!
Did you see that?
- No, I can't see that, I'm blind.
- Oh, yeah! That's right, that's right.
- In your face.
I told you.
[SUNNY] Where am I going?
There something in the shadows ♪
Cuts you like an arrow ♪
There's fire in your blood ♪
Hanging from that hope ♪
But everybody knows ♪
There something in the shadows ♪
Do you want to join me for dinner?
Active shooter!
It's fine.
It's really, really not.
[LEO] They say I'm gonna be okay.
Damn well better. Who else is gonna
tell 'em how amazing I was in there?
[SUNNY] You were always
so careful with your books,
so why is that one out of place?
It was there when I went to bed
I'm sure of it!
My anti-anxiety medication
I take it after breakfast every morning,
and I know that I saw it last night,
and then, this morning, it was gone.
[TESS] The way I'm hearing
you put away groceries,
I'm surprised
you can find anything in your apartment.
You did just send in
your dead boyfriend's hidden USB files
to the FBI.
That would throw anyone for a loop.
The Mayo Clinic
says that you need seven hours a night.
Are you getting seven hours, Sunny
Per day or per week?
[CHUCKLES] Sleep-deprivation it is.
[SUNNY] Maybe you're both right.
I have been obsessing
over Rigby's research.
Should we have kept
investigating ourselves?
My hacker skills can only go so far.
[TESS, LAUGHING] Are you serious?
You suck worse than you did
when I would kick your
ass in high school.
Wait-wait-wait. You were a gamer?
Yeah, every day after
school in grade 10,
Matt and I would have
these epic gaming sessions
in his basement.
You guys know what's crazy?
I still know the sound so well
that it's almost like
I can see it again.
Next best thing to gaming,
since those days are gone.
Don't be so sure.
from Superintendent Bennett.
- Sir?
- Get your tap shoes on, Tess.
We've got two bodies.
There's something in the shadows ♪
[SUNNY] and make a sharp right.
We're here.
Okay. Give me a scan.
You know, Jake and I
were comped tickets to the ballet once.
Lasted 20 minutes.
Wait till he sees this.
Jake ain't here, amiga.
He got pulled into
the Detsky case, so
you're stuck with me.
They are loaning us Owen Cooper
from the 14 Division for backup.
Come on. They're sticking us
with a hand-me-down from the 14th?
Yeah, Bennett says he's good.
'Course, what's he
gonna say "he sucks"?
- Hey, how you feeling?
Ah, it only hurts when I laugh,
so you don't have to worry.
All right. What have we got?
Brigit and Melinda Lamb,
45 and 18
mother and daughter,
both very well-regarded
on the dance circuit.
Brigit is ballet royalty.
She's won gold for her pas de deux
at the Moscow International
Ballet Competition.
[TESS] Somebody knows
a lot about ballet.
I know a lot about a lot of things,
and Brigit is now an instructor.
Melinda her daughter
and star student.
Not a healthy mix, apparently, since
they're both dead
and Melinda's looking like the shooter.
Two gunshot wounds.
Entry wounds on the posterior thorax.
Shot in the back?
Yeah. No prints on the
weapon, except the daughter's.
One bullet
lodged in the wall,
three spent casings
and they match the half-empty box
we found in the daughter's gym bag.
So daughter has a 7 p.m. with Mom,
who pulls a Whiplash
and runs drills for two extra hours.
Mom turns her back
to change the music
daughter pulls a gun out of her gym bag,
and pop, pop
puts two in Mom's back,
then points the gun at her own heart
uh, for a quick
self-checkout at 10:13 p.m.,
when shots were called in.
Security footage?
Uh, no one seen coming or going.
Plus, dancers need key cards after six,
and the last person to
use one was Melinda here.
- What about the building?
No other entry point? Exit?
None that we could find.
Where would she get a gun?
We'll do the trace test.
We'll review the evidence,
check with family
but this is murder-suicide.
It's open-and-shut.
Why did Bennett call me?
Well, you'll have to ask him.
Just holler if you need. I'll be around.
[SUNNY] So, Tess, what are you thinking?
That teenaged girls rarely
resort to gun violence.
Tell me what you see.
They probably missed something.
Wait. Wait, there's
there's something on the floor.
To your left straight down.
Some kind of tape.
Is that blood on it?
[LEO] It's "spike tape,"
for hitting your mark.
Most of it got hit with blood spatter.
[SUNNY] So where do you want to start?
[TESS] Let's bag this tape.
We need more insight.
If there are other family members,
I want to talk to them.
[SUNNY] Yeah, she has an older sister.
You seem pretty sharp
for three hours of sleep.
Matt's right. I'm so tired.
You know, I've heard
power naps boost your mood
and improve your productivity.
Would you mind if I
just took a quick break?
You're not the only guide on EyesUp.
Go get some rest.
I'd like to talk to you
about your mom and sister.
Can you tell me about
their relationship?
I mean, our mom was no picnic
but, we always worked
through our problems.
So Melinda was never violent?
- No!
- She had a gun, though?
I have no idea where she got it from.
It's corny, but
ever since I was a little girl,
I used to think of them as flowers.
Melinda was a violet.
Delicate but sturdy, you know?
Mom was a hyacinth show-offy, bold.
Violets don't kill.
Did Melinda ever have any issues
with her mental health?
I'd never seen her so happy.
She was just invited
to the Prix de Lausanne.
That's a big deal.
I can only imagine.
What about dating?
Did she have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?
Not that I knew of.
Not that I would.
Were you two not close?
Not like when we were younger.
I just, um
I didn't visit much after I moved out.
When was the last time
you saw each other?
Last month. We spoke in Stanley Park.
I did most of the talking.
Was that unusual between you two?
Was she somehow withdrawn?
She was in training.
A dancer needs focus
so, I was giving her space.
Is that all?
Yeah, for now.
[MATT] All right. Thursday. Bye.
Professor Alleyne!
Oh! Love what you've
done with the place.
[GIGGLES] That was a joke.
I can't see.
You got my message.
Yeah, which intrigued me
especially the part
about not telling Tess.
Why? What are you up to this time?
You ever heard of "Night Assassin"?
Sure. Yeah. My ex was a gamer.
Well, it was Tess's favourite.
I've been teaching myself Moja
it's this new software, super-fast.
Game changer.
Anyhow, I've been using it
to modify the game for
the visually impaired.
And you need a guinea pig?
- I'm in.
- Yeah? Okay, well, be warned
beta-testing is not just
one evening's commitment.
Fair warning
I get paid in deep dish and margaritas.
You got a deal.
[SUNNY] I shut the
window. I'm sure of it.
I don't know, maybe it
was the window washers.
No, the window was locked
from the inside,
and they're still dirty.
Okay, why don't you ask Kye?
Because he's visiting family,
and I don't trust the new concierge.
Why are we back at the crime scene?
What are we looking for?
[TESS] Never trust
an open-and-shut case.
I wanna check all the
entrances and exits again
anywhere you could get in
without showing up on camera,
anywhere somebody could hide
What about the locker room?
Ahead, to the left.
What is it?
I feel a draft.
So, it is possible
[DETECTIVE] You're right
breeze came from the hatch.
It was still cracked open.
[SUNNY] Who's the new guy?
I'm sorry, who are you?
Detective Owen Cooper, from 14th.
I've heard great things.
Is it rude to offer you a
handshake if you can't see my hand?
You should try me on high-fives.
Anyway, Leo, what I'm saying is,
technically, it is possible
for somebody to climb the catwalk,
hoist themselves through,
and run to the other
side of the building.
Where we did found a
security-cam blind spot.
- [DRYLY] Doin' great.
- Thank you.
Look. If someone did exit via the roof,
that shows extreme foresight.
Yeah. And an incredible
sense of balance
like a dancer might have?
Okay, well, we know Melinda
had issues with her mom,
which still makes the
simplest explanation
the most likely.
Occam's Razor.
[SUNNY] I like him.
So, the boyfriend
What do you got?
Miles M uh
Miles "Gatlin"
got the name from the
other dancers in the company.
Well, Melinda's sister said
she didn't have a boyfriend.
No. She said she didn't know of one.
Trace came back on the gun.
Melinda's Colt
was registered to a "Nathaniel Powell",
deceased since 2008.
No word yet on a
connection to the victim.
Could've been stolen or
she got it on the Dark Web.
Come on. Does Melinda seem
like a "Dark Web" girl to you?
It gets worse.
Press just announced
it as murder-suicide,
so I guess our two favourite words
are "no" and "comment".
The boyfriend's not returning any calls
so he's officially a Person of Interest.
Are we jumping the gun here, new guy?
- Pun intended?
- There's no evidence.
Unless Tess's "mystery DNA"
theory on the spike tape
comes through.
Okay, Leo.
I want us to follow up
on all of the details.
Look, if you're gonna phone it in,
just save us all the trouble
and do it from home,
free up some desk
'Cause consulting takes
up so much more space.
Hey, hey, hey, guys? Guys?
I know I'm just "Owen the New Guy",
but we gotta work together here.
How about a coffee break?
Everybody likes coffee, right?
I'm a "flat white" guy.
- Excuse me.
- Macchiato?
- Uh, do you know
- Cappuccino?
The Lamb murders?
We're not speaking to reporters.
No, no. I'm not a reporter.
I'm Miles Gatlin
Melinda's boyfriend.
I killed them.
He's fidgeting.
You're saying you killed
Brigit and Melinda Lamb?
Well, I lent my
grandfather's gun to Melinda,
and now two people are dead, so
I may as well have pulled the trigger.
So much for getting our guy.
So you didn't actually pull the trigger?
When did you give her the gun, Miles?
A couple of months ago.
She kept badgering me to get her one,
and I finally caved.
Why did she want it?
Uh, she said she had a stalker.
Yeah, at first, I was worried, right?
Made sure to walk her home, but
then she kept seeing
things that weren't there.
I think the whole thing
was just in her head.
Well, then why give her a gun?
Th-There was a big
ballet thing coming up
the Prix de something
"Prix de Lausanne."
I-It's a big deal,
and she needed her rest,
but she got stuck on
this whole stalker thing,
and she couldn't sleep.
[LEO] And you thought
a loaded gun would
give her peace of mind?
When did you two last speak?
Uh it was the day before yesterday.
We had a long talk on the phone.
What about?
I broke up with her.
Okay, but I had to
her mother controlled
Melinda's whole life.
It was killing us, so I
gave her an ultimatum
stand up to Brigit, or we're done.
So her mom was hard on her?
She was a monster to those girls.
She controlled everything
in Melinda's life.
Her-Her friends, her
clothes, her diet
even how she walked.
And it got worse before
the big dance events.
Whenever Melinda would miss a spin
- "Pirouette."
- Yeah.
Brigit would lash out
and it got under Melinda's skin.
She stopped eating,
started biting her nails.
I honestly think her mom
is why Melinda started
seeing bogeymen in the bushes.
And when all this was going on,
you decided to walk away?
It was a bluff.
Right? Look, I-I just wanted
her to stand up to Brigit.
Look, I loved Melinda.
I could never leave her.
I even went to this
stupid ballet documentary
she was bugging me to
see last night. I
Look, I-I told her
to take a stand against her mom, okay?
But I didn't mean that
Oh, my God, what did I do?
We've got Melinda's browser history.
She was looking at suicide hotlines.
That doesn't make her a killer
it makes her a troubled teenager.
Well, phone records also confirm
Miles's last call to Melinda
96 minutes,
the day before the incident.
[TESS] So he could've been lying about
whatever he was talking about.
[LEO] Or he could be telling the truth.
All right, what do you
think about the stalker?
Well, no one jumped out as threatening
on her social media pages,
so who knows?
Could be all in her head.
So I just got back from
the Westmount Theatre,
where that ballet doc Miles
mentioned was playing
Arpeggio: Four Dancers, Four Acts.
[OWEN] Yeah, that's the one.
[SUNNY] Oh, I love that documentary.
So I met up with security,
and they pulled this from the logs
8:50 p.m., Friday night,
Miles is seen in line for the movie,
the doc's almost two hours long.
And the murders happened at 10:13 p.m.,
which puts Miles at the theatre.
Yeah, but he could've
slipped out the back door.
And then he was seen
exiting the building at
11:11, after the film.
Okay, all right.
So this does rule him out as a suspect,
but I am not gonna rush this.
What more should we look at?
Well, the sister, for one
there was something off in her reaction.
That's tough.
People grieve differently.
You ever read The Stranger?
Albert Camus.
Thanks, new guy.
We took French in 12th grade, too.
Okay, look, you guys, have
fun with your book club.
I'm gonna check in
with the sister again.
You need directions back to your desk?
So I've been messing
with this Night Assassin enhancement,
where a smoke bomb plunges
you into total darkness,
forcing you to rely solely on sound.
- Do you hear that?
- Mm.
It's more echoey.
Wait. Yeah, but that's because
you're in wide-open
enemy territory, right?
So you have to step back or else
that happens.
Footsteps? Is that all?
- What do you mean?
- I don't know you could
try a "splash" for rain sound?
Uh, "leaves" for jungle terrain?
I'm sorry,
does it have to be in total darkness?
80% of us can see
something like Tess.
You should try a hybrid
a gradient
of, um, of partially-sighted
perspectives or something, yeah.
You staring at me? That's very rude.
I'm just really impressed.
And I'm staring.
[SUNNY] I can't wait to see
her reaction to the photo I found.
Four years ago,
you were the apple of your mom's eye
and you were the one going
to the Prix de Lausanne,
until your bike accident
changed everything.
Is that why you and Melinda
didn't talk much anymore?
My relationship with
my sister is private.
Not while we're
investigating her murder.
If you think I had
something to do with this,
you're out of your mind.
What I think is that you
know something about her
and you're not telling me.
You're not a dancer
you wouldn't get it.
Try me.
Ooh. You hit a nerve.
[TESS] Your silence is starting
to look like obstruction.
I just lost my sister and my mother.
I get to grieve how I want.
[CHOKES UP] So unless there's
some kind of charge here,
this conversation is over.
[SUNNY] And she's outta there.
She's not wrong.
Why do people lose their heads
over all this ballet stuff?
I don't get it.
So let's fix that.
[SUNNY] And then Alma
dances across the screen
and she pulls off an
incredible pirouette
and she is bathed in the light
and the shadows of the stage.
I can't believe I just let you
narrate an entire
ballet documentary to me.
It's not just "a documentary".
Arpeggio: Four Dancers, Four Acts
you know, if Melinda wanted
her boyfriend to watch it,
it probably says something about her.
What do you think?
I think that's two hours of my life
I'm never gonna get back.
Come on.
None of it moved you? Not even Pavlo?
Pavlo was fine.
I just don't relate to what he does.
What is it about dance
that you just can't grasp?
It's too pretentious for
you? It's too rarefied?
[SNAPS] It's because I can't see it!
Dance is visual.
And right now, I don't
care about missing out,
but someday I might.
As a sighted person
who can't possibly know
what your experience is
I respectfully, and
totally, disagree with you.
Dance isn't just visual.
it's about sound
and movement and space.
It's not just something that you see.
It's something that you
"Lab results are in."
The lab processed your evidence.
The bad news first
all the DNA and fingerprints
belong to the victims.
And the blood spatter expert
examined bullet angles,
spatter patterns, body positions
and it all leads to
ba-dum-ba-dum murder-suicide.
Did I call it or what?
also took a closer look
at Tess's spike tape.
It contained traces of blood
from both the mother and the daughter.
But the bodies were 15 feet apart
that's a long way for spray to travel.
Okay, but there were
three bullets, right?
Two for the mom, one for the daughter,
so it could be spatter from
that first, non-fatal gunshot,
from when the mom was running away.
The sequencing analyses show
that the droplet that hit first
should've belonged to the mother,
yet it was type O
which matches the daughter.
Melinda was shot first?
You can't put a two-shot in
Mom with a bullet in your heart.
Which means we got a double homicide,
and the murderer's still out there.
What? Who did this?
I can't get a read on this new guy.
I mean, is he just really
good at playing dumb,
or ow!
Hey, you there?
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- What's on your mind?
- [SUNNY] If I tell you,
you're gonna think I'm crazy,
and neither of us wants that.
[TESS] Try me.
[SUNNY] Maybe later.
Good timing.
So, given the fact that this
is no longer a murder-suicide,
we're back at ground zero.
We don't know if Brigit
Lamb was the target,
or daughter Melinda, or both.
Maybe we do.
This just came in from Tech.
They combed her social media
for the stalker Miles mentioned.
[TESS] Yeah, but I
thought they came up empty?
They did, but apparently,
they found something
using the Wayback Machine.
This is from two months ago
posts from someone
named "Lycanthrope271".
"Your pique is as empty as your soul."
"If I can't have you, no one can."
"Swallow, swallow poison
Melinda be gone,
Melinda be gone." Yikes.
Ah, there's nothing
creepy at all about that.
The posts starts about
three and a half years ago
maxed out at a hundred a day.
And entirely erased a month ago.
"Lycanthropy". That's the werewolf one?
Look at the new guy
with the college degree.
Okay, we gotta get on this,
so how fast can tech trace the register?
They're trying to track the I.P.,
but the poster's using
heavy-hitter encryption.
It could be weeks.
[SUNNY] Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
Mm. I might have something faster.
Echoes. Falling back
falling back.
Softer footfalls and
- Ha! There we are.
How are you this good already?
Ah, it's a skill.
Right, well, your turn. Eyes closed.
Ugh okay.
I can feel you cheating!
No, that's I'm not
cheating. That's not fair!
You're gonna make me fall into th
- swamp.
- Game over!
You're gonna make me
fall into the swamp.
- Mm-hmm!
Uh, give me a sec.
- Hey, Tess.
- Hey. I need a favour.
Can you track an I.P.
for "Lycanthrope271"?
- One sec.
- Tess.
I just found our stalker.
His real name is Shane Calvert.
They're bringing him in now.
You want to work him with me?
but you did the legwork,
you take it home.
Nice job.
Thanks, Tess.
You too.
Hey, Matt? Can you track
his I.P. just to confirm ?
The name is Shane Calvert.
Shane Calvert.
I spoke to an old high school friend
of Melinda Lamb's,
and she said that you used
to go to Melinda's recitals
And then send her creepy drawings
of ballerinas getting
dismembered by werewolves.
Lotta blood, lotta gore
That's wait, hold on
She thinks you followed
them home one night,
after they met for drinks,
although she couldn't
see your face in the dark,
but she said Melinda
seemed used to it
like it happened a lot.
I never followed Melinda home.
But you did send her
creepy murder drawings?
Not to mention harassing her online?
She also said Melinda kept complaining
about things going missing
her keycard, her slippers
No! Th-That's
I slid into Melinda's DMs,
but that was, like, three years ago.
You did a little more than that, Shane.
Social media is forever.
Okay, so I popped off
a few nasty comments
when she rejected me,
but I stopped after a couple weeks.
You've made over 1,000
postings to Melinda Lamb.
What are you talking about?
You are "Lycanthrope271," correct?
I haven't used that handle
in, like, three years.
Well, this says you
used it two months ago.
is somebody trying to
steal my screenplay idea?
Yeah, it's, um Blood
on the Dance Floor.
It's American Werewolf in London
meets Black Swan it's
gonna be, like, killer!
You wanna read it?
Where were you last
night at 10 p.m., Shane?
I was in Atlanta for "Monsterama"
check my passport.
Why don't I bring it in when
I bring in the screenplay?
Huh? How 'bout that?
Dude, you're gonna love it. I promise!
It think it was really generous of you
to let Leo take it solo,
even if it was a dead-end.
Well, Leo's a good cop, he deserved it.
There's nothing more satisfying
than taking down the bad guy.
You can say that again.
Man, I thought we had him, I wanted it.
You know, I love
that it's still a competition for you.
We're gonna get our guy.
Call from Matt Alleyne.
Sunny, let me call you back.
Hey, I'm just on my way home.
You may as well head back to work.
Pulled that trace that you wanted,
for Lycanthrope271.
First 11 came from Shane Calvert
the thousands after that?
Sadie Lamb.
Melinda's sister.
So, how did you take over
Shane Calvert's online identity?
Sadie's avoiding your eyes.
[SADIE] It was surprisingly easy.
I sent him a phishing
email to access his account.
I'm not proud of what I did,
but I wasn't in a good place.
Sadie, talk to me about Melinda.
What was going on between you two?
When she was little, I was her hero.
I was the big sister, you
know? The star ballerina.
But Melinda also saw Mom push me so hard
I would cry myself to sleep.
She saw me get cynical, but
I don't know, we were
still pretty good until
[SUNNY] She's stopping.
Until the accident?
It was two days before
the Prix de Lausanne.
Mom had gotten more
and more controlling.
One of my friends had a birthday,
but she wouldn't let me go.
She said that something bad would happen
if I did,
so Melinda made me promise to stay home.
And you didn't?
I snuck out. I took my bike.
It had just rained
and I lost control on
the way down a hill,
and I woke up with a broken femur
and my ballet career behind me.
How did Melinda handle it?
Not great but, with my career over,
I watched her get sucked into Mom's web
and throw herself into
dance, just like I did
until I became an afterthought.
Turns out she was
better than I ever was.
So, you used somebody else's identity
to tear her down?
Like I said, I was angry
but I swear, I didn't kill her.
Sadie, you sent over a thousand posts.
Any prosecutor could argue
that you had motive for both murders.
I was nowhere near
the academy that night.
I haven't gone back since the accident.
So where were you?
Where I am every night
at home, reading a book.
[TESS] Can anyone back that up?
She's shaking her head no.
Don't leave town. We'll be in touch.
I think she's held
something back from us
every time we've talked to her, and
she's doing it again now.
She's wearing her
pointe shoes too tight.
[LAUGHS] Okay, how do you know that?
Know what?
Pointe shoes.
Why don't you just
say "ballet slippers"?
Because that's what they're called
they're called pointe shoes.
And before, it's like this stuff
just rolls out of your mouth.
If you haven't noticed,
I'm pretty good at my job.
- Oh, yeah?
- It's called research.
- Hmm.
- Oh, and speaking of which
I was listening to the transcripts
of your first interview.
That stuff about her
mother being a hyacinth
and her sister being a violet
rang false to me.
It's textbook projection.
She's putting out an image
she wants to reflect back on herself,
hoping we fall for
that feminine archetype,
but we all know the truth, don't we?
Violets do kill.
We just got a break.
Someone walking his dog
in Sadie's neighbourhood
the night of the murders
saw Sadie Lamb burying
something in her backyard.
And are we bringing this someone in?
They used our anonymous tip line,
but it's enough to get a warrant.
We'll have officers
banging on Sadie's door
by the end of day.
[SUNNY] Oh, my God.
No, it's just my imagination.
Oh, my God.
Who are you?
Come on. Come on, come on.
Oh, God. Who is that?
I can't, I can't.
[BENNETT] The anonymous tip was legit.
The seizure at Sadie's
turned up a key card
to the dance academy
wrapped in a bloody rag
buried in the backyard.
The rag's on its way to forensics.
Card's been confirmed as Melinda's.
Explains how she got inside.
So Sadie lifts Melinda's key card,
and then Melinda gets in with Mom's?
Gives a plausible path to our killer.
Yeah, but she said she was
on good terms with Melinda.
Let's get some statements,
see if that holds water.
Rustle up a few of Melinda's peers
for their take on the sister.
If Sadie's our killer, I
want our ducks in a row.
[TESS] Yeah. I'll talk to the boyfriend.
She's lying.
Yeah, Melinda hadn't
seen her sister in years.
And you know this for a fact?
She specifically mentioned
it during our last call.
How normally, a girl
would turn to her
sister during a breakup,
but they weren't speaking.
I never saw Sadie as a killer.
You know, if anything,
I felt sorry for her.
You know, her career
being cut short like that?
Yeah. Right. Just like Pavlo.
The dancer from Ukraine?
The guy with the two Corgis.
He had to send them away
when he got sent to the front?
Right. Yeah. Yeah, the dog guy.
Sorry, I'm bad with names.
No, of course.
I-it's been a long couple of days.
We really appreciate you coming down.
We understand how difficult
this must be for you.
You know what? Do you mind
sticking around a little bit longer?
We could use your brain
to help us nail Sadie.
Pavlo didn't have any
dogs. I made that up.
Miles did not see that documentary,
or if he did, he didn't
see the whole thing.
Maybe he was getting popcorn.
For 30 minutes?
If he was trying to
understand the girl he loved,
why would he skip an entire act?
So what, you think he
slipped out the back,
wedged the door, ran to the academy,
murdered two people, and
ran back, in 30 minutes?
It's a possibility.
If we're taking this for a walk,
we're saying this guy's one
calculated piece of work.
He played that crime
scene like a maestro.
Okay, which means we need to be smarter.
Okay, he knew to shoot
his girlfriend first,
he knew to catch her
by surprise, up close,
to make the spatter play for suicide.
He knew how to play
the anonymous tip line
to lead us to the
evidence that he planted.
Well, looks like we'll be
pulling some overtime tonight.
Any objections?
- No.
- All right.
Tess, keep that kid
talking as long as you can.
Let's nail this bastard.
[TESS] Yeah.
Yeah, you do,
but I had fun,
and I hope Tess appreciates it
when you surprise her with the game.
You should come.
Uh, I was sensing a
romantic play at hand.
Well, you're right about the play,
just wrong about the person.
I see.
Mm-hmm? [CHUCKLES]
You don't have a thing
for blind girls, do you?
- Is that a thing?
- Yeah! I just don't want
to waste my time with somebody
emotionally unavailable.
Trust me.
Me and Tess, we had our shot.
We're just friends.
[LEO] That's right.
Well, I don't care how late it is.
I need every CCTV shot
from Balfour to 26th, on the 19th,
9 to 11 p.m.
"Just takin' it for a walk."
Sorry 'bout that.
Issues with another case.
Is your coffee okay?
He's nodding. Looks bored.
He doesn't know we're onto him.
We're almost done here.
So in the two years
that you and Melinda were together,
how often did she mention her sister?
Not often.
And you asked me that already.
[SUNNY] Or maybe he does.
Okay, between you and me,
the person we think
is responsible for this
has proven to be extremely clever.
They have thought through
every angle of this crime,
from their alibi
to every detail of the crime scene
Hey! Sorry I'm late.
I just did a run
from the Westmount Theatre
to the dance academy and back,
adding on the time it took
to access the rehearsal
area through the roof.
And what did you discover, Owen?
Oh, you know, I discovered
that it took 29 minutes,
which is two minutes
less than the third act
of a very compelling ballet
documentary we all watched.
Is this a joke?
Does it look like we're joking?
The corner of Davie and Seymour.
Caught by CCTV at 10:31 p.m.,
barely 20 minutes after
a gun took the lives
of Brigit and Melinda Lamb.
Hoo looks an awful lot
like you, doesn't it, Miles?
Well, hang on. That's strange,
because you were
watching the documentary
at the same time.
[OWEN] We also texted
your photo to a witness,
who confirmed it was likely you
who followed Melinda home last month,
not her so-called stalker.
Apparently, things
were rocky for a while.
Mm! And Tech just sound-matched
the voice of our anonymous tipster
to you,
when you used a burner phone
to pose as the neighbour.
You know how many times
I was there for Melinda?
How many hours I spent
hearing her sob on the phone?
What, I'm supposed to sit and take it
when her mom convinced her to dump me?
Oh, I knew it.
That's what I thought.
That 96-minute phone call
wasn't you dumping Melinda.
It was the other way around.
You see
Sadie might've been
estranged from her mom,
but she still knew her inner-circle
and while you've been in here,
she was helping us get statements
to confirm the real reason
her mom and sister were murdered.
Brigit Lamb was a deeply flawed mother,
but she had her moments.
Like when she convinced her daughter
to dump her manipulative,
psychotic boyfriend for good.
[SUNNY] He's looking right at you.
I'm not gonna lie,
Tess. It's pretty creepy.
They got what they deserved.
No, they didn't.
But you will.
You're under arrest for the murders
of Brigit and Melinda Lamb.
New guy earned that
flat white after all.
New guy did.
Love my job.
[TESS] You know, I gotta be honest
I can't say I was excited
to partner with you again,
but we did okay.
Since we're doing
confessions, here's mine
I took ballet.
[LAUGHS] Yeah, that's a good one.
[SUNNY] Uh, Tess
Oh. You're serious?
Mm-hmm. Three years, classical.
Quit when I was 12, and moved to Modern.
But no cop has ever seen
it and no cop ever will.
Well, technically, I can't see.
And technically, you're not a cop.
My point is
it's late,
and I know you wanna
dance in front of a cop.
- Uh-uh.
- So, bust a move in front of me,
you scratch that itch, and
it's like nobody ever saw it.
You're good.
But not a chance.
Oh Tess.
Tess, he's good.
He's, like, really freaking good!
You want me to describe it to you?
I can feel it.
So this whole time
the intruder you were
looking for was you?
[SUNNY] Yeah! And the craziest thing
is that my sleep-walking
self left the apartment.
[LAUGHS] Well, I bet
you didn't get too far.
Tess, are you even curious where I went?
Because I am!
[SIGHS] I'm sorry.
I'm just not myself.
I just feel like I am losing my mind.
I was distracted during the entire case.
Sunny, come on.
You really think it's
weird you start sleepwalking
right after you find Rigby's USB drive?
I mean, you've had a lot on your mind.
And, look
I hope you realize Miles
would still be walking around
if we hadn't watched
that documentary together.
I just got an email from the FBI.
Okay. What did it say?
They're arresting
Rigby's research partner.
He confessed to planning the hit.
He wanted to steal Rigby's research.
I mean
are you okay?
Yeah, I guess so.
You don't sound too happy.
Hey, maybe at least
you'll stop sleepwalking.
I still saw Rigby die,
and I still ran away from my life,
and I'm still so stuck, Tess,
I'm so stuck in this apartment.
Sunny, we're all a little stuck, Sunny.
It's about baby steps.
One foot in front of the other.
Matt, this is amazing!
I can hear everything!
Did you see that?
- No, I can't see that, I'm blind.
- Oh, yeah! That's right, that's right.
- In your face.
I told you.
[SUNNY] Where am I going?
There something in the shadows ♪
Cuts you like an arrow ♪
There's fire in your blood ♪
Hanging from that hope ♪
But everybody knows ♪
There something in the shadows ♪