Silo (2023) s02e04 Episode Script

The Harmonium

People would fly high above
the crowd, just flipping,
like, end over end, like
and into the arms of a person
waiting on the other side.
Isn't that wild?
[JULIETTE] Mm-hmm.
Oh, another thing about the
circus, they had animals
and they had these huge
things called elephants
and they had, like like,
skin as hard as concrete
and these long, flexible noses
that they called trunks,
and teeth that grew on
either side of their faces
could grow up to 12 feet long.
[JULIETTE] That sounds like a nightmare.
[SOLO] Yeah, I like elephants.
[SOLO] They're really smart.
They're very altruistic.
You know, th-they've been known
to help other species in trouble.
- Well, right now I'm a species in trouble.
- What?
[INHALES SHARPLY] I want to try and
breathe through 50 feet of tubing
without having to make something
to push the air down.
But I don't think I can.
Can you take that?
I think I can fix it. [SIGHS]
Hey, you're pretty good
at making things, huh?
[JULIETTE] Mm-hmm.
So, what was your job at your silo?
- Hey, could you Just lo Thank you.
- Oh, sorry. Um.
[JULIETTE] Um, I was an engineer.
Hey, you know, they
they used machines
to breathe underwater
in the before times.
Oh, there's this great book
called Twenty Thousand
Leagues Under the Sea,
and in it they use breathing equipment
and this massive underwater ship
called the Nautilus to
explore the ocean floor.
The ocean was this vast
expanse of salt wa
No, I know. I I've seen it.
- I've seen it in a book.
- They let you read books in 18?
Uh, no.
Oh. Ah, man.
Wait. Where was I? Oh, yeah.
In the book, the the
the captain of the Nautilus
- is Nemo
- No. [SIGHS]
- and you're a little bit like him.
- Just Can you just
- Hey.
- Yeah?
- You could use a harmonium.
- Hmm?
It's a musical instrument.
- No, I need something to write on.
I need like [STAMMERS]
a piece of slate or it's
- This is not
- There's a chalkboard in the same room.
- Come on.
- Okay, okay.
- Let's do that.
- [STAMMERS] Should I grab Here.
[KNOX] When we were
kids, I used to think
these were the names of the Founders.
Now, I think they're the
people from Mechanical
who died in rebellions.
I think the rebellion we grew up
hearing about was just the last one.
And before that, they happened
every generation.
And you don't want Mechanical
to start another one?
If we started any of them.
Look, all right?
Look. Look what they wrote
next to the names.
"Started with food
shortage in the farms."
And then It looks like,
"Blamed on Mechanical."
You see?
"Factory workers shut down."
"Trash chute fire."
And look at this. Look,
it's hard to see, but
"No matter where rebellion started,
the finger always
pointed at Mechanical."
Why is that?
Because we can shut this fucker down.
That's right.
[SHIRLEY] You're not ready for that.
Us shutting it down?
If it gets us what we really need
and we've exhausted all of our
- They killed Cooper.
- I know!
And they sent Jules out to clean.
But, Shirl, other than revenge,
what do we want?
The truth.
So let's fucking demand it.
I'm the head of Mechanical.
I can get a meeting with the mayor.
We take a small group.
You, me, Walker, maybe
McLain, the head of Supply.
And we go up.
No crowds, no weapons.
Every step we take will be
considered an act of aggression.
Which is why we send a
message to the mayor first.
Laying out exactly what
we want to talk about.
Not the mayor. The judge.
Jules told Walker that
Meadows is an empty robe.
But the Silo doesn't know that.
As far as everyone's concerned,
Judge Meadows is the boss.
I'll send her the message.
- Is it true a gang from Mechanical
is going to meet with Judge Meadows?
- Hardly a gang.
- Let me stop them.
- I have 50 raiders on 110.
- No. No, no, Rob.
We're gonna let them
air their grievances.
Maybe it'll bring down the temperature.
The ultimate goal is
to stop a rebellion.
- I don't care how.
- Every level they climb
is one level closer to the air lock.
What happens if they rush the stairs?
Two of this gang are old ladies.
They're not gonna make
a run for the air lock.
But put some raiders above
Judicial if you want.
This isn't the only reason
the judge concerns me.
She also agreed to meet with Lukas Kyle.
He requested a hearing
about his sentence.
If she let's him go, that's not good.
I agree. What do you
want me to do about it?
I was hoping you could
have a word with her.
I know you've been talking to her.
You've been tracking that?
Just an observation.
Well, the next time I speak with her,
I'll be sure to raise your concerns.
You agreed to meet with
some Mechanicals?
They're citizens of the Silo who
want to speak to their judge.
- It sends a bad message.
- No, Bernard, it sends a new message.
You also agreed to hear
Lukas Kyle's petition?
He has a right to request a review.
And you have a right to refuse it.
What are you so afraid of?
- He's dangerous.
- Well, now I really want to meet him.
- I'm being serious.
- [MEADOWS] No, you're not.
Because if you were being serious,
you would have brought my cleaning suit.
- Do you have it?
- [SIGHS] It's being assembled!
Well, then when you
have my suit, we can talk.
[JULIETTE] Hey, what
what are all these numbers?
- [SOLO] Uh no idea.
- Okay, I'm gonna need some room.
Erase them. I don't
think anyone will mind.
Founders' Day.
[SOLO] It was a week before Founders'
Day that it all happened.
Hey, did did you have Founders'
Day in in your silo?
[SOLO] Did you
Did you have any holidays?
[JULIETTE] We had Freedom Day.
What did that celebrate?
- Freedom, Solo.
- Oh, yeah.
She used to sit next to me.
She was a funny girl.
She was always making
noises and cracking me up.
Her mom
she would jar peach preserves.
She said that her name
meant blue or something.
But I think she just said that
- because that was her favorite color
and she really liked my blue eyes.
- This is, um, a Level B classroom?
- Mm-hmm.
So she would have been 11 or
12 when the rebellion started.
So, how were you sitting next to her?
Well, I I didn't mean that
this belonged to Lapis.
What happened to your eye?
Was that during the rebellion or
Yeah, that's some something
I don't like to talk about.
[GASPS] Do I forgot.
Did you Do you see this?
Have you seen this or
something like this?
[STAMMERS] Can I Can I show you?
[KATHLEEN] I can pack more ginger
in case you're gone longer.
- You're worried.
- [KATHLEEN] Of course I am.
There's a mob from Mechanical
on their way up.
It's only a few people the judge
agreed to see and I trust her.
If you want, I can ask a deputy to stay.
I don't want a deputy.
I want you.
If I can help keep the peace down there,
then none of us will have
anything to worry about.
I'll ask somebody to stop by and
I will come back as soon as I can.
You get them?
My dogs were pissed.
But yeah
I got 'em.
You want to see?
I know red from green.
[CLICKS TONGUE] Okay, then.
You could get literally
anyone to do this.
Let me come with you.
For Coop.
We said four people. Not five.
[CARLA] I could stay here.
Sleep in my own bed. Catch you
guys on the way back down.
Suit yourself.
[CAMILLE] Meadows wasn't always a drunk.
When I was in Judicial,
I heard stories about her mind.
The best there ever was.
Then [SIGHS] I don't know.
Something happened.
I never heard what.
I had a thought.
This might be a step too far,
but the Pact outlines three grounds
for impeaching a judge.
Proven misbehavior, incapacity to act,
- or endangering the Silo.
- endangering the Silo.
- That could be very destabilizing.
- Or it could unite the upper half.
I'll need support from a majority
of levels and departments.
I don't know if there's time
to gather enough signatures
to stop the meeting.
You don't need signatures.
You only need the threat of impeachment
to send a message to Bernard.
He's the one to sideline her.
If he does, maybe he goes
back to seeking your counsel.
Solo, could you just stop?
- Stop.
- No, no, no. You got You gotta listen.
I'm trying to figure this out
and you're playing music.
And it's just in my head.
Yeah but how do you think
I'm playing the music?
I don't care!
Yes, you do.
Just I'm trying to
show you something.
Will you just come over here, please?
Just one time and
I won't mention it again.
I promise.
- [JULIETTE] Just play.
- Okay.
No, not my hands. Look at my feet.
- [JULIETTE] Yeah.
- See?
There There's a bellows inside
that pushes air through a valve.
You could use this to
push air down a tube.
Look, look.
[JULIETTE] I'm gonna
have to take it apart.
- What?
Yeah, but you could put it
back together again, right?
I don't I don't know. Maybe.
Why don't you just play
one last time, okay?
- Just
- Oh, man.
Well, we'll see.
[MEADOWS] When a team of agents
showed up at Nichols's apartment,
- you fled. Is that correct?
- [LUKAS] Yes, but
There it is again, "Yes, but "
"Yes, I held the red-level relic,
but it wasn't in my possession."
If you don't deny the facts
of your case, Mr. Kyle,
why are you requesting a
review of your sentence?
Let me guess.
The reason, put simply, is
it's not fair.
Would that be accurate?
What's this made of?
And where do we get the
ore to make the metal?
- The mines.
- The mines are critical to our survival.
But the work is hard
and it's dangerous and
nobody wants to do it.
So you have to do it.
You and others like you who
have fallen afoul of the Pact.
Just because you'll be
wearing yellow coveralls
doesn't mean that you won't
be of vital service to the Silo.
May I ask you a question?
If you must.
Why did you even grant this
request for a review? [SCOFFS]
Agents, get out.
- Why do you think?
To see if I knew what
was on the hard drive.
[INHALES SHARPLY] I wanted to know
about the lights in the night sky.
- What are they?
- I don't know.
- Tell me what you think you know.
They move.
Actually, um, we move.
We move?
What do you think that means?
live on a a ball.
A-A massive one and it rotates,
giving the impression
that the lights move.
But they don't.
It's the same with the sun.
It doesn't move, we do.
We spin, and that gives
us day and then night.
in the sky are called stars.
And they are massive spheres of gas.
And they shine from an
energy called radiation.
Which makes them
perpetual balls of fire.
And you're right.
The world rotates
and revolves around the sun.
And the sun is just one
of billions of these stars.
How do you know this? [SCOFFS]
And And wait, are there
actually other worlds that rev
Lukas Kyle, due to your forthrightness
and your willingness to
accept responsibility,
I will amend your sentence
to five years in the mines.
- May the Founders have mercy on you.
- Remove him.
- No. No, but [SCOFFS]
- [PROTESTER 1] Impeach Judge Meadows!
- [PROTESTER 2] Judge Meadows!
[PROTESTER 1] Impeach her!
[PROTESTER 2] Impeach Judge Meadows!
[PROTESTER 1] Impeach Judge
Meadows! Impeach her!
- [PROTESTER 3] Impeach her!
- [PROTESTER 1] Impeach Judge Meadows!
It shouldn't rub quite so much anymore.
Thank you.
[CARLA] You all right?
You didn't come out of
your hole for 25 years.
Now you're out all the time.
When I went up those stairs
to get that tape for Juliette,
I was scared spitless.
Then I saw you
and I started thinking about
all those years I wasted.
We wasted.
And I couldn't remember why.
At least any why that was worth a damn.
If Meadows goes for it,
sending people out to
look around, come back
Would you volunteer?
In a heartbeat.
- You?
- Yeah.
What would you want to see?
The distance.
And Juliette.
This not knowing
it's fucking killing me.
I didn't think you liked her.
She annoyed the living shit out of me
but I knew that I could
trust her with my life.
Looks like we got company.
You gotta be kidding me.
[MARTHA] I'll handle this.
Deputy, is everything all right?
You heading up to Judicial?
Yeah, we got a right to
walk like everyone else.
We're not here to stop you.
We're here to make sure
- you get there safely.
- Why?
Sheriff Billings asked us to.
No, but why does he
think that we need
Because you may have a lot of
friends below here, but above
- people might be throwing shit.
- [SIGHS] Literally.
We'll peel off a couple of levels
below Judicial. [SIGHS]
They see a sheriff's escort, they
might think we've chosen sides.
Oh, so you'll leave us just when
things are likely to get bad?
I mean, I'm a civilian. So yeah.
Let's get on with it then.
The, um, firebomb hit here.
We all scattered.
The fire didn't get inside.
Where was the shooter?
Right there.
- Retired raider.
- Reggie Smalls.
Says he was just reacting as trained.
- The asshole with the firebomb?
- Over there.
A local kid Cooper was running
in to try and stop the guy.
- Anybody recognize him?
- No.
I'd like to see him.
I wish you could. Judicial
hauled him up this morning.
- They give a reason?
- No.
When I asked, they just
gave me that look,
you know that Judicial look.
I used to be in Judicial.
Oh, um, I'm sorry.
- I didn't
- No. I know that look only too well.
You still have Cooper's body?
You can start. I think that works.
- Solo?
- Huh?
Pump. Pump hard.
Okay, that's not good enough. Stop.
Okay. I think if I [SIGHS]
- Maybe
- I gotta go back to the vault.
What? Why?
I think I left it unlocked.
Well, there's no one here.
I think we're okay.
No, I think I gotta go check it.
No, no, no, it's okay.
I saw you. You locked it.
- I don't think so.
- No, but you did.
You closed the door and it locked.
- You're just saying that.
- No! Wait, what are you doing?
You locked the vault.
Yeah, I locked it.
Was it you?
Absolutely not.
I'm to believe that an effort to impeach
me just arose spontaneously?
People are afraid,
and they get more afraid with every step
that a group of Mechanicals
takes toward the air lock.
You should have read
the letter that they sent.
All they want is to build better suits
and to send a few people out
to explore and come back.
[STAMMERS] Just a little exploration.
Oh, that's
Everything, everything about
that is prohibited by the Pact.
I wasn't going to agree to it.
I was gonna say we'd form a
committee to study these ideas.
And kill it with bureaucracy.
Uh, I'm
I'm sorry about the impeachment talk.
Look, I don't care.
I'll be long gone before
it could happen.
Would you come to, um, my apartment?
For dinner. Tonight.
- Why?
- We need to talk about next steps.
My next steps are out the air lock.
I'll have your suit.
You can try it on.
- [INHALES SHARPLY] Come at 7:00?
- Mm-hmm.
The, um, Mechanicals
won't be up here until 9:00.
I spoke to Lukas Kyle.
You're right. He is dangerous.
Then why did you cut
his sentence in half?
To make it seem like we're fair.
Besides, someone like him,
do you really think he could last
more than a year in the mines?
I'll see you tonight.
If the mob don't grab me
and throw me over the rail.
- [JULIETTE] Can you try again?
- [SOLO] Yeah.
Okay, I think that'll work.
Okay. [SIGHS]
Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. I'll be fine. I'll just have
to get across the alleyway
into the room and I'll be fine.
I've done worse.
Um, okay, so when I'm underwater,
just make sure you, um
Don't stop pumping, I know.
Yeah. Okay.
[MORTICIAN] There's no body, Hank.
Judicial took it.
No, w-we don't want to see
the asshole with the firebomb.
We wanna see Coop.
No, that's what I'm telling you.
They took Coop.
They said they were here for a body
and the only one here was Coop.
- So they took him.
- No, no, no, no.
I tried to explain,
but they were Judicial.
There were two bodies here yesterday.
Not this morning.
So, what happened?
I don't know.
You don't know?
- Well, did you lock the door last night?
- Yes, I locked the door.
- You think I'm an idiot?
- [HANK] I don't know, Juno.
- You had two bodies here yesterday
- The one that's missing, describe it.
It was a guy, about 40.
Medium build.
Um, big beard. Long hair.
[SIGHS] Yeah.
You'll be okay, Captain Nemo.
I remember you liked him.
Fuck, fuck.
Okay, yeah.
The vault.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
- Come on.
- Hey.
- I gotta go back to the vault.
- It's okay. Okay, wait. Wait, wait.
- No, no, no.
- Wait. Hey!
- Now!
- I gotta go back to the vault.
- [COUGHS] Wait, wait.
No! Look, I'm in charge.
I'm responsible.
Okay. Fuck me.
- It's locked.
- [PANTS] Oh, yeah?
- [SOLO] Yeah.
- [PANTS] You feel better?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna go back inside.
You okay?
What happened?
[PANTS] Well, maybe you
Maybe you got the number wrong.
- What did you do?
- Huh?
- I didn't do anything.
- No, you messed with it.
- You want to keep me out.
- I've been with you the whole time!
I have one more try and
then I'm locked out.
- [JULIETTE] Calm Calm Hey, hey!
No, I shouldn't have left.
It's safe in there.
- Maybe you should write it down.
- Shut up!
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
See? I didn't do anything.
- Stay back.
- [JULIETTE] Solo.
I actually trained for that race.
Thirty minutes a day.
If you'd trained two hours a day,
you still would have lost.
You're an asshole.
Well, as not unpleasant
as this has been
I would like to try on my suit.
You said it would be here by now.
I know it wasn't in the wine.
I wasn't sure you would drink it.
It was the mushrooms.
- How long do I have?
- Minutes rather than hours.
I must follow The Order.
You have a way that my
death will serve that?
It will unite the Silo.
Mary, I'm sorry.
That hard drive that Juliette
Nichols had, where is it?
I destroyed it.
What was on it?
If I need to know something,
then you have to
Even if you did know, there's
nothing that you can do about it.
All I can say is that
it had something to
do with Salvador Quinn.
Um, 140 years ago, when
he was head of IT
- During the rebellion?
- Yes.
He wrote a letter.
Um, part of it was in code.
- What did it say?
- I can't tell you, Bernard. [GASPS]
- But you deciphered it, didn't you?
- Stop.
- I said I can't.
- You have to.
Twenty-five years ago,
when I told you why I had to step
down as your shadow, I said
You said you didn't want
to be tethered to me
- for the rest of your life.
- Which was a lie.
- I would happily have been by your side
but I knew that you could
never give yourself fully to me.
Why did you lie?
I didn't dare tell you the truth.
You vanished for four days.
When you came back, you quit.
Where did you go?
Please, can I just go to the
cafeteria just one more time?
Just to see the outside again.
One more time.
But I I have something.
Did you ever use this
- when you sat with the Legacy?
- No.
[BERNARD] It lets you see things.
Somewhat like what people
that are sent out to clean
see in their helmets.
Only this is real.
Did you ever read about Costa Rica?
- This was from Costa Rica.
The Monteverde Cloud Forest
Biological Reserve, 2018.
Tilt your head up a
little bit to the left.
See that little fella
lounging on the vine?
- That is a white-faced capuchin monkey.
Now watch.
It's gonna leap from the vine
to the tree on your right.
- Now, look down and to your right.
That is a red-eyed tree frog.
- Do you see it?
- Yeah.
Bright colors are a defense mechanism.
The green is camouflage.
It allows it to blend into its
surroundings to avoid predators.
Quick, look up.
Now, at the top of the trees. Look.
That's a flock of Quetzal birds.
You can tell they're males
by their twin tail feathers.
So beautiful.
It's wonderful. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, so beautiful.
What did they do, Bernard?
How did they lose this world?
[JULIETTE] I thought
we were past this, Solo.
You know when I was
sent out to clean, I, um
I was so, uh, tired.
There was a part of me that was
It sounds really weird but, like
I was relieved that it was
finally fucking over.
You know?
And then when I got outside,
I was really, um
I was really f
And, um
I was [SNIFFLES] so scared.
I was really fucking scared.
Every step, I, um
I thought, like,
"This is it.
Like, this is [EXHALES SHARPLY]
This is where I collapse.
Or this is my spot.
Like, this is where I die." And I
But I didn't. You know, I kept walking.
I didn't know what else to do.
So I know what it's like
to be scared, Solo.
You're not
You're not the only one.
Solo? [SIGHS]
Captain Nemo would like to
know more about that place.
What do you call it? Um, the circus.
Do you wanna tell me about that?
You could also
You could tell me about the
The things with the long noses.
I don't remember what they were called.
They were They're called elephants.
And then, they they also had cats,
but they weren't like our cats.
These were These were huge,
and they could grow up
to, like, 400 pounds.
They were called lions.
They would train them to
jump through hoops of fire.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Do exactly as I instructed.
I'll meet you there.
Molly, when everyone
was trying to get Nichols,
you took two men into custody.
- [MOLLY] Yeah, um, Danny something.
- Bly. And Kennedy. Patrick Kennedy.
- What happened to them?
[MOLLY] Judicial took 'em. Hard.
- Gagged 'em and bagged 'em.
Kennedy had a big beard and long hair?
- [MOLLY] Yeah. Why?
We're working on something.
Um, take care.
The bearded guy, did a
doctor say he was dead?
No. Not officially.
But he wasn't moving
when they took him away.
- Where was he shot?
- Right here.
- No. Wait.
Judge Meadows is expecting us!
We're here on official
Judicial business!
- Let us through.
- Just trying to do my job. Get back!
animals wanna kill the Silo.
You with us or with them?
Sorry, Judicial is closed today.
We're not leaving until
we see the judge.
You are leaving.
Either back down the
stairs or over the side.
Red ball!
Five, four,
three, two, one.
The power stays out
until we see the judge.
Mr. Mayor.
Mr. Knox.
I see you've turned off the power.
Bring out Judge Meadows,
we'll turn it back on.
She's not feeling well,
but I believe I can
get you in to see her
if you turn the lights back on.
Just you two.
[SHIRLEY] What the fuck?
[INHALES SHARPLY] They set us up.
- Listen to me. Knox, we need to go.
I'm not stopping you.
You sure about this?
I have raiders right outside.
The people of the Silo have to
take care of this themselves.
- We can't run.
- We have to run.
There are 50 raiders and a hundred
angry assholes out there.
We walk until we get
to Walker and McLain.
- Then we run!
- Then we fucking run!
[KNOX] We have to leave.
Quick, but don't look scared.
[CARLA] I wasn't, until you said that.
The push to impeach Judge
Meadows was unexpected.
It forced my hand.
Made this necessary.
I believe good will come of it.
I know you were behind it, Rob.
Don't let 'em get too
much of a head start.
You wouldn't want to lose them.
[SIMS] Silence!
I know some of you
many of you
didn't like Judge Meadows meeting
with some Down-Deepers.
She only met with them
because, in her words,
every citizen of the Silo
deserves a hearing.
Well, it seems she
miscalculated horribly.
Those animals from
Mechanical just killed her.
They wanted to open the air lock.
And Judge Meadows refused.
She gave her life for the Silo!
For you!
For me!
It is now the duty of every citizen
to find those murderers
and bring them to justice!
- Justice!
- [SIMS] Justice!
- Justice!
[CROWD CHANTING] Justice! Justice!
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