Taxi Driver (2021) s02e04 Episode Script

Sang Gi's Prison

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
(Episode 4)
Is something wrong?
My goodness.
How did you end up like this?
The smoke is relentless.
Is there a car center near here?
Do you think we wouldn't have
a place like that near here?
Where is it?
- So
- Yes?
If you go straight down this way
on this side,
- you'll see an intersection.
- An intersection.
From there, turn at the persimmon tree,
go left for 20 meters,
right for 30m,
and go around diagonally,
you'll see it.
Okay, then. Good luck.
How will we get all the way there?
Should we have called a tow truck?
Hey. Push.
Are you going to stay here?
Hurry up and push, you punk.
Hey! You should push too.
Darn it.
Push faster.
Good job.
(Rainbow Agricultural Machinery)
(Rainbow Agricultural Machinery)
Is there anyone here?
Is anyone inside?
Yes. Welcome.
What? Is this your place?
Can't you tell?
Then you could've
towed our car here.
You should've asked me
to tow your car.
Do you need people
to spell it out for you?
Couldn't you just tell
by the situation?
My gosh.
Then put the car back
and ask me to pick it up.
I'll go and tow it.
Forget it.
- Just hurry up and fix it.
- I can't.
You said you can fix cars here.
Take a look at this.
All of these are waiting in line.
You need to wait your turn.
- How much for the repairs?
- Just give me 100 dollars.
Here. Can you do it right away?
I told you it was 100 dollars.
Why are you giving me so much?
Plus, I can't do it right away.
- Just do it right away.
- I told you I can't.
Darn it. How much do you want?
I want 100 dollars.
How many times must I tell you?
My gosh.
Hey. Push the car.
I'm not getting the car fixed here,
so start pushing.
- Hey
- Let go!
We're in a rush. Is there no way?
You're in a rush?
We need to get to town
to put on a show for the elders.
- Can you please help us?
- A show?
You should've told me that sooner!
Money isn't the issue here.
When it comes to people,
it's all about sincerity.
Don't you agree?
I'll go get the parts,
so bring your car
right to the front.
Gosh, that stupid bumpkin.
He wouldn't even listen
to a word I said.
Get out.
Get everything ready.
Let's start in the afternoon.
- Okay.
- Okay.
They said they'd get started
in the afternoon.
Then should we get started too?
I'm everyone's Sang Gi.
I'm your Sang Gi.
I am Yoo Sang Gi. Hello.
Mother, Father. I love you!
I sent you the text message.
(A Party To Wish You
a Long and Healthy Life)
I'm so sorry, sir.
I got too excited.
Whether it's during the day
Or during the night
I'll run to you at any time
The person in first place is
- Number 27!
- Darn it!
Number 27!
I'm number 27!
Thank you.
I never win these things.
How nice!
Go and have a seat.
Right. Don't you want more?
- Yes.
- Yes.
That's why we prepared part two!
- We prepared a part 2!
- A part 2!
- Part 2.
- Part 2.
We prepared even bigger gifts
in part two,
so please be excited for it!
Oh, my.
Mom, let's take a selfie. Ready?
Say, cheese!
(Yoo Sang Gi's Cellphone Details)
Have some of this.
- Gosh, I know.
- Right.
Who's going to win
the prize this time?
It's big!
(Lucky Draw Box)
- Number 5!
- Number 5!
- Number 5!
- Number 5!
(Number 5)
Number five!
Number five! Gosh!
I won!
I won! Hurray for my brother!
Hurray for Yang Min Woo!
Do you want to die?
Aren't you going
to do your job right?
I'll bring them right over
from the market tomorrow,
so prepare for it properly.
Don't you dare do
a half-hearted job again, you punks.
These sweet potatoes
were handpicked in the forest
by Grandpa Oh Bok!
These are sweet potatoes!
- Sweet potatoes!
- Sweet potatoes!
- Welcome!
- Sweet potatoes!
We can do this!
- Sweet potatoes!
- Are these sweet potatoes?
- Sweet potatoes!
- Sweet potatoes!
Gosh, they're so dedicated.
We were even more dedicated.
Come and take a look!
Don't lose your energy.
Even if you're not hungry,
be sure to eat.
Tomorrow's the death anniversary
of my son,
so I'm going to make
a lot of delicious food for him.
It's the one day in a year
that you get to see him,
so you should prepare
the most delicious dishes for him.
Hold on.
I brought some vegetables.
Hold on, Father.
This is a gift.
You just need to pay
the Public Utilities' Charge and Tax.
Even if you explain it to me,
I have no idea what you're saying.
- You should just do it for me.
- Me?
Then do you happen to have
a small card?
Yes. I do.
Here it is.
You can hold onto the cash.
I'll take care of this for you.
Max out his card
and set it to 12 installments.
What is all of this?
Are you selling something?
(Failure to verify,
Device cannot be used)
This will shut down
all transmissions.
This will shut everything down.
There is one precaution.
What is it?
The distance is short.
(Failure to verify,
Device cannot be used)
Sir, this isn't working
Father's waiting.
What are you doing?
Give it to me.
I guess there is no signal.
Sir, give me a second.
Oh, it's working now.
I was going to try one of these.
Is this good?
What's wrong with this?
But how do you put this
on your back and waist?
I live alone.
Do I put it on like this?
Or do I put it on like this?
- Like this?
- Why do you keep following me
and annoying me?
I'm not going to sell it to you,
Go somewhere else!
Oh, my.
My gosh.
Why did you call me "mister?"
I'm a young man
who hasn't even gotten married!
Apologize to me.
Darn you!
I didn't do anything.
I'll go away now.
What's wrong? It's broken.
Hey, come back.
Get back here. Fix this!
Hey, you! Come back.
- I said get back
- Calm down.
- He's watching.
- Right.
- Father.
- Take care of this.
It's all good.
(Constantly Hiring)
(Rainbow Transport)
The person you reached is
This is so weird.
Why won't anyone pick up?
(Rainbow Transport)
(Staff Only)
You said you left
a red wallet in the car?
Yes, but I'll come back
when someone else is here.
It's fine.
You came all the way.
I'll get it for you.
- Okay, then.
- Take a seat and wait.
This is a task for the youngest.
Why are there so many keys?
(Lost and Found)
What's this?
- What are you doing in here?
- What?
I was
I came in to find
someone's lost item
and this happened.
Oh, yes, that. Let me have a look.
This thing,
I meant to hammer in
a few nails and I forgot.
I'll find the lady's belongings.
You can get ready to head out.
- Okay. I'll be off, then.
- Go on.
I'll do the hammering later.
No. I'll take care of it.
Don't you mind.
Okay, then.
You all did great today.
(Tell everyone we're still young.)
He makes us do this
when we could just buy it.
He never cooks.
Have you ever seen Sang Gi
buy anything?
Not once.
I'm sick of it. Why must I do this?
You're badmouthing me
which means you're full.
It wasn't badmouthing.
I was saying you're frugal.
Your hair has grown.
I'll pull it all out.
(Life starts now! We're 1 year old)
Do you have any new information?
The granny eating jeon at the end.
She's called Bok Soon
and she was recently widowed.
She got her husband's
death benefits.
- Any kids?
- They never visit,
but they regularly send money.
Find out where she lives.
Work harder.
Don't try to slack off.
I looked everywhere
and they don't save up at all.
There are no accounts
in any bank or establishment.
They must spend it all
as soon as they con someone.
Their spending habits
suggest otherwise.
They must have the money
hidden somewhere.
Bok Soon who got the death benefits.
We'll move in on her.
Be prepared.
Let's go for a stroll.
Darn it. Why the heck
Why won't it work?
It's not my fault this time.
We had it fixed.
The idiot didn't fix it properly.
I didn't like him at all.
- Shall I call him?
- No!
Call the emergency hotline.
Yes, I have your location.
I'll send someone right away.
We have an emergency.
(Emergency Repair)
You called the emergency hotline?
Why are you back?
I take care of
all the emergencies around here.
I got here fast, didn't I?
Wait. Then when we broke down
between the paddies,
I could've called
my insurance company.
- Yes.
- Why didn't you say so?
- Say what?
- To call my insurance company!
What for?
Is that the truck?
A grown adult
should fend for himself.
Why keep asking others
to do his job?
- Don't.
- Relax.
Let go of me.
- No, don't do that.
- Hold back!
- Don't do it!
- Calm down.
- Just one whack.
- No whacks.
- Let's not do this.
- You!
Be careful with the brakes!
Grandpa. You came out this far?
Wait here.
I'll give him a ride too.
Grandpa. I told you not to come this far.
Since you're all alone,
don't forget to eat well.
A hundred dollars.
Put that away.
Why do you want to pay me
whenever I give you a lift?
When you lived abroad, Grandpa,
did you always take a taxi?
These people are putting on shows
around the village.
You should check it out.
You don't have to pay anyone.
The ride is free.
Get up.
Come on, help him.
Will you pull harder?
Sang Gi.
- His shoes are expensive, right?
- Gucci.
I doubt it.
There's no way an old man
would wear the real deal out here.
- It is a designer brand.
- Goodbye.
I have the same pair.
He cut off the back
of those expensive shoes.
That's what they look like.
Let's go on our merry way.
Sang Gi.
Will you go straight to Bok Soon's?
Hold on tight!
Get off me, it's hot.
Are you home?
Excuse us.
Hey, guys.
What is this doing
Sang Gi.
Get over here.
The wood poker for this cauldron
It's a seven-iron.
It's better than mine.
This is what he uses it for?
Has he gone mad?
- Sang Gi.
- Be quiet.
Hurry up.
What's this?
Is it expensive?
Sang Gi, look.
A man may die, but not money.
The money you didn't pay off.
Your family
and all your relatives
- You and
- Who's he talking to?
I don't know.
You need to know what you're taking.
(Paradise Credit History
CEO Baek Sung Mi)
Baek Sung Mi
(Paradise Credit History
CEO Baek Sung Mi)
(Baek Sung Mi's Profile)
(Baek Sung Mi's Profile)
(Jang took fund related documents
before going off the grid.)
(Failed in Tracing Chairwoman
Baek Sung Mi's Slush Fund)
(Jang took fund related documents
before going off the grid.)
The big shot was
right in front of me.
I didn't know where to put
the nameplate,
so I just left it there.
He found it himself.
If I'd known he was going to
find it so easily,
I shouldn't have contemplated
where to put it.
We think too much.
- We need to think simply, right?
- Gosh.
(Woobong Station)
Are you here for a walk?
Old man.
Do you want me to take you
somewhere fun?
(Festival for Elders)
I love you,
Mothers and Fathers!
It's real
It's totally real
The real deal has appeared now
It's real
It's totally real
I'm going to love you for real
There is a lot of fake love
in the world
You are the only one I can trust
I wouldn't hesitate to
give you my all
You're my everything
Sang Gi.
How was the gig?
Be quiet.
Did you find it?
I looked through the old man's house,
but couldn't find it.
Are you sure
you searched thoroughly?
We searched twice. It wasn't there.
Sang Gi.
I think he hid it in the farm
like you said.
The old man disappeared.
So we went to his house.
He brought some stuff again
from somewhere.
We're following him from tomorrow.
We should go find it too.
(Motel, rooms available!)
Are they trying to ferment
their clothes?
Did they spill marinated crabs?
What's this smell?
I don't think it's here.
I touched underwear. It's not here.
There's nothing.
He was out to dig some greens.
Sang Gi. Should we just kidnap him
and torture him?
If you stomp your feet in water
because you can't catch fish,
you only make the water muddy.
That only works on sane people.
Hey. Stop acting up.
Yes, sir.
Hold on.
That bumpkin was close
to that crazy old man.
There was no safe,
let alone any cash.
What do we do now?
He's more meticulous than I thought.
I should meet him again.
Did it break down again?
I'm here for maintenance.
Are you available?
Why are you paying me so much
for just maintenance?
It's a tip for your hard work.
Your sincerity will do.
Life is all about sincerity.
(Rainbow Agricultural Machinery)
Remember the old man we met before?
Are you close to him?
We live in the same neighborhood.
Sometimes I check on him
and bring him some food.
Do you know what he does?
How would I know what he did before?
But whatever he did,
now he's just a lonely old man
who needs help, isn't he?
Does he have any land for farming?
I thought I should go help him
from time to time.
He doesn't have any land.
He's always covered in soil.
Maybe not.
Maybe he had some land.
I saw him carrying
a few red sticks before.
Red sticks?
You know, the ones you stick
to the ground as a sign.
"This is my land. No trespassing."
You know.
There. I found it!
Is that right?
Dig over there.
Don't just dig the same spot.
Scatter and dig.
- Stop following me.
- What?
(There are suspicions.)
- Come here.
- Did you find it?
Do you see the red flag over there?
Go dig it.
Sang Gi. All we did was dig.
So? Did you find anything?
Stop whining and get to work.
Let's eat. I'm starving.
You won't die
from skipping one meal.
Get to work now.
- Hurry up.
- Come on.
Oh, hot.
(Rainbow Agricultural Machinery)
The red sticks you told me about.
That land didn't belong
to the old man.
I never said he had land.
I said he borrowed red sticks.
Why did you tell me
something that's not certain?
By the way,
why do you keep asking me
about his land?
Because I'm worried.
What if he passes out
from weeding his farm alone
in the scorching sun?
No worries.
You don't need to worry about that.
- He doesn't weed the farm.
- No?
How do you know that?
- Did you see it?
- I did.
He has an issue now,
but he used to be very healthy.
He used to drive a tractor.
- A tractor?
- He borrowed
a tractor and a plow from me
for some reason.
The old man
So you're saying he borrowed
a tractor to weed his farm?
I drove the tractor
and put it where he told me to.
I asked him, "Grandpa,"
"what are you planting
that you need such a deep plow for?"
And he
refused to tell me.
Mr. Kim.
Let me borrow your tractor.
At the place where the old man went.
How can you eat gukbap
without any radish kimchi?
Here. This is my affection for you.
That's right.
When it comes to people,
it's all about affection. Right.
You don't think he'll ask you
to do it for him. Do you?
He doesn't look kind enough
to share it with me.
By the way, he came into some money.
I'm positive he didn't have that
much cash on him that day, but
Let me borrow your tractor.
Was there an ATM machine nearby?
(Quick search: ATM)
(Not found)
There isn't.
I have a hunch.
I'll know for sure
once I check something.
So the place where the idiot
delivered the tractor
is that old man's land?
My arms are totally weak.
Why don't we ask him
to dig it for us?
You idiot.
What if he finds the money?
Will you take responsibility for it?
By the way, who will drive this?
Don't worry about that.
You can go down
and take care of your work.
If you don't have anyone to drive,
I was wondering
if I would have to do it for you.
- It's okay, so go down.
- Okay.
I'll get going.
- Hey.
- Yes?
Hurry up and start digging.
(Do not enter the pasture.)
Hey, stop!
- Hey!
- Hey, come down!
We found it!
Did you find it?
- Sang Gi!
- Hurry up!
- We found it!- It's real
- It's totally real
- It's totally real
Hurry up.
The real deal has shown up right now
There's one more.
Why is there poop in here?
Oh, my. Hey. Clean this up.
Hey, Jjangdol.
Try digging someplace else.
Clean it up!
- What?
- Hurry up!
What's wrong with this?
- Hey.
- What?
This isn't moving.
Hey, come down.
My gosh.
Hey. You need to turn on the engine.
My gosh.
This isn't working.
From low to high.
Gosh, that idiot!
He gave us something
that doesn't even work!
Darn it!
- Sang Gi.
- Sang Gi.
Are you okay?
Sang Gi.
Oh, no.
This is an expensive shirt.
- Are you okay?
- What?
Sang Gi.
Over there.
The package is over there.
The package
Change of plans.
What are you doing right now?
We'll take care of the old man,
so you can go.
I need to give him his dinner.
We'll be the ones to give
the lonely, helpless old man
his dinner.
So go home.
Oh, okay.
Make sure you take care of him.
Will Mr. Jang be okay?
Hey, old man!
Where did you get this from?
You went somewhere during the day.
That's enough, you punks.
The old man's eating.
Stop annoying him.
Old man.
Do you want to go for a walk
to your farm after dinner
to exercise a little?
We'll take care of you from now on,
so don't worry.
I ate some of that.
I ate it.
Darn it.
Senility makes you do
all sorts of things.
Are you okay?
Can you do something?
These people follow me
24 hours a day.
They even follow me
into the bathroom.
Tell them you want to see a show.
I'll take care of them.
(Dr. Lee's General Store)
No way. I can't do it.
Mr. Kim asked that one of us
go up there.
You should go up then.
Or you can do it.
Our faces have already been exposed.
You're the only new face.
You're crazy.
How could I do that there
Just thinking about it
embarrasses me.
How long are you
going to stay inside?
You should come out for
some fresh air from time to time.
No way. I can't do it.
- I can't.
- You'll do just fine.
I can't!
By the way, why did that old man
suddenly want to watch a show?
He didn't even listen when you sang.
That's why I hired a part-timer.
Why aren't they here yet?
Did you hire someone properly?
I did.
I purposely chose
the closest company from here.
Goodness. I'm so sorry I'm late.
Hello. I'm Eun Yi.
Why were you so late?
Gosh, I'm so sorry.
- Hey.
- Oh, my.
- Go.
- Hurry up and get on stage.
Gosh. Okay.
I'll get going. Bye.
What are you doing, you punk?
(A Party To Wish You
a Long and Healthy Life)
Hello! I'm Eun Yi.
It's nice to meet you!
My cool friend
You're my oldest friend
You always used to laugh
At that place
My cool friend
You're my oldest friend
She's doing a great job.
Why did she hate it so much?
I know.
We would've been in trouble
if she didn't do it.
As expected from Mr. Kim. I knew it.
I feel embarrassed,
and I can't even sing that well.
It's okay if you can't sing well.
But right now,
you're the only one we have.
Well What can I do
if I'm the only one we have?
Yes, that's right
Let's bump into each other like that
Will you use your best voice
To wish me well?
I'll use my best laugh
When did she make
her own choreography?
I know. We didn't even give her
that much time.
On the muddy walls
At Mokro Bar today
Thirty-watt incandescent lights
are swinging
Encore! Good job!
Thank you!
Be careful! Thank you!
Oh, gosh. Thank you!
- You were pretty good.
- Thank you.
It's mine.
The old man gave it to me.
I have another job for you.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
That was
the best show I saw in my life.
Will you stop talking about it?
I keep imagining what I looked like.
It makes me blush.
What is Mr. Kim planning next?
He said he'd give the fools
some time for self-reflection.
Like you said, do you think
the old man will tell the girl?
He treated the girl,
not at all like how he treated us.
Sang Gi, isn't that
the old man's car?
Get out.
What's this car?
The old man gave it to me.
Also, I won't work for you anymore.
Turn off the engine and get out.
Get out while we're being nice.
Do you think I don't know
what you're up to?
The old man told me everything.
Because I'm pretty.
Darn it.
The truck.
Get in, quick!
Shoot. Get in!
They're coming.
Sang Gi, look.
I'll get you. I'll kill you!
They seem to want to kill me.
Hey, you!
Get out of the car!
You get out!
What fools. You'll only get hurt.
I see the second bridge.
Turn right at it. Don't be nervous.
I'm not nervous.
Sang Gi! She turned right!
- I see that!
- Hurry!
That darn part-timer.
- I'll get you.
- I'm here.
- The tractor.
- The idiot.
- That
- You!
You idiot.
- Hey! Move!
- Get out of the way!
- Move it!
- Get out of my way!
- You're blocking us!
- Move it!
Move to the side!
You country-bumpkin idiot!
You're so impatient.
I won't take too long.
What the
- Hey!
- Move it.
You idiot!
- Move to the side!
- Go faster!
Sang Gi, look!
- It's that way.
- There.
- Where?
- Go faster!
I want to go faster, okay?
- Get out of the way!
- Move it!
- Go, just go!
- He's moving to the side.
You country idiot!
Darn you!
Sure. See you.
(Dongcheon Quarry 500m,
Do Not Enter)
Where'd she go?
She must've gotten scared.
She left everything behind.
Sang Gi!
Sang Gi! Look.
Sang Gi.
Our truck.
Get the truck!
- Darn it.
- Hey!
Get the truck!
Hey, no, stop.
Stay still.
My truck
Let me borrow the tractor.
At the place where the old man went.
Was there an ATM machine nearby?
I have a hunch.
I'll know for sure
once I check something.
Mr. Kim?
Our truck.
Get the truck!
Get the truck!
After all I did
My truck.
Why are you crying?
Is something
My truck
Oh, dear.
It's completely gone.
It can't be fixed now.
What a pity.
My truck
This must be a nightmare.
Call Mr. Jang.
Say it's time for his final stroll.
I know people like you very well.
I get you because
we're the same kind.
The disgusting feeling
of living in fear that someone
will take what's yours.
I know that very well.
tell me everything
and all will be well.
Shall we go after him?
A senile old man
can only get so far.
He'll lead us to his stash
unless he has a death wish.
Sang Gi, isn't that a cliff?
Hey. Get him.
Sang Gi!
He's dead. We killed him.
Sang Gi, a man's dead!
You idiots.
Can't you see?
The money that old man buried.
The only people who know are
you two
and me.
It's only the three of us.
Come here.
Get over here. Hey.
You idiots never learn!
This is why you can never leave
the countryside.
(Mount Shinwoong)
This money is mine now.
Come on.
Come on.
(Marine Corps)
Mr. Jang.
You're amazing. How did you think
of jumping from there?
From next time,
let young people do this.
Yes, sir.
Kyung Gu. Help me.
Okay. Follow me.
Kyung Gu. No.
Don't start the boat.
Kyung Gu!
Hey. Hurry up.
- Taxi.
- Hurry. Over here.
Let's go.
Just hurry up and drive.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Please help me.
Wake up!
(Path to treasure)
Just leave him?
We shouldn't bother him
when he's treasure hunting.
Until when?
When he finds the buried treasure,
it'll be over.
But there is no treasure.
Not for us, but for him, it exists.
He saw it, touched it
and felt it.
It's an unforgettable day for him.
He lost all his fortune
due to the fire.
His friends left.
On top of that, a man is dead.
It'll be a despairing situation,
too much for him to handle.
Finding the money
buried in the ground
is the only way for him
to escape reality.
The worse the situation is,
the stronger
the temptation and greed
for treasure will get.
Why did you call it introspection?
He should experience
the twisted mindset that damaged
only the kindest people
It's like a prison.
Prison created by his own greed.
When will he be out of that prison?
When he realizes it,
he'll open the door and leave on his own.
But that won't be easy.
There's no treasure,
but there is a dud.
- A dud?
- What?
There were already
multiple red flags in that area.
In the army, red flags mean
the mine area.
My goodness.
- Thank you.
- Take care.
Have a good day.
You can give me the garbage.
- Does it work now?
- It works very well.
Thank you.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
It's soap.
We retrieved the money you lost
as well as everyone else's.
You don't need to worry anymore.
I don't know how to thank you.
We wouldn't ask for more
than your long and healthy life.
Mother. It's us.
- Oh, dear.
- Hello.
You didn't have to come all the way.
We don't get to visit you often.
- Are you well now?
- Yes.
Are you well?
Let's go.
I made you good food. Let's go.
I'll take the taxi out of service.
Thank you for your work.
Well done, everyone.
(Nongju Station)
Let's see.
(Staff Only)
Keep going.
Keep going.
- It sounds weird.
- What?
It sounds weird?
Go Eun.
Do you have the data from last year?
I found him.
Have a good day.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(We will never forget.)
(You were once me,)
(and I will soon walk
the same path.)
Find me my So Mang.
If we call the police,
they'll contact her parents.
Back to her parents
who don't even know who she is?
Not a chance.
- Please don't tell uncle.
- Uncle?
Mr. Kang's real name is
Kang Pil Seung.
Maybe that's why his company is
named Pil Consulting.
You don't know Mr. Kang?
He's the best
real estate consultant.
You can't go in without a ticket.
He doesn't consult anyone.
But is there really no way?
We're here to buy a house.
To live together.
You must not lie.
A child is gone?
That little kid is so fast.
- What do we do?
- Go Eun.
Will you marry me?
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