The A List (2018) s02e04 Episode Script

We Were Never Friends

[Midge] She was gonna kill me.
And then it just happened.
- [Mia] Midge, your eyes.
- What is it? [gasps]
You just look different. [exhales]
[breathes heavily]
Is she dead?
I don't think so.
[whispering] How did I do this?
I don't know, but the important thing is,
she can't hurt us anymore.
We're okay, right?
I didn't think I'd see you again,
not like this.
[nervously] Surprise.
I came to get everyone out.
There's a boat coming from the mainland.
- A way out of here, off the island.
- A way out?
For all of us?
[exhales] Well, let's go!
[both chuckle]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
- What the hell was that? Who were they?
- [both breathing heavily]
[exhales] I don't know.
Did you miss the part
where they vanished into thin air?
No. People don't just vanish.
They must be part of the conspiracy.
Whoever they were, I think they've gone.
Where's Harry?
Did you see where he went?
- No.
- Harry?
[breathes heavily]
Again with the creepy rocks.
They're not rocks.
They're graves.
This is a graveyard.
If I know Harry,
I'm pretty sure he wouldn't choose
the spooky abandoned graveyard
as his hiding place.
Wait. [gasps]
He wouldn't leave these behind.
- He's been taken.
- By the Institute?
I guess
that's where we're going after all.
We'll have to stick to Harry's plan.
Thought you were dead against
going back there.
Well, I can't leave him now, can I?
When we find him, I'm gonna kill him!
[Jenna exhales]
[heavy breathing]
Petal. Petal, can you hear me?
[breathing shakily]
Oh, please be okay.
- [walkie-talkie crackles]
- Petal? Are you there?
What did you guys do?
It's just knockout gas.
All part of the plan.
[Alex on walkie-talkie] Mia?
I found Petal!
She's outside by the main entrance.
Alex! Great, I'm coming to you.
Oh, um, I'll go get Alex. You wait here.
Check if anyone's missing.
I'll be right back.
[door slides open]
[Mia gasps] Petal!
[exhales] Is she okay?
Her pulse is normal.
She's just unconscious.
She just needs to sleep it off.
It doesn't mean
that Amber did anything permanent.
- Alex, I really need you inside.
- I'm not leaving her here.
You don't understand. Amber got in.
The gas didn't take her out,
but Midge did.
She turned her into a statue
and her eyes went this weird violet color.
A statue? As in pigeons? Town Square?
Yes, as in a statue, Alex.
We need to finish the getaway plan,
and keep an eye on Midge.
She's like a bomb about to go off.
She could ruin everything.
- What?
- Midge stopped Amber.
We've been trying to stop Amber
since the moment we've met her.
Maybe this isn't a bad thing.
She can turn us into stone.
I'd say that's a bad thing!
Midge isn't like Amber.
They literally used to be the same person!
But they're not anymore.
Look, I've spoken to Midge.
She's different.
I don't think she'd hurt us.
[exhales softly]
Petal will be okay.
We did what Amber said.
She had no reason to hurt her.
You can be back before she wakes up,
but right now,
I really need you inside.
[walkie-talkie beeps]
[both exhale]
[Mia] Midge?
[door opens]
[exhales] We have a problem.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure
we've got more than one.
[inhales] Come on.
[Alex grunts]
- [both grunt]
- What are you doing?
Well, the knockout gas
isn't gonna last forever.
They're gonna wake up [grunts]
and we need to be in charge when they do.
Only way we're getting out.
Um, are you okay?
You said there was a problem.
My mom's not here.
She must have been in a restricted section
when you released the gas.
Your mom?
- Dr. Shaw.
- [body thuds]
Dr. Shaw is your mom?
Why didn't you say anything?
Well, she said that I couldn't.
Made me keep it a secret.
Wait, Dr. Shaw?
My therapist is called Dr. Shaw.
No, my mom isn't treating you.
She would have told me.
You think there's another doctor
with the same name
involved in the same
secret island conspiracy?
Your mom's behind all this!
What conspiracy? What did she tell you?
That I was crazy.
That I made all this up!
I knew she was lying.
I'd have come up
with better imaginary friends than you.
- You wish!
- [gasps]
[breathing heavily]
Hey, wait! Where are you going?
To find her.
To find out
what the hell's happening here.
Dr. Shaw runs this place.
If she finds out what we're doing,
we're never going to escape.
All right, um,
you lock the staff up, okay,
and I'll just have to talk her out of it.
[door opens]
[heavy breathing]
[body thuds]
[Alex panting]
[groans softly]
[gasps] What, are you okay?
[exhales] Is this okay?
Do you have to ask? [laughs]
[sighs, groans]
Midge! Midge, wait!
I know you have questions,
but they have to wait.
- We have to get out of here first.
- My mother's been lying to me.
I'm not just gonna sail off
and pretend like it doesn't matter.
How do you think I feel?
- [exhales]
- Your mom's been lying to all of us.
[exhales] We all want answers,
but you know what I want even more?
To leave all this behind.
To have something
like a normal life again.
You really think
we can make it back to the mainland?
I know we can. [chuckles]
Harry's worked out all the details,
and he has a surprisingly devious mind.
You talk like you're friends.
- We are friends.
- Really?
He doesn't seem like the type
to make it into Mia's A-list.
Aren't you normally more exclusive?
Okay, I don't know
what you think you know about me,
but I came here to save everyone.
- Just like I tried to save you from Amber.
- Save me? That was your fault!
You still don't remember, do you?
Thank you, Harry, for taking us back
through the world's creepiest corridor.
[Jenna exhales]
[machine beeping regularly]
- [regular beeping continues]
- [ventilator breathing]
[Jenna gasps]
[Fitz] What is this place?
- [gasps]
- Is he here?
I've never seen any of them before.
[breathing heavily]
[wind howling]
What are you doing?
Amber took your memories
to hide her secret,
and yours.
You don't remember me,
but I remember you.
[breathing heavily]
[muffled laughing, chattering]
The secret to a good party isn't
who gets invited.
It's who doesn't.
Okay, party in my cabin tonight,
but keep it quiet. A-list only.
That's it?
That's what started all this?
[inhales, scoffs]
I'm sorry you fell off a cliff.
That sucked.
But everything since then,
all this insane drama,
is because you weren't invited to a party?
I'm sorry we never got to roast
marshmallows together,
but we were never friends.
[chuckles] Right.
'Cause you'd never
be friends with someone like me.
[wind howling]
[gasps softly]
[little girls squeal]
[both giggling]
[gasps softly]
Now we're blood sisters.
I remember.
Amber didn't just wipe your memory
of last year. She erased me.
But we grew up together.
It was always just you and me.
But then you got pretty
and popular and left me behind.
- We went to different schools.
- No, I know. I didn't blame you for that.
We grew apart. It happens.
But then we both came here,
Peregrine Island,
and you pretended you didn't even know me.
- It had been so long. I
- We were blood sisters!
Hey. Hey, wake up, sleepyhead.
- [Alex] You okay?
- [chuckles]
- Petal?
- Mm-hmm.
It's a long story.
- But, um, right now we gotta go.
- [sniffs]
So, come on.
- Kayleigh.
- Ugh. Leave me alone, Zac.
Just 'cause we're escaping
doesn't mean we're getting back together.
Come on.
[Midge] You were my best friend.
And you were mine.
I remember that now,
and I will make it up to you.
The boat's coming. We'll leave together.
You and me. [exhales]
Something's happening to me, Mia.
[crying] I'm changing.
I don't want to be like Amber.
You are nothing like her.
As long as you're with me,
you'll be fine.
Okay. Pack your stuff,
and meet me at the main entrance.
We're leaving.
[closet shuts]
- [Dr. Shaw] What are you doing?
- What does it look like?
- You can't leave.
- You can't stop me.
Marguerite, I I'm only trying to help.
No, you lied to me, like you always do.
"I only want what's best for you."
"Go to this school away from your
best friend, it's better for sciences."
"Go to this summer camp,
it'll bring you out of your shell."
I'm out of my shell, Mother,
and I'm leaving with my friends.
- You'll have to find another lab rat.
- No, you don't understand. You're sick.
Not anymore.
I'm better.
I'm surprised Zac is coming with us.
I thought he'd rather wait
for Amber to get him.
I'm right here. If you've got something
to say, just say it to my face.
- [metal clangs]
- Shh!
[Kayleigh gasps, breathing shakily]
[footsteps approaching]
- Alex!
- Jenna!
[both laugh]
Jenna! [laughs]
[girls laugh]
Hi. I I'm Fitz. I'm with Jenna.
Yeah, you all right? Uh, Zac.
- I thought you got away.
- I did, and now you all will too.
- Where's Harry?
- Um, we were gonna ask you the same thing.
Isn't he here?
- Then where is he?
- Is Brendan with you guys?
I'm sorry, Zac.
We haven't seen him either.
We need to keep moving. Mia's with Midge.
Yeah, there's a lot to catch you up on.
Things have gotten freaky,
even by Peregrine Island standards.
[Kayleigh] Oh, yeah.
Todo esto es muy raro.
Right. So you guys have seen those kids
in comas in the basement?
That's a new one.
- [footsteps running]
- Dev! Dev.
- [Mia sighs]
- [groans]
[breathing heavily]
[exhales repeatedly]
[chuckles softly]
- [beeps]
- [door unlocks]
- Where's Dev?
- I don't know.
I just woke up here.
- I'm okay.
- You're gonna slow me down.
There's a way out in the next corridor.
Go wait in the woods.
Yes, I'm rescuing you. Go!
Mia, come in. I'm with Alex.
I found Luka. I saw Dev before,
but I don't know where he's gone.
- [walkie-talkie crackling]
- [Mia intermittent]
I told Midge to pack her stuff.
That should buy us some time,
but she can switch any second.
She's as dangerous as Amber.
[Miaon walkie-talkie]
So I sent her to the wrong place.
Head to the basement exit
[sighs] and we're going to get
as far away from her as we can.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [exhales]
[breathing shakily]
- I didn't get any of that. Did you?
- Battery must have died.
Okay, I know Harry's plan,
and so does she, so let's just carry on.
Did Fitz go ahead?
Must have done.
- Dev?
- [metal clangs]
You abandoned me again.
You betrayed me, again!
No, no, no, I was just going
to get the others to come and meet you.
I heard you!
[inhales] Okay, but I had to.
You're right.
Something is happening to you.
You need help.
But not from you, right, Mia?
You run away,
like you always do, and leave me behind.
I lost a year.
All the things that I might have had.
Real friends,
my first kiss,
a mom who loved me and didn't want
to study me. All the things you have.
- What are you gonna do?
- I dunno.
I'm still trying to figure out
what I can do.
But I know what you're gonna do.
You're gonna leave.
And then I'm gonna take your friends,
and your boyfriend,
and your way off this island,
and you're gonna stay here,
as lost and alone as I was.
- ["Bad Things" by The Phantoms playing]
- [metal rattling]
[metal door slams]
Midge, please. No, I'm sorry.
You came to fight a monster,
but the monster is you, Mia.
Dev will be so much better off
without you.
Please don't hurt him.
Dev will be fine.
I'll take care of him.
[metal clangs]
After all, the secret to a good party
isn't who you invite.
It's who you don't.
Bad things are coming this way ♪
This time there's no escape ♪
The bad things are coming this way ♪
Get down on your knees and pray ♪
You best get ready to fight
or start running ♪
[ethereal music playing]
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