The Baby-Sitters Club (2020) s02e04 Episode Script

Jessi and the Superbrat

I fell in love with dance
when I was three years old.
Relevé. Passé.
One day, my mom was playing
this old song, "Always Be My Baby,"
and by the chorus, I was twirling.
She swears I was too little to remember,
but I do.
The blue rug in our old house,
my Princess Tiana nightgown,
and how I felt like
I was going to twirl forever.
But believing in
"meant to be" is easy
when you've always been, like, the star.
That's embarrassing to say,
but it's the truth.
Beautiful, Miranda.
Or at least it was
until I started class
at this new dance school
in Stamford this year.
I worked so hard to get in.
I knew it'd be more competitive,
but I figured if they picked me,
then I belonged here.
But it doesn't feel that way.
It made me wonder,
had I been the best
because I love to dance
or did I love to dance
because I'd always been the best?
This is taking forever.
This really needs a four-way stop sign.
I'm gonna be late for the meeting.
Okay, I'm trying!
Jessi, what's Q-U-I-N-O-A?
Quinoa, honey.
That little grain that Daddy hates.
How was class?
I wasn't on my leg.
And Madame Noelle
adjusted my turnout in front of everyone.
Hm. That's the whole reason
you wanted to go to this school, right?
To improve.
But I'm not improving.
And she's assigning parts
for the winter recital soon.
There's a jeté clinic
on Saturday that could help.
Saturday is Becca's a cappella concert.
If Jessi has to miss it, it's okay.
No, baby. Saturday is family time.
And we're all gonna be
at Becca's concert as a family.
I'm gonna scream.
My heart goes boom, boom, boom ♪
My head goes boom, boom, boom ♪
- Wait, Dawn, is this you?
- Yeah.
- You look great.
- Thanks, Kristy.
Logan just texted.
He said, "Playing," then ramen emoji?
Ooh, boy code. Let's analyze.
I'm pretty sure it means
he's playing Minecraft, then eating
Mary Anne, it's never literal.
Made it! Sorry.
Look, you have to send this. There.
An alarm? Kristy, really?
When was this?
- You guys look cute.
- Last week.
It was magic hour,
so I did an impromptu shoot
on the way back from the pizza place.
- You were at ballet.
- It looks like you guys had fun.
This meeting is officially in session.
Now, first order of business,
my mom said there's this big
town hall meeting in a couple of weeks.
They're discussing adding a stop sign
on Edgarstone and Kimball.
- Finally!
- Finally!
All the adults in that neighborhood
are going to the meeting
and they'll all need sitters,
so I figured we could plan
something fun for the kids
and offer a special,
discounted group rate.
- Supporting community engagement
- And special event services. I love it.
Right? Mary Anne and I counted up
all the kids in that general area
and we came up with 12.
We can watch 12 kids.
Two for each sitter.
Without Jessi, of course.
- Afternoon, Baby-Sitters Club.
- Why without Jessi? Why am I not counted?
Oh, because you're unavail.
You gave me all your dance conflicts
when you enrolled at your new school.
Your winter dance recital is that night.
- See?
- Oh.
Wait until you guys see Jessi dance.
I cried when she was in The Nutcracker.
What time's the show?
Maybe we can do both.
Oh, don't worry about it.
It's all the way in Stamford
and I don't even have a part yet.
But you will.
You're gonna be the star. I know it.
Please hold. Guys,
Derek Masters's dad is on the phone.
Derek needs a sitter every Thursday
for the next few weeks.
Wait, TikTok "Derek the Superbrat"
Derek Masters?
Oh my God.
He is the most followed
TikTokker under ten.
He's from Stoneybrook?
When he's in town. He used to be friends
with the triplets back in the day.
Claudia, you're free. Oh, and Jessi too!
- No ballet on Thursdays.
- I'm free?
I'll take it! Can I take it?
- Do you mind?
- No. Take it.
Finally. My crazy dance schedule
was letting me take a babysitting job.
And kind of the chillest one ever.
I mean, Derek Masters might be a kid,
but he was a real star.
And I was determined
to show Madame that I was one too.
I'm watching
Derek Masters' slime-squirting video.
Did you know he gets paid by the viewer?
He has, like, millions of viewers.
Don't mind me.
Just your friendly neighborhood mother
here to do your chores.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I meant to take all that down.
Squirt gave Mr. Buns a juice bath,
so I needed to do a load anyway.
Mrs. Ramsey, guess what?
Jessi is going to babysit
an actual celebrity. Derek Masters.
He unboxes, and then he re-boxes.
When he was two,
a video of him wearing a cape
and pretending to be a super villain
named Superbrat went viral.
Now he's a brand unto himself. Look.
I'm Derek the Superbrat,
and today I've got this slime gun
that fires gooey
Whatever happened to just being a kid
with memories that are private?
Oh, don't turn it on yet.
It makes the mirrors vibrate.
I'm trying to work my jeté
since the Saturday clinic is out.
Uh-huh. Well, after you eat dinner,
and finish your homework,
the washing machine will be all finished
and you can jeté until your feet fall off.
Now come on. Don't let the rolls get cold.
Did you hear that? How dismissive she was.
I mean, I need space to work.
Why can't she see that?
I mean, they
They built you a literal space.
But yes, obviously I'm on your side.
Mal, I forgot.
Did you want to stay for dinner?
God, yes!
What? At home I'm basically a waiter
and I don't even have a tuxedo.
Oh. Hey, baby.
- Hey, Mallory.
- Hi, Mr. Ramsey.
Apple juice.
- Y'all coming up?
- In a second.
I was just trying to do my best.
Stand out at my new school.
Why couldn't my parents support that?
Jessica. Now.
Why did they have to be
such parents?
Come on.
A few days later, I met a dad
who knew how to be on his kid's team.
I mean, he even had team shirts.
We are in the home stretch
of our promotional holiday series.
People need gift ideas
and they trust Derek's opinion.
Now, if you two can get at least one video
done while I'm gone, that would be great.
But no need to over-direct him, right?
I just give him the space
for him to shine, you know?
- Totally.
- Great.
Derek can guide you through everything.
You just need to run the camera.
Okay. Anything else
I need know, Mr. Masters?
Emergency numbers, allergies
It's Chaz.
Airdropped you everything.
Snacks are in the fridge.
Oh, but no dairy.
Phlegm's bad for his voice.
Uh, I'm meeting with his manager.
Should only take a couple of hours.
Hey, Derek! Anything you want me
to ask Artie before your callback?
- Nah, I'm feeling pretty ready.
- Yeah, you are.
Move over Harry Styles, huh?
Hey, Jessi. You are a star.
Artie? Yes, yes! I am on my way.
But just saw your email.
Loving a young Chalamet direction
for his new headshots.
So what would you like to do first?
We could play a game or
Let's just shoot. Hit the switch.
Your dad mentioned a callback?
Yeah. It's for this new TV show
where a kid gets elected president.
It's down to me and one other kid
for the chief of staff part.
That's awesome.
- Can you hand me that HDMI cable?
- Sure.
Whoa. You do yoga?
Cool. In the city?
I mean,
if by "the city" you mean Stamford.
I actually have an audition coming up too,
but it's not like a TV show or anything.
An audition is an audition.
My dad says it's your job to walk in
and show 'em what you've got.
And when you're the best,
they can't say no.
Derek was right.
I had gotten into my head
when I really needed
to leave it all on the floor.
And during the final class before Madame
announced her decisions, I did.
Along with every electrolyte in my body.
I think I spun out a lung
during those fouettés.
The Saturday jeté clinic helped, right?
Mes petites,
the lead role of Snow Queen
in the winter recital will be danced by
Miranda Rose.
And the wind variation
by Clementine Anderson.
As for the rest of you
I was an icicle.
Corps de Ballet. The leftovers.
Madame didn't even say my name.
is very challenging.
Your work is
to be identical to the person
I could barely wrap my head
around not getting a real part,
but the idea of my friends
knowing I had failed?
That really had me spinning,
and not in a fouetté kind of way.
So the nature scavenger hunt
might work, but
Hey, Stace, do you think
poison ivy still grows in winter?
Too soon, Kristy.
Still! God.
What about the movies? What's wrong
with the movies? It's fun and it's warm.
It's also screen time.
Okay, but what if we did
like an educational talk-back at the end?
About what we thought worked
and what didn't.
Yeah. And we could get
the kids to figure out
how much a single Sour Patch Kid costs
depending on the price of the box
and other boring math stuff.
- I'll help with the math.
- Okay.
Mary Anne, see what's opening
and check for available showtimes.
Showtimes. That reminds me.
Jessi, how'd it go with the recital?
She got the lead!
- No way!
- You didn't!
No way! Jessi, that's amazing!
"There are no small roles,
only small dancers."
Whoever said that
clearly never had to play an icicle.
But my friends were so excited.
And at least there could be
one place I got to feel like a star.
Stop. Stop the music.
Again from the top, Miranda.
Hey, Supremes! It's Derek the Superbrat.
And I was thinking, what if your hunger
for fashion could feed others?
Food for thought.
Okay, let's get to the fun part.
My neck looks weird.
Let's reshoot from a different angle.
- I'll reset.
- Great.
Any news about your callback yet?
Soon, I hope. How about ballet?
I felt like I could talk to Derek.
Pro to pro. Or whatever I was.
I'm an icicle.
Is that good?
It's background.
You know,
I've been dancing my whole life, and now,
it's just like, what's the point?
Well, maybe it's not the right fit.
If you wanna make a name for yourself,
you should try building
an online platform.
And from there on,
you can do sponsorships and acting.
I don't know.
I've I've always just been a dancer.
And I was just a baby
pretending to be a super villain.
Now millions of people
all over the world know my name.
Maybe Derek was right.
I had this big dance fairy tale
in my head my whole life,
but no one was paying attention anymore.
Maybe I should have been dancing
on TikTok,
getting clicks
and endorsement opportunities and fame.
Being a star. A real star.
Who wouldn't want that?
Besides my parents. Specifically, my mom.
She was going to need convincing,
which is why I knew I needed backup.
And you chose me?
Stacey told me how you got your dad
to loosen up, and he's a lawyer, right?
So you must have
some serious debate skills.
Yeah, I guess, but it wasn't court.
More like, "What about a half ponytail
instead of braids the entire time?"
- Hey, Mom.
- Hi.
Dinner is ready.
Just put Squirt down for the night
and we will eat
as soon as Daddy and Becca get home.
Thank you so much for having me.
Dinner smells delicious.
I wore almost your exact outfit
all of high school.
We were right near
Silvercup Studios in Queens,
and I kept thinking I was gonna
get discovered and become a star.
Oh my gosh, just like Jessi!
Wh what do you mean?
I might need to try
a different strategy for my career.
Your what?
I've been focusing so much on ballet
when what I really need to start doing
is building my online presence.
Chaz says most casting directors
are looking for people
who already have a platform.
Wait. Um, attention?
Casting directors? Chaz?
Dance isn't getting me anywhere and Chaz,
Derek Masters's dad
The boxing boy?
But he's really moved on from that.
He makes all this money
and he has millions of fans.
Yeah, he made a really cute video
about puppies doing yoga. I think.
I could start posting right away,
and I was thinking I could use
my dance space to film stuff in.
Derek and Chaz said they would
both follow me and signal boost.
When exactly were you planning
to do all this?
On top of schoolwork, babysitting,
and four weekly ballet classes.
Do you plan to sleep? Do I get to sleep?
I'm gonna quit ballet.
Oh no, you are not quitting ballet.
- But it's not working, Mom.
- Not working?
You got into a ballet school that you have
been begging to go to for three years.
That our family, as a family,
has made all kinds of sacrifices for.
You just don't understand.
I do. You didn't get a big part
in your winter show.
You're not the center of attention.
So now you want to throw years
of hard work, discipline, and focus away.
Your ego can't take it,
so you're gonna be an Internet celebrity.
Jessica, you wanna quit ballet
because you don't like it anymore? Fine.
But you are not quitting
just because you didn't get exactly
what you wanted when you wanted it.
And certainly not so you can make
YouTube videos of yourself
fooling around with packing materials
in my laundry room.
Becca was on fire today.
Time to eat.
This is Mary Anne.
Hi, Mr. Ramsey.
Nice to meet you.
Please don't tell the other girls
about my part in the show.
- Jessi, I promise nobody's gonna care
- I care.
I lied because I was embarrassed,
and now I'm even more embarrassed.
Jessica, now!
Well, I don't care
who the other kid is, Artie.
No, look, this is inexcusable.
Okay, we are gonna be thinking about
alternative representation.
I gotta go. More soon.
Jess, thanks for coming over.
Is everything okay?
Derek didn't land Kidmander-in-Chief.
But it is their loss.
We are gonna use this momentum
and bounce back
into the next thing. Right, bud?
- Right.
- Yeah.
Really push the comedy
in his shoots today.
Derek, you got this. Right?
We're gonna show them funny
and then right back on top.
- Huh? I love you.
- Okay. Love you too.
Yeah. Chaz here.
I'm sorry, I'm running a little late.
He gets so anxious.
- My career means a lot to him, I guess.
- What about you?
My views were down this month.
And I heard him mention the mortgage
to my manager, so
You know what? Let's just do this.
Derek had the weight of the world
on his shoulders.
But a ballet dancer
is supposed to look weightless.
What are you doing?
Changement. Come on.
Put down the camera and join me.
Come on.
Okay, so what do you feel like doing
right now?
What do you want
more than anything else in the world?
Ice cream!
We probably should have let it freeze
a bit longer, but I couldn't wait.
How do you know how to do this anyway?
My mom. It's her go-to rainy day activity.
Your mom lets you have ice cream?
Even with all that ballet?
Of course.
I'm home.
She just wants me to be a kid.
You know?
Your mom sounds nice. And fun.
- Hey, buddy. What you got there?
- Hey.
Jessi taught me
how to make ice cream in jars.
We used milk but my throat feels fine.
Can't wait to see the footage.
We didn't film it.
You didn't film it?
We thought it would be nice
to do something just for fun.
Look, recording doesn't make
something not fun.
I'm gonna have to talk
to your manager about this.
My manager?
Obviously, I didn't have a manager.
Which meant there was
only one person Chaz could call.
- Hello?
- Kristy Thomas here.
Founder and president
of The Baby-Sitters Club.
Make as much content
as you want, Mr. Masters.
Obviously you and Derek
have a good thing going here.
But my thing is babysitting,
not production assisting.
It's just a lot.
You know, doing this all on my own,
worrying about Derek.
- His career. The future.
- I get it.
I was raised by a single mother.
But, uh,
don't get short with my babysitters, okay?
Oh, sorry. It's my work line.
Please. I understand.
Want to try some homemade ice cream?
Chaz wasn't a bad guy.
He'd just forgotten
that while Derek might have a career,
he was still a kid.
And sometimes he just needed to do things
because they made him happy.
She was wonderful.
I knew she was good,
but I'd never seen her like this.
What had changed?
And then I caught a glimpse of her smile
when she wasn't even facing the audience.
And I knew why. Because she felt
just like me when I was three years old.
Because she felt like
she was going to twirl forever.
- Look at her!
- I know.
Ready, ladies?
Shoulders back.
It was the best I had danced
in a long time,
even if no one noticed me,
because I realized the only person
I needed to dance for was
- Jessi!
- Jessi!
I stan! And your tiara!
Charlotte, thank you!
Myriah, I love purple.
Don't get mad. I know you didn't want us
to come, but I thought
You were amazing!
Serious Balanchine vibes.
The way you were the icicle, chills.
Literal and figurative.
Thank you, guys.
Mal, don't cry.
Um, I have many, many gushing points about
what an unbelievable athlete you are,
but the children are scattering.
Oh, um
Dylan? Peter?
I know you didn't want us to come,
but I just thought everyone
needed to see what a star you are.
That we're always gonna show up for you,
no matter what.
Hold on, I have more notes
in my phone that I think
Wait, how did you all get here?
Don't tell me Kristy can secretly drive.
Trust me, she can't. I called your mom.
She agreed that
the whole team should be here.
Thank you, Mom.
Oh, honey.
What's driving a van to Stamford?
I can do it in my sleep. And have.
Baby, I am so proud of you.
- You were amazing, hon. Congratulations.
- Thanks, Dad.
- These are for you.
- I can't believe you came.
I told my Dad I had to.
I had to see you dance at least once
before we moved to LA.
My new agent says it's
the only place to be if I want to act.
I gotta try, right?
Seriously, though,
you looked so great up there. And happy.
I was.
It didn't matter if I wasn't the star,
or even the best dancer at school. Yet.
Okay, Stoneybrook group, follow me!
I didn't need to be so worried
about the future. I was just a kid.
- Here we go!
- Here you are!
- Thank you!
- That looks so good, okay!
And thanks to my friends,
and my family, that was all I had to be.
Let's get a picture.
Did you have that with you the whole time?
You know it.
Okay, one, two, three
Ain't it amazing ♪
So fascinating ♪
We're along for the ride
We live a magical life ♪
Baby, ain't it amazing ♪
Ba, ba, ba, ba, da, da, da
Ba, ba, ba, da, da, da ♪
Ba, ba, ba, ba, da, da, da
Ba, ba, ba, da, da, da ♪
We're dancin' in the street ♪
We're gonna testify ♪
Knock you out of your seat ♪
We'll take you by surprise ♪
Life gives us a sense of humor ♪
We're optimistic for the future ♪
Whoa ♪
Ain't it amazing ♪
So fascinating ♪
We're along for the ride
We live a magical life ♪
Baby, ain't it amazing ♪
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