The Baxters (2024) s02e04 Episode Script

Erin's Birthday

[Reagan] I'm really excited
for you to meet him
in a few weeks.
It's an important day
in a man's life.
First time he, meets
his future father-in-law.
Your job is to feed
and care for them
on your shift,
not to be friends.
It's natural
to have mixed emotions.
[Kari] But I'm still
mourning Tim.
[Elizabeth] Well,
then maybe Ryan
being in New York
right now is a good thing.
It doesn't feel
like a good thing.
Sam and I are moving to Texas.
[Kari] If Texas is where God
needs you to be, then that's
where you'll be.
But is it where you wanna be?
It's a great opportunity
for Sam.
I can't be friends
with you, Ash.
I have feelings for you.
I'm moving to California, Ash.
[monitor beeping]
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[phone ringing]
[woman] Uh-huh. Alright.
[cell phone ringing]
-[Elizabeth] Hey, Kari.
It's Mom.
Is this a good time?
[Kari] Yeah. What's up?
Well, I've been going through
my closet
[Elizabeth] And I'm gonna get
rid of some things
and I wanted to check with you
if you might something
before I donated.
I have some really
pretty scarfs
I think you might like.
Wow, Mom, you who has kept
every piece of homework
we've ever done?
I know.
Well, your father might have
had something to do with it.
But, I'm embracing it.
Out with the old
and in with the new.
[sad instrumental
music playing]
Sorry, I've just been
struggling with some things
around that exact same theme.
Are you okay?
I've been feeling
really guilty.
[Elizabeth] About what?
About being ready to move on
from mourning Tim.
Is that horrible?
Moving on is an important part
of surviving.
The most important part.
Why does it feel so wrong?
That's how guilt works.
It wants you to stay down,
to give up.
[inhales and exhales]
But I know Tim
and I know God
And I know that they're
both somewhere close by
waiting to lift you up, honey.
You just have to let them.
Thanks, Mom.
I needed that.
[Kari] Okay, bye.
[people chattering
[professor] Before we
get started
I want to go over your
end of semester assignment,
which is coming around now.
Please read
the guidelines carefully.
This assignment is 30%
of your final grade.
Each of you will present
a compelling argument,
both written and oral,
arguing for and against
the existence
of a higher being.
Whatever you believe
prove it to me.
You'll be working
with partners on this
because I will have
wanted you to have debated
your conclusions thoroughly.
Ms. Callahan.
Are we seriously still having
this debate?
I mean, really,
this assignment has been given
in every intro philosophy class
since the beginning of time
and we're no closer
to agreeing on anything.
Half of us are gonna
believe in facts,
the other half is going to
believe in fantasy.
What's the point?
The point is not just
to believe in something
but to understand the reason
behind that belief,
which not be as simple
as you think.
Anyone else?
Good, right.
To last week's reading
chapter eight.
-Hi, honey.
Oh, thanks, Mom.
I'm happy that these
are gonna find a new home.
Yeah, I just feel like,
all my clothes are little too
kindergarten teacher.
So, when are you leaving?
In a few weeks.
Just in time
for the big dinner.
-How exciting.
How do you feel about
me moving?
Us moving?
I'm sad of course,
I'm gonna miss you.
But I'm excited for you.
This is a great opportunity
for you guys.
How are you feeling?
I really wanna be there
for Sam.
This is his big dream
and it's gonna make it possible
for our big dream to happen,
which is incredible.
So, I feel really blessed.
You didn't really answer
my question.
How are you feeling?
[instrumental music playing]
You can talk to me, honey.
You know?
Or one of your sisters,
we're here for you.
And you know one of them
is going through some stuff
right now.
Well, you know I don't
gossip about my girls.
You always find
a way to each other anyway.
Thanks, Mom.
[birds chirping]
[Ashley] Good morning, ladies.
-Here you go.
Get in here please.
Sit down.
What's going on?
I've been calling Hank
but he can't hear me
in the garage.
[stressing] Call the police.
That woman knows where Sue is
and she won't give us
the information.
-[Ashley] Hey, it's okay.
-[old lady snorts]
Did you take here?
No, I didn't take her, but
I'm here to help find her.
Nobody took Sue.
She was just here last week.
Keep this up and I'll
block her from visiting.
All it does is rile you up.
I know you know
where she is.
You bring my Sue back.
Or I'll go and [grunts]
[yelling] Sue comes here
every week.
There are no spies.
Nobody, took her.
[old lady] No! No!
No, you're lying.
[Ashley] Okay.
Everyone just calm down.
[old lady sobbing]
Take a deep breath,
it's okay.
[Irvel] Hank
Sit down.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[old lady sobbing]
It's gonna be a rough day,
as you can see.
My advice is put them
in their rooms right
after they eat.
Social time can be too much
on days like this.
Good luck.
[sad music playing]
It's okay.
-It's okay.
-[breathing shakily]
-You're okay?
[professor] That's it
for today.
Please read chapter nine
before next class.
See you all next week.
Hey. Got a minute?
Yeah, sure. What's up, Lori?
So, that assignment.
I'm thinking it'll be
marginally less painful
if we work together.
What do you think?
Please, don't make me
suffer alone.
[people chattering
I'm sorry, I think
we're actually on opposite
sides of the debate.
-Good luck then.
-Yeah, hey, good luck.
Got a sec?
Whether I do or not,
you're here aren't you, so
So, about this morning
Is talking to the patients
like that
and restraining them
when they get up upset
really the best way?
In cases where it's done
in the interest
of patient
or staff safety, yes.
-Okay, but is it
Let me finish.
Since you're the expert,
and you feel that I owe
you an explanation,
tell me
What do you think
would have happened
if Irvel had fallen?
I guess she would have
gotten hurt.
You guess?
Do you know what the
likelihood of a broken bone
from a fall is
for a women her age?
One in four.
And should she have,
say, broken a hip
in that fall,
you want to take a guess at
the likelihood that she'd die
from complications
within 90 days.
[Belinda] Nothing to say now?
It's 80 percent.
I'm sorry, I guess
I didn't think.
Oh, no, you thought.
You thought you had
all the answers
and you'd come in here
and make the place over,
do things your way.
There's a reason things
are done the way they are
Maybe she wouldn't have
gotten so upset
if you weren't talking to
her in the first place.
Excuse me?
I just think
we can talk to them
in a different way.
Show a little compassion.
[instrumental music playing]
Think about
if it were your mother.
When it was my mother,
I wanted someone looking
after her safety.
You're not gonna win this one.
You need to follow protocol.
Get on board or get a new job.
In the future, e-mail me,
if you'd like to request
a meeting.
And don't come into my office
without my permission again.
[man] Thank you so much.
It's a huge help
that the church
is providing this service.
But we're really
looking forward to
seeing little Stephanie
this Sunday.
-See you soon.
-Yes, thanks.
Well, that was our 17th family.
-[door shuts]
-Oh, and I love
what earlier couples
said about
this giving them
a chance to worship
for one hour each week
without distractions.
I remember when it used
to be that easy.
[Pastor Mariana] Yeah,
I imagine things change
a bit when they get older.
[chuckles] Yeah.
More than a bit.
I have two girls right
now who are
struggling with confusion,
change, loss.
I don't know how to help them.
It is hard
to watch a loved one go
through a challenging time.
It can leave you
feeling hopeless.
I know I need to let them
find their own way.
I don't always like it.
I know your family, Elizabeth.
You and Jon have
raised five strong
children of faith.
Love them and believe in them,
as you always have
and always remember,
Psalms 34 tells us
"The Lord is close
to the broken-hearted"
[both] "And saves those
who are crushed in spirit."
Thank you.
Of course.
[Kari] Hi, Tim.
It's me.
Just me this time.
Jessie's at home.
Pretty sure she's getting
bigger every day.
I came to say goodbye.
I realized that I've never
actually said that before.
I've been so busy
trying to make sense
of everything
and keeping it together
for Jessie.
But God gave me
a new purpose
and I have to
grab onto it.
And I can't do that if I'm
still holding onto you.
I have to let go now.
Thank you
for everything that you
taught me
everything we went through
that made me a stronger person.
And for our little girl.
I promise to be
the best mom I can to her.
And I'm gonna live
my life to the fullest.
The way I know
that you'd want me to.
The way God wants me to.
Goodbye, Tim.
Rest well.
[instrumental music playing]
[plates clattering]
[Tom] So, I'm standing there.
in the middle
of Reykjavik Harbor
on the top deck
of this boat praying
for the Northern lights,
and I turn around
and everybody's gone.
-Everybody had gone.
-[all laughing]
I almost did too
because it was that cold,
but I'm not a quitter
and I was determined
to see the Northern lights.
[Reagan] It sounds like it.
And I did not see
the Northern lights.
[Reagan] Well, I would like
to thank you both
for holding off on the law talk
until now.
But I do give you both full
permission to just dive in.
Reagan knows
that I'm a bit obsessed
-with the field.
Our field.
How did you decide
you wanted to study Law, Luke?
Uh, well,
for the longest time,
I thought I wanted to be
a doctor like my dad.
What changed your mind?
Biology 101.
Uh, yeah.
No, I just
I realized that, um
I wasn't actually interested
in medicine.
So, law then.
I wanna help people.
And, uh,
fight for what's right.
I know that it's not
saving lives in a hospital
but, uh,
I think that justice saves us
in other ways.
That's an altruistic way
of looking at it.
I like it.
-Reminds of me of myself
at you age.
Law is a tough road though.
Lot of school,
lots of long hours.
-You up for that?
-Yes, sir.
-Hey, I'm ready to work hard.
My Dad always said that, uh
nothing good comes easy.
That's a wise man.
You should apply for a summer
internship at our firm then.
-[Reagan chuckles]
-In New York?
-Send me your resume.
I'll make sure it gets
to the right place.
Yeah, absolutely.
I I will.
Thank you so much.
But just promise to
give him back.
Eh, we'll see.
[all chuckling]
Okay. Here are some snacks
for you guys.
There's bowls on the shelves
if you need them.
How do I look?
It depends. Where are you
even going?
I'm Um
Gonna meet Erika
after I make a quick stop.
-Nowhere important.
Is there anything specific
we should know about
taking care of Cole.
No, I already put him to sleep.
Just make sure he doesn't
get out of bed.
And if he does,
make sure he's still alive
when I get home.
-That easy, huh?
Thanks so much, guys.
Listen, when you have
a kid, I'll watch him
whenever you want.
[whispering] Just don't
let me do that.
There are bowls for that.
Ashley is lucky to have you.
Yeah, last minute care
isn't easy to come by.
I guess it's something
we gotta think about if
we're living in Dallas.
Oh, we will.
Can't wait till
we live there full-time.
I'm done flying out
for the work week.
Yeah, it'll be hard.
Living there.
What's this about?
I'm just saying that there are
some aspects of the move
that make me really nervous.
Since when? I thought
you said that you were
excited about all this.
I am excited.
And also nervous.
There's nothing to be
nervous about, Erin.
And people move.
Maybe not the Baxters,
but people all over.
I don't think you realize
how much you're asking
me to give up.
Do you have any idea
what I'd be giving up
if I didn't take this job?
I'm not talking about money.
I'm talking about my family,
my job.
You can teach anywhere.
I grew up in that school, Sam.
My siblings grew up
in that school.
It's not just where I work.
It's a part of who I am.
It's a part you're asking me
to walk away from.
Erin, I have spent
my entire adult life
working towards this.
Do you have any idea
how many hours
I put towards this job?
Yeah, I do, because I've been
alone at the dinner table
for a lot of them.
That is not fair.
I'm sorry.
I love how passionate
and committed you are
to your job.
I just wish that sometimes
you'd give a little more
of that time to your wife.
[Cole] Mommy.
Great, now we woke Cole up.
[knocking at door]
Surprised to see you here.
I came to apologize.
I didn't
like the way that
we left things at the hospital.
[scoffs] Yeah.
I'm sorry.
I misled you.
[instrumental music playing]
I hope that
you can forgive me
and we can be friends
again, someday.
[whispers] Okay.
I I know you need to rest.
Hey, Ash.
We don't have to wait
till someday to be friends.
Let's just be friends now.
But I thought you said
that you didn't want to be
unless we could be
-You know
-Well, I thought about it.
And, um, I just wanna
spend some time with you
before I go.
If that's okay with you.
Yeah, that'd be cool.
So, I was just about to
order some Chinese.
Moo shu pork.
The best.
Wanna join?
[whispers] Sure can.
[sad music playing]
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
[John] Teenage Kari
must have put
something very important
in this box.
[Erika] What are you up to?
Two fun projects
for two special ladies.
[Luke] I would love it
if you'd come
and you'd meet my family
before you head back
to the city.
Name the time and place.
How about where Reagan
and I first met?
And the honor's all mine.
Are you sure
the meeting's here?
This place is empty.
[theme music playing]
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