The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s02e04 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 4

"The witch of the Crow's Nest
lives in a ruined house
hidden in the woods."
I don't believe it, but she's hiding
because she doesn't want to be seen.
No, she says it's because
people are scared of magic.
My dad does that trick
where he pulls a coin from your ear.
It's not magic.
I know, silly. That's just a joke.
I'm scared, Patricia. Let's go back.
Why be scared of the witch,
if she doesn't exist?
Come on, Celia, we're close now.
I don't care what that scaredy cat says.
I know the witch is real.
The only thing is that sometimes
the witch gets sad and talks to herself.
"Or that's what I thought until I realised
she was talking to a ghost,
the ghost of the girl
they killed many years ago.
The girl who gave her the spinning top.
I took the top from her
and showed it to Celia,
but she still doesn't believe me."
- Can't you sleep either?
- No chance.
We have to work out
how to get these to the Police.
Are you still reading that?
Your mum knew someone
from the Crow's Nest.
And she also talked
about the ghost of a girl.
The girl, the spinning top,
the witch in the woods.
It's a story she told us
when we were little.
But it's just childish nonsense.
And how did the story end?
I don't remember. I know it didn't say
anything about how to end all this.
What if there's some truth in all this?
There is.
My mum did become a witch.
That part is true.
Why do you hate her so much?
All that matters now
is getting the papers to the Police
and finding Manu.
Celia doesn't get it,
but the witch is my friend.
She tells me about her travels
around the world and her magic.
She has a book of spells,
the Dragonfly Book.
I got out of class.
I know what that is.
The Rune of Death.
The symbol of the Crow's Nest.
I have it too, on my neck.
I know.
There are so many things
that you have to tell me.
Wait, hey, hey
Don't leave like this.
What is it you can't tell me?
Am I a killer?
That's a yes.
You saved my life.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Are you alright?
Uribe, perhaps this
will teach you a lesson.
It's very easy
to stray from the right path.
Do you hear me?
Come on.
Students taking sports are reminded
that the five-minute shower
is obligatory.
Personal hygiene shows respect
for yourself and those around you.
It was so cold.
It's OK now.
What did you take, Adèle?
Is all this because of Mum?
did you get the clothes
from the laundry?
Yes, I picked them up this morning.
Did you know that Mum
was friends with Celia?
The card I gave you was written to her.
She said she was really fun.
Remember how we used to dance?
And how her cakes would never rise?
She told us to keep it a secret
as it was embarrassing
for a scientist.
What she did to Dad and those people.
It's worse than if she were dead.
Listen to me.
I'll do whatever it takes to get us out.
OK? Whatever it takes.
Paul and Adèle Uribe, come to
the headteacher's office immediately.
Paul and Adèle Uribe.
Come in.
Aren't my niece and nephew lovely?
As you didn't come to the wedding
If Mohammed won't come to the mountain
and all that.
This is Nicole.
My wife.
I'm very pleased to meet you.
- Same here.
- Congratulations, I guess.
You look good.
How you've grown, Adèle.
A real young woman.
Thank you.
You're still the same.
Why are you here, Marcel?
My nephew is what you call
a free spirit, always direct.
The truth is that
May we sit down?
You're adults now.
I think it's time for you, Paul,
to become more involved
in the family business.
Part of the business
belonged to your dad.
Let's just say that for certain
transactions I need your cooperation.
I'll sign what you want,
if you get us out of here.
In the middle of term,
that wouldn't be wise.
You might have to repeat the year.
Please, Uncle Marcel,
get us out of here.
there's no need to be so dramatic.
Last night I was punished
and locked in a dungeon.
Is that true?
Yes, it's the truth.
It's common practice here.
We're also forced
to take cold showers, and--
Enough! Paul, that's enough!
These kids exaggerate everything.
Please, Adèle. A dungeon?
It's more of a place of solitude
and reflection.
We value discipline above all else.
And it is clearly something
that Paul and Adèle need.
No, what we need is to go back home.
I'm quite sure the boarding school
is the right place for you right now.
Think it through.
Either you get us out of here,
or I won't sign a thing.
Let's go.
It's important, Paul.
Take these papers,
and sign them for me, understood?
- I'm not asking as a favour?
- Really?
I want you to clean with this, OK?
And with this sponge.
Turn on the hot water.
- Get in the shower, there's hot water!
- Come on.
I'm coming too.
I'm not missing this.
- How is the student?
- Fine.
She came over all dizzy,
like a drop in blood pressure,
but she's gone back to class now.
You OK?
Inés Mendoza
has a tattoo on her neck.
The symbol of the Crow's Nest.
Do you know what that means?
Because I do.
I doubt it's what you think.
Elvira, these days
kids will get tattoos of anything.
I know what I saw.
It makes sense, if you think about it.
No, it doesn't,
because you're talking
about a student and a medieval lodge.
Don Arturo, explained it to me.
The punishment for the Crow's Nest
is oblivion.
What if the cause of Inés' amnesia
wasn't the accident?
You're the one forgetting
that we're in the 21st century.
León, they've used me.
Just like Darío Mendoza
is using maleic acid,
experimenting on students
to help his daughter recover her memory
and break the curse of the Crow's Nest.
Look, I know this all sounds strange,
but I can see it so clearly.
The Crow's Nest is Corax
in the 21st century.
Corvus Corax.
Elvira, don't go talking about this
around here.
I've been funded since university
by Corax.
I've been so stupid.
But I'm not staying one day longer.
Elvira, please.
Carnival of Venice?
- We've got him.
- Is that wrong?
Carnival of Cadiz. I don’t know.
Inés, did it happen again?
It's worse every time.
The walls were closing in on me.
You can keep talking.
Don't mind me.
But why us?
I don't know.
I see a girl.
A girl who is dead.
Inés sees her too.
Come on, Amaia.
- If you can see her then she's alive.
- Nope.
She has a broken neck
and ripped-out eyes.
OK, I'm done.
- No, Amaia, I'm sorry.
- What?
Are you serious?
If you're seeing spirits
or ghosts or whatever you see,
maybe they have
unfinished business here.
What does that mean?
I'd have left them without breaks
or hot water for another month.
we'll see how they behave now.
I get the impression
you two really enjoy all this.
Can I talk to you, sir?
About the homework for Wednesday.
Of course, one second.
How are you? I was worried.
Bad. I can't handle this.
Don't worry.
"Don't worry" is all I've heard
since I woke up from the coma.
But I have dreams
or memories or visions.
I don't know what they are,
I don't understand.
I know Darío isn't my father.
I don't even know
what my name is.
Tell me who I am,
and why they're lying to me.
If what we had
was so strong and so real,
then trust me.
How could I not trust you?
Come to my room
during study period.
"I know Celia won't believe it,
but I saw the ghost today.
I opened the hiding place in the witch's
house using the eyes of the magic lion."
We're talking ghosts and magic lions?
We should be working out how
to get the Corax reports to the Police.
This won't help with getting out of here
or helping Manu.
"There I found the definitive proof
that the ghost existed
and that the witch is a witch.
But because I escape to the woods to be
with her, they're going to expel me."
Paul, your mum escaped
from the school before you did.
Keep going.
This bit is crazy.
"The headteacher took some things from me,
but the real proof
which will stop Celia calling me a liar,
I hid right under his nose."
It's in the office.
In Mara's office?
But it's been like 40 years.
No, the headteacher then was Don Arturo
and his office is in the monastery.
Right, I'll see you later.
- Yes?
- We've finished the windows.
Good. Then sweep the floor.
So, my uncle thinks I'm an idiot.
He says he wants me in the business,
but he wants my inheritance from my dad.
What a dick. Don't sign a thing.
We'll get out of here
and blow the lot.
We have to get the Corax reports
out of here and to the Police.
It's ridiculous.
We have reports that say
we're the lab rats of a psycho,
and we're doing nothing.
How are you, Paul?
I've been thinking
about what you said.
And why not?
We can think about some other schools.
For next year.
What do you think?
Sign the documents,
and this evening
I'll take you both out for dinner,
to celebrate.
What time?
Eight o'clock?
Great, thank you.
See you later.
What are you doing?
Tonight I'll get those reports out
and give them to the Police.
Guys, I think I now know
how to sneak into the monastery.
What happened?
- What?
- You're such an idiot.
Manu would also think you're a moron,
for what you just did.
And the more I know you
the stupider you seem.
I'm finding the same with you.
But for a long time now,
since the first day I saw you.
I thought you were an idiot as well.
When Manu comes back,
I'll get out of your way.
Look out, your brother's coming.
Can I talk to you for a moment?
- Bea, right?
- Eva.
You have your book upside-down.
I have
the feeling
Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe I'm not.
But something is happening
between Inés and you.
I say this in case you've forgotten
that there is a red line
that you cannot cross with her.
She's not even called Inés.
Inés was your daughter and she is dead.
And whatever you do,
she'll still be dead.
What happens
when she finds out the truth?
What truth?
What you do to the students
at this school.
You're spending too much time with Elvira.
- Elvira isn't stupid, Darío.
- Neither are you and I.
Stay away from Inés.
I'd also stay away from Elvira.
I don't think she'll be around
much longer.
You know what, León?
Everything has consequences.
Don't forget who I am.
Students are reminded that study period
is necessary for revision and learning.
Luís, can you open the gates?
Hey, my love.
What's wrong?
Are you OK?
You know the fourth leaf
is a recessive gene?
I was worried about you.
Are you sure you want to leave?
You can't leave all this unfinished.
León, I don't want
anything to do with them.
I owe it to Elías.
I know.
But sometimes
you have to change things from within.
But those people have a lot of money,
a lot of power and few scruples.
What can you and I do alone
against them?
There's something I haven't told you.
I was born in this valley.
I didn't live here for many years.
But when I was little,
the women would tell stories.
In this valley, fantastic things happen
for a scientist like you.
Remember when you told me about
the Crow's Nest and the Draco Musca?
I've found something
that changes everything.
Man is condemned to be free;
because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
He's late.
Hey, where are the Corax reports?
I don't remember
what it's like to eat in a restaurant.
So long as there's a phone.
OK, so I'll entertain them
while you go to the toilet?
I'll hide the reports in the toilet,
then call the Police
to tell them where they are.
And if they don't listen to us?
They'll listen.
Did you think I wasn't going to show?
I don't want you out of the way.
Not now, not ever.
Amaia Torres,
you can't be here, back inside.
Quickly, make a wish.
To get straight back to Paris.
Not out loud,
or it won't come true.
Well, well, well.
Welcome to my home, mon ami.
- Good evening.
- How are you?
I imagine you know Darío Mendoza,
the one and only.
Come in, guys. Come on.
That's Don Arturo's office.
Come on, let's go.
OK, now what?
We get the Ouija board out?
How about we take this moment
to make a toast?
To this new partnership
between your laboratory
and Corax.
A toast also to our host
for welcoming us into your home.
Very good.
I just handed over our inheritance
to a psychopath.
Why don't you take your coats off
and eat something?
The food is delicious.
A bit of everything.
- Try these, they're really good.
- Are they?
They're delicious.
Paul, what now?
With goat's cheese.
- There must be a phone around here.
- Yeah.
But what if he has Manu here?
And what if Room 3 is here?
- I'll show you around later.
- It's a lovely house.
Inés, what are you doing up?
You should be in your room.
And miss the party? No way!
- I'm much better.
- She's a beauty.
- Enchantée.
- A beauty, as you said.
It's a pleasure.
Damn. My mum used to bollock me
for not cleaning behind the furniture.
But Amaia, what are we looking for?
- There must be something.
- I don't know where else to look.
It's not a flying feather duster.
There's nothing here, let's go.
- Or a potion that turns us into frogs!
- Shit! You scared me.
Hey, can we hurry this up?
I'm imagining that girl in front of me.
Frightened because
they were going to expel her.
Thinking quickly
of where to hide her treasure
before Don Arturo came back.
What are you doing?
Turn off the light.
Hold this.
Be careful, Amaia.
Amaia, get down.
Right under his nose!
- What is it?
- My grandparents have these.
- A tin?
- No, it's a reel of film, or something.
I think I know where to watch it.
Shit. I think I know where we are.
The progress is significant.
And music is key.
It has allowed us
to delve much deeper
Paul, what if we ask Inés for help?
- It's her house.
- No.
Look at her, she's in her element.
Excuse me.
Where's the toilet?
It's that door there.
What happened?
Are you alright?
- Yes.
- And what's this?
Give it here.
How odd. What is this doing here?
It should be somewhere else.
I thought I had given them to Fran.
Where is my head?
There. Sure you're OK?
- Yes, thank you.
- I'm glad.
What are you doing here?
I'm on your side, I already told you.
Go upstairs and leave me alone.
What are you looking for?
Have you heard of Room 3?
Where your father keeps Manu.
He's not my father.
And how could he be keeping him here?
There's nothing here.
The magic lion,
like your mother said.
Will you do it, or should I?
- It's this way, right?
- Yes.
Guys, up here!
Students are reminded
that bed time is in five minutes.
The lights will be turned off
in five minutes.
It's in the store room. Come on.
It spent more than 400 years
buried in a tomb.
Draco Musca.
But how is this possible?
León, it wasn't a metaphor.
They managed to stop time.
It's the sanatorium!
We were just there.
It's during the Civil War.
Who's that?
It's the girl who was killed.
The girl Paul's mum
talks about in her diary.
What is this?
The place where my mum said
the witch used to hide.
bring the light over here.
Is that you?
With León.
You knew each other?
But it says 'Alicia Bernal'.
- This doesn't make sense.
- I don't understand.
That's Inés.
Inés in 1936.
Leave that. You have to rest.
You film me.
So you'll remember me
when I'm gone.
You're not going anywhere.
We're going to be together forever,
even if I have to sell my soul
to the devil.
Together forever.
Every day.
Adaptation: Daniel Murray
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