The Chosen One (2019) s02e04 Episode Script

Healing or Curse?

[tense music]
[woman 1] Stop!
[Lúcia] No!
[both panting]
[woman 1 groans]
Let go!
[both groaning]
[Lúcia straining]
[Enzo panting]
Son of a bitch!
- [Lúcia] Help me!
- [Enzo] Grab her legs. Grab her legs!
[Lúcia breathing heavily]
[tense music]
Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
[Silvino] Here, here.
[Silvino grunts]
I got her.
[engine revving]
[somber music]
I don't even know you were here, Mom.
Sometimes, I miss having you
at home so much, my sweet Zulmira.
Stop it, Mom.
I couldn't keep living with you guys
at 40 years old, right?
[Zulmira] I have to create my own destiny.
If The Chosen One hasn't dreamt
of my husband yet,
I'm probably not going to have one. Hmm.
- [sighs]
- [Zulmira] Oh, Mom.
Don't be like that.
Despite it all, everything's fine.
I know.
I'm over this marriage thing anyway.
[Laura] I know.
It's just that Dr. Lorenzo
thinks he knows
what might be wrong with me.
What do you mean? The bleeding?
[Zulmira] The weight loss?
Honey, it's cancer.
[Laura] In my uterus.
After I was blessed
with you and your sisters,
it seems like God may be punishing me.
That's blasphemy, Mom!
God only gives blessings.
He gave us The Chosen One.
He'll take the cancer from you.
Dr. Lorenzo sent someone.
I know The Chosen One will cure me.
But if we were somewhere else,
- my time would have come.
- [sighs]
You're not going anywhere, Mom.
[indistinct chatter]
[ominous music]
What's wrong?
Nothing. Just rest, okay?
And remember, this is our secret for now.
Why keep it a secret?
Didn't you say The Chosen One
would be happy to have me here forever?
Yes, I did.
But first, you need to get better.
Otherwise, it was all for nothing.
[Damião] Promise me
you'll keep it between us for now.
[retreating footsteps]
[indistinct chatter]
[ominous music]
Still chronicling the beauties of Aguazul?
Of course. It's a beautiful place.
[Damião] Everything okay?
Why wouldn't it be okay, Damião?
Exactly. Why wouldn't it be, hm?
You wouldn't believe the incredible scenes
I have been shooting here.
Chosen One, we need you.
[The Chosen One]
Brother, I'm busy right now.
[foreboding music]
[sighs sharply]
The party is over.
I ask you all to excuse me.
[camera whirs, beeps]
Damião, stop!
[Eva] Fuck!
[camera beeping]
[Eva] That's my work!
Give it back!
Damn, Damião, stop it!
- What are you doing?
- [Damião groans]
Did you delete them?
You fucking asshole.
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
You are only authorized
to tell the story you saw out here.
Not what happened inside.
If I promise not to tell
can you explain it to me?
[ominous music]
Listen to me. Her very life is depending
on the things that I had to do back there.
[foreboding music]
What on earth
was going through your head, huh?
Do you have any idea
what you might be destroying?
I don't know what you're talking about.
How dare you go into the cabin?
The Serpent might have influenced you
to try and destroy the cabin.
We won't blame you for that.
But we need you to tell us what happened.
We need to know
why the Serpent is doing this.
What are you laughing at?
You're afraid of him.
I'm not afraid of him.
These two?
Vicente, Tomás, Lorenzo.
You're always surrounded, aren't you?
[Cleuza] Surrounded by an entire camp.
But him
He's just one man.
And still,
you need an entire army around you.
He's not a man!
And I know you're aware of it.
Whatever he is,
it's enough to terrify you.
Isn't that right, Chosen One?
What would Imaculada think
if she saw you now?
[Cleuza] Do you know what
all this fear of yours makes me think?
Wouldn't it be curious
What if I, who was at your birth
was also there to watch you die?
[ominous music]
[Lúcia] My God, what have I done?
[engine revving]
[Lúcia] What's gonna happen to this woman?
She's gonna be his life,
to a fucking lunatic in a jungle.
And it's all your fault.
It's all your fault, Enzo!
I may be cured,
but I'm fucking a criminal now.
And for what?
For your fame, for your glory.
You're pathetic!
You're an idiot, you son of a bitch!
[woman 1 groaning]
[gasps, muffled grunts]
[Mateus] Cleuza.
How could you?
How could you?
You know he uses lies as a weapon.
So do all of you.
You're no saint.
[Cleuza] You can't heal.
What are you saying, you demon from hell?
Calm down, Brother.
She doesn't know what she's saying.
And what about you?
You should've been at the campsite
protecting the cabin,
but you weren't there at all!
I wasn't there
because you already started the ceremony.
You wanted to show off to that journalist!
You wanted to open Aguazul to the world.
[Mateus] This never would've happened
if I were here.
[water trickling]
I was against it.
It was you.
You should have been at the campsite.
[Mateus] The Serpent only fears you.
Don't you dare talk like that
to your sacred
I'm not talking
to The Chosen One right now.
I'm talking to my brother!
[Mateus] Who only happens
to be The Chosen One.
If either of you care
about the Aguazul that we know,
not the one that you pass off
to outsiders,
you go back to the campsite right now.
Let it be said.
Here, lies are also used.
[The Chosen One] Santiago
bring the survivor here.
Why do you wanna involve him?
I want you to bring Damião here.
Right now.
Listen, Damião.
I don't want to diminish anyone's fate.
But I do have a job to do.
Sooner or later,
whether you like it or not,
the world is going to know
what happens in Aguazul.
- And you want all the glory for that.
- Why not?
What else is it that you need?
You've seen miracles, screaming, chaos.
With the material you already have,
the press will go wild.
What else are you really looking for?
What exactly are you doing here, doctor?
I'm not a doctor around here.
Not what I saw back there.
You wouldn't understand.
So that's it, hmm?
- [Damião] Huh?
- [Eva] Mm-hm.
That's what I still need to know.
I wanna understand why you're still here.
I told you already, I
Damião, I already know everything
that you're about to say,
but I'm convinced that there's more.
Maybe something
that you wanna find out here
and that you still haven't told anybody.
You know?
What I don't understand?
There's a guy here
thought to be chosen by God
walking around working miracles.
Why are you focusing on me?
Because while his story might be good,
yours is even better.
- [Eva] Yeah.
- How come?
Because his is probably fake,
and yours isn't.
Besides, he's constantly doing
strange things
that don't even make any sense.
So what?
[Santiago] Damião.
The Chosen One wants to see you.
We'll talk about it later.
[foreboding music]
[door opens]
[foreboding music]
You said you heard a voice
speaking to the Serpent
when you were his prisoner.
Was it Cleuza?
- Yeah.
- [machete rasps]
Maybe she's been giving him information
for years!
- No!
- Witch.
The beast that threatens us
is messing with your head, Cleuza?
Did it tell you I your enemy?
Did it talk to you with my face?
Does it imitate my voice?
You will be kept in isolation
for your own good.
And for ours.
[soft groans]
As for you, Damião,
why did you not tell us before?
I just couldn't be sure until now.
- Hmm.
- [Damião] I couldn't accuse her
of something I might have hallucinated.
I don't know, I was drugged.
It was confusing
[The Chosen One] Honestly
[foreboding music]
I no longer think
you can be a part of Aguazul.
[Damião] What do you mean? Calm down.
Just give me another chance to remind you
that I am on your side.
Listen, there's just one more thing
I need to tell you.
[birds squawking]
Are you lost, Zulmira?
No, I'm just looking for Damião.
You like to bother me even more
when Mateus is away, don't you?
What does that mean?
You know exactly what that means,
You're the one who's afraid
of Mateus coming back.
I'm not afraid of Mateus.
Tell me, what exactly is your problem
with him?
Is it that you think
you'd be a better leader for Aguazul?
Or is it something else?
I'd be a better leader than he is.
But not just a better leader.
At least I could be sure that my interests
were the same as Aguazul's.
Mateus is a good man.
And he wouldn't like it
if I happen to tell him
you were betraying his trust.
It's funny to hear you defend him still.
After everything that man has done to you.
You can be sure Santiago
and The Chosen One will hear about this.
It'll be your word against mine, Zulmira.
The word of Mateus' wife.
Don't forget, Vicente.
[Zulmira] Chosen One.
Do you ever have dreams about me?
Yes, Zulmira.
According to the messages
I've received from my Father,
it seems you will no longer be
without a husband in this family.
[all laughing]
[The Chosen One] Zulmira was blessed.
Because she'll become
a member of my family.
[indistinct chatter]
Zulmira is promised to my brother.
[foreboding music]
Mother, please tell me,
what just happened?
A blessing, my child.
A blessing.
Yes, but why Mateus?
All of those other women want Mateus,
they worship him.
And since when, my child,
is that a bad thing?
[Laura] God was kind to you, my daughter.
Make the most of it.
It just doesn't seem
like God wrote this story.
Don't talk like that.
Mateus is revered.
He's always looked after our village.
Yes, he's handsome,
but he's also a religious man
and loyal to his family.
And those are the traits
that you'll be marrying.
[Laura] Don't worry about others,
my child.
The moment he accepts
the word of The Chosen One,
he will never betray you.
[Vicente] Yeah.
The word of a betrayed woman.
Against the word of a jobless man.
[indistinct chatter]
Fill him with the holy light
- See that?
- No.
[Eva] Pay attention to his hand.
You see it now?
He was holding something
before he even got close to that guy.
So, what is it?
[Eva] A piece of meat or something.
It's an old con artist trick.
See it? Look.
It looks like he took the tumor out.
But it was the same piece of meat
he had in his hand
before he even touched the guy.
But the man was cured, wasn't he?
Maybe it seems that way.
But doesn't it look like an illusion?
No, he was cured.
The Chosen One wasn't just acting for you.
Then why on Earth would he use
such a cheap trick?
That's a mystery
you'll no longer be able to solve.
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
[Eva] Don't touch me.
[Eva grunting]
Let me go!
Let go of me!
You can get off now.
Let's go.
[birds chirping]
What is this place?
- [grunting]
- Why are you bringing me here?
You're gonna be okay.
Just stay calm, all right?
Everything will be fine.
It's all gonna
Don't even think about it.
We are too close to go back now.
[ominous music]
I've erased everything on her computer.
All the videos.
[ominous music]
I'm sure there's more stuff on her phone.
She has it.
Go on. Delete it now.
[cell phone beeps]
[cell phone chiming]
[Eva] No!
[panting, groaning]
[Zulmira] Santiago?
There's something you should know
about Vicente.
- [Vicente] Don't believe anything she
- Mateus?
You're back?
For now.
I didn't expect to see you again so soon.
- I know.
- [Silvino] Help me!
Help! Help me!
[somber music]
[Silvino panting]
What is going on?
She passed out.
- [Mateus] What do you mean she passed out?
- Mateus.
What happened, Silvino?
Didn't you know?
[Mateus] Know what?
Our brother has refused
to cure the doctor.
You what?
You refused to cure Lúcia?
Is this true, Brother?
Yes, Brother. This is true.
I refused before.
[ominous music]
But I will cure her now.
[Zulmira] Are you sure, Mother?
What saddens me the most
is knowing how much you will miss me.
But I feel
as if there's no life inside me.
What do you mean?
You're still here, right next to me.
You're talking, walking, living.
It's the fourth time. The fourth.
[Laura] It's my destiny calling me.
It's time to accept it.
[somber music]
I will never accept it.
[The Chosen One]
That is a very brave decision, Laura.
Death is a present the Lord has given us.
Do not be ashamed of it.
[foreboding music]
- [indistinct whispering]
- [wind whooshing]
[suspenseful music]
- [birds squawking]
- [animals chittering]
[Laura] Why am I here?
[The Chosen One] Drink this, Laura.
Take Lúcia to the church.
That's where the ritual will take place.
[The Chosen One] Not you.
Your transgressions are over.
Go back to the campsite.
I have another mission for you.
[Damião] Don't be afraid.
He's not gonna hurt you.
Come here.
So, you're my new Angelina?
[breathing heavily]
Take her out to the camp, Mateus.
And begin the transformation.
Your wish is my wish, Brother.
[ominous music]
And now?
I did my part.
I believe that, now, it's your turn.
So, after all this,
after everything you've seen so far,
do you still believe
that I'm not the power?
That something is hidden in the jungle?
Well, I think I have the right
to find that out for myself.
[The Chosen One] Mateus will take you
to the Holy Ground.
Holy Ground?
I can't even taste anything anymore.
Why won't you just let me die, Chosen One?
I have to do something first.
And you have to help me.
- [Laura] I have to?
- Yes.
The Sacred Father showed me that,
before your final grace,
you need to reunite
with your daughter Zulmira
one last time.
They asked for this.
Are they waiting for me, Chosen One?
You have no idea.
[foreboding music]
[birds squawking]
[indistinct whispering]
[eerie music]
[eerie music continues]
[Silvino] You know what, lady?
It might not help to hear this
but in the other villages, they talk.
And they said other journalists
that were here before
were treated a lot worse.
The Chosen One let you stay
longer than anyone else.
Uh-huh, I guess I am also pretty surprised
that he let me stay this long.
[engine revving]
You know what I've been wondering
about you?
Don't you care
about the things that go on here?
[Eva] All the secrets?
What happens to the women?
What goes on here are miracles, ma'am.
- Miracles.
- [Eva] Are they, really?
The Chosen One seems
so physically weak, unstable.
Do you think it's normal for a sick person
to be healing other sick people?
He's not a normal person.
He's a saint.
He healed you, right?
[Eva] Didn't you say something like that?
It's because of him I'm still here.
Didn't that affect you in some way?
I don't necessarily mean your faith,
I mean, like your physical health.
Have you never felt any side effects?
And he cured my wife as well.
[Eva] And how is she doing?
She's fine. Fine.
She's fine, but
It's just that
since the cure, she's, um
she doesn't seem like
the same person, you know?
- [woman 1] No! No, no, no!
- Shut up!
- Let me go!
- Come on!
Let me go!
- [woman 1 grunting]
- Come on!
Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! No!
[woman 1 wails]
Understand this is something pure!
You're sacred!
You're scaring her.
She's not gonna talk to you like that.
This is a kidnapping!
Let me go! People will look for me!
I was on a tour!
Listen, if you really want to
get out of here,
make her understand.
Tell her that she was chosen by God.
Now, go ahead.
Listen, lady. Hear me out, okay?
These people only want your blood.
That's it.
[Enzo] You're actually a gift
to their God.
And, and, yeah, do what they say,
and you will be fine.
[foreboding music]
[foreboding music continues]
[glass shatters]
[Angelina] Sister.
Do you submit yourself
to the mercy of the Holy Chosen One,
with all your honor and faith?
Mm-hm. Yeah.
And do you believe in the divine power
of the Holy Chosen One,
with all your honor and faith?
[breathing heavily]
Do you promise to worship and respect him
until the end of time?
I do.
Do you give your life to The Chosen One,
trusted by God in this village
to act with compassion and care
over your body?
[Lúcia] Yes.
I accept.
Do you believe in The Chosen One?
[The Chosen One] Lúcia.
I will now open your body
so that the Serpent
who lives in all disease
flees before my Father's mercy.
- [squelches]
- [grunts]
[young Lúcia laughing]
[Lúcia panting]
Come back, Lúcia.
Come back to God.
Come back to me.
[Mateus] Tomás!
[owl hoots]
[Mateus] Tomás!
Listen, Mateus.
I didn't come back here to visit the camp.
I came back here to see this Holy Ground,
and you better take me there.
What are you doing?
Stop it!
[Enzo] What the fuck are you doing?
You're defying The Chosen One's orders!
[jaguar growling]
[Mateus] Tomás!
[Tomás] Mateus!
[ominous music]
[ominous music continues]
Brother, it's time to renew your life.
What was that, Damião?
The images.
It was so violent
as if they were showing me something.
What are you talking about?
I don't know.
Like my whole body
was defending itself from him.
Did you go through this too, Damião?
Did you feel it as well?
I don't remember any of that, Lúcia.
I do remember some sounds and colors,
being a little brighter maybe.
No images, though.
[Tomás] Mateus!
For God's sake, what happened?
We were watching the cabin like you said.
But then, The Chosen One showed up.
The Chosen One? Are you crazy?
The Chosen One is in Aguazul.
[Tomás] It was Him.
It was Him. I saw Him.
He asked us for an act of faith,
and he left us locked in there.
[men groaning]
[Mateus] What about the cabin?
Who stayed at the cabin?
Oh, my god!
[jaguar growling]
- [lock jangling]
- [growling continues]
Mateus, you crazy bastard.
Chosen One?
Mateus didn't take me to the Holy Ground.
[foreboding music]
Wait, wait, wait.
[shushes, mutters]
[door opens]
What the hell?
Chosen One!
[Zulmira] My beloved Chosen One!
It's a miracle. You heard my prayers.
What's going on, Zulmira?
[Mateus] The door is open.
Look, Chosen One, look!
[Zulmira] A miracle came to my door.
[Lúcia] But how?
She died. She asked to die.
[foreboding music]
What does this all mean?
It means the Serpent's work has begun.
He is bringing back the dead.
[closing theme music]
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