The Circle (2020) s02e04 Episode Script

Lines Are Drawn

[tense music plays]
on record,
Terilisha has just named Savannah
The Circle's biggest game-player.
Any physics fans in the house?
Y'all know what happens
when an unstoppable force
meets an immovable object, right?
Grab that lightly-buttered popcorn.
It's Savannah's turn.
"Truth. Which player do you trust
the least in The Circle?"
Well [laughs]
Oh, this is gonna be great.
It's "go" time, baby. Let's go.
Circle, message
Let the war begin. [laughs]
"She says one thing then does another."
"anything to get you to like her"
-"but when she's an influencer"
-"she won't save you."
"I'd tell you to trust me,
but I'll leave that up to you."
"I experienced this firsthand,
and because of me,
some of you are still here."
[Terilisha] Is she serious?
It's literally the other way around.
I smashed it! I smashed it!
It puts doubt not only my mind,
but I'm sure everybody else's mind.
Like, who to believe?
Who's, ya know, in the right here?
I'm always gonna have
Savannah's back, so
she did the right thing.
I don't trust Terilisha. I don't.
I don't really feel like
I even wanna address that.
I think that this is a pathetic attempt
to try to throw me under the bus.
Geesh with the #Pathetic.
"You said a lot to make me look bad,
which actually says more about you."
Thank you, sister.
That's such a flimsy response.
She didn't defend herself
against anything that Savannah said.
She couldn't say a lot to that
because she knows I'm right.
-Circle, message:
"Honey, let's not act like you didn't
bad mouth me multiple times today.
You can start it, but bet,
I'm always gonna finish it."
-"#ImNotAPushover. #YouCantFoolMe."
Savannah, collect that win!
She trusts me the least
'cause she fears me the most.
Right now, it's looking like
it's Team Savannah and Team Terilisha,
and I am the vice president
of the Savannah fan club.
You came at Savannah,
and now Savannah has to defend herself.
I think everything
Savannah's saying is a lie.
I do. I do.
Terilisha may be a vegan,
but it's beef tonight for dinner.
"Thank you for taking part
in Truth or Dare?."
Circle, thank you for hosting.
"Thank you for" [laughs]
That was so fun. Oh, good Lord.
Oh, so much shit just went down!
Glad I got through that unscathed.
I don't particularly enjoy
arguing with people,
but I definitely like
putting a bitch in her place.
[mimics guitar chords, chuckles]
All is fair in Circle and war.
[Michelle] Wow. I haven't even seen
Twitter arguments escalate that quickly.
-I think it's time for bed, you guys.
I would not let anyone treat me
like that back at home.
I'm not about to let it start now.
If the war is a-comin',
I gotta save Terilisha.
So whatever it takes.
I definitely have my boxing gloves on,
["Two Tribes" plays]
and I'm ready.
-All right, good night, Circle.
-Good night, Circle.
[Deleesa echoes] Goodnight, Circle!
Ha ♪
When two tribes go to war ♪
A point is all that you can score ♪
When two tribes go to war ♪
[Lisa] Oh, my God. Last night, it was
Savannah and Terilisha got into it.
When two tribes go to war ♪
I didn't expect there to be
this much drama so fast.
It's a game.
Um, I'm just gonna have to play
smarter than she is.
I'm very nervous
about what Terilisha said,
and if it at all had an impact
on any of the other players'
opinions about me.
Two different sides could be forming,
uh, and I think Emily could be
in a very good position
to play both sides a bit.
The Circle is wild,
and it's a little rocky,
-[spoon clinks]
-but for now I just have
to sip the tea that I made for me. Mm.
Damn, he does go through a lot of tea.
After the apocalyptic Truth or Dare?
the players are taking sides,
and Trevor, played by Deleesa,
is curled up on the couch looking like
a single father from the Bronx.
And he is ready for a chat with Savannah.
Please let this be a good thing. Please.
[exhales] All right.
I need a good start to my morning,
so, Trevor,
I'm really counting on you, buddy.
Circle, open private chat with Trevor.
There we go.
"Good morning, little sis.
I feel like
after what happened last night,
I need to check on you
to make sure that you are okay.
Trevor, I love you. I love you.
I want her to be able to talk to me
about how she's feeling.
And I do wanna see if she's okay,
because, like, tsk, they had
fighting words out there last night, man.
Circle, message: "Good morning, big bro.
Thanks so much for checking in.
It means a lot."
-"Last night was tough.
I felt like Terilisha took a giant shit
on what was supposed to be a good night."
She called Savannah out
and didn't even give an explanation.
Like, that shit was crazy.
[Savannah] I wanna know if he believes me.
I have so much tension in my neck
from yesterday.
The Circle needs a masseuse.
This game is stressful.
Yes. I like that idea. I want in on this.
I want her to know
that she didn't do anything wrong.
"I was completely thrown off.
I had no idea
that this drama was going on.
[mimics explosion] Mind blown emoji."
"Please don't feel
that you're alone in this.
You didn't do anything wrong, sis.
Yes! Yes, Trevor!
That is exactly what I needed. Thank you.
Oh, my God. It feels so good to know.
I found my big bro,
-and I'm not gonna let him go at all.
-[Michelle] Ya might when you meet him.
As myself, as a girl,
for sure I would've been like,
"Girl, what the What was going on?
What she lied about?
Tell me. Spill the tea."
But, you know, this is a girl fight,
and I have to remember
I'm a guy in this situation.
-Circle, message:
"Crying emoji. Heart emoji.
Crying emoji. Heart emoji.
Crying emoji. Heart emoji."
[Michelle] Wow, that was subtle.
"I really needed that this morning.
It feels really good to know that
what you and I have isn't superficial."
I made a genuine bond with you,
and that's not going anywhere
no matter what happens.
Now, next order of business
is to iron things out with the girls.
I feel like Terilisha
might've gone to them a little
and painted a bad picture of me.
And, um, I'm ready
to alter that painting a little bit
and let them know her true colors.
[light rock plays]
[Michelle] So, Savannah's prepping her
metaphorical paintbrushes for Circle war.
But up on the roof,
River's taking a more laid-back approach
to Circle life.
That feels really, really good.
Really good.
While River contemplates his next move,
Chloe's not letting anything
keep her eyes off the prize.
These socks are amazing to slide in.
[Michelle] Not the only one sliding 'cause
Terilisha, fresh from Truth-or-Dare?-gate,
is about to slide into Courtney's DMs.
I'm really wanting
to have a conversation with Courtney.
I would like to get into
what happened last night,
and get his thoughts on it.
See if he's gonna be honest with me about,
ya know, how he feels.
Savannah said some pretty terrible things.
But I think I can win him over
just by explaining myself,
and get an opportunity
to build a connection with him.
Circle, please set up a private chat
with Courtney.
I am a warrior.
A warrior in a zebra-print bucket hat.
-[Courtney groans]
[groans] Oh, God. For what?
What do you want?
Circle, open private chat with Terilisha.
This is not the kind of tea
I wanted today.
A warrior not in the mood for war?
-Circle, message:
"Courtney Dot, dot, dot.
I have so been waiting to talk to you!
Your smile is so inviting.
#ReadyToTwerkItOut. LOL.
How are you this morning?"
-"How was your night?"
I'm hoping that he opens up his mind
to knowing me, and not being,
you know, influenced or tainted by
last night's Truth-or-Dare? conversation.
Honestly, I think that it's important
for me to just survive this chat.
I just wanna remain cordial, polite.
If she wants to have a fake little kiki,
girl, I'm here.
Thankfully, I got my warrior pose,
and I'm ready for this Circle battle.
-Okay, Circle, message:
"Hey, Terilisha. Smiley face.
Girl, last night was truly a party.
Circle Fest was one for the books.
Now I'm trying to get centered
in the yoga room to recover. LOL."
-Circle, message:
"Woo! Yoga!
Circle Fest was amazing, but I can't lie,
it kinda went from zero to 100 real quick
Truth or Dare?.
Honestly, I believe it was
Savannah's attempt to make me look bad.
Funny thing, who she described was
actually herself. #WolfInSheepsClothing."
-Okay, see? Come on.
Like, girl,
you literally walked into my DMs
because you wanna smear Savannah.
She's already typing.
Okay, girl, follow it up.
Make me believe like Cher, girl.
"That's definitely not who I am."
[Courtney] "I look forward
to getting to know you more
and you getting to know the real me."
Right now, I want to ask Terilisha
what part did she play in keeping me here.
She doesn't know I spoke to Savannah.
Savannah already told me
she didn't want me around.
Circle, message:
"I haven't spoken to Savannah just yet,
but if you don't mind"
"Please tell me what part you played
in keeping me around."
I kinda don't believe him.
She went too hard for him,
for me to believe
that they haven't spoken.
-Circle, message:
"Honestly, I hadn't had an opportunity
to speak to you yet,
so I didn't have a relationship
to fight for,
but I didn't have any negative feelings
about you either."
"I still think you're dope,
and I am equally excited
that you're still here."
That's interesting.
I feel like Terilisha is trying
to make me believe
that she's being 100% honest,
but I only 50% believe in her truth.
-Circle, message:
"Girl, that's no problem,
that's the truth.
We hadn't gotten the chance to speak
and feel each other out yet,
so I respect the fact
that you're being so honest with me.
I'm all stretched out,
and heading back to the apartment
for some well-deserved food."
-"Talk soon. Heart emoji." Okay.
-"Courtney has left the chat."
I think it was a good chat.
I feel good about it.
I feel there's obviously some, um,
time and space to grow.
Yeah, I definitely feel like, [laughs]
keep your friends close
and your enemies closer.
Not that he's an enemy,
but he's definitely competition.
Let me get back to doing
what I was trying to do.
I need to try to get myself back centered,
'cause I see you trying to throw me off.
You out here trying to
How dare she try to cause some sort
of drama and discourse
in the midst of my yoga time, girl?
Can't you see
I'm trying to do the damn thing?
I don't think any amount of yoga
is gonna get Courtney
in the zen zone with Terilisha.
Meanwhile, in the gym,
Trevor is doing a workout
that even I can get down with.
And Savannah
is ramping up her Circle campaign.
This time, in a chat with Chloe and Emily,
played by Jack.
It is so important for me
to have a talk with Chloe and Emily today.
And I think it's time
to make my truth known to them.
Oh, my God.
"Savannah has invited you
to the Real Talk group chat."
Probably gonna spill some tea.
Great opportunity for me to kinda
get my feet in the middle of everything.
-Circle, message:
"Hey, girls,
I know last night was a whirlwind,
and it might leave you questioning
my loyalty to you girls.
I wanted to start this chat
to put everything out in the open
because I think you girls
deserve to know the truth."
-"I think you girls deserve
to know the truth"?
Now, the truth is a fickle term.
There's two sides of this story.
Truth's probably in the middle.
I've gotta get all the information
I can and figure it out.
-Circle, message:
"To make it very clear,
do not
In caps.
-"I don't want to tell you what to do,
but I think you both should be
very careful with her."
Oh, for God's sake!
I kinda think Savannah's full of shit,
but I'm gonna play it
like she's spitting facts.
Circle, message: "Savannah, I appreciate
you bringing this info to our attention.
While I felt good with Terilisha
because she saved me,
I clicked with you.
TBH, it's hard to know exactly
what went down,
so I'll keep supporting you
lovely ladies until the end.
Heart emoji." Send.
[exclaims] Emily, you've got no backbone!
[Michelle] Yeah, among other things.
Okay, see,
I knew Emily was gonna be impartial.
As long as girls think
I'm cool with them,
that's probably the best outcome.
What is going on?
Emily's like,
"I love you, uh, lovely ladies."
I just can't fucking stand it.
-Circle, message:
"I love that you've confided
in me and Emily.
My opinion of you hasn't changed.
I still have trust in you.
With that being said,
what do you think, Emily?"
What is that supposed to mean?
Emily's sitting on the fence
in this conversation,
and needs to get involved.
I don't really care
about who's telling the truth.
All I care about is if it makes sense
for you to keep me in the game,
you're my friend.
Circle, message:"I feel like Savannah
has had a very solid explanation
for everything she's done
so far in this game."
"I totally feel like the three of us
are on the same page!
No, Emily, we are not on the same page
because Savannah is trying
to turn me against Terilisha,
and I am not having it.
Yes. Everything is going perfectly.
This is going exactly the way
I need it to.
All right.
-Circle, message:
"That feels really good
to hear you say that, Emily. Period.
I have to ask.
Are you going to have my back
over Terilisha's?
Question mark.
Because if #PeapodSquad
is going to be a thing,
I need to know I can trust you both."
[Michelle] #PeapodSquad?
I mean, Girl,
just 'cause it rhymes don't make it good.
Ah, Savannah, fuck's sake.
Drama after drama after drama.
You know what?
I'm just gonna play the game.
I'll get 'em to bloody love me
so they can rank me high.
Then I'll kick 'em all out.
-Circle, message:
"While I'm appreciative
of Terilisha for saving me,
I honestly feel like
you might've done the same thing.
While I genuinely want
all of us girls to stick together,
if it comes down to it, I got you.
Oh, my God. That's insane.
God. Are you really that naive?
-Circle, message:
"Savannah, you'll get to know
that I never just tell you
what you want to hear.
I'm in it for the long run.
I'm all about building strong bonds.
#YouCanTrustMe." Send message.
-[Chloe gasps]
I will be gobsmacked
if they believe anything I've just said.
[Savannah] Yes!
I'm feeling really secure right now.
This is This chat went amazing.
If you can serve my game well,
I'm gonna make you feel
as good as I can about me.
Terilisha's telling me,
"Savannah wants you gone.
If it weren't for me,
you wouldn't be here."
Savannah's telling me,
"Terilisha wants you gone.
You wouldn't be here
if it weren't for me."
Put them together,
you've got a big pile of bullshit.
[Michelle] I think Chloe has Shakespeare
in her family tree somewhere.
And speaking of legendary authors
"Once upon a time, a squad walked through
A circle, and a game begun anew
There was love and joy
And friendship so keen
But game play took over
And things got mean"
[Michelle] I think this is our first
Circle poem about The Circle
written from inside The Circle
during The Circle, Circle.
[electronica beat plays]
Lance Bass,
who has already dominated the pop world,
is played by Lisa,
who is dominating tiny basketball.
And she's brought Trevor,
played by Deleesa,
courtside for a game of 21.
[Lisa] Circle, message Trevor.
I'm always up
for some type of competition.
-Ah, ha! One!
[whimsical music plays]
I mean, could I be worse right now?
-Oh, my God. Oh, no.
[Michelle] Good job, Circle.
Two women catfishing as men.
-Oh, no!
-[Michelle] Playing with their balls.
Lance'd probably do better than me.
-"Trophy emoji." Send. Oh
[intriguing music plays]
[Lisa] Oh, God.
Circle, message: "Well done."
And then three clappy emojis.
"Uh, I was only on eight."
And then the crying laughing emoji,
and send please.
He's probably gonna laugh at me.
"Bro, I get too into it.
Laughing face emoji with the tears.
I hope you had fun. Great job regardless.
Basketball emoji,
and then the clapping emoji." Send.
-[Lisa] Aw, he's so nice.
I feel like we're forming
a friendship here.
Lance, do you wanna be a friend?
Let's be a friend.
Really wanna know
what happened with the the drama.
You know what? Maybe I'll ask him.
Like, "So what did I miss?"
"What did I miss
with Savannah and Terilisha?"
Lance, men don't get into girl fights.
I mean, personally,
I think maybe Savannah's feeling
Terilisha tried
to throw her under the bus,
and say, "I didn't want to see Bryant go."
Come on, Trevor.
I hate the waiting.
As a man, no, we're not
gonna get involved in the girl drama.
-Circle, message:
"It seemed pretty heated."
And then, the "What?" emoji
and we'll send.
Lance is really trying to dig deep here.
But I don't know.
I have to play it like Trevor.
"Man, I have no idea.
It sounds just like a girl fight though.
Okay, so he doesn't know anything.
Or does he? I don't know.
No, I feel like
he would say something if he knew.
Pht. Come on, man. [grunts] No match.
As night sets in, River is gearing up
for a wild time
with poetry and word games.
I have five E's, four F's. I have no C's.
Emily is still avoiding confrontation,
so chicken's on the menu tonight.
And Chloe is showing us a traditional
Essex bed-making technique.
[Chloe exclaims]
[Michelle] We need to break this up
before she pulls something.
[all] Alert!
It's about that time! ♪
Hope it's a good alert.
I don't wanna look. [laughs]
"Players, you must now rate each other."
[Lisa] Oh, no. Oh, no. God.
-[menacing music plays]
-[cupboard closes]
I'm just gonna burn my food.
I'm gonna burn my food.
Savannah played
a dirty fucking game last night,
so it could've possibly hindered
the way people view me.
I am so scared.
"As a new player,
Lance can rate, but cannot be rated."
Shit, I didn't realize he could rate.
So relieved and so happy.
Must be nice, Lance.
-[Lee] "Rate your fellow players
from first to sixth."
I know my first and sixth right now.
I can do it right now.
[Savannah] "The top two players
will become influencers."
Fingers crossed.
Might pull it out, be influencer again.
We'll see.
[intriguing music plays]
[all] Circle, take me to my ratings.
Circle, put Chloe in first place.
I feel like we have
a really strong connection.
I have no doubt
that if she's an influencer,
she would go to bat to keep me.
I'm going with my gut.
First place, Emily.
-She said that I was her BFF.
If she was an influencer,
she wouldn't get rid of me.
Me and Trevor had a private chat today.
And he was really cool,
and I think that he's pretty well-liked,
so he's good to have on your side.
For that reason,
-I'd like to rate Trevor in first place.
For my second-place rating,
I feel like there's more
than meets the eye with him,
and someone that
I would hang out with back home.
So that's why I'm choosing River
as my second-place rating.
For second place,
I think I'm gonna go with Chloe.
I love her positivity.
She's all about female empowerment.
She's not caught up in the drama.
I think Chloe got my back.
And for those reasons,
I am rating Chloe second place.
Hey, pretty.
So in my third position,
-I am definitely gonna put Emily.
So, Circle, lock in Savannah
as my fourth rating please.
please rate Emily in the fifth spot.
Anyone that is coming for me,
I'm gonna come for you.
And, Terilisha,
it's time for you to pack those bags
and head right back on home.
And that is why I am rating Terilisha
last in the ratings.
-Bye, boo.
-[Lee] In the sixth position
You are coming after Terilisha.
You are coming after me.
So, for that and so many other reasons,
I wanna put Savannah at the bottom.
Circle, please submit my ratings.
"Ratings complete."
I'm hoping that River, Emily,
and Chloe come through for me.
I don't know. I can't lie.
I don't know where I stand with people.
My head is just doing
somersaults right now.
I wanna hope that I've chosen the right
ratings for everyone.
#JFTF. Let's go.
[Michelle] As a 24-year-old waiter,
River still hasn't mastered hashtags.
And as a 21-year-old sorority girl,
Emily hasn't mastered push-ups.
But, as a 21-year-old British girl,
Chloe's sharing her
[British accent]
mastery of the English language
[normal accent] to Courtney and River.
[Chloe] Message:
my kind of phrases are very different
to the typical British rose
you may think I am."
Send message.
I'm ready for these British phrases,
so I can add them to my repertoire.
"A phrase that I use all the time is
Capital letters.
Oh, my God, what a sort of a geezer.
What a sexy, buff young man."
[British accent]
"Oh, my God, what a sort of geezer."
[normal accent] Is that Essex?
It's not even British. [laughs]
[British accent]
"My God, what a sort of geezer."
[laughs, normal accent]
That wasn't really good.
I feel like I'm rubbing off on them.
"Chloe, tried the accent. #TotalFail.
But I think I'll teach you Texan 'cause"
[Texan accent] "Y'all are fixin'
to feel some River love."
[normal accent] I think I smashed it.
[Michelle] Mm, mm. You see,
I thought River was all out of love
after his fake heartbreak.
Oh, alert!
Oh, oh!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
"The ratings results are in."
I woke up with a game plan.
I put everything out there.
So, now it's time to see if it worked.
I'm super fucking nervous.
Oh, my God. I can't wait to see.
[Michelle] It's gonna be fun for Lance,
'cause as a newbie, he was able to rate,
but nobody could rate him.
-[tense music swells]
Here we go. Here we go.
I'm scared.
My heart is pounding so hard right now.
Who's in seventh?
Oh, the suspense is killing me.
Oh! Shit!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. This feels great.
This feels great.
I literally went from first to last place.
Terilisha's last
Terilisha's last ♪
She's probably pissed.
Wow. I'm fucking disgusted.
Terilisha's in seventh place.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Okay, now we've got sixth place.
Oh. [sighs]
[sucks teeth]
That's tough. That's tough.
As it should be.
[exhales] Okay, I'm okay.
Look, look what you've done.
We went from the top to the bottom
over a fucking stunt you pulled.
This is all because
of this stupid freaking fight, man.
People probably think
that I'm a game player.
I mean, they're right.
But I don't want them to know that.
-[Lisa exhales]
Oh, fifth, okay.
Come on, Circle.
I've been praying to you, baby.
I don't wanna be five. Keep moving up.
[blows raspberries]
Oh, my God.
Don't let it be me, girl.
-It's me! But I'm not last.
No! No! Why? No.
Kinda shocked that he's fifth, that means
my people are closer to the top.
We're moving on up, baby.
We're at least in the middle of the pack.
Come on,
let me influence some motherfuckers.
In fourth place we have
Drum roll please.
Not River. Not River. Not River.
Not River. Not River.
River. Dang it.
Kind of in the same place.
We're in the middle.
Does that mean
I'm one vote away
from being an influencer?
Emily, Trevor, or Chloe.
Come on, please let Emily be third.
The holy water. [laughs]
We pray, ladies and gentlemen,
to someone else being third place,
so I can be an influencer. Amen.
In third place we have
Who is it?
Oh, God. This is like the most,
like, gut-wrenching thing ever. I swear.
Oh, my God. I can't even look.
I can't even look.
-[triumphant music plays]
-Trevor! I don't hate it.
Oh, my God.
What the fuck?
First ratings, third place.
The second ratings, I don't hate it.
Trevor has stayed at third place.
-My baby.
Fuck! All right.
Well, Emily and Chloe, one and two.
Come on, baby.
Who's first? Who's second?
I can't breathe.
Come on. Show me the money.
[screams] I'm number one!
I'm number one! I'm number one!
Chloe is number one.
Seventh place to second place.
-Come on, baby.
[breathes excitedly] I am an influencer!
I wish I could call my mum.
"Circle influencers Chloe and Emily
must decide which player to block."
-Are we doing that shit
-Right now?
-[dramatic music plays]
"Chloe and Emily must go
to the Hangout to make their decision!"
Oh, I do not envy them.
Oh, my gosh.
This is too much.
My heart can't take it, Circle.
Let's go. Let's do this shit.
[suspenseful music playing]
Come on.
They would have seen through the bullshit
with Savannah.
I'm worried.
I don't know what's gonna happen.
Oh, my God! This is absolutely stunning.
Let's go. We're in the Hangout, baby.
Oh, my God. I can only hope.
[groans] Oh
[Jack] Well, we got a nice goblet.
And I've got me porn-star martini.
[inhales excitedly]
Oh, my God. I can't believe I'm here.
We fucking did it.
And me and my girl Chloe,
how did this happen?
[inhales excitedly]
"Influencer Chat."
Here we go.
All right, Circle, message:
All caps. "Babe, what? OMFG. I'm so happy.
We are killing it. Heart emoji.
Obviously, babe.
-Circle, message:
"I knew my gut was right
about trusting you,
my little cherub. Love heart emoji."
I've never been called
a little cherub before, but we'll take it.
"Let's get to the nitty-gritty.
What do you think about Trevor?"
-Send message.
[Jack] I feel like she wanted
to get Trevor out of the way
'cause I think she is cool with him.
I'd be surprised if she wasn't.
I need her to know that there is no way,
in my head, I am sending Trevor home.
-Okay, Circle, message:
"Trevor and I had a really
solid conversation recently.
We talked about our shared family values
and similar interests. I like him,
but I'm not 100% sure where his head is at
because we didn't really talk strategy.
What do you think?" Send.
[Chloe] She's aimed a question back at me
'cause she wants me
to lead the conversation.
We'll have to see how this goes.
[Jack] I'm gonna try to be
a little bit neutral on people,
and then kinda get her response,
and then reassess.
-Circle, message:
"Me and Trevor have had
some really deep conversations,
and I'm 110% about him.
Because you're my girl,
I know he'd have your back.
Are you happy
that we leave him out of the blocking?"
-Send message.
-Circle, message:
"Agreed. Trevor is safe with us." Send.
-"Trevor is safe with us." Amazing. Okay.
-Circle, message:
"Shall we move on to Courtney?
Send message.
I'm hoping that she gives me
a strong opinion on Courtney.
Circle, message: "Courtney has the most
radiant energy of anyone in The Circle.
However, he's, unfortunately,
the person I've talked to the least.
I don't know where he stands,
but if you feel he would look out for us,
I would be down to keep him.
If your connection isn't very strong,
he could be an option."
-Send message.
Emily again hasn't been direct
with what she's saying.
We need to make
this decision together, Emily.
Like, you need to tell me.
Where's your fight?
-Circle, message:
"Me, River, and Courtney
are the three amigos.
I know for a fact
you would be very safe in our hands.
With that being said,
I think we would be silly
getting rid of either of them."
So you're saying
you've got Trevor at 110%,
and you've got River and Courtney
as the three amigos.
Okay, Chloe has a little more hold
on this game than I initially realized.
That's a little worrisome.
-Circle, message:
"That's great to hear.
I love River as well,
maybe us four could look out
for each other long term. Heart emoji."
That is kind of what I wanted to hear,
But I also wanted you to make a decision.
Someone please tell me
she's typing another message.
Circle, message: "That brings us to
our ladies who can't seem to get along."
-[dramatic music plays]
"What's your thought process with them?"
There is no way
I am making this decision by myself.
Emily, [groans] help me out!
It might be good if Terilisha stays
because she saved me
when she had the opportunity to,
but Savannah also has
a good case for staying.
If we take out Terilisha
and prove to her that we are on her side,
she may be more loyal to us.
We'll see what she says.
I don't know, for one
who to choose out of the two.
Two, how many connections
they've built over the process
that might hate on us
for choosing one of them.
It's so hard because you just don't know
what one to trust out of the girls.
Why would they be so manipulative?
Why would one of them wanna lie?
-Circle, message:
"I feel like because Savannah didn't
choose to save me,
Terilisha may have seen an opportunity
to step in and confuse things
between us girls.
Obviously, it's fucking worked.
Laughing face emoji."
[Michelle] And if you thought
that was tense, well,
just watch.
[Terilisha] As we are both in danger
of being blocked out of The Circle,
this is Savannah's and I last chance
to have some resolve.
please start a private chat with Savannah.
[Savannah] "Terilisha has invited you
to a private chat."
-Circle, open private chat with Terilisha.
I cannot believe that we are both here.
From starting at the top to now being
at the bottom is unbelievable. Period."
Correction. You're at the bottom.
[snickers] I'm not at the bottom.
"I can't help but feel
it's a direct consequence
of your response during
the Truth-or-Dare? game last night."
[Savannah] "Why did you do that?
You and I know it wasn't true."
Do we?
-Circle, message:
"I guess I only said that
because earlier in the day,
you'd called me out in front of everyone.
"It made it seem like
blocking Bryant was my fault."
How did I do that?
Circle, message:
"Let's agree to disagree.
If you're willing to put this behind us,
I am too, because honestly"
"drama is not my thing."
Circle, please leave chat.
-[Savannah] And she left the chat.
You shouldn't have started it anyways.
I don't believe a person like Savannah
not only deserves to stay,
but a person like Savannah
does not deserve to win The Circle.
Only one of us
is gonna come out of it victorious.
-Circle, message:
"So, are we in agreement on who to block?
-Question mark." Send.
-Circle, message:
"I'm not 100% sure,
but I'm certain enough."
-Send message.
"Should I deliver the news?
Question mark."
-I'm not gonna say no to that.
-Circle, message:
"Babes, if you don't mind, go for it."
-Send message.
[intense music plays]
[Courtney] Ah!
Here we go.
That scared the shit out of me.
Oh, I don't know if I'm ready.
This could be the alert
that keeps me here,
or the alert that ultimately
leads to me packing my bags.
And I don't wanna pack my bags.
My heart is racing.
"The influencers have made
their decision." Oh
I believe that I have
a strong enough connection
with Emily and Chloe to be saved.
My perfect situation is
that Terilisha goes home,
so that the drama leaves with her.
[sighs] But who knows?
I have no idea who they would choose.
No freaking clue whatsoever.
[Terilisha] "All players must go
to The Circle Chat."
All right,
it's looking like it's about that time.
Circle, please take me to The Circle Chat.
[dramatic music plays]
[Jack grunts]
I feel terrible.
So this is on me, I guess.
-Circle, message
Emily's doing it.
She's typing.
My God. I think I'm gonna be sick.
I might throw up in this bowl right here.
I saved Emily. Fingers crossed.
Emily is saving me right now.
"Hey, everyone, after much discussion,
Chloe and I have made our decision.
Ultimately, we have so much love
for everyone"
[Terilisha] "but felt there was
some tension that needed to be relieved
in order to preserve
the sense of harmony."
It's me or Terilisha.
I feel like Emily's with Terilisha
and Chloe's with Savannah.
If it's gonna be one of the girls
and not any of the boys,
please let it be the right one.
I'm praying that it's not Savannah.
There's always a chance
they could be referring to me.
I let Savannah have a piece of my mind.
They said they would have my back.
They said it.
Circle, message:
"With that being said"
"the player we have decided to block is"
[music swells]
Come on. Please don't say my name.
We're all sitting here, freaking out.
Come on, Emily.
Emily, tell us.
My God, just write it. [laughs]
Seriously, did we take this long?
[Jack exhales]
You go, girl. Come on, just say it.
-Circle, message
[inhales] No. Uh
They lied.
Ah, that sucks.
Thank you! Yes!
Emily! Chloe!
Thank you, ladies. Oh, my God!
I hate it.
[voice breaks] That's who I wanted to go,
but I hate that she's gone.
You upset? Yup.
I'm very upset about that.
That is
our little sis.
I am so happy I have another chance.
Oh, come on. I already know I'm blocked.
You don't have to tell me.
The Circle just likes to make sure.
[groans] I am annoyed!
I am annoyed as hell!
I can't believe it. They said
they had my back over Terilisha's.
But clearly no one can be trusted,
so I just hope that the person
who wins is someone that is honest
and playing a fair game because
that is what I was really trying to do,
and I was just trying to keep it real.
And maybe it was too much for The Circle.
Maybe The Circle couldn't handle
all the realness.
And she's gone just like that.
She's literally been wiped off the board.
Nothing personal.
Strictly game.
[menacing music plays]
An alert? Haven't I been through
enough today, Circle?
-"Before you leave,
you can meet one player face to face."
You mean I can meet a pop star?
"You must meet the player
you think deserves to win."
Who do I think deserves to win?
Well, it's absolutely not Terilisha,
so she is 100% not an option.
I think Courtney was honest for me
from the get-go, and genuine,
which is something
that I didn't find with any other player.
I think Trevor is playing a good game.
He was honest with me.
He had my back
when I needed him the most.
[Savannah] All right, well, here I go.
[all] Alert!
Oh, God. What else is happening tonight?
-"Savannah is on her way
to meet one of you now."
Oh, my God.
"now." I should clean up.
Just put it all behind us.
You know,
wish each other well on her way out.
[intense music plays]
'Cause you never know.
I don't know why I'm afraid.
[Michelle] You shouldn't be,
'cause Savannah's on her way
to visit the player
she thinks should win The Circle.
So no more salty confrontations.
Tonight at least.
She legitimately might come visit me
for some answers.
I am going to shit myself.
I'm sweating. [laughs]
I'm so nervous. Oh, my God.
[tense music playing]
Oh, my God.
-You came!
You came! I'm so happy!
-I'm so glad you're you. [laughs]
-Oh, yeah, I'm me.
Oh, my God. You're so pretty. [exclaims]
-Oh, my God, I love your hat.
-[Courtney] Thank you.
[Savannah laughs]
-I'm gonna make myself at home.
-Make yourself at home.
I've got tea. I've got it all set up.
-I'm so glad you
-Did you think I was gonna come?
I thought you might've went
to go see Trevor or something.
-I didn't know.
It was between you two.
But I decided to come see you
because you and I were just
so honest with each other.
It was so real, and it was so easy,
ya know?
I think Emily and Chloe made
a bad decision on sending me home
because sending me home
won't relieve the tension.
Terilisha is the tension.
The drama between Terilisha and I,
-prior to actually becoming influencers,
all the girls were
in a group chat together.
We said that
we were gonna have each other's backs,
and she questions my loyalty to, like,
the Girl Gang.
She was like,
"If you're loyal to the girls,
then why didn't you save Chloe?"
Oh, you know Terilisha came for me
in the yoga room this morning
and was like,
"Savannah is so fake. Oh, my God.
She's the wolf in sheep's clothing."
I said, "What part did you play
in keeping me around?"
"I didn't really know you that well"
-Lying bitch. That lying bitch.
-What did she say?
No. That bitch wanted you out of here.
[Savannah] Mm.
[Courtney] Though I was nice to her,
I think Terilisha felt uneasy
-You should be nice to her.
You should be.
You need to play the game.
You need to watch out for Emily, though.
-I talked with her and Chloe today.
We're in an alliance.
I asked Emily straight up,
"Are you gonna have my back?"
And she said yes.
-And look.
-And look at where I'm at.
She lied to you
because Terilisha saved her.
-I know.
-So Emily and Terilisha gotta go.
Who's gotta go first?
-Um, Emily.
-[Courtney] Yeah?
Emily needs to go because I feel like
Emily is just a better, smarter player.
Trust no bitch.
You need numbers,
so you need to make friends.
I think I've got one in River
to be honest.
Okay. Befriend Terilisha.
-But you know?
You don't have to be her friend.
Just say you're gonna be her friend.
-Play her game better than she plays it.
I'm sad that I have to leave you
in here alone. I am so sorry.
I'm sad you're leaving. I was pissed.
-But you have to be a sneaky bitch.
Honestly, play the game.
[mysterious music plays]
[paper crinkling]
Oh, Savannah, who did you go see
if it wasn't your bro-zee?
Apparently, she wasn't
as big of an NSYNC fan as I thought.
[Courtney] Savannah. Oh, my God.
You just gave me the golden keys.
-I love you.
-[Courtney] I love you.
I'll see you soon. Have a good one, okay?
-[Courtney] Okay. Gorgeous.
-I'll see you later.
That was the wake-up call that I needed.
Emily on the hit list.
Terilisha on the hit list.
[Michelle] I think that's about enough
excitement for one night, don't you?
Oh, no, you don't? All right, then.
-[Courtney] Uh?
Oh, God. Another alert.
-"Courtney, you were selected by Savannah
as the person she feels
deserves to win The Circle."
Oh, my God.
Savannah's literally
an angel sent from above.
That is the nicest thing
anyone has said to me today.
-"As a result,
you have unlocked access
to The Inner Circle."
I wonder what that could mean.
I don't know what The Inner Circle is.
"Please go to The Inner Circle
immediately." Period.
[triumphant music plays]
[Michelle] Ladies and gentlemen,
for your consideration,
The Circle Corridor starring Courtney,
and directed by Christopher Nolan.
[Courtney] What is this?
What in the intergalactic
flawlessness is this, honey?
[exciting music playing]
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