The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s02e04 Episode Script

Thunder Games

[grunts in effort]
[screams, grunts]
[Grug snoring]
[muffled scream]

- Mm. Whoa-whoa. [yells]
[both moaning]
[Hope yells]
[Phil humming]
[Dawn squeals]
[snores, yells]

[chomping noisily]
- [gasps] Window!
No! No! No!
- [yawns] Gran, it's the middle
of the night.
What are we doing out here?
- Rejoice, Thunder Sisters!
For the rare and glorious
Thunder Moon is upon us.
The time has come
to choose a new queen!
A Thunder Queen!
- Wait, so you're saying I can be queen?
- Of course! I made you
a Thunder Sister, didn't I?
- Aw.
- But queen? It's probably
not gonna happen for you.
- Wait. What's not gonna happen for me?
- Being queen! You're proving my point!
- We're choosing a new queen now?
In the middle of the night?
- No! We start when the sun comes up.
- So why did you wake us up?
- Because it's good for ya.
- [excitedly] I can't believe
it's finally happening.
- Well believe it, sister.
Because tomorrow,
the Thunder Games begin!
- [screams]
Gran, please! No more lightning.
- What lightning?
[thunder cracks]
- Let's live wild, the world's our own ♪
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll ♪
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go ♪
Whoa-ho-ho ♪
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together ♪
It's an evolution
for worse or for better ♪
To find some unity ♪
For all humanity ♪
Because we're stuck together ♪
In one big family tree ♪
- Hey, Mom. Got a question
about the Thunder Games.
When I win and become queen,
what do I call you?
Former queen? Or just Mom?
[labored breathing]
Mom? Mom?
- Stop poking me! I'm trying to sleep.
And what makes you think
you're going to be the new queen?
- [scoffs] Can you believe that?
I mean, who else would it be?
- I don't know. It could be me.
- Aw, honey, I love you so much.
But that's not gonna happen.
- Why not? I'd make a great queen.
- Of course you would.
- But I'm the strongest. And the fastest.
And I've wanted nothing more
than to lead the Thunder Sisters
since I was a kid.
I'm the obvious choice.
That said, I welcome the competition.
- Great. Race to the tree house?
- You're on! Go!
- Hey!
[thunder cracks]
- Does anyone know
if Thunder Games are dangerous?
- That was awesome, Gran.
- Sure was.
Now, let me tell you
of the days of thunder and sisters.
Long ago, there was a tribe
of warrior "wimmins,"
the Thunder Sisters!
We fought other tribes and beasts
and even a volcano,
even though the volcano
was just minding its own business.
I fought my way to the top
to wield the Thunder Staff as their queen.
But no one can be queen forever,
not even me.
So we agreed to pick a new queen
each Thunder Moon
through the Thunder Games,
trials of courage, grit and leadership.
But Thunder Moons are rare.
So I was still queen
when the punch monkeys
stole all our mens, except Thunk.
That's when I embraced all of you
as Thunder Sisters to rescue them.
Blood Horn!
Fire Heart!
Sister Sunset!
Bog Water!
And me, Queen o' Wimmins!
- And me, Night Terrors!
- What? No. I said you alre--
You're Thunk!
- Mom, we know all of this.
- Especially the last part
'cause we were there.
- So why are you wasting my time?
We have Thunder Games to play!
And when it's over, we'll enjoy
a great feast, made by the mens.
It'll keep 'em busy
while we crown a new queen.
Thunder Games!
Okay, gather 'round, boys.
Gran asked us
to make the victory casserole
for the Thunder Games Feast.
- Of course she did.
She knew she could count on us
to prepare
this incredibly meaningful dish.
Some people say
it's the most important part
of the Thunder Games.
- I thought naming the new queen
was the most important part.
- The point is,
we're the right men for the job.
I'm a great inventor,
Guy knows his way around the kitchen
and Grug is here.
- Great. So let's get just take
a little look-see at the recipe and--

- I didn't know leaves grew that long.

- Hello, Sisters.
- What are you doing
in Dawn's progress pod?
- The Thunder Games sound dangerous,
so Rolling Thunder here--

That's me,
got himself a little protection.
- Get out of that thing.
And you're name's Thunk!
- Okay, fine. I'll get out.
But let's keep an open dialogue
on the name thing.
Gran is the perfect Thunder Sister queen.
Replacing her won't be easy for anyone.
Even me.
- But it's not gonna be you.
It's gonna be me.
Oh, honey, I thought we went through this.
- Or maybe I'll be queen.
- Dawn! You wanna be queen?
- Ooh! We could be co-queens!
- Yeah. I mean, I'm a good leader,
I think outside the cave
and I'm a people person.
Even though I just met people.
- Queen Dawn. Ooh, I love it.
It's like I always say,
if you put your mind to it,
you can accomplish anything.
With my help.
- Wow, Hope. I'm surprised
you don't wanna be queen.
- Too dirty, too sticky, too fighty.
- Still got it. Okay, enough yappin'.
Let's get down to Thunder business.
The queen needs to have courage.
- Well, that's not gonna
be a problem for me.
- Quit your crowing, hot shot.
And don't interrupt me.
First one
to the top of the spitfire tree wins.
- Why is it called a spitfire tree?
- 'Cause it's a tree that spits fire!
And I was the only Thunder Sister
who ever made it to the top.
I've never felt more alive. Or burnt.
It was the greatest moment of my life.
- Hey-hey. Is this pod fire-proof?
- One down! Any more questions?
- Actually, I have several questions.
[horn blares]
- That means go!
[all panting and grunting]

Chasing butterflies, huh, Seeker?
Been there, ate that!
[panting and grunting continues]
[Eep screams]
- Okay, you can do this, Dawn.
You can do this.
[exhales, grunts in effort]
- Dawn, what's taking you so long?
- I'm just a little bit nervous
about being turned into ash. [yells]
- You're not gonna be queen
with that attitude.
Good thing I have
enough attitude for both of us.
[grunting in effort]
See? We're winning!
[both scream]
[bodies thud]
Slowing down, Mom?
Forget the tree. I'm gonna torch you.
- Yeah? Well, watch out
for the red branches. They're hot.
- How hot can they be?
- That hot. You okay, honey?
Stupid red branch.

- Burn that, spitfire tree.
[horn blows]
[groans] Whew!
[laughs] I did it!
- I guess. But when I did it,
I stayed up there
and roasted myself to a golden brown.
Anyway, point Ugga!
- Uh, is that your way of saying good job?
[low growl]
Thanks, Mom.
- So we just throw this stuff
in the round thing and set it on fire?
- I feel like setting things on fire
is your go-to move.
And cooking is so much more than that.
It's an art form. Now, let's get started.
We've got a lot of cooking to do
and not much time.
- You don't have to tell me, Guy.
I know my way around the kitchen.
So I'll start chopping these
whatever they are.
Gah! My eye! [whimpering]
- Okay.
Grug, you think you can handle
the scream fruit?
- Sure. How hard can it be?
[Phil whimpering]
Hey. Why do they call it scream fruit?
[scream fruit screams]
[gasping and groaning]
- Oh, how it burns!
- The Thunder Queen
also needs to have grit.
In the old days,
we'd ride hammerhead horses
as they tried to buck us off.
But I stuck to mine like tar.
Probably because I covered myself in tar.
It was the greatest moment of my life.
- I thought you said that
about climbing the spitfire tree.
- Yup. It was
the greatest moment of my life.
- Wait, Mom, we can't ride
hammerhead horses. They're all gone.
- That's right. Pretty sure it had
something to do with all that tar.
That's why you're gonna ride
these chicken seals instead.
Last one riding, wins!
- Hey, buddy. Don't hold back
on my account.
'Cause this Progress Pod
was made for bucking.
[Thunk screams]
- Okay, everyone else who isn't useless,
grab some feather!
[all yell in excitement]
[grunts] Yeah.
Not much of a Thunder Game,
but I'll take the win.
- Well, I'm not giving it to you.
You've gotta earn it!
- Riding chicken seals?
I can totally do that.
- Right. Because I'm here.
- Mom, I really appreciate what
you're doing but I don't need your--
[horn blows]
[Dawn yells]
- Dawn, hold on tight!
Visualize your success.
And don't forget to smile.
- Mom! You're not helping!
- And you're not smiling!
Now vine yourself in!
[both groan]
- You out-gritted them, Mom.
But can you out-grit me?
- Who do you think made you gritty?
Sandy! Look out!
- Whoo! Sweet save, Mom!
And a sweet win for me-e-e!
- Point, Eep. Nice riding, Fire Heart.
[horn blows]
Looks like Eep took your win.
- Yeah, because I was saving Sandy.
- A real queen could do both.
- Argh!
[thunder cracks]
- Oh! Is this the trial where we
take a good, hard look at ourselves
and think about how true beauty
can only be found on the inside?
What? No!
This is the trial to see
who's got the loudest Thunder Cry!
The Thunder Queen has to be a leader,
and the key to leading is yelling!
I yelled all the time!
Even when people weren't there!
It was the greatest moment of my life.
- Gran?
- Now you're gonna prove your yelly-ness
by yelling loudly enough to shatter glass.
Thunk! You're up.
- It's Scream Weaver.
[yells triumphantly]
And don't mind if I do.
- Hey, where's my progress pod?
- Oh, I can't get hurt doing this,
so I parked it over there.
Whither, weather, wonder, wander.
Okay, showtime.
[chuckles, whimpers]
- Seeker, you're up.
[inhales deeply]
- Aw, she finally got her butterflies.
- Or they got her.
Your turn, Ugga.
You've been yapping all day.
Time to put it to good use.
- Might wanna cover your ears, everybody.
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
- Well, that was a letdown.
- [scoffs] Let me show you
how a real queen does it.
Just pretend you're Thunk
and we're out of bug nuggets.
We're out of bug nuggets?
Oh, no!
- See?
[screaming fades]
Close, but no queen.
Still better than Ugga, though.
- Yeah, Mom. I got it. Loud and clear.
- Not loud enough. Ha!
Sister Sunset, you're up.
- I'm gonna shatter that mirror
and shatter everyone else's dreams.
- Okay, Dawn. Just make sure
you project and--
- Mom. No more help.
I'm doing this one on my own.
- Of course you are.
Good luck hug?
[chirps softly]
[clears throat]
[high-pitched scream]
- Well, I thought
you were a dud, other girl.
But you got some real pipes on you.
Point, Sister Sunset!
[horn blows]
And we've got a three-way tie going
into the final trial.
- But I can still win this thing.
- No, you can't, log bump. You're out!
- Log bump?
I'll take it. Log Bump!

- The rest of you,
meet me at the lagoon.
Last chance to dance, Blood Horn.
But I'm not holding my breath.
- I wish you would.
'Cause then you'd stop criticizing me.
- Wow, Gran. Don't you think
you're being kinda harsh with Mom?
- No. You gotta be tough to be queen.
I'm not giving my staff
to someone who doesn't deserve it.
Me and this staff go way back.
We've got history!
They were the best moments of my life.

- Ugh. This is taking forever.
How much longer till it's done?
- I told you, cooking is an art form,
and art takes time.
- I hate to agree with Grug.
- And I hate cooking. And art.
That's it, I'm checking.
- Okay, but I don't think it's ready.
- Uhh looks done to me.
[scream fruit screams]
- I told you it wasn't done.
- Maybe it needs more heat.
ominous music plays ♪
- Smoke's good, right?
[pot whistling]
- Hey, Mom. Nice punch.
Almost made Sandy an only child.
- What about Thunk?
- Oh, right.
Can I ask you something?
- Don't worry, Eep.
Me being queen
won't change our relationship.
- Yeah, about that--
are you sure Gran is ready to--
Give up the Thunder Staff?
- What do you mean?
- I don't know.
The way Gran talks about being queen,
it's like that's the-- Whoa.
Greatest moment of her life or something.
- Because she keeps saying
it was the greatest moment of her life?
- What? No. That's not it.
You can just tell.
Are you sure this is what she wants?
[Ugga panting]
- Doesn't matter. It's the Thunder Moon.
So it's time for a new queen!
That's the tradition.
And I'm gonna win,
become queen and show Gran!
- Wait, is that why you're doing this?
- Of course not. But you heard her.
She doesn't think I can do it.
Which is why I have to.
- [scoffs] Not if I win
and make Gran queen again.
- Hey! Hey!
- Okay, Dawn, if you're gonna be queen,
we need to win this one.
- Mom, if I'm gonna be queen,
I need to win this one. On my own.
- I understand,
and I respect your decision.
- You're going to wear a wig
and pretend to be me, aren't you?
- Oh, sweetheart.
Yes. Because if you don't win, I will.
Two Dawns are better than one.
[grunts in frustration]
- Ugh!
- Good luck, everyone.
I'll be right here cheering you on.
- Not if you don't pipe down
and stay out of the way.
So you made it to the final trial.
[all cheer]
That doesn't mean jill squat.
Because the worst is yet to come
if you want to be queen.
This last trial is about cheating death.
Because you can't be queen if you're dead.
So you'll cross those logs as other logs
try to smash you to bone dust,
then climb over that wall
and shimmy across that vine
and climb that cliff
and zip vine down to the beach
to cross the finish vine.
And try not to die like I did
when I won the Thunder Games.
That's right. I died!
It was the greatest moment of my life.
- See? That's what I'm talking about.
- The only thing I see is victory.
- And this is going to be
the greatest moment of Dawn's life.
Which is my life, because I'm Dawn.
- Whatever floats your boat,
other other girl.
Good luck, Sisters.
May the thunder guide your way.
- So when do we--
[horn blares]
[all grunting]

- See, honey? I told you two Dawns
were better than one. [grunts]
- Mom, I don't want your help!
- You don't know what you want.
Now just stay behind me
and let me do everything
so you can win-n-n!
[all grunting]
- Pain is power.
Suffering is strength.
Coconuts are coconuts!
- Wait, what?
- Hesitation is hurt.
- Long live the queen!
- Right, long live me-e-e!
- So glad I'm not doing that.
I am terrified of heights.
And boarnets! Oh, no.
[Gran grunting]

Get out of my pod! [whimpers]
- Told you to watch out for me, Mom.
[Thunk screams]
- Eep!
[Eep panting]

- Argh!
- Yes, I did it! I won!
- Yes, I did it! Alone!
- Mom, I'm the new queen!
You didn't think I could do it,
but I did it!
- Not yet, you didn't.
You don't get the staff
until the Thunder Moon rises.
- Why can't you just say I did it?
Someone should probably taste it.
- You're right. Someone should.
- We started this together.
- Whoa!
- We're finishing this together.

[all groan sharply]
Gah! It's terrible!
- Ugh! It tastes like burnt sadness.
Like, how is that even possible?
- [whimpers] Get it out of my mouth!
- We ruined the victory casserole.
Gran is gonna kill us.
- Ah, but not if she can't find us.
Boys, we can make it
to the ocean by morning.
Only take what you can carry.
Wait. We're gonna live in the ocean?
drumming ♪

THUNK: This is so exciting.
I wonder who won.
- What? Mom won.
She's the queen--
- La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!
No spoilers. I can't hear you.
- As the Thunder Moon rises,
the time has come to pass
the Thunder Staff to the new queen.
- Uh, yeah, can I stand up now?
- Sure, no one told you to kneel.
Ugga, of the Crood pack,
daughter of the reigning queen,
the Thunder Staff is yours--
if you can defeat
the reigning queen in combat.
- What? This isn't part of the ritual.
- Sure it is.
A queen has to be ready for anything.
Especially surprises!
- But you're the reigning queen.
- Glad you're all caught up.
Now let's do this, princess.
Stay on your feet and you're the queen.
- Mom, you can't do this.
- I know. I can't fight my own mother.
That would be like you fighting me.
- I couldn't fight you. You're my mom!
- Exactly.
I guess you were right
about me, Mom. I can't do it.
- Wrong! Because you're doing it!
Gah! Ha!
That's more like it.
[both grunting]
- I don't want to fight you.
- [grunts] Scared of the thunder, huh?
- Mom, stop!
- Make me stop!
Gah! Yah!
- [sighs] Fine.
There. Are you happy now?
- I sure am.
Because you're the queen now.
And this is yours.

And this--
this is the greatest moment of my life.
- It is?
- Of course it is.
I've been pushing you your whole life.
And look, it paid off.
[Gran grunting]
- Uh is this another trial?
- No. Sorry.
Lot harder to let go of this
than I thought it would be.
[clears throat]
I hope it brings you
as many great moments as it brought me.

- Thank you.
I've wanted to be queen
since I was a little girl.
At least I thought I did.
The truth is, I think I just
wanted you to be proud of me.
- I've always been proud of you, kid.
- That means everything to me.
And I know this means everything to you.
- What are you doing?
This belongs to the queen.
- Right. And as queen,
I'm naming you queen
until the next Thunder Moon.

And this is
the greatest moment of my life.
- It's the greatest moment
of my life, too.
- And mine!
- Great twist. I did not see that coming.
- Ha! I got the staff!
That means Dawn's the queen
because I'm Dawn!

vocalizing ♪
closing theme playing ♪

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