The Following s02e04 Episode Script

Family Affair

_ It's not what it looks like, mama.
Actually, Mandy, it's exactly what it looks like.
What's gonna happen to us? If you're smart, you'll say nothing.
Please don't go.
There has been no one but you.
If Joe were alive, he would have contacted you.
Maybe there was a reason that he couldn't.
The FBI raided a follower safe house, killed 5 people, arrested a sixth.
The ones from the subway are still out there.
Killer twins.
That's the breaking news today You guys have been made.
It was inevitable.
eluded authorities at a charity gala, where they brutally stabbed a male guest.
It's Emma.
She keeps calling.
Hello? Meet me in person.
Just come alone.
Whoa, whoa.
What are you doing? Is Joe alive? Yes.
So you planned these murders to lure Joe out of hiding.
Mandy, stab him! Stab him, honey.
Do it! I'm sorry, mama, but I can't let Joe go.
I have to say good-bye.
- Why? - For your own safety.
- What train is that? - Express train.
Why didn't she get on it? Lily's lying.
She's in on it.
Lily might be compromised.
Why go through so much trouble to get close to me? You're important to Joe, so you're important to me.
I see why Joe's so drawn to you.
Good-bye, Ryan.
What happened? Just drive, dear.
Yes, mother.
Of course.
I believe in you, Joe.
I want chocolate milk! That's how you want to spend your sugar allowance? Chocolate milk! Okay.
It's your choice.
Slow down there, monkey.
Good morning! Hi, Jana! She looks nice.
Yes, she does.
Hey! Where did you get that sucker? The man.
Who? Did you go in the cabinet? Where's Billy? Andrea, did you take him out? Where's your brother? The man did.
Honey, what man? The man who talks funny.
Uh, Andrea honey, look at me.
Where's Billy? Andrea! Honey? Billy? Billy? Billy? Billy? Billy, honey? Bill-- Please don't hurt my son! Children are such precious gifts, aren't they, Jana? Joe, you're alive! Joe! Ohh! Where have you been? Lily Gray is the primary suspect in the murder of two federal agents at her Soho art gallery.
We also are now viewing her as a person of interest in the recent subway slayings.
Tell us about the raid in Burlington.
Is she linked to that group at all? We have yet to confirm that connection.
The raid resulted in 5 casualties and one arrest Have you eaten? You need to eat.
I'm good.
asking the public at this time if you know any-- Why was she targeting you? I'm the guy that brought Joe down.
But if she's a part of it, why would she put herself in the subway? She made herself the victim to get close to me.
Those were superficial wounds, Max.
She knows my background, she knows my history with the case, how I get too attached to the victims.
Sarah Fuller, Claire Matthews.
She was playing a part.
That's so sick.
This woman has no violent history, no record, not even a traffic ticket.
She's an art dealer.
Why would she do this? To lure him out.
Who? Luring who out? Joe Carroll because he's still alive.
Well, if that's what's happening, then you need to prove it.
How can I help? Oh, no.
FBI is all over me.
I'm being trailed.
They know you've been helping me, so they're watching you, too-- our cell phones, our online activity.
Ryan, I work at the NYPD Intel Division, I trained with the best CIA techs at the academy.
Do you honestly think that they can trace anything I do online? Yeah, I do.
Well, maybe they can, but it will take them 6 months.
I know how to bury it, and pick up some disposable phones-- You don't even believe Joe is alive.
I'm skeptical.
There's a difference.
I need evidence.
I can't let you lose your job over me.
I'm not gonna lose my job, and so what if I did? You, Aunt Jenny in Boca, and me.
That's the Hardy clan.
That's all there is.
There's no one else.
You know, um, until last year, we hadn't said 5 words to each other since my dad died, and I feel like you and me, dad would have liked this version of us.
So you don't get to decide what I do.
If something happened to you, that would end me.
Now you know how I feel.
Come on, Hannah.
What about Emma Hill? What can you tell me about Emma Hill? Do you know Lily Gray? Tell me what you know about Lily Gray.
Is Emma Hill with Lily Gray? Are they together? That's the best it got.
She'll break eventually.
All right.
What about Lily Gray? Well, we've only had a few hours, but here's what we know.
Lily Gray was born in Denmark.
She was orphaned at a young age.
She was taken in by Martin Jansen, a wealthy businessman who died when Lily was in college.
Now she's the sole beneficiary.
She inherited all businesses, properties, holdings, all on the up and up.
This woman is a millionaire? Billionaire.
Estimated net worth 1.
Hopkins, what else you got? Her assets are controlled by banks in Belize and Anguilla.
You now how helpful their privacy laws are.
Now money is not the most interesting thing about this woman.
Hilda Barkov, a Russian housekeeper who maintained her father's estates, she died giving birth to twin boys.
Lily's Gray's the adoptive mother? There's no record of adoption.
There's no record of the boys after their birth.
Well, hoe does one raise twin boys and nobody knows about it? Did you guys interview everyone in her life? Yes.
Those closest include her gallery assistant Kimmy Lee.
Surprisingly stupid.
She knows a great deal of nothing.
And her business partner David Roland, who was released from the hospital this morning.
All right.
Well, the twins attacked him at the gallery, but that does not rule out his involvement.
He lawyered up.
Doesn't want to come in voluntarily.
Court order's in the works.
It's a late season.
Everything's still so green.
I missed this place.
How long do we have to stay here? Don't be a downer, dear.
I'm not a downer.
I'm being realistic.
We don't even know that Joe's gonna call.
He'll call.
I'm more concerned we have the proper response when he does.
You shouldn't have killed Carlos.
It's all my fault.
We need to provide Joe with a sense of security, okay? Can Emma Hill be trusted? Talk to Mark.
He's convinced we traded a pawn for a queen.
Mom! - Oh, sweetie! Oh! - Mom.
You okay? Careful.
My arm.
Oh, sorry.
Oh, baby.
I missed you so much.
Where's Giselle? I thought she was coming with you.
Oh, she's back in town taking care of David since Luke failed to do so at the museum.
Actually, Mark failed to do so, mother.
Really? I specifically remember tasking you with that.
Why's David so important? He doesn't know anything.
Well, I'd rather the FBI not question him, but let's leave Giselle to that, hmm? Yeah? - Yeah.
- Good! We're here! Yeah.
Finally! Sami, Jamel _ _ _ It's been too long.
Ohh! He speaks English! Very good.
Radmila _ _ _ _ Me, too.
So are we liking the States? Yeah? Is it everything I promised it would be? Oui, oui.
You kids! You bring me so much joy.
Why are you hiding back here? Come! We are so privileged to have you with us.
I'm sure you're a little overwhelmed, but this is my family, and you're so welcome.
You're so welcome here.
You're pretty.
Your house is pretty.
It's so big.
What do you want to play now? Let's play wedding.
Um, okay.
Mandy's a sweet girl.
Her skirt's too short.
It's not proper at all.
Well, she comes from a home of few resources and even fewer proper role models.
Her mom? Sadly no longer with us.
Joe, I was here, I waited, and you never showed.
I took a detour.
A detour? Roderick said that you were gonna come to me.
I had it all set up.
What happened? Look.
It's-- it's a very long story, Jana, and I assume we're on limited time.
Yes? I know what you came for.
Who is Lily Gray? That is the question authorities are asking this morning as she remains at large.
Considered armed and dangerous, Miss Gray killed two federal agents and eluded authorities at her Soho gallery yesterday.
From well-respected art dealer to murder suspect, Miss Gray is now believed to be involved in the recent Carroll cult murder spree.
However, our sources tell us that the FBI is still struggling to find Miss Gray's connection to Carroll and his former cult members, but we do know is that death toll continues to rise in New York City, and Miss Gray is a wanted fugitive.
Anyone with any information regarding Miss Gray should contact-- Someone out there? Authorities also continue to search for the still unnamed twin brothers, who are believed to be responsible for several of the recent murders.
While Joe Carroll has been dead for over a year now, it has become painfully apparent to the people of New York City that his legacy lives on.
We will continue to unravel more of the mystery that is Lily Gray and will bring you the latest on this breaking story.
If you want David's cooperation, show me your warrant or grant him full immunity.
And if a killer gets away in the meantime, that's okay with you? Have whoever's bring the warrant take 8th.
Less traffic this time of the morning.
I'm at David Roland's place.
FBI know you're there.
Well, they're tailing me, so, yeah, but they didn't invite me here.
I'm watching Roland's lawyer stonewall Mendez.
Yeah? So? I don't think he's inside.
Can you do me a favor? Already on it.
David Roland has a house in Sag Harbor.
NYPD and FBI are en route.
Too easy.
Check his attorney Lisa Withers' credit card.
See if she rented a room anyplace.
All right.
That will take a minute.
I'll call you back.
How's it going, fellas? Sneakers today.
Cool! Lily Gray is the primary suspect in the murder of two federal agents at this Soho gallery.
What are you doing here, Giselle? Lily sent me.
Where is she? Is she okay? They're saying some horrible things about her.
They're calling her a killer.
I know.
Well, I'd like to speak with her.
She needs a lawyer to help clean up this mess.
She should sue them for what they're saying about her.
She appreciates your concern.
What are you doing? What is that? _ Sit.
You're hurt.
Why are you here? Lily does not wish you to suffer.
Please take this.
You'll sleep.
I don't know what you're talking about, but I am not taking those.
_ _ _ What the hell is that? _ No, no, no, no.
Ohh! Aah! Ohh! Aah! Aah! Aah! Hey.
Lost my tail.
You find anything? No.
No credit card activity for his attorney Lisa Withers.
Check her property records.
Yeah, I did.
She has a second property at 92nd and York.
She rents it out.
It's currently vacant.
Get me an address.
Will do.
Be careful.
Mike Weston, FBI.
I know who you are.
Can we talk? I'm a little busy.
It'll just take a minute.
I'll take that.
Make it fast, Agent.
I know what you're doing.
You have to stop.
I guess we're done with the small talk.
You think you're helping your uncle, but you're hurting him, and you're interfering with a federal investigation.
Do you have any evidence? We both know you're smarter than that.
In other words, you can't prove it.
I've seen Ryan's shrine to all things Joe Carroll.
Are you of the opinion that Carroll's alive, as well? I don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, you do.
Now I have tried, but I can't seem to get through to him.
If you care about him, if you care about your career, you'll stop.
Are you threatening me? Look.
I'm Ryan's friend.
If I wasn't, I'd be talking to your captain right now.
Want to talk to him? He loves the FBI.
This is about revenge for Ryan.
Now he's hurt and traumatized, and he is grieving over Claire, but you and I both know Joe Carroll is dead.
Are you gonna be okay when Ryan gets himself killed? I know death runs in the Hardy family-- Okay.
We're done.
I'm trying to help.
It was good to meet you, Max.
Emma, I want you to know you're safe here.
It's beautiful, isn't it, peaceful, scenic? See that dramatic contrast between shadow and light? It's a wonderful place to paint.
It really is.
I understand you're an artist.
Not really.
Maybe we can change that.
I want us to be friends.
Because when Joe calls, you want me to tell him that it's safe here.
I want you to tell him the truth.
What is the truth exactly? Ask me anything you want.
Can you tell me anything about Joey? Your son is deep in Witness Protection with his grandmother.
There's no way we can find an address then? I'll keep trying.
I'll get something.
I always do.
I held onto it.
Money, credit card, IDs, everything you needed to start your new life.
I assume you still have access to certain information.
Of course.
Someone's reached out to me.
A follower? The murders in New York.
Only a slight few know how to leave a message for me.
I need to know if it's safe for me to answer.
You have quite a diverse family.
Discards from across the globe, kids whom no one wanted, displaced by violence or neglect.
I used to be one of them.
You? My father killed my mother, and then he took his own life when I was a child.
My mother was a maid, and he was convinced I was the progeny of her wealthy employer Martin Jansen.
He thought they had an affair.
Was it true? Maybe.
After they died, Martin took care of me, sent me to the best schools, bought me anything I desired, but he was-- he was never a parent.
I think you know what that's like, to grow up bereft of a parent's love.
You've done your research? I know your mother didn't love you the way you needed her to.
That's behind me.
I think she didn't see your strength, your intelligence, your beauty.
If I had a daughter like you, I'd I'd honor her.
Why have you been looking for Joe? Do you know him? I feel like I do.
Early on, I could see that Luke and Mark were different, and other mothers might have tried to change that, but I chose to love them for exactly who they are, and I surrounded them with a family of like-minded souls.
That's what Joe did for us.
That's why I feel so connected to him, to you.
Isn't that really all you need to know? Hello? Emma? Yes.
It's-- it's Emma.
Joe, it It's true.
It's you.
It's true.
I've missed you, Emma.
You shouldn't stay on too long.
Tell him the meeting place.
Emma, who is that? Is it safe? These people on the news, these-- these twins, this Lily Gray, are they friends, Emma? It's safe.
Come back to me, Joe.
Get Hopkins on this laptop.
I want everything on it.
Yes, ma'am.
Let me know if you find it.
I'm gonna track traffic cams going south on 2nd Ave.
Running plates now.
I'll call you.
New phone? Yeah.
I lost my other one.
Maybe it's with those two agents I keep losing.
So that was Lily Gray's people tying up loose ends? Yep.
And did you see anything? Nope.
Well, please know I'm smiling on the inside.
Why's that? Ryan Hardy, please put your hands behind your back.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Do you understand these rights? Luke, you'll take Emma to meet Joe.
I should go.
I'm better with Emma, and besides, who's gonna be more welcoming to Joe-- me or Luke? He's more of a people person.
I can do this.
Trust me.
I'll meet him, and I'll bring him straight here.
It's not you, honey, that I don't trust.
It's Emma.
She's a difficult read.
She won't mess this up.
She wants Joe just as much as we do.
Did you hear her? "Come back to me, Joe"? She thinks this is all about her.
She was emotional.
We reveal our true selves when we're in the throes of emotion, dear.
Can you help me? I didn't mean to cut you so deeply in the subway.
Scars make us more interesting.
It's sexy, no? I don't like this.
All right.
You don't have to do this for us, Jana.
This way you won't have to stop along the way.
They have surveillance cameras everywhere these days.
Hey, hon.
You like apples? They're okay.
Got any candy? The apples will do just fine.
Jana, tell me about Corbin.
Corbin? Yeah, the original plan before Roderick found Havenport.
Well, it's still there as far as I know.
It's been a while.
I have Roderick's file.
Let me get it.
Thank you.
You're very quiet.
You okay? Miss Jana has been so nice.
I like her and her family.
Have you been thinking about your mama, hmm? I'm okay.
Yeah? You're my family now.
Are you gonna kill Miss Jana? No, no.
Why would you think that? You got what you came for, right? Nobody is supposed to know you're alive.
You have to.
Mandy your mama was a threat to us, and that is why she had to die.
Now Miss Jana wants to help us.
She's our friend.
You do see the difference, don't you? I guess.
You know, Mandy, death is a it's a precious gift.
It can't be given indiscriminately, or it loses its value, and we lose the great privilege of offering it.
Your mama, she gave us no choice.
Here's what I have.
Um there are several contacts, but I have no idea if they're still valid.
This was all Roderick's doing.
Of course.
Thank you.
Um Thank you for everything, hmm? I'm here for you when you need anything.
You've been so good to me.
Thank you.
Take care of this one.
Leave me a message, and I'll call you back.
Where are you? I found the car.
It's parked outside Grand Central Station.
I have traffic cam video of a woman leaving it.
It looks like she's gone.
Call me back.
Can I have a table, that one over there? - Sure.
- Thanks.
_ It's like I told you.
I knew the lawyer would be stonewalling, so I went from there.
The York Avenue apartment was easy to find.
Are we keeping you? Mr.
Hardy-- You can call me Ryan.
Hardy, what would you do if you were in my position? Do I slap your wrist again, or do I bring the DA in here and officially book you? Uh the first one.
This new cult, this fan club of Joe Carroll's, seeks fame in the worst possible way.
They are not done with you.
They will kill you.
Have a nice day.
We wanted to hold you.
Director Franklin thinks you're more valuable if we follow you.
Good luck with that.
New phone.
I lost my other one.
Really? You mean, this one? We found it in a taxi if you want it back.
I'm good.
Hey, Ryan.
I'm worried, man.
My last chance.
Just let me help you.
Have a good night, Mike.
What's up? Where have you been? I traced the license plate.
It was stolen.
Street cop found it abandoned near the Lexington entrance of Grand Central.
She's leaving town.
Not yet she's not.
What do you mean? Where are you? Sidewalk café at 41st and Pershing.
I'm staring right at her.
Are you sure he's coming? Please stop asking me that.
Well, he's late.
Is that him? Joe.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Joe! Joe! Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? How could you? How could you? How could you? Ohh! I'm back, Emma.
I'm back.
You shouldn't be there.
Yeah, I know.
How far away are you? A couple of blocks.
She's sitting at a table, she's reading a magazine.
She keeps checking her watch.
She's waiting for a train, Ryan.
Let me arrest her.
I will detain her until you get here.
I know I have no right ask you this, but please don't.
I'm almost there.
This is stupid, Ryan.
This is dumb! Yeah.
It is.
It's stupid.
I'm almost there.
She's leaving.
Do not follow her! Then hurry.
You're under arrest! Stay down! Back up! NYPD! It's okay! Unh! Move, move! You okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She went in the station.
Go! Go! You see her? No.
I see her! She's got to be leaving the city.
That would put her on 109-113.
Which one? You go left, I'll go right.
Aah! Unh! Whoa! Whoa! Help me! He's got a gun! He's got a gun! Hey! Get off of me! No, no! No, no.
Don't let her get away! I'm a federal agent! Roadblocks, aerial search spanning the Tristate Area.
Have we heard back from Lily Gray's attorneys? Not yet.
Call them again.
Uh, it's me.
I know it's my weekend, but I just-- I can't pick up the kids.
Can you help me out? You fought for joint custody.
You said you wanted to be a parent, so be a parent.
You know the case I'm working on.
Just tell me you can pick up the kids.
I can do it.
I'm not on a case because you made me give up the FBI.
It's convenient for you, isn't it? Please, Jana.
Not now.
Work with me.
Oh, my.
Hello, Joe.
Max, where are you? I've been looking all over for for you.
I'm on the train.
You're what?! I'm on the train.
I have her in sight.

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