The Legacy (2014) s02e04 Episode Script

Afsnit 4

- It's going really well.
- Is it?
- Yes. It looks great.
- Great.
Do you think I should give notice
to the tenants?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Congratulations, hemp queen.
Isa, wait for Thomas!
Isa, don't!
Frederik, I'm so fucking sorry
about everything.
I would die for you.
I would have given you
anything you wanted.
What happened with Solveig
was a mistake.
It only happened once.
I don't know how the hell it happened.
Don't contact me.
- Don't contact my family
- What are you talking about?
- ever again.
- What the hell are you talking about?
- Or I'll make sure you never get out.
- Stop saying such bullshit.
Is that why you came?
- To take revenge? Is it?
- Stop it.
- Is it?
- Stop it.
- Leave me alone.
- You're insane!
- You're insane!
- Shut the fuck up!
I'm sorry, Gro.
I'm sorry.
Isn't she trampling all over the plants?
She has to in order to take samples.
She can't just walk around the edge.
How much does she need?
Can't she use the same path?
Now she's trampling down even more.
- Signe?
- Yes?
I need the car.
You can't have it today.
I need it to pick up some wood later on.
But Emil is coming home.
If I leave now,
I can meet him at the airport.
Why didn't you tell me?
Are all three of them coming?
Lone told me.
I thought it was tomorrow.
- Bloody hell, Thomas.
- I'm sorry.
I'm such a dunce at listening,
but Emil shouldn't suffer for it.
- Here.
- It's so nice of you. Thanks.
- Does it have enough petrol?
- Yes.
- Excellent.
- Hey, Thomas!
Did you tell Gro about Melody?
- So she doesn't know?
- No, not yet.
Go ahead.
You're a dear. Thanks.
- Give him my love.
- Will do!
It's clear of the other building.
Move it as far back as possible.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, sweetie.
I'm glad you're here.
Don't you think Dad will be pleased?
Where is Villads?
We have to pick him up.
He's at Oskar's.
- Mum, is Emil coming home too?
- Yes.
We'll wait for Dad outside, all right?
It'll be fine.
He's really looking forward
to seeing you.
Let's go.
- Robert!
- Hey!
It's impossible to find parking
around here.
- Have they landed?
- Yes, a few minutes ago.
Look. There he is!
A hero from Mandalay,
where the flying fishes play.
- You got him out.
- Yes.
You are
It's great that you got him out.
You're fucking Perry Mason.
Where are the others?
They're still at the carousel.
My bags came before theirs.
I bet they were stopped by Customs.
I'll go outside to my family.
I think they're waiting out there.
What? Wait a minute.
We have to celebrate.
I want to go.
I haven't seen them for a long time.
Thomas, I want to go home
and see my family.
- Come on
- Dad!
Hi, Villads. Hi.
- This is for you.
- It's very nice. Thank you.
- Do you know what it is?
- Er
It's a medal
to hang around your neck.
A medal? Thank you!
- Hi.
- Hi.
I couldn't stop him.
He just ran off.
Well. Let's go home.
No. I want to see Emil.
- They'll be out in two minutes.
- Thomas
Emil will be so pleased
to see you, Villads.
- It's OK, isn't it?
- Please.
Frederik, where are you going?
I'll take a taxi.
- No. Don't.
- Yes. I want to go home.
No. We came to pick you up.
The kids have been looking forward to it.
I'll go on ahead, all right?
I'll go on ahead.
- Come on. We're leaving.
- No!
- Frederik!
- Wait a minute!
- Come on.
- Emil!
Hi, Villads!
- It's so good to see you!
- What happened to your head?
I just got a few scratches.
- Welcome home. Well done.
- Thanks.
This is for you. There are plenty of
cool stones out by our new house.
- Really?
- Yes.
- I have one for you as well.
- Is this for me?
- Welcome home.
- Thanks.
It's lovely. Did you make it?
- Come on, Villads. We're leaving.
- Let go!
Get a grip. We're going.
Stop, stop, stop!
- Holy shit, man. Hi.
- Hi.
- It's good to see you.
- Wow.
- You're looking good.
- But you sure as hell aren't.
We'll go together.
You're not taking a taxi.
- You don't need a taxi?
- No. Sorry.
- OK.
- Sorry.
How about Melody? Didn't you want
to bring her along to see us?
She's with Isa.
They needed some time together.
Did Isa come back?
No, she's staying with her father
for a while.
Hey! Are both of them
at Isa's father's?
Yes, she came and picked her up.
When was? When?
Last week.
And you just let them?
I wasn't there, was I?
Signe was watching her.
Let's go.
For crying out loud!
I knew I should have been there.
Now what? Have you talked to them?
Do you know where they are?
Signe talked to them.
They're fine.
But you haven't done anything?
I have! I've called and called.
I've left messages.
She doesn't pick up.
You know that for every day
that goes by without you doing anything,
your chances in a court case
get worse and worse.
- There won't be a court case.
- You don't know that!
That guy Henrik is off his head.
She knows where I am.
She'll come when she's ready.
I'm calling a lawyer.
What's up with you and lawyers?
Why do you have so little faith
in other people?
You sure didn't get it from me.
Where's your car?
Over there.
I bought a good mattress
and made up a bed for you.
- Great.
- Are you tired?
- Totally exhausted.
- My car is here.
Why don't you come home with me?
Instead of going to that cement silo?
Come with me to the countryside.
It's nice and quiet.
You can sit and play some music.
- Dad, we know what we're doing.
- I know. It might be better for him.
Perhaps it is best.
Do whatever feels right for you.
- Yes, yes.
- Then I think I'll come with you.
That's it then. Super.
Take good care of him.
- Take care.
- I will.
Do you have any money?
I'll manage.
Do you have any cash?
- Gro, I don't want your money.
- Here.
- I don't want it.
- But you don't have any.
I can manage on my own. Stop it!
I don't want your money.
He's being ridiculous.
Give it to me.
- You have money of your own.
- Thomas, don't take it.
It's for him.
What did you think?
If you change your mind,
I'll leave you a key.
- I don't want your money.
- Knock it off, Emil.
I can earn my own money,
thank you very much.
Let me know if you need anything.
I'll come over soon.
It's so good to see you.
We have battens and rock wool.
We need more of those.
- You just got a load of battens.
- Yes.
But we need 38-mm ones
for this part.
OK, so you got the wrong ones.
I'll take care of it.
- Dad, they ordered the wrong battens.
- Yes, I know. I saw it.
I called Torben and he's bringing
the right ones over later.
- But we can work with what we have.
- Sure.
Good. So
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Can you imagine me
doing this on my own?
No, I can't.
- Do you want some coffee too?
- No, thanks.
Signe, I have to tell you something.
Come with me.
Dad, is it more expensive
than we thought? Is it?
No, no. Don't worry. No.
- It has nothing to do with that.
- Good.
What is it?
There are rumours
at the sports centre.
About what?
About you having a relationship
with Martin.
With Martin? Who says so?
- Don't think I believe them.
- Who said so?
I wouldn't be surprised if he were
spreading the rumours himself.
Just to annoy me.
We don't always get along.
There's a party for the sponsors
down by the harbour tonight.
You could come by and scotch
those stupid rumours.
I don't want to go to a party.
There's too much to do here.
Come by and say hello
and have some fun.
It's a party.
Come here.
Was it intense over there?
We got him out.
Will you tell me about it?
It was hell.
But now it's over.
What's this?
- It's nothing.
- What the hell happened?
What happened?
- Gro, who did this?
- I had a fight with Frederik.
Did Frederik do that to you?
I needled him.
I went too far. Stop it!
He tried to strangle you!
Keep your nose
out of my family's business!
He's my brother
and I know what I'm doing.
Gro, this has nothing to do
with family.
Gro, come here
and tell me what happened.
Where are you going?
I have to go to work.
I have some things I need to do.
Are you running away?
There are some things I have do
that I couldn't do in Bangkok.
I just want to get them out of the way.
Do you want me to come with you?
No, I'll just go
and get them over with.
That would be the most efficient.
I'm coming with you.
- Are you my father now?
- Huh?
You have two children in Germany.
Why not be there for them?
See you tonight.
So this is where you're hiding.
I just tried to call you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Can we do this later?
I have a lot to do.
No problem. I just wanted
to congratulate you.
- Thanks.
- That piece is fantastic.
- Oh, the piece.
- Yes. I've just talked to Lone.
The cast is finished now,
so I thought I would go and see it.
Wait a minute.
Take a look at these.
These are some pictures
that Eva took for her new book. Look.
On the one hand, it's very complex.
And on the other hand,
it speaks very plainly and clearly.
It's very impressive. Fantastic.
I don't understand
why she hid it away.
It's from the time when we thought
that Veronika wasn't active.
And then we find a masterpiece.
It's absolutely fantastic.
- Yes.
- But I was wondering.
Why did you sell it to your sister?
- I don't know. In a way, it's her.
- True.
Do you think she would be interested
in selling it?
No, I don't think so.
It means a lot to her.
I talked to the rest of the board.
So I'm going down there
to take a picture of the cast.
Does the Jakobsen Foundation
want to buy it?
If we offer her the right price,
don't you think she'll be interested?
No, I don't.
But it's nothing for you to worry about.
I'll take care of it.
- Right.
- Are you going to the foundry now?
Would you like company?
It would be a great pleasure.
Do you know what it costs to take a dump?
Two kroner.
Were they rough on you out there?
Frederik says
that I don't care about him.
Frederik is just in a bad mood.
He's always been the older one.
The big brother.
I find it hard to be a part of his life
and the way
he has gone about things.
- It's the same thing with Gro.
- I know. That's the way they are.
In their eyes, I'm just the little,
irresponsible younger brother.
You don't take him too seriously.
Frederik will come round.
It's not about Frederik at all.
That's what I'm trying to say.
Just look at me now.
I come home and everyone wants to
take care of me and give me money.
When I got out of prison in Delhi,
I was glad that someone took care of me
because I wasn't doing well.
And neither are you.
Come on, let's go.
- Isn't it nice?
- Yes.
- The wind has died down now.
- Lovely.
Come and take a look.
- Terrific.
- It came today.
I haven't furnished it yet.
It could be a room for one of the kids.
Or we could move our bed in.
It has underfloor heating.
I moved it a metre closer to the water,
so we can enjoy the view.
- Just look at the view.
- Yes.
It's beautiful.
Did you bring us any presents?
No, I
No, of course Dad didn't bring presents.
He's been much too busy.
No presents this time.
- Villads gave a presentation last Friday.
- Really?
About komodo dragons.
- Did it go well?
- Yes.
It went really well.
With PowerPoint and everything.
Hannah, don't you want to tell Dad
about your trip with Julie?
- No, I don't. Dad doesn't want to hear it.
- Of course he does.
Come on!
I thought we had stopped Iying.
Why are you always so lame?
- I don't think he likes the house.
- Shut it, Villads.
I'm sure he likes the house very much.
He's just very tired.
He's been travelling for hours.
The only difference is
that the place often is clean.
That's Signe's room, and that's mine.
I brought up some of my instruments.
But the new part is this area.
Holy shit! She put in a kitchen.
Yes. John did it.
- John?
- Yes.
It's a big improvement, I think.
And what's this? A workstation?
It's Signe's office.
- For all her hemp.
- Hemp?
- The industrial hemp she's growing.
- OK.
Look. Here she is.
No, this is the best one.
- Holy shit. Is that little Melody?
- Yes.
This was taken
before she fell in the water.
Did you have an Indian theme?
- Yes. Both she and I and Isa did.
- It looks good.
Thomas, you have to try
to get her back.
No. She'll come back
of her own accord.
The wheel turns and things happen.
You can't bulldoze your way
to get what you want.
- Hi, Signe.
- Emil.
- Emil would like to stay here for a while.
- OK.
Otherwise I can go to Gro's place.
Gro works in the basement. You can use
one of the rooms she isn't using.
I thought I had
Are you hungry?
I have a bit of selection.
No, thanks. I'm fine.
- Emil
- Signe.
I should have lent you the money.
I'm so sorry that
I didn't know that
No, you shouldn't.
Yes, I should. I'm sorry.
Don't apologise, Signe.
If anyone needs to apologise,
it's me.
I was I don't know.
I'm sorry.
Yes. Sorry.
- Don't apologise.
- I want to.
- Don't apologise.
- I want to apologise.
I've been so worried about you, Emil.
I knew you were hungry.
It's over there.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
My goodness!
It's so powerful.
She truly outdid herself.
It's so strange
that she doesn't call me anymore.
She used to whenever
she'd made something new.
Then I would come over.
And she would be unreasonable.
She would be extremely angry with me.
I don't know why.
Then I had to say
whether the work was good or bad.
As usual, it was good.
Doesn't Niels usually have booze
around here somewhere?
Yes, I
OK. How do we do this?
I have to tighten it first.
And we need more wind.
Let go. Look!
Come and help me!
How long have you been sitting there?
Er I went for a walk.
The children were so looking forward
to surprising you.
You could at least have said something
before you just took off.
Would you sit down, please?
I need some time.
What is that supposed to mean?
That I need to
think for a while.
I have some things I have to figure out.
It has nothing to do with you or the kids.
You know that. I love you all.
But I have
- My head is
- What are you saying?
That I want to go away for a few days.
- And then I'll come back.
- Don't you do that.
- It's just for a few days.
- No. Don't you do that.
- Solveig? Solveig!
- The hell you will!
You're not leaving us here.
You're just not.
What are you doing?
You can stay here, and we'll move.
Hannah, Villads!
Come and pack your things.
- What's going on?
- Pack your things.
- We're moving to Julie's.
- No.
No fucking way
I'm going anywhere with you.
- Pack your things now!
- No. I'm staying here with Dad.
But Dad can't take any more.
Isn't that true?
Isn't that true, Frederik?
Tell them to pack their things!
Go and pack your things.
We're leaving now.
Distributed across four fields?
It's the two closest to the house.
Turn it around. See.
This is where we enter.
Oh. OK.
- They're right there.
- That's 80 hectares?
No, no. Not at all.
I won't have 80 hectares till spring.
- OK.
- Right now I have four
to see if the land can sustain it.
For Christ's sake, Thomas.
It's cool that you're a farmer.
You walk the fields and tend to the plants
in your wellies.
I love it.
It's amazing.
Having some land, planting tiny seeds
and then watching them grow
- and turn into something. It's amazing.
- Emil! What the hell?
- Hi, Emil.
- Hi.
- Christ, it's good to see you.
You too.
What are you doing here?
- I'm sorting out your mother's work.
- Want one, Thomas?
- No, thanks.
- Still?
- Yes.
- What the hell are the police doing here?
- That's strange.
- Emil. Emil.
Come on. Let's go.
I hope it isn't about Melody.
- Hi.
- Hello. Police.
- Signe Larsen?
- Yes.
We've been informed that there's
illegal marijuana growing on your fields.
No. It's legal.
It's industrial hemp.
Our inspector found marijuana plants.
That can't be right.
I was there when it was sowed.
- I have the papers inside.
- I know that it's industrial hemp.
But we also found marijuana
out there.
- I can't believe he did it.
- "He"?
There's also
what the hell is it called?
There's elderflower in it.
It's also soothing.
Do you want some honey?
Yes, please.
Not too much.
Just a dollop.
Why the hell is she bringing
the police down here?
No, no, no
Why the hell are they here?
Emil, take this.
- Crawl out that way while I talk to them.
- I can't.
- Come on.
- I can't have anything to do with pot.
No, of course not.
I'm sorry. I'm an idiot.
I'm sorry.
I'll take it.
I'll go out. Stay here.
- Thomas Konrad?
- Yes?
Are the marijuana plants
on Signe Larsen's fields yours?
What? Who says so?
We found several marijuana plants.
If you did it, then admit it right now,
- Of course I didn't.
- Don't lie.
Are they yours?
- No!
- Cut the bullshit.
I don't have any.
What are you on about?
I'm standing here with the police.
Could you tell them that they're yours?
Are they yours?
Would you please tell the police
that the marijuana is yours and not mine?
Mine? Well, yes.
It's just a few plants.
They're his,
and he'll help remove them.
You are charged with violating the law
on psychoactive drugs.
For Christ's sake.
It's only for personal use.
We'll see if there are
more than 100 grams.
If there are, you'll go to court.
If it's under, you'll be fined.
Of course it's under.
We'll see when we get to the fields.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- All right, all right!
What the hell is this?
- That was the last of them.
- Good.
No. There are more over here.
It's a bloody shame.
- Look at all the top shoots.
- That'll do.
We'll take it from here.
You can go now.
What do you mean
you'll take it from here?
The rest of the fields. Help is on the way,
and then we'll clear them.
Why? He removed all of them.
- Thomas is there more?
- No.
We'll have to go and find them.
Do you know where they are, Thomas?
They're all over the place.
We can't be sure we'll get them all.
Unfortunately we have to clear the fields.
Enough! Why did you drag me
all the way out here?
- I've removed all of them.
- Are you sure, Thomas?
- Yes, I know where every single one is.
- Please leave.
You can't!
You can't clear my fields.
Listen, I'm sorry.
I could've done something
if they had been in an isolated spot,
but they're not.
- I know, but
- I'm sorry.
This is suppression!
Are you clearing the whole field?
I've removed them!
- You should have thought of that before.
- Bla, bla, bla. Idiot!
We know a thing or two about art,
but apart from that
How far have you got
with the inventory?
We've done about a third.
It's a lot of work.
So there's still a chance of
something else turning up?
Yes, we can't rule it out.
Could you perhaps focus more on it?
You know what Veronika was like,
don't you?
There are sketches and prototypes
Could we agree that if you find something,
I'll be the first one to know?
It would make me very happy.
- Can we agree on that?
- You'd like that.
You bet I would.
Yes, well
You know what this piece could do?
It could open doors all over the place.
All over the place.
- I have to close up now.
- OK.
That was a short party.
And you owe me a bottle of whisky.
- Well, almost.
- That's on you, Kim.
- Nice to see you.
- You too.
More! More!
- Good night.
- Thank you. Bye.
Where should we go?
- Home.
- Home?
- I don't want to go home. I'm drunk.
- No, you're lovely.
We could go to my place.
No, no, no.
I'd really like to sleep with you.
- Yes.
- No.
No way, honey bunny.
- We'll head for Copenhagen.
Was that Signe?
I'm terribly sorry.
I feel just awful about it.
I don't want to talk to you.
It was really stupid.
I realise that.
But removing it all
was an overreaction.
- What else could they do?
- It's not like we were out to harm anyone.
I'll help you sow in the spring,
and then it'll be up and running again.
I don't need your help with anything.
You've done enough.
I could easily have removed all the plants.
I knew exactly where they were.
- Listen
- They just want to make trouble.
I told you the fields would be inspected.
Are you a complete idiot?
They just wanted to raze it
to the ground.
- No, they didn't!
- They just wanted to raze it to the ground.
I told you countless times
that the inspectors would come.
- Stop it!
- Don't you tell me to stop it!
Shut the fuck up!
Emil? Hey.
Sit down. Just have a seat.
- Hey, Signe.
- A double shot of tequila.
Hi, pumpkin.
- Hi.
- Hey.
I'm so glad you changed your mind
about coming.
Come and say hi to Mum.
- Hi, sweetie.
- Hi.
I'm glad you came.
Hi. I haven't see you in ages.
- Congratulations on everything.
- Thanks.
This music is crap.
Yes. You know how it is.
PartyZone is what we play
whenever we have a party.
It's crap.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- This is for you.
- Holy shit.
- For me?
- Yes.
Look how big it is.
Who bought it for you?
- Here.
- Thanks.
I'm off.
- OK. See you later.
- OK, sweetie.
- Hello, gorgeous.
- Martin!
You can't buy me a drink
when I'm with my father.
What did you tell him?
I just said it was from you
because we'd fucked.
Bye. Safe journey.
Thanks for coming.
Have you already shouted it
from the rooftops?
Does he know?
- Bye.
- Bye.
No, he doesn't.
And I don't want him to.
Would you like to go swimming
in the archipelago?
- What the hell is going on here?
- John
- Dad! Dad, stop it!
- What the hell were you thinking?
Stop it!
It's none of your business, Dad!
It has nothing to do with you, Dad!
Yes, it does.
It sure as hell does!
Sure as hell!
Bloody hell!
- Dad, wait.
- No.
Wait, Dad.
I don't understand
how you could do this to me.
It has nothing to do with you.
You're embarrassing me
in front of the whole club.
- I thought I could trust you.
- You're one to talk!
- OK. Enough of that.
- No.
- I didn't know that you were a
- A what?
That I was a what, Dad?
What didn't you think I was?
I love you.
- This doesn't taste very good.
- I'll say.
What's this one?
It has hessian and pine needles in it.
- And bog myrtle, right?
- No.
Bog as in toilet?
You know what?
This one isn't half bad.
It's the best one.
- This one I like.
- It tastes of pure alcohol.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Hi, Signe.
- Hi, Signe.
We made soup.
Would you like some? It's good.
It's asparagus.
We can heat some up for you.
She'll come round.
I'll help her sow in spring.
Yes. That's a good idea.
Did you want some anyway?
- Perhaps we should
- Yes.
call it a night.
- What about this?
- I'll clean it up in the morning.
I'll just blow out the candles.
Leave them, Thomas.
I'll put them out when I go to bed.
I'll take the cigarettes.
You quit, didn't you?
- Yes, I quit.
- Yes. As if
- Sleep tight.
- You too.
Thomas Thomas!
- What?
- No. Stop it.
- They can hear us.
- No, they can't hear us.
- Yes, they can.
- No.
For fuck's sake.
Good morning.
We'll clear everything up
after we've had a cup of coffee, OK?
Thomas feels awful about the fields.
I'll have to tell Jan that he can't have
the hemp after all.
He'll be furious.
He warned me about Thomas
and marijuana.
Thomas gets it. It won't happen again.
I promise.
Luckily, it was only four hectares.
You wouldn't have made
much of a profit anyway.
And now we know
that the fields are sustainable.
It'll be better in the spring.
- Jan? I was just
- What the hell were you thinking?
- Have you heard?
- Have I heard?
The nature conservation board has been
calling and the local paper as well.
I'm so sorry.
They burned it all down.
You said you had a handle on it.
You promised!
I can guarantee
that it won't happen again.
Thomas gets it.
He planted his marijuana
in a stupid place.
And who are you?
- I'm Signe's lawyer.
- I see.
Listen. I'll make things right.
Listen, Signe Larsen.
This is the end of our cooperation.
I have to sow in spring.
- But it won't be with my help.
- You can't be serious.
Don't you think I'm serious?
- Jan
- I've given the tenants notice.
I have 80 hectares,
and the barn is being renovated.
You should have
thought of that before.
- Jan, take it easy.
- Don't.
- Take it easy.
- Don't.
Keeping an eye on the fields
was your responsibility.
And how did you do?
It's not Aksel's fault.
This is the end of our cooperation!
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