The Machinery (2020) s02e04 Episode Script


According to Monica Hansen,
it was you, Josefin,
who held the weapon.
It was you who shot her repeatedly.
Monica held a gun
to my daughter's head.
I was sure she would shoot
at any second.
-Olle pulled his gun and shot Monica.
-Several times.
-It's not true.
I want to emphasise to you, Josefin,
that perjury is a very serious crime.
Was Olle the one
who really shot the gun?
-Could you repeat that?
-It was Olle who shot the gun.
Somebody call an ambulance!
You have to abort!
-Where's Josefin!
Come on, let's go.
As long as there's no formal charge
against my client,
he can end this interview
at any time.
Where were you last night between
9:30 p.m. and 9:55 p.m.?
The usual, I guess.
After I had cleaned in the hallway,
I was in the common room.
And you don't know
what happened to Kenny?
What do you want me to say?
I see the two of them fighting
all fucking day,
he goes into the shower with Kenny,
the alarm goes off.
-That's all I know.
-What about Erik? Did you see him?
Erik sat in the common room
after I had cleaned up.
Why would Gordon stab Kenny?
All the guards claim
they were good friends.
We're all good friends in here.
Do you recognise this phone?
I think I'll find
your fingerprints on it.
What about this?
You went to the bathroom
an unusual number
of times last night.
I'm sure that's true. I
Unless you have something
more interesting to investigate
than Olle's toilet habits,
I think we can end here.
We have you on camera, getting into
the shower after Gordon and Kenny.
After that, you leave,
and then Erik comes.
So, do you have anything to say?
Then we'll wait
for the technical investigation,
and then I'll get back to you.
Can I talk to my lawyer alone
for a minute?
Of course.
Thank you.
So what the hell was that?
I need Nina Berge's number.
What do you want?
Jimmy's not here,
he's in the hospital.
Yes, I know that.
I didn't know he was going
to do all that. Take hostages and
Is it so weird that he wanted
to be with his mum?
I have done everything
I could for him.
Right. And what you did
was take him away from his mother.
Olle wanted me to take care of him.
Oh my God. Olle?
He barely knew Jimmy.
Is this what you're looking for?
What does a perfect little housewife
like you want with one of these?
-I've done everything I could.
Where is Palle?
I want to talk to him.
We have almost no contact.
Not after you got him
to kidnap Lilly, anyway.
Where's Lilly, by the way?
Taken care of.
Well, congratulations.
You've really earned the title
of Mother of the Year.
No wonder you wanted
to kill yourself.
-I just didn't want to
-Just didn't want what?
Just didn't want to live anymore?
You should be
a little more grateful instead.
Where's Palle?
I can take you to him.
If you let me see Lilly first.
-Why would I do that?
-Because she's my daughter.
Hi! I'm from Kripos in Oslo.
I was wondering
if you've seen this woman?
-No, I haven't.
I lived with so many foster parents
growing up that I've lost count.
I guess I was a little troublemaker
when I was growing up.
And people were so kind and so warm
and so fucking ordinary.
I feel sick just thinking about it.
Jimmy shouldn't have to grow up
with anyone but me. I promised him.
My name is Josefin.
I'm Lilly's mother.
-I'd like to talk to her.
-It's not a good time right now.
Kasper has said we should stick
to the agreed times.
It'll be confusing
for Lilly otherwise.
I have the right to see my daughter.
Hi, sweetheart! Hey!
Are you okay?
Oh, sweetheart.
Maybe you should show Mum your room.
I'd love to.
It's so big.
I'm sorry I was so weird before.
But I feel better now. Much better.
And soon,
you and I will be together again.
I'll talk to Daniel and Kasper
so you don't have to live here.
But I like it here.
But this is only temporary,
-Don't you want to live with Mummy?
Are we poor?
-But that was just talk.
We have lots of money.
You don't have to worry about that.
But you don't have a job.
You said that when you were drunk.
I won't drink anymore,
sweetheart. I promise.
Everything will be all right.
I'm sorry that Mummy's so silly.
It's going to be okay.
But was it Palle
who called social services?
It was me.
I talked to Kajsa at school.
I've ruined everything.
I won't be able to get her back.
No, it's not going to happen.
Lilly's not moving back home, no.
-You're talking bullshit.
-No, I'm not.
-Looking for your pills?
-Where are they?
These are not good for you.
Trust me.
I saw her here a few days ago
in the parking lot.
She was leaving
with one of my waitresses.
-Really? Who?
-Is she here now?
-No, she called in sick yesterday.
Do you have her surname?
It's going to be the worst knock-up
any day now.
It's always like that
when someone gets done.
They move all of us
to different facilities
and hope some fucking idiot
will squeal.
It doesn't matter anyway.
They have our DNA.
Yes, but that's your own fault.
If you'd let me handle Kenny,
this never would have happened.
We had no choice in that situation.
By the way
The mobile you had,
what have you done with it?
You're kidding?
Did you lose it?
No, the police have it.
I must have dropped it.
I got my DNA, my ball sweat
and shit on that fucking phone.
Is that mine?
Yes, it's yours.
You know what kind of shit I'll get
when you guys get out of here?
I hope you don't forget me.
I won't forget.
Does he work cleaning fish?
It's some kind of work release job
he got when he got out of prison.
Why do you want to get hold of Palle?
He has my money from Sandefjord.
-Shorty is here.
-Hi there, Palle.
Are you here to make sure
I'm behaving myself?
Good one. And they say that
the Prison Service has no humour.
Damn, this suits you better
than insurance fraud and forgery.
I'm done with that life.
Yeah, you burned down
your last restaurant, you mean?
What do you want?
The police in Gothenburg
sent this out.
Apparently, someone was rally driving
on their streets the other day.
No. I'm trying to avoid Gothenburg.
They joke too much, just like you.
Yes, but this was taken
on the Uddevalla Bridge,
It's still not me.
It's a nice car.
A lot of people have got
their luxury items stolen lately.
-Was there anything else?
-Yes, I'm sure there is.
I'm sure there is.
This one's for you. Take care, Palle.
You know what?
I'll admit one thing:
I was convinced that
the Palle I know, or knew,
would spend the money right away.
Luxury boats, champagne, parties.
He's also changed a bit.
And how do you know he's the one
who took the money?
That's what I'm trying to find out.
Yeah, look at that.
Now he's got muscle.
That's Elvis. She worked with Jack
a few years ago. A total psycho.
What's he up to?
So you're just going to make him tell
you where the money is, and then
What are you going to do?
Kill him? And me?
Yeah, it doesn't seem like
you're too keen on living anyway.
Aren't you going to answer?
-Hi. I'm calling from the hospital.
I'm calling to inform you
that Jimmy has woken up.
Thank you so much
for calling. Thank you.
Jimmy has woken up.
Oh, shit! I thought
it was someone else. Hi.
Who? Monica?
What's this?
Is she here now?
No, she's left.
-When did she leave?
Did she say where she was going?
Well, she talked about having
That some woman had taken her.
Or taken him.
Can you give me the
There's a key there. Behind you.
Can you take it and unlock this?
We have to call the police.
-Give me the key!
-No, no, no.
You have everything you need here.
-Give me the key!
I'm sorry, but you'll have to be here
a few more days.
-You're kidding!
I can't risk you talking.
You should maybe think
a little harder
about not letting
strangers into your house.
You're not going to leave?
You can't take that with you.
There's a policeman outside
Jimmy's ward. He'll check you.
Yes, I know he's 12 years old.
Mind your own business.
Now I know where Lilly lives.
So don't do anything stupid.
-This is Jimmy's godmother.
-Pernilla Carlsson.
Can I see some ID?
Of course.
And the bag.
Thanks. That's fine.
Let me see that teddy bear as well.
There's something hard here.
I love you.
-Hug me.
Little buddy.
How are you?
My darling
I thought you were dead.
You know I'm immortal.
Did you escape?
Just a bit.
-And Dad? Where is he?
-Don't think about him now.
-How's your head? Are you in pain?
-No, but I don't remember much.
Just that we sat in a car,
and Eva-Lena screamed.
Where did you get the explosives?
-But how did you get in there?
-Palle let me in.
You didn't forget
what you'd help me with?
I didn't find out that much, Mum.
Just that he gave
a lot of money to some guy.
-Don't worry.
-Reine, I think his name was.
It's fine.
Oh! I didn't know you had company.
-No, we'll be leaving soon.
-Are you leaving already?
Can't you stay a little longer?
Should we think about going abroad?
Yes, of course we'll go abroad.
And swim and eat food and
-But you have to get better first.
-I think he needs some rest now.
But I'll be back soon.
Keep this with you
at all times. Okay?
Hug me.
Tell Lilly I didn't mean
for her to be scared.
How's Eva-Lena?
-Hi, Josefin.
from Social Services.
I just found out that you made
an unannounced visit
to your daughter's emergency home.
Yes, I wanted
to see my daughter. Why?
All visits must be announced
and approved
at least three days in advance.
It's very important, Josefin,
that you follow these rules.
Should I be supervised?
What are you trying to say?
What do you think I would do?
Lilly's future situation
depends largely on your conduct.
Should I remind you that you are
still under investigation?
-Are you threatening me?
I'm looking out
for Lilly's best interests,
and I think you understand that.
You listen to me very damn carefully.
You've met my daughter
on one occasion.
You have no idea what's right
for her or for me, okay?
-Josefin, your behaviour makes
-Fuck you!
What are you doing?
I mean, shit, to see him like that
-Did you ask Jimmy to spy on Palle?
I told him to keep an eye on Palle.
But Jimmy is so sweet,
so he thought
Get in the car.
Get in the car!
You're driving.
Are you sure about this?
Come on.
I'm sorry, Eva-Lena.
The sports hall.
You have to leave everything up here.
There's another trolley down there.
What are we doing here?
I sometimes bring Jimmy
and Lilly here.
I like it. It feels
peaceful somehow.
I've never seen anyone here before.
Out. Get out of the car.
Get out of the car!
Ah, fuck!
In. In here.
-Get moving!
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
If this is about Olle, then
-I don't give a shit about him.
-This isn't about Olle.
This is about you,
and it's about me.
You're in my head
all the fucking time.
I mean, every day,
I shoot you over and over again.
Every fucking day. I'm going nuts!
I think you're right. I have nothing
to live for anymore.
My whole fucking life is
I should just die so I don't have
to go through this fucking shit.
What do you need to know about Palle?
-Is this what you want?
I want to know where the money is,
and I want to know
if he's working with someone.
-I can find out.
-Why would you do that?
With 30 million,
you can go far away from here.
And then we could start
a new fucking life.
So you want me
to split the money with you?
This isn't
This isn't you, Josefin.
So you know how to use
one of these?
I already shot you once, so
Hey, Rino.
-Have you seen Olle and Erik?
Come on, fatties! Move yourselves!
Come on, guys!
Come on!
Move yourselves!
What the fuck are you doing?
-What do you want?
-Wipe it up.
No fucking way!
-Who the fuck are you?
-Your mum knows who I am.
Your mum's going to clean this up.
Fire! Fire!
-Why's the alarm going off?
-A fire in the sports hall.
What the hell? What the fuck
Are you in contact with anyone there?
No one's answering.
We have to open
the doors to the stairwell.
Where do they come out?
-Between the hall and the workshop.
-We can take them there.
More fire!
Notify the emergency services
that the alarm is real.
-There's a riot going on down there!
-Yes, we know. Take it easy.
Is the security detail on the way?
CAM 05
What the fuck is that?
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
We have an escape attempt.
We need the security detail now!
Fix it.
Come on, let's go!
What the hell?
Get back, get back!
Come on, for fuck's sake!
-Get lost!
-Come on!
Out, out, out! Out!
Stop it!
Move it!
Put your thumb on the side.
Lower your shoulders.
And don't push, just squeeze.
Isn't it great? Fun? Again.
Now it's up to you.
Come on.
Get out.
Get on the ground.
On your knees.
Right hand.
What the hell?
Come here.
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