The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e04 Episode Script

The Spirit's Trial

I'm so glad we passed.
It's thanks to Lord Anos!
If we pass the upcoming trial,
we'll meet the Spirit King.
I'm nervous.
King Anos.
Preparations for the ceremony for
the second coming of the Demon King
are complete.
I intend to announce
over magical broadcast
that Avos Dilhevia does not exist.
Have Elio deliver the message.
You do not show yourself.
Yes, my liege.
Various spirits will assign you trials.
If you are able to pass them and
reach the top of Eniyunien, you pass.
And now, the first trial.
The staircases of Geunier.
Choose one of these 20 staircases
and advance to the next floor.
Only five lead to the top,
where the Spirit King resides.
Naturally, destroying the walls
and Gatom is forbidden.
When do we know the correct answer?
If you open the door and the stairs
lead upward, it leads to the top.
If it leads downward, it returns here.
Huh? Then if we have bad luck, we fail.
This is quite an interesting trial.
It's pointless Demon King.
Your luck was always poor.
You did something to the questions.
Now you've done something to the stairs.
Perhaps you should use the Law Destroyer.
The Spirit Trial begins now!
A pointless trial.
Kyhilam was good at these.
There are 16 of us,
so four of us should pass.
Depending on whether the four evil royals
pick the right doors,
at least one of us should pass.
But it would be best if
Lord Anos passes this one.
Is it really based on luck?
It does not need to be.
Based on the Blaze Death King's words,
there is a trick at play.
If one of us picks the right door
Right. I doubt we can pass the next trial.
If only we could give
the right door to Lord Anos
-Perhaps we use that.
What do you intend to do with this?
I would like to take all
precautions against dishonesty.
It is possible for you
to fail me intentionally.
As the Tree of Education,
I would never do such a thing.
And what if the life of
the Great Spirit Leno was at stake?
You spirits would do anything
to protect your mother.
I will show our original forms
once the doors are opened.
If there is no dishonesty,
you should not mind.
Very well.
If it satisfies you, then do so.
Yay! The wrong door!
I got to pretend to be Lord Anos too!
This is my lucky day!
Wrong door!
Who else picked a correct door?
It seems luck was on my side.
I have the right door too.
I split my source into 16
to have them reassemble
at the base of ascending stairs.
It went better than expected.
Who goes there?
Is this the place?
Leena, you chose a wrong door.
Right, but then I remembered that
there are hidden passages in the stairs.
You heard her.
Find the hidden passages.
They lead to paths which lead to the top.
-Got it.
It seems you have taken
the Spirit Trial before.
I don't know, but I feel like
I've been to the top before.
Then tell me
if you remember anything else.
What is it?
There should be a door here
Then we open it.
H-Huh? That's weird
What's gotten into me?
I feel like
I've been here countless times.
I'm sad
I need to go.
There was something
that I had to tell him.
The Spirit King?
Yeah, I think.
I see.
Show yourself. I know that you are there.
My apologies for surprising you,
Demon King.
I was waiting for you to come.
We should be out of
the view of the spirits here.
You say it as though
you oppose the Spirit King.
Kyhilam has been spirited away
by the Shadow Wolf Jennur.
The King of Curses' source
alone disappeared?
This person isn't the King
of Curses Kyhilam Jiste?
They have two personalities.
Kyhilam and his lover Jiste.
Both possess personalities and sources.
He didn't fail the test,
but the Spirit King ordered it.
Gerad was ordered to go to Delsgade
in order to return the King of Curses.
Gerad had half of the magic sword.
Who gave it to him?
It was likely the Spirit King,
in order to draw you out.
Is the King of the Netherworld
involved as well?
The King of the Netherworld
has also had a hostage taken.
That is why he is in this school.
Who is this Spirit King?
I heard that he defended
the spirits after you reincarnated
and the Great Spirit Leno disappeared.
I have seen him, once.
This is him.
The man who appeared
at the magic sword tournament
was the Spirit King
disguised as Avos Dilhevia?
But what is his objective?
Please, Demon King. Save Kyhilam.
I know that you do not get along, but
One of my subordinates
has also been spirited away.
I will save Kyhilam along with them.
Thank you.
-What is it?
I've met up with Misa.
We'll continue climbing together.
Very well.
Sorry, but this is faster.
Oh, a door.
The Shadow Wolf Jennur
You may pass.
Are you sure?
No trial shall be given in this place.
-Stay with me.
I thought something was going to happen.
Look there!
Well done in reaching this place.
You are permitted
to behold the Spirit King.
A question for you, Spirit King.
Do you intend to harm the Demon King?
Unfortunately, in order to speak with him,
you must undertake a trial.
What's that?
If you are able to break the Spirit
King's helmet in a duel, you pass.
However, you may only use
your body and spirits.
These swords are all spirits.
You may use them if you are able to.
I undertake this trial.
Luck is a funny thing.
It seems so.
The Shadow Wolf's trial is given here.
You must catch me.
The first of you to do so shall pass.
Shall we cooperate, Demon King Anos?
You pass through the door.
I save those who were spirited away.
Do you know how to save them?
I wouldn't suggest
cooperation if I didn't.
Very well.
-Do not move from that spot.
Then begin the trial now.
I know that your body is an illusion.
Show your true form.
I am the Shadow Wolf Jennur.
My form is never beheld.
I am the spirit of spiriting away.
Liga Shrade.
Beno Levun.
The spirit girl?
Spirited away.
What did Leena do before she disappeared?
So that is it?
Have you found something, Demon King?
Yes. I will catch the Shadow Wolf Jennur.
Then do it.
Those who were spirited away
should be in his body.
Your magic spear can create an entrance.
His form is never beheld.
The spirit of spiriting away.
Stated another way, he only appears
before those who close their eyes.
Well done. You may pass.
The pup hasn't noticed.
Leave the spirit girl and your
subordinate in my hands.
I hope we do not need to fight.
That depends on the circumstances.
The Jeweled Sword Eilarow.
The spirit which seals things
and people into jewels.
I have seven sources.
Sealing them is easier
than destroying them.
You took that sword
as though you knew this.
Have I fought you somewhere before?
Take this!
I'm half spirit, so I can help too, right?
Spirit magic
Lay, take this.
Thank you.
Is that your true form?
Maybe? I don't know. I was too absorbed.
Is your body all right?
It's fine. And
I can't be concerned about that
when you're in trouble!
You are my sword.
So long as you are watching me,
so long as I fight alongside you,
I will never lose.
Will you believe me?
Take that!
I knew it. You know who I was in the past.
After you cut the spirit sword,
your slashes gained more confidence.
You knew that I couldn't use Theo Asc.
Assembling true love into one,
and converting it into mana.
The Hero's last resort.
I hold love in my hand now!
Theo Torearos!
I think that ends the trial.
You can't fight in that state.
Yes, that is correct.
This is the end.
Theo Tor
Quite the impostor.
Welcome to my laboratory.
I do not have time for you.
This is a spirit trial.
If you ignore it, you will never
reach the Spirit King's castle.
State the rules of the trial.
A competition between you and me.
However, the only mana you may use
is what is in that stone.
It is a fair contest of magical technique.
This is an ancient magic circle!
It was forgotten due to its difficulty,
but after 2,000 years of research,
I have rediscovered this spell
which magnifies mana to its limits.
Then perhaps you should try it.
You will never reach the bottom
of the abyss with that.
You're a bad loser.
You have only one stone remaining.
That means I have twice as much mana!
Behold! This is
the ancient spell Reg Noavs!
What I see at the bottom of the abyss is
a spell which
allows control of infinite mana!
And I am now the closest to that bottom!
I give you the results of your trial,
Demon King!
You fail
Did you think having twice as much mana
could make up for
the difference in our skills?
You couldn't have acquired infinite mana!
No. Ancient magic was always
the magic of the weak.
Because it focuses on efficiency,
it does not reach infinity,
but rather, limits itself quickly.
Even this,
the highest level Ji Noavs does.
That is why the ancients
did away with such spells.
My research can't be wrong!
The bottom of the abyss that you sought
is a shallow pond that I long
passed, 2,000 years ago.
I did not expect you to lose, even
with your holy sword sealed away.
Where's Misa?
It would be best to assume that
the Spirit King has abducted her.
Anos, the Spirit King is most likely
He tried to hide his swordsmanship,
but his style was very similar.
He's far stronger than
he was 2,000 years ago.
We've got a problem on our hands!
Look! The magic broadcast in Dilhade!
My fellow demons,
I learned how foolish humans were
in the previous war.
The same of demons of low birth.
That is why we must correct this.
Noble royalty, assemble before
the Violent Demon King Avos Dilhevia.
Lowly mudbloods,
furthest from your ancestors,
kneel before me as fodder.
Come, Seven Ancients!
Answer me. Who am I?
The Violent Demon King, Avos Dilhevia,
the one who rules over all.
State my goal.
The realization of the correct ideal,
a world ruled only by royalty.
There is a foolish mudblood
demon who defies me.
I command all royalty to kill the misfit.
Kill Anos Voldigoad!
What's up with this?
He is not the Spirit King.
Rumors and legends of the Violent
Demon King brought you into existence.
The Great Spirit Avos Dilhevia.
So that is what your true form was
"Between Royalty and Mixed Blood".
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