The Old Man (2022) s02e04 Episode Script


It's time to go home now.
The chopper is just a phone call away.
If we leave him here, he'll die.
We have to get him home.
Something happened between them.
I don't know what it is
or what it means,
but if we were to leave him
up there to die,
we'll have lost her forever.
Have you ever heard
of a man named Morgan Bote?
He is the one who was behind
the deal to deliver Dan Chase.
He's frozen all our assets
and means to see us ruined over it.
You can't evac us if we're dead.
I'm on the hook for this.
Just do it, you understand?
Would you like
to tell me who you are?
My name is Parwana Hamzad.
Your father wants you.
Now that we are all here
I think we have 72 hours.
Anyone who's still here by then is dead.
- You said this before.
- I did not.
You said this before!
No, I did not.
I-I said we had ten minutes.
That was five minutes ago.
We have five minutes left
before this chopper goes anywhere!
I've been asking for five
more minutes for an hour.
Are we okay to get left behind
if he up and splits?
She knows they won't wait long.
She'll be here.
She was on a raid a few years in.
There was an exchange of gunfire.
In the postmortem, they ID'd
a round in some guy's head
that came from her weapon.
She went through all the counseling,
handled it well
Why are you telling me this?
Well, in case you were worried.
Isn't her first time dealing with this,
taking a life.
They're not all the same.
She's here.
He just lost his mother.
I think I'm helping,
I don't really know.
He doesn't speak any English,
so you don't have to worry.
No, no, that's okay.
Listen, time is really tight.
In a couple of days
the army is going to return
and they're going to burn
this place to the ground.
These people have been holding
- the government away with their money.
- Em.
And the money just dried up
on them overnight
Em, you can't stay here.
I have to stay.
No, why would you have to?
Because the person
who made their money dry up
is Morgan Bote.
Bote only grabbed me to get you
to surrender yourself.
When I was taken instead of you,
Bote got angry.
He's managed to freeze all their assets.
It's made them vulnerable
in a time they really
can't afford to be.
This place won't survive
what comes next.
And I need you to fix it.
Fix it? Fix what, how?
Get them off the sanctions list.
Persuade Morgan Bote
to calm the fuck down
before a lot of
innocent people get hurt here.
He's not someone who gets persuaded.
And when he's angry,
he's definitely not someone
anyone can calm the fuck down.
Each of you has told me
what he was to you,
what you were to him.
Em, it was a very, very long time ago.
Great. Then it'll definitely
get his attention
when both of you
walk through his door together
after all this time.
No, you don't have any idea
what you're asking for.
I know how this looks.
Believe me.
I know.
But I am still who you think I am.
To you and to you.
But I cannot just leave
these people here to die
because of a problem that
followed me in through the door.
I just can't.
And I can't imagine that either of you
would recognize me if I did.
I told them you could do it.
I told them you would do it
because I asked you to do it.
And I wouldn't recognize
either of you if you refused.
I trust you.
And I love you.
Please hurry.
Wait here.
What did you mean,
"They're not all the same"?
I mean, I know what you meant.
But what did you mean?
Uh when you put blood
on the ground like that
you know,
not to protect something, not
to avenge someone, not because
it's your job to do it,
or by accident
but when you do it to show
somebody you love them
there's no going back from it.
Trust me.
You think that's what
you saw back there?
The clothes, the kid?
You think it happened to her that fast?
I don't know what we saw back there,
but I think some part of her
is probably gone.
And some part is just being born.
What's the net result of all that?
Hard to know how to mourn someone
and meet 'em all at the same time.
Oh, I don't know.
I think a person can change a whole lot
without it being catastrophic.
As long as there's no one
making them feel like
it has to be.
Come on. This is our ride.
Not that one.
This one.
"Take care of the transpo, Harold."
"Make sure it's reliable, Harold."
Well, there it is.
You're welcome.
They're in the air.
Will they do what you ask?
Can they do what you ask?
Yes, to both.
I'm told
you have been seeing to Farouk.
He's a sweet boy.
I don't know why, but
it seems to be keeping him calm,
being around me.
Lately, "why" seems like
the strangest question to ask.
What "why" could possibly explain
what we have done?
At any rate,
plans are being formed as we speak.
Some will remain to defend our home.
Some will be evacuated
elsewhere in the valley
where they will be safe.
Please don't tell me
it's too dangerous for me here.
Please don't tell me
that I don't belong here.
You you belong.
You belong.
There's no need to say more about that.
But I'm going to ask you to leave.
But you just said
There are other kinds of help I need.
Other fights that need fighting.
Other places I need support. I
I need you to go back to the beginning.
We haven't really properly met.
I'm Tarik.
Among other things.
What did he say to you?
He told me to find you.
And to go back to the States with you.
To help handle the business.
He's trying to get you
out of here before it gets bad.
He cares about you.
Then maybe you can help me convince him.
To let me save his life.
This fucking sucks.
You fucking heard me.
You spent too much time
pretending to be a rich person.
Well, I don't recall pretending.
And I never spent more than
one or two weeks a year as Henry Dixon.
Dan Chase flew coach.
This ain't coach.
And you got rich
spending 50 weeks a year
not even trying?
Well, more or less, yeah.
G-Go on. How?
Not working for the government
was a good start.
We should talk about the
thing we don't want to talk about.
What's that?
A plan.
When we get to the old man's house,
I'm gonna do the talking.
- I'm not kidding.
- Why would I think you were?
I don't know that he'll listen to me,
but I know for a fact
he isn't gonna listen to you.
Mm-hmm, yeah.
This one is too important to
let it get all wrapped up in
the layers of stuff between him and you.
We both know there'll be
no forcing him into this.
And I don't buy for a second that
he's doing this because he's cranky
about being double-crossed.
There's got to be more to it than that.
We got to be really careful
about how we play this.
I'll give that some thought.
What's the matter with you?
What's the matter with me how?
You're planning on just
beating this out of him,
aren't you?
I don't know if it's safe
to take that off.
Fucking piece of shit.
You seem very angry.
I seem?
When were you planning
to tell me that you
You cannot be dumb enough
to think that your-your
I'd be happy to answer any of these,
you might just have to finish one first.
Torturing him is not an option.
Why not?
Because he's about a hundred years old.
Because it won't work.
Because I'm confident
I know which one of us
will end up in jail over this.
You don't really think
you have any chance of
talking him into it, do you?
Yes, yes, I really do think that.
Well, I don't.
And we promised Emily that
we would do whatever it took
to get it done.
I don't remember promising her
anything that you're talking about.
Then we were participating
in different conversations
because I am certain that
that is exactly what you said.
I speak the same English you do.
I heard what she said.
You are not doing anything
when we get there
except stand there nodding supportively
while I talk him into this.
- Harold.
- What?
I'd talk fast.
So, how do you want to do this?
What do you mean how?
I'm gonna ring the doorbell,
he's gonna let us in.
Oh, is he?
You might think about smiling
or something
when he opens the door.
- Marion?
- Yeah.
That's the third time she's called
and you've ignored her.
It's the fifth time,
and I'm ignoring it
because ignoring some things
makes them go away.
didn't work with you.
This way, please.
I don't know how much you know.
A fair amount.
We were on the ground
in the Panjshir,
and things changed.
His kid, she's not a hostage anymore.
Something happened there,
and she's connected with
Hamzad and his family.
I know that, too.
At least now I know that.
Might have been helpful
if someone had told me a long time ago
she wasn't his kid at all,
and maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.
This woman is in mortal danger.
Hamzad's assets have been frozen,
which has made everyone
around him vulnerable.
It's going to get a lot of them killed.
We came to ask you to reconsider.
Why not?
Because neither of you understand
what you're asking for
or why it's dangerous
or who it might hurt.
You have no idea what story you're in,
and the thought hasn't even once
crossed your minds, "Jesus,
maybe we should ask."
We have no time for this.
You're angry,
you're looking to make a point.
- Now, now wait a minute.
- I'm angry?
I'm not the one who breaks things
- when I'm angry.
- Stop this!
What did you mean when you said
we don't know what story we're in?
Absolutely no
fucking idea what you're into
or who it might hurt.
You brought her into this.
No, you brought her into this.
I'm trying to get us all out.
I wasn't much older than he is now
when I was first sent
to school in the States.
The story I was always told
by the adults was that
I was bright enough to need more.
To do more, to be more.
But I heard stories over the years that
my uncle couldn't stand
the sound of my voice.
My laughter.
Too close to the sound of yours.
Needless to say,
this was not any easy thing
to carry around for me
when I looked like him.
But the absurdity of it all
gave me the room
to find my own reason for being there.
And I did.
And what's that?
To get everyone out of here.
I don't understand what you mean.
- Who's everyone?
- My mother.
My uncle, my cousins.
My family.
Yeah, well, I don't think
they want to leave.
Have you asked them?
Not explicitly.
I have. A thousand times.
Explained to them how it would work.
Where we'd go, what would be better.
But I think maybe today
they'd hear it differently,
given the current situation
and given that it was coming from you.
They wouldn't listen to me.
What do you want to bet me they would?
I'm not even sure I'd want to be
making that kind of argument.
There are roots here, and
just because you don't see them
doesn't mean they're not doing anything.
He took you to the cemetery.
Didn't he?
How many of the men and women
in that cemetery
do you think
would have chosen to stay here
if the alternative
was comfort and security
and peace someplace else?
I'll bet you some would,
and I'll bet you not all.
I would bet you my life,
not all of them.
- You're talking to the wrong person.
- I am talking
to the only person they might listen to.
You shouldn't underestimate
what you are to them.
No. I mean, I had all those things
that you're talking about.
and security.
And I drowned in it.
- Apples and oranges.
- Why is that?
You were lied to.
Every day.
Explicitly and by omission
and every way in between.
You were the victim of
a carefully orchestrated fraud.
I'm sorry, but you were.
The comfort and security
weren't the problem.
They were just
insufficient distractions.
That's not this.
This is a family moving together,
someplace where they don't have to worry
whether their daughters
are allowed to do math.
And their sons?
Their sons have a little more room
to do more, to be more.
I love my family, all of them,
back to the last stone under the tree,
but it's hard for me to stand here
without hearing them all
screaming at me,
"What on earth
are you still doing here?"
help me save them.
It's late, and it won't be easy,
but it's the right thing to
My brother is gone.
I came home from Moroco like you said
Picked up the guys, like you said.
Tried to, uh, forget everything,
go back to real life,
but that kinda didn't take.
I wanted to help,
so I called Nina Kruger.
You called Faraz Hamzad's lawyer?
What did you say to her?
I thought maybe I could
convince her to work on Hamzad
to let you and Emily go, but, uh,
that would have required her
answering my calls.
Finally I did get a call back.
Just not from her.
It was from him.
I was watching,
and I saw someone appear on the board
I was not expecting.
It isn't often I find people
who truly surprise me.
She did.
Why were you watching Hamzad's lawyer?
What are we missing here?
We know about the Meshbahar deposits.
That's where Hamzad's leverage
was coming from, right?
- The money that was going to generate?
- Money?
You can make money anywhere.
If you want to have access
to microchips,
if you want to run things on batteries,
if you want to participate
in civilization,
whomever controls that deposit
is going to have a say about it.
We need it.
We had it.
Until I learned another party
was secretly angling
to steal it out from under us.
You pulled her into this.
You threw her in the trunk of a car.
You gave her a new name and new clothes,
and you took her to a party in Morocco
so you could attempt to influence
Pavlovich? Oh, no.
Suleyman Pavlovich.
You've got this wrong.
Faraz Hamzad is not
side-dealing with a Russian,
and if he were, it definitely
wouldn't be that Russian.
I'm relieved you think so.
Oh. Speak of the devil.
You can do it.
Uh, yes, yes. I'm so glad you called.
Who is she talking to?
Hamzad's lawyer.
It's unthinkable that a Russian thug
would be allowed to win control
of something so important
to this country's future.
The lawyer is the key right now
to understanding how we can stop him.
And right now
the lawyer seems to be most willing
to talk to your girlfriend.
What did she say?
She offered to continue the conversation
over lunch next week.
That's good, right?
That's very good.
She wants to tell you something
she won't say over the phone.
Next week?!
This won't hold until next week.
I understand
If you're wrong, people are
gonna die because of it.
If I'm right, it'd be far worse.
I told you.
When I asked you
to help Emily get into the FBI,
I told you she was Hamzad's daughter.
You did not do that.
I was putting her life in your hands.
Do you really think I would
do that and leave something out
that would put her in danger?
I said she didn't need
to be your granddaughter
for you to want to help her
any more than she needed
to be my daughter for me to ask.
I thought, short of spelling it out,
that was pretty fucking clear
under the circumstances.
I understand what you're saying,
I understand the important things.
You can say what you want
about me both of you
you can say whatever you want about me,
but I always understood
the important things.
You know that.
I fought for them when you told me to.
But if your kid can't count on
you, what good is any of that?
Look, I know you can't cave,
but there must be some other way
that you can help bail these people out,
even temporarily.
And if you tell me
there is no other way,
I know that's because
you're not trying to find it.
Don't don't do this
because you're pissed at me.
Don't you do it.
Come back tomorrow.
I'm tired.
You still want to talk about it
in the morning,
maybe I'll have a better answer.
You're not walking out of here.
- Wait
- Get out of my way!
Just step outside with me
for a minute. Please?
He's not wrong.
You don't break things
when you're angry?
Everyone breaks things
when they're angry.
If you won't even try to help,
it's because you want us
to know that you don't have to.
What I want
You never understood the difference
between what we want
and what we owe.
It's why this profession
was always too much for you.
And if you didn't want me
to be angry, you would have
left him outside on the curb.
But you just
couldn't help yourself, could you?
I appreciate you trying to help,
but you don't belong in this.
Please don't get involved.
I don't belong in this.
Today is not the day for this,
I promise.
I need you to go.
I'm not going anywhere until he
gives me what I need from him.
He's not gonna do that.
Mm-hmm. You want to bet?
He's not gonna give you what you need
for the same reason
that you won't leave.
But he'll give it to me.
You got him there, he wants to help,
he just doesn't want to be looking
at your face when he does it.
He and I have been getting along. I
I like him.
I think he's a very sweet man.
Oh, boy, Zoe
To me, he's been a very sweet man.
And whatever he used to do,
it can't be any worse
than what you used to do,
and I got over that.
And as hard as it is to believe
from what I just saw in there,
I think he really misses you.
Go get a cup of coffee,
read a book.
Trust me.
I can get this done.
He didn't want anyone to know.
He did not want his last words with
either of you
to be goodbye.
I'll stay till the morning
to be here for the burial.
I don't know that I can stay
much longer than that.
That's what he wanted.
You will have a choice to make.
To stay
or go.
I have to tell you something.
I told you
he was shot by a sentry
out in the hills.
But that's not what happened.
- He was shot by
- We know.
- How do you
- We know.
No one else will.
You will choose to stay
or go,
but your father
did not want you to feel
that this was a place
where you might be blamed
for any of it.
Your father was shot
by a Taliban soldier
while defending you.
You are what he gave his life for.
As for the two Americans
you brought here
they are in the United States now,
working, on your orders,
to defuse the threat we face.
That is what you have done for us.
Thanks for standing up for me.
And you
Sorry, guys.
I got to go talk to him,
and I think, if we're being honest,
he doesn't love having you in
the rooms with the nice rugs, so
you can stay in here.
All right.
Well, you were right.
The moment you two were
breathing the same air,
I would see a different side of you.
It'd be nice to be wrong
every now and then, but
wishful thinking is
an unflattering quality
in an old man.
Well, not if it's a good wish.
You're gonna ask me to help them.
I sure am.
Because I think you can
and because I think you want to.
You should be careful
around men like me.
If you think you can tell
those kinds of things about us,
it's almost always because
we want you to.
You sound exactly like him.
Get down.
- You okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Is What just happened?
- Who was that?
- Yeah I think
whatever the two of you were after,
you got a lot closer
than Pavlovich liked.
This is just the beginning of that.
The bigger problem is that
Emily's lifeline is dead
on the ground over there.
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