The Serpent Queen (2022) s02e04 Episode Script


[NARRATOR] Previously
on The Serpent Queen
Tell me again why your mother
had to go all the way to Italy
to build your brother a palace
in the middle of Paris.
It is always preferable to keep
business within the family.
May we present Alessandro de Medici.
I do hope I'm not interrupting.
Are you sure you can handle
the English queen?
She's never negotiated with a Bourbon.
Now, what is this rumor
of a Protestant saint
in France, Sister Edith,
a pastor who led her flock
through the flames?
[MONTMORENCY] The Duke of Guise
is wanted for questioning.
- On whose orders?
- The king's.
[MONTMORENCY] We have to act
before things get
even further out of control.
I face problems of a different kind.
I'm ambitious.
- New friend?
- [RUGGIERI] An apprentice.
Are you ready to be born again?
- I am.
- [PERSON] Oh!


I knew what awaited my return,
and yet somehow
I still hoped to elude fate.

[FERNEL] Majesty.
Tell me.
[FERNEL] Hercule's wound
has become infected.
The poison has entered his bloodstream
and has probably
now passed to the brain.
His life is in grave danger.
[CATHERINE] Hercule, I'm here.
Mother, I'm perfectly all right.
Of course you are, my darling.
I don't know what all the fuss is about.

He's gone, isn't he?
I am so sorry.

[CATHERINE] The grief of losing a child
who you were put on this
Earth to protect is unbearable.
They say it gets easier with time.
But of course, that's just a lie.

My son is dead.
The Duke of Guise has been arrested
against my instruction
while the Second Prince of the Blood
travels to England
on terms I have not agreed to.
Had I known my counsel
would be so easily ignored,
I might not have returned.
You told me to trust myself.
And now I would ask you to do the same.
Circumstances changed after
your departure. I had to act.
Circumstances changed because there's
a fucking terrorist on the loose.
We should be riding into the woods
to kill this bitch
and her deranged followers,
but no, instead my brother rots in jail.
If there is a terrorist on the loose,
it's one the Guises created.
It's not like anyone
just wakes up one day
and decides to become a terrorist.
They have to be driven to it.
Honestly, if you believe that,
then you really, really are an idiot.
Aha, exactly,
which means people like you
do underestimate me.
Edith is willing to sacrifice
for her followers.
She can be reasoned with.
The same way her followers
reasoned with Hercule?
[CARDINAL GUISE] The murder of
Hercule and the imprisonment
of the Duke of Guise
has Catholic blood boiling.
And since it seems
everyone survived this fire,
my brother who it cannot be proven
had anything to do with it,
by the way
did not actually kill anyone.
Therefore, I'm demanding the
release of the Duke of Guise
so he can lead
the French army into battle
with this fake prophet
and her followers.
Excellent logic:
my brother didn't kill anyone,
so please release him so he can.
Precisely, dickhead.
The cardinal is not in
a position to demand anything.
We would not be in this situation
if it were not for the impetuous
nature of the House of Guise.
However, the circumstances
have changed, as the king says.
The duke must be released immediately
on the condition he takes
no further military action.
You can't expect me
to just reverse my decision.
It is the price of peace.
I have my credibility to consider.
Well, your credibility with
the French people will survive.
Actually, it will increase
'cause right now, you have none.
Do you actually know any French people?
I will not reverse my decision.
After Anjou's latest antics,
it is more important than ever
the people see that I stand
for law and order.
Of course, you could always
arrest Anjou.
That is my brother you're talking about,
despite what I may think of him.
Then why don't we ask the Holy
Roman Emperor when he gets here?
The Holy Roman Emperor is coming here?
[CARDINAL GUISE] Oh, yeah, he's coming.
So I hope everyone's been good.

Did you agree to this?
He wanted to show his respect.
It's the least we can do for Hercule.
Oh, my God.
If you think that that is all he wants,
then you are less prepared
for rule than I thought.
I am your king.
And from now on, if I want
your advice, I will ask for it.
Is that understood?
Your Majesty.

You're angry for the counsel I
gave the king while you were away.
I hope you know my motives
are the same as yours.
I want peace.
I will not stand in the way
of the duke's release
if you promise me no harm
will come to Edith.
A condition for your queen?
I am a loyal friend.
But cross me on this,
and we will be enemies.
And now a threat.
A regrettable fact.
My condolences for Hercule.
He was too good for this world.
[EDITH] When David struck Goliath
who did God say was to blame?
What had been but the faintest
ember when I left
had grown into a raging fire.
The boy with nothing but a slingshot
who stood up to a giant.
- No.
So what are we to do when we are beaten
by those who deem themselves
appointed by God?
- Beat them back.
- Yes, beat them back.
And now they say that the king
blames us for the death of his brother.
They say that his soldiers
will come for us,
that they will cut off my head
and put it on the palace wall
for decoration.
- We'll never let them do that.
- Never.
Well, I say,
let them come.
Let them have my head.
[EDITH] I say, we will not run.
- [PEOPLE] No!
- [EDITH] We will not hide.
- [PEOPLE] No!
- [PERSON] Never!
[EDITH] If this is what God
wants from us,
let us offer up our lives willingly.
Drink this.
[PERSON] We're gonna fight.
[EDITH] Let our blood water his forest.
- [PERSON] Yes.

Let flowers grow where we fall.

Let God's will be done.

And what do you have, hmm? [LAUGHS]

Fuck me, it smells
like a cheap brothel in here.
Spent a lot of time
in cheap brothels, have you?
Yeah, I have, in my work with the needy.
Anjou, can we speak alone?

Fuck off.
When I do that, it means fuck off.

Be gentle with him.
I hear you've been a naughty boy, Anjou,
and not your usual mischief
but a very bad boy indeed.
Well, I'll say a few Hail Marys,
and then you can fuck off.
You can do, but it's not
gonna bring him back, is it?
Look, it must be horrible having
that on your conscience.
I didn't throw that fucking rock,
so I don't know why
everyone's blaming me.
Well, at least his sacrifice
wasn't in vain.
Well, what's that supposed to mean?
You started a trend, Anjou.
The Catholic League,
have you heard of them?
Basically, they're a bunch
of deranged zealots
connected to the Vatican.
Apparently, they've been performing
third baptisms of their own,
drowning Protestants
all across the country.
It's quite a flattering homage
if you ask me.
So I'm a mass murderer now?
That depends on how you look at it.
I like to think you've struck
a blow for Catholic freedom,
one that has resonated across the land.
The people love you, Anjou.
I th-thought they think I'm a deviant.
That was last month. [TAPS TABLE]
This is now.
What do you want?
I want you to lead a military
expedition into the woods
to avenge your brother's death.
Without the king's leave?
My mother would kill me, literally.
Not if the Holy Roman Emperor backs us,
and he will when he gets here
for your brother's funeral.

[CHUCKLES] Of course.
History's calling your name now, Anjou.
I think we both know
the king's not up to it.
You do this, and you will
be celebrated by Catholics
all over the country.
Anyway, I think you've always
known it was gonna be you.
Come on.
Should we pray for God's guidance?


[CARDINAL GUISE] In the name
of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
[PERSON] Amen.
Philip, I need you.
I'm here, Father.
Told you.
God, he looks like shit.
- Is that really him?
- [ANTOINE] Yeah.
Looks like the old boy's
lost a step or two.
- Hello.
- [MARGOT] Welcome to France.
Thank you.
We must stop meeting at funerals.
People will talk.
And yet I doubt you are here
to offer condolences
for a prince who was only
third in line to the throne.
You underestimate my sentiment,
though I do have other issues
to discuss with you.
Oh, dear.
Dear, oh, dear.
Thank you. [CHUCKLES]
I think you will agree
that we find ourselves
in perilous times.
- When have we not?
This preacher, Sister Edith,
I think they call her,
whose followers killed your son,
has set a precedent
that cannot be tolerated.
Protestants all over the continent
have been inspired
by her revolutionary rhetoric.
She has the power
to turn all of Christendom,
all the known world, in fact,
into a battlefield
if she is allowed to continue unchecked.
Your son the Duke of Anjou
has the attention
of the Catholic League.
What do you think they're talking about?
Will you just shut the fuck up
and look like
you're thinking of your brother?
[CHARLES V] And of course, the Guises
are always ready to take advantage.
They intend to pursue military action
against this ambitious child
and her enraptured followers
in the forest
without the king's leave
but under my authority.
The result will be a permanent
rupture within your house
that will certainly lead France
to war with itself.
Why tell me about it?
Because unbeknownst to the Guises,
I have lost my taste for mischief.
I blame it on old age
and, of course, my eldest son,
Philip, recently widowed
[CHUCKLES] luckily for his late wife.
Have you ever had sex at a funeral?
I have, a couple of times.
He has many hobbies,
but none that compare
to the pleasure he takes
in inflicting pain.
Oh, of course, I blame myself.
I believe it is God's punishment
for all the careless wars
and needless death I caused.
Truth is, I'd like
nothing more than to retire.
Abdicate the title.
[LAUGHS] How can I
with a psychotic sadist
waiting in the wings?
Perhaps you have different
concerns about your sons.
I'm afraid neither of my sons
are disposed
to take my advice at the moment.
[CHARLES V] Well, be that as it may,
I think you will agree
something has to be done.
It is my understanding that people
believe Sister Edith
is some sort of saint
under God's protection.
The best antidote for that sort of
is a fortuitous accident.
- That, I cannot sanction.
- Why ever not?
It would not help matters
to turn her into a martyr.
She's only a martyr if her side wins.
Remember, for every Jesus on the cross,
there are 1,000
long-haired revolutionaries
we have never heard of.
I must leave you. [CLEARS THROAT]
I will consider your advice.
[CHARLES V] Do that.
Because if we do not act,
this will not be the last
of your children
you have to bury.
Come, my son.
[RUGGIERI] Had a good look
around, did you?

I thought you'd be gone.
Without saying goodbye?
Well, you once told me
that when royals start dying,
it's better to be someplace else.
perhaps I'm too old or too
stupid to heed my own advice.
I'm sorry to hear about Hercule.
He was an innocent,
more like his father than the rest.
He didn't deserve what happened to him.
Well, I just fished
a girl out of the lake.
My apprentice.
She was killed for her father's
choice of religion.
So you tell me,
who really gets what they
deserve in this world, eh?

I ask myself, was it my fault,
what happened to Hercule?
It's your dream,
ten broken eggs,
only one bird flies free.
I will never forgive myself
for staying away too long.
You cannot protect them
from who they are
any more than you can change
what you really are.
And what am I?
Someone who's willing to rule.

Has it occurred to you that your dream
might have a different meaning?
One rotten apple
spoils the rest of the bunch.

So then tell me,
which one of my children is rotten?
Mother knows best. It's nature.
What does a mother pig do
when she has a runt?
Sometimes you have to cut one
loose to save the others.
You're talking about Anjou.
Anjou was born under a dark star.
You know it as well as I do.

[CATHERINE] The growing
discontent at court
only whetted the appetite
of our enemies.

[ELIZABETH] Oh, my goodness me.
Oh, that's absolutely bloody
exhausting, dancing, isn't it?
Your Majesty, may I present
Louis of Bourbon,
Second Prince of the Blood.
Your Majesty, and may I assure you,
I may be second of birth,
but I am the first in many,
many other respects.
No slight to my dear brother, of course.
Of course not, I had to put up with
my mad half-sister for years.
Family, we don't choose them, do we?
[CHUCKLES] No, no, Your Majesty.
So glad you could pop over so quickly.
[LOUIS] Ah, when I heard
we had shared interests,
I did not spare a moment.
A trade deal between our kingdoms
has not existed for generations.
An accord would be historic.
Oh, do you really think so?
[LOUIS] Think of the ease of business,
the needless bureaucratic hurdles
that will be dismantled,
unlocking the flow of capital and ideas
between our two great nations.
All-all-all we need do is-is set terms.
We're of like faith, are we not?
Oh, yeah, yeah, most-most definitely.
I am most faithful to the new religion.
I hope not too faithful.
But, uh
p-p-perhaps I misspoke.
What-what I mean to say is,
I am as faithful
as you would like me to be.
Well, in that case,
I think it is time to discuss the future
of the House of Bourbon.
[LOUIS] With your friendship,
it can only be bright.
Goodness, how you flatter me.
But I do hope you see the advantage
of your current situation
as clearly as I do.
The murder of a Valois prince
would suggest this Sister Edith
has far more influence than I realized.
Throckmorton, what do we know about her?
Well, she's an orphan.
Trumped-up piece of gutter
trash, really, wouldn't you say?
well, sometimes great change
comes from humble origins.
Can't think of any.
More often than not,
those of humble origin,
though full of enthusiasm,
really need to be led.
- Mm.
- Well
The point is, if Edith's rebellion
continues to grow at its
current rate, there may be
how do I put this
a change of management on the cards.
Uh, I'm-I'm-I'm not sure I follow.
Hmm. Well, I-I see
I will have to be blunt.
Support for Sister Edith suggests
the French people's desire for change.
Now, who's to say that
that desire might not be sated
by the Protestant House of Bourbon
usurping the Catholic Valois?
Simply put, the Princes of the Blood
could ride this piece of gutter trash
all the way to the throne.
And all you need to do
is make this girl think
that you are her best friend
in the world.
And then you and I will be free
to set all the trade deals
we desire, even in the new world,
split the spoils right down the middle.
Your Majesty, are you suggesting
what I think you are suggesting?
I'm not suggesting. I'm telling you.
If you play this right,
your simpleminded brother will be king.
No more pinging rabbits for you, Louis.
This is big game hunting.
So you go to that poor lost wretch
baying at the treetops, and you tell her
that you can personally deliver
the full support of the English throne.
I hereby throw my lot
on the continent in with you,
Louis, Second Prince of the Blood.
What do you think about that?
Uh, I say, uh,
it's refreshing to meet someone
whose breadth of vision
matches my own.

[CATHERINE] To assess my options,
I withdrew to Chenonceau,
a place that had always
brought me peace.
It was there I received support
from an unexpected source.

[RAHIMA] A visitor for you.
I told you I wish to see no one.
[RAHIMA] I think you may
change your mind.
Brother, what are you doing here?
I am responsible for delivering
the construction of your palace
on time and on budget.
You don't think I would leave
that to someone else, do you?
I'm glad for it.
[ALESSANDRO] I have heard
this place described.
Nobody has done it justice.
It is my favorite place.
A gift from your husband, I understand.
It's the one property
that I had to wrestle back
from his mistress after he died.
Then we will make something together
that will surpass its beauty.
There are those who doubt
my vision to unite France.
The country is divided
- by this so-called prophet.
They say she performs miracles.
Do you believe in miracles?
I have never seen one,
only the human capacity
for self-deception.
My sentiments exactly.
We are indeed kin.
[ALESSANDRO] Our father gave
this to me when I was a boy.
I think he'd want you to have it.

[CATHERINE] The patron saint
of lost causes.
Saint Jude Thaddeus.
[ALESSANDRO] He told me you were
the most determined creature
he had ever seen,
the way you held on to life,
fighting for it from your first breath.

We are Medicis.
We have been underestimated
for generations.
You can't expect those who are not
to comprehend your vision.
And so what if they don't?
Let history be your judge.

Working late?
[FERNEL] Yes, as it happens.
You look like shit, by the way.
It's not a very reassuring
quality in a doctor.
What is it you want?
My assistant is injured.
Burnt, smoke inhalation.
In the church?
So was it a miracle?
Don't ask me.
I couldn't see anything.
Thought we were dead,
and then we weren't.
can you give me something for him?
It'll cost you.
Of course.
What will it cost me?
We're both a bit long
in the tooth for all of that,
don't you think?
Come back in a day or two.
I'll have what you need.
Mm, well, then I'll pay you
in a day or two.
What are you doing here?
I could ask you the same.
Everyone's looking for you.
Well, now I'm found.
[PERSON] Excuse me, ladies.
I've missed you.
Oh, that's why I haven't
heard from you all this time.
I wasn't exactly welcome.
You could have written.
You don't know how to read.
I learned.
I was too proud to admit
I had made a mistake leaving here.
Life's full of mistakes.
What mistakes have you made?
You'd like to hear about
all my troubles, would you,
about Matisse nearly killed in a fire,
in thrall to a lunatic who thinks he can
pray his way back to health?
Your apprentice?
My family,
a concept you wouldn't
know anything about.
You must be lost.
Catherine says you are
to give me what I need
to make my stay comfortable
- quarters, servants
- Mm.
in fact, anything I desire.
You can ask,
but I won't necessarily give it to you.
Not so friendly, are you?
- I know what you are.
- Oh?
And what am I?
Did that necklace
really belong to your father?
It's a nice touch.

We're all just making our way,
same as you, Lady Rahima.
Hello, Angelica.
I had wanted to talk to you privately.
For old times' sake, then.
I'm sorry about Prince Hercule.
Is that all?
[ANGELICA] I might have
a solution for your problems.
If you wish to be rid
of this Sister Edith,
you will find a motivated ally
in your dressmaker.
Apparently her beloved
assistant, though wounded,
is still under Edith's spell.
Since he is the son Aabis never had,
she will do anything
to free him of her grasp.

Tell me
why, after all these years,
would you want to help me?
Because I want
to return to your service.
And now I think I can be of use to you.

I would consider your offer,
and I thought that you'd learnt loyalty,
but you just betrayed Aabis' trust.
So I suggest you take
your wares elsewhere.

- Go away.
Oh, uh, uh, f-f-forgive me,
Your Majesty.
I-I-I did not expect you.
I was just laying in my bed,
unable to sleep.
Uh, something vexes you?
We have set ourselves
on a dangerous path together.
Uh, and-and a
and a glorious one, I think.
To ensure glory, we must have
a solid bond of trust.
- [ELIZABETH] Glad you agree.
- Mm.
[ELIZABETH] I have a document here
making our alliance official.
Each of us will keep a copy
as insurance of our commitment
to one another.
Well, I should probably get my
solicitors to give this the once-over.
You understand.
I mean, I can't be too careful.
Of course.
It is our trust that is paramount.
Our bond must be sacred.
S-sacred, yes.
When you return to France,
keep Edith close
and Catherine unaware.
She will be our most
difficult adversary.
She-she is a wily one.
With God as my guide,
I will do my best to be resolute.
But I must know in my heart,
you are the man for the job.
There is no other.
[ELIZABETH] Then sign.

Now take off all your clothes.
- Oh, Philip.
[PHILIP] It's a joke.
I've told you already.
It is only a joke
when both parties are amused.
- [PHILIP] Mm.
- Forgive my son. Go.
Oh, Catherine. [CLEARS THROAT]
Can we speak alone?
[CHARLES V] Oh, why-why, yes, of course.
Philip can you find
some way to amuse yourself
and not get into any trouble?
Can you do that for me?
- Of course, Papa.
- Hmm.
Now, come in, Catherine.
Good evening.
[SCOFFS] I have no interest
in hearing any more
of your disgusting words.
Actually, I was looking for the chapel
so I might distract myself
from the grief over my late wife.
It is unrelenting.

Well, then I've misjudged you.
I'm sorry.
The chapel is that way.
[PHILIP] Thank you.

[CATHERINE] I've been thinking
about your proposal.
And as you know,
my vision is for a future
where Frenchmen can be patriots first,
Catholics and Protestants second.
As you can imagine,
a so-called evangelist
preaching Armageddon in the
woods does not help my cause.
However, if she were felled
by one of her own,
ideally someone who was in the
church with her when it burned,
she will be exposed
as the fraud she really is.
Can you arrange such a thing?
If I can, do you think
it is enough to avoid war?
I believe it is.
But it is not enough to prevent
Anjou and the cardinal
from conspiring behind the king's back.
They've asked for my permission
to ride on Edith's camp
tomorrow night.
Then give it to them.
I will make sure
it does not come to pass.
All that remains
is how to manifest this
I know someone who can be
persuasive in these matters.

I heard about what happened
to your assistant.
Fuck! You scared the shit out of me.
Don't you ever get tired of doing that?
No, it keeps me young.
I guess news travels fast around here.
Sister Edith won't let him go.
Why do you say that?
Because if he stays and dies,
it will be because you lack faith.
If he stays and gets well,
she will say that God saved him.
But if you cure him
with the court's medicine,
what does that say?
That's not good for the image.
If you want to save your friend,
you must break her hold on him.
How do I do that?
Prove that she's mortal.
A little something in her drink
should do the trick.
You want me to kill her?
It's only a matter of time
before the army
rides into the forest
and kills everyone anyway.
It's up to you if that includes
your friend Matisse.
Why do you care anyway?
Because if there's
one thing I cannot stand,
it's a false prophet.
This is unexpected.
How else would I see you?
Though I admit
it's worse than I thought.
Apparently it's the best room
in here, but you're right.
It's pretty fucking depressing.
I, uh, I brought you something to read.
You know you shouldn't be down here.
Any interest that you take in me
could be considered
a political position,
something you should avoid
for your own sake.
I'm not a child anymore.
I'm not going to just sit
by the sidelines.
If I were you, I'd sit by the
sidelines as long as possible.
It's an ugly game, Margot,
as your brother found out
only too young.
If I could bring him back, I would.
But I can't.
So I choose to effect change
where I can.
My mother has returned from Italy.
I'll petition her for your release.
I will make her see
how important it is to me.
You should go.
Some of my housemates are due
to be executed later today.
Seems unfair to remind them
of what they're missing.
I'll come back.
Don't bother.
You can't stop me.
- Visiting someone?
- What's it to you?
Nothing, just I admire those who take
an interest in the less fortunate,
unless you were visiting the duke.
He's very handsome.
Oh, I see.
This is what you do, is it,
convince everyone
you're an idiot so you can
lurk around corners spying?
I don't care what people think.
- They're usually wrong.
- Mm-hmm.
I mean, everyone thinks
you're an idealistic fool,
but I disagree.
Do you? How kind.
Despite your vanity, I think you're
the cleverest of the bunch.
In fact, something tells me
we're gonna be friends.
No, I don't think so.
You might have more luck with some
of the sheep in the fields
out back, though.
- A jest, how amusing.
- Mm.
Not your strong suit, perhaps.
I understand you wanted to see me.
I did.
I presume it concerns
your visits to the duke.
Would a princess of France
be allowed to marry
for love as opposed
to the good of the court?
Am I to take it that this
is the man you love?
I care for him.
An error of judgment,
I think you'll find.
He must be released.
He is innocent.
I suppose he told you as much.
You cannot trust a Guise any
more than you can a Bourbon.
I thought that was self-evident.
I suggest you do not
involve yourself in things
that you do not understand.
Would you rather my heart
be hard like yours?
You think I'm hard of heart?
I am not your king.
What do you want me to do about it?

I suggest you go to your brother
and ask him to release the duke.
And in return, you will convince me
not to oppose the arrest
of Anjou in his place.
You would arrest Anjou when
you've only just buried Hercule?
House arrest.
Don't be so dramatic.
If you want your precious duke,
you will not tell the king I sent you,
nor will you tell him
of your personal affections.
And he will grant your wish
not because the duke is innocent,
which he isn't,
and not because it is
the right political move,
which it is,
but because you have asked.
And his interest in you
has always been unnatural.
[SCOFFS] Don't look so shocked.
You know it as well as I do.
You've even encouraged it.
But it is no one's fault.
We love the ones we love
even if we're not supposed to.
I suggest you learn
how to exploit weakness
where you find it.
You were born a girl,
and you do not have much else.

You again.
We ride on Edith's camp at midnight.
Holy Roman Emperor's agreed. Be ready.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I was looking for a Valois
prince with a pair of balls.
Have I got the wrong room?
Yes, don't worry about me.
But I do hope you have
something different to wear,
something a bit more intimidating.
Just be ready.
- Boo!
Your Majesty.
- What a pleasant surprise.
- [MARGOT] Mm.
Come to visit me in my attic?
I've come to ask you a favor.
Of course, that's what it is to be king.
It's like being Father Christmas,
but everyone resents you for not
giving them what they want.
I don't resent you.
I think you are wise
and gentle.
[SCOFFS] Do you?
And that's why I would like you
to release the Duke of Guise.
And why would I do that?
'Cause it will show the people
that you have wisdom.
And they will see you as I do.
I can't just change
my mind all the time.
The people should see me as resolute.
Well, then punish Anjou instead.
- I can't.
- Why not?
Well, for one thing,
Mother wouldn't allow it.
Yes, she will,
because I will convince her.
She knows I have no political motive,
and it's the one thing
she trusts in a person.
I told you before,
you must be your own man.
Don't worry about Mother.
Well, it's true,
the duke didn't actually kill anyone.
And the Bourbons likely won't oppose,
fixated as they are on trade.
Political stability is better for trade.
But why this sudden interest
in the duke, if I may ask?
Do you have feelings for him or
Of course not.
He's a friend, nothing more.
in that case,
it will bring me pleasure
to do what you ask.
Thank you.
What will Anjou think?
He will respect you for your strength.
No, he won't.
I was looking for you.
I need a favor, but you can't
ask me what it's for.
Anything for you, Aabis. You know that.
Even if I need a vial of poison
to kill someone?
In that case, I'll begin immediately.
[GUARD] You are free to go now.
On whose orders?
[GUARD] The king's, my lord.
It's "my lord" again now, is it?
I have a little something
for you to remember me by.
[GUARD] Fucking hell.
Well, what do you think?
[ANTOINE] Looks expensive.
Don't worry yourself about that.
Elizabeth bought them for me.
She loves shopping.
- Why would she do that?
- Because she's a dear.
[GASPS] Maybe I'll wear this
when I go to meet Sister Edith.
It is so exciting to have our own saint.
You will do no such thing.
A prince has been killed.
You don't want to get involved,
believe me.
Don't take that tone with me, Antoine.
I opened the doors to England for you.
I can just as easily close them.
Well, I happen to think
it looks marvelous, Mother.
Thank you, dear.
- What is it?
I have business to discuss.
Well, I will leave you
to whatever subterfuge
you have afoot, Antoine.
Come on, Henri.
Uh, perhaps I should stay
and keep an eye on Father.
Yes, yes, perhaps that's best.
I have a proposition for you.
May I speak freely?
You may. He's with me.
It is my presumption that you benefit
from the growing cult
around Sister Edith.
The belief that she survived
the burning church
due to a miracle,
a member of the new religion
in God's favor,
I'd say we do.
So what would you say if I told you
I could arrange another miracle?
I'd say we were listening.
[MONTMORENCY] Going somewhere?
What's it to you?
The Duke of Anjou is confined
to his quarters.
His meals will be delivered to him.
This is preposterous.
Let me pass.
You're not to leave without
permission from the king.
The king?
As if he does anything
without my mother's go-ahead.
Your mother knows nothing about this.
Oh, I'm sure not even you believe that,
or perhaps you do.
I guess you are just
her little bitch on a leash.
[MONTMORENCY] A little time to yourself
might do you some good.
Someone needs to teach you manners.
Your time will come.
She'll turn on you, too, believe me.
I can find my own bedchamber,
unless you care to join me.


[EDITH] Sister Aabis,
I wondered when I might see you again.

You come for guidance?
[AABIS] Yes.
Matisse is much better.
You were right.
Never underestimate the power of belief.

Shall we toast?

You first.


Let's go together, shall we?

The Black Queen
sent this woman to kill me,
to place poison in my cup.
Well, we drank that poison together,
and yet here we are.

God has spared us both,
and now we are joined forever.
So we must wash the sins from you,
and you will be born again.

Are you with us, Sister Aabis?

Take her to the lake.

[GOLDFRAPP] Dial up ♪
My number now ♪
Weaving it ♪
Through the wire ♪
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