The Unit s02e04 Episode Script


contingent of elite special forces soldiers who answered only to the president of the united states.
Their missions and their very existence are closely guarded secrets protected by the soldiers themselves and their wives who possess secrets of their own.
You do not tell your mother,your best friend, your priest what your husband does.
Army regulations state you aren't in the army.
You're in the unit.
Previously on the unit we have an immediate need for a driver in brazil.
And Jeremy's up for re-enlistment in a month.
He's in the unit,you know.
Signal squadron.
Good job,man.
Get down! Check on the women! el cajon,Mexico they're late they'll come Vehicle approaching.
we go in? They're at the gate.
visual? not yet eyes on the package.
They don't come out in 10 minutes.
We go in.
All clear.
Clear outside.
The package? No sign.
All clear? That's right.
We're 3 men short.
The garage.
We got gophers.
Let's flush them out.
A lot of good that does me,but ok.
Got my check.
My guest interview bailed at the last minute.
Let me put you on.
You can talk about life as an army wife.
I can't.
I'm sorry.
It's a segment on military community.
You're the only member of that community in this building.
I have to get serena in 20 minutes.
Look,it'll take 10,I'll give you the fee for the whole hour.
Well,George,really all right,we're back on ktml, the missile,and we're talking to Kim Brown.
A fort griffith army wife.
Husband's a clerk in the something and third,isn't that right? The 303rd,yes,that's right.
Couldn't you've married a real soldier? My husband does his part.
I'm just kidding,Kim.
He's out of town most months of the year, you're on your own with two small children.
Can't be easy.
No one becomes an army wife who's looking for things to come easy.
The men out protecting the country.
What's the military doing to ease your burden? You rely on any organization,military or otherwise to ease your burden, and you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Whew! Words of a headstrong woman.
A realistic one.
I know this life.
Our men don't make any money.
Every day's a struggle.
That's how it is.
Sounds like the military don't do a whole lot for you.
I'm not saying that.
They help where they can.
But military priority is the men in the field.
Not the home front.
We're talking to Kim Brown.
Army wife.
Dog patch 0-6.
Package is in a brown van heading west on california rural route 16.
Have the authorities contain the perimeter.
Team is in pursuit.
i'll alert the polizia Won't do any good right now.
We're on U.
You need further assistance? Probably better that you're not here right now.
Quickest way back is the way we came in.
Vaya con dios.
You're dying.
We can help you breathe.
Make it less painful.
Would you like that? Can you breathe? Good.
Then you can talk.
Pain? All my man has to do is remove his hand,son.
Now your gang was paid to smuggle in a package into the U.
What's inside? it's a shipment.
Not the drugs,son.
Inside the package.
There was no package.
O - only a passenger.
He paid us to bring him in.
On a regular drug run.
Who is he? I don't know.
He was called something.
E - eseno something.
El isleno? That it? That's it.
Raul ensemien.
You a U.
Citizen,son? Yes.
Do you know who you smuggled into the U.
? Your own country? The man's on every terror watch list from here to east africa.
He paid us money,man.
The man blows things up.
I didn't know,man.
Dog patch 0-6.
Team is in pursuit of a package.
They didn't smuggle in something.
They smuggled in someone.
I told you to wait by the sign.
I did wait.
I'm sorry I'm late,but you have to stay there until I pick you up.
Do you understand? Sorry.
Who were you talking to? Mr.
Is he a teacher? Yes.
And what were you two talking about? He was asking me questions about daddy.
What did you say? My daddy fights bad people.
I'll have us on the road in a blink.
She sure ain't pretty.
Eye of the beholder.
This old beater? Me and this buddy of mine used to hotwire these old pontiacs.
Sell them off for their parts.
I didn't take you for the thieving type.
Well,it ain't theft if you don't keep it.
You ever get caught? I sure didn'T.
That's how I ended up here.
What about your buddy? Well,he ended up somewhere else.
Everybody cozy? she's dry.
Thank god we're on a farm.
What have we got? Bigger.
There you go.
Here we go.
Roger that.
It's not gonna last forever.
Doesn't have to last forever.
Just has to last long enough.
Highway patrol spotted the van 10 kilometers out.
It's time to catch up.
molly you quit spoiling me.
Haven't had cobbler this good since i was 12 years old.
Did your mama cook for you? She couldn't boil water.
Anyone can boil water,hector.
Not mama.
She used to burn it.
There was a barbecue place down the street.
Guy worked the counter.
He'd give me a free meal once a week if I cleaned the place for him.
First job I ever had was cleaning floors.
Military man likes an honest day's work.
Isn't that true,hector? Long as he can complain about it.
Sorry I'm late.
Can't seem to make up time today.
Hi,aunt tiffy.
Lissy! Take some food home for the road.
I've got training.
Nothing wrong with a little hunger.
See you ladies.
How about some coffee? You all right? You look tired.
Why would one of serena's teachers being asking about what bob does? They wouldn't.
When I picked serena up from school, she was speaking to a teacher.
She said he was asking questions about her father.
Which teacher? A Mr.
Why would he do that? What? I know every teacher at that school.
There is no Mr.
Don't do it! He had a gun.
No one fires! You can come out now,raul.
You know we're coming in.
One package.
No raul.
About 50 pounds.
That's the biggest drug and weapons bust we've apprehended in 15 years.
No disruption.
Even layer.
A body would've scuffed it out.
Our bomber never got into this van.
If he wasn't here,then it's back to the farm house.
No trace out front.
He wasn't in the van.
No other vehicle here means he went somewhere on foot.
I got it.
Second step.
That's it.
Ammonium nitrate.
You don't buy this stuff off the shelf.
Farm's a perfect cover.
Neighbors don't question the stench.
They ain't putting this fertilizer in their tomatoes.
How much does it look like? Uh,40 bags.
About a ton.
How high? Weapons grade.
No one's home.
Man left in a hurry.
Why is the world's foremost demolitions expert here in the states? He ain't here on vacation.
Pattern follows the signature.
He's racing the clock.
He'll use speed to his advantage.
Gets in,boom,gets out.
Whatever he's got planned,it's happening now.
Tracks run large and they run deep.
All right.
Raul's on the run.
With a big truck,and a big bomb.
You sure it was a black decal? I'm positive.
Could it have been a bumper sticker? Maybe you were too far away to see.
It was a civilian black decal on the rear bumper.
What is it? Well,I checked our records.
As well as checkpoint security.
And the decal you saw,we have no record of a civilian base engineer registered with a car fitting your description.
Could he have registered with another car? Well,it's possible.
But even so,base employees are required to register new vehicles with the mps.
What about marlantes? Marlattes.
No base employee by any variation of that name.
Checked the records back 6 months.
Jim,is there anything you can do? Well,I'll put the mps on notice,but technically, the man hasn't yet done anything wrong.
Yet? That's right.
You suggesting I wait until he does? Well,you understand there is no evidence of an attempted crime.
Thus? Thus,what are you suggesting the police can do? But how about stationing a few mps around the school? I've got 16 men for the whole base.
And you two know as well as anyone there are ways on and off the base without a checkpoint.
And next time,if this man approaches my daughter,and I'm not there,and you're not there you want to conjure more mps out of an empty budget? I will be thrilled to accommodate you.
Now if when you have something more to go on,call me.
Hey,Kim,I didn't expect to see you back today.
Why is that? I thought maybe you upset someone with that recent broadcast.
They gonna reprimand me for being honest? Ain't that the way of the world.
But it made for good radio.
Can I read this on air? What is that,new ad copy? Public service announcement.
You can't air anything that the station manager hasn't approved.
He'll be in tomorrow.
You can have me on for an interview, but I can't read a statement? It's different policies,Kim.
Please,George,I helped you out this morning.
You can help me out now.
Hey,if the station manager approves it,I'll help you out.
I understand.
Thanks anyway.
We're back on ktml.
The missile.
This is Kim Brown with a public service announcement for all base residents.
"This morning my daughter was approached "outside her school building by a man who sped away when he saw me approach.
" Open the door,Kim.
"This man has been on base "posing as a civilian worker.
"He may intend to harm my child "or any of yours.
"He was driving a beige 4-door sedan with a black decal and a red bumper sticker.
" Kim,this isn't funny.
Open up.
"If anyone has seen this car, "please call the station.
"I've tried military channels and come up short.
"I'm asking for your help.
If the base cannot protect us, then we have to protect ourselves.
get out of here.
Sir,the store is now closed.
What's going on? What the heck do you think you're doing? Get out.
The store's closing.
I think it's time for you to leave.
Ok,look,I don't have a lot of cash on hand.
You're welcome to it.
Tell you what I'll just leave you here in the shop,I'll go finish my deliveries.
Are you lloyd cole? Who are you? You own the farm house down the street.
What do you want? Let's go.
Steel door protecting a hardware storage room.
Give me the keys.
I don't have them.
Steel door with a $5 lock.
Ain't gonna do you much good.
where's raul? I ain't talking to you.
Talking is not an elective.
It's a requirement.
I mean,I ain't talking to you.
I'll only talk to a white man.
And why don't you go join your brother.
I told you,I don't know where the hell he is.
God's honest truth.
I believe him.
I don't think this good old boy knows spit from shinola.
Well,I know one thing.
It's big.
What's that,what's big? Whatever raul's got planned.
And how do you know it's big? I gave him enough fertilizer to blow up half the state.
And how is that enviable? Because what raul is doing is moving this country back.
Ok,that's what he's doing.
What are you doing? Raul couldn't have done anything without me.
I showed him the farm house.
Last year.
Last year? Raul was here? When that bomb goes off,I'm gonna join the ranks of the notables.
And I ain't talking about the founding fathers.
Ok,you won't talk to a black man,but you'll let a foreigner detonate a weapon on U.
Soil? That bomb goes off,raul blows himself up with it,casualty of war.
He's the one with his hand on the trigger,but I'm the man with the plan.
I don't think you know what day of the week it is,pal.
Yeah,well,just wait and see.
And of course,you understand ammonium nitrate weaponry? I didn't build the thing.
But I'm the one got raul his supplies.
This guy's a lackey.
He's not giving orders,he's taking them.
Right,so if he's the one taking orders,and he don't know the bomb he don't know the target.
Raul's in a foreign country.
First thing he's gonna need.
Support cell.
Any fool can get a hold of some fertilizer.
Why pick a loud mouth extremist who fancies himself the unabomber? He has something raul needed.
An accomplice.
Fits raul's M.
Man doesn't travel alone.
Finds himself an accomplice.
A dupe.
Suicide bomber.
Who don't know it till the flash.
Lloyd cole said he needed to make some deliveries.
That's right.
Tough to make deliveries in a honda civic.
Where is she? My daughter? Should be about She ain't got nothing to do with this.
She take your truck? She-she's moving out of her place,so what? Why do you need to explain why she needs your truck? Recommended you set the authorities on finding that truck.
Driven by a blonde,all american sweetheart.
Daddy's girl run off with a dark skinned foreigner.
She don't know nothing about this.
She wouldn'T.
She already has.
Looks like raul has some plans of his own,huh? Wonder what the grandkids are going to look like? Justine cole.
She's in the book.
It is unreasonable that a school,a school on a military base that someone could access I agree with you,Kim,but you can't blame the school.
We used to have officers outside the building during the afternoons,before D.
Stripped funds.
Even access to the base.
There are official security checkpoints.
But only at official base entrances.
It's five shortcuts through town to skip those security stops.
Colonel ryan.
I called twice.
They won't even put me through.
Come on.
Where are you going,serena? Outside to play.
Stay inside please.
But lissy was gonna show me her new bike.
We're just gonna be in front of the house.
She'll be all right,Kim.
I said,stay inside,serena,where I can see you.
But I said,no.
Hello? Got her awful scared.
Well,can you blame her? Tiffy,this is my home.
We're safe here.
She's not.
What is it? That was the station.
A woman heard me on the radio.
She saw the car.
I know where he is.
How was that one? Looked good to me.
Kid's almost ready for the job.
Glad to hear it.
You checking up on me,molly? I wish I could say that's the reason why we're here.
I need a favor.
Could you look into that for me? Denver motel.
A man on base approached serena.
And what puts him living here? They saw his car there.
He approached serena? That's right.
You have his description? Bob's on deployment.
And I'm here.
So I'll go have a talk with him.
Get dressed,Raul.
Lot of folks been looking for you.
Where's the bomb headed? The strip in las vegas.
You better hurry.
It's something of a drive.
Or perhaps it's the golden gate bridge.
Let's get him out of here.
Hold up.
You subject to headaches? Put this on.
Hey,hold on now.
Your girlfriend have headaches,too? These are pretty big for aspirin.
Pretty blue.
Strong stuff.
Neighbor saw the girl drive off in a truck about 2 hours ago.
Honeymoon destinations,bridal registry sites,how to plan the perfect wedding.
Thinks raul's her prince charming.
Yeah,he's a keeper.
All she is is a cover.
She's a throwaway.
Perimeter checkpoints haven't spotted the truck yet.
Feds are sending in more manpower, but they're about an hour out.
The girl's contained.
She's not going far.
Raul wouldn't trust her to travel with his weapon.
Raul give you anything? No,we're better off thinking like him than talking to him.
Found this in the medicine cabinet.
Half empty.
The girl's been taking them.
Potassium iodide.
Protection against radiation explosion.
Weapon's ammonium nitrate.
It's not a nuclear bomb.
It's fertilizer.
So the target's nuclear.
Nearest nuclear power plant is san onofre.
It's over 200 miles away.
There's no nuclear storage facility anywhere inside that perimeter.
Means the material's not stationary.
So raul wants to hit a moving target.
Confirms a white train transporting spent nuclear fuel rods left nevada last night heading for california.
Crosses san diego in 30 minutes.
Can you stop it? These trains are protected by D.
, And we've received no indication of an attack.
Once my team identifies the location of the bomb.
They'd have to prove that the bomb's not a decoy.
It's D.
Policy,a moving target's harder to hit.
More dangerous to stop the train.
Create a sitting nuclear target.
We could send agents from all major cities along the train route.
That won't do any good.
Target site's just outside of san diego.
Why would raul plant a bomb in a desolate area? Because it is a desolate area.
Every major city's on high alert.
He evaded security entirely.
Rapid evacuation? A nuclear explosion outside san diego is only gonna take out 50 miles of farm land.
It's gonna do more damage than that.
Existing wind currents moving northeast carrying radioactive toxins, it's gonna blanket everything in That's all of san diego,southern California and nevada.
Arizona,hoover dam,lake mead,lake powell.
He's planning on poisoning the air and water supply.
That bomb's gonna take out the southwest.
The most effective way to hit a moving train.
Too late to board it.
Raul's got a big bomb in a truck.
Ram the train at a graded crossing, blow herself up.
Don't think a lady planning a wedding is on a suicide mission.
Side impact even with a two-ton truck.
Nuclear rods,pretty heavily fortified.
It's not worth the risk.
Fortified on three sides.
But not underneath.
Most vulnerable part of the train is the underbelly.
Attack the train from below guaranteed to hit the nuclear material.
Position the bomb in an underpass.
Set it to blow as the train passes overhead.
That's it.
You gave it away.
Map recon.
Every underpass within the perimeter.
That's 1 to 50,000.
Uh,no points of intersection west.
One point intersection north,low ground,no bridge.
There's two points of intersection crossing high ground.
Bridges indicated.
Nearest location? Downtown crossing.
Runs through the metropolis.
Middle of the city.
No escape route.
No visibility.
Fool's target.
Furthest location? Undeveloped land.
There's no way a cadillac's getting through that terrain.
Well,lucky for us,we're driving a '67 pontiac bonneville.
Train crosses the underpass at 1600.
What's our speed? going no faster.
When we get to the target area, we're gonna have something right.
You the owner of the grey sedan parked out front? We'd like to speak with you.
I'm sorry.
It's not a good time.
What the hell are you doing? Fort griffith security.
You were at hartwell elementary school this morning.
I wasn'T.
Your wallet was found there.
Wait! Wait! you picked the wrong little girl,fella.
What were you doing outside the school? What do you want with the little girl? All right.
Please! I work for the government.
I'm on a job.
I'm working your base.
You're working my base? What the hell does that mean? I'm not authorized to say.
Not authorized by who? By what authority? Who are you working for? Colonel tom ryan.
I don't understand.
Serena's safe,Kim.
You've got nothing to worry about.
Did you find the man? I did.
And what's he doing on base? To tell you the truth,I don't know.
You don't know? His credentials checked out.
What credentials? Hector,please.
I can't talk.
I've been directed.
Directed by who? You mean ryan.
The important thing,serena's not in danger.
Colonel ryan's office.
I need to speak to the colonel.
They won't stop the train on a hunch.
We have to eyeball this thing first.
We stay on this road we'll reach the target 2 minutes after the train crosses.
Is there a faster route? There is now.
Through the orchard.
We'll hit the underpass on the other side.
radiation danger train's due,boys.
Eyes on the target.
Truck's rigged.
We touch it,she's gonna blow.
We can't access the bomb.
Someone get on the phone about stopping this train.
All right.
Where is she? I don't think so.
Here you go,mister.
If I'm gonna die here,boys,so are you.
Protocol to stop the train is gonna take 3 minutes.
We got 2 minutes.
Find the girl.
Find the detonator.
Maximum visibility.
Electronic detonation range of the blasting cap,she's gotta be close.
High ground.
You're with me.
Get back! Put the detonator down.
What are you gonna do to him? If I was you,I'd be worried about myself right now.
Don't come any closer.
I will set it off.
You do,and you'll lose your boyfriend over there.
I don't want to shoot you.
But I will,you don't put that down.
All right.
Detonator's damaged.
Might put a crimp in your wedding plans.
My line of work,sacrifices come with the territory.
Nothing to answer for then.
I've done my part.
This don't feel right.
He's chatty.
It's wired.
Train's approaching.
Betty blue.
Snake doctor,raul had a back-up.
High frequency motion detector.
All charges are dual primed.
Didn't trust her to see it through.
Vibrations from the train as it passes overhead will set off the bomb underneath.
Betty blue recommends you get out of the area and take the man with you.
Dog patch 0-6.
Contact the D.
E,have them contact the conductor, tell him to put the brakes on now or else he'll be driving over a gaping hole.
I think he'll get the message.
Dirt diver.
Cargo intact? Fbi's gonna want to talk to him.
He's intact.
He's awful quiet.
He just lost his girl and his hobby in the space of an hour.
He's had a rough day.
Sorry I couldn't see you earlier.
What's the trouble? Seems it has to do with you.
Beg your pardon? I saw a strange man standing outside my child's elementary school speaking to my daughter.
You sent him there.
"If the base can't protect us, then we have to protect ourselves.
" Transcripts from your radio show this afternoon.
You concerned with base security? That is correct.
Then you can do your part by acting with a little discretion.
I thought my daughter was in danger.
I tried to see you first.
You were busy.
The worst thing for this unit is exposure of any kind.
Colonel,can you tell me my choice.
I couldn't get help from the mps, I couldn't reach you.
The man outside of serena's school is the member of a team whose mission is to test security on base.
A test? These agents are trying to gain access to unit members and their families.
Designed to expose weaknesses in the system.
And so you terrify a little girl? We've already suffered a breach in security.
I believe you were there as was my wife.
You may not have seen the two bullet wounds in her back,but I have.
You're telling me that anyone I meet on the street could be collecting information for you? Just like anyone you meet on the street could be collecting information for them.
You might have told us.
Not an option.
Information doesn't leave this room.
Do you understand? How long have you been collecting information? For some time.
Is the base vulnerable? You see how easy it was to get your daughter to talk? Mrs.
You're not mad? Of course we're not mad,baby.
We love you.
It's just a thing we have to do.
What does daddy do? My daddy's a clerk.
And what else do you say? I don't say anything else.
That's right,darling.
Would that be telling a lie? It's not telling a lie because you're doing it for daddy.
So he'll be safe.
So we'll be safe.
Daddy,are you a clerk? Well,I am a very special kind of clerk.
What's a clerk? A clerk is a very important job that you will understand when you're older.
Of which job you can be very proud.
All right.
Good night,darling.
Put your head up.
There we go.
Now you go to sleep.

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