Thunder in My Heart (2021) s02e04 Episode Script

Äter han något?

I'm so sorry, Sam.
Hi, this is Sam's answerphone,
but you already know that.
I can't take your call now,
but I'll call you back when I can.
Aren't you going to read the letter?
He's written about why he
And what he wants us to do now.
I think you need to talk to somebody.
This is a really big change
in your life.
Change in my life?
Sorry. That's not what I meant.
I need a death certificate
to close his Facebook.
Can you get one?
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-Could you
-I want to talk to you.
There's been a family tragedy,
I need to leave early.
I want you
to come to my office quickly.
Okay. Yes, absolutely.
-Hi. What?
Have a seat.
I want you two to know that I know.
Okay. What is it you know?
I'm incredibly disappointed
because of this,
This, I could have forgiven that.
I don't know what to say.
But that's not us, is it? Or?
-No, that's not us.
-I've watched this video a lot.
That, is your hair.
-It's bouncing there.
-But a lot of people have ponytails.
Yes, I know. And Lukas
I know what you look like.
Both from the front and from the
Sorry, are we getting fired now?
I'd like to go now.
And then we'll let this go
and never see each other again.
I can't fire Lukas.
Lukas is doing
his work experience here.
I'll schedule you to ensure
that you don't work together.
Given that you behave like
little rabbits.
What the hell, Dad?
Come on.
I have to go now. There's been
a family tragedy, as I said.
I have to go now. Yeah Thanks.
-Hi, Sigge.
-How is he? Is he eating?
I don't know. I'm not with him now.
But Louise said
he's eating something.
You have to give him frozen pizza.
He likes that.
With pineapple. He can eat it
even when he's sad.
Fuck, that was sick.
A sex tape scandal.
-It's probably not what he needs.
-I have to go.
Don't you tell women you're a child?
You said you were studying.
I am. I'm studying
at upper secondary school.
Aren't you studying too?
You said you did.
No, I said I was
thinking of studying.
-Right. How old are you?
-No! Not nice. Wrong.
It's not a problem that you're old.
I wouldn't say I'm old.
But little boy who's been here
-is he your son?
-He's my little brother.
I was just wondering
whether you were a MILF.
No, I'm not!
Chill out. Calm down.
I don't want you
to try to sleep with me again.
-Let's see.
Never say never.
Yes, you know. You know it's a no.
Could you come here?
What is it?
I was going to put a tampon in,
but I had two in.
I don't remember putting them in.
What's happened is hard for everyone.
It's normal that you feel stressed.
I'm not allowed. It's hard for Sam.
It's hard for Sam.
-You're allowed to find it hard.
-Yes, you're allowed.
I think
you're the loveliest person ever.
-No, you don't.
-Yes, I do.
You'll leave me.
No, of course I won't.
-I won't.
-Yes, you will.
I won't.
Sorry, I know I need therapy.
There's something wrong with me.
-No, there isn't.
-Yes, there is.
Hey, it's okay.
It will be fine.
They don't matter. Now they're out.
Well, they are.
-They're in the sink.
-Yes, we have to bin them.
Or put them in those
Can you open the door?
Stefan, you can't
keep him away from me.
Do you understand?
Can I talk to him?
Benjamin, can you hear me?
Stefan! You're a damn idiot!
You're sick in the head!
Everybody knows.
Leave, Annika.
We'll see you at the meeting
tomorrow. You're scaring Benjamin.
So I'm scaring Benjamin?
You're the one who has
scared the bloody life out of us.
All those years.
with departure time 21.46
is at platform 14A.
-My God, is now the time?
I don't understand why we should host
them when we have so much to do.
Where have they been since Mum died?
Everybody mourns in their way.
It must be hard to lose a sister.
Dad wanted us to call them and write.
-Hello, darling.
-Hi, what are you doing?
I'm at work.
Hey, how is Sam?
Well, he's okay.
-I tried calling Benjamin.
-I'll call you back. I have to go.
Yes, my God, it's gone so well.
That's great to hear.
Annika, do you want some water?
I'll have some water.
Yeah, you never say no
to a drink, right?
What do you mean?
You slept at your Dad's this week.
Why is that?
I want to sleep at Dad's.
Dad and I watched a series
that was really good.
That's nice.
I love my Dad. He's very nice.
I understand.
Have you and your Mum talked
during the week?
Hasn't she tried to call?
Yes, but I haven't picked up.
Have you not wanted to answer?
-She knocked on the door yesterday.
-Which door?
-Dad's door.
How did that feel?
Dad told me to go to my room,
so I wouldn't get scared.
Mm. Did you get scared?
Yes, maybe a little.
I understand.
Stefan lives at a friend's.
My friend sublets the apartment to
me, that's common in Stockholm.
Do you mean to keep Benjamin from me
because I don't have
a primary lease?
I don't keep him away from Benjamin.
We have set rules
about time with him
-that he flouts all the time.
I haven't said anything about that
for Benjamin's sake.
To avoid stressing him.
-Children need routines. Right?
I haven't broken any of those rules.
In this case, I told Benjamin
that Annika was coming.
And that he had to go home with her.
But if my son refuses to go with her,
and is devastated,
should I throw him out?
That would be crazy. I can't do that.
I understand.
It's a tricky situation.
But now it sounds like
Is he allowed to just take him?
Keep him away from me?
Take him? What? Me, you?
We all have to think about
what is best for Benjamin.
That's in the Convention
on the Rights of Children.
In any decision concerning children,
the child's interests
should be considered first.
Children have the right to be heard
in any matter that concerns them.
Yes, and that's exactly why we're
talking with Benjamin now.
-Every child has the right
-But our current set-up
is in Benjamin's best interest.
Still, I don't get to see my son
who wants to be with me.
That's because Annika
has maligned me in front of you.
Don't sit here and make things up!
You don't scare me when you
raise your voice, Annika.
It might have worked before,
but you know?
I'm not scared of you anymore.
How can you not see that he's
dangerous for my son?
He's trying to take him away from me.
And you're just watching.
Sit down, and we can talk in peace.
That's okay.
I'll deal with that later, Annika.
My condolences.
Sam! Aren't you coming in to eat?
-You're like him.
-I'm nothing like him.
-Please, Sam.
-What? You love this.
-That everybody fusses over you.
It's not my fault that you
shut down.
Shut down? Do you know what you do
when you have a parent who tries
to commit suicide all the time?
You look for pills
and other shit he could use.
If you find something, you throw it
in the bin down the street.
Every night, before you go to sleep,
you check if he's breathing.
Then you still can't sleep because
you wonder if you actually checked.
If you don't check again, and he dies
that night, it's because you're lazy.
Then it's your own fault if he dies.
There are things
you absolutely can't do.
You don't go out partying.
You don't leave him alone.
And you don't trust him
when he says he's okay.
I found him, Sam.
I'll have to live with that
for the rest of my life.
Hi, this is Sam's answerphone,
but you already know that.
I can't take your call now, but I'll
call you back as soon as I can.
-Can't take your call now.
Leave a message after the beep.
Stefan, could you
come with me?
-Benjamin is asking for you.
-Yes, of course.
Even though the current agreement is
that Benjamin lives with you, Annika,
maybe Benjamin can go home
with Stefan now?
We've spoken
with both you and Benjamin.
We think that might be
a good temporary solution
to create a calm environment
around Benjamin.
What do you think about that, Annika?
Does that sound good?
Yes, I'm sure that will be fine.
-I think so too.
-That's good.
Let's go then.
Honey, don't you
want to come with Mum?
Hey, we can cook some nice food.
We can do jacket potatoes
with lots of butter.
Hey, Benjamin.
Give Mum a hug good bye.
There. Thanks.
You can't get as sad as us, right?
You wouldn't even know
if your dad died.
You probably don't even know
who your dad is.
That's probably quite nice for you.
What are you doing?
I'm doing bits and pieces.
Where is Benjamin?
I've tried calling him all day,
but he's not picking up.
I bought some I thought
we'd have a cosy evening in.
He wanted yellow.
He said that when we moved in.
I thought light grey and green would
be nice, like the rest of the flat.
I should have painted
what he wanted straight away.
Where is Benjamin?
He is with Stefan.
This late?
He's He's sleeping there.
Or, he lives there right now.
What did you say? Why?
Because that's what he wants.
It's not good for his psyche
to force him to be with me.
Wait, has Dad said this?
You have to tell me these things.
Sigrid, you don't want to talk to me
about these things now
when you're looking after Sam.
I think you have so much
on your plate now.
I am looking after Sam,
but I want to know. It's important.
This is fine, Sigrid.
It will be fine.
-Will it be fine like this?
-How can you say that?
-Don't scream at me.
I'm his mum.
Do you hear me? I'm his mum.
I know what's best for him.
-Can't take your call.
Leave a message after the beep.
Can't take your call.
Can't take your call.
I took the day off work tomorrow.
I can drive you to the psychologist.
I don't have the energy
to talk more today.
You really need to talk to someone.
I don't recognise you.
You're so cold.
I've said that I don't
have the energy to talk.
Can you stop being on my case
for two seconds?
You got some delivery today.
I think it's from Sigge.
My first choice was Angelo,
but I couldn't chose him.
And I saw potential.
Hi, Benjamin!
I'm so glad you're calling.
How are you?
Good. I'm with Dad.
Yes, I know. Mum I know.
What are you doing?
I'm not doing much.
I'm at home,
looking after the rabbits.
They're really soft.
That's fun.
Yes, it's a lot of fun.
Maybe you want to come here
and cuddle them tomorrow?
No, but you can come here tomorrow.
Dad and I are watching a good series
about a serial killer.
I can explain what's happened
in the previous episodes.
Oh, are you watching that with Dad?
Yes. Do you want to
come here tomorrow?
I can't, but it would be lovely
if you came here.
You have to come here
if you want to see me.
I can't Benjamin.
I'll see you when I'm 18, then.
No. We could meet tomorrow.
You have one new message.
Hi, it's Sigge.
It feels strange to say condolences,
but I don't know what to say.
I'm sorry, maybe?
I really am.
I think about you all the time,
just so you know.
But I want to give you space.
You have other people around you who
are looking after you, of course.
Even though I would also
like to look after you.
Watch something on TV,
maybe together. Or sit in silence.
Or do something else, maybe.
God, I didn't mean that we'd do
something weird. Just that we
Yes, well
I don't know how to delete this.
So, apologies.
What I meant to say was
that I sent the pizzas.
I thought I'd ordered ten, but I now
saw that I'd typed a zero too many.
So, I just wanted to
apologise for that.
And, yeah
Uhm Bye, Sam.
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