Thunderbirds (1965) s02e04 Episode Script

Lord Parker's 'Oliday

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Cock crows) (Sheep bleat) (Machine whirrs) There it is, Mitchell - the sun.
I always wonder at its energy.
With the solar generator, you've captured some of that.
This is only the first stage.
Tonight, we'll generate power for a town.
If it works, we'll supply the whole valley perhaps the whole world! Start the tracking programme.
Centre on the heat exchange.
Zero three, zero two Centred.
(Pulses of power) Hmm.
I think that's everything.
Parker? (Footsteps approach) - You called, m'lady? - Yes, Parker.
These cases are ready.
- You may take them to the car.
- Will this be all, m'lady? There are one or two knick-knacks, but I'll bring those down myself.
I just hope I don't forget anything.
Yes, m'lady? I want you to consider the next few days as a holiday for you too.
Feel free to discard your uniform.
Something more casual, perhaps? Very good, m'lady.
We'll leave in 10 minutes.
(Crash of thunder) Oh, dear! It's raining again.
But we must make a start.
Where are you, Parker? - Right here, m'lady.
- Parker! 'I see you took me at my word! ' I hope the inclement weather doesn't spoil your outfit.
always shines in Monte Bianco.
Tonight, the hotel will be full to the roof! Visitors just mean more work! Just think! Tomorrow, our town will be famous.
The first to be lit by electricity from a solar station.
(Steady pulses) It is against nature.
It will be a great disaster.
What?! Stupido! What can go wrong? - Watch the temperature.
- Yes, sir.
Keep it below 1,000 degrees.
The cyclonic generators must not break circuit.
Let's not disappoint the visitors.
I'm beginning to catch the holiday mood.
A little music, Parker.
Very good, m'lady.
(Lively dance music) There's a lot of interference.
I'll attempt to rectify it.
(Slow tune) The interference is still there.
It must be the mountains.
We're very near them.
- I hope Penny enjoys her vacation.
- So do I, Mr Tracy.
Have you been able to evaluate the solar generator at Monte Bianco? I've studied the basic principles.
I wish I was with Penelope to see the project first-hand.
It seems Prof.
Lundgren can store electricity on a commercial scale.
His cyclonic battery is a real advance.
Concentrate sunlight into a beam of intense heat to generate power.
It's a great breakthrough.
The idea's old, but the Professor has licked the technical problems.
I just wish I was there to see it! Is the output voltage high enough? Yes, sir.
We can maintain Are the cyclonic generators checked? Yes.
We're ready to switch on when it's dark.
That could be earlier than expected.
Clouds are building up.
I think we are in for a storm.
(Thunder rumbles) (Howling winds) Signorina Penelope! I feel ashamed to welcome you to THIS! Don't fret.
Terrible! We never rain here for four months! Don't worry.
The English are ALWAYS prepared for rain.
What are you staring at? Get them bags inside! Tonight, we celebrate in fancy dress.
Now, I'll show you to your room - the best in the hotel! - Thank you, signor Facini.
- This way, if you please.
Change, signore, before you flood the hotel.
You look very fine, signore, but where is signorina Penelope? Ah, here she is.
(French accordion music plays) Ah Bellissima! I must say, Parker, you look quite dashing! Thank you, m'lady.
That costume of yours is a knockout! Thank you, Parker.
I'll take that as the most gracious compliment.
May I have your attention? I welcome you to Monte Bianco for this great event.
Tonight, we'll become the first town to be lit by power from the sun.
- I find it quite exciting, Parker! - Me too, m'lady.
Please be quiet.
It is almost time.
- Twenty seconds to go, sir.
- Right.
Stand by.
Dieci, nove otto Seven, six five, four three, two one.
Activate! (Applause) Bravo! Magnifico! Salute! Oh, er yes.
Good health, m'lady.
The moment we have worked for, Mitchell! Yes, sir.
(Thunder rumbles) The storm's really building up.
The forecast was just light rain.
I've heard of these freak storms.
They can get pretty violent.
(Loud crash of thunder) Wind it around the fork, Parker.
Bravo! You'll soon master it.
Not to worry, signore.
The storm will soon pass.
Musica! Musica! (Dinner jazz) It will be a great disaster.
The tower's been hit! Let's hope the conductor can take it.
- The conductor must have blown! - Check the primary circuits.
The reflector is attracting the lightning.
If this continues, we're in trouble! I think the tower's starting to crack! - Cut the power! - But, Professor Cut the power! - What's wrong? - What happened to the lights? Signore! Please, be calm.
We will light the candles.
Something must be wrong.
- Is it serious, m'lady? - I don't know.
- Switch to the emergency lighting.
- Right, sir.
Any more and the tower will collapse.
- I'm going up there.
- No, Professor! It will be a great disaster.
(Metallic wrench) The reflector's been smashed! Are you all right, sir? Yes, yes.
What happened to the reflector? It fell down the mountain, but it's in one piece.
I'll help you in.
The storm - she is passing.
Oh, a giant mirror! It's reflecting the moonlight down on the town.
(Awed gasps) Bellissima! We will go outside.
The storm has passed.
The night - she is very warm.
The party will begin again! (Piano tinkles) Well, m'lady, things have a strange way of turning out for the best.
It certainly gives a nice light - almost like day.
Yes, Parker Almost like day Psst! Signorina! II sole venga domani sarei un disastro! (Hushed whisper) Bruno, get back to work! - Signorina, he's soft in the head! - He meant no harm.
But what did he say, m'lady? He said when the sun rises tomorrow, it will be a great disaster.
I think he may be right.
Parker, I must contact Jeff.
Get the old man.
Make sure he talks to no-one.
Let nobody leave.
We may need every pair of hands.
Every pair of hands? But, m'lady, I That's funny She's gone.
Calling International Rescue.
(Crackling interference) International Rescue, come in, please.
(Crackling) Hmm It must be the storm and the mountains.
I can't make contact.
Now, let me think Somewhere free from interference Yes, of course! (Party music and chatter) I've heard of pink elephants, but a pink Rolls Royce out at sea driven by Marie Antoinette, is ridiculous! Good.
This should be far enough.
(Engine stops) Calling International Rescue.
International Rescue, come in.
(Beeps) - Come in, Penny.
- 'I'm in Monte Bianco.
'We'll need you, Jeff.
' Go on.
'There's been an accident.
' - Anyone hurt? - 'No.
'The solar station's reflector has crashed down the mountain.
' That thing must weigh 400 tonnes! - Any damage to the town? - 'That's just the point.
'The reflector jammed halfway down at such an angle 'that the sun will be concentrated down on to the town.
' I see.
It will be like holding a giant burning glass over the town.
As the sun moves, it will sweep over the town, burning everything.
Hurry - you'll be racing against the sun.
' We're on our way.
Thunderbird 1 will be away in 30 seconds.
Thunderbird 2 will be right behind him.
Go with them, Brains.
It'll be tricky.
- Right, Mr Tracy.
- I'll contact you en route.
International Rescue from Thunderbird 1.
Changing to horizontal flight.
You look worried, Jeff.
What's wrong? I don't know, Mother.
I've just got a feeling about this assignment.
International Rescue are coming.
I don't quite follow, m'lady.
Who's in danger? Why, this hotel! The whole town! It will burn to a cinder unless the reflector is moved before sunrise.
Oh, of course, the sun! Now, I understand.
I'll drive out to the solar station.
Very good, m'lady.
I'm relying on you, Parker, to keep the guests in the hotel.
Now how can I do that? Hey, Bruno! A word in your earhole.
- Si, signore? - Now, look 'ere.
Tomorrow morning, we could be in trouble.
Savvy? - It will be a disaster! - All right, all right! Look, you don't want that to 'appen, do you? No, signore.
Good! Then you can 'elp me.
The people must be kept 'ere, in case they're needed to fight a fire.
But if they think there is danger they will panic and leave! Exactly! That's why tomorrow morning, WE must keep them occupied.
- How do we do that, signore? - Take their mind off things.
Get them to play a little game.
- How do you feel, Professor? - I am all right, my dear.
He was very lucky.
I am sorry we meet again like this.
- At what time is sunrise? - At 6:03.
I've done some calculations.
The sun won't be high enough to do damage until 6:30.
After that It's frightening to think about.
It's now 5:13.
That gives us just under an hour till sunrise.
What a wonderful sunset, Jeff.
(Jeff) It holds no pleasure for me.
As the sun sets here, on the other side of the world, it will rise on sleeping Monte Bianco.
Thunderbird 1 to Thunderbird 2.
- ETA Monte Bianco 5:49, local time.
- (Alan) FAB, Scott.
- We're about 20 minutes behind you.
- Did you contact the solar station? Sorry.
The residual static is heavy.
- 'I'll need details of the problem.
' - I can use the radio camera.
'I'll send you some shots when I can.
' FAB.
It's hopeless! The oscillators are burned out.
The lightning's ruined the radio.
Is there anything we can do, other than watch the town burn? I'll get going.
Professor, we need to get you to hospital for treatment.
I've called International Rescue.
They'll take care of everything.
(Cock crows) Well, Bruno, that seems adequate.
Go and wake 'em.
Wake them? But they only went to bed at three.
We must start the game before they realise the danger.
Go and wake them up! - Bruno? - Si, signore.
Start with the manager.
I'll need him to assist me.
Oh si, signore.
(Loud snores) Signore? (Snoring continues) (Faint whine of jet engines) I'm over Monte Bianco.
I'm going down for a closer look.
Signore? Wake up, signore.
(Peaceful snore) Signor Facini! - Zzz Huh? Gr - It is time to get up.
What What do you want? Lord Parker wants you downstairs.
Oh Ah, it is six o'clock, Bruno! Go away, you stupido! - Who did you say? - Lord Parker, signore.
I'll go round and take some shots.
(Brains) 'H-how is it, Scott? ' I'll put the camera on instantaneous transmission so you can see.
(Scott) 'Did it go 0K? ' Yeah.
Thanks, Scott.
It's fine.
It sure looks like a tricky set-up.
- Any ideas, Brains? - Well the rotation gear looks undamaged.
We could try to tilt the reflector up so that it faces skywards.
You said it weighs 400 tonnes! I know.
It won't be easy, but it's our only chance.
(Dog barks) Oh, there you are! Your Lordship, please excuse me - I did not realise.
Quite understandable.
I often travel incog-niko, as it were.
Are the other guests ready to join us in our little game? Si, signore.
When told that you were a lord, they were willing.
I thought they'd fall er, like to join in.
Si, Your Lordship.
Thunderbird to base.
Can you hear me, Father? Base to Thunderbird 2.
Just about, Virgil.
'Your signal's weak.
' We'll be over the solar station in two minutes.
Because of communication problems, you're in charge of any decisions.
- 'Is that understood? ' - Yes, Father.
Be careful.
I've got a feeling about this one.
Yes, Father.
There it is! We'll have to work fast.
Assuming hover position.
You'll have to lower me down to get a close look.
It's not your job.
I'll go.
I need to see it up close.
- I'll radio a description.
- It's not the same.
Stop arguing! It's your decision, Virgil.
Brains, you go.
Don't take any chances.
Thanks, Virgil.
- Go and help him get ready, Alan.
- Yes, Virgil.
- 'Brains is going down to look.
' - I'm here if I'm needed.
OK, Scott.
Ready, Brains? Ready! OK, Brains, remember - don't look down too much.
It's a long drop.
- 'Starting winch.
' - All right.
I'll hold her steady.
OK, Alan.
Stop the winch.
Darn this harness.
I I can't move.
'Are you 0K, Brains? ' Yeah.
I just took off the harness - it was so clumsy.
Brains, I said don't take chances! Don't worry - I know what I'm doing.
I hope Hurry, Brains.
Time's running out.
'I'm going to climb up to the rim.
' Careful! Alan, I want you to lower the high tensile cable.
'Will do, Brains.
' - 0pen number three hatch, Virgil.
- Right.
Down about five feet, Alan.
'Steady steady ' Stop! (Excited chatter)'0ld on! H-honest Lord Parker won't pay out till he's checked your card.
It's in position.
Activate magnetic clamp.
- Get clear, Brains.
- 'I don't need telling twice! ' It's getting mighty hot inside this suit.
OK, Alan.
Brains is clear.
I'm taking her up.
It's not moving.
Increasing power.
It's still not shifting, Virgil.
I'm going all the way.
Full thrust.
- No good.
The reflector's too heavy.
- We can't move it, Brains.
The rotation gear must be jammed.
Send down the laser unit, Alan.
Things are really 'otting up now! Number one, give him the gun.
'I've located the trouble.
' It'll take a couple of minutes to cut through.
That's too long! The hotel's starting to smoke.
Smoke! Why didn't I think of that before?! - 'Is Scott still around, Virgil? ' - Yes.
Tell him to use the device I fitted last week.
I heard you, Brains.
Bingo! Well done, lady! This is going like a 'ouse on fire! (What am I saying!) How am I doing, Brains? FAB, Scott! I've freed the rotation gear.
We'll start the lift as soon as you're clear.
Oh I can hardly move in this suit.
'0K, boys.
Take her up.
' It's moving.
There! Brains! Virgil, he's fallen! There's been an accident.
Brains has fallen.
I'll go and see what I can do.
- We can't just sit here! - Scott's doing everything possible.
I saw him fall He must have been killed.
Don't worry, boys.
I'm fine.
It was only the suit.
I took it off - it was so awkward.
What a relief! We thought Now listen, Brains.
Get back into that harness.
Yes, sir! - And Brains is 0K? - Yes, Father.
He's right here.
Well, I'm glad it's over.
I was afraid it might go wrong.
Don't worry, Mr Tracy.
We handled the situation.
And we'll be home for breakfast.
Breakfast? It's 2:00am here and I'm going to bed! Bedtime at home, breakfast-time in Monte Bianco.
Sometimes, even I get confused! (Laughter) Well, L0RD Parker? I think you owe me an explanation.
I thought the guests would take orders more easily from an English lord.
- I anticipated you would not mind.
- All right, Parker.
In the circumstances, we'll forget it.
What game so engrossed them that they didn't notice the danger? A game very popular in my youth, as I remember - Bingo! Bingo? You'll have to instruct me some time.
Very well, m'lady.
And now, I suggest we try the beach.
Why don't you go and change, Lord Parker? The sun is shining.
I anticipated you again, m'lady, if you'll pardon the liberty.
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