Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s02e04 Episode Script

Amizade ou dinheiro?

[soothing music playing]
-[Justen] Please.
-Jeez, more booze.
-Oh my God.
-We have a bathtub.
We're the first couple in this suite.
It'll be awesome.
Let's check out the bedroom.
My God, Ju. It's perfect.
[Nayara] Imagine when the lights go out.
It will be like…
-Cha, cha, cha ♪
-Tonight I'm going to chafe.
-We sure will.
[Bruna] Mom,
Nayara's destroying the furniture!
Yeah, I got this. [chuckles]
When we realized it was taking too long
for them to come back from their date,
We were saying we don't think
they're coming back tonight.
Time is passing.
The date is taking too long.
They're going to the suite, for sure.
It's been a while and nothing.
[Kelvin] I don't know
if they're going to the suite.
I don't think so. I think they're going
on a date and coming back,
but people are saying
they're going to the suite.
[Ítalo] They're definitely going.
Absolutely no doubt about it, I'm sure.
We're scared, actually.
[Nayara] There is no way
we can avoid losing money today.
[Justen] We'll see, we'll see.
I hope Nay and Ju think before they act
and realize that their bill
is too high already.
If they don't do it,
it'll be out of respect for the group.
[Sandri] For the group, yes.
But I don't think Justen
is thinking about the group.
Because they're so horny for each other,
you can see that they're willing
to do everything and then some.
It'll be the most expensive suite
of the season.
I don't think I can hold back.
I'm already taking my clothes off.
[Ivan] They're the most expensive couple
of the season.
[Thay] My God…
Eh… Mm… Uh…
[Nayara] Every little thing
will cost us ten grand.
[Justen] Let me see something…
Let's save it for that place
where we can do more stuff.
[Bruna] Wow!
Even I lost some money, you know?
More like a lot of money, right, hon?
Oh, Wakanda!
The sword. Girl!
It was exactly what I was hoping for.
[sultry music playing]
I don't like to go without kissing.
Kissing is really nice,
even when I can't do other things.
I have to kiss.
And kissing here is expensive.
We needed this moment together.
Now we are going
to set this suite on fire. [chuckles]
[Bruna] Yeah, but that
wasn't the point, was it?
I did my best to spend
as little money as possible.
[alarm blaring]
[Khiara] I'll do some magic.
[Bruna] Speaking of magic,
Justen and Nay
are gonna do a little trick tonight.
It's called "make the money disappear".
[tense music playing]
Tonight, I just hope we didn't spend
all the money we had. [chuckles]
-[Victoria] Are you guys spending money?
-[Ivan] No!
[Sandri] We're not, I swear.
[Victoria] Oh, my God! Are you sure?
[Sandri] I swear, I swear.
[WG] Things are bad enough already.
-[Sandri] I swear.
-[Victoria] Guys, please!
[Sandri] I swear!
[Victoria] Control yourselves.
[Ítalo] Think about all the money
we are losing already. Shit.
[Bruna] Well, at least in this room,
no one is breaking any rules.
Look how cute, well-behaved, you know…
[Bruna scream]
They broke a rule! I spoke too soon.
We ended up kissing.
I was surprised, I wasn't expecting it.
He came and kissed me.
And I thought, "God, it's going to shit!"
It was the lesser evil.
[Bruna] Not less than your money, baby.
Not to mention the suite.
[tense music playing]
[relaxing music playing]
[Bruna] Good morning, people who woke up
with a ruined credit score.
[Justen] We woke up feeling good.
We woke up spending some money, too.
We couldn't help it.
We're sorry, Lana,
but you put me in this situation.
It's hard, you know?
[Bruna] Sure, it's Lana's fault.
Right, Justen?
Justen isn't back yet?
[Victoria] Guys,
last night,
Ítalo and I kissed.
[Ítalo] Just a peck.
Four grand.
Early in the morning, we said,
"Good morning," and lost four grand.
That easy.
-[WG] Go fuck yourselves, damn it.
-[both chuckle]
Bro, in no time
we'll be losing money during lunch.
[Bruna] Speaking of losing money.
Lana knows I've had my milk.
-She only sent coffee and juice.
-[Justen laughs]
I think the prize
hit rock bottom, you know?
-They're going to freak out.
Some people are not gonna understand.
But I'm not worried at all.
[Bruna] Losing money without worrying?
Great, you probably don't have
bills to pay, right, Justen?
We're losing about 150 grand.
-You think?
-No way.
-Or more.
Fuck, I don't think it'll be 150 grand.
Maybe 80.
I think the fact
that they already lost 60,
may have helped them control themselves.
[Bruna] Sit and brace for impact.
[Justen] Vic is going to be so mad…
No, Vic will freak out.
[Justen] It's not our fault
she didn't connect with anyone.
No one is going to control me here.
I'm not going to let that happen.
I came here to live.
[Bruna] As sure as day follows night,
so is the fact that
they're losing tons of money today.
[tense music playing]
Hey, Lana, what do you have for us today?
It's the infamous D-Day.
I have a bad feeling here.
-[Victoria] She's here.
[Lana] Hello, people.
[girls] Hi, Lana. Good morning.
-[guys] Good morning, Lana.
-[girls, singing] ♪ Good morning ♪
[Bruna] Look at everyone partying on
the Titanic before it hits the iceberg.
Wow, we're chipper today.
[Lana] We have a lot to talk about today.
I have a bad feeling. Here comes Lana.
When she calls us like this, it's bad.
[Lana] Last night, there was
a rule break among you,
and it cost you R$4,000.
-[Isadora] Yes.
-We know, we know.
We've talked about it.
I covered it up because Vic is my friend.
Four grand doesn't even
make a difference anymore.
I don't wanna know what we know,
I wanna know the things only you know.
[Ítalo] No one else knows, exactly.
-[Lena] Is anyone missing here?
-The Wakanda couple.
Where are they?
Oh no, he's shirtless. Fuck!
-[Nayara] And I lost… I lost my necklace.
-Oh my God!
-Sit here, sit close to me.
[Justen] Guys.
-[Thay] So?
-Talk to us, Lana.
[Lana] Nayara and Justen,
do you want to tell your friends
where you spent the night?
[Bruna] Remember that happiness?
Well, that's over.
And it ends now.
We didn't spend money on the date.
Then Lana came in
and sent us to the suite.
A gorgeous suite, you know?
[Thay] Oh, my God…
We couldn't help it, guys.
-[Bruna] That hurts!
We spent the night in the suite.
There was a bathtub, a bedroom…
There was champagne.
A hot tub.
We did bodyshots…
[WG] That's a bad thing.
[Victoria] Wow,
something unnecessary right away.
Unnecessary? If you were there,
you would do the same thing.
-You don't know that.
-[Nayara] Yeah, but I take responsibility.
I'm okay with it.
You're on fire. Too much fire.
They came in mocking us, you know?
They were laughing
and it was like they didn't care.
That pissed me off, because
it was disrespectful to the group.
[Lana] Here at the retreat,
the suite is used for one purpose,
so the couples have the opportunity
to spend some quality time alone.
But Nayara and Justen
pushed every boundary they could.
That's crazy, man. Really?
-[Justen] So?
-She always exaggerates.
[Bruna] Did they change
the meaning of the word "exaggerate"?
How much do you think they spent, Khikhi?
One hundred and fifty grand.
I think one 110.
I think it'll be
between one hundred and 120.
I guess eighty.
[Lana] They broke
the largest number of rules
my database has ever computed.
[Victoria] Dude…
[tense music playing]
We're fucked.
The money is gone.
[Isadora] Man…
God have mercy on our poor souls.
What did our couple do?
-Any of you would do the same there.
-[Isadora] You're stalling.
You're stalling.
You can't say that. You don't know
what other people would do.
[Justen] Okay. But that's it.
I did it, fuck it, I spent the money.
[Victoria] It wasn't anyone,
it was you two. Fuck everyone.
[Bruna] Let's see who won the bet.
[Lana] You lost R$250,000.
[Victoria] Oh, man! Come on, seriously?
[tense music playing]
[Victoria] I knew they would spend money,
but I didn't think it would be that much.
[Kelvin] Fuck…
Oh, shit!
[Khiara] No one
can cover for you on that one.
[Victoria] I hope no one tries.
It was too much.
[Lana] Adding to the R$60,000
you had already spent before…
…you have lost R$310,000 from the prize.
Holy shit, man!
[Ivan] I know we can conquer
everything out there,
but it's going to be hard to conquer this.
[Lana] The prize now stands at R$82,000.
Congrats, guys.
It really pissed me off.
We could all have had some fun
with that money.
[Lana] I don't think it's fair to everyone
that only one couple was responsible
for the loss of more
than 60% of the prize.
-We don't think it's fair, either.
-[Sandri] Yeah.
[Lana] So I decided to not take this money
from the prize fund.
[Sandri screams]
[Nayara] What?
[Isadora] My God!
[Bruna] What do you mean?
My heart was racing.
[WG] What a blessing!
I am kneeling down.
For God's sake, I'm kneeling.
Lana, you are totally the best!
Thank you!
[Lana] But you still have
to pay the price.
-Only in a different way.
[Bruna] How silly of me
to think it would be that easy.
For completely disregarding
the purpose of the show,
Nayara and Justen,
you must leave the retreat right now.
[Isadora] No, no, no.
[Ítalo] Fuck, bro!
[tense music playing]
[Sandri sniffles]
I feel horrible.
-Fuck, I can't believe it.
-[Thay] No way.
That was unnecessary.
[WG] It can't be true.
I'm speechless. I don't know what to say.
I don't know
what it's going to be like now.
It can't be.
[Lana] Unless…
your friends decide
to believe in your potential.
And give up the money to keep you here.
It makes things clear.
"It's okay, it's nice,
it's important for them"
But it affects the whole group.
Now it's up to us losing the money
to be with two awesome people.
It's not only about you two.
So don't say "fuck it".
"I'm happy, so fuck it."
[Isadora] It's a very delicate moment,
where I have to choose
between people I've just met
and money that would
make a difference in my life.
That's it.
There was no respect,
no consideration, nothing.
I apologize for the way I spoke,
if anyone was hurt by that.
It's just the way I talk.
Everything I'm doing here
I am doing with an open heart.
I've been sincere with everyone.
And I think Nay is, too.
[Isadora] Easy to say that
now that it's ruined.
You know you fucked up.
Why didn't you say this before?
This hurts us too, you know?
I went from being
really pissed off to really sad.
How come this needed to happen
for them to understand what they did?
I don't know if you guys
are going to behave.
-[Ítalo] That's it.
-[WG] Exactly.
We could trust you now
and get screwed over again later.
It was bad.
I hurt people that I love here.
[Lana] Will you give up your friends
or the money?
[tense music builds]
It was a shock.
Everyone is a little bit confused,
a little angry,
but they're my friends,
especially Justen.
[Kelvin] I vote they stay.
They'll change now.
I strongly believe in repentance.
And I see that your connection is real.
That's what I'm here for.
I am willing to do this,
and I vote for you to stay.
-Thank you, bro.
-[Ítalo] Money is important,
but friendship is more important.
-[Sandri] Yes,
-So I want them to stay.
I want you to stay.
I want you to stay.
[Ivan] I want the two of you to stay.
If it's up to me, you stay.
Thank you, bro.
I vote for you to stay, but there's
no justification for what happened.
It was complicated.
[crying] I really want the money,
but I want you to stay more.
[Sandri] I don't want you to leave.
But don't spend money, man.
I'm leaving here with nothing.
I thought I was going to leave here with,
like, 20 grand, I'm leaving with nothing?
[emotional music playing]
I'm really disappointed in you two.
Because we've talked a lot
since we got here
about how everything
is three times harder for us.
I was really hoping I'd leave here
with at least enough money
to make a difference in my life.
I always give up on my desires
and the things that are
important to me, for others.
I'm doing it again,
because I don't want you to leave.
But you've put your priorities
ahead of everyone else's.
So I'm really disappointed.
I was hoping that at least
that you would understand.
Especially you two.
First, I want to thank everyone here.
I apologize again.
When we did the first workshop,
I talked about not hurting people anymore.
And I can see that I did it here with you.
[Justen crying]
And what you just did
is a really beautiful thing, you know?
And I just want to say how sorry I am.
I never meant to disappoint anyone.
And I won't make this mistake again.
I won't.
I never thought it would be like this.
Disappointing the family
that we are building here.
Guys, I'm sorry, I'm heavy hearted.
I want to apologize, but I don't want
to say anything else right now.
I'm really miserable.
[Justen] Thank you, guys, really.
Thank you, I'm sorry.
[Lana] By unanimous decision,
the prize is now R$82,000.
Nayara and Justen,
I see the two of you have potential
to learn from your mistakes,
and I am giving you one more chance.
But there is one condition.
You cannot break any more rules
while you are in the retreat.
If the two of you break any rule,
you will be eliminated.
Take advantage of this opportunity.
[Nayara] I won't be the same after this.
It changed me,
I'll be a different Nay.
The fire of "let's chafe"
was extinguished.
[WG] Our family is forever.
If it was going to end the show,
I would still vote for you to stay, bro.
I fucking love you.
I had no idea how important I was
to this family that we are creating.
I think that, after this fear we felt
being at risk, we can be role models here.
There will be no better way to show that.
[crying] Girl, I'm sorry.
We make mistakes,
and you're gonna feel upset now.
But that's what we're here for.
[Sandri] Yeah.
Life is like that.
Sometimes we act without thinking.
That's normal.
This mistake will allow you
to live something different with Ju.
[Victoria] Exactly, exactly.
There's a purpose.
It won't be in vain.
You needed something
you weren't able to figure out.
Now you can control yourselves, you know?
I only realized later, you know?
I wasn't thinking of anyone else.
Saying you would do it again was wrong.
But I understand you.
I would always be on your side.
I think I would also
spend that much with the right girl.
It's difficult here.
We're always together.
Horny all the time.
That's why I understand him,
it's complicated.
-[Isadora] Girl, it's tough.
-[Thay] I know it sucks.
We can't do anything outside
without money.
We can't buy anything
with the R$100 we earn from a job.
What can you buy with R$100?
And I'm going to be
totally straight with you.
You are blonde, white, you have blue eyes.
-And it's like…
-I have no idea how hard it is for you.
Especially in our business,
it's hard for you…
[Thay] It's so much harder for you.
For black girls it is 20 times
more difficult, so it's like…
I was hoping that Ju and Nay
would understand that,
because they know
what it's like, you know?
But it didn't happen.
This is a job like any other.
A job like all the other jobs I've done,
where I worked hard.
To me, that's it.
It's not about the hype,
the fame, none of that.
Those things never paid my bills. Never.
-Can I ask you something?
-Uh-huh. What is it?
Later, with an open heart,
you should go and talk to Isa.
[Victoria] Okay?
I will, I want to talk to her.
I'm not avoiding it.
We all talked, me and the other girls.
She was the only one
who didn't come to comfort me.
But I understand, it wouldn't make sense.
She's very genuine.
I think it will take some time for us
to get past this.
[Bruna] Lana won't have
this bad atmosphere in her retreat.
After all, it's not just about cycles,
it's about circus.
And I'm clearly the clown!
[girls laughing and screaming]
[Gabriel] It's surpassed my expectations.
I'm excited! [laughs]
[Ítalo] I'm really excited.
Come on. A party always cheers people up.
We had a heavy day.
A party will be good for everyone
to let loose and relax our spirits.
[upbeat music playing]
[Victoria] Lana told all of us off.
I think people got it,
but I wouldn't trust them completely.
Anything can happen tonight.
[Justen] Hey, I want
to say something to everyone.
Guys, so…
-Fuck, this is…
-[all laughing]
-You're such an actor!
Today something happened that
I never expected to happen in my life.
It was really exciting to know
that everyone here likes me and Nay.
I'm so sorry again for what I did.
It is not okay to play
with other people's dreams.
And thank you. Knowing that we are
a family here is very important to me.
And you can be sure that
whatever you need in your life,
you can count on me.
[all cheering]
I wanted to make it clear to everyone
that I know that made a mistake.
Now we are going to enjoy this
in the best way possible.
Let's see if Nay and me can help
the other couples connect more deeply.
[Bruna] But not too deeply,
it's gone bad already.
[upbeat music playing]
[Thay] It's really hard
to hold back in this party.
Everyone is on fire.
The circus is on fire…
It's making me nervous.
[all cheering]
We're holding back.
I hope no one breaks any rules.
[dance music playing]
Every time you say something stupid,
I'll throw popcorn at you.
Ay, ay.
Come on, say it.
I know you want to say something stupid.
-Just say it.
-I won't.
I'm looking for a fight tonight.
I wanna dance with you.
I wanna dance with you!
Yeah, you really wanted to
at the workshop.
[Ítalo] Fuck, I told you.
It wasn't me who changed it.
-Fuck you!
-It wasn't me…
-Look at your face! You look idiot.
-I didn't change it.
-Bro, for real, fuck you!
-I didn't change it.
Some jealousy now and then is good.
[Bruna] But in your case,
it's not just now and then.
It's a fact, men are worthless.
Why didn't you say,
"I saw you at the workshop."
I would say,
"Fuck, I'd rather be with you."
Why do I have to say something?
Why would I say something?
-So I could explain.
-I don't want a justification.
There is no justification. There isn't.
But why would I say something?
-So why are you talking about it now?
-Because we were talking about it.
No, we weren't, you brought it up.
No. Because you're lying.
I'm not lying.
Ítalo, for God's sake!
If I wanted to do it with her, I would've.
I'm not saying that
you wanted to do it with her,
but you are saying
that you didn't like it.
-I'd rather be with you.
-You didn't like it.
-You didn't like it. You hated it.
-I didn't like it.
[Victoria] Okay, so you faked it.
[Ítalo] Let me ask you something.
Don't you know that
I just want to be with you?
For God's sake.
Do you have any doubts?
Stop creating things in your head.
-For the love of God!
-Okay then.
That's it.
There's no reason to be jealous.
If I say I'm with her, then I'm with her.
[Bruna] What we say
might not be what others get.
Stop it.
I'm gonna throw popcorn on you too.
Hey! Guys, come here!
If you don't know, I'm a magician.
So I want to put on a show for you.
[all cheering]
Tonight, I'll be the magician.
I need a volunteer.
-[Thay] There is the volunteer!
It's empty.
-[Sandri] There's nothing.
-It's my hat.
[Thay] Come on, magician! Show your magic.
But sometimes…
[Khiara] Come on, I'm curious.
[all cheering and screaming]
[Gabriel] You're the best!
[Khiara] A kiss on the cheek.
[Victoria] It could go green now.
Tonight, another show.
[Nayara] It could get green,
it would be everything.
[WG] PG moment in the middle
of all the R stuff.
[Khiara] That was the cutest thing ever!
We're behaving, Lana!
I hope you are seeing this.
I want to talk to you.
Come here.
Ju came to talk to me at the party.
We had to talk about his thing with Nay.
That made me very emotional
because I related to it.
I know that it wasn't
an easy thing to accept.
-I like you a lot, you know?
A whole fucking lot.
[Justen] I think we're gonna have
lots of experiences.
It's not like everyone
is fighting together.
We're not.
-We're not fighting together.
You're fighting for yourselves.
I was very frustrated with both of them.
Because I thought
they should understand something.
I had expectations.
To me, that was hard.
It was hard.
Because, to me, it means a lot to be here.
-A whole lot.
-I get it.
But I know
that you're doing your own thing.
And now I'm going to do mine.
When push comes to shove,
each one will only see their own side.
Sometimes I'm too kind, so I think
people see me as an empathetic person,
which sometimes I'm not.
No matter what you're like in your life,
you were a jerk here.
You really were.
Because everyone gets horny,
you know that.
It hit me really hard, man.
It hit me very hard.
I wouldn't say that
just so I can make a scene.
[Justen] I understand.
I think he understood my side of things,
but I still have to talk to Nay.
But I think between me and him,
everything is cleared up.
[dance music playing]
[relaxing music playing]
[Bruna] Good morning, people who gave up
more than 300 grand to forgive friends!
I would never do that.
With 300 grand,
I would buy new friends. Ha!
[Ivan] The next ones to go to the suite
will be either you or Ítalo.
[Ítalo] I deserve a date, right?
[Ivan] A date would be excellent.
It would be perfect for us to talk.
Lana, give me a date, come on.
Give me a date.
I see Sandri in a different way.
I want to have
a different experience here with her.
-I came prepared for anything, but--
-[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Hello, Ivan.
-Talk to her.
Hi, Lana.
[Lana] Did you want to talk to me?
[Ivan] Yes, I wanted to talk to you.
What can I help you with, Ivan?
I'm really into San.
and I wanted to have
the opportunity to talk to her,
get clear in what's happening between us.
I'd love to get your help solving this,
somewhere special.
[Lana] Would you like me
to arrange a date for you both?
That's what I want.
Lana, I trust you.
Please, do something nice for us.
I promise to do my part.
[Lana] Wish granted, Ivan.
Go get ready for your date with Sandri.
Oh, thank you, Lana!
Thank you, thank you.
Thanks. I don't wanna lose more.
[Lana] Ivan, stop sucking up to Lana.
She doesn't want you, she wants Wi-Fi.
[gentle music playing]
[Ivan] What a great view!
[Sandri] Isn't it?
To paradise and to us, right?
To us.
I'm happy to be on this date with Ivan,
because we really need to talk.
Yeah, I don't know,
since I took off my blindfold,
I saw you
and I liked you.
Me too, we started talking immediately.
When I want to be with someone,
it's because of the way they are.
And the way you are…
-Me too.
-I like you.
Thank you,
-but I feel like we need to talk.
-We need to talk.
I need to tell you what I've been feeling,
because my feelings change a lot.
I'm a little indecisive.
I realized that maybe
what I feel for you is more
of friendship connection, you know?
[Bruna] Already?
Team, clean everything up.
See if there's some champagne left.
What I want to say is…
I gave you space,
but I wanted to be near you.
And sometimes, like, hear your voice.
Like, sometimes I gazed at you
when you passed by.
And with all these things, I was realizing
that, as much as I tried to hold back,
I was really liking it. Like, I like you.
[Bruna] You're going to need
to spell this out for him.
[Ivan] Let me ask you something.
this may be the only time we have
to really work things out,
deep down, are you really sure
you wouldn't want to try anything
more than friendship?
Being here together now,
are you sure about it? Really?
You don't want
to at least try?
[Bruna] Okay, we already have a no,
let's pursue the humiliation.
Let's go!
I'm the kind of guy who believes
that if I feel for someone,
if I'm attracted to someone,
it's because that person
is also attracted to me.
And, if I really felt that I liked you,
I feel that
maybe you might like me.
-I don't want to push it.
You know?
I may be open to other things.
I was very honest with my feelings.
I think Ivan understood,
even though his are different,
he understood.
[Bruna] Yeah, better late than later.
Would you be upset
if you saw me with someone else?
No, no…
Maybe I would before
because I was into you
and didn't know if you felt the same.
But now that you made it clear…
I won't lie to you
and say that I can feel…
I won't stop liking you overnight.
It'll happen over time, and I know
I'll be seeing you with someone else…
I'll be happy for you.
You're fucking awesome.
And whoever ends up with you
-will be with an awesome person.
-Let me kiss you on the cheek.
[gentle music playing]
Now I'm one 100% free
to be with other people,
to create other connections.
Because that's what it's about.
Explore new seas.
I'm free. New connections are welcome.
It's okay, you have your time,
you do what you want, but like,
I want to be your friend, too.
It was the answer I needed
to really move on,
to put a stop
to all these feelings I was having.
I'm the kind of person that,
if there's hope,
I will fight for what I want.
[Bruna] As the fortune cookie would say,
"Never stop fighting for your dreams."
Especially if your dream tells you no
for the whole world to see. [chuckles]
They're here?
[all whooping]
[Thay] What's up, lovebirds?
Tell us, did you spend any money?
[Sandri] We didn't.
-[Nayara] Did it turn green?
What did you do?
We worked things out.
[gentle music playing]
He was feeling it, and I noticed.
[Ivan] We talked.
But I wanted to hear it from her,
because this will help me too. You know?
[WG] Yes, but regardless of what happened,
at least you'll feel lighter now.
That's it.
I'm okay.
I'm open to connect with someone else.
[intriguing music playing]
-[Khiara] There we go!
-[Thay] What's up, Lana?
[WG] It's always… It's always tough.
Every time we see Lana,
we think the worst.
We prepare for the worst.
-[Lana] Hello, people,
How are you?
-[Justen] We're okay.
-[Sandri] We're fine.
Happy after yesterday.
I couldn't be better.
[Lana] After our last conversation,
I could see how you're able
to overcome conflicts
for the sake of the connections
you created here.
-[girls] Aww.
Congratulations to us.
-[Lana] It leads me to believe
that my work with you is paying off.
So, for the group connection you created,
and for your good behavior at the party,
I want to reward you.
[all cheering]
[Lana] I'm going to give you back
part of the money you lost.
[all cheering]
-[Khiara] That's it!
-Now I can pay some bills.
[Lana] I'm giving back R$100,000
[all cheering]
[all chanting in Portuguese]
No bumping uglies ♪
No bumping uglies ♪
[Lana] The final prize is now R$182,000.
[all cheering]
It's better, it's better, it's better.
It was deserved. We deserved it.
[Lana] Don't take advantage
of my goodwill.
-[Khiara] Never!
-[Lana] See you soon.
[Ivan] Thank you, Lana!
[Thay] That was awesome!
Careful, guys! Careful.
[soothing music playing]
[Isadora] I'm frustrated with you.
I don't know if you'll think
I'm a jerk to throw it in your face,
but I prefer to tell the truth.
You were an asshole.
You were selfish.
You had a bad attitude,
the way you dealt with us was terrible.
You were arrogant, it was bad.
I was pissed. I was frustrated with you.
Really frustrated with you.
And it was really hypocritical of you.
The image I had of you
fell apart in that moment.
Because of what you showed,
you really are.
From my point of view,
I think it added up a little bit,
not a rejection, you know,
the fact that Ju chose to be with me.
This rule break occurred.
We spent everyone's money.
And then she used that
as an excuse to let out her anger.
[Isadora] I didn't feel it
as strongly with Justen,
because he showed
he was like that in other moments.
A lot of moments.
That's something
he definitely needs to work on.
I think this is very important
for both of their improvement,
considering what
we're supposed to be doing here.
Take the opportunity.
It was expensive keeping you here.
-Three hundred and ten grand.
-I could buy three apartments in Grajaú.
[tense music playing]
[all chanting]
-Every time Lana cums-- Uh.
-[tires screeching noise]
I stumbled over my words.
She always makes me think a lot.
[Bruna] Let's go.
Hair all done?
I have a feeling
she's in a good mood today.
I hope so.
Let's see what Lana has for us.
I hope it's something good.
[Lana chimes]
Hello, people.
[all] Hello!
-[Ítalo] What's up, Lana?
-[Lana] How are you?
-[all] Fine!
-Everything's good.
[Lana] I'm always getting updated
to promote your improvement.
So, today I prepared an outside activity.
Will the shark swim outside
of the retreat today? [chuckles]
How nice!
I can't wait for this.
Oh, God!
[Lana] However,
only some of you are invited.
[Ítalo] Shit!
[all complaining]
The team will be shorthanded.
It makes me apprehensive.
Are you gonna leave the shark
and the aquarium again?
Some will be benchwarmers.
I'm the starter.
[tense music sting]
I'm a starter too, Lana.
-[Justen] What a situation.
-Everybody wants to go.
[Lana] Kelvin.
Not Kelvin. Leave that jerk here.
Is he going? Is he not going?
What's the activity?
[Lana] Isa.
Come on, Lana.
Put me in the middle of this.
-[Lana] Ítalo.
Ítalo and…
[Lana] The five of you
can leave the house now.
[Thay] Why?
Come on.
They will enjoy a little break.
[Isadora] Kisses!
I'm so excited, guys,
I think my black man is coming! [chuckles]
[Kelvin] Thank you, bro! See you later!
[Ítalo] I hope I'll have fun
and have some moments to remember.
-Okay, we'll be here on the sidelines.
-I'm jealous.
I'm happy for them,
but I wish I was there.
There's no place
for all this empathy today.
Come on.
-I hope it rains.
-[all laughing]
-I hope it rains.
-Not cool.
[Lena] The activity
your friends are going to,
is a party.
[all gasp]
My God!
I behave so well.
I never break any rules here,
but I wasn't invited? I'm upset.
[Bruna] Now tell them where, Lana!
[Lana] On a boat on the high seas.
[Victoria] Holy shit!
Lana, you could just say it was a party.
No details, it's what I always say.
That was cruel.
[Lana] What do you suppose could happen?
A mess, that's what.
But Lana wants genuine connections.
But if the watch turns green,
good for them, they can do anything.
I hope they make connections,
they're free.
-Speak for yourself. It's not free.
-It is what it is.
Things got heated.
[Lana] The watches won't turn green.
Oh, so they won't break any rules.
[Victoria] Oh, I don't know, it depends…
-I think they won't.
-No, they won't.
-I believe Ítalo won't.
-[Lana] Do you trust your friends?
-We trust them blindly.
-Yes. We trust them.
I think we trust them.
[Lana] I would like to propose a bet
based on your trust in your friends.
Double for double.
-Double for double?
-Is she going to double the amount?
-[Victoria] How come?
[Lana] This is how it works.
if they don't break any rules
while they are on the boat,
I will double the amount
on your prize fund.
-Let's do it.
-Where do I sign?
-[Lana] So…
it will be R$364,000.
Oh, that is so nice!
Now it's all getting better.
[Lana] But…
if they break any rules,
I will charge you double the amount.
Wow! Like, a kiss is ten grand
so it will be twenty grand.
Let's do it, I trust my team.
I don't think they're going
to break any rules.
No, they won't, they won't.
I don't trust them completely.
Do you accept this bet?
[WG] Every day we're holding grenades.
Either we diffuse them or they explode.
That's it. Let's defuse this one.
Let's defuse this one.
-I'm in.
-I'm in, Lana.
Let's do it.
[Lana] The bet is on.
-Okay, Lana.
-[Lana] See you soon.
-That's it, family.
-[Nayara] That's it! It'll be okay, guys.
If things go to shit there…
[Bruna] What could possibly happen?
Will one of Lana's exes be there?
We'll be fucked.
[Bruna] Could it be that I sat
on the remote and I changed stations?
What's happening?
I know these people.
Hey, I've seen that before…
Oh my God, I'm seeing Tuanny,
-We're back, babies!
-The good stuff always comes back.
[intense music playing]
I don't think they're going
to break any rules today.
-[Gabriel] It's gonna be okay.
-[Victoria] It's going to be okay.
[Bruna] Okay for whom?
[Gabriel] Can't get crazy about it.
We can't overthink it.
[Isadora] Wait, this is strange.
The people in the house
will be shocked by this!
[Bruna] I don't even want to see.
No, I do!
No, no, no!
No, no, no! It's not over.
It doesn't end now! Netflix, come back!
Do you think they'll do bodyshots?
-Thinking of kissing everyone.
-Bodyshots? Obviously.
Who's gonna do it?
[intense music playing]
-[Thay] Excuse me.
-[Ítalo] Sorry, Gabi!
-[David] Two! Three!
I think everyone will do bodyshots.
[David] Go!
-[WG] Would you be mad?
-[Victoria] Yes.
From heaven to hell.
[Sandri] My heart is pounding.
[Lana] You've gone bankrupt.
[Justen] Good morning, guys!
[Nayara] Where's Lana?
[intense music builds]
[closing theme music playing]
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