TrollsTopia (2020) s02e04 Episode Script

Hair Fracture - Palentine's Day

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
all by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun To share
this one with someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along! ♪
- All different voices ♪
- Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Easy, everyone. Easy.
- Ooh, that's a bad hair fracture.
- Guys, I really appreciate this,
but you have to let me get back
to the party.
My hair is fine!
Okay, maybe it's not 100%.
But I can fix it
with the power of positivity!
I can fix it with
the power of doctors!
Hmm. This is the
worst I've ever seen.
There, I see much better now.
Queen Poppy, you have a
significant hair fracture.
How did this happen?
- She was overexerting herself.
- Mm-hmm.
No, I wasn't! Here's what happened,
Dr. Moonbloom.
As you know, I've spent the last
eight and a half weeks planning
for TrollsTopia's Nine Week
Anniversary, which is today.
And all I was doing
was normal party prep stuff.
Sprinkling sprinkles,
streamering streamers,
and lowering an unbelievably
heavy commemoration statue
of all six tribes holding hands
in the spirit of unity.
So, y'know, just
a run-of-the-mill freak accident.
- Mm-mm.
- Anyway, now that you gave me this hair cast,
I can get back to prepping
the Anniversary, right?
No. Your hair has to heal. I'm
prescribing one day of total bed rest.
Uh! But
- I'm glad you're
taking this so well.
Now, I have a very fun
Nine Week Anniversary to attend.
Excuse me.
- Whoo!
- A whole day in bed?
But, guys, I need to be at that
party, to obsess over every detail
and plan for every eventuality
however unlikely.
Sorry, Poppy, doctor's orders.
We'll handle the Anniversary.
Yes, fear not, Poppy!
I, Dante Crescendo, legendary
composer and noted party animal
Will assemble a team
to oversee the festivities.
Why, I'll even cut
the commemorative ribbon myself.
Well, I guess I could
sit this one out.
Yeah, way to know your limits,
That's the spirit.
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
Okay. Sitting it out.
- Ah! No way, can't do it! Huh?
- Nice try.
But we knew that big heart of yours
wouldn't give up that easily.
Yup. So we're staying here to guard
the door and make sure you rest.
you know I adore you both,
but I have to prep that party,
no matter what.
- Hmm!
- Oh, yeah?
- Hmm!
- Yeah.
- We win!
- Ugh.
There you go!
Nice and comfy.
Now if you need us,
we'll be right out here,
ready to thwart
your every escape attempt.
And I'll be in here,
thwarting your thwarts
with thwarts of my own,
except it'll be way cooler
than that just sounded.
Well, if I'm stuck in here,
I might as well scrapbook!
Be ready for anything.
Rock on.
Ah! But, you were just
- How?
- Ha-ha, man, we're good.
Ha-ha, I know.
Guys, I know you're just trying to
help, but this party is too important.
I am not gonna give up!
Neither are we, so bring it on.
Oh, I'll do better than that.
I'll sing it on.
Trollstopia rules
challenger begins ♪
Head to head
Toe to toe ♪
Who's it gonna be?
Stand down ♪
Don't you know
Nothing's stopping me ♪
I got the power ♪
I'm gonna do what is right
I'm gonna put up a fight ♪
I'll never cower ♪
As long as I am around ♪
There's nothin'
bad going down ♪
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
Yeah, wow ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! ♪
Wait. Where'd she go?
Did she just trick us into
getting caught up in a sing off?
Dah! She outsmarted
us with deception!
I mean, I'm actually pretty
impressed, but still!
Don't worry. We know
exactly where she's going.
Ooh, marshtato tots!
I'll just have one
- Smidge!
- Oh, my guh!
How's the party going?
Everything running smoothly?
Wait, shouldn't you be in bed
resting your hair?
I'm just here to make sure
that the party is set.
Then it's back to bed, I
promise. Uh! Uh-oh.
Alright, she's here.
Search every corner.
But also, have a good time,
this is your party too.
What are you gonna do?
Only one thing to do:
party planning stealth mode.
- Huh!
- No dip?
Heh. Well, I'll be dipped!
- Smidge!
- Oh, my guh!
Okay, I think the party's in good shape.
And just in time for the ribbon cutting!
And now, fellow TrollsTopians,
in one of life's great ironies,
the severing of this ribbon
shall represent all of us
coming together.
- Uh! Trolly molly, what is that!
- What?
Dante can't cut the ribbon
with those scissors!
Those are left handed-tailor-crimpers,
not regulation-ribbon-shears!
Do you know what will happen?
I think I do
And now, I cut!
No! The scissors
are not cutting!
- Whoa.
- Smidge, that's not what'll happen.
But it's close.
I've gotta swap those scissors.
I've got eyes on the target!
The candy's in the piñata, repeat,
the candy's in the piñata!
All fuzzling units
to the snack table!
You've been made!
Run for it!
But, Smidge!
I can't run with scissors.
You've been made!
Walk for it!
Oh, my guh!
And now, I cut!
Uh! Oh, right, my hair's broken.
Here. Use these.
No! No, no, no, no, no!
I'm so sorry everyone.
I-I-I was just,
I just wanted to make this
a great Anniversary,
but my hair
My hair needed rest.
And even though some good
friends tried to tell me that,
I didn't listen.
I'm sorry I ruined the party.
Au contraire, Poppy.
- Huh?
- You've ruined nothing.
You mean you
- You made a backup statue?
- We obsessed over every detail
and planned for every
eventuality however unlikely.
- Just like you would have.
- Aww. You guys!
Well. I can see that this party
is in good hands.
So, I'd better get back to bed.
we've been talking about that.
We have an idea.
All good?
Get you anything?
Nope. I've got everything
I need right here.
- Well, I see our job here is done.
- Whoo!
Hey, Poppy!
Can I sign your new cast?
Be my guest.
Uh, guys.
I'm starting to think
Poppy's not gonna make it
for today's announcement.
- Where she at?
- But she has to be here,
to tell everyone that
tomorrow is Pal-entine's Day!
Wait, Pal-entine's Day?
What'll Poppy mean by that, ya'll?
Oh, my guh, you're gonna flip
out when Poppy describes it.
She'll tell you Pal-entine's Day
is a Pop Troll Holiday
celebrating the wonder of friendship!
Then, she'll give Fuzzbert a cue and
Fuzzbert, show 'em
what Poppy's gonna show 'em!
- Ooh!
- Uh! Well, dang! I can't wait to see that!
Half of you will get a blue
heart, you will be "Askers."
The Asker asks their Askee
to be their Pal-entine,
with an elaborate Pal-posal.
And as Poppy will tell you,
we have seen some amazing
Pal-posals in the past
- Huh!
- Guy Diamond? Will you be my Pal-entine?
Yes, Gia!
- Great! Now watch out for that glitter ball!
- Huh? Ah!
That is a striking example
of the grandeur of this holiday!
Aptly chosen, future Poppy!
So sorry I'm late, guys.
But I have a big announcement
to make about
Pal-entine's day!
Oh, you know. And you
already have your hearts.
So, I guess that covers it?
Greatest announcement of all time!
DJ Suki is my Pal-entine, eh?
Let the epicness begin.
- Won't you be my Pal-entine?
- I'd be delighted!
Yeah, I'll be your Pal-entine!
- Pal-entine?
- You know it!
Lookin' good,
Pal-entizers, lookin' good!
- A package? For moi?
- Dante! Will you be my Pal -entine?
Also, can you help me outta this box? I'm
startin' to lose feelin' in my legs!
Why are you laughing?
- Oh, my!
- Aww. Ah!
Yo, Queen P?
Little help?
Demo, this is your Pal-posal?
Tell me all about it!
No wait, I want to be surprised.
Ah, never mind, tell me!
First, you affix my piñata
noggin, aka, my piñaoggin,
and place me outside DJ's pod.
Then, my Pal-entine shall emerge,
lay eyes upon it and exclaim,
"Whoa, cool."
At which point she shall break
this sweet 'yatta,
as I drop to one knee and ask
the ask I was destined to ask!
Uh! This is so next level!
And the best part is, I've
never seen anyone else do it!
- Huh?
- Cool.
Will you be my P-p-p-pal-entine? ♪
Oh, my guh!
Oh, my guh! Yes!
It's so original!
Okay, I've seen one
other person do it.
Did you have any
other Pal-posal ideas?
Of course.
A whole list of them.
But as you can see, not one is epic
enough for my Pal-posal to DJ.
Hmm, then again,
perhaps I could take one
of these heretofore small ideas
and elevate it to
epic proportions!
- Oh! And I'll help!
- To Pal-entine's destiny!
One of my ideas was to pal-pose
to DJ astride a noble steed.
- Aw! I love steeds!
- Of course, everybody loves steeds!
But if the goal is an epic Pal-posal,
why settle for just one?
Oh, I see why.
I like steeds!
My next idea was to make DJ
this little guy.
DJ, will you be my Pal-entine
- Aw, that's super cute!
- Exactly, just cute.
To be truly epic,
it needs an upgrade.
DJ, will you be my Pal-entine
Demo, the ideas on this list
are already very sweet.
"Hot air balloon ride,
spelling DJ's name in lights."
I'm sure she'd
like any of these.
But, Poppy, I really want this
Pal-posal to be special for DJ,
and not one of these has the
grandeur, nay, the majesty to, uh!
That's it.
What? What's it?
If none of them is epic enough
on its own
Oh, Demo. If you're about to say
what I think you're about to say,
it's so cool I'm gonna shed
a single awe-inspired tear.
I'll do all the ideas
- Ooh-oh-oh.
- So? Where we going, Demo?
Somewhere where someone might say
"yes" to something someone asked?
All will be revealed
soon enough, DJ!
Okay, first,
I remove DJ's blindfold when
she sees her fellow TrollsTopians have
spelled her name in glowing hair!
DJ is so moved
she shouts to the heavens
"Hey, that's cool."
Then, the quartet plays
And the birds release
And the hot air balloon recites
an epic poem from memory?
Wait, what? I do?
And through it all,
fireworks will burst around us
while I ask DJ
to be my Pal-entine.
When I snap
a pic to memorialize the moment
- for eva and eva!
- Oh, nice plan.
But when you say fireworks,
do you mean, like,
the kind that shoot in the air? Like,
the air where we are right now?
- Exactly.
- Gotcha. Well, in that case
- DJ!
- Uh, Demo, what's happening? I've
- got a weird plummet-y feeling!
- I'm coming, Pal-entine!
I can still make it. Ah, the fireworks!
Ah, the flock of birds!
C'mon, Demo! You've got to
focus! Huh?
Thanks, quartet.
Sure is windy!
Demo, are you sure that
- DJ! Are you okay?
- I, I think so.
I am so sorry! That Pal-posal
went totally haywire.
- Yeah, it did.
- I swear, next time, it'll go way smoother!
Next time?
Y-you wanna do that again?
Y-yeah, you haven't seen it all yet!
The hot air balloon's
gonna recite a poem!
Roses are red, violets are blue.
Seriously? Fireworks?
What's wrong with you?
Demo, look.
I can tell you worked really
hard on this Pal-posal,
but honestly,
this was way too much.
Oh. You mean like, the
plummeting from 17,000-feet part?
I mean like, the whole thing.
- Oh.
- I, I gotta go.
- Sorry, Demo.
- It's not your fault.
I was the one who
kept going so epic!
I just wanted DJ
to feel special.
Well, a Pal-posal
doesn't have to be epic
to make someone feel special. It
just needs to come from the heart.
The heart, hmm
Hey, DJ, I know my last
Pal-posal missed the mark.
But hopefully this
is a little closer.
Hey, my friend ♪
As long as I'm alive ♪
I will be right
here by your side ♪
Yeah ♪
You and me ♪
We don't need a plan ♪
We could do most anything ♪
And be happy doing it ♪
Can't you see ♪
Walking hand in hand ♪
In our future history ♪
Cuz you've got
a pa-al-al-al-al ♪
Got a pal, got a pal ♪
In me-e-e-e-e ♪
Yeah, you've got
a pal in me-e-e ♪
Me-e-e-e-e-e-e-e ♪
Got a pal in me ♪
- Demo! That was so
- Thoughtful? Sincere?
A little flat here
and there but mostly good?
I was gonna say epic.
Of course I'll be your Pal-entine.
Woo-hoo! You hear that world?
She said yes!
And as a bonus,
I made a lot of personal growth
through this ordeal!
Shall we? Pal-entine?
You and me ♪
We don't need a plan ♪
We could do most anything ♪
And be happy doing it ♪
Cuz you've got a pa-al-al-al ♪
Got a pal, got a pal ♪
In me-e-e-e-e ♪
Yeah, you've got
a pal in me-e-e ♪
Me-e-e-e-e-e-e ♪
Got a pal in me ♪
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