Troppo (2022) s02e04 Episode Script

Woman in the White Hat

Let me see! You hit my father!
Julian ran Family Tree.
It's a retreat that helps
broken families get back together.
[Raph] Devi found a shirt.
Turned it over to the cops.
There could be someone
else's blood on it.
Proof he's innocent. Okay?
Where does she get 10K from?
So do I get my own
little compartment in there?
- Yep.
- Oh, this is Uncle Ezra.
He's Dad's brother.
Can't you see the family resemblance?
She brought the light, your mum.
She blazed.
This place has so much untapped potential
and we are going to tap it. Together.
[Amanda] White Hat Investments.
Family Tree's been paying them 3K a month,
every month.
Kelly. I'm Colin.
[Ted] The guy's a journalist.
[laughing] Hey!
I don't trust you right now.
You don't think
I'm gonna take care of her?
And how old was Claire Bingley?
- Get out!
- [grunts]
Maybe deep down,
you don't really want your family back.
- [Ted] Amanda, wait.
- I didn't know.
Neither did I!
[dramatic music playing]
- [imaginary crocodile snarling]
- G Get away! Get away.
Ted, is Amanda your girlfriend?
What? No.
Peanut. It's just you and your mum.
Amanda works with me.
[Lilly] That man has no jocks on.
Yeah, I guess it gets
a little muggy out here.
It's very hot.
[imaginary crocodile roaring]
You stay in the car. All right?
Don't move.
Nathan, stop. No!
- Don't get up there.
- [siren wailing]
[Nathan panting]
[Hench] Nathan!
Why don't you come down from there, mate?
- You're in enough trouble as it is.
- [Nathan] No. Stay down there.
Get something to break his fall.
[Nathan] No.
[whimpering] No.
Move! Come on, mate.
Don't be a dickhead.
You're all right. Nathan. Nathan.
Look at me, you're all right.
[imaginary crocodile roaring]
- [yells]
- [screams]
[Ted] Jesus!
You know what we forgot to do?
Feed the geese.
[Milbee] Got to get
the ambulance down here.
Male. Mid-20s. Fracture or injuries.
[theme song playing]
What d'you reckon he was on?
Well, he was definitely
seeing monsters we weren't.
You mind stepping back
so we can do our job?
Yeah, we pray for that day, mate.
[Sweeney] Who's under there?
Nathan Marsh, the croc poacher
we charged last night.
He was released to appear, but looks like
he celebrated a bit too hard.
- [Sweeney] Right.
- He was off his face.
You guys found
a bag of something on him, right?
- Val could tell you what it was.
- [Sweeney] Well, it's not homicide.
[Amanda] His death could
still be related to Julian's murder.
You know, it could be a coincidence.
Yeah, I'm not a big believer in those.
Two strangers meeting at a bar
could seem coincidental.
Until you learn what really drives them
to be there. Then it's synchronicity.
Inevitable. Maybe.
[Milbee] What is it with you
and dead bodies, Pharrell?
You're gonna need a shovel
to get him in that body bag.
He's dead.
I know he's not sleeping.
Why don't you go check on the geese? Huh?
Make sure they've got enough food.
[Lilly] I know you're just trying
to get rid of me.
[Kelly] Who's dead?
It's a local kid. Off his face.
Drugs and
I never understood
how you do that.
How you just see death
as part of your job.
Drink a lot. Talk very little.
You know, all the usual coping mechanisms.
- How could I forget?
- Then ignore it.
Pretend it didn't happen, that works well.
If what Amanda said last night is true,
- you should just say it.
- It's not. It's not.
It's okay. People have said worse
over the years.
I have never said anything like that,
not to her,
not to anybody.
Well, maybe she can just translate you
better than the rest of us.
I want to be a family.
I miss being a dad.
I miss
Amanda has her own take on things,
on people with emotions.
I mean, she's a She's a wild card.
You don't know what's gonna
come out of her mouth.
Well, maybe you should talk
to this wild card.
Tell her that your family
is here for a few days,
and you will be spending
some time with your daughter.
Lilly comes first, Ted.
- Lill?
- [engine starts]
[atmospheric music playing]
I'm sorry, my furry little friend.
He will be eaten by an apex predator
at some point, I promise.
[knocking on door]
Why don't you just let it go?
Keep your friends close,
and your enemies closer, right?
Like ex-wives.
It was supposed to be just Lilly.
I had no idea Kelly was coming too.
Now she thinks I've moved up here
to avoid my family at all costs.
So what do you want, a written apology?
They're here for a weekend.
One weekend. Okay?
So you've got me for today.
But you're gonna have
to take the lead for a beat.
[Amanda] Yeah, sweet. Business as usual.
You don't owe me anything
and I don't owe you shit
and that's how this works, right?
I've made some adjustments
to our Crazy Farm.
[sighs] Mario might be a mechanophiliac
but he didn't murder anyone.
A what?
Someone who's sexually attracted
to machines.
Turns out Mario may have been
the last person to see Julian alive,
taking off into the jungle
with an orange backpack.
Which wasn't on him
when he was found.
I added the croc family.
They're all connected.
Julian, White Hat, the McQuillans,
Nathan and the drugs. And Twist.
That's not a clue trail.
That's a conga line of wishful thinking.
Nathan was wigging out on something.
It could've been snake venom.
Maybe Twist has opened up shop again.
We've got nothing to support that.
We should check with Val anyway.
[Ted] Mm
I'll drive.
Oh, so you got your licence?
When was that?
[Amanda] You'll remind me
to book my licence test?
Come to gloat over your handiwork,
have you?
I'm really sorry about what happened.
For what you're going through.
[Elaine] So you should be.
It was you nosing around
that got him arrested.
Got him all worked up.
He went straight for his stash
as soon as they let him out.
I'm pretty sure Nathan had
a substance issue before I came around.
[Elaine] Oh, here we go.
- Victim-blaming now, are you?
- No.
No, I'm blaming the person
that sold it to him.
Any idea what he was messing with?
I don't mind a giggle stick myself,
every now and then,
but that shit he was on ruined him.
Last week, after he lost his job,
he was tripping so bad
that we had to lock him in the freezer.
Shut up.
Erm. Where was he working?
- At that retreat joint
- Family Tree.
Till that Gucci Guru sacked him.
He claimed he was selling
the stuff on-site. That was not Nathan.
He swore to me. And a mother knows.
And did he say who it was?
All I do know is it's not my son
with all the drug convictions.
Now, I think you should piss off.
[Elaine sobbing]
So is there any chance
that it was snake venom
that sent the kid up the flagpole?
I'll check the tox screen
when it comes in.
You're thinking Twist?
Not my theory.
I hear your visitors have arrived.
Plural. Nice surprise.
I don't know yet.
And the women in your life.
Have they met yet?
Ah Yeah, in a manner of speaking.
- She was a teenager when she went away.
- Yeah.
Raised by an institution, not a family.
That's what you are to Amanda.
Even though you are the oddest pair.
Now the real family shows up,
she's feeling threatened.
Well, you've changed your tune.
Suddenly Amanda has feelings?
Nathan worked at Family Tree
and got fired for drugs.
I told you all roads lead to Julian.
Did he ask you?
- Snake venom?
- Yeah.
Waiting on the tox screen.
So, while we wait,
why don't we check out some real clues?
I want to know why Julian was renting
a derelict building from White Hat.
[Amanda] Okay, fine,
but once we've done that,
I never want to hear
the words "White Hat" again.
[Ted] Okay. Maybe you won't have to
after we've spoken to the landlord.
[atmospheric music playing]
Come to dinner.
Meet the family.
Is that your idea or hers?
Clear the air with Kelly.
You're forgetting, I don't do apologies.
Well, I guess that answers
the most important question.
Make you homesick, cowboy?
Flo Latham?
- I'm Ted Conkaffey and this is Amand
- The whole world knows who you two are.
We're investigating the murder
of Julian Naughton.
- He rented a property from you.
- So?
He was paying an awful lot of money for
Call it an underdeveloped property.
[Flo] Cut the crap. It's a shitheap.
It's not my concern what the man wants
Wanted to spend his money on.
Now I've got to set up. We're learning
the "Hoedown Throwdown" tonight.
[Amanda] Any idea
what he was using it for?
Probably to hold some Kumbaya classes
for dropkick kids.
Isn't that what the retreat is for?
That doesn't make a lot of sense.
It makes perfect sense.
He wanted to rent it. I said yes.
He gave me the money.
That's how renting works.
Are you here to accuse me of something?
Bit rich, don't you think?
Coming from a killer and a kiddy fiddler.
Yeah, that definitely wasn't rent money.
Bribery, blackmail,
a debt of some kind.
And that woman.
She's got a kangaroo loose.
Piece of work.
Are you sure it's not
the hat envy talking?
Don't come too close, I reek of fungicide.
But at least you won't get white mildew
from pashing me.
What's wrong?
I just saw Nathan tripping out
on the main street.
He's dead. Fell, cracked his head
on the pavement.
He was fully baked.
- What was he on?
- What do you reckon?
He's dead, Tayla.
[Ronnie] Here he is.
Waltzes in when all the work's done.
No way.
Put me to work,
you know I've got to earn my keep.
[vehicle approaching]
Who the hell's that?
Must be lost.
Youse two stay here.
- What's going on, Mum?
- Nothing.
It's probably nobody.
I'll check it out.
[suspenseful music playing]
Better put that gun down, Ronnie.
Don't wanna blow us sky-high.
What are you up to?
Your salvation. Want a tour?
No. Not on my land.
This is how we cut out
the middleman, partner.
We refine the leaf before we sell it.
Those middlemen.
One of them's my family.
And believe me you don't want
to mess with him or his mates.
Mm-hm. You let me worry about them.
I had this all sorted, Ezra.
I grow, harvest and deliver.
That's it. No cops.
No risk to me or my kid.
Risk reaps reward, Ronnie.
You'll be able to pay me back
in no time now.
You do want to pay me back, right?
Not like this.
Well, you should have thought of that
before you opened an account
with the Bank of Ezra.
But don't worry
I look after my partners.
[engine revving]
[breathing heavily]
Is everything okay, Mum?
Who was towing that van?
No one.
What's going on,
you've been weird for days.
I've done something stupid.
What do you mean?
I borrowed money.
A couple of years ago when the bananas
were wiped out by that fungus.
I know.
- Not from the bank.
- I know.
Ezra lent it to you. Raph told me.
And now he wants it all back.
- What all of it?
- I'm such an idiot.
I was so desperate.
And what, that was his van?
Maybe you should take off
with Raph for a bit.
Like you wanted to.
I'm not leaving you.
Whatever trouble we're in, we'll fix it.
All right?
Check it out.
Look who felt the need to contribute.
[Ted] Guilty conscience?
Nathan was a good kid.
Didn't stop you from firing him
from Family Tree, though.
Many of our teenage clients
already have issues.
The optics aren't good if the staff
are clearly using or dealing drugs.
Got to watch out for those optics.
Buddhists believe that if your time
is cut short in this life,
that you're owed a better run next time.
I'd like to think that
that's Nathan's destiny.
Well, I hate to bring this back down
to earth, but
did you know Julian was renting
an old building from a Flo Latham?
I told you that was Julian's thing,
it was
Do you think she maybe
had something on him?
Something worthy of blackmail?
I don't know the woman. I
can't begin to imagine what that might be.
Unless you have proof,
I'd ask you to keep your theories
to yourself.
That kind of speculation
could ruin Julian's legacy.
Now, if you don't mind.
Do you believe in Karmic justice?
Nah, it's too easy.
I need to see people pay for what they do
in this lifetime.
Not some indeterminate future.
Imagine what we must've done
in a past life
to deserve what we've
copped in this one.
Ah, you know. It's not all bad.
So, what, your ex and your kid
are here for five minutes
and all of a sudden,
it's rainbows and lollipops.
Are you going to begrudge us
a couple of days of peace?
That's just it.
You're here, you're not even with them.
Whatever's in your head is just a fantasy.
You mean, you're good?
You get that off your chest?
You say you want to see people pay
for what they did in this life, right?
So who's going to pay
for what happened to Claire
because right now,
it's you and your family
and you seem pretty content with that.
Do I look content to you?
So fucking let me help you!
- Just put me to work.
- No!
All right, well, if you're not going
to fight for your family,
then why the fuck should I?
[atmospheric music playing]
Oh, God, it's stifling in here.
[Ted] I told you, don't close the windows.
Nobody up here does.
Yeah, well, I'm not going out
and leaving the house unlocked, Ted,
it's just not what I'm used to.
Dad, what's for dinner?
Crocodile stew.
Tastes like chicken, you're gonna love it.
Better make it snappy.
So did you invite Amanda to dinner?
Er, yeah.
It's just, it's not her thing.
Really? Well, I'd like
to meet her properly.
What's she like?
She's like an immovable object,
but, er, she's actually pretty darn smart.
Very loyal.
So you're friends?
Not sure she has friends.
Neither do you,
so maybe we should invite her again.
[Lilly] I bet she likes
crocodile stew. [chuckles]
[rock music playing over speakers]
That's my spot.
Yeah, sure it is.
No, that's my stool, I own it.
You can sit on my face if you like.
Did a deal with Maali
before she sold up.
She owns one percent of
the Shark Bar and that stool is it.
There's two beers at the bar
for you two gentlemen.
On the house.
Well, go on, fuck off.
- Do you want anything?
- No.
And I don't need your fucking help.
[Twist] Hi.
Juicy olives on that branch.
You got to do your atoning behind bars.
She's just trying to do hers.
Gifts and therapy.
You spoil me.
Just a keen observer
of the human condition.
It is important we
liberate ourselves from our past.
Is that what you did for Julian?
You liberated him right off that cliff?
Clear the air with Brooke.
- It could do you more good than her.
- What's it to you?
I like my adversaries
to be at their very best.
I don't want to tell you again,
Brooke, all right?
Oi! Could I get some service?
I'll take that beer now.
[frogs croaking]
[Raph] Sounds like a generator.
- What is it?
- [Tayla] Why don't you ask your uncle?
Pretty sure he's blackmailing Mum
for all the money he lent her.
What? Are you serious?
You know what this is, right?
Yup. Mum and I are in deep shit.
- I thought he was helping you guys.
- Yeah, well, now he's stitching us up.
[vehicle approaching]
[Tayla] Let's get out of here.
[suspenseful music playing]
[music playing and indistinct chatter]
[cell phone ringing]
[Ted] Yeah?
[Amanda on the phone] How's the
Boot Scootin' Boogie going along?
Somewhere between the The Cowboy Cha-cha,
and the Tush Push.
Jesus, that's some stamina they've got,
they've been going for hours.
What do you want? Spit it out.
Okay, so, I'm looking at
the "Innocent Ted" website.
Do you remember anything about
a white puppy
used to lure Claire into a car?
A witness said they saw a man
with a white pup on the street.
And the police never found it.
So I'm not really sure
how hard they tried.
Yeah, well, lost dogs are my thing,
so I'm going to keep sniffing.
Looks like they're wrapping up here.
Look, before you go,
can I get a "Yee-haw."
[knocking on door]
- It's open.
- [door creaks]
Points for originality.
Got a warrant?
I've just come to check
your dangerous animals licence.
I don't need a licence to be dangerous.
It's quite beautiful.
Creepy beautiful.
What's its name?
Wow. You really do like to pick
the scabs of the past, don't you?
It was a gift.
If you ask me,
Twist gets off on pushing your buttons.
Or maybe you're the one getting off.
I thought we weren't
talking about the case.
We aren't.
We're talking about you
playing games with a sociopath.
I like your murder table.
Which animal am I?
Lion? Tiger?
Wow! [chuckles]
A pig. For a cop.
Not so original after all.
Not exactly how I see myself.
Pigs are smart and surprisingly clean,
but they're not afraid to get in the muck
if they have to.
So I should be flattered then?
And there's bacon.
Exactly. They're delicious
if you like to eat that sort of thing.
I'm going to trot back to my room now
and drink out the bar fridge.
You're welcome to join me.
Room service.
Let me fetch my trough.
That's the second time you've
knocked back an invitation from me.
Do you know what that does
to a woman's self-esteem?
Not to mention likening me to a sow.
You should have run
after you read my file.
- Probably.
- [Amanda] I would have.
Would you really?
After you were released, you could have
gone somewhere else, pretty much anywhere.
You could have started over,
been whoever you wanted,
but you didn't run. You came back here.
I should go, Ted will be waiting.
I saw his family in town.
Cute kid. Cute wife.
Is she all right with you?
I'm not exactly family-friendly.
What about your family?
- Are they around still?
- It's all there in my file.
Now who's playing games with a sociopath?
Don't kid yourself.
You're not a sociopath.
[Ted] Remember, Amanda don't like people
touching her stuff.
Does it hurt?
[Ted] Whoa, whoa, put that down.
Remember when you burnt
your fingers on the barbeque?
Tattoos, they hurt 100 times worse.
See those pictures?
They look stupid.
You forgot,
you'll never get a job with tatts.
What is this, bring your kid to work day?
If I'd known,
I would have brought one too.
Amanda. Meet Lilly.
I saw you the other night.
You're the murderer.
Yeah, that's me.
So, you're interested in tatts, are you?
Go on, take a seat.
Pick one.
Hey, did you see that article about Raph
and the McQuillan kid?
It was written by
our favourite journalist.
What, Colin finally got an article out?
Maybe he'll piss off now.
Yeah. [clears throat]
It's actually worth a look.
Well, just give me the highlights.
There. "By failing to hold
a public inquest,
justice system has failed
Bart McQuillan,
his parents, the town.
It even failed Raphael Naughton."
"Now red tape is failing
the McQuillans again.
Plans to have their land rezoned and sold
to a multinational
are being blocked at local council."
Val. She needs my drug squad expertise.
You have expertise?
Come on, Peanut. [clears throat]
We'll check back in later.
But I haven't picked my tattoo yet.
And you never will.
- Come on.
- She can hang here.
I can drop her off later.
Kelly's home, right?
I'll give you a dink on my bike.
You okay with that, Lill?
All right.
All right, so where are we
putting this tatt?
- Face? Neck? Sleeve.
- [Lilly] Erm
[dog barking]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Claire] Thanks for the lift.
[car horn honking]
[Val] Nathan had it in his pocket
when he was arrested.
Tox screen says
it's some kind of alkaloid,
but I'll be buggered
if I can nail it down.
So you're on staff now?
You couldn't afford me.
Ted was drug squad.
I've asked his expert advice
on the substance Nathan ingested.
He's here as a professional favour to me.
If that's okay with you.
So, let's hear this expert advice.
Okay. In all probability,
this is a plant-based psychedelic.
You're looking at
Salvia divinorum, ayahuasca
A hallucinogenic. It's not like dope.
This kid, he would have been
seeing and hearing
all kinds of things.
So, it was imported.
I'd say it's local.
It's not refined in any way.
The sandwich bag,
the rough chop of the leaves
says non-industrial.
You're looking at a small-scale operation.
You're not dealing with the El Chapo
of Crimson Lake.
Good to know.
What's your interest?
You're homicide, right?
Just a hunch.
Got to follow those.
We talked about this.
We do not share information.
He was doing all the sharing.
You and I were the only people
who knew about
the fuel additive on Julian's body,
so how come Ted and Amanda found out?
I don't know.
Maybe they know what they're doing,
or maybe you talk in your sleep.
[dramatic music playing]
Like, one day we were at
the trampoline park.
I jumped and then she fell
into the foam balls.
She's so crazy.
Mum! Guess what!
We just saw a real-life crocodile.
Oh. Fun.
Did you say thanks to Amanda?
Thanks, Amanda. Bye.
See you.
We haven't been formally introduced,
my name's Kelly,
I'm the wife that Ted may or may not want.
Er, yeah, I don't
Er, ye Er, yes, erm
Ted mentioned that.
Probably should have mentioned
that I was here the other night.
Why's that?
Well, it's courteous.
We don't do courteous, so
Well, just for the record,
you didn't say anything that I haven't
already asked myself 1000 times.
Just for the record, what I said.
My words, not Ted's, okay?
Look what Amanda gave me.
Dad said it would hurt, but it didn't.
[suspenseful music playing]
What the hell!
I'm looking for Tayla.
Are you Tayla?
That's you, right?
Did you see my ball?
Do you like football? The round ball.
The beautiful game.
It's all right.
All right?
It's a microcosm of life, mate.
It's got agony, loss,
working towards a goal.
Then there's exhilaration.
But there's also rules and boundaries
so you can all learn to work together.
I don't really play sports.
Yeah, but you do play games, though,
don't you?
I heard you've been selling leaf
behind your mum's back in town.
Maybe killed a kid.
I don't really know
what you're talking about.
Now that's not what I call
being a team player.
Oi. We're not here to hurt you.
We've got love for you, bub.
Your mum would be gutted
if she found out.
[Khalid] So here's what's gonna happen,
all right?
So you don't put
your uncle and me in the shit,
you're going to stop
selling on the side, yeah?
Do you understand?
Yeah. Sure, whatever you say.
- Promise, Tayla.
- Okay!
[Khalid] We'll call it
a yellow card this time.
But you know which one
comes next, don't you?
[Amanda] Reckon Raph was off the wagon?
Well, if he is,
he's hiding it pretty good.
Unless Tayla knew he was dealing.
It might be why she hired us.
To make us look anywhere
except at him.
You think maybe his dealing
has something to do with Julian's death?
- [Ted] Well, that's interesting.
- What the fuck.
[Amanda] Did they break that?
[Tayla] It's fine.
[Ted] Who was it? Ronaldo or Messi?
Nobody. He just, er, said he was
a coffee buyer from Cairns.
- Looking for Twist.
- Uh-huh.
That's funny because I saw those guys
harassing Brooke last night.
- Like I said. Coffee.
- Sure.
These coffee guys,
did they say anything about Raph?
- Why would they?
- Well,
we're hearing he might have
sold drugs to Nathan
before he fell off the flagpole.
- Who told you that?
- Is Raph in some sort of trouble?
I'd know if he was.
[Ted] Sure.
- Of course, you would.
- Mm.
[rock music playing over speakers]
No good about Nathan, huh?
Can't unhear some sounds.
Makes every parent shudder.
At least he was off his face,
he wouldn't have felt anything.
Fully corked, I reckon.
What's that?
You were born here or not?
Corkwood tree.
The Blackfella name's Pitchuri.
Used to grow wild.
It's supposed to be a medicine,
but me and my mates,
we smoked it to get off our faces.
You know anyone
that sells that shit around here?
- [Kelly] Oh, don't encourage her.
- [woman] That'll be 15.50, thanks.
Ah. Are you Ted's wife or sister?
Er wife.
Well, welcome to Crimson Lake.
- Thank you.
- You're so welcome.
Have a great day. See ya.
How do you go, sleeping at night?
Excuse me?
You must have known. Deep down,
you knew your husband wasn't right.
Come on, sweetheart,
let's just ignore her.
Shame on you, you've got a daughter, too.
Yes, I do.
She know her father's a deviant?
- What the fuck did you just say?
- [Flo] Get away. Don't you come near me.
Ted! Mum's in jail.
- [Ted] Wait, she what?
- Uh-huh.
- You're okay?
- Mm-hm.
- Appreciate you bringing her home.
- No problem.
What happened?
Oh, this is ridiculous,
I hardly even touched her.
I should have punched her in the face.
- Who was she?
- I don't know,
the cow that thinks
she's the town sheriff.
- Who?
- The councillor with the white hat.
[sighs] Flo.
Look, she's just crapped off that Amanda
and I are investigating her, that's all.
Normally this would just be
water off a duck's back,
but she did it in front of
Is Lilly okay?
Hey, yeah. She's in the car,
she's suitably impressed.
It's not just Flo,
it's not what Amanda said the other night.
I can I can see that
you're not drinking anymore
and you've got new friends
and it's not like
you're hiding out up here.
But this whole new
way of being without me
I wish I could give you back our old life.
It's gone.
[poignant music playing]
[cell phone ringing]
[Ted] Where are you?
Spelunking in Slovenia.
Should be home by Christmas. You?
- Croc watching with the daughter.
- Thrilling.
I spoke to the Shire Office.
Turns out our dancing queen
is Councillor Florence Latham,
head of the local planning committee.
For the last year and a half,
she's been stonewalling an application
for a special rezoning
Okay, I'm falling asleep, Ted.
It's the McQuillan farm.
Would make their place worth a fortune.
And Flo was all for it until Julian
lodged a formal objection.
Pulled a reverse cowgirl.
At exactly the same time Julian started
paying White Hat three grand a month.
Okay, well, that sounds like motive to me.
Hate to say it
but I think we owe Colin a beer.
- Okay, I need to go. No
- Er, dinner tonight. I'm not asking.
See you at 7. Kelly's insisting.
[atmospheric music playing]
DNA results for Raph Naughton's shirt
confirms what the blood groups told us.
- Mostly Raph's blood.
- [microwave beeping]
Hang on a sec.
Haven't eaten all day.
So, mostly Raph's blood. Some of Julian's.
Supports what Raphael told us.
There's something in the bloods
I'm betting he didn't mention.
- That mean what I think it means?
- Yup.
That could be motive.
You can't tell anyone about this. No one.
You're paranoid. Who am I gonna tell?
[suspenseful music playing]
[shutter clicking]
[knocking on door]
- Hi.
- Hi.
Sorry, I was expecting the cleaner.
Oh, I just
I wanted to thank you
for dropping Lilly home earlier.
Not my finest hour.
I heard what that woman said.
She got off lightly.
Appreciate it.
Would you like to come for dinner tonight
as a thank you?
Ah, you know what,
I'm working on a feature.
It needs to be, erm
- All right, well, maybe another night.
- Know what, no actually, tonight is great.
Yeah, it It would be nice to break bread
with a normal family.
All right. About 7.
[car door shuts, engine starts]
[Lilly] I bags sitting next to Amanda.
Now, perfect.
[Lilly] Is dinner gonna be delayed,
I'm starving.
- [Ted] Peanut
- [Lilly] Do we have enough bowls?
We need bowls for dessert.
She's here!
- [Ted] Batten down the hatches.
- [Lilly] Hey!
[Lilly] Come on, Amanda.
For you. It's learner tatts.
- Thanks.
- I heard that.
Don't get jealous, old man,
I've got a present for you too.
I don't even want to know
where you stole these from.
Yeah. He's here.
A journo in your house.
What is he, main course?
Kelly's idea.
You know to even the numbers.
Hi! So glad you came.
Er, yeah,
Ted didn't really give me a choice, so
- Come on.
- Well, we haven't done anything like this
since It's been a while.
Come see the geese.
[Amanda] All right.
[geese honking]
What's that one's name?
That's Mama. She's the mum.
Checks out.
What about that big one there?
That's Bruce the Goose. He's new.
Yeah, that's the dad.
He protects the mum and the babies.
I know what a deviant is. I looked it up.
You know your Dad's
not one of those, right?
Your Dad is Bruce the Goose.
[Amanda] Yeah?
[Lilly] Okay.
[ambient music playing]
[vehicle approaching]
[suspenseful music playing]
- Who is it?
- Don't know.
- [Twist] Ronnie.
- Shit.
Let's go.
Come on, Ted.
Cops have way better
war stories than journos.
Come on. Indulge me.
Good luck getting anything out of him,
he's a vault.
[Colin] That's what makes them so good.
You have to earn the telling.
And the more conflicted, the better.
I mean aside from the bad apples,
cops are about as close to tragic heroes
as we've got nowadays.
Heroic but ultimately fallible.
Well, don't tell them that.
I always look for the human element.
For instance,
if I was doing a story on you, Ted
- Which you're not.
- God, no. It's old news.
But if I was,
I'd want to know why you came up here.
Rather than stay in Sydney
and try to find the real perp.
Or you, Amanda.
- What about me?
- I'd want to ask
I'd want to ask
how it felt to know you did
eight years more time
than you should have.
Well, I like to think of it as credit.
Time served for my next murder.
[knocking on door]
Sorry for interrupting,
I just need to borrow Ted and Amanda.
[engine revving]
Feeling really good
about this new arrangement, Ronnie.
Makes perfect business sense
to cut out the middleman.
You take all the risks.
The weather, the pests.
And these dickheads
take the lion's share of the profit now.
I want to show you
how committed I am to this partnership.
Is it still a partnership
if you've got a gun to Ronnie's head?
Ronnie. Do you recall a gun to your head
when I lent you my money?
- No.
- And now. Any gun?
Even a metaphoric one?
No. No gun.
[Twist] Good. So that's clear.
Cool. All right. Come on.
Shut up.
You have no idea who your uncle is.
- What's going on?
- [Val] The DNA results came in
on Raph's bloody shirt.
Oh, it's okay, we know.
It wasn't just his blood on the shirt,
he and his father
Not his father.
Julian is not Raph's father.
Then who is?
You're never gonna believe me.
You've done an amazing job with
these plants.
Hey, Ronnie, Tayla.
You should be so proud. Really.
It's great.
As you can see,
I've installed security cameras
around the patch
to protect our investment.
It's cool.
Hey, tell your girlfriend
to stop stealing the leaf
and selling it
behind her mother's back okay?
Because I am watching.
[Twist] You're not gonna find
any answers down there.
[Amanda] Still can't believe
Twist's the father.
Do you reckon he knows?
Julian, he was a man of vision
and compassion.
Please, be my eyes and ears
at this funeral.
If you ever decide
you want to talk on the record
Ted! Come here!
- Max!
- You bitch!
The fuck you doin'?
Sticking it where it don't belong, hey?
- [groans]
- You two finished?
You want forgiveness.
It's never gonna happen.
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