Tschugger (2021) s02e04 Episode Script


Open up now,
fucking thing!
Pick up the phone, fool.
Anybody there?
What should I tell them?
You don't have to do the
the coffee break with them.
You go downstairs and say:
"Hey, everybody. It's me, Juni.
Here is the key,
but first I want to see Valmira."
Say it.
-We say "Hi everyone."
-That's what I said.
No, you said
"Dirty everybody".
Just stay cool, with a bad look, and you'll be fine.
And don't forget
what I told you.
-For the breathing technique?
-No, for the key.
It is wrong and
much too light.
If they have it in their hands
we're screwed.
Look, I know
how you feel.
I've been in exactly the same situation. And look at it now.
I have a career here.
You can do it too.
I was in trouble until then,
but I got up.
I'm really proud of this boy.
And now you go for it!
He even learned a little Valaisan.
And in case of emergency,
we are in contact.
Check, check.
Here we go.
But if they realize
I'm here with a cop,
they will kill Valmira.
That's why you're not going
go alone.
Belinda Bencic will be with you.
Give me your foot.
Let's go, let's go!
Close the door.
There's a draft.
I spent the night
trying to free myself.
It always looks so easy in Hollywood movies.
easy in Hollywood movies.
A wire in the lock
and it opens.
But these things from Mrs. Brotz
are not
like the ones in the Amorana
Amorana advent calendar.
Come on, let's go!
You piece of garbage, come on in!
I found myself again in a situation
in a situation where I was wondering
what Tomba la Bomba would do.
Don't forget the tape
with the zebra song
for the training
for the road safety training.
The zebra song!
We have a few questions to ask you
to ask you, Pirmin.
Turn around, hands behind your back.
-You're not serious.
-We are very serious.
Juni, you must not take
a step too far now.
-Wait for them to come down.
-But what happens with
Don't touch your ear!
Are you crazy?
Perfect idiot!
A little closer,
then you stay right in the middle.
I have everything under control,
don't be afraid.
Stay calm, Juni. Think about the breathing exercise. Good breath
and breathe out.
And now
you stay right in the middle.
Throw the key.
No! Under no circumstances
throw the key to them!
They must first
let her go.
Valmira first.
First the key, then the hostage.
You make the rules of the game!
-I make the rules of the game!
-Is he high?
What a coward!
As things stand now,
I make the rules of the game.
What the hell!
Now you throw the key.
No, don't do that!
They have to release her first.
-You have to release Valmira first.
-Come on, let's go!
-Don't do it!
-That's a Beretta, son.
-Do you know what kind
holes it makes?
-Juni, breathe.
Make up your mind. I don't understand
who is saying what here.
I hold the gun in my hand.
They just want to
to put pressure on you, Juni.
-Three, two
-Belinda, Juni.
-Don't throw the key
-No, please. Take the key.
I think he's messing with us.
Your good wife
doesn't seem so important.
No, wait a minute.
I can explain everything.
What do you want to explain -
Mrs. Brotz!
A skateboard without wheels with the back
two iron blades.
This is called a snowboard.
The apricotine was really good.
And in my defense:
I was super thirsty,
and she hadn't even
I'm here in Matten,
at the Martig farm.
At my side,
the farmer, Rüedi Martig.
A cow was stolen from him
a few weeks ago.
Rüedi Martig, how does it feel to have
such a loss?
Is it like losing
a loved one?
Yes, the animals were born
and raised here.
When you grab the teats
of a cow every day,
you build a relationship.
How do the other animals
react to this loss?
It is very variable.
Some people don't notice anything,
others are disturbed
because something is missing.
Siri. Say, Siri!
Siri, come here!
I didn't understand.
Could you try again?
Is the suffering of a cow
have an impact on the
the quality of the milk?
-Say, Siri.
-What can I do for you?
Call Pirmin.
I didn't get it.
Could you try again?
Call Pi Pirmin Lötscher.
Should I search for
"Licking pee" on the Internet?
Pirmin Lötscher,
work colleague, call.
Calling the Rimini pizzeria.
No! No, cancel!
Pizzeria Rimini, pronto?
No, not pronto.
-No pizza, no.
-Pizza bread? Prosciutto?
No, no pizza.
Hang up, this is an emergency.
And that's why Gerda
murdered Biffiger.
We have to find her,
she is the mole.
Do you have any proof
for this story?
Take a look at the radar picture
in Diego's office!
Here we see Gerda and the guy
who wanted to murder Patrick.
This is the guy in the sketch.
Peter, what does "ACAB" mean exactly?
"All Cops Are Bastards".
-This was sprayed on Hugo's grave.
-What nerve.
Hugo was a police chief
and an avid hunter.
He had what it takes on the ribs,
but being mistaken
with a boar because of that
Who do you work for?
And where is Valmira?
In a safe place.
-What's this?
-This was the key.
Why is it broken?
Papillon made it
with the 3D printer.
Yes, that's Ask him.
Mrs. Brotz.
What are you doing here?
I thought you were in the hospital.
It's a long story.
We wanted to bring this key
because his girlfriend was kidnapped.
Then these two came in.
Yes, but where is the real key?
Yes, so the real key
Put your hands up, all of you.
Come on, you too.
-We had a hostage situation here
-Hands up!
Lessly, Henzen, what's going on?
We've tried everything,
but they brought us
brought us a plastic fake.
-And where is the real key?
-What's going on here?
I gave the key to the police station.
I was assured
that it was in a safe place
Tell me finally
where the damn key is
or I'll kill you one by one.
-Gerda, we'll work it out
it quietly.
Gerda, you can't possibly be pointing a gun at
point a gun at Mrs Brotz.
Come on, let's get them all to the station, then we can
So where is it?
According to the investigation and our evidence,
Bax tried
to kill Papillon.
Explain to us instead
why you helped Bax.
You still don't understand.
We are all in danger.
Sooner or later it will be your turn. Or yours.
-And you two fools
-That's enough, Pirmin.
Can't you see
that we are only doing our job?
Do you need the police?
- No, not the police. Hang up the phone
-Ahh, Pizza Hawaii
This week, it's half price
if you order two
With a free drink. Except for beer, wine, spirits.
The whole of Valais will be destroyed, and everyone
until Geneva will drown.
And you two are watching
and do nothing about it.
If you help us capture Bax,
we can eventually
make a deal.
Not a word of this here.
Hey, Pirmin, you have to
come and get me.
Bax, don't say anything
If you can hear me:
I can't hear you.
I am in Mrs. Brotz's room,
at the City Rhone Hotel.
She has tied me to the bed.
But I swear to you,
nothing happened between us.
She made a
She made a pass at me, it's true,
but after the story
with Gerda and all that
I don't know if I would have gotten a hard-on.
I might have managed to get a slight erection
to get a slight erection,
but it probably wouldn't have
become really stiff.
I hope you are
already on your way and
And bring me a kebab.
I'm starving.
Your prepaid credit has run out.
Come on, hands up!
Either you tell me where she is,
or I'll kill you all.
Belinda, go ahead.
Bax has my key.
It's in my jacket pocket.
Well, there you go. And where is Bax?
Ms. Brotz, where is he?
Why should I know?
You're the one screwing him.
Peter to all units.
The wanted man, Johannes Schmidhalter, known as Bax,
is in the hotel City Rhone.
Is anyone nearby?
Be careful, he might be armed.
Gerda for Peter. Frängi
and I are close by.
-We'll take care of it.
-Not Gerda! She will kill him!
Got it, Gerda.
We're coming in with reinforcements.
The gun on the table.
And you open the handcuffs.
Come on, let's go! All right, next one.
Don't touch the gun!
Peter, we had a training session
two weeks ago,
and you still can't do it?
I'm doing it.
Stay right here.
Completely out of order
Not a good idea
in your first week.
Don't move.
I'm sorry.
If only you had believed me.
Go away.
Damn it.
It's not what you think.
Nothing happened with
Mrs. Brotz, I swear.
Bax, give me the key.
Will you untie me?
-Give it to me!
Hey, baby, get off me. No.
Damn it!
Bax, give me the key.
What the hell is this?
Wait a minute.
Are you with them?
I don't understand you.
What happened?
That's your problem.
You never understood me.
Nobody here has understood me.
Get out of my way!
Damn, he's got a gun!
Everyone was always laughing
about my dream.
They pay me so much money
that I can make all my dreams come true.
What do you want to do there?
Become an actress.
Play in a big movie or
I don't know, singing, or
-That's what I said.
Gerda, I believe in you, live your dream.
But leave the Valais behind.
Who wants to blow up the dam?
We will find a solution.
-Too late. The explosion
is scheduled for today.
Soon, the whole valley
and its stubborn inhabitants
will be under water.
And I will start a new life
in the "fucking USA".
No, don't do that.
Millions of deaths.
You don't want that, Gerda.
I'm sorry!
Give me the key back. You don't want this.
It's not you, Gerda!
Now give me the key!
-Gerda, drop the gun.
-No, I won't.
-Don't force me to shoot.
-No, no, no. You don't know how to shoot.
You have my father-in-law
on your conscience.
No, he's my brother-in-law. Diego.
-She murdered Diego.
-So, my man
Now it's over.
No, no. Pirmin!
-Damn it.
You shot me in the arm.
If you want to know
what happened at the funeral,
if the other did business
with the sale of the gold shields
why do they give me
a back massage,
what I can do
in the long jump
and why the other one is eating
my Dänemark cup
don't miss
the next episode of FLICS.
The last one!
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