Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e04 Episode Script

Why Am I a Teacher?!

The moon is truly beautiful tonight.
The journey under
the moonlit night is quite romantic.
I wish I could talk to the Young Master.
You wanted to surprise him with the result
of your culinary discovery adventure.
Where are you headed?
A small port town called Koran.
I want to go there and find
the seaweed and kelp commonly used
in Japanese cuisine
that the Young Master enjoys.
I applaud your determination.
What about you?
Aren't you investigating the place where
the Young Master fought the dragon slayer?
I am.
A giant lake appeared afterward.
I need to know why.
The two of us are truly lonely.
Not at all.
Based on Shiki's report,
the Young Master has reached Rotsgard.
Once they've settled down, they will have
time to drop by the Subspace.
Until then, we can only
Bear with it.
The variety of stores
and products is quite extensive.
Competition must be intense
for the businesses here.
Good point.
Let's have a look around the town
and collect some information.
Are they
Blackmailing her?
Humans would do that to other humans?
It's nothing unusual.
There aren't a lot of
demi-humans in the town.
Someone in that situation
would typically wear the expression,
"Why does it always happen to me?"
But the look in her eyes
It's like she doesn't
even care or has given up.
I can't find the right words.
I'm a bit concerned.
Young Master?
No. I was only
I'm in a hurry.
Excuse me.
Wait! Hear me out!
Mind your manners!
That's enough.
Think you're better than us?
-They didn't see me.
-Who do you think you are?
Apologize to Ilum.
Hey, don't you think
that was a bit too much?
Why are you even asking them?
Who are you two?
Hey. Can't you see
the uniform we're wearing?
What are you? Fools?
If I remember right, that is the uniform
of the Rotsgard Academy.
If Tomoe and Mio were here,
they'd definitely
-Young Master, should we end his life?
-Young Master, should we end his life?
But Shiki, on the other hand
Young Master, should we end his life?
Hold on, Shiki!
They called me a fool.
Or are you calling Young Master a fool?
Yes. It's only right to kill them all.
Wait! You can't simply start killing!
Understood. Should we torture them first?
That's not what I mean!
I want you to convince them to leave.
I think these two are scared.
I need to speak to this girl.
Don't get in our way.
I won't kill you.
Just get out of our sight.
I-Is this supposed to be a joke?
He made things worse.
Don't get too cocky.
-Virtues from heaven that protect us
-Virtues from heaven that protect us
Wind magic?
It's the element I can't command.
Why are they levitating?
They are barely off the ground.
They are shocked
to see our levitation spell.
So, where is the attack?
I can see you are levitating, but
Young Master,
you're an expert at provocation.
I'm not!
Creations of the earth element,
heed my command and transform!
Shiki, I'm going to remove this.
They should be fine
since they are levitating.
It seems the counter spell
is close to completion.
Knowing how to erase
our magic is basically useless.
I can't use it in real combat.
Can you read?
You should leave now
if you're not injured.
I I didn't ask you to save me.
I don't expect you to owe me any favors.
Feel free to forget this.
I'm waiting tables
at the Five Irons just up ahead.
I'll repay your kindness if you go there.
We serve great hotpots.
I don't mind the gratitude.
Let's check it out later.
We saved that girl.
It was rude of her to act this way.
We helped and didn't
ask for anything in return.
I don't blame her for doubting us.
You've done outrageous things as well.
By the way, where are those boys?
-We are falling down!
-Maintain the flow of mana!
They will eventually fall down
when they run out of mana.
I hope they find happiness
in the next life.
We should save them.
As you wish.
He just let them fall?
Shiki, grow up.
I'll make you pay for this!
-Wait for us!
Young Master,
it's impossible to stop
this kind of thing from happening.
It's best to avoid getting involved.
I know that.
But the look in the girl's
eyes was really concerning.
Sorry. I misspoke.
All right. Let's find ourselves an inn.
The entrance exam is three days from now.
Will you be taking the entrance exam?
In order to be recognized
as a local resident
and get a permit to set up a new store,
I have to make it into the academy.
About that
You're not actually
taking the entrance exam.
It's the lecturer qualification exam.
Lecturer qualification exam What is that?
An exam you must take to become a teacher.
I checked the document
we got from Mr. Rembrant.
It clearly says
"lecturer qualification exam."
Mr. Rem Mr. Rembrant!
Mr. Kuzunoha should have
reached Rotsgard by now.
What's the matter, Moris?
Nothing. I've been having a hard time
reading small writings.
Could this be presbyopia?
But I have no problem
reading the things I'm used to.
We wouldn't want
the documents to have any mistakes.
You should get a pair
of prescription glasses.
Very well.
It's too late!
On the day
of the lecturer qualification exam
It's about to begin.
I'm so nervous.
Young Master, are you all right?
Shiki, can you call me Kuzunoha
while we're here?
Yes, Master Kuzunoha.
I'll be honest with you.
I would've run away if Mr. Rembrant
hadn't recommended me.
Mr. Kuzunoha.
I'll explain the exam rules to you.
Sorry, before we begin
I understand this is the exam
for teacher recruitment.
Are there any other job vacancies
in this institute?
This can be quite a nuisance.
Despite knowing we are hiring lecturers,
more and more people are here to interview
for other positions.
-You seem to be in a predicament.
-Endless complaints and attacks.
It's useless to go
for the unofficial means
when your official application is ignored.
Oh no. That is not a smile.
Puny puppet, be drained!
Shiki, calm down!
I apologize for
my acquaintance's rudeness.
It's completely all right
if there are no other openings.
After what he did to me,
how could you still say that?
What I did?
Think about the insults and complaints
-you threw at him!
Excuse me.
Our staff member was out of line.
I apologize on his behalf.
Here to make amends?
Of course.
Badmouthing and
complaining about the examinee
are strictly prohibited.
It's inappropriate, even if the applicant
doesn't choose the right time
to inquire about job openings.
My master was merely inquiring
before his official interview.
At least consider that.
I appreciate the feedback.
Now, about Mr. Kuzunoha's exam
You excel in all combat techniques.
What about the kind
of exam you wish to take?
You can choose the ratio of practical
and written parts for the test.
I see. A letter of recommendation
from the Rembrant Company.
You must be quite accomplished.
Is she taunting me?
Well? What will you choose?
Since you excel in every combat technique,
why not prioritize
the practical exam first?
Let's see
This is it.
Are you sure?
Of course.
This is the highest difficulty level
that only a handful of people have passed.
We're taking the practical-only exam!
Highest difficulty level?
I'm the one taking the exam!
The exam lasts three days.
I need every examinee
to head for the exam venue.
You also received an item just now.
Please use the feather
when you need to return.
To forfeit the exam, please use the bell.
Do we really need two items for that?
Examinees are not allowed
to battle each other.
With that said, you are probably assigned
to locations far away from each other.
It's unlikely
that you'll run into each other.
Feel free to borrow the weapons you need.
However, you must prepare your own food.
The locations are inhabited by monsters.
Please be careful.
Oh. A survival game.
Anyone who completes
the task given passes the exam.
In order to pass the exam,
you need to collect three high-speed
red, blue, and yellow orbs
within three days
and bring them back to the academy.
That's all.
It sounds simple enough.
The details of how to capture them
are written in the item given to you.
I wish you the best of luck.
This is the exam venue.
First of all, Perception Realm.
There is plenty of water and food.
This is basically a paradise
compared to the wilderness
I was first summoned into.
The other examinees
are far away from here.
Great. Found an orb.
Let's see.
Attack the three different orbs
with the designated methods
to accumulate damage.
The orb will cease to move
after taking enough damage,
giving you the chance to capture it.
If the orbs are not attacked
with the designated methods,
they will crack.
In other words, the red orb
can only receive physical damage.
A slight bump will do.
Wait, I didn't get the color wrong!
I can always try again.
The yellow orb can only
receive magical attacks.
The blue orb can
only receive ranged attacks.
I can easily hit it
with this borrowed bow.
Maybe the damage exceeded their limits.
Oh. I forgot I always cast
the boosting spell on myself.
I should undo it.
It's the red orb again.
I didn't capture any of them.
And now I'm stranded in this wilderness.
I should set up a barrier
that inflicts excruciating pain on touch.
Off you go.
By the way,
how are the other examinees doing?
The elf is gone.
Did he finish the task on day one?
Finishing quicker
doesn't make one a winner,
but this is getting frustrating.
First off,
a ranged attack for the blue orb.
I should try touching it like a feather
I have to be gentle
because it's a feather.
I got distracted.
Concentrate and try again.
Good. I grazed it.
I wasn't told it'd vanish!
It teleported!
I've had enough of this!
Yeah. I should burn this place
to the ground.
No. Wait, calm down.
Capturing the orb
with the Projection Realm inside me.
Found it.
Yeah! I did it!
I sensed someone disappearing.
It's the human this time around.
Was the task completed?
Wait, maybe he gave up.
Whatever the case is, I should try harder.
My next target is the yellow orb
that only takes magical damage.
Casting a realm to weaken myself.
Adjusting the output strength
to the sweet spot.
Giving it my full concentration.
Lesser Brid.
I have one day left! I can do this!
I haven't eaten anything for one day.
I sense someone coming in.
Are people allowed to
enter the exam halfway through?
Whatever. I don't mind as long as
they don't get in my way.
A refreshing and lively morning.
there is a shady man in a black robe.
He wasn't asleep.
Gone? Some kind of concealment magic?
Well, my Perception Realm
can detect the assailant.
It's best to create some distance.
I got sloppy!
Did you seriously think
that kind of attack could hurt me?
Strange. My hand was cut.
And this sensation Is it poison?
This is embarrassing.
I should get it cleaned properly.
Darn you.
Are you after the examinees?
Yeah. I managed to make the others quit.
Though it was the usual boring threats.
How dare you break my blade?
Are you trying to kill me?
You're already dead.
This blade was covered in
an instant poison that kills.
Instant poison?
The poison has been neutralized!
Tell me who you are and who you work for.
Then, I can tell you how I did it.
Too bad.
A job received from the Assassin Guild
doesn't require me to meet the client.
I see. It's best I let this matter go.
A wise decision.
I can't move!
I sedated your entire body
except the head.
You're interrupting my exam. Leave.
How can I leave if I can't move?
He has a point.
I'll let you in on this.
It seems poisons don't work on me.
It only happened recently.
How dare you mock me?
What are you doing?
Why are you running towards
All right. Time to finish the exam.
Let's get this over with.
My mana keeps overflowing from my body.
I can't even use
the simplest physical attack.
Even the borrowed arrows
are imbued with magic.
That's right!
The knife I borrowed to cut the fish!
With this
It's going to smell fishy,
but a light tap with the spine
shouldn't crack the orb.
It didn't crack.
It teleported.
This is it.
Finally! I finally did it!
Farewell, nameless wilderness.
I won't forget
my three days of suffering here.
Everyone has been waiting for me.
Mr. Kuzunoha, did you give up
like the rest of them?
They were all threatened
by the man in black.
I got all the orbs.
Let Let me confirm it.
I brought three different orbs back.
You're supposed to collect
three orbs of the same color.
People usually choose
the attack form they excel in
to collect three orbs of the same color.
But you collected three different orbs!
You are the first ever
to pass the exam this way.
And then
A lot happened,
but I was hired as an adjunct lecturer.
You did great.
There is still some time
until the paperwork goes through.
Let's go to that hotpot place next time.
The Five Irons? How exciting.
I hope they have a chicken hotpot.
I landed a teaching job I never expected.
My life in the academy town
is about to begin. However
It's unprecedented.
None of them should've passed this exam.
Huh? What do you mean?
Someone made a request.
We didn't need more practical lecturers.
I was asked to raise the difficulty
using some devious means.
Who would've thought? One of them
actually collected three different orbs.
Is that so?
How intriguing.
The fifth night.
"The Lesson Begins."
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