Ultraman (2019) s02e04 Episode Script

Attack on SSSP

Damn, they won't budge at all.
Three Ultramen?
Yes, our garrison
has already been destroyed.
Isn't that bad?
Yes, very much so.
We're in quite a predicament.
It seems the main transmission apparatus
has been found out.
Yes, and there are
three Ultramen on-site as well.
Three Ultramen.
Have we seen them before?
Lure them over to
the transmission apparatus
and make it self-destruct.
Yes, sir!
What? Self-destruct?
I'll capture Shin Hayata.
You heard that, right?
Have that other guy go after Ultraman
and hurry out of there!
As you wish.
And did he say he's capturing Dad?
Jack, do you know where the main unit is?
No, I don't know its exact location.
What do we do now?
Should we split up to find…
It's them!
Hey, don't act so recklessly.
We've got no choice. Let's go.
What a handful.
Be careful.
We know.
For now, let's just see
where they take us.
Gravity anomaly detected.
Where is it located?
right above the SSSP!
What did you say?
What is this?
Who the hell are you?
Doesn't seem like he's here to talk.
Ide, is that thing ready?
Not yet.
We just started the final adjustments
I see. Got it.
Hayata, what are you planning?
It's still not operational!
Don't tell me he's…
Watch out!
Get off me!
That hurt.
That thing is…
Who knew it would be in a place like this?
Next, we'd like you
to play with this good fellow.
You again?
Are you okay?
Leave this place to me.
But sir!
It's fine, just go.
What do you want?
Whoever you may be,
until the day I see my son again,
defeat is not an option!
Let's leave this to him
and depart this place.
The transmission pod.
Playtime is over.
Wait a second.
This man is…
What are you trying to pull?
If you kill these guys now,
we can't get any info from them
and the abducted people won't come back.
If you'll return the Earthlings,
I'll reconsider your punishment.
If we do such a thing,
the Star of Darkness
will not only have our heads
but our Princess's as well.
Sounds like you've got a problem there.
Tell us.
We Wadoran are already
close to extinction as a race.
We must take the lives of others
so that we may sustain our own.
So we are helping the Star of Darkness
on the condition that
we may take the lives
of the abducted Earthlings.
What a waste of time.
Wait, Mr. Moroboshi!
Try to understand
where they're coming from.
It's true that
what they're doing is unforgivable.
But they have the right to live!
Hey, you two should
return the people you abducted
right this instant.
Then we can work together
to find a way you can live on.
There must be a way to survive.
What's with these people?
What is he saying?
"One who is kind to others
is sure to be rewarded."
That's what they say in Japan, right?
Yeah, that's exactly right.
-Did I say something good?
-Princess, now's our chance.
Princess, the time has come.
I can't…
I can't do it after all.
Princess, we're no match against
the Star of Darkness.
Please, don't mind us and--
I can't!
Raiden. Tsuchigumo.
I could never…
kill the two of you.
What is it?
What's taking you so long?
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Don't blow it.
I can't… do it.
You can't, you say?
I need to do something.
Mr. Hayata.
I came to save you, Mr. Hayata.
Hokuto, how did you--
Leave the mushy stuff for later.
First, the restraints.
Hokuto, before that,
can you see that alien girl over there?
Yeah, I can.
Stop her before things get crazy.
What? But we haven't met in so long.
I thought you'd be happier to see me.
Hurry, just do it.
Geez, I just got here
and you're already working me like a dog.
Whoa, Hokuto!
If you're nullifying our contract,
that must mean
you're ready for what's next.
Contract? Seriously?
How could I possibly kill my comrades?
You're insane.
All you do is push us around.
What the hell are you even doing?
Where are you?
Reveal yourself!
My goodness, you low-grade species
can't even handle a simple task like this.
What an utterly useless lot.
Listen, Jack.
There's no time to explain,
but you've got to get out of there.
Go now!
Well, that's just great.
Mr. Moroboshi, we should hurry and run--
Princess, it was an honor serving you.
I pray for your happiness.
If you don't want to become like them,
watch over Ultraman
and the hostages until it's over.
That was so cruel.
It seems his goal was
Hayata himself.
Mr. Moroboshi did what?
What? Oh, yeah.
The guy's probably fine.
Unfortunately, even if you kill him,
he doesn't seem to stay down.
But it looks like
there's discord between those guys too.
I'm done now.
All right, let's hurry.
What is it now?
Come on, let's go, Mr. Hayata.
Hold on, Hokuto.
We can't just leave her like this.
He just doesn't change, does he?
He's still a big softy.
Wait for me!
-Human lives?
-You better wait for me!
This was the only way
we could keep living.
Even though we were going extinct,
Ultraman didn't give us a second thought.
How did you Earthlings
get Ultraman to protect you?
We Earthlings also live on
by receiving life,
but maybe you guys
were going about it wrong.
What do you mean?
Did Ultraman abandon us
because he didn't like how we did things?
I'm sure of it.
If you didn't use such methods…
Mr. Hayata.
Can't you give her a good beating
and make her bring the people back?
That would make us no better than them.
Hey, you.
Come with us.
We might find a way
to help you keep living.
We've got to stick together. Right?
We can work together
to find a way you can live on.
There must be a way to survive.
Let's live on Earth.
On Earth, together.
Good evening
to the people of Earth.
That bastard.
The deadline given to you all
will soon come to pass.
When that time comes,
our invasion of Earth will begin.
Ultraman, your protector,
is already under our control.
Listen closely.
There is no point in resisting.
Now do you see, Mr. Hayata?
We can't delay any longer.
Let's hurry back.
But the people from Earth
are still trapped here.
Even Rena.
Geez, I know that
you're Ultraman and everything,
but there are things you can and can't do.
-Let's hurry and--
-Just go already.
You're Ultraman, right?
Then hurry out there and save Earth.
Don't worry, I'll make sure to
return the Earthlings, Ultraman.
Okay. I'll leave that to you then.
What should I call…
It's Maya.
My name is Maya.
I see, so your name is Maya.
-Nice to meet--
-Come on.
-Let's head out already.
-I'm counting on you!
-Hurry up.
-Don't push me.
This is a joke, right?
Even without a suit, you'll be fine
without oxygen for a little while.
After all, you're not a normal guy.
Hey, are you being serious?
There's no way around it.
We can't fit you in a suit
until you're within transmission range.
Yeah, I'm sure that's true,
but this is just too crazy!
It's all or nothing.
Brace yourself, Mr. Hayata!
You little…
Hokuto, you little brat!
All right.
I am Ultraman!
Subtitle translation by: Chul Woong Kim
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