Unicorn Academy (2023) s02e04 Episode Script

Wildstar's Dream

[magical tinkling]
[Wildstar neighs]
Follow your heart ♪
Straight to the stars ♪
Your bond already shows ♪
The magic glows
Our friendship grows ♪
♪Chase your dreams ♪
-Run wild and free ♪
-Wild and free ♪
Trust in your destiny ♪
Follow your heart ♪
Straight to the stars ♪
Your bond already shows ♪
The magic glows
Our friendship grows ♪
-So follow your heart ♪
-Follow your heart ♪
-Straight to the stars ♪
-Straight to the stars ♪
So follow your heart ♪
[ominous music playing]
[Wildstar neighs]
This is our only chance, Wildstar.
It's just you and me.
[magical tinkling]
[music stops]
[Wildstar sighs]
[Wildstar whinnies]
[gentle music playing]
[sighs] Man, I thought
defeating Ravenzella
would give us a pass on homework.
I mean, hello? Shouldn't that be
automatic A's for the year?
You're wrong.
I realize that now.
She means your answer to this problem.
You're wrong.
[groans] I give. I can't do this anymore.
Also, ow.
Ugh. What's unfair is that
I have to rely on you to pass our final
when you can't even "defeat"
a simple science test.
Oh, and you can?
I got 100% on the last one.
What did you get again?
I passed.
Barely. But we're working on it.
Oh good. Other people you can terrorize.
I I mean, tutor. [chuckles]
I need your help.
See? Don't you think this could be
my dad using the crown stars?
It's definitely possible.
He made Grimoria disappear,
but the star magic
must've made him disappear too.
So if we find these stars,
we might be able to use 'em
to bring your dad back? I'm so in.
Definitely all aboard
the Dad-saving train.
Besides, anything's better than homework.
I disagree with Rory's academic slander,
but I wanna help too.
You already know my answer, bestie.
So instead of studying,
you want us to go
on some astrological goose chase
based on a vague image and a hunch?
And once we have the crown stars,
assuming we can even find them,
then what?
Uh, I'm not exactly sure.
[groans] Seriously? You're hopeless.
But shouldn't Wildstar know
what's going on?
And if your dad really did this,
she would know about it too.
Well, trust me,
I've been trying to get her help,
but she's shutting me out.
Oh, your unicorn
is actively avoiding this?
Sounds like something
we should definitely be messing with.
This is the only clue I have about my dad.
I have to try.
This is so you.
Come on. We know
one crown star already fell.
I say we find it,
then worry about the rest later.
Half a plan is good enough for me.
Wait, you mean now? In the dark?
When better to go star hunting?
I'm down for anything that gets me
far, far away from studying. [yelps]
Oh, Ms. Furi. [chuckles awkwardly]
Fancy meeting you here.
It's lights out. So, lights out.
How are we supposed to sneak out
with Furi patrolling?
I don't know.
I said, "Lights out!"
-Sleep well, everyone. Going!
-Hitting the lights.
[magical tinkling]
Oh, that's the stuff.
[Storm whinnies]
[thunder crashes]
-[Storm neighs]
Brush with the grain, Rory.
[Sophia sighs]
-You look beat. Didn't sleep well?
-[Wildstar neighs]
I didn't either.
I was up all night
thinking about these crown stars.
[Wildstar neighs]
[sighs] Seriously?
[clears throat] Is Wildstar feeling okay?
Her energy seems a little off today.
Tell me about it.
I I mean, no,
she hasn't been feeling well.
I was actually thinking
we could sleep in the stables tonight
to keep an eye on her.
[Wildstar neighs]
Maybe it'll help us
figure out what her problem is.
Great idea, Sophia.
Excellent unicorn care.
You know, I once spent a whole week
bunking with Rhapsody
when she had the sniffles.
Turns out
she was allergic to my hairspray,
so I did not make her feel better.
But I'm sure you'll feel better, Wildstar.
[Wildstar neighs]
[Wildstar grumbles]
You obviously have a strong bond.
[Wildstar grumbles]
[whimsical music playing]
I am so pumped.
We can have a pillow fight,
and read tarot cards,
and give Leaf a hoof manicure.
-[Leaf neighs]
-Or would it be a pedicure?
It's not a real slumber party, Ava.
It's just a cover so we can sneak out
without Ms. Furi catching us.
Oh. Yeah.
But we can still have some fun
until it's go time, right?
-[Storm neighs]
I guess we have a few minutes.
Yes! Slumber party fun
is happening. [squeals]
[Layla] Ow! Ow! Hey!
[groans] So juvenile.
-[gasps] Oh, you are dead, Isabel!
-[Isabel laughs]
[Rory] Teacher!
Quick! We're supposed to be
taking care of Wildstar.
[Ms. Rosemary] How's the patient?
Mm. Hanging in there.
[Wildstar nickers]
She looks pretty glum.
Does she need to eat something?
Oh. A Dwerpin had a birthday.
I bet there's still some oatcakes
in the kitchen.
I could sneak you out
a little midnight snack, Wildstar.
Uh, you don't have to do that.
[Wildstar neighs]
Hey, I may be a teacher,
but I'm still cool.
I can manage some sneaky fun.
For sure, Ms. Rosemary.
We just don't wanna keep Wildstar up,
you know?
Fine. I guess it is getting late.
You kids sleep well.
See you later, alligators.
Or should I say, "In the morn, unicorns"?
[laughs] You shouldn't.
Okay. The first crown star
could have fallen anywhere.
Ava, you take north,
Isabel, west, Valentina, east,
and I'll take the south trail.
-We'll meet back here at sunrise.
-[yawns] Why am I doing this again?
Because whoever finds the crown star first
is obviously the best.
[scoffs] As if I'd lose to any of you.
-Rory and Layla, you ready for
-Teacher patrol patrol?
Oh yeah. I'm an expert.
I've pulled this trick a thousand times.
Sometimes I think
my mom likes pillow Rory more than me.
What if you don't find anything?
This feels like the definition
of a needle in a haystack.
Then we keep trying until we do.
[Wildstar snorts]
-Please? Can you do this for me?
-[Wildstar grumbles]
Ugh, fine! Then I'll go by myself.
You're seriously gonna let her go alone?
That's cold. Ice-cold.
-[Glacier neighs]
-No offense, Glacier.
[Wildstar snorts]
[Wildstar whinnies]
Good luck.
Us and decoy Sophia
will hold down the fort.
This gives us time to catch up
on your science homework, Rory.
Seriously? [sighs]
Come on, Wildstar, pick it up.
We've got a lot of ground to cover.
If we want my dad back,
this is our only chance, Wildstar.
[Miles] This is our only chance, Wildstar.
It's just you and me.
-[gasps] Hey! What what are you doing?
-[Wildstar neighs]
-Stop! We're supposed to go that way.
-[Wildstar neighs]
-Huh? What was that?
[tense music playing]
[Wildstar snorts]
[tense music continues]
It's them again.
[magical tinkling]
[foal neighs]
We've gotta save that foal.
They're not after the foal?
But they were checking out the star
[gasps] Oh no. What if they're looking
for the crown star too?
Come on, girl.
We need to follow that Star Snatcher.
[Wildstar neighs]
Wildstar, stop. Let me go.
[twig snaps]
[dramatic music playing]
Wait! [groans]
We have to stop them. We can't let them
get the crown stars' power.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Wildstar neighs]
[Wildstar neighs]
Agh, what's going on?
There they are!
[suspenseful music continues]
[Wildstar neighs]
Which way did they go?
[groans] We lost them!
If they get the crown star first,
we'll never find my dad.
-It's like you don't even want to!
-[Wildstar snorts]
We're supposed to be a team.
Why do you keep fighting me?
[Wildstar neighs sadly]
Whatever. Guess I'm in this alone.
[somber music playing]
What's that?
Is your horn sensing the Star Snatcher?
-[Wildstar neighs]
-No, that doesn't make sense.
It didn't light up
when we saw them before.
Wildstar, how did my dad
find the crown stars?
Mr. Tansy said light unicorns
have a special connection with the stars.
Can your horn sense the crown star?
[gasps] Is that how you did it before?
Did you help my dad find them?
Then why won't you help me?
[somber music continues]
You don't want me to go this way?
Too bad. I'm getting this star.
[somber music continues]
-Whoa! [yells]
-[Wildstar neighs]
[Sophia grunts]
[Wildstar whinnies]
[somber music continues]
[Sophia groans]
[breathes heavily] How did a bridge
disappear into thin air?
Ugh! It was a trap.
How does that person
have all this weird magic?
[Wildstar neighs]
[somber music playing]
Look, I know
we're kind of fighting right now,
but can you just make us
a light bridge out of here?
-[magical tinkling]
-[Wildstar neighs]
What what's going on?
-[Wildstar neighs]
-Our bond!
Wildstar, please.
Look what's happening to us.
-[Wildstar whinnies]
-[magical tinkling]
[Wildstar sighs]
I thought you cared about my dad.
About me.
But you're turning your back
on both of us.
I just wish I knew why.
Fine. Then we'll just wait around
for someone else to rescue us.
[suspenseful music playing]
Hey, it's okay, buddy.
-[Cinder neighs]
[groans] Weren't you supposed
to be following the east trail?
This is the east trail.
Um, it's definitely not.
[chuckles awkwardly] Obviously.
Yeah. I was just testing you. Duh.
[Sophia trembles]
[somber music playing]
[magical tinkling]
[gasps] Huh?
Wh where are we? Wildstar?
[creatures shriek]
[unicorns neigh]
[dramatic music playing]
[unicorn neighs]
[Ravenzella laughs]
Soon, your magic will be mine.
Ravenzella? But we stopped her.
Huh? [groans]
[magical tinkling]
[unicorn neighs]
[magical tinkling]
[Sophia] Dad!
D Dad! It's me!
[dramatic music continues]
Huh? Agh!
[dramatic music playing]
Lazul, it's over! We have Ravenzella!
So be it.
But I fight for the glory of Grimoria.
Who is that?
As long as we breathe, we won't stop.
[dramatic music continues]
[woman] Mendoza! Get back into formation!
-I need to end this. I have to try.
-Get back and fight with your team!
[woman groans]
[tense music playing]
Shouldn't you focus
on the battle right in front of you, Furi?
[gasps] Dad! Wildstar! She needs help!
[tense music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
The stars' magic is almost gone.
This is our only chance, Wildstar.
-[Wildstar neighs]
- It's just you and me.
Hit it, girl. Hyah!
[magical tinkling]
[dramatic music continues]
Yes! [laughs] You're doing it!
[dramatic music continues]
The stars.
This is how he made Grimoria disappear.
[Lazul] No! [grunts]
You're the best friend I ever had.
[Wildstar neighs]
[Lazul grunts]
[Wildstar neighs]
[Wildstar neighing]
[somber music playing]
[Wildstar squealing]
[cries] Wildstar, wake up!
It's just a dream!
I'm here. I am right here.
I'm here.
It's okay.
It's just a dream.
Wake up.
[Wildstar neighs]
[Wildstar neighs]
[magical tinkling]
[whimpers] It wasn't your fault.
I get it now.
You're trying to keep me away
from the crown stars
because you don't want me
to disappear like he did.
I promise I'm not going anywhere.
And this isn't something
you have to carry alone anymore.
You have me,
and Ava, Leaf, Isabel, River,
Rory, Storm, Layla, Glacier.
[chuckles] Even Valentina and Cinder.
We're gonna get the crown stars.
Then we're bringing my dad back. Together.
You just have to believe in us.
All of us.
Can you do that?
[gentle music playing]
[Wildstar whinnies]
[Wildstar neighs]
[Sophia chuckles]
[Sophia sighs]
[magical tinkling]
[uplifting music playing]
We're back.
Okay. Let's do this.
[uplifting music continues]
[magical tinkling]
[music fades]
[gasps] Check it out, dude.
That has to be the star.
Let's go, River. Hyah!
[laughs] Valentina is gonna be so mad
that we found it first.
Yes! I knew we'd find it first. Come on!
[exciting music playing]
[magical tinkling]
-I saw it first.
-I saw it first.
-No, I did.
-No, I did.
[Wildstar neighs]
[Sophia grunts] Sorry. It's just us.
[groans] So no crown star?
No. But it's this way. We need to hurry.
We're not the only ones looking for it.
[magical tinkling]
[gentle music playing]
So, work done
equals force times distance moved.
[Storm sighs]
[Storm neighs]
[gasps] Teacher!
[fake snoring]
[tense music playing]
[flutterbunnies squeak and sniff]
-[Storm neighs]
-[flutterbunnies squeak]
[exhales] False alarm. Now, where were we?
[Rory screams]
[magical tinkling]
Um, if we had a crown star homing beacon
this whole time,
why were we riding
all over the island exactly?
It's a long story.
[gentle music playing]
There it is.
It looks just like the other stars.
Are you sure that's a crown star?
-[Wildstar whinnies]
-Definitely. [grunts]
We're coming, Dad.
[necklace vibrates]
-[Isabel] Look out!
-[Valentina] Sophia!
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
Follow your heart ♪
Straight to the stars ♪
Your bond already shows ♪
♪The magic glows
Our friendship grows ♪
-So follow your heart ♪
-Follow your heart ♪
Straight to the stars ♪
♪The magic glows
Our friendship grows ♪
So follow your heart ♪
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