Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s02e04 Episode Script

Mazel Tov

-How are you?
Take a seat.
Were you followed?
I don't know. I'm not a pro.
This is too much for me.
Let's get through it quickly.
Relax, this happens all the time.
More than you imagine.
I'm an Air Force lieutenant colonel.
Do you have it?
This is all I could get.
Any more and they'd notice.
As long as I have the engineers' names.
That's all I need.
First, the dough.
I want to see, first.
Did you touch my ass, fucker?
He touched you?
So, you like touching? Try touching me.
This is what President Carlos Saúl Menem
"I have nothing to discuss
with the Deputy Minister of Defense."
About the controversial appointment
of the General Officer Andrés Antonietti.
The polls have had them neck to neck
even though Clinton had said
he was down by about twenty points.
Was it you?
No, but I was there.
Close to being next.
Did you get the engineers' names?
I was close, but no.
I failed after working on this for months.
That's that.
They knew that he stole intel
and followed him.
Or followed you.
You're a bit overconfident.
It's all too sensitive, now.
Everyone has left their lairs.
We're not alone.
I'm sorry, but this won't do.
I need more time.
Then I need more from you
than just good intentions.
Bring me the Condor missile.
It's your last chance.
Something's up.
Something big.
It could compromise the government.
They mediate the war
between Peru and Ecuador.
But secretly,
they want to sell weapons to Ecuador.
The enemy of the only ally
we had in the Falklands, Peru.
They are a bunch of scoundrels.
What's the plan?
Without limits, we'd kill civilians.
And the fucking government
seems untouchable.
We can only leave bread crumbs.
So when this all blows up,
there's a trail leading to Casa Rosada.
Hansel and Gretel with bullets.
First of all, what can be delivered soon?
How soon?
A week, ten days.
Very well.
Three thousand 7.62 caliber FAL rifles.
Twelve hundred 9mm Browning handguns.
About 1,800,000 cartridges.
We have frag grenades,
new ones. All guaranteed.
Plus, as many explosives
as we can get our hands on.
How will we handle payment?
Payment must be transferred
via Switzerland.
First 50% transferred 48 hours
before delivery.
Then the rest.
We trust you, but we must ensure
total silence regarding the op.
Argentina's government
wants to help Ecuador.
But it is essential
to maintain the so-called neutrality.
That's guaranteed.
So, we're all in agreement?
We'll be in touch.
If you'd like,
we can offer more powerful weaponry.
Heavy machine guns, 12 caliber.
OTO Melara cannons with projectiles.
Even advanced missiles.
We'd need more time, though.
What kind of missile?
We can't guarantee any missiles.
Excuse my associate.
First, we need to check
the government's weapon stock.
Don't get me wrong, we're not declining.
I'll need a day to confirm.
We'll talk later. The rest moves forward.
Thank you very much. We'll be in touch.
What the fuck was that?
How can you offer heavy weaponry?
They need all we can offer them.
I saw an opening.
Offering missiles? Are you mad?
Argentina manufactured missiles, once.
Condor, right? We just need to find them.
We have money.
It will help us find the weaponry.
Don't ever mention the Condor missile.
Get it out of your head.
This business only works
if we go unnoticed by the US.
That's why we sell the FALs
and that crap no one cares about.
But if the Yankees take notice,
they'll lock you up for good.
I need you on your toes.
We can't afford mistakes.
It's a inherently dangerous escalation.
We weren't the ones who attacked.
We won't be.
It questions Peruvian sovereignty
over parts of the national territory.
We will resist any attack.
Will this take long?
Will it be any longer?
I'm supposed to be meeting Saúl.
A little bird told us
you were in Ecuador's embassy.
-So, any breakthroughs?
Ecuador wants to buy weapons.
I offered them the missile.
In front of Saúl,
to see if he'd say anything.
It's the first time
I've seen him frightened. Losing business.
That means something.
Stop disrespecting me!
Open up! Open the door, Jonás!
Fucking stop it! Leave me alone!
Don't talk to me like that!
I told you to open the door, damn it!
I won't say it again. Open the door!
-What do you want?
-What happened?
-Mom's acting crazy.
I told you to stop disrespecting me!
Stop it, relax.
Look what he did.
What did you do?
Show your father the tattoo.
"Jonás, son of Yosi"?
What can I do for you?
How much for this?
Give me a second.
Around 3,000 shekels.
I want to sell them.
How old are you?
Why are you still in school, then?
I was held back.
I see.
I must see your ID before purchasing them.
What if I sell them to you for 2,800?
You're 18, now.
I have to go.
-So early?
Saúl said he'd come pick me up,
and I said I'd meet him at his,
to avoid giving him any explanations.
Let's stop avoiding
giving him explanations.
Why don't I come with you?
Let's talk to him today.
Do you think this is a good moment?
It's the anniversary of Dafne's death.
Don't even bother pretending.
I look dreadful, I'm not stupid.
I didn't know you were sick.
Many tests are still to be done.
We're here for you.
I don't wanna talk about it.
I want to enjoy this.
So, tell me, how are you two?
Good. We're doing great.
The hard part's keeping it a secret.
In fact, you two are the only ones
who know we're together.
Yes, but there's more.
We're getting married.
Will you marry me?
Mazel tov.
We need to be quick, then.
If you make use of me not being orthodox,
I can marry you two.
But then you'd have to convert.
The one above us trusts me,
but we shouldn't push it.
Rosa! Bring four glasses of wine.
I propose a toast.
Aren't you happy?
I'm worried about Marcelo. He's not well.
I could tell.
He has leukemia.
Óscar told me before we left.
I'm happy about us,
but I'm scared to death.
Scared of what?
What if something goes wrong?
These things tend to.
What things, Eli?
My love for you? Our wedding?
That we want to be happy?
Everything's gonna be fine.
Tomorrow, we'll go tell Saúl.
We've waited long enough. Okay?
So, you're getting married?
I know everything that goes on.
What do you have to report?
He's behind the Condor missile.
Important people are interested in it.
Do you know anything?
That's a serious matter.
Saúl is offering the Condor?
He's looking for it to sell it.
If Saúl finds the Condor,
he'll cut me out of his network.
If I find it first, though,
I get access to buyers and the government.
That's out of your league. Forget it.
What's in it for you?
We'd be untouchable.
You and me.
Can we trust Castaño
after Dafne's kidnapping?
When will you realize
he's not trustworthy?
This is madness.
But I love it.
What should I do?
You know people in the army, right?
You're not wrong.
I'd have to meet people
I haven't seen in years.
Is that a risk?
Not in the conventional way.
Let's have some tea
while we wait for him to come.
You were her best friend.
And you understood our issues.
Time passes.
But I'm still not used to her being gone.
I miss her every second of the day.
You know what?
She wanted to be like you.
Ask me for anything.
I know you're not here
to keep a lonely old man company.
No, Saúl.
I enjoy keeping you company.
And I really appreciate all the
The beautiful things you say.
I didn't come here to ask for anything.
That's not why I'm here.
I thought it'd be important
for you to hear this from me.
Yosi and I are going out.
I didn't want you to take it badly.
We wanted to tell you together
to honor Dafne's memory.
And out of respect for you.
My Yosi?
Are you upset?
Why would I be upset?
Can you pass me one with dulce de leche?
Just use your hand.
-This one?
How did I miss this?
Nobody noticed.
How long ago did this start?
It happened slowly.
Don't get me wrong.
I really appreciate you coming to tell me.
But Yosi and I are birds of a feather.
We're not simple men.
Excuse me.
Something came up.
Yosi, I don't know
if I can ever forgive you.
You didn't wait.
I already knew before she told me.
I'm sure she left out something.
We want you to be
our best man in our wedding.
We'll celebrate here.
See? Nothing bad happened.
We did it.
-Folks, I'm off to get some rest.
-Of course.
-Are you happy?
-Very happy.
And you're part of that happiness.
Both of you.
Mazel tov.
These two are off
because they'll want to consummate soon.
I'll walk with you.
I'm going for a smoke.
-Thanks for coming.
I couldn't leave this one with the rest.
Thank you.
Open it.
No, Saúl, we can't accept this.
You deserve this and much more.
-It's for me?
-For you.
Don't tell anyone. Not even Yosi.
Keep it. Do as I say.
I would've liked an invitation.
Why are you here?
I heard about the wedding.
I wanted to say hi.
That's what friends do.
We're still friends, right?
Thanks to me, you're celebrating.
You owe me.
I wanted to call you.
But I was forbidden and couldn't find you.
You didn't want to.
You can find anyone.
Still, no hard feelings.
It's the rules. I'm persona non grata.
I had to pay for Castaño's move.
What's the deal? Not happy I'm here?
I'm just surprised.
Even if you don't like it,
there's something you know to be true.
Nobody knows you better than me.
No one inside that party,
in the forces, not even your wife.
-Should've married me.
-What do you want, Luis?
What can I do for you?
I was shut out from the courts.
They stole my gold mine
and I can't get it back.
You're well-positioned though.
This party's full of Jews
with deep pockets.
We work well together.
We can pull something off.
We kidnap one. Or,
if you can't handle it, blackmail them.
I'll do the dirty work.
You won't have to do a thing.
Just point me towards the cash, that's it.
That's not who I am.
Think about it.
Enjoy the honeymoon, get some action,
and when you've calmed down,
you'll start to think straight.
One more thing. I don't want to get rich.
I just need a way out.
I'm living in a shithole,
in a shit neighborhood, in a shitty house,
with three months' rent due.
Which I spent on medicine for my wife.
-You got married?
To Norma.
She didn't turn her back on me.
I can help. I can lend you some cash.
-So you can solve your problems.
-What about my proposal?
You think you're so honorable?
Don't fool yourself, José. You and I,
we're the same. Is that clear?
We'll talk again later.
Shove that dough up your ass.
Who was that?
Someone asking for money.
What was Saúl saying?
-Just nonsense.
Nonsense. All right.
We need to improve
our Intelligence Services.
Learn from our mistakes.
Without resorting to supersecretaries
that hide available economic resources.
-What's up, Leo?
-How are things, Lambo?
Leo, I hear the report is terrible.
They're waiting expectantly.
It's too heavy. It'll cause an uproar.
What does Monica think?
What else is she gonna think?
The only way back is with something big.
You're aware Monica
isn't the favorite upstairs.
She's stepped on many toes.
But, if you present it,
we can kill two birds with one stone.
She comes back as producer,
but you're center stage.
And people get to know you.
We could use a new face
without Monica's rap sheet.
Think about it.
A special. Prime time.
Well, all right. You do the special.
No, you were supposed
to be the face of the report.
It was to be your comeback.
Those assholes will never forgive me.
Those are the rules of the game.
That's okay.
What matters is that your story is told,
and to expose Garrido.
Bury him for good.
You think it's best if I'm not the face?
It's your call, Monica.
You know how this goes.
And you?
I hope you're up for it.
-Is that yours?
Hello, is this Yosi Peres?
Who is this?
I'm Jonás, your son.
Pick me up at the airport tomorrow.
I'll be on flight 3652 from Amsterdam.
I'm on my way, Dad.
-Can I come in?
-Yes, of course.
I want to give you something. May I?
Something you need
that nobody else can give you.
A place to keep your secret.
Whatever you say, I'll take with me.
You need to get rid of that black shadow
hanging over you
that you think no one sees.
Indeed, I see it.
And how?
What is it you're carrying?
What do you need to let go?
I'm listening.
I'm a Federal Intelligence agent.
I was sent to spy on the community.
I'm not sure, but I think
that the information I gave them
was used to plan the attack
on the embassy.
Excuse me.
Honey. Honey. Shall we go?
For you.
Marcelo's tefillin.
I can't accept this.
He wanted you to have them, Yosi.
Besides, I wasn't as faithful as you.
Poor Marce.
It's beautiful, Oscar. Thank you.
Morning. Excuse me. You must be Norma.
I'm José Pérez, Garrido and I
were partners, in the courts.
Luis went out.
I don't know when he'll return.
Doesn't matter.
Yesterday, I collected a sentence
from a job we did years ago.
This is his share.
-He didn't mention anything.
-He didn't know.
It's $3,000. I've counted it,
but you can count it for yourself.
Tell him I say hi.
He was very nice to me.
He didn't even make me sign a receipt.
We've known each other for many years.
Now we'll catch up on everything.
-Are you off?
-I have to go pay some debts.
-Can't it wait?
I don't want us to have
any issues. I'm off.
Rest, don't wait up.
-Hello, Daddy.
-Get in.
That's it. You like it too.
You like it, Josecito.
You love it, José Pérez! How you love it!
How do you like it like this?
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