Zoo (2015) s02e04 Episode Script

The Walls of Jericho

1 MITCH: A year ago, the animals started acting strangely, but no one noticed (growling) until they began attacking, coordinating, evolving.
The animals were mutating, and it was happening faster than anyone expected.
(screaming) The government came up with a plan.
PSA NARRATOR: Thanks to the Noah Objective, in six to ten years, the world's animal population will be thriving once again.
Killing the animals? Play God and repopulate the planet? This is ridiculous.
MITCH: But messing with Mother Nature could be catastrophic, so a group of us are trying to save the animals.
Jackson Oz and Abraham Kenyatta, animal experts.
Chloe Tousignant, an Intel operative.
Jamie Campbell, a reporter who's been following this story, found me, Mitch Morgan, a veterinary pathologist.
Together, we're going to find a cure for the animals.
Time is running out.
Previously on Zoo JACKSON: Our little secret that what? My blood's changing? That I'm changing? (panting) We'll keep this between the two of us.
There's something I should tell you.
There is.
This is where we're going.
JAMIE: Caraquet.
LOGAN: You looked in my bag? JAMIE: Yeah, and I saw pictures of me.
LOGAN: It was never about you.
It was about the leopard.
Some guys hired me to fly them up here.
- Where are the guys that hired you? - I don't know.
LOGAN: Somebody's got to look at your foot.
Oh, wow.
That's not good.
(screaming) DARIELA: What is this thing? CHLOE: This is how many animals they expect to eliminate with the Noah Objective.
DARIELA: So General Davies knows his big animal solution will also kill millions of people.
We're gonna stop him.
(animals chittering) (sniffing) (animal roaring in distance) (indistinct radio chatter) (gunshot) (whimpers) Prepare the animal for transfer.
Yes, sir.
Get that crate over here.
(scoffs softly) You know, something tells me you're still pissed.
You lied to me.
Over and over again.
About your girlfriend dying, about why you're out here.
That's because I didn't want you to run, which you did, anyway.
And for what it's worth, now I've told you everything.
(animal growling in distance) - (gun cocks) - Hey, what are you doing? I'm scaring him away.
No, you're ringing the dinner bell.
They hear that gun go off, they're all gonna come running.
(sighs) Why'd you have to mention dinner? Now I'm freezing and starving.
This is useless, everything's soaked.
(sighs) Not everything.
Not my money.
- We have to.
- No, there's not It's the only dry thing that we have.
No, there's not a chance.
Hey! We are going to die out here.
It is negative degrees.
We have no shelter.
If we don't get a fire lit soon, a severed toe is gonna feel like a massage.
(sighs) You're right.
We're gonna die out here, anyway.
Not tonight.
(monitor beeping steadily) I compared your blood to our one-armed friend, and you have the same mutation.
So I'm gonna end up like him.
Blood rain vultures.
Electric ants and Kovacs.
You all have the same mutated markers in your genetic sequence.
Can you look straight ahead, please? Okay.
Put your shirt on.
(grunts) How is that even possible? Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas, so anything's possible.
Including a Triple-Helix.
See that? That's what normal DNA looks like.
That's yours.
You and the vultures and the ants and Kovacs, you all have brand-new genes on a brand-new strand of DNA.
I'm evolving.
Well, yeah, but not in the good way.
Well, is there a way to fix me, or is this checkmate? I might have a way.
See, genes are kind of like switches.
Right now, the ones on your new strand, they're all still off, and that's a good thing.
But slowly (switches clicking) they're gonna start to switch on.
And you're gonna start to change, until you're not you anymore.
Unless I can figure out a way to fix it, keep all your switches off.
So I'm like a phone, and, uh, need to be restored to my factory settings.
Is that right? (sniffs) Well, my metaphor's way better, but, yeah.
Five weeks, and Kovacs went from this to that.
So I got five weeks.
I like deadlines.
You know what, Mitch? Don't worry about me, okay? Just fix the animals.
Human beings genetically are the most complex living organisms, so if I can save you, I can save the animals.
And if you can't? Checkmate.
(inhales sharply) (exhales) Son of a bitch.
Almost done.
Don't want you losing your whole foot.
Yeah, you just don't want to carry me.
(chuckles softly) (exhales) What makes you so sure that your friends are gonna meet you in Caraquet? Before I took off from the compound, I left a message on the roof.
A message? Caraquet.
I spelled it out in rocks.
You think your friends are gonna be able to spot a town name that you wrote on a roof? Yeah, they will.
Mitch will.
Mitch? (sighs) Yeah.
Well, you sure are putting a lot of stock in this Mitch guy if you think he's gonna spot your little rock message, know that it was you who left it, make his way all the way to Caraquet.
Well, you don't know Mitch.
(vehicle approaching) Hey.
Hey! Hey! (groans) What are you doing?! What's wrong with you? Maybe I didn't tell you everything.
We need to go.
(footsteps approaching) Time for a three-to-five minute break? I can't.
Does no one on this team sleep? What are you doing? Looking for Jamie.
Assuming she travels an average of three miles per hour, with roughly ten hours of daylight, this should be the search area.
Those are hard miles.
Through the woods, mountains.
With no food and proper gear, even I'd have trouble doing that.
Jamie is uncommonly resourceful for someone who grew up with shopping malls and cable TV.
Can't they send an extraction team? "They"? You know, the people you work for.
The people who gave you this plane.
We worked for Eleanor Lewis.
Now she's dead.
There is no "they.
" You're on your own? What do you expect to do? Davies is a general.
Generals have armies.
What do you have? We found the cure before, we'll do it again.
Five people stopping the Noah Objective and curing the animals? Kind of a tall order, no? We can do it.
We're gonna lose.
So you're with us now.
Still haven't decided.
But when I commit to something I'm all in.
Where are you going? Unlike you people, I enjoy spending time in bed.
Perhaps I will take that break after all.
I've got something.
Hey, Chloe.
You got to see this.
Mitch found a link between Kovacs and the mutated animals.
Does that link include you? Busted.
Listen, I'm sorry.
We agreed not to tell anyone.
I know what we agreed to, Chloe, - but Mitch agreed - All right.
Ross, Rachel.
I see where this is going.
I'm not interested in taking that ride.
Women don't like to be lied to.
- CHLOE: Moving on.
- Everybody knows that.
MITCH: What do you got? (sighs) So the vultures and ants found a way to alter our environment.
I may have found another.
General Davies transferred this animal to Vancouver yesterday.
According to his report, it says that this sloth was capable of creating an earthquake in Costa Rica.
I'm sorry.
Come again? Says here the sloth has developed a call that can generate a low frequency infrasound? Really? And that can cause an earthquake? I don't know.
I mean, a few years ago at a football game in Seattle, the Seahawks fans were jumping and cheering so much that it actually registered on a nearby seismograph.
So you're saying that General Davies' report is correct? We need that sloth.
Clearly, its switch is turned on, and if I can understand his switch, might be able to figure out a way to keep yours from turning on at all.
You think this little guy has got the Triple-Helix? I'd put money on it.
And understanding the Triple-Helix, that's the key to saving your life.
Which is why your boyfriend was right in telling me.
Let's go get our sloth.
Is it safe? Yes.
The case is soundproof.
Is the jungle gym really necessary? We're trying to keep it happy.
Just in case.
(rumbling) I thought you said it was safe! It is! The sloth isn't causing this.
Something is.
Everybody out! Evacuate the building! (people screaming) - Just drive.
- All right, sir.
(tires screeching) (urgent chatter) You're sure this is the place? CHLOE: This is the address on the transfer order.
Looks like someone got here first.
(screeching) (helicopter whirring) (car horns honking, sirens wailing) JACKSON: Well, if the sloth was in there, it's dead.
We don't know that.
Um, I'm missing something.
Why is it so important? Yeah, listen, Abe, there's something that you should know Mitch thinks the sloth can help make a cure.
Well, if it's the sloth we're after, all we need is to walk in the rainforest of Brazil.
At their speed, even you could catch one, rafiki.
We need this sloth.
We've confirmed it has an advanced mutation.
DARIELA: An eyewitness saw military trucks.
- Davies was here.
- Looks that way.
They loaded a large crate and sped off just before an earthquake hit.
That sounds like the sloth.
You think this was caused by a sloth? MITCH: Yep, and he had help.
You guys got to see this.
Moles? Yeah.
We got moles.
Moles and sloths.
Sounds like my dating life after I got divorced.
JACKSON: Those tunnels look a little large to be mole tunnels.
That's why I said moles, plural.
Very plural.
Phenomenal creatures.
You know, they they smell in stereo.
They got these sensory receptors on their nose.
They're called Eimer's organs.
You're sure it's moles? Yeah.
See how these scratch marks are spaced out? Moles are polydactyl.
Means they-they've got an extra thumb.
Well, it's actually an extended wrist bone, acts like a thumb for digging.
Okay, mole fetish aside, you really think that moles attacked that building? Yes, I do.
It speaks to a whole new, higher level of mutation, because moles, they work alone.
They only come together to procreate.
Something we should all strive for.
They brought down one building in a very large city.
Do you think they were targeting the Noah Objective? My guess is they were following the low-frequency vibration of the sloth.
(animal roaring in distance) All in favor of a swift exit? No.
We got to follow the moles to get the sloth.
Logan, wait! We have to keep going.
I want to know what's going on.
Are those the guys that hired you? Yes.
Well, just tell them the truth.
Tell them the leopard's gone.
It's more complicated than that.
I'm not moving until you tell me what's going on.
You're gonna get us killed.
No, I'm gonna find a place to sit down.
'Cause, uh, running around on nine toes kind of takes it out of a girl.
Okay, okay, okay, fine.
They paid me.
They hired me, like I said.
But they only paid me ten grand.
You had a whole lot more than that in that bag.
I know.
It wasn't mine.
It's a down payment from the buyer.
You're a thief.
I'm a dead man and so are you if they find out that we burned their money.
I mean, not a man, but a, you know you'll be dead.
All right, just They can't find us.
Let's go.
Hi, Logan.
You have something that belongs to us.
We'd like it back now.
I don't hear any animals.
Do moles make a noise? Yeah.
High-pitched squeak.
Kind of like the ones I've been hearing from Abe's room lately.
Keep moving.
Mitch, you sure these things can't cave in on us? No.
Moles are very precise little architects.
All they do is work.
You know, the more you talk about moles, the more I understand you.
What are you trying to say? JACKSON: She's trying to say that you love moles because you are one.
And I have to agree.
Hey, Chloe, we're flying blind here.
Okay, I'm accessing your transponders.
Should have eyes on you.
Now, start rolling VPNs.
I don't even know what a VPN is.
Virtual Private Network.
I'm gonna use Davies' satellite to track the team.
You need to make sure Davies doesn't track us.
If he runs a trace, could we reverse it, find his location? No, they're using an encrypted firewall.
It will be like breaking into the CIA using a bobby pin.
If you have access to all this, can't you get a satellite over New Brunswick? For Jamie.
(chuckles) You're brilliant.
I just hope she's holding her own out there.
I don't see any money.
I swear we tossed it when we started running.
Just figured you guys would find it.
Well, we didn't.
And if we don't, I'm gonna throw you off a cliff.
He's telling the truth.
I watched him do it.
(faint screeching) It sounds like the clock's ticking.
You got to believe us.
(chuckles) Know what I think? You two been working together the whole time.
MAN; Hey, Mace! I found it a mile back.
Next to a burned-out campfire.
(laughs) You burnt the money? It was my idea.
We needed to not freeze to death.
(laughs) Nice try.
It's a good way to throw us off, but I'm not buying it.
Tell you what, though.
I don't need two of you to show me where it is.
Please I will get you your money, okay? Too late.
(gunshot) MAN: Watch out! (barking, snarling) (men screaming) (muffled growling) That's not good.
Hey, what do you see up there? Uh we have a little problem.
Actually about a thousand little problems.
What is it? Wall of dead moles.
Hey, Chloe? We've hit a dead end.
As you were.
Someone just accessed Eleanor Lewis' login.
I thought it was disabled.
It was.
Show me what they're looking at.
Okay, give me a second.
We have two problems, actually.
They know we're using their satellites.
They'll be starting their trace.
Uh, I can hold them off for a while.
But then what? Plan B.
Which is? Not sure yet.
(grunting) Here.
I'm not touching that.
I need a sample.
Oh, man.
(grunts) (groans) All right, Chloe, there's no trail left.
We're coming out.
They almost have a lock on our location.
That's the least of our concerns.
They have logged into the satellite.
Davies can see what we see.
If Davies knows where they are, he'll send a team.
Get them out! Okay, uh, Mitch? I need you I need you to keep going.
What are you doing?! Initiating plan B.
Chloe, there's nothing left to follow.
I need you to keep moving.
Keep moving where, Chloe? Where are we headed? Come on, what do you want us to do next? Hold on, I'm about to find the sloth.
(growling) MITCH: Oh, God! Go back! Go back! Go back! Go back! Go back! (gasping) Oh, crap! MITCH: Chloe, find us a way out of here! I need another minute.
We don't have a minute! There's an alligator down here! Did he say "alligator"? Okay, okay! Finding a way out now! There's an exit! It's a few yards behind you, but you'll have to dig your way out.
MITCH: Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Jackson, move! JACKSON: I'm trying! We've got a location.
They're underground.
Trying to follow the moles to us.
What should we do? Get rid of 'em.
(men shouting) (tires squealing) (snarling) Chloe? I don't see it.
- Where is it? - CHLOE: There's an access tunnel right in front of you.
I think I got a shot! MITCH: Are you crazy?! Jackson, dig faster! I'm going as fast as I can! (alligator snarling) (grunting) I got it! MITCH: Go, go, go! Got it! We got it! (grunting) - (Dariela grunts) - Come on.
I got you.
I got you.
You okay? (grunts) - Come here.
- (both grunt) (alligator snarling) (rumbling) Mitch! Mitch! CHLOE: What's happening? JACKSON: The tunnel collapsed.
Mitch is inside.
Mitch! Mitch! - Come on.
- Mitch! JACKSON: Come on.
Come on! Mitch! Mitch! - Mitch! - Come on.
We got you! Come on.
(both grunt) - Come on.
- I've got you! There you go! There you go, there you go, there you go.
- (gasps) - There you go.
We got him! What happened to that alligator? I don't know.
You want to go back in and look for him? Chloe, get us out of here.
CHLOE: Okay.
Stand by.
Davies knows where they are.
That's what I'm counting on.
Where are you, Davies? Got him.
Cut the connection, Abe.
Jackson, there's an exit ten meters behind you.
What was that about? It was about getting Davies' location.
And I did.
Plan B.
B for "bait.
" What? Where were they coming from? Reiden Global.
(wolves bark and snarl in distance) (gasps) (grunts) Where's my money? We burned it.
- (grunts) - (groans) (screams) (yells) (Mason grunts) (wolves howling) So, we are officially looking at foul play.
What do you mean? Mass mole execution.
How? Somebody turned those tunnels into a gas chamber.
Well, it had to have been Davies.
Davies must have known that the moles were following the sloth and took them out before they could create another sinkhole.
I did some analysis on the gas.
Not like anything I've ever seen before.
And with airborne distribution? Perfect way to cull the animals.
And, since we're still standing, it doesn't seem to have any affect on humans.
Or half-humans, apparently.
I mean, the gas is fast-acting, but might have just been really lucky timing.
Don't do that.
Hmm? (exhales) I thought about it, and, uh, I gotta tell Abe about my condition.
All right? He has the right to know.
What, are you crazy? Even for a half-man, that is a full bad idea.
Nothing against your bosom buddy, but his bosom buddy? Not too fond of mutants.
Abe is like a brother to me.
Dariela was friends with Kovacs, right? She still shot him in the head.
That's true.
That's a fair point.
Anyway, that's a five-week-from-now problem.
Davies has a gas that he can use to kill with prejudice.
Clearly, he's not afraid to use it.
And we are trying to restore things to factory settings, and this sicko just wants to buy a new phone.
About 20 quintillion new phones.
And the best chance we have to stop him is inside the walls of Reiden Global.
It wasn't easy, but we're in.
I hacked into the security feed.
CHLOE: Good work, guys.
When General Davies deployed men to the tunnels, this is where they came from, so it's a good bet he's keeping the sloth here.
If I were a four-star psychopath, where would I hide a sloth? Maybe There.
But how did he open the door? No retinal scan or fingerprint.
Some kind of voice recognition? CHLOE: It was his heart-print.
His what? It recognizes his heartbeat.
Every person's is unique.
So to get through this door, we're going to need this man's heart? Piece of cake.
Looks like he's going out.
We should go out with him.
CHLOE: Or maybe he's staying in.
Only Reiden would throw a party during the end of the world.
That's Senator Rowan.
And Jonas Hofler.
They're IADG leaders.
DARIELA: I-what? ABE: International Animal Defense Group.
Everyone you'd need to pass a vote on the Noah Objective is in that room.
The fact that they are all here Means they're ready to vote.
Davies must be moving up the timeline.
There he is.
Watch your back, science man.
CHLOE: We need to get into that party.
Get the heart-print.
- ABE: That party? - Yes.
We need to get the heart-print while he's busy talking to the VIPs.
We're gonna crash the party of the guy who just sent men to kill us? Yes.
(indistinct chatter) Oh, yeah.
Mitch is in.
Are we clear to enter? Not yet.
Stand by.
Two minutes.
Look, I know you're still upset about me telling Mitch, and I had to.
It was the right thing to do.
He can help.
I'm not upset.
(chuckles) You've barely spoken to me.
I was ready to quit, back in D.
, but I came back because of you.
My only thought was to fix you, save you.
Yeah, that's not your job or your responsibility.
It wasn't your responsibility to save me in Africa.
Actually, it was.
I was a safari guide.
I was so scared.
And then you appeared.
And you were still scared.
A little less.
I knew that everything was going to be all right.
That's your superpower, Jackson.
You have a way of making people feel that everything's gonna be all right.
No matter how dreadful things look.
I know that my responsibility is to our mission, but I need to find a balance between being the leader of this team and being in love with you.
DARIELA: We're good to go.
Jackson, Chloe, do you copy? Y uh, yeah.
(clears throat) Yeah.
Yeah, we copy.
(clears throat) (indistinct chatter) Excuse me.
Ringo's approaching the stage.
- Target's at your ten.
- (clears throat) Hey Hi! So glad that you could make it.
- Yeah.
- Uh me, too.
(laughs) He doesn't know who we are.
Ken Adams.
And Emma Simone.
Emma Simone.
We work with General Davies.
He's had so many wonderful things to say about you.
He's very impressed by your work.
And so am I.
Well, keep it up.
- Everyone's proud of you.
- Yeah, good work.
(clears throat) Gentlemen, the package has been delivered.
Post up by the bathroom.
He should be heading your way with the stomachache of a lifetime.
Are you sure this is going to work? Just slipping him a mickey.
What do you know about "slipping a mickey"? Oh, I can slip a mickey, okay? I'm a doctor, for God's sake.
So they teach you mickey-slipping in doctor school? Just I I know that trusting my judgment isn't one of your strong suits, but maybe just this once, give it a shot, huh? Dr.
Heart-Print will be coming our way any second now.
DAVIES: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to welcome you here on this special night.
Now, I know many of you are still clinging to the hope that the "animal problem" will somehow rectify itself.
I, unfortunately, am here to share with you that things have gotten a lot worse.
Ladies and gentlemen, we must stop these animals.
We finally have the means to do so.
(animals growling) Allow me to introduce TX-14.
A two-part gas.
A fast-acting elimination agent and a neutralizer.
Which, when they combine, forms a compound that only targets the mutation.
(animals groaning) Human beings will be safe, but every animal with the mutation will be destroyed.
Tomorrow before the vote, we will give you a demonstration of the efficiency and the safety of this gas.
But tonight enjoy yourselves.
Get to know one another.
For you will be sharing a page in the history books as the assembly that saved the world.
- (applause) - Thank you.
(applause grows louder) If the gas targets the mutation, you would be killed.
I won't be alone.
The 2.
2 million people, they're like you.
Like Kovacs.
How is that even possible? (man groans, crowd gasps) Guys, we have a problem.
JACKSON: You were supposed to give him a case of the runs, not a heart attack.
MITCH: A mild heart attack, he'll be fine.
"Slipping him a mickey.
" You said you'd done this before.
I have.
I mean, it was on a llama, but A llama? I do not want to hear the rest of that story.
We need a new plan.
We cannot leave without that sloth.
Give me the Mic and meet me downstairs.
What are you going to do? Get you the heart-print.
General Davies, can I steal you for a second? Of course, Miss, uh Diaz.
- From Senator Rowan's office.
- Ah.
What can I do for you, Miss Diaz? The senator wanted to let you know that you have her full support.
She wanted to talk to you herself, but she can't because she's still working on some of her collegues, winning them over.
(groans) She almost had it.
Whatever you need from her, consider it done.
Please thank the senator, that's very kind of her.
But I just have one question, Ms.
Where are your friends? I saw you on the security footage from that Accelerator fiasco.
That was a close call you had, wasn't it, Lieutenant Marzan? You're coming with me.
MAN: Good job, General.
Actually, General, you're coming with me.
What are you doing? Noting all the exits.
Thanks to Mickey here, we're preparing to make a quick departure.
What I said was, "It should work.
" That's not how I remember it.
DAVIES: Oh, look, the gang's all here.
Do you have any idea how many soldiers I have in this building? My guess is about 30.
And every one of them is focused on the room with 200 VIPs.
(beeping, heart beating) Where's the sloth? (scoffs) You took a four-star general hostage for a sloth? Well, this is a first, and it's gonna land you in deep Where's the sloth? Down there to the left, tough guy.
Mitch, come with me.
Abe, stay on Davies.
Face the wall.
Come with me.
Where we going? He gave up the sloth too quickly.
He was fine with them going left.
So there must be something this way he didn't want us to find.
(barking, screeching) JACKSON: These have to be the animals for the demonstration.
Let's find this sloth, huh? (screeching, growling) Air lock doors.
Looks like your theory was right.
- The gas must be down here.
- (phone chiming) Jaime.
She's in Caraquet.
DARIELA: Keep up! Bingo.
The gas.
The valves are closed.
That's good.
And this one's the neutralizer.
So that's the poison.
There will be nothing to vote on if they can't do the demonstration.
(air hisses) (grunts) (groans, chokes) (both grunting) (alarm blaring) (grunts) That's not good.
(canister rattling) CHLOE: Go, go, go! CHLOE: Jaime? Get up.
Chloe? Oh, you found me.
You're not gonna die today.
You need to get up.
No, I can't.
Yes, you can.
(sighs) You have to get up.
Come on.
You can do it.
(grunts softly) That's it.
Keep moving.
(grunts) Chloe LOGAN: Jaime! Logan, I'm here.
(alarm blaring, birds screeching) Hey.
I got it.
Hey, buddy.
Hope this thing is soundproof.
Yeah, let's not find out.
Hey, what's going on? Davies set off the alarm.
I disabled the doors, but there'll be others.
We have to go.
(grunting) - ABRAHAM: Okay, lift.
- This.
- Target! - Take cover! I got this.
(both groan) It's clear! - Let's go.
- (air hissing) It's been hit.
This could kill everybody.
(panting) (rumbling) Chloe! Chloe! Chloe! - (grunts) - Chloe! No.
Chloe! CHLOE: No.
Jamie, she's in Caraquet.
I don't understand you.
Jaime (weakly): she's in Caraquet.
- I don't understand.
- She's in Caraquet.
- She's in Caraquet.
- I don't understand.
- She's in Ca - I'm sorry.
- I don't understand! - Jaime.
I don't understand.
I'm sorry, Chloe! Chloe! (muffled): Damn it! Chloe! - Chloe! - (pounding on glass) Chloe! Oh, come on.
Come on! No!
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