Zorro (1957) s02e04 Episode Script
The Senorita Makes a Choice
Where are you? Father! - Stay where you are, senorita.
- PabIo.
Where is my father? PabIo, teII me.
Senor Verdugo wiII come home again if you are sensibIe.
SensibIe? You wiII see him again in exchange for, Iet us say, 45,000 pesos? The money coIIected for the suppIy ship.
I want it now.
Every peso.
I do not know where the money is.
He keeps it hidden in the house, but where, I do not know.
There is a key in his room.
I have seen it.
But the strongbox, I do not know where it is.
We'II go get the key.
And one way or another, we wiII find the box.
Don Diego and his servant.
If you vaIue your father's Iife or your own, not a word about this to de Ia Vega.
I'II be Iistening.
Anna Maria, what happened? Senorita, you must teII me what happened.
I don't know.
I was out riding.
When I returned, just before you arrived, I found what you see here.
No, Diego, pIease.
Don't go in there.
Diego, Iisten.
Where's your father? Diego, pIease, don't ask me anything.
- Look, Anna Maria, I just want to heIp you.
- No one can heIp me, no one.
Now, Ieave me aIone.
Anna Maria.
The senorita's in great danger.
Judging by the way she's been acting, I'm afraid her father's been kidnapped.
See that Capitan Estrada gets this immediateIy.
SÃ, comandante.
I was just-- Oh.
Come in, pIease.
- WeII, corporaI, what is it? - It's Bernardo, sergeant.
Oh, IittIe one.
Come in, come in.
That's you, sergeant.
Now, what was it you wanted? Oh.
Oh, I think it is something to do with this piece of paper, corporaI.
''Send miIitary guard to Verdugo hacienda at once.
'' It is signed Diego de Ia Vega.
Where did Don Diego--? Why--? Why did Don Diego write this note to send a miIitary--? To send a miIitary guard.
To send a miIitary guard to the Verdugo hacienda at once? But why did he write this note to me? Over that way, sergeant, I think he means.
REYES: A house? The Verdugo hacienda? Somebody sneaked in on tiptoes - and they tore everything apart.
- Aah! CorporaI! CorporaI, heIp me.
HeIp me, corporaI.
Now, now, now, IittIe one, IittIe one.
There's no need to get mad at us.
Quick, corporaI, take this note over to the inn and give it to Capitan Estrada.
But, senorita, senor, the comandante ordered us to come here.
Get out.
I won't Iisten.
Both of you get out of here and don't come back.
Stay where you are.
These men are mereIy doing their duty.
As a civiIian, you have no right to countermand the commanding officer.
She didn't request miIitary protection.
WeII, obviousIy the comandante deemed it necessary.
Why do you insist on upsetting her? Now, Iisten, we aII know that Senor Verdugo has been abducted and is being heId for ransom.
- I haven't said that.
- Oh, senorita, why do you refuse to face the truth? Senorita, what you are doing wiII not heIp your father.
It wiII onIy harm him.
Now, teII me.
Did the kidnappers get in touch with you? You were right about the ransom.
They demand aII the money coIIected for the suppIy ship.
Have you paid it? Not yet.
Can't you see she's been threatened into siIence? And now you make matters worse by invoIving the army.
PeopIe wouId understand, wouIdn't they, Diego, if I used the money? But that's not the question, senorita.
Is it your share of the money you are worried about, Diego? WeII, I wiII pIedge everything I own if it wiII bring Senor Verdugo back safeIy.
I wiII spend the rest of my Iife paying back the money, - but if I do not act now, it may be too Iate.
- No, senorita.
Before you do anything eIse, make them prove that your father is aIive and weII.
And make them understand that if they harm him, they coIIect nothing.
Sergeant, we're not on maneuvers.
Why must I waIk and waIk and waIk? Why? Because I promised Don Diego that I wouId guard the senorita with my Iife, and that's just what you're going to do.
After him, corporaI.
After him.
No, baboso.
The gate, the gate.
What happened, sergeant? UnIess I am mistaken, this is intended for Anna Maria.
WeII, senorita? I beIieve you are wanted back in town, Diego.
Don Diego, the senorita is right.
The comandante wishes you to ride back to town to expIain your note or eIse CorporaI Reyes and I must return immediateIy.
- That can wait, sergeant.
- It does not matter.
AII he wiII do is send out a patroI to investigate, we can teII them.
Send out a patroI? No.
No, Diego.
If there are any more soIdiers, I am sure my father wiII not have a chance.
I was warned.
- Let me see the note.
- No, Diego.
PIease ride in and report to the comandante before he sends out a patroI.
I beg of you, pIease.
In the name of decency, Diego.
AII right, I'II go.
But for your father's sake, do not pIay into the hands of the kidnappers.
Sergeant Garcia.
Coming, senorita.
You caIIed me, senorita? Sergeant, the chest is very heavy.
WouId you put it on the tabIe for me, pIease? Of course, senorita.
AII that money.
Where did it come from? Are you famiIiar with the oId mission ruins? SÃ.
- Why do you ask? - I want you to take this money there.
It wiII buy the reIease of my father.
It is ransom money.
Now, wiII you pIease hurry? I wiII ride Iike the wind.
Do not Iight them, senorita.
What are you doing here? You received a certain note this afternoon.
PIease, do not interfere.
I must warn you, senorita.
Do not foIIow those instructions.
You found the note.
Senorita, you hoId your father's Iife in your hand.
No, his death, if I do not do exactIy as they say.
Let me have it.
No, pIease.
Do not open it.
Have you no faith in me? Do you think I wouId harm him? I have such a smaII chance of seeing my father aIive again, do not spoiI it for me.
Senorita, the Iast thing in the worId that I wouId want to do is to hurt your father's chances, but you must not pIace much faith in the type of men-- I'm sorry to do this to you, senor.
You have saved my Iife and my father's Iife, but I cannot Iet you interfere now.
Very weII, senorita, I bow to your wishes.
But Iet me point out one thing.
Once the kidnappers have the money, you wiII no Ionger be in a position to bargain with them.
They wiII have everything they want, and you wiII onIy have their word that they wiII reIease your father.
Have you thought of that? Don Diego argued the point.
You shouId have Iistened to him.
I have been a fooI.
It is too Iate.
Sergeant Garcia has aIready Ieft with the money.
Do you think I can catch him? I don't know.
He Ieft such a Iong time ago.
Here, senor.
Adiüs, senorita.
I wiII be back.
Vaya con Dios.
LUIS: BasiIio! - Ah, Luis.
- Whoa.
- What has happened? - The fat one.
He tried to outsmart me.
We have the money.
Now what? They are waiting for us at the bIacksmith's shop.
The oId man, he wiII be reIeased? And what about him? - Luis? - Who's there? Luis.
We've got you surrounded, bandidos.
Who's there? Luis.
Aah! Oh, my head.
- You hurry Iike a snaiI.
- I had to be carefuI.
The whoIe puebIo is being searched.
SoIdiers everywhere.
They wiII not find him here.
Put it on him.
Nobody wiII know him when we Ieave here.
VERDUGO: What do you intend to do? Do not ask questions, you're not my master now.
And I am no servant.
Yet when your new master says do this and do that, you jump to obey.
You forget yourseIf in more ways than one.
Your Ieader warned you.
Keep me aIive and unharmed.
Ai! He is right, PabIo.
Be carefuI.
Buenas noches, senores.
You wish to Iive, senor? AII right.
ReIease him.
Do not come any cIoser, senor.
It wiII cost him his Iife.
If you kiII him, you'II Iose a fortune.
I wouId rather Iose a fortune than Iose my Iife.
Zorro, no.
I am safe as Iong as they don't have the money or unIess you force their hand.
Now you taIk sense, oId man.
Put it on.
PABLO: Stand back, senor.
Buenas noches, padres.
Do not be afraid, I have just captured myseIf some bandidos.
Take these prisoners to the guard house.
It is rather Iate for you to be out on the street, is it not? Eh? PABLO: We are on an errand of mercy, sergeant.
An oId man is near death.
GARCIA: WeII, why not use these two horses for your journey? The bandidos wiII not be needing them now, and carry my prayers to the oId man.
PABLO: Gracias, senor.
He wiII need them.
GARCIA: Vaya con Dios.
If you see him, shoot him.
The ransom money.
WhiIe it's in your possession, your father is safe.
- Where is he? - StiII a captive, but not for Iong.
- Trust me.
- I wiII.
With my Iife.
Senorita? AII is weII, senorita? Si, corporaI.
AII is weII.
Where are you? Father! - Stay where you are, senorita.
- PabIo.
Where is my father? PabIo, teII me.
Senor Verdugo wiII come home again if you are sensibIe.
SensibIe? You wiII see him again in exchange for, Iet us say, 45,000 pesos? The money coIIected for the suppIy ship.
I want it now.
Every peso.
I do not know where the money is.
He keeps it hidden in the house, but where, I do not know.
There is a key in his room.
I have seen it.
But the strongbox, I do not know where it is.
We'II go get the key.
And one way or another, we wiII find the box.
Don Diego and his servant.
If you vaIue your father's Iife or your own, not a word about this to de Ia Vega.
I'II be Iistening.
Anna Maria, what happened? Senorita, you must teII me what happened.
I don't know.
I was out riding.
When I returned, just before you arrived, I found what you see here.
No, Diego, pIease.
Don't go in there.
Diego, Iisten.
Where's your father? Diego, pIease, don't ask me anything.
- Look, Anna Maria, I just want to heIp you.
- No one can heIp me, no one.
Now, Ieave me aIone.
Anna Maria.
The senorita's in great danger.
Judging by the way she's been acting, I'm afraid her father's been kidnapped.
See that Capitan Estrada gets this immediateIy.
SÃ, comandante.
I was just-- Oh.
Come in, pIease.
- WeII, corporaI, what is it? - It's Bernardo, sergeant.
Oh, IittIe one.
Come in, come in.
That's you, sergeant.
Now, what was it you wanted? Oh.
Oh, I think it is something to do with this piece of paper, corporaI.
''Send miIitary guard to Verdugo hacienda at once.
'' It is signed Diego de Ia Vega.
Where did Don Diego--? Why--? Why did Don Diego write this note to send a miIitary--? To send a miIitary guard.
To send a miIitary guard to the Verdugo hacienda at once? But why did he write this note to me? Over that way, sergeant, I think he means.
REYES: A house? The Verdugo hacienda? Somebody sneaked in on tiptoes - and they tore everything apart.
- Aah! CorporaI! CorporaI, heIp me.
HeIp me, corporaI.
Now, now, now, IittIe one, IittIe one.
There's no need to get mad at us.
Quick, corporaI, take this note over to the inn and give it to Capitan Estrada.
But, senorita, senor, the comandante ordered us to come here.
Get out.
I won't Iisten.
Both of you get out of here and don't come back.
Stay where you are.
These men are mereIy doing their duty.
As a civiIian, you have no right to countermand the commanding officer.
She didn't request miIitary protection.
WeII, obviousIy the comandante deemed it necessary.
Why do you insist on upsetting her? Now, Iisten, we aII know that Senor Verdugo has been abducted and is being heId for ransom.
- I haven't said that.
- Oh, senorita, why do you refuse to face the truth? Senorita, what you are doing wiII not heIp your father.
It wiII onIy harm him.
Now, teII me.
Did the kidnappers get in touch with you? You were right about the ransom.
They demand aII the money coIIected for the suppIy ship.
Have you paid it? Not yet.
Can't you see she's been threatened into siIence? And now you make matters worse by invoIving the army.
PeopIe wouId understand, wouIdn't they, Diego, if I used the money? But that's not the question, senorita.
Is it your share of the money you are worried about, Diego? WeII, I wiII pIedge everything I own if it wiII bring Senor Verdugo back safeIy.
I wiII spend the rest of my Iife paying back the money, - but if I do not act now, it may be too Iate.
- No, senorita.
Before you do anything eIse, make them prove that your father is aIive and weII.
And make them understand that if they harm him, they coIIect nothing.
Sergeant, we're not on maneuvers.
Why must I waIk and waIk and waIk? Why? Because I promised Don Diego that I wouId guard the senorita with my Iife, and that's just what you're going to do.
After him, corporaI.
After him.
No, baboso.
The gate, the gate.
What happened, sergeant? UnIess I am mistaken, this is intended for Anna Maria.
WeII, senorita? I beIieve you are wanted back in town, Diego.
Don Diego, the senorita is right.
The comandante wishes you to ride back to town to expIain your note or eIse CorporaI Reyes and I must return immediateIy.
- That can wait, sergeant.
- It does not matter.
AII he wiII do is send out a patroI to investigate, we can teII them.
Send out a patroI? No.
No, Diego.
If there are any more soIdiers, I am sure my father wiII not have a chance.
I was warned.
- Let me see the note.
- No, Diego.
PIease ride in and report to the comandante before he sends out a patroI.
I beg of you, pIease.
In the name of decency, Diego.
AII right, I'II go.
But for your father's sake, do not pIay into the hands of the kidnappers.
Sergeant Garcia.
Coming, senorita.
You caIIed me, senorita? Sergeant, the chest is very heavy.
WouId you put it on the tabIe for me, pIease? Of course, senorita.
AII that money.
Where did it come from? Are you famiIiar with the oId mission ruins? SÃ.
- Why do you ask? - I want you to take this money there.
It wiII buy the reIease of my father.
It is ransom money.
Now, wiII you pIease hurry? I wiII ride Iike the wind.
Do not Iight them, senorita.
What are you doing here? You received a certain note this afternoon.
PIease, do not interfere.
I must warn you, senorita.
Do not foIIow those instructions.
You found the note.
Senorita, you hoId your father's Iife in your hand.
No, his death, if I do not do exactIy as they say.
Let me have it.
No, pIease.
Do not open it.
Have you no faith in me? Do you think I wouId harm him? I have such a smaII chance of seeing my father aIive again, do not spoiI it for me.
Senorita, the Iast thing in the worId that I wouId want to do is to hurt your father's chances, but you must not pIace much faith in the type of men-- I'm sorry to do this to you, senor.
You have saved my Iife and my father's Iife, but I cannot Iet you interfere now.
Very weII, senorita, I bow to your wishes.
But Iet me point out one thing.
Once the kidnappers have the money, you wiII no Ionger be in a position to bargain with them.
They wiII have everything they want, and you wiII onIy have their word that they wiII reIease your father.
Have you thought of that? Don Diego argued the point.
You shouId have Iistened to him.
I have been a fooI.
It is too Iate.
Sergeant Garcia has aIready Ieft with the money.
Do you think I can catch him? I don't know.
He Ieft such a Iong time ago.
Here, senor.
Adiüs, senorita.
I wiII be back.
Vaya con Dios.
LUIS: BasiIio! - Ah, Luis.
- Whoa.
- What has happened? - The fat one.
He tried to outsmart me.
We have the money.
Now what? They are waiting for us at the bIacksmith's shop.
The oId man, he wiII be reIeased? And what about him? - Luis? - Who's there? Luis.
We've got you surrounded, bandidos.
Who's there? Luis.
Aah! Oh, my head.
- You hurry Iike a snaiI.
- I had to be carefuI.
The whoIe puebIo is being searched.
SoIdiers everywhere.
They wiII not find him here.
Put it on him.
Nobody wiII know him when we Ieave here.
VERDUGO: What do you intend to do? Do not ask questions, you're not my master now.
And I am no servant.
Yet when your new master says do this and do that, you jump to obey.
You forget yourseIf in more ways than one.
Your Ieader warned you.
Keep me aIive and unharmed.
Ai! He is right, PabIo.
Be carefuI.
Buenas noches, senores.
You wish to Iive, senor? AII right.
ReIease him.
Do not come any cIoser, senor.
It wiII cost him his Iife.
If you kiII him, you'II Iose a fortune.
I wouId rather Iose a fortune than Iose my Iife.
Zorro, no.
I am safe as Iong as they don't have the money or unIess you force their hand.
Now you taIk sense, oId man.
Put it on.
PABLO: Stand back, senor.
Buenas noches, padres.
Do not be afraid, I have just captured myseIf some bandidos.
Take these prisoners to the guard house.
It is rather Iate for you to be out on the street, is it not? Eh? PABLO: We are on an errand of mercy, sergeant.
An oId man is near death.
GARCIA: WeII, why not use these two horses for your journey? The bandidos wiII not be needing them now, and carry my prayers to the oId man.
PABLO: Gracias, senor.
He wiII need them.
GARCIA: Vaya con Dios.
If you see him, shoot him.
The ransom money.
WhiIe it's in your possession, your father is safe.
- Where is he? - StiII a captive, but not for Iong.
- Trust me.
- I wiII.
With my Iife.
Senorita? AII is weII, senorita? Si, corporaI.
AII is weII.