1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

Dropping Bombs

[woman] Previously on
1000-lb Sisters
[Dr. Eric] You want to see
what you weigh?
- Yeah.
- Let's do it.
[Dr. Eric] 397.5.
You're an excellent candidate
to have the surgery.
[Tammy speaking]
[Dr. Eric] So we're at 644.5
right now.
[Chris] Gaining 50-lbs in
30 days,
you almost have to exert
yourself to gain that kind of weight.
[dramatic music playing]
[Chris] 50-lbs in 30 days, damn!
I didn't even know it was possible
she could gain 50-lbs in a month.
She's literally going to eat herself
to death if she don't stop. [bleep]
How do you feel about seeing
that weight?
[Dr. Eric] You didn't think
you gained that much weight?
Well, I don't think I'm
telling you anything
that's surprising you that we've got
to make some progress from there.
So what do you think
you're struggling with?
As far as your diet right now.
[Dr. Eric] OK?
[Dr. Eric] Okay,
So last time Tammy was at Dr. Proctor's
office she weighed in at 595-lbs.
Today, Tammy weighed in
at 644-lbs
and she's gained about 50-lbs.
So it really shows you how quickly
the weight can pile on for someone
at a very high weight
like Tammy started.
And how dangerous that could
be for them
to get to a point where they
become bedridden
and really not able to care
for themselves at all.
Our first goal, long term goal
is we've
got to get at least a
100-lbs off you.
[Tammy breathes heavily]
If we do not reach that, we
can't move forward with surgery.
Doctor Smith tell Tammy she
had to lose 100-lbs
and I damn near walked out
of the office because I'm like,
that's a really big number and
talking about doubling down.
I mean, that's what he did
he doubled down on Tammy.
[Dr. Eric] Chris, you definitely would
be a candidate to have the surgery.
So I'm going to give you a
goal as well.
Although I've already seen you
based on what you're telling me,
accomplish some weight loss
on your own.
I want to see you lose 15-lbs.
I gave Chris a much lower goal
than Tammy
because he continued to
lose weight
since the last time
that he had weighed in.
So he's shown me he has
the potential
to be successful
if he continues to work at it.
What do you think, Tammy?
You're probably sitting there saying
'You jerk, you gave him
only 15-lbs
What about me?
There's two big reasons why
need to see that weight come down.
And first and foremost,
we have limitations
to every bit of technology
that we use.
And, so just the tubes
that we place our
instruments through
they're only so long.
And so we really have
to reduce your weight
to really give me the ability to
access your abdominal cavity.
The second reason,
and as if not more important,
is I need you to show me
that you can do what you
need to do.
Not just to get the surgery,
but I want you to show me
that you could do what I need
you to do after surgery.
[Tammy speaking]
So here's what I want you guys
to do.
I want you to get that pedometer
and a heart rate monitor for me.
I want you to be as active as you can and
walk and move around as much as possible.
But on top of that, I want you to give
me 5 minutes a day where your heart rate
is at 70%
of your maximum heart rate.
If we would have checked your
heart rate just walking to the scale
there's a good chance
it's there.
Tammy, how's that make you feel?
Do you think you can do it?
[Dr. Eric] Okay.
[Chris speaking]
So I mean, anything I can do
to help Tammy I will do.
But at the same token, I got to
get as much effort back out of her
as what I'm putting in to
help her.
[Dr. Eric] So Tammy, I would love to see
you give me 25-lbs before we meet next.
And I want to see you
in about 4 or 5 weeks.
About a month.
[Dr. Eric] Can you do that
for me?
Let's see in a month and
let's see
how much success we've made
and then we'll make it a go.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Have a safe trip back. Okay?
[Dr. Eric] Alright.
[inhales sharply]
[Tammy speaking]
- [Amy speaks]
- [man speaks]
[Amy] So today we're home from
the babymoon
and I can't wait to talk to
Tammy about her appointment
with her new doctor.
I'm nervous because I know she
ain't sticking to her diet,
but maybe this will be an eye
opener too.
Look it here, who's that?
Hey baby girl
Did you miss Mommy?
We got these shirts
while we were down in Georgia
on our babymoon. Mine says
-I love my crazy husband -And
mine says, I love my crazy wife
So tell me about
your doctor's appointment.
Oh, hold, hold on.
Oh, don't do that.
Oh! [bleep]
[Amy] I've been having a lot of
pain, a lot of Braxton Hicks cramping.
[Amy speaking]
Tammy needs to get off her ass
because I'm not always
going to be around her.
Me and Michael are actually
thinking about moving to a bigger place.
Alright, bye.
Amy! Amy!
Ass [bleep]
[Amy speaks]
If she gets to where
she's not able to move around
that'd be like having
[Amy] I feel like we're stuck.
I mean, what more can we do?
[Amy speaks]
[Amy] Hey, Uncle Chris is here.
What's going on?
Nothing, trying to tidy up
the porch.
[Amy speaks]
- Sure.
- Okay.
Come on, Little.
[][Amy speaks]
[Chris] I like it.
Me and Michael got tired
of sitting in the same spot
all the time,
so we built a little
makeshift patio.
It's kind of neat.
I mean, we've already helped
her a lot.
- It has to be.
- Yeah
And we got to do
something because
if she continues on that path,
she's going to eat herself
to death.
God hoping, No,
[Amy] I feel like we're stuck.
I mean, what more can we do?
She don't know how
to control her portions.
You're going to be
with the baby full time.
Tammy was in a hospital
before she came
and lived with us,
and I wanted her to live here
because I knew she didn't have
nobody else
and I did not want to see her
being in a home again.
But I've tried so hard to
help her,
and sometimes I feel like
she's given up.
[Amy speaking]
- Hey, I made you guys presents.
- Hi.
- Aww.
- Tammy, I made you a sock monkey picture.
Oh, my God!
- For luck.
- That's right.
I mean
[Amy speaking]
We will email you links
to a virtual
Come party with the Slaton
sisters virtually
Be on call with us.
You could be in your house, in
your pajamas for all we care.
You know, sipping on some wine.
- What?
- You know sipping on some water
So keep your eyes out for that
and we promise to make this a
one of a kind experience
for you and us.
[Amy] I'm hoping that our YouTube
followers can help Tammy. You know,
it's nice to hear praise
and adorement.
She needs support because
Tammy has to lose the weight.
Her life is literally on
the line.
[Tammy] For now, we have to go.
So thank you guys for watching
and have a nice day.
Bye YouTubers, Subscribe!
That was beautiful.
Aw, thank you. [laughs]
[Amy speaks]
[Michael speaks]
[Amy speaking]
[Amy] So me and Michael are
going house hunting
because we're thinking about
moving to a bigger place.
[phone buzzes]
- Hello.
- [Tammy on phone]
[Tammy speaks]
[Amy] Okay.
- Alright, bye bitch.
- Bye
[Amy speaking]
- [Michael speaks]
- [Amy speaks]
Hi, guys. How're you?
[Amy] Good, how're you? Good
Thanks for meeting me today.
What kind of brings you
to the Henderson area?
Well, he works in the area,
and we need a little bit
more room
because I'm having a baby.
Oh, congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Alright.
So what we're going to do
because of the pandemic,
I'm going to keep my distance
from you.
I'm going to let you
walk through the house,
and I will meet you on the
back porch after you're done.
So I can get your feedback.
- Okay?
- Alright
Does the toilet work?
I'm sure it does.
- [Amy speaks]
- [Michael speaks]
[Amy] Yeah.
Babe! [gasps]
[snorts] [laughs]
[Amy] It really is a
dream come true.
So I need to focus on my family.
[Amy] Watch your step babe.
[Agent] So what you'll think?
I think it's called "up flush".
Did it say button 1, button 2?
Well if there's a button 1
it's for number one,
button 2 is for number 2.
That's all right, that's
all right.
So was there anything that
you didn't like about the house?
Because you have steps
going up here
and you have steps
at the front too.
There's a lot of changes.
We're moving to a new place,
and I just can't wait.
I'm excited to have my
own family
being a mom is everything I've
always dreamed of
since I was five years old.
- [Michael speaks]
- [Amy speaks]
I don't get as many
hate comments
as I did about a year ago,
so I'm just scared-
-Hey yawl it's Amy -And Tammy
And Michael.
And today, we're-
- Quit it.
- I'm sorry.
- Shut up.
- [giggles]
Hey! Bitch.
[Tammy laughs]
Oh yeah!
[retching sound]
[Tammy speaks]
I don't know if these people
have intentions
on trying to help by hating,
but it's not helping.
I'm an emotional eater.
And I wear my heart on
my sleeve.
I'm easy to upset
and things like that doesn't
help me.
So we're back and
we're about to help Amy
pull this
monkey-traption off her belly.
[Amy speaks]
[ripping sound]
So, guys, this is what it
looks like.
Hope you guys enjoy this video.
[Together] Thank you,
guys so much for watching.
And have a nice day!
Bye Youtubers. Subscribe!
Hi Little.
-This one, is bomb dotcom -Yeah.
- [Tammy speaks]
- [Amy speaks]
[Amy speaking]
[Tammy speaking]
[Amy speaking]
Hey, bitch.
[fans] Hi! How are you guys?
[together] Good. How are you?
- Cool.
- Yeah.
We're four years apart.
Oh, my gosh, that's crazy.
[Amy speaking]
[computer dings]
- Hi!
- Hi!
- How are you?
- The camera's-
Okay. Thank you.
How are you?
Where you calling from?
We're from Hopkinsville.
Oh, that ain't far away.
We're so excited to meet
you guys.
[laughs] Aww
Hi! How are you?
Hi Michael.
So yeah, it's really cool to
meet you guys.
Not a bitch.
[Amy speaks]
[Amy] It's time to tell Tammy
that we're moving.
I know that I need to move
on and
I got to do worry about
my family.
- [Michael speaks]
- [Amy speaks]
[Amy speaking]
[Michael speaks]
[Amy speaking]
Thank you.
Thank you.
About time you stick up for me.
I've done it before.
No it's not.
[Tammy speaking]
[Amy speaking]
Next time on 1000-lb Sisters
[Amy] Yeah.
I fear that Amy is using
this pregnancy
as an excuse to move away
from her.
Bariatric diet
Oh my God! He's here.
I don't know, I'm just. Ugh.
Waddup baby girl!
- How did you meet?
- The Internet.
We met in a group for big women.
Wow. I worry that Tammy's
going to sabotage her diet
because Jerry does like
bigger women.
- Have you been very transparent with him?
- No. not yet.
Jerry knows me pretty
well by now.
But there's one thing he
doesn't know.
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