Bridge and Tunnel (2021) s02e05 Episode Script

Bloodshot Eyes

Previously on Bridge and Tunnel
Just get out.
You need to find that fight again.
Just get out there and meet somebody new.
Another director has taken
a special interest in you.
He's asked me about you
a couple of dozen times.
I guess it's a good thing
that I called after all.
You know, Jill actually made this dress.
Did she?
- Ma.
- So talented.
Why doesn't she have a full-time job?
Oh no. You and Mimi just broke up?
She breaks up with me in a fucking letter.
I need to fucking figure my life out
before I jump back into bed with anyone,
even if it's you.
What's buzzin', my cousin?
Jesus, you look like a man possessed.
Dude, I am so in love, I can't believe it.
In love with who?
That girl you met at the tavern
like a second ago?
Okay, first of all,
she is not just some girl, okay?
She is a model, and on top of that,
she is the most incredible
woman I have ever met.
Did you know that she speaks French?
And she even has a place in Paris.
Well, then, what the hell
was she doing at the tavern?
Well, her cousins went to Central,
so whenever she's in New York,
she stays with them.
Yeah. Dude, I don't know, I just
I feel like this could
really be it for me, you know?
Well, that was fast,
given that you were
a fucking wreck over Tammy
like a minute ago.
That's how the Lord works, maybe, okay?
I needed saving? Bam. He delivered.
Look at this. Look at this.
She's already inspiring me
to do my best work.
Uh yeah.
I mean, uh what exactly am I looking at?
This is us right here, me and her.
Okay, you see this orange right here?
This represents the light
of her soul, all right?
The warmth that she's already brought
to my heart and my life.
You see this blue? That's me.
'Cause you're sad
and blue.
Yes, exactly.
You see this little shading
right here in the middle?
- Hmm.
- Yes, that is her
pulling me toward the light.
Well congratulations.
I'm happy that you've been pulled there.
But if you wanna pull
yourself away for a second
to maybe come to the tavern later, you know,
- a whole bunch of us are going.
- Oh, dude, that's perfect.
Yeah, I can bring Lucy and then
she can meet everybody.
Well, I don't know if that's the best idea.
I mean I mean, Tammy's gonna be there.
So? Come on. I mean, I don't care.
I don't think Lucy will either.
I mean, you wanna ask Tammy?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, okay, I'll check with her.
Okay, cool. Let me get back to work.
The muse calls.
Jimmy was afraid ♪
He thought he had it made ♪
But never made the grade ♪
Knew he should a ♪
Knew he should a stayed ♪
With her ♪
With her-er-er ♪
Hey, kid. I really like that.
That's a little different
than your normal stuff, huh?
Come on, Dad. That is so not cool.
You can't just sneak up on me
when I'm working.
It's not ready for anybody to hear it yet.
I'm sorry. I'm in the next room,
and you're playing, so I listened.
Well, what else am I supposed to do?
I don't know. Just cover
your ears, keep moving?
But you actually liked it, what you heard?
I did. I really did.
I mean, first of all,
it's immediately catchy.
It sounds like it's a lot more melodic
and a lot less angsty than some
of your other stuff, you know?
Okay. Angsty? I don't know but yeah,
I-I'm trying something different I dunno.
- What's going on in here?
- What's the wordsmith up to?
- Ho ho, the wordsmith.
- What's little mopey face up to?
Well, she has just written
a pretty great new song,
and maybe she might play
a little bit for you
to cheer your brother up?
Oh. Help cheer my brother up?
Oh, that would be so sweet, wouldn't it?
Why would I ever do that?
Because it's a really nice song,
and you used his name in it.
- I-I do not use his name.
- You don't?
Because that's what it sounded like.
Jimmy was afraid,
he thought he had it made ♪
- Really?
- Something like that?
- She wrote a song about me.
- Should I be worried?
Okay. It is not about you, okay?
I was searching for a melody,
and maybe Jimmy popped into
my head, that's all.
Jimbo, look, I think it's obvious.
She knows the pain that
you're going through over Maya,
and she feels for you so much so
that she wrote a song about it,
even if it is subconscious.
And as you father, I gotta say
that warms my heart.
Okay. Now you're not
ever gonna hear the song.
And to be clear, it is not about you.
And lastly, Dad, can you please go back to
focusing on him and his shit
instead of me and my shit?
I liked it much better like that.
- Forgive me, okay?
- I thought it was a pretty song.
I apologize.
So you're totally okay
if Mikey brings this new girlfriend of his?
Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?
We broke up. It's-it's all good.
You see, Nicky?
Not everyone's a jealous lunatic.
Okay, I am not a jealous lunatic, okay?
I am practical.
I mean, not everyone's as cool
and chill as Tammy.
Yeah, very cool. Very chill.
You know, I think that
most people would not like to
meet their boyfriends
or girlfriend's exes, you know?
'Cause once you meet the ex,
then you just can't help
but compare yourself to them.
And then all of a sudden,
you're filled with self-doubt
and it poisons the mind,
and ultimately damages the relationship.
- Yeah.
- He's got very low self-esteem.
Always has.
Yeah, Jules, he is a little loony.
Okay. You know what? Maybe I am.
But I am happy in my lunacy.
You know, and for the record,
I have no interest in meeting
your ex-boyfriend.
I don't care if he's the
greatest guy that's ever lived.
I don't want to hear about him.
All right. All right,
which is why I never mention him.
But he is actually a pretty good guy.
I thought I just said I don't wanna hear it.
Okay. Well, I definitely do wanna hear it.
So, you know, what are his likes?
What are his dislikes?
Where's he from? What's his sign?
You know, please just,
like, tell us everything.
- Lizzie, what the fuck?
- Everything.
- Stop.
- Hey.
I can see you, you know?
Well, just like how I introduced Pags
into the music world, he's the one
who got me in the business
in the first place.
Wait, what? He works in the music biz?
Is that why he wants to see you?
You know, he called her yesterday.
Okay. I don't think we need
to talk about this right now.
Oh no, we definitely do need
to talk about this right now.
So what does he do in the business exactly?
I can handle it.
Uh, he's a music attorney.
I'm sorry, he's a he's a music attorney?
You know that was supposed to be me.
That was that was my dream.
I know, which is why
I never ever mentioned it.
So what did he want? Why did he call you?
We're just having breakfast.
We're discussing a business opportunity
he wants to pitch to me.
A business opportunity.
I think I know what opportunity
he has in mind
and where he wants to pitch it.
Come out, come out wherever you are.
Hey, what the hell took you so long, girl?
- I'm here.
- Oh
I'm sorry.
- No, I'm sorry.
- I missed you.
I missed you. I'm really sorry.
No, I'm sorry. Come on.
Can I just say how fucking
impressed I am with you both?
I mean, Lucy and Tammy
for meeting like this.
It's incredibly fucking brave
and incredibly awkward.
I mean, Mikey, how are you doing right now?
- Don't worry about me, Pags.
- I'm fine, okay?
Yeah. Me and Tammy are doing
just fine too. Right, Tammy?
So far so good.
So this isn't just so unbelievably weird
and uncomfortable for you guys now?
No. Not at all. I mean, why would it be?
Look at them. Look at how happy they are.
How could that upset meat all?
I mean, you wanna know what's upsetting me?
I'll tell you what's upsetting me.
This guy. This is upsetting me.
- Jimmy, come on.
- Me?
- Yeah.
- I'm fine.
Hey, it's better to have loved and lost
than have never loved at all, right?
- Jimbo, buddy, listen to me.
- Don't worry, all right?
That feeling you got inside? That hurt?
It'll pass in due time. I promise.
Hey, it's the price we pay, isn't it?
- It is.
- That's right.
Are you kidding me? Look at these guys.
Lucy, I've gotta warn you, all right?
These three right here, one, two, three,
they're the biggest bunch
of emotional basket cases
you will ever meet in your life.
Will you listen to the way
they're talking about us, boys?
They're talking about this
like it's a bad thing.
I thought women liked the guy
who was in touch with his emotions,
a guy who was strong enough
heh, heh, heh,
to be sensitive.
I mean, a-a guy who was not afraid
to weep and cry and mope.
I mean, maybe I'm wrong.
See, Lucy? Welcome to the family.
Get ready.
- You're being ridiculous.
- Do you know that?
Am I, though?
I mean, she said she'd call after breakfast
and it's it's almost 11:30.
I mean, what could she be doing with him?
Nick, you have to calm down, okay?
They're probably just at his apartment
hanging out, fucking like rabbits.
Very fucking funny, Lizzie.
You know, like I-I haven't thought of that
like a thousand times.
God, you know, it's it's not
like I don't trust her.
It's just, you know, where my mind goes.
Yeah. But you do trust her, right?
I mean, of course. I-I love her.
Okay. Quit being a dick.
Sit your ass down
and stop worrying about it.
You're right. Oh, God.
I mean, what am I doing?
I don't know, being a dick.
Hey, how was it?
And what was what was this big, you know,
business opportunity?
Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we can
we can talk later in person.
Okay, bye.
So was I right or like, you know?
Fuck you.
I'm so surprised that your new agent
thinks that you need new head shots.
What are you, auditioning to be
a fucking magician's assistant or something?
You need to get these redone.
Yeah, I do, but I can't ask my dad
for any more money, so
So just ask Jimmy to come and do it.
He's not going away anymore.
He'll do it for free.
You think he'd do that?
Or is this just an excuse
to get him to come over here
so that you can see him again?
No, I just think this photo screams,
"Please saw me in half."
So let me get this straight.
You want me to call Jimmy,
get him to come over here
to take my head shots and that's it, huh?
Yeah. I mean, look,
you can't afford new head shots.
He'll do it for free.
It's a perfect solution.
And the light in here it can't be beat.
All right, Jimbo,
let's get that bad boy up there
and take a look.
You got it. Let's see.
Oh, Dad, Dad,
this is gonna look fucking great.
You bet your ass it is.
And then once we get this thing painted,
you can be on your way.
What do you mean, "on my way"?
Your cross-country trip.
I mean, just because
Maya's out of the picture,
we're not thinking about canceling, are we?
Because otherwise, why the hell
have we been out here
busting our hump on this thing?
Yeah, of course. Hey,
now more than ever, right?
Yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Before you go anywhere, let's get a picture.
We're almost at the finish line, huh?
We're gonna document this whole thing.
All right. Say Cougar.
Good work.
- Hello.
- Hey, Jimmy, it's Stacey.
Oh, hey, Stace. What's going on?
I don't know if you know,
but I've been trying
to get back into dancing
and my agents think I need
some new head shots
since my old ones make me look like
a magician's assistant, apparently.
And Jill thought I should give you a call,
so that's why I'm calling.
I mean, I know it's not really what you do
and you're kind of this, you know,
international sensation and all.
But I thought, what the hell?
Doesn't hurt to try.
Are you kidding me? I'd be happy to.
Hey, just let me know when.
I was kinda thinking sooner
rather than later,
like, um today.
You know
Yeah. You know, I yeah,
I can make that work.
Where are you thinking?
Well, apparently the lighting
at the apartment
is-is beautiful, so would
you mind coming to the city?
No, yeah. That'll work.
Great. We're at 502 Thomas,
a couple of blocks
south of Canal off Varick.
Okay. I'll see you in a few hours.
But, um, Stace
Jill won't be there, will she?
Will Jill be here?
Uh, no, you know, she's got
some big interview later today,
but, uh, I'll see if I can maybe get her
to stick around a little. No, just kidding.
No, that's not an option. She'll be busy.
Uh, okay.
Hey, wish her good luck
for me. I'll see you then.
See you soon.
You happy now?
Baby, this is your cause, not mine.
Stacey Ross with news at 11:00.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Hey, Pops. I'm gonna head to the city,
take some pictures for Stacey.
- She needs new head shots.
- Really?
Is it cool if I take off for a bit?
You kidding me? If you're
picking up your camera again.
Go right ahead, all right?
Besides, our work
is almost done here, right?
Cool. Thanks. I'll see you in a bit.
- All right.
- Okay, you two.
I decided I'll play you
a little bit of the song,
but I don't want any applause
and I don't want to hear any criticism.
I just need to hear it
out loud for myself, okay?
Are you shitting me? This is great news.
Jimbo, we are in for a treat.
Let me get you a chair, young lady.
Oh, please. Don't make it a whole thing.
Here we go. This is very exciting.
Very exciting. All right.
- And it's not done yet.
- I'm just gonna play you
the first verse and the chorus, okay?
Larry was afraid,
he thought he had it made ♪
But never made the grade ♪
He knew he should a stayed with her ♪
Oh, with her ♪
Got himself a deal,
taught him how to feel ♪
Thought his fate was sealed
only to reveal ♪
He missed her ♪
Yeah, he missed her ♪
But he was already someone else ♪
And she was already long gone ♪
That's all I've got so far.
I'm not finished with
the chorus yet, so that's
Okay, I'm gonna cry, first of all,
'cause it's so beautiful.
- All right, I got a question.
- My question is,
are we allowed to make
a comment or ask any questions?
Tread carefully, because
you tread on my dreams.
Okay. Well, in that case, I just
And I'm not blowing smoke
because you're my daughter,
but hands down, the best song
you've ever written,
the most beautiful song you've ever written,
even though we only heard
that little piece of it.
Yea. No, I like it too.
But are you sure it's not about me?
'Cause it kinda seems like it is.
You know, the whole she's long
gone and he misses her bits.
Okay. So as to avoid
any confusion in the future,
I did not write this song
and I will not write any song
ever about you, okay?
Okay. Well, then who's this Larry guy?
Dad, Jesus. He's just he's nobody.
He's just a fucking character. Larry.
Look, can I ask you a question too?
Don't get pissed.
What is it?
Are you gonna sing this one
or will Lizzie sing it?
Why would I sing it?
Lizzie's the singer. I just write the songs.
Yeah, I kinda get
what Jimmy's saying though, you know?
Because your voice sounded
really nice in that song.
Not that Lizzie doesn't have
a nice voice, too, but you know,
I mean, it might be something to consider.
No, that is not how it works in bands, okay?
We're not the Beatles or Fleet wood Mac.
We have one singer.
Whoa. Okay. So do the Rolling Stones.
But what, sometimes Keith
will sing lead, right?
Like on "Happy"
or "Before They Make Me Run."
Maybe it could be like that.
Yeah. Well, we are not the
fucking Rolling Stones, okay?
Okay, I get it. But humor me
for 30 fucking seconds.
If the choice was yours,
would you sing it instead of Lizzie?
I don't know. Maybe.
But I'm not even gonna think about that
because we don't do ballads,
so it's a moot point.
Why don't you do ballads? I love ballads.
Who doesn't like a ballad?
Great. I love that you love ballads, Dad.
But Lizzie created the band,
and she's the lead singer
and she doesn't like ballads,
so end of the story.
Yeah, that's a shame, Genie,
'cause it's a really great song.
And for what it's worth,
I kind of liked it a little better
when it was about Jimmy
and not this Larry guy.
Holy fucking Christmas.
Dad, it was never about Jimmy, okay?
You know what? Forget it.
This is why I never play anything for yous.
I still think it's about you.
Definitely about me.
Nicky, come on. This is
an incredible opportunity.
I mean, they don't want me
to just do an interview.
They want me to write a whole fucking book.
I mean, how can I say no to that?
Because they're called
Bad Company for a reason.
And 'cause you're gonna be gone
for a whole year on the road
with a bunch of rock stars, you know,
going to backstage parties
and late-night hotel hangouts
where they do drugs and have orgies
and all the shit you read about.
Well, you're not gonna read
about any of that shit
in my book because I write about music.
Remember? That's what I do?
Well, what about your hot shit
music lawyer ex-boyfriend?
He's their attorney, right?
Won't he be there the whole time?
His name is Mark, and yes,
I'm sure he'll be there
for some of the days, but not all of them.
And you gotta leave tomorrow?
I promise I will be back
every few weeks in between
the legs of the tour.
I'm sorry, but the only thing
I heard from that sentence
was "between the legs."
Well, that's 'cause you're an idiot.
Who is it?
It's Jimmy.
All right, Jill,
you better hurry up.
Okay, I'm coming. I'm coming.
Got to look my best, you know?
- You look good.
- Am I good?
You look good. Okay, okay.
- Hey!
- Hey. Jimmy.
- Stace!
- How you doin'?
- How you doing?
- Thanks for coming.
- Come on in.
- Yeah, of course.
I'm happy to do it.
Geez, Stacey, what the fuck?
This is awesome.
Yeah, I thought we could do
a little something over here.
- Yeah, I love the light.
- Yeah.
- Surprise, baby.
- What? What the fuck?
What are you doing here?
You're supposed to be on an interview, no?
Yeah, but I wanted to stick
around and say hi to you.
- Come on!
- I come here.
- Come here.
- Mmm.
Oh, I just wanted to see
your face before I left.
Let me look at you.
- There it is.
- Perfection. Okay, good.
Now that's done. I gotta go.
- All right.
- But it is good to see you.
It's good to see you.
And I'll see you when I see you.
Wish me luck.
Hey, you got this, baby. Bring it home.
Good luck.
Hey, Jimmy.
You good? All right now,
I just need a simple heads hot
and a full body shot.
I thought we could start
over here by the bar.
Yup. Yup. Right. All right.
Let me, uh, let me get set up.
Hey, could I bum a smoke from you?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
So they let you do anything around here
other than answer the phones?
Um yeah, I get coffee, order lunch.
Sometimes I have to make
a dinner reservation.
- Fucking typical, right?
- Where'd you go to school?
Parsons, RISD?
No. Long Beach.
High school.
Oh, okay.
- No smoking. Kidding. Ha!
- You must be Jill.
I can see the resemblance immediately.
Gwen La Russo. How are you?
- Hi, Mrs. La Russo.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
No, no, no.
I introduced myself as Gwen,
not Mrs. La Russo.
Call me Gwen, okay?
Yeah, you got it, Gwen.
Good. So how's your mother?
- My mother?
- Why are you surprised?
How do you think you're here?
Honey, she called me.
Oh yeah. She's, you know, she's the same.
I used to have such a good time with her.
Oh, the memories make an old man blush.
- Get your shit. Let's do this. Come on.
- Okay.
Honey, meeting's starting.
Why don't you step over here
and we'll take the heads hot?
- Thanks again, Jimmy.
- Yeah, you kidding me?
And I-I-I was really happy
to hear you're dancing again.
Yeah, the guy that I'm seeing
got me a great new agent,
and I've already had some big auditions
for some really big parts.
Really? That's awesome. Like what?
I had an audition
for the Solid Gold Dancers.
And if you can believe it, I got a callback.
Can you fucking imagine, Jimmy, me on TV?
Yeah, I can fucking imagine it,
'cause out of all the people
we grew up with,
if anyone was destined
to be a star, it's you.
And so this new boyfriend
help you with all this?
No, he is not my boyfriend.
He is just this guy that I'm seeing.
And to be completely honest with you,
I'm not really sure how much
longer that's gonna last.
Why is that?
Well, for one, he's, like,
a really good guy.
That's not really something
that I'm used to.
Take it from me.
Might not be the worst thing
in the world for you, Stacey.
Yeah, I know. I know.
I just don't really understand
why he's so into me, you know?
I mean, why does he want
to spend every second of every day together?
I mean, he spent every night here this week.
It's too fucking much, Jimmy.
All right. Look here.
And I bet you a million fucking dollars
that's him calling right now.
- Give me a second.
- Yeah sure.
Hey, babe. How's it going?
Just checking in to see
if we're still on for tonight.
- Uh, tonight?
- Excuse me.
No, I don't think I can.
I'm just gonna stay home and take it easy.
You know, I got that
big audition tomorrow and all.
Okay. Yeah.
Well, I could just come over to yours
and take it easy with you.
Yeah, I think I just need a night to myself.
Why? Is something wrong?
No, nothing's wrong.
It's just that we spent
every night together this week.
Yeah, it's been fucking amazing, right?
Yeah, it's been fun,
but it's also moving a little fast,
and I'm a little more comfortable
with things moving a bit slower.
All right. Or I could just meet you
at yours in the morning
and then walk you to your audition.
You know what?
Let's just keep our original plan,
and I'll meet you at the Odeon tonight
like we talked about.
All right. Sounds good. See ya.
So I was illustrating for Calvin,
and then I freelanced for Bill
Blass during the spring shows.
And since then, I've just been
Having a good time.
At least that's what your mother told me.
I mean, to be fair,
I have been having a good time,
but I've also been looking
for jobs, working freelance.
I'm not just sitting around.
And your mother told me you went to FIT.
As did Gwen.
And you wanna be a designer?
Don't they all?
Yeah, of course. I wanna be a designer.
That's a dream since I'm a kid.
I make all my own clothes.
I make Lana's clothes.
- Did you make this?
- Yeah, I did.
Well, as you could imagine,
I spoke to some of your former employers
and they all agree
that you are very talented,
a very hard worker,
- but
- Honey, let's get to it.
You have an attitude problem.
A very large chip on your shoulder.
A feeling that you're above
the day-to-day things being asked of you.
Hmm. Care to explain yourself?
Yeah. Okay.
If I'm honest, I do think
I'm better than that stuff.
I'm sorry. I know how that sounds,
but I know how talented I am.
I think it's pretty fuck
I think it's pretty obvious
how talented I am, and I just wa I need,
I need an opportunity
to show you how passionate
I am about what I do, okay?
All that other stuff,
I don't think it makes me a better designer.
I think it makes me a great secretary,
and that's not what I am. I'm a designer.
I live for designing.
I-I am. It's all I think about.
And when I get fabric
and I drape it on a body,
I feel like a sculptor, you know,
I feel like I'm sculpting the dress.
So if you want someone
who can get you coffee
and get you bagels and take
your dinner reservations,
then it's just it's not me.
I'll get the fuck outta here.
Sorry, that's the
That's the Long Island in me, I guess.
Why don't you, um, step outside for a bit?
We'll be with you in a minute.
Okay. Thank you.
Honey, I'm ho oh, oh, oh.
You're still here?
Yeah, we wanted to wait
to hear the good news.
Huh? Is it good news?
Is it good news?
What the hell? Oh, I got the job.
- Are you fucking shitting me?
- Yeah.
- Oh my God.
- Can you believe it?
I'm proud of you.
- I am so proud of you.
- Thank you.
Give me this. Give me some glasses.
Okay. Hey, is Luke coming over?
He should celebrate with us.
No, he's waiting for me at the Odeon,
which is why I can only stay for one drink.
- Tell Jill your plan.
- What?
I'm breaking up with him.
What? Why?
You were just saying how amazing he is,
what a great guy he is,
what a huge heart he has.
Yeah, but that's just it, you know?
It's a little too good to be true.
I don't trust it.
That makes no fucking sense, Stace.
She doesn't trust happiness.
- Hmm.
- No, that's not it.
I don't trust his kindness.
Okay. Okay.
So let me just let me just get
this straight so I'm clear.
You're going to break up with a great guy
who's clearly crazy about you
because he's a great guy who's clearly
crazy about you.
Imagine that. I know, I'm terrible.
Anyway, I wanna make a toast, all right?
To Jill and the dream job.
- Jill and the dream job.
- Mm-hmm. Can't believe it.
- I can.
- Me either.
- Yeah.
- Here you go, Stace.
- To Jill.
- To Jill.
To me.
Mmm mmm!
- Nice.
- Not bad.
Yeah. That's pretty good.
All right. Well, I gotta go.
- Okay.
- Time for me
to break another heart,
but, uh
you sure it's safe
to leave you two here alone?
Hey, what's the worst that can happen?
Aha. Right.
Well, okay. Have fun, kids.
And, uh, don't do anything I wouldn't do.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
You know, the way I see it,
we got two options.
or there.
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