Cracked s02e05 Episode Script

The Hold Out

Come on, get out of the way! I'm trying to get into my home.
Don't come across the line, that's my land! Hey, Scout! That's my boy! That's my boy.
All right? What the Hold on, Scout.
No way.
You want a fight, I'll give you a fight! Come on, Ed, MOVE! I'm not afraid of you.
Get the hell off my property! You're 4 feet over the property line! I know what you're doing, you're not fooling anyone! Get the hell off my land, you half-brained moron! Help me! d I got out of bed today d Swear to God I couldn't see my face d d I got out of bed today d Staring at a ghost d Oh have you seen my ghost d Seen my ghost, seen my ghost d Oh have you seen my ghost staring at the ground d d Na na na na na na na Originally Aired October 28, 2013 Hey.
Traffic coming in was crazy, due to construction.
No, it wasn't construction, there was an explosion.
Don't get too comfortable, I want Psych Crimes is to investigate.
- Explosions go to bombers.
- Explosive Disposal Unit is still on site.
You'll take over when you get there.
- Why us? - Ed Janoski, Briefly hospitalized last year for clinical depression.
Lodged 70 harassment complaints against the developer building a condo next door.
Same developer filed 40 against Ed.
- What kind of complaints? - Lights, construction, trucks backing onto his lawn.
Basically, it's a war between a hold out and a developer.
We never gave it much attention until now.
- A bomb will do that.
- No kidding.
Get over there.
Now, you're just making it worse.
I'm not making it worse, I just He's not helping, OK? We'll start canvassing the neighbours, find out what they have to say.
See if they love the Condo Czar as much as he loves himself.
- Mr.
Janoski? - Yeah? Detective Aidan Black.
This is my associate Clara Malone.
Every cop on the beat shows up for a bomb.
Where were you the other times I called? Huh? You don't have an answer for that because you're part of it.
- Part of what, Mr.
Janoski? - You have to excuse my brother.
- Little brother.
- Marcus Janoski.
- Tell us what happened here.
- Isn't it obvious? A damn bomb exploded in my house and they won't let me back in.
It's MY house! The bomb tech, or F.
, or whatever the hell you call them, left a half hour ago.
I want back in! I can't let you do that, sir.
This is a crime scene.
How long is it gonna be? I have to stand out in the street all night? Oh no, we'll find someplace else for you to stay tonight.
I don't want to stay somewhere else all night.
What do we got so far, Wendy? Hey.
Blast originated in the chimney, came out of the fireplace.
Found some bomb fragments, some wires, electronics.
- Professional job? - Hard to say.
On one hand, someone put a lot of work into making this.
The thing is that they used old dynamite.
See, crystals are from condensation and improper storage.
Usually results in a smaller, more unpredictable blast.
So professional level bomb with amateur ingredients? Yeah, pretty much.
What would have happened with new dynamite? Probably would have taken out the whole house.
Scout's all ba-bark and no bite.
He's a charmer.
Must be tough, living with all this construction going on.
My wife's motto was, "This too shall pass.
" It's a good motto.
She was better at waiting things out than I am.
So who's in charge here? - Detective Black - Hey, sonny boy, you're gonna need a bigger bomb than that to get rid of me! - Ed - You want me out, you better make sure you kill me the next time! - Ed, this is not the time.
- And get out of my sight! So this man is clearly unhinged.
What's going on? Hi, Damian Tremblay, this is my construction site.
Yeah, I know.
I'm Detective Black.
Do you know anything - about what happened here? - Of course he does! What I know is that I have an employee in the hospital, and his wife and his kids are wondering how he got there.
Well you can tell them that a bomb went off in Mr.
Janoski's house.
OK, but your people threaten to shut down my operation.
We're gonna want to talk to you and your whole crew.
We just don't have time for that right now.
That's fine, but my men would lose money any minute that they're not working.
And so would I.
That's the guy you want right there.
Well, maybe he is.
But right now the guy I need to talk to is you.
You mind coming downtown and giving us a statement? I sure do.
We can't help you if you don't help us, sir.
- Watch the house.
- OK.
- It's OK.
- Come on, Scout.
- Uh, you can't bring the dog.
- Scout goes where I go.
Why not? I'll have a uniform walk her.
Come on, Scout.
What do you got against dogs? Do you know Ed Janoski well? - Ed is pretty hard to miss.
- Apparently he's had some conflict with the construction site? Ed has conflict with everyone.
He's a menace, seriously.
Yeah ever since this work started, it's been hell living down the street from him.
Well, it's a seller's market.
You could just move.
We would have sold already, except Ed screwed us over.
How so? Damian Tremblay wants to build Phase Two of his condo.
He offered everyone on the block a sweet deal if we sell.
- Well above market.
- But only if we all sell.
- Yeah.
- Ed refuses to even consider it.
Must've upset your neighbours.
- OK, I can't see anyone bombing him.
- Real estate, - it makes people do crazy things.
- Only person I know crazy enough to build a bomb is Ed.
And honestly, I wouldn't put it past him.
He'd do anything to make Damian look bad.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Can't get enough of me, can you? You're a hard habit to break.
- What's that? - You forgot your shave kit this morning.
I just figured since I was spending so much time This is awkward.
It's cool.
- I need a kit here anyway.
- You sure? - 100%.
- OK.
- I'll catch you later.
- If I don't catch you first.
He wants me gone.
He shines lights into my windows, he jackhammers all day, he spies on me, he steals my mail.
How do you know he steals your mail? My hydro was cut off because of him! They said I didn't pay.
I say I never got the damn bill! You think that's a coincidence? Tremblay took them.
He's turned the whole block against me.
And don't try to tell me that the police aren't in on this.
The number of complaints you've ignored! - We're not ignoring this, Ed.
- No, you're holding me in a damn interrogation chamber! What do you want from me? I told you who did it.
You already have a lot of proof.
- What proof is that? - You can check my phone records.
He crank calls me at all hours.
Plays weird voices telling me to die! What kind of weird voices? The kind of voices that come out of a phone! He's playing recordings or something.
I'm not crazy.
- I tell ya, check my phone records! - Don't worry Ed, we will.
It's my house.
I'm not leaving it.
You've got no right to hold me here.
We'll get you home if we can, Mr.
If my house is condemned because of this, Damian Tremblay is gonna pay for this! Hey, Ed, that's our business.
You stay away from him, you hear me? Oh.
Of course.
You protect him instead of me.
How much is he paying you? Guy's paranoid.
- Somewhat.
- Is that a diagnosis? - Not even close.
- Even so, he didn't blow up his own house.
He's terrified of losing it.
Yes, he is.
You thought he blew up his own house? I had to consider it.
But it doesn't fit, which is good.
I like Ed.
He's a grouchy SOB, just like my dad.
Yeah, well the grouchy SOB's got another problem.
- Me.
- What? He just threatened Damian Tremblay with violence.
No, he didn't, Clara, not criminally.
He spoke in anger.
He didn't make a direct threat.
I'm a psychiatrist, Aidan.
We don't wait for people to go commit the crime.
If we think they are a danger to themselves or others, and we can treat them, then we need to get them into hospital.
Ed is a classic candidate for a break.
The stress he's under, the harassment, the noise, now a bomb.
So innocent victim gets locked up and slimeball developer wins? I don't like that outcome.
Not locked up.
Admitted to hospital.
I'm sure Ed's gonna appreciate the difference.
He's not there yet, but I'm worried he's on the edge.
Then all we have to do is pull him back a little bit.
Hey, check Ed's phone records.
See if he's getting crank calls.
Wouldn't shock me.
Ed Janoski is public enemy number one.
Nobody likes him.
- Aidan does.
- Of course he does.
What about Damian Tremblay? Did you find anything interesting on him? Our Condo Czar has a history of playing hardball.
Nine homeowners have filed complaints against him over the last two years over bully offers to purchase their homes and bribes to scare off competitors.
- What happened with the complaints? - All nine dropped after they sold their homes to him.
A month later, he broke ground on Elysium Phase One.
Now he's planning Phase Two.
Wish I bought my condo from him.
At least he puts them up.
Two years and I'm still waiting to move into mine.
He can't buy Ed's house so he just makes it disappear.
Everyone else on Ed's street is willing to sell.
He's the only hold out.
You think any of them are desperate enough to bomb Ed's house to persuade him? Someone was.
Here we are.
Home, sweet home.
I need to see if Norma's paintings are OK.
- You OK, Ed? - Norma hated anyone messing with her things.
Hated it.
Now look! You people got no respect! Sorry, it's a crime scene, the forensics unit is just doing their job.
They didn't have to disrespect her things! They probably did it on purpose.
Tremblay probably paid them off.
- Here, let me help you.
- Leave it.
- I can do it myself.
- I'm sure you can, but I don't mind.
The taller brushes go in this jar, and the shorter ones, in the tin.
Norma liked to keep them separate.
- Can I give these some water? - Don't touch that! I'll get it.
- Don't do anything until I get back.
- No problem.
I wonder what used to be out there.
A neighbourhood.
Don't answer that! Hello? Get out of the house or die.
Leave now or you know what will happen.
Get out of the house or die.
Now, do you believe me? We got the preliminary report from the bombers.
It's industrial grade material, complicated electronics.
But here's the interesting thing.
The bomb was actually planted on the top of the chimney, on the roof.
We found a bracket, figure the bomb slipped out in the heavy rainfall the other night.
Are we sure that bracket was built for that bomb? The lab says yes, which means they just wanted to blow up the chimney.
They weren't looking to kill Ed.
They just wanted to damage the house.
Because the whole point is to tear the houses down.
We get anything on the crank calls? Whoever's doing it is using burner cell phones.
Every few days, it's a new number that calls.
The numbers we ran are already out of use.
Well, he's still getting calls.
Let's find the current number.
We're trying.
You see this? Footage Ident salvaged from Ed's security cameras.
This is one day before the blast.
It's gotta be our suspect, right? What are the odds that it's not? How convenient.
So for me, it's simple.
Every day that my site is shut down costs money that I could be putting back into the community.
Ident has released the site.
Your problem isn't with us.
And this is? Priya McLeod with Miller-Wentworth.
Our firm represents Mr.
The city inspectors have shut us down until they sign off.
You could assure them that the site is safe.
I mean, if Mr.
Janoski can live in his house, certainly, I can work on my site.
Excuse me, I need Mr.
Tremblay for questioning.
- He's a material witness in a bomb case.
- He's done here.
Tremblay has a very busy schedule No, no, it's fine, I want to help out any way I can.
In fact, I don't think I need you for this.
Why don't you keep pleading our case with Inspector Caligra? - I should come.
- I'd prefer otherwise.
I'm here to cooperate, and I think the sooner Detective Black closes the case, the better it's going to be for everybody.
This way.
Hmm! He's supposed to be smarter than that.
No, he's smart enough.
He's just a jerk.
Ha! Maybe so, but it's guys like that that keep you in Prada.
Kiss up, kick down.
Can't stand the type.
I know it's the game, but I can still hate the player.
Maybe you're playing for the wrong team.
I'm supposed to be buttering you up, - winning you over.
- I don't get won over.
Let me try.
Any chance you're free for dinner? You think I want to spend my evening listening to you plead Mr.
Tremblay's case? Ha! Ha! No, not a chance.
I'm hitting on you.
Oh, don't play coy, I suspect it happens a lot.
The problem is, your client makes hitting on me a conflict of interest.
Hey, it's McLeod.
I'm resigning from the Tremblay account.
Well, I discovered that I have a conflict with another case.
Give him to Henderson.
You're kidding me.
Conflict of interest solved.
Appreciate your time.
Not a problem at all, Detective.
So what can I help you with? Tell me about your security.
I think that my security is the best in the city.
Did anyone see or report anything odd in the last couple of nights? Nah, not to my knowledge.
So, no one saw this? He was creeping around Mr.
Janoski's house.
We think he ended up on the roof.
Would've been easy for your security to spot.
What can I say? My guys are paid to watch my place, not Mr.
So your security doesn't see anyone around his house and the next day a bomb goes off in the home of the only person blocking Phase Two of your condo development.
It's a bit of luck, isn't it? I'm in the business of building homes, Detective Black, not bombing them.
You're free to go, Mr.
But I may need to speak with you again.
Anytime, Detective.
People think if they buy a disposable phone for cash, we can't trace it.
But they're wrong.
OK, we're getting close.
Surprise, surprise.
Tremblay's construction site.
No, apparently not.
We'll be back by 12, Mom.
Harrison, Ms.
Paxton, - this is Detective Black.
- Hi, can I help you? We're here about Ed Janoski.
He's been receiving a large number of crank phone calls.
We traced the number to a disposable mobile phone - located at this address.
- You wouldn't happen - to know anything about that, would you? - No, I'm sorry, we don't.
David Harrison and Jessica Paxton, you're under arrest for criminal harassment.
Norma? Norma is that you? d I'm so lonely tonight d If I could only hold you once more d d If I could only kiss you once more d How do you like it? d If I could only see you d One more time, one more time d d Oh, whoa-oh d I'd make you see I love you somehow d d If I could only see you d I'm so lonely tonight There's no way this was an accident.
- Can you prove it? - I'll prove it.
- You're taking this personally.
- It is personal.
Tremblay knows I'm working this case and he pulls a stunt like this? Oops, it was an accident.
Yeah, it's personal.
How long before you clear out? I'd like some time alone, thank you very much.
Sit, Scout.
You can't stay here, Ed.
They already told you.
I'm not staying with you.
Lucille hates Scout.
- She's allergic! - We can find you a place that takes dogs.
You can't be here, Ed, not till we clear this up.
Well, how long's that going to take? How long? I don't know.
I'm sorry.
Come on, Ed.
We need the rebar in and that next level of concrete poured - by the end of the day.
- Mr.
Tremblay? Detective! Rest assured, my insurance is already looking into this incident.
We don't have an incident, we have a pattern.
Who was operating the crane? New guy.
Not very familiar with my equipment.
He's a contractor, he's not even an employee.
Guess we'll have to bring your whole crew downtown.
Looks like you're shut down again.
- How long? - Hard to say.
Get out of the house or die.
Leave now or you know what will happen.
We got this off of Ed's voicemail.
You called him 30 times a day for the past - This has to be a mistake.
- There's enough here to convict you of criminal harassment and uttering death threats.
Minimum sentencing is 90 days.
This is crazy.
Right, Jess? We have a search warrant for your credit and debit card records.
What are we going to find Jessica? OK, we should talk to a lawyer.
Dave, the man is nuts.
He doesn't listen to reason, you've said it yourself.
- Jess.
- It's not right.
We have a chance to live in a better house and we can't, because Ed doesn't care about anyone but himself.
Leo, can you bring me the file? Is this you, Jessica? Jess, that's your hoodie.
What's going on? If you're lying to me, that's a crime.
And you can be charged with it.
Is this you? He is putting our lives at risk.
The toll on my mental health alone Your mental health? You're living beside a man who is suffering alone.
He's this close to ending up in a hospital, and then a group home for the rest of his life.
And what are you doing? Yeah, I'm worried about your mental health.
The accident at Ed's was no accident.
Protocol is you knock first.
Respect it.
What? - Tremblay ordered it.
- You can prove that? I've got the crane operator in holding.
He's ready to break.
So you've got property damage and probably a civil case, but the construction accident isn't worth anything.
We need to lay charges on the bomb.
It's all part of the same thing.
We might have conspiracy.
Stop it.
I don't want conspiracy, Aidan.
Get me the person who set off the bomb.
I'm sorry.
Am I interrupting? - Not at all.
- Great.
You ready to go? Is there anything else? All good.
So who's that? An ex? Way more complicated than that.
Beautiful view.
If you like construction cranes.
We'll check on you in the morning.
Sleep tight, Mr.
Let's get you something to eat.
That's enough.
I don't want you Stay.
Ten guesses and the first nine are wrong.
Uh Leo? You think I have man hands? - Leo has very soft hands.
- Oh.
You want to grab dinner? I'm just packing up.
I got a date with a surveillance van.
- All night? - Could be.
We're waiting on a buy.
- Hmm - But maybe it'll happen early.
- I'll swing by if it does.
- Open door policy.
Just a sec! - Inspector? - Right now, I am Diane.
Please tell me you took a taxi over here.
I'm drunk, I'm not stupid.
I'll get you some water.
I love what you've done with the place! It's homey, homie.
You're my you're my homey homie.
What is going on? Uhhh Well, it's Two bottles of wine.
Dinner, talking, and we kissed.
- Damian's lawyer? - Nope.
She dropped him.
He's not a client.
No conflict of interest.
But I just I didn't think This is good.
Good and? I'm just kind of messed up.
I can see that.
Mmm Ha! Ha! OK.
OK, that was interesting.
Saved by the door.
Just a second.
- Hey.
- Hey, stranger.
- You're up? - Yeah.
Is this not a good time? Uh - You know Inspector Caligra? - No knowing Inspector Caligra.
- Not a good idea.
- You know what? It's OK.
I gotta get back to the van.
I just grabbed a few minutes on break.
She just came by, she's drunk, she's all messed up.
We're just friends, you know.
It's all good.
Morning, Scout.
Where's my boy? Come on.
Up and at 'em.
We got to get home.
Hey, Scout.
Scout? Scout! You sick bastard! - Ah! Oh, stop! Ah! - You killed my dog?! You killed my dog! You killed my dog! You're not going to be charged, OK, Ed? We all know you've been under a lot of stress.
So Dr.
Malone is gonna give you an evaluation.
Take a seat.
It's standard protocol, but we're going to need you to cooperate.
It's OK, you can uncuff him, I'll take him from here.
This is gonna help you get better.
And then you won't be here too long, OK? I'll see you later.
Good morning, Ed.
I need to ask you some questions to determine your medical and financial capacity.
You have the legal right to appeal any decision.
Do you understand that? I don't know.
I know you understand.
You're a fighter.
You understand, don't you? I don't know.
Do you understand the condition for which you are being treated? I don't know.
Do you know what today's date is? Please, Ed give me something.
OK, I'll move on to financial capacity.
Do you understand what happes when you don't pay your bills? I don't know.
If you borrow $100000 from the bank and you can't pay it back, what will the bank do? I don't know.
We're doing an evaluation.
You need to understand, he may lose capacity.
What do you mean "lose capacity"? Ed doesn't seem to know the basics of managing his finances or health.
If he can't function on his own, then I have to declare him incapable.
Do you have power of attorney? I tried.
He wouldn't sign one.
Would you be ready to take over as a substitute decision maker? You'd have to make decisions about his treatment.
And run his finances, of course.
He's always taken care of me.
Tell the lab to put a rush on that dog food.
Let's get it today, not tomorrow.
He should just sell this dump.
He could afford a nice life with what he's being offered.
Well, Ed's been here 40 years.
If he leaves, what's he going to live for? Whoever's doing this is stubborn.
They're not gonna stop.
Not until they get Ed out.
Weren't you wearing those clothes yesterday? What? You're tracking my wardrobe? Brauer? His buddies in Homicide know? It's not their business.
You know he's a Habs fan, right? Ha! Yeah.
And he's married.
He's separated.
I like him, Aidan.
OK? Can we stop now? Yes.
I'm at the site right now.
You want to tell me why I'm looking at no foundation? You want to tell me why I'm looking at no foundation? I got guys sitting here doing absolutely nothing.
Hey, gimme traffic.
Yeah, I got a suspect.
Vehicle licence Alpha Zulu Delta Papa 6-0-7.
I want a uniform on it solid for the next couple of days.
I want this guy out of points by the weekend.
- Thank you.
- What are you doing? Tremblay's a businessman.
I'm just speaking his language.
Get a list of every project he's got going and send inspectors to all of them.
- What kind of inspectors? - Every kind we got.
Hey, Poppy.
Tough time at the hospital? Sad thing is Ed's right about everyone being out to get him.
The only person on his side is his brother.
I just got the results from the lab.
Ed's dog food was laced with a commercial-grade herbicide.
See? Everyone's out to get him.
Good thing for us: You can't buy this stuff at Canadian Tire.
What's up, Poppy? - Herbicide killed Ed's dog.
- What kind of herbicide? "2, 4-D Amine 500.
" Only sold commercially.
- To who? - Golf courses, - city parks departments.
- Landscapers? Yeah.
Read it to me again.
2,4-D as in Delta.
Amine 500.
We need a search warrant.
So you finally bought Ed's house.
Marcus Janoski is ready to talk.
Aren't you just a little bit overqualified to do this, Inspector? I know your legal team.
You're going to bring in the big guns, so are we.
Ha! I haven't even asked for a lawyer yet.
Oh! No doubt.
So you can claim that you were coerced or mistreated.
I'm sure you have options in mind.
I've done nothing wrong.
Really? Janoski gets gaslighted out of his house, and you're standing there with a contract, ready to pounce.
How's a jury going to see that? I had every right to purchase this property.
Marcus contacted me to sell the house.
And I had nothing to do with the bomb.
When you signed this contract, you gave yourself motive, Mr.
You are in a very bad place here.
What do you want from me? All I did was purchase a property.
I want you to understand the context from a business perspective.
You're facing months in court, legal fees.
Oh, not to mention all the inspectors and code violations that will rain down on your building site in the meantime.
Ha! This this is going to be the most expensive little shack you ever bought.
Are you satisfied? Getting there.
Why did you plant the bomb? - That's the last thing I would do.
- The dynamite we found in your place of business matches our forensics report.
There's no point in denying it, Marcus.
You tried to kill your own brother.
That bomb was never gonna kill anybody.
That's why I used the old dynamite.
It was just supposed to cause minor damage, that's all.
That's why I put it in the chimney.
So you didn't want to hurt him, you just wanted to make him crazy? You wanna know what's crazy? When my parents died, they left Ed the house, and me, their life savings of $9000.
How is that fair? What did you get? The house.
And he is going to pay damages.
- Good.
Thank you.
- Pleasure.
Hey, Aidan? About last night Yeah, I went to bed early.
Read a book.
It was a quiet night.
How about you? Pretty much the same.
Just stayed in.
You should get out.
Have a life.
One of these days.
Ed, it's OK to be angry.
No kidding, I'm angry Sherlock.
You can't trust your own brother, who can you trust? Yourself, Ed.
Marcus tried to push you over the edge into a breakdown.
Don't let him win.
He already did! I'm in a hospital, aren't I? The board is ready for us, Mr.
You'll probably get me locked up in here - for years.
I'm not going! - Just give us a minute.
Ed, you're going to go into that hearing and show them that you belong in your own house.
No one can do that for you.
I know that you understand your finances perfectly well.
You might need a little bit of help, but you don't need to be in a hospital.
Norma wouldn't want you here.
You can do this, Ed.
Don't patronize me.
You want to feel superior, go change somebody's bedpan.
I can take care of myself.
You ready? It reminds me of the day Norma and I got married.
Perfect timing.
I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
What the hell do you want? He's trespassing.
Tremblay has something to say.
On behalf of myself and my crew, I would like to offer a sincere apology for any distress that our construction may have caused you.
And I hope that that is enough to cover the damages to your house.
Ah! You didn't have to be that generous.
Yeah, he did.
And And I don't know what to say.
Norma was the one that was good with words.
- What would she have said? - If you want something in life, you got to fight for it.
Jessica and Dave are moving to Burlington.
Judge is allowing them to do community service in their new 'hood.
It's like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday Ha! All rolled into one.
I hope none of you were expecting me to invite you in for a drink.
Maybe we should get him a dog? Ha! That man needs more than a dog.
Yes, he does.
I arranged for a nurse to check on him twice a week.
This is unexpected.
I hope that's not code for unwelcome.
Not at all.
Did I leave something else at your place? Actually, I was wondering if there might be room in your bathroom for my toothbrush and body wash? I kinda prefer not smelling like musky spice whenever I stay over.
- I like it.
- You'll like this better.
d They were dancing d In my window You're right, I do.
d You awoke to me and said d You've been wondering what it meant d
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