Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e05 Episode Script

A Living Friday Night

Gosh, Woo-jin.
There you are.
Hey, we looked everywhere for you.
I was wondering where you were.
You were here in the middle of nowhere.
Is this a hospital or what?
Let's talk outside.
Stop trying to run away.
Let's talk outside.
Ma'am, can you ring me up?
You were…
too rash with this case.
I couldn't imagine that your team
would make such a mistake.
But don't be so hard on yourself.
Let's just think of this
as a casual opening game.
I don't understand what you mean.
It's a bird's-eye view of the hospital
we'll build next year.
-It looks more like a luxurious resort.
It sits by the lake,
and we'll have a nine-hole golf course.
A golf course
within the hospital?
There's a stem cell center
to practice functional medicine,
and we'll have spa
and healthcare facilities
along with additional facilities
for people to shop and enjoy themselves.
Also, there's a casino half an hour away.
We're providing a place
for healthcare, hobbies, and leisure time.
That's the main purpose of this hospital.
I don't…
really understand.
People who are hurt and ill
no longer make any money for us.
People who can splurge
on maintaining their health and youth.
We'll be a hospital that provides
exceptional medical services for them.
This will be
the core business
of the Geosan Foundation.
The era of cost-effectiveness.
This looks like ten million won.
Are you kidding me?
When will you pay off your 70 million?
Why is it 70 million won?
I gave you ten million won.
I have 40 million left.
What about the interest over that time?
The amount of money
I have given you to this day is
-probably twice as much as the principal.
Don't try to work so hard to pay it off.
Just make up your mind
and do as we say.
Then we'll deem what you'll do
as 70 million won.
See that?
Isn't that totally cost-effective?
This is a world
where every relationship is evaluated
on efficiency and benefits.
It's what this generation wants.
Medical fees are terribly low,
and hospitals are overly competitive.
Even if you save a dying man with CPR,
they sue us instead
for their rib fracture.
Responsibilities and duties
degenerate into irrational sacrifice.
People easily swear at doctors
and abuse them physically as well.
Why does this world only force the doctors
to be responsible and to sacrifice?
Don't you think this is unfair?
The world has turned into a place
where even our common good and kindness
has turned into benefits and numbers.
what are you trying to say?
If the world doesn't respect us,
we'll find a way to survive
with dignity by keeping our value.
So, what now?
What will you do?
Will you do it or not?
Will you be a part of this with me?
-Good morning.
Hello, Mr. Yeo.
You're here.
Mr. Yeo, hello.
Hey, hello.
Hello, Mr. Yeo.
Yes, good morning.
Hey, Dr. Yoon.
Good morning.
Yes, Mr. Yeo.
Good morning.
Hello, Mr. Yeo.
Good morning.
Yes, good morning.
There's someone he likes.
What? Who?
Nurse Park.
Nurse Park?
It's Dr. Woo Yeon-hwa
who worked here as a hospitalist.
He used to like her.
She left a year ago,
but he's still not over her.
Oh, I see.
I just thought you should know.
What was that?
What are you talking about?
A dismissal notice?
A dismissal notice?
There are people around here.
Let's go to Doctor Kim's office for now.
What's going on?
What are you talking about?
Mr. Yeo has been dismissed?
Who says so?
I got a call from the executive office
of the foundation just now.
It seems like the board
already made the decision last week.
I can't believe
Do Yun-wan is daring to mess with Mr. Yeo.
I can't believe it.
But there's something more absurd.
There's more?
There's a rumor that
the new president will be
Professor Park Min-gook.
Professor Park will be the president here?
Apparently so.
Who told you that?
Did Professor Park tell you himself?
The head administrator said so.
He said that
the board already made this decision.
What does this mean?
-Has he been promoted or demoted?
-That's what I've been wondering.
It seems like he was told
to take responsibility for the minister.
But he will become the president.
It doesn't seem like a demotion then.
Then what about us?
Do we have to stay here too?
I will not abide
by such an absurd decision.
Ms. Oh, the rules say
we must abide by the board's decision
with the president's appointment.
That's why Do Yun-wan resigned
three years ago.
How is Do Yun-wan the same as Mr. Yeo?
He became the main hospital's president
and enjoyed his power to the fullest.
But Mr. Yeo is…
a president at this desolate hospital
where no one gives him any credit.
He's a guy who went through so much
to be here today.
I thought this run-down hospital
was finally coming together.
How dare they change the president
however they'd like?
And who? Professor Park Min-gook?
How can they make such a decision
unless they all have become insane?
Calm down, Ms. Oh.
It hasn't been decided yet.
It's just a rumor at this point.
Rumor, tumor, whatever!
Whatever the case is, I can't accept this.
If we must go on a strike,
we should do that
to get across our opinion, Doctor Kim.
Once we do that,
Chairman Do will be the one
who's the most thrilled.
And the one who'll have the toughest time
is Mr. Yeo.
You know that already, Ms. Oh.
I'll head over
and see Mr. Yeo.
Will you protect him?
Will you protect Mr. Yeo?
You will protect him, won't you?
What's the urine discharge?
About 40 ml per hour.
I see. That's good.
If he has any pain, give him tramadol
through the IV, and call me.
All right.
What are you doing this weekend?
-I'm just curious.
Why are you just curious?
It's our first weekend down here.
I don't know many people around here,
and I'm wondering if there are
any places to hang out around here.
You won't have any time to hang out.
Why not?
Did something happen at the hospital?
Because it's Friday.
All right.
What are you doing?
Why are you suddenly stretching?
Because today is Friday.
And so it begins.
It has begun.
My gosh. Relax!
Relax! Okay? Calm down. All right, relax.
They're Russian performers
who work at the casino.
They were in a minibus,
and their bus turned over as they tried
to avoid hitting a water deer.
Five patients have laceration.
Patients who have glass inserted in them
and the one with a hip joint fracture
are in the hybrid room.
What is this?
I thought this was a country hospital.
There's a freeway
and four local roads nearby.
And there's a casino half an hour away.
We expect to see
about 50,000 people every weekend.
-Dr. Bae!
Dr. Seo?
Oh, I'm a CS.
Where are you hurt?
What is he saying?
-Doctor, please!
Are you a doctor?
-Please help our son. He's ill.
-This way, please.
Do not move.
Whatever. Goodness.
Don't move, okay?
You can't smoke in the hospital.
Let me see.
Just stay with me a little longer.
Goodness, you're holding out so well.
One more.
Will you please lie down?
I'm fine.
You aren't okay.
Will you please sit still?
What's going on?
I think his right knee and hip joint
were fractured in the traffic accident.
But he's refusing to be treated.
If he fractured his hip joint,
it must hurt a lot.
But it doesn't look like he's in pain.
Do you want to see this?
One second.
It's definitely that, right?
I think so.
He has needle marks
and his pupils are dilated.
But if he keeps refusing to be treated,
we can't do anything.
If he's high and hallucinating,
that means he's unfit to make a decision.
It means he doesn't have solid judgment.
There you are.
Please don't concern yourself
with the board's decision.
Your decision matters the most to us.
If necessary,
I'll go see Do Yun-wan myself.
There's no need
to make a scene, Doctor Kim.
I'm a guy who must leave soon.
That's why I came back.
I guess it's taking them a while.
It's not an easy subject to discuss.
You should get back to work.
I'll call you when Doctor Kim returns.
Let him go.
Let him go, sir!
What's going on?
His hip joint was fractured in a TA,
but it looks like he's high.
Hey, Dr. Seo, what are you doing?
Hold him back.
It's all right.
Yes, Ms. Oh?
Please look after that patient.
Yes, ma'am.
Be careful.
He fractured his hip joint.
Ativan, please.
Let's get the OP lab done first.
Put him on one liter of normal saline.
When he goes for the OP lab,
we'll screen him for drugs.
Yes, sir.
Patient incoming!
It looks like drug poisoning.
The kids were reported as unconscious.
When we got there, one of them had died
already, while the other is in P status.
Her BP is 70 over 40, heart rate, 30.
Get her to the hybrid room.
Dr. Jeong? A potential drug poisoning.
This way.
We're almost done here,
-so please give them a hand.
-Got it.
-We'll move her.
-One, two, three.
What's her condition?
The initial reporter is her mom.
She couldn't get ahold of their dad,
and the door was locked.
When she went in with the police,
the kids were unconscious,
and she found a number
of medicine bottles in the bin.
We found their dad
in the apartment garden.
He had fallen down from above.
Is this a family suicide case?
It seems so.
This is the bottle we found at the scene.
The boy who looked like her brother
already had livor mortis,
so we handed him to the police
without attempting CPR.
Let's begin with intubation.
She's at 70 over 40,
heart rate between 30 to 35.
What's going on?
Wake up, Woo-jin.
Goodness, Woo-jin.
Please save him.
Ma'am, please wait outside.
No, Woo-jin!
-Ma'am, please.
Doctor, please.
Dr. Seo!
Dr. Seo!
Doctor, is Soo-jin all right?
Ma'am, please.
-Wait outside.
-Ma'am. Wait outside.
Wake up! It's me, Mom!
It's Mom, Soo-jin!
-Soo-jin, it's Mom!
-Calm down.
If the peripheral line is on,
give the ampoule from the side.
We'll put in dopamine with this line.
Mix 500 ml with D5W,
and put her on 10 ml per hour.
One second.
Oh, no.
Soo-jin… Oh, no.
What am I going to do?
Her father who fell down will be here too.
Nurse Park.
Please check the prescription on this.
Yes, ma'am.
A water deer suddenly jumped out.
What? A water deer?
Yes, you know how that road is.
You know that
the corner turns like this.
And that's where…
I heard a funny rumor.
I heard you plan on coming to Doldam.
Gosh, word gets around quickly.
I received the offer,
but I haven't made a decision yet.
If you come to this humble place,
we'll be grateful.
But I'm not sure if you'll be okay.
It doesn't look like it,
but this is actually a trauma center.
Over 80 to 90% of our patients
are either from TA
or industrial accidents.
They're laborers who work
at apartment construction sites
and foreign workers who work at factories.
On top of that, there are thugs
who get beaten up
after they get drunk,
et cetera.
can you deal with them?
Are you…
trying to scare me right now?
Are you scared, Dr. Park?
Please excuse me. I'm busy.
-Come here.
Today is Friday,
of all days.
We don't have enough facilities or staff,
but we get a huge number of patients.
Every Friday
is just a huge chaos.
Someone who doesn't have enough energy
or willpower can't last here.
Can you really
be in charge of a hospital like this?
What happened?
She's a 15-year-old girl
suffering from drug poisoning.
It seems like her father tried
to commit suicide with his two children.
Did you check the drug?
I just checked.
It's CCB.
He got a month's prescription
for nifedipine two weeks ago.
Her vitals are 80 over 40, 40 BPM.
Dr. Jeong, let's put her on the L-tube
-and feed her charcoal first.
-Yes, sir.
-Give me the stethoscope.
-What about the BST?
-She's at 140.
Give her 50 units of RI through her side.
Fifty units?
Yes. Mix 100 ml of NS with 500 units,
and give her 10 ml for the first hour,
then drop it to 5 ml after that.
Can we really give her that much insulin?
It's a high-dose insulin therapy
used for CCB overdose.
Put her on the IV,
and check her BST every 20 minutes.
Yes, sir.
Did you talk to Mr. Yeo?
Let's talk later.
Patient incoming!
You jerk!
You jerk.
You horrible jerk!
How can you call yourself human?
No matter how tough life is,
how can you kill our kids?
-Please don't do this.
-Calm down.
You! How can you call yourself human?
What did our kids do wrong?
How will you save Seung-chan?
You jerk!
-Hold her back.
What happened?
He fell from the fifth floor.
He got caught in a tree
and now has severe abdominal pain.
-Let's get him into the hybrid room.
Just leave him to die.
He jumped off to kill himself.
-Just let him die.
-Calm down.
-Save my daughter first!
-Nurse Park.
Nurse Park!
-Hold her.
-Save my daughter first.
-Please calm down.
Soo-jin! I'm right here!
Seung-chan! Soo-jin!
He's been like that
for a little while.
Doctor Kim!
We have a five-year-old boy.
He had an entire bottle of ibuprofen
in a day.
He's unconscious,
and his vitals don't look great.
Seo Woo-jin.
Seo Woo-jin.
Look after the fallen patient in there.
I'll be right back.
Dr. Seo?
Darn it.
He caught a cold, had a high fever,
and he vomited too.
She fed him a spoonful
whenever he said he was in pain
without checking the time.
Let's run the ABGA test
and put him on an admission panel
including the electro.
Yes, sir.
-Excuse me, doctor.
What will happen to our son?
When it comes to cold medicine
that contains ibuprofen,
it may be fatal for a five-year-old
if you do not stick to the stated dosage.
-And because of his high fever,
his organs aren't functioning well.
Because of the medicine,
his liver and kidneys
may not function well either.
And there is a possibility
of internal bleeding in his stomach.
Wait, so are you saying
this stupid woman just killed our son?
Sir, your son isn't dead.
Goodness, you ignorant idiot!
-Let her go!
-You witch.
Hey, you…
You couldn't even look after a kid?
How could you do this to him?
-Sir, please. Sir?
-You idiot!
You stupid idiot!
Will you please stop?
Goodness, you!
I'll get you!
-That wench…
-Get him out of the ER.
-You idiot!
Darn it!
And do not let him back in
until I tell you to do so.
What a jerk.
Are you okay?
I'm all right, Doctor Kim.
Are you okay?
Goodness, ma'am.
-My son…
Doctor Kim.
You need to come right now.
What are you doing?
Aren't you going to treat him?
Dr. Seo?
Does this hurt?
What about here?
That hurts. Please be gentle.
You were trying to die.
Why are you complaining about the pain?
Dr. Seo.
You need to see…
what you have done right now.
One second.
What's with you, Dr. Seo?
Why aren't you treating him?
He wanted to die,
so I see no reason to save him.
What are you talking about?
Put him on four liters of nasal oxygen,
one liter on each side,
and give him the central line.
-Warm saline, correct?
-Yes, warm saline.
-Hurry up and grab the FAST.
What's with you, Dr. Seo?
I'm sorry, but I cannot
treat this patient.
Why can't you treat him?
Are you telling him to die?
He already decided to kill himself.
What did you just say?
He's unconscious.
He's in PEA arrest.
Inject 1 ml of epinephrine
every three minutes.
Bring the FAST!
I can't breathe.
Help me.
Dr. Seo!
Where are you going?
Charge to 200 joules.
I'll check his vitals.
His pulse is back.
His BP is 80 over 40.
The heart rate is 100 BPM.
Time and date of death,
4th November,
11:14 a.m.
What are you doing here?
I told you not to come to the hospital.
I need an answer to stop coming here.
Stop dragging this out
and make your decision.
It's not like I told you to kill a man.
What are you worried about?
What if my career as a doctor ends
after I do as you say?
Will you take responsibility?
Hey, that's why it's for 70 million won.
You need to be willing to take
such a risk for 70 million won.
Let's do it tonight.
Come out by 10:00 p.m.
All right?
Dr. Seo!
Who was that?
None of your business.
How do you know him?
Why do you want to know?
He didn't look like a gangster,
but he looked like a good-for-nothing thug
sitting between a bully and a mugger.
That's enough.
Will you please leave me alone?
I want to be alone.
Fine, okay.
I won't mind it. It's your business.
But still,
you can't run out like this, okay?
The ER is in chaos.
I'm not an EM board.
I don't have to be in the ER anyway.
Do you think I'm there treating cuts
because I'm an EM board?
Just get out of there then!
How can I do that?
This tiny hospital
is flooded with patients!
Since when were you worried about Doldam?
I'm not worried about the hospital.
Then is this your idea
of making up for your inability
to do anything in the OR?
Fine, you're right.
If I can't do anything in the OR,
I should do that much
to earn my keep
without becoming a nuisance.
You know, Woo-jin,
I'm unable to do it,
but you refused to do it.
As a doctor, what do you think is worse?
That narrow-minded jerk!
It's impossible to like him.
He's so far-fetched.
He's an alien from a faraway universe.
From another dimension.
Gosh, you idiot.
My goodness.
Both patients are unstable.
Which one should we do first?
Bowel perforation and hemoperitoneum…
He went into PEA from his BP dropping,
and now, he needs surgery immediately.
As for the patient with the fractured hip,
I can't feel his dorsalis pedis artery.
-I did a lower extremity angiogram.
His popliteal artery had a dissection,
which resulted in occlusion.
If we don't perform surgery soon,
we might need to amputate his leg.
Femur neck fracture…
Since he's still young,
a femur neck fracture is bad news.
What should we do?
They both need surgery immediately.
We have to do
the life-threatening case first.
At worst,
the femur neck patient will lose one leg,
but it won't kill him now.
-Dr. Jeong.
-Yes, sir?
Please continue to check up on the girl.
-And, Dr. Yoon…
Please look after the ibuprofen child.
-Yes, sir.
-How should we set the operating rooms?
The bowel perforation patient in OR one,
and the femur neck patient in OR two.
-Do you plan to operate on both?
-Once I finish
the right popliteal artery bypass,
you can take over, Dr. Bae.
Yes, sir.
Nurse Park, please tell Dr. Seo
to come to the front of OR one.
Yes, sir.
Okay. Let's move the patients first.
Okay. Let's go, Dr. Jeong!
Please contact Dr. Yang at Jungil.
Okay, will do.
He plans to open up both operating rooms.
It looks like he'll simultaneously operate
on both the fall
and fracture patients.
Yes, come in.
Please drink this and calm yourself.
Wait a second.
By any chance, did your husband do this?
You don't deserve to be sitting there
after what you've done to our child.
Do you even have a conscience? Geez!
Please stop.
Do you want to get kicked out of here?
Wait, sir.
Please keep a close eye on them.
It might be a case of domestic violence.
Okay, understood.
If something happens to our child,
I'll kill you. Darn it.
Dr. Seo,
Doctor Kim asked you to come to OR one.
It's the fall patient who just came.
He has bowel perforation
and hemoperitoneum.
I said, I won't see him.
He even went into cardiac arrest,
so we can't delay the surgery anymore.
I didn't become a doctor
to save someone like that.
That's not for you to decide.
Patients can choose their doctors,
but doctors can't choose their patients.
No matter who they are,
what life they've lived,
or what wrongs they've committed,
once they came to us as patients,
we can't discriminate at all.
That's what I learned.
Are you trying to educate me?
I want you to feel ashamed.
That's why I'm saying this.
-Did you call me, sir?
Have you performed an angiorrhaphy before?
No, I've only assisted.
Come here.
Along with the right femur neck fracture,
there's also a knee joint ligament injury.
Before the OS surgery,
I'll do a right popliteal artery bypass.
Can you assist?
But you told me not to come into the OR.
What is that?
This medicine will get rid of your nausea.
It's a special medicine I made,
so there are no big side effects
and it won't make you drowsy.
Of course, I want to give you more time,
but this is an emergency situation.
As soon as you're ready,
come to the front of OR two.
It would've been better
if he had died.
That would've been easier.
How will…
that little one live on his own
from now on?
It would've been better
if they had all died together.
Dr. Yang is off?
Dr. Yang is off today and tomorrow.
He won't pick up his phone either.
We don't have a choice.
We have to postpone one of them.
I'll inform Doctor Kim.
Wait a second.
What did you just say?
Please prepare for surgery.
Do you know me?
You're an anesthesiologist from Geosan.
Geez. That's not what I asked.
I'm wondering why you asked me to do that.
We suddenly received two patients
who need emergency surgery.
Our usual anesthesiologist
is off today, unfortunately.
It's out of the blue,
but it's an urgent situation.
Please help us.
I don't think I can.
Their lives will be at risk
if they're not operated on immediately.
That's exactly why.
I don't want to be liable for such risks.
On top of that,
I don't even work at this hospital.
Are you really…
not going to help?
I'm sorry, but I'm not a philanthropist.
I didn't come here to help someone.
you shouldn't ask strangers for favors.
I feel a bit uncomfortable.
Professor Sim.
What brings you here, Dr. Yang?
Professor Park is looking for you.
I'm sorry.
We can't operate simultaneously, sir.
We should decide which one
we will perform first.
What about Dr. Seo?
He's not here yet.
What about Dr. Cha?
She's also not here yet.
We can't delay any longer.
Let's operate on the bowel perforation.
Let's do that, Dr. Nam.
Then I'll get ready.
Doctor Kim.
I heard from Professor Sim…
that you need an anesthesiologist.
Professor Sim.
Let me see the patient first.
Please come this way.
I heard that you don't believe…
in unrewarded acts of kindness.
Rather than an act of kindness,
I'd call it an obligation.
This is not an easy place, Professor Park.
Our patients are much more diverse,
and the cases we see
are much more difficult
than you could imagine.
Your conceited attitude
and sense of superiority
won't work for life-or-death matters.
Are you
giving me advice?
Unless you're sincere,
it'll be hard for you to hold out.
Well, it doesn't matter.
What I'm interested in
is not Doldam Hospital.
It's Doctor Kim.
He makes me want to challenge him.
will you be able to handle Doctor Kim?
Will you really be able to handle it?
Bu Yong-ju might be…
harder to handle than Doldam Hospital.
can you deal with them?
I want to…
handle it.
Stop with the bravado
and just get out of here, okay?
I don't know what Do Yun-wan offered,
but it's just an inedible dog chew toy.
So stop panting
and drooling all over the place.
Hello, Chairman Do.
It's Park Min-gook.
About the president position at Doldam…
I'll accept your offer.
Yes, understood.
Doctor Kim.
What will happen to Mr. Yeo?
Will he be dismissed like this?
What about Dr. Seo and Dr. Cha?
I'll call Dr. Seo again.
I'll call Dr. Cha too.
No, don't.
It's better not to push them too much.
Dr. Bae and I can operate
on the femur neck patient together…
I'm here!
I'm here, Doctor Kim.
The patient is under anesthesia.
Anesthesia has started.
Get ready for the femur neck patient now.
-Sure, will do.
-Will do.
Doctor Kim.
Ms. Oh.
Let's only think about our tasks for now.
The bowel perforation
and femur neck patients.
Let's only think of these two patients.
Yes, sir.
Dr. Seo is not picking up the phone.
I'm not here to save the man in the OR.
To me, he's still…
someone that I don't want to treat.
Someone said to me
that choosing not to treat
when you're able to
is a terrible thing to do as a doctor.
That it's something to be ashamed of.
And if I want to pay back what I owe you,
I have to work hard anyway.
That's why I came.
Yes, you need to work hard.
Control the bleeding for now.
As soon I'm done
with the popliteal artery,
I'll be right over.
Please don't let the patient die.
Are you feeling okay, Eun-jae?
You're talking casually to me now.
I finally remembered
who you are.
Smart Smurf with the delicate phalanx.
Cha Eun-jae. Freshman class of 2007.
Wow, you finally remembered.
Will you be okay
with today's surgery?
I hope so.
I even took the medicine
that I got from Doctor Kim.
That medicine should work well.
I know because I've taken it before.
You have, Moon-jung?
It'll be fine.
Thank you, Moon-jung.
May I start the operation?
His vitals are a bit unstable since
he had gone into cardiac arrest already.
I'll keep them as stable as possible,
so go ahead.
Scalpel, please.
The patient has
a right femur neck fracture
and a knee joint ligament injury.
I'll do the right popliteal artery bypass.
I marked the great saphenous vein.
The patient's vitals are fine.
Thank you, Dr. Sim.
Dr. Cha.
How about your vitals?
The heart rate is rising a bit,
but it's in the normal range so far.
Let's collect the graft first. Scalpel.
Block it.
Do you want me to do this?
I'll do it.
That's good.
By the way, Nurse Joo…
-What you said about Nurse Park earlier…
Why did you say that out of the blue?
Gosh, well…
You make it too obvious
that you like Nurse Park.
When did I act like I like Nurse Park?
I also saw the two of you talking alone.
Gosh, is that why you misunderstood?
No way. That was because
I was talking to him about President Yeo.
About President Yeo?
Well, actually,
when I was examining him, his lungs--
What about his lungs?
When you examined him, did you hear
a sound from President Yeo's lungs?
No, I didn't hear anything.
Gosh, I misspoke.
Please forget everything I just said.
Well, then…
What was that?
Please answer quickly.
I'll do the anastomosis now. Scalpel.
Potts scissors.
Doctor Kim, it's the emergency room.
A patient with a gunshot wound is coming.
A gunshot wound?
Yes, there was a gang fight at the casino,
and the accident happened
while the police were making arrests.
GS should examine the gunshot wound.
What should we do?
Gosh, what should we do?
Both Doctor Kim and Dr. Seo
just got started.
Vitals, please.
They're okay so far.
In everything,
if there's a beginning,
then there's also an end.
It's not so bad…
to leave like this.
To a man like me who doesn't have family,
the past ten years at Doldam…
are quite precious,
and they fill me with gratitude.
I'll remove the clamp now.
Nothing seems to be leaking.
Well, Dr. Bae,
let's wrap up.
The patient with the gunshot wound
is coming,
so we'll need an operating room.
Yes, sir.
-We'll wrap up here for now,
move him to the ICU,
and reschedule the surgery.
Good job, everyone.
Dr. Cha.
Good job.
Shall we wrap up now?
Yes, doctor.
Let's wrap up.
Irrigation, please.
In going through a life-long journey,
there are moments
when you can pause briefly,
but there are no moments you can stop.
So, let's not be too sad.
Mom, it's me.
I couldn't answer since I was operating.
Because I'm happy.
The surgery went so well.
So I'm so happy.
Yes, I did it.
Yes, I got lots of compliments…
because it was a very difficult surgery.
The places you leave behind
are filled with new things again.
And that's a very natural thing.
Pads, please.
Scalpel, please.
I wanted to hold each of your hands
as I said goodbye.
But that might make me sad as I leave,
so I'll just leave.
I don't see any other bleeding.
I'll check the part with perforation
and proceed with resection.
Are you leaving now?
I should go, of course.
By the way…
you know today's Friday, right?
Where is he?
-Over there.
-He's over there!
-This way.
Where is he?
-Come on.
-Over there.
-Get out of my way!
-Darn it.
-Over there.
-Let's go!
-Where is he?
-Let's go that way!
-Come on.
-Come on.
-Where is he?
-Where are you?
-Where is he?
-Where are you?
Dr. Yoon!
Yes, I'm coming!
Be well, everyone.
Like Doldam,
like yourselves.
What did you want me to do?
-You can do it, right?
-Yes, sir. I can do it.
I heard that you're an HPB specialist.
Show us your abilities.
-You've got skills.
You promised me.
What are you talking about? Nurse Park.
I found a way to push out
Bu Yong-ju.
He might be tougher than Do Yun-wan.
In order to do that, Dr. Bu Yong-ju,
I'll have to control your craziness first.
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