Everything Calls for Salvation (2022) s02e05 Episode Script

Quinta settimana

[Cimaroli] Today, Armando is
leaving us to go somewhere nicer.
What am I saying?
Can there be a nicer place
than Villa San Francesco?
[men and women] No!
[Cimaroli] So, let's just say,
a place where he'll feel better.
And Armando deserves it,
because he's a wonderful person,
and he has earned all our affection.
So, we'll miss you a lot.
- Please, a nice applause for Armando.
- [Madonnina groans]
Armando, good luck with everything.
- Wish you the best.
- Thank you very much, Doctor.
Thank you.
- A little token, Armando.
- [Cimaroli laughs] Sparing no expense.
Uh, Armando, that's all I have for you.
[chuckles] Thank you. Thank you.
That's more than enough.
- Madonnina mia. [whimpers]
- Ah!
Madonnina, thank you. Thanks a lot.
Thank you. Thank you. It's really nice.
Sorry, I didn't know you were leaving.
Come on, who cares?
At least, you're here, you know.
Wait. What are you doing?
- No, no, no, no, no. It's too much.
- Hold on. No, Armando.
I want to. Treat yourself
to a wonderful fish meal for me.
- Hmm?
- [sniffles]
The young Armando is leaving us.
The vagabond that we love.
I have a little gift for him too.
These are shell-shaped cookies.
Obtained with the complicity of the staff.
They'll help remind you of le temps perdu.
The time you wasted in here.
[laughs] What can I say, Matilde? It's
[sniffles] Thank you very much.
No, no, no.
No kisses. You'll ruin my makeup.
- Go on, Armando. Go on. Get out of here.
- Yes.
- Get out.
- Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
- Take care, Arma.
- Thank you.
- [Madonnina shouting]
- [Cimaroli] Bye, Armando.
I didn't know what to do with my hands.
I didn't have stage presence.
I couldn't control my voice.
You can't imagine
how difficult it is to know that
you're doing something bad.
She's good, right?
I am a seagull.
[exhales] Uh
No, it has nothing to do with it.
Remember when you shot a seagull?
A man came along, by chance he saw it,
and because he was bored,
he destructed it.
Go on. Keep going. Don't stop. Go on.
He destroyed it.
A topic for a short narrative.
But what was I talking about?
Uh, I was talking about the scene.
I have now transformed.
I'm a real actress. I, uh
I act with with satisfaction.
With enthusiasm. I get drunk
when I'm on stage. I feel wonderful.
And now,
ever since I got here,
I've been walking around.
[inhales] I'm always walking
and thinking too.
I think, and I even believe that my
spiritual strength is growing day by day.
I know now. I understand, Kostja,
that in our line of work,
and it doesn't matter
if we are actors or playwrights,
the most important thing is not fame.
[chuckles] No, it is not grandeur.
It is not what I used to dream about.
- Rather, the ability to endure
- [director] Fine, fine, enough. Come on.
Great job. I can see that
you came well-prepared.
Thank you. [chuckles]
Thank you. Yes, I've
I've tried to respect the text,
but, uh, with a key
that spoke about me too.
Sure, sure.
How does it speak to you, this key?
Well, the character's an actress
striving to showcase her talent, like me.
And are you familiar with Chekhov?
Do you like him?
Are you a fan of his stories?
Uh, I studied him in high school. But
Okay, perhaps you've seen his work
on stage or in the movies.
For instance, An Unfinished Piece,
which is a true masterpiece,
or even The Seagull by Bellocchio?
Uh [exhales]
No, um, it wasn't mentioned
in the convocation.
Okay, it doesn't matter. Just curious.
Forgive me for these questions.
It's just that your mom out there,
she told me that you
had prepared so much, so
she demanded that I come back in a hurry.
But I didn't come back right away.
So she basically chewed me out,
forcing me to come back,
even though I wanted to smoke a cigarette.
Oh, well. Never mind.
Okay, thanks. I guess we'll
we'll see each other again soon.
Meaning, uh, that
That in the future, we might.
Not for this movie.
You know, but in the future, okay?
Thank you.
[director] And to you. Thank you. Thanks.
And say hello to your mom, okay?
Quite a character.
Is she an actress too?
No. Oh, well. At this point,
I'll go have my cigarette, okay?
What do you think?
I don't know who's coming next.
Sweetheart, how did it go?
Don't talk to me.
- What happened?
- Leave me alone.
Excuse me, sir.
What the hell happened in there?
[director] Nothing happened, ma'am.
The audition didn't go badly.
The girl is very young
and still not quite ready for it.
That's what you say.
Uh, yes, indeed.
That's what I say. [chuckles]
You're wrong. You're very wrong.
And you'll soon realize.
She's crazy. [laughs]
Mothers. Mothers, my God. [laughs]
[Daniele] Doctor.
- Hi, Daniele.
- Can I talk to you for a moment?
Yes, of course.
They will be coming
for Alessandro pretty soon.
Are you sad to see him leave?
Yes, that too. I'm losing another brother.
[chuckles] But Madonnina is back.
You know, the real challenge
is to find in every patient that trace
of humanity that means so much to you.
And it seems you have discovered it
in these patients as well.
And, oh, my God,
I'm sure, they've all noticed.
But it's really hard, Doctor.
It's hard.
[sighs] Besides, lately I've been, uh
This thing with Maria, the new job, I
I've started taking sedatives.
It's been a month.
You know how it works better than I do,
not as a medicine,
but as a drug,
and then, goes without saying,
I ended up abusing.
Do you realize that you put yourself
and the others in danger by doing this?
I know.
I know. That's why I wanted
to ask your help to to stop.
[exhales] Besides, these shortcuts
don't help eliminate the pain.
On the contrary,
they amplify it.
All right, I wanna see you every
single week, every Friday morning.
[sighs] I appreciate you
informing me about it though.
Thank you.
- [cell phone vibrates]
- Excuse me a moment.
Ah. Pino.
Pino, what is it?
Okay, good. All right, thanks.
I'll see you in a minute. See you.
The ambulance for Alessandro
is here. Let's go.
Everybody, stop!
- What are they doing?
- Giorgio.
- Are you taking him away?
- Giorgio, listen to me.
There was no other option.
You knew that. Huh?
He's going to a more suitable place.
I told you.
You didn't tell me anything.
Get your hands off.
Hi, Alessandro.
You saw it, didn't you?
He turned his head.
Huh? You, Doctor.
I'm sure that you saw it too this time.
Yes, Giorgio, you're right.
He did, but come on, listen.
There's no other option.
Doctor, don't take him away!
Please, if if Alessandro stays,
Daniele and I will make him
wake up. Understand?
We'll make him wake him up!
The doctor told you that
we don't have any other options, okay?
I feel really calm right now!
- Pino. Pino.
- No, just a moment.
Sorry. Give me a moment, okay?
Giorgio, come here.
Giorgio, come here.
I have something important to tell you,
okay? Come with me, come on.
[Giorgio panting]
- Hey, look at me. Hey, come on.
- [huffs]
We'll do something
that I think you'll like a lot.
How about you get in the ambulance
with him? Just the two of you, all right?
Tell him everything you have to say.
You can tell him that we'll go visit him.
Okay, yeah? Take all the time you want.
Can I tell him everything
and take my time?
Everything you want. Yeah?
But then you let him go. Agreed?
- Yes.
- [chuckles] Well done, big guy.
Go. Load up the stretcher.
All yours, Gio.
Alessandro, you have to trust me.
Do you understand?
You have to pray,
because only Jesus can rescue us.
You really have to pray a lot.
He'll save us all. Yeah.
Only Jesus, Alessandro.
Hey, you can sleep without a worry.
We won't leave you alone, you know?
We'll come visit.
I'll see to it.
You behave, okay?
- [Daniele] You okay?
- Thanks.
- Thank you, Danie.
- Thank you, Giorgio.
Hey, you said we'll visit him.
It's a promise, right?
Yeah, it's a promise.
[engine turns over]
[Matilde] You old sentimental fool.
Old, stupid, ridiculous,
sentimental fool.
You will always get screwed by life.
You got a cigarette? [exhales]
I thought you didn't smoke.
[lighter clicks]
[inhales, exhales]
Bad thoughts?
Too many.
Can you tell me one?
This place used to be my salvation.
Now it's my cross.
Sometimes I think,
"That's it. I quit. I'll go home."
But no one's at home.
I don't have a companion.
I don't have kids.
In fact, this is my home.
I even sleep here from time to time.
[exhales] I should get out of here.
[exhales] But where?
We can't run from our thoughts, Daniele.
- Hmm.
- So, we might as well stay.
But I don't know
how long I can hold up. [exhales]
[cell phone vibrating]
- Excuse me. I'll be right back.
- Sure.
- Nina.
- [Nina] The audition was shit.
After all, nothing new
under the sun, right? [scoffs]
Tomorrow, I was supposed
to have an exam, but I'll skip it.
How do you think it would go?
Like shit, no doubt.
Because my life is shit.
- Are you home? Do you want me to come by?
- What for?
So you can give me one
of your "I know everything" sermons?
No, look, forget it, thank you.
[phone beeps]
- [crowd in Italian]
- Go, Roma, go! ♪
[in English] Look at this guy.
Super pumped.
- [crowd in Italian]
- We will sing until we die! ♪
- Waving our colors ♪
- [vuvuzelas honking]
- [in English] Well, what?
- Holy shit.
[huffs] I changed my jacket,
and the tickets are at my place.
Are you serious? Now what?
I'm just gonna run home.
Run home? The game starts in half an hour.
I really fucked up.
What do we do?
Well, I'm hungry.
Let's get some food. You're buying.
Where can I take you?
- [chattering]
- [Pino] Thanks.
Whoa! My stomach is rumbling.
Mm. Good.
[Pino] Hmm.
I completely embarrassed myself.
I'm sorry.
Whatever. Who cares?
It's the thought that counts.
It's easy to use your imagination
with this atmosphere.
[muffled stadium cheering]
Hey, hold on.
- My God!
- [cheering intensifies]
- They scored! [shouts]
- [laughs]
[muffled stadium shouting]
[cell phone rings]
What's up, Ma?
[Giorgia] Darling,
are you at the clinic yet?
No, almost. What's up?
Just wanted to tell you
that the lawyer said that tomorrow,
we'll meet half an hour earlier
at the courthouse to prepare.
Nina, are you there?
Yeah, yeah. I heard you.
But is it absolutely necessary to do this?
I don't understand.
I don't know. This whole thing is
becoming more and more absurd to me.
Daniele is a great dad,
and I'm sure you're well aware of that.
We'll talk about it tonight.
- Ciao.
- [phone beeps]
What are you doing here?
Honestly, I wanted to see
your face when I told you.
They thought you had
some good poems there.
Roberto wants to publish them.
Isn't that good news?
Of course, it's amazing.
I didn't expect it.
That's all. This is great news.
That's not all.
Since he asked me to handle the book,
you and I will have to see each other.
For me, that's also great news,
but maybe for you,
not so much.
It is for me too.
The book will be beautiful.
Anyway, I was a jerk.
I'm sorry about that.
I also said some horrible things.
- [Daniele exhales]
- I [exhales]
I have some issues with men.
I only had a short relationship
that didn't didn't end well.
And I've been a little scared ever since.
I understand.
Anyway, I'm really glad
you said those things. All of it.
It helped me.
I wasn't well.
I, uh, I was drinking a lot,
taking sedatives.
Why? [chuckles]
Um, because tomorrow there's
the hearing for the custody of Maria.
And I don't know. I'm terrified
they won't let me see her anymore.
[inhales] Shall we try again?
Let's try again, yeah.
- ["So delle cose che so" playing]
- [man singing in Italian]
[Daniele in English] Doctor.
What is it?
Didn't Nina have an appointment with you?
Yes, but as a matter of fact,
I haven't seen her. I'll try calling her.
No, I've already tried too.
Her phone's off.
Oh. Problems?
Not as far as I know.
I mean, tomorrow, we have the hearing.
I don't think that's it.
Well, I'll get going.
Let's go take a nap. Let's go take a nap.
There you go.
- [Maria babbles]
- [indistinct chattering]
- [sighs]
- [judge] We have lifted the reserve.
In addition, I have requested
that you communicate
the decision that the court has made.
Given the counsels' advice
and having heard
the defendant and opposing party,
we have decided to name
a court-appointed technical consultant.
- Suitably qualified.
- It's a psychologist.
[judge] And with experience
in the psychiatric field,
to come to a decision
that takes all the elements into account
and that is as close as possible
to the reality of the facts.
You see, the two parties
involved are very young.
It is for this reason
that a hasty evaluation
would be completely unacceptable.
I'll explain later.
[judge] The consultant
will contact the lawyers
to decide on a meeting schedule
and work methods.
Excuse me. What does this mean?
I'm not sure if I understand you.
It means that in order
for the court to come to a decision,
we believe that it's best to involve
an experienced and neutral expert.
And what will this experienced
consultant do? Come to our house?
- It's common practice.
- [judge] To your house or your workplace.
Or wherever you decide,
in agreement with the consultant.
So, everything I've demonstrated
in these past few weeks, months even,
since Maria was born
has not been enough for a decision?
Evidently, it has not.
So since you won't take
the responsibility of a decision,
you wanna include other people,
which will result in a waste
of time for everyone.
What does it matter to you?
It's not your life.
- [lawyer] Excuse her.
- The session is closed.
You'll receive a communication shortly.
Goodbye and have a nice day.
- [lawyer] Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
You all want me to lose.
Is that it? You're all against me.
Stay quiet or it's over.
I understand, but what happens now?
What happens is that your daughter
has put us in a very difficult position.
How so?
Within the next few days,
I'd like for you to visit my office
so we can make a decision regarding
whether or not
we should continue working with you.
- Seriously?
- [cell phone vibrates]
Working under these conditions
is frankly impossible.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
Nina, darling,
why on earth did you do that?
Mom, don't you see we didn't win?
It was a huge failure.
You were so sure, so confident. Right?
Mom, it was a loss.
How do you feel now, huh?
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Let's go to Maria, come on.
Not to mention the girl's behavior today,
that will be a big help. [exhales]
You're all happy, huh? The good guys won.
How about take that
phony look of pain off your face?
- What do you want from me?
- I can't stand your hypocritical eyes.
You're the worst!
- Whoa! Bitch, you better watch your mouth.
- Who are you?
- The one who wanted to beat my daughter.
- I'm gonna beat you up too.
- Go for it!
- You have a big mouth, narcissistic bitch!
You're a bunch of failures,
all of you. It doesn't end here.
- You're the failure, you skank.
- Barbarians!
She call us barbarians?
- Forget it.
- Hey, take it easy.
[Antonella] You're full of shit, bitch.
Fuck her.
I'll beat the shit out
of that girl one day.
- She's worse than Nina. That's for sure.
- Time for lunch. I'm starving.
Shall I call a cab? [exhales]
I'm off. See you tonight.
[all] Bye, Giovanni.
[Daniele] What are we eating?
I don't know, but I'm not cooking.
Why don't we go to the club?
- You always wanna go to the club.
- Okay, to celebrate.
[driver] Hi, there. Cenni, right?
- [Anna] Thank you.
- [Angelo sighs]
[Antonella] Oh, God.
Guys, you go first.
I'll catch up with you later.
- [Anna] Where is he going?
- [Angelo] Anna, just let him go, please.
How'd it go?
[Daniele] I don't know.
I'd say well. Yeah.
[Angelica] I knew it.
- [laughing]
- [Angelo] Uh, the meter's running, guys.
["Non sono una signora"
by Loredana Berté playing]
Come on, Anna, please.
[in Italian] How tiring it is ♪
Falling a few meters to the side ♪
Of my fear ♪
It's a gliding flight ♪
To be remembered here ♪
For not knowing how to fly ♪
How could I remember now ♪
I'm not a lady ♪
One with only stars in her destiny ♪
I'm not a lady ♪
But a woman
For whom the war never ends ♪
I'm not a lady ♪
One with just a few scars in her life ♪
Oh, no! ♪
[in English] What the hell is this ruckus?
Maria's sleeping in my bedroom, Nina.
- Where are you going?
- To have fun somewhere, okay?
And you should
definitely have fun too, Mommy.
- Right? That's better.
- I don't know what to say anymore.
Jesus Christ.
[cell phone chimes]
- [dance music playing]
- Hi. Look where I am.
I wanted to see
if they still recognized me.
But no one gives a shit anymore. How cool.
Anyway, I'm glad you'll be able
to see Maria like before.
But don't get used to it, okay?
'Cause I'm keeping an eye on you. [laughs]
- [phone beeps]
- No, don't worry. I won't get used to it.
Have fun. Enjoy the evening.
[phone whooshes]
[cell phone vibrating]
[Giorgia] I can't find Nina.
Have you spoken to her?
Yeah, she sent me a video message
a couple of hours ago.
She was at the Seashell, the nightclub.
But was she okay?
Yeah, she was. She seemed happy. Why?
I don't know.
She rushed out. She was acting strange.
First, she wasn't answering.
Now her phone's off.
- I'm so worried.
- Shh!
[sobbing] Please, Daniele, help me.
Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll go there.
I'll go to the Seashell and check.
Then I'll call you back.
Thank you.
- Excuse me. Have you seen this girl?
- No.
Excuse me.
Have you seen this girl tonight at all?
- No, no.
- No, I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
[woman shouting]
[man] Let's go!
Wake up, dude. We're almost there.
We're heading to Ibiza.
- Look, bro. Wake up, bro. Come on.
- [cell phone ringing]
[Giorgia] Tell me you found her.
- No, she's not here.
- [sobbing]
Rachid, where are you going?
Don't worry. I'm not running away, dude.
They removed my cast
and discharged me. So
Why that face?
They couldn't keep me here any longer.
I was supposed to stay a week.
I stayed over a month.
They need the beds.
More crazies are coming.
You're not upset, are you?
No. Maybe a little.
But I'm also happy for you.
Where will you go now?
I thought I'd go, uh, chez toi.
To your house, since you love me so much.
Can I?
Don't worry, dude. I'll be like a dog.
I'll stay where they put me,
and they can toss me a bone.
Anyway, why do you wanna know?
What do you care? [chuckles]
You ain't gotta worry about me no more.
See you.
[Matilde in Italian] Drop hitting
The bottom, finding the sea ♪
Oh, happiness ♪
Like a wave waiting nearby ♪
Oh, happiness ♪
Like a shadow coming and going ♪
[knock on door]
[in English] Did it go badly in court?
No, it went well.
Then why are you making that face, huh?
I don't know. Uh
Armando and now
Now Rachid's gone too. Everyone's leaving.
Well, there's always me.
The best piece in the room.
Not enough for you? Huh?
Come here.
Come here.
When you're so disheartened,
you manage to bring out the mother in me.
- [Daniele sighs]
- I almost wanna care for you. [laughs]
But luckily for me,
I get right over it. [laughs]
Anyway, mm, tomorrow I'm leaving.
Naturally, they don't
know what to do with me.
Well, how will you get on,
huh, without me? [chuckles]
I don't know.
Neither do I.
Neither do I.
Hey, stop! Where the fuck are you going?
[horn honking]
Mario, warn ER. Hurry!
[Cimaroli] Daniele, Nina's in the ER.
She's in bad shape.
Come on, open the door!
- Open this fucking door!
- [nurse] Stop shouting.
[Daniele] Open this fucking door.
- [nurse] A new patient just arrived.
- Open the damn door.
- [nurse] Calm down.
- [Daniele] Let me in!
- Hey, Daniele, calm down.
- I have to get in now!
- Stop, stop, stop!
- [Daniele grunts]
Can you get the on-duty doctor, please?
- Let me
- Hold on, Daniele!
- Come on.
- I wanna see her.
- Calm down. Calm down.
- They gotta let me in.
[gasps] I wanna see her.
- You'll see her. You need to calm down.
- [sobbing] No.
- Sit down, sit.
- Why aren't they letting me in?
You have to be patient.
You can't go in like this. You know that.
- [doctor] Guido.
- Yeah, hey.
It's still too early to say.
As soon as she got here,
she had a heart attack,
but we got her back.
The tests show a mixture
of alcohol, benzodiazepines and cocaine.
We're performing
a gastric lavage procedure.
- Thanks. I'll tell Elisabetta.
- [doctor] She should make it.
I just spoke to her.
[Daniele panting]
Hear that?
Come on, stay calm, okay?
[cell phone rings]
Elisabetta, I'm here
at the ER with Daniele.
[Maria babbling]
[Daniele] Maria, Daddy's here.
Daddy's here.
How is she? [gasping]
They're pumping her stomach right now.
When she arrived, she was in a bad way.
But she's coming around.
[sobbing] I wanted to tell her
Come on, come here.
- Come here.
- It's my fault. [sobbing]
No, no, no, no.
It's my fault. [sobbing]
Everything's okay. Everything's okay.
- [Mancino] It's okay.
- It's all gonna be all right.
I promise, sweetheart.
Hi, my love.
Mom, seeing the two
of you together is a sight to behold.
- [Daniele exhales]
- I'm sorry. [sobbing]
- It's my fault. I always mess up
- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, my love.
I keep trying
to do things well, but I end up failing.
- No, that's not true.
- [Nina gasps]
The judge will give her to you.
And he's right.
- No.
- [Nina] He's right.
- [sniffles]
- [Giorgia] How are you feeling?
- I did everything wrong.
- [Giorgia] Don't worry.
I don't know why,
but I always do things wrong.
- It's not your fault. It's my fault.
- [Nina gasps] No.
I just screw things up.
I fail all the time. I'm a screwup.
- No.
- [Nina] But I tried.
[both sobbing]
Sweetie, look who's here, huh?
- Mommy's here.
- Maria. My love. Come to Mommy.
- Mommy's here.
- [Maria babbles]
- Hi, Maria.
- Yeah?
- Oh. [kisses]
- Told you Mommy was here.
- Oh!
- You're an extraordinary mother.
You gave her everything she needed,
and she adores you.
- [Nina exhales]
- Hmm?
[Maria babbles]
Right, Maria? Don't you
adore your mommy so much? Yeah?
Yeah? How much do you love Mommy?
- [Maria babbles]
- Huh?
Now, we'll let Mommy rest.
Come on. Come here.
There you go.
[Daniele exhales]
[sniffles] Come here.
[Daniele sighs]
Can you recite one of your poems,
so I can sleep a little?
I actually wrote one for Maria,
but I don't have it here.
I'll just trust my memory.
Go ahead. [sniffles]
When you laugh and you are one with joy
Nothing bad exists
Your arms quiver in the air
Grasping invisible things
Friendly lights and shadows
- [sobs]
- Play with you in secret
In a language forbidden to all others
Then, black clouds covering the sun
Walls that are black are the ones that
Your hands have stroked with fine dust
For a brief period of time
Your eyes experience pain
But eventually, your smile returns
An abundance of light is pouring
Into our world from the vast expanse
Of the universe
That's it.
Nice. It's very nice.
Thank you.
[exhales] Can you write one for me too?
[cell phone vibrating]
- [men and women chattering]
- [Giorgia trilling]
You're so gross.
So gross.
[door slams shut]
[water running]
[water continues running]
[water running]
[gasps] Madonnina Mia.
[Pino blubbers]
There's a line, Rossana. Look at that.
So what? At least
we don't need tickets, Pino.
- You're cruel.
- Let's go. Come on.
See? The line is moving fast.
- Thanks very much.
- Thank you.
- Hi, there.
- [both] Hi.
Uh, could I get maybe ten copies?
- Ten copies?
- Yeah.
- I'm the mother.
- She could tell. I'm sure.
Here. That's 120, but let's make it 100.
- Thanks.
- All right, thanks.
- I'm Angelica.
- I'm Anna.
This is a really
important theater, Gianluca.
[Angelica] Daniele.
- Quite an audience.
- I'm dying. [chuckles]
- No, don't worry. It'll all go well.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'll go first.
- Okay. [exhales]
I'll call you soon. Don't run off.
[gasps] I won't.
[man shushing]
Good evening.
Welcome and thank you for being here.
I'm Angelica Visentin from Bibli,
and tonight, we're presenting the first
collection of poems by Daniele Cenni.
Called Shared Days.
Daniele has written poems
since high school.
But he had never thought
of publishing them, because as he says,
"You can't make a living with poems."
Actually, he's not completely wrong.
However, poems, when they're beautiful,
they should be published.
'Cause life goes beyond the market.
Without poetry, man becomes illiterate.
Emotionally illiterate.
And we're seeing it.
We're experiencing it.
We believe that Daniele is a true poet.
You be the judge. Let's welcome him
with a round of applause.
[crowd cheering]
[Daniele] Good evening. Good evening.
- You're great, Daniele!
- [shushing]
Good evening. Uh. actually,
I'm not really sure what to say.
Angelica has already said everything.
[sighs] Anyway
So, yeah, for me, poems have
always served as a kind of outlet
for thoughts that
have been placed into form.
A bit like, for example,
a declaration of love, I'd say.
- [kisses]
- [Daniele] And
The poems in this collection
are about events
that have occurred
over the past few years,
and many of you were there.
Anyway, I'm extremely grateful
to Bibli, the publishing house
and Angelica Visentin.
I was very good friends with a man
who was a poet of exceptional talent.
Also, a great human being.
Anyway, I'll read some
of these poems to you.
The first one is called "Resurgence."
I couldn't see anything anymore
My eyes were useless, even for crying
Then you, whoever you are
Whether father or mother
Or an anonymous figure
You lent me your eyes
And I could see again
But with perpetual pain
In the depths of hunger's grip
In the depths of relentless thirst
You came to my rescue
You, a foreigner out on the street
To help me remember how
To eat and drink properly
But I never stopped suffering
And you, a stranger in the hospital
Or in the deep darkness
Of the sea, you taught me to hate
Without anyone to embrace my anger
And so, I hated
But without giving up hope
You, in flesh and blood
Dressed in a beauty that
Seeing it, my voice trembles
As do my legs
Hand over your mouth so I may kiss it
And please allow your whole soul to enter
And remain inside, forevermore, with love
- That's it.
- [crowd cheering]
[Daniele] Thank you.
- [crowd whistling]
- [shouting]
[applauding, cheering continue]
[dramatic music playing]
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