Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e05 Episode Script

Worlds Within Worlds

That's it! I've done it!
I've just harvested
an entirely new element
from a totally
unknown dimensión!
Let's see, historical precedents
dictate that I name it.
Hmm. How's this, ah, Reedium?
- Uh-huh.
- It's a joke, darling.
Try "Goop," Mr. Wizard.
You're taking the night off
to go to the movies with Johnny and me.
And it'll be good for Johnny.
All he does is mope around
since he lost his girl, Crystal.
- Sittin' this one out, Ben?
- Yeah.
My girl Alicia's on her way over.
We're gonna march to my tune.
Eatin' munchies
and watchin' The Three Stooges.
Don't let anything
disturb my new discovery, Ben.
[Sue] Reed!
I got lots better uses
for Stretcho's gizmo
than makin' purple jello.
Namely corn-poppin'!
You know, this is ten times
faster than Susie's microwave.
And it pops all the kernels.
Man, I I am gettin' hungry.
No! No!
Please, no!
No, please. Go away.
What's wrong with me?
I'm shakin'
like a snowbound sunbather!
- Don't hurt me!
- That's right, creature.
Tremble! Quiver in terror!
Such is the power of Psychoman!
The beast that you shrink
from is but an illusión.
No more than the symbol
of your own deepest fear,
fear of losing control
over your beastly, inhuman strength.
And as your fear grows, so grows the
Where is the element?
Ben! Ben, who's that?
Deal with it, Grimm! Deal with it!
Remarkable! I've never seen anyone
whose courage was a match
for my fear ray.
It's okay, sweetie.
Hey, Benjy's right here.
Hey, rockpile, this guy must've been
one heavy-duty boogeyman.
Tonight you better sleep
with your night-light on.
Yeah? Well, scarin' Alicia ain't funny!
What is funny
is you in a full body cast!
Let me show you how a pro does it.
Fascinating. My scan
of the armor's molecular structure
reveals that this Psychoman
came from another dimensión.
The same one my new element came from.
Are you following any of this, darling?
Gee, afraid not, darling.
Poor Reed, it must be so trying
to have to explain everything
to your backward wife.
Really, Susan!
Such sarcasm is hardly called for,
especially from a girl who moves
her lips when reading the time.
Hey, hey. Lay off of Sue,
you egomaniacal egghead.
She's much smarter than you ever
give her credit for.
What's the matter, you blue-eyed baby?
That orange hide turnin' yellow on you?
Come down here and say that,
you glorified gas log!
Stop it, you two!
I can't stand you when you act
like spoiled children!
Now you're the one acting like
Hey! Hey, hey.
- What the ding-dong am I doin'?
- More like what are we doing?
It's this element.
It must have some radioactive effect
on the molecular structure
of the brain's chemicals.
- It affects our thinking?
- And our emotions.
In the wrong hands,
it would give someone
the unlimited power
to manipulate people.
My head's spinning. I need some air.
Me too. Come on.
Let's go get a nice cup of coffee
down at the café.
And I want to store this,
as Ben calls it, goop
in my negative-field ionizer,
where no one but the
Fantastic Four can get at it.
No one but the Fantastic Four?
Well, then, I shall have
to activate my membership.
Ben just hates trying on clothes.
- Really?
- And he's impossible to fit.
The popping buttons
have put five salesmen on disability.
You think he's hard to fit?
Try buying a sports coat
that'll stretch 500 feet.
Reed! Hi! That was quick, darling.
- Where's Johnny and Ben?
- Something's come up.
No time to explain.
We're needed immediately!
Well, uh, okay, sure, Reed.
But Alicia
Oh, I'm fine, Sue. I'll take a cab home.
Hey, Alicia. Ben stayed to guard the
Hey, wait a minute! Where's Sue?
Sue? Why, she went with you.
I love those mouthy meeces!
[phone rings]
- Talk to me.
- Ben.
Reed needs you to bring
Element F to him right away.
- Bring what?
- The goop.
We're at the Avenger's Mansión.
- Ow!
- [dead line]
Goodbye to you, too, Susie.
I wonder why Susie wants this stuff,
- Taxi
- Give me that container!
Or you will meet your ultimate defeat
at the hands of
Malice, Mistress of Hate.
Forget it, lady.
I ain't givin' nobody nothin'.
And Ben Grimm
sure ain't fightin' no lady.
Y'know, after some ruminatin',
I've decided you ain't no lady.
- I can't breathe.
- Aw!
Poor little Thingy out of breath?
Take a hike, toots.
That's a good little superhero.
Reed Richards! You will die!
As I promised, Reed Richards
will become your prey.
But first, we return to my worid
to set a little trap.
For the rest of my family?
So the next thing I know
is I wake up in the alley alone.
- Johnny, any sign of Sue?
- Sorry, brother-in-law.
No luck.
Hey, we'll find her, Stretch.
She couldn't have just vanished
off the face of the Earth.
- Did you get the images?
- Sure. Right here.
Ben, you said Sue told you
to bring her Element F, right?
Yeah? So what?
Well, the trouble is,
I never named the new element.
In fact, there's only one being
who might know its name.
This heat-image tracer
can replay pictures of recent events
by capturing the residual heat
images that remain behind.
Right. They just had a clearance
sale on those at Bloomie's.
Hey, that's the dame, all right.
Spiked collar, red cape.
Reminds me, Mother's Day
is comin' up soon.
Look, it's Sis!
[Reed] Now, if the coordinates match
Malice, Mistress of Hate, is Sue.
Oh, man.
Mamma mia!
You mean I was goin'
toe-to-toe with Susie?
Hey, slow down, Reed!
Where are we goin'?
To get Sue back! If Psychoman's
hurt her in any way at all
But why the Reducto-Craft?
Psychoman's armor revealed he
came from a subatomic dimensión,
one that can only be reached
by shrinking to microscopic size,
then passing through
a dimensional portal.
Ah Figures!
Why can't the bad guys
ever live in Waikiki?
We're now in a place
no human's ever been.
A worid within worids, the Microverse.
Because of our Reducto-Craft's
limited charge,
we've only got a half-hour
to find Sue and get her back.
After that, the portal closes up again,
trapping us for ever.
Get real! How are we gonna
find them in a half-hour?
It's my guess Psychoman will find us.
We're hit!
Something's jammed the micro-gyro.
Johnny, take over!
[Thing] Speed racer!
Slow this rust bucket down
or you're gonna wear my breakfast!
[Thing groans]
Look! Over there! Flame on!
What? Nothing.
I could've sworn I
No. It's just a barren wasteland.
Actually it's just the opposite, Johnny.
Look at the shape
of those crystalline structures.
Notice their grid-like placement.
What are you guys talkin' 'bout?
Hey, yeah, almost like buildings
or somethin'.
Exactly like buildings.
We've landed in the middle of a city.
- Whoa!
- Hey!
What's goin' on?
Flame on! Help! Flame on!
Flame on! No!
Lay off the kid, you creep!
Ain't it enough you kidnapped Susie
and swiped Stretcho's goop?
Actually, Ben,
I'm afraid we're the thieves.
Say what?
If my theory is correct,
the element I took from this dimensión
belonged to Psychoman.
It's the fuel for his psychoweapons,
which he obviously uses to enslave
the inhabitants of this worid with fear.
Oh, a charming necessity, I assure you.
Once I saw your amazing powers,
I realized you could be
enormously useful
in controlling my subjects,
as my fear police.
So, with your lovely wife as bait,
I lured you to my dimensión,
and reduced you even more
to your present puny size.
And to force us to carry out
your sick orders,
you're brainwashing us
with your psychological torture.
Call it a hobby. And now to continue.
Let me at him!
Ah Interesting.
If I reduce my molecular cohesión
to a minimum
All right. It's Dr. Blob.
[Thing] Whoa!
Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'!
[Reed groans]
Oh, yeah. Stand back!
It's clobberin' time!
Flame on!
Back off, Ben! He's mine!
Huh? Hey!
What the? He shrunk!
No, Ben, he was never any bigger
than what you see.
- The rest was just an illusión.
- Huh?
Well, maybe now he'll stick to charades.
Let's move! Only five minutes till
the dimensional portal closes forever.
And I'm not leaving without Susan!
- Looking for me dear?
- [all] Susan!
Correction. Malice.
Susan Richards was a pathetic creature.
Someone to be ignored at worst,
patronized at best.
Someone you stifled
and frustrated at every turn.
Wait a minute. Hold on, Susie.
Long-winded as he can be
- Keep out of this!
- Dang!
Sis! Why are you doing this
to the ones who love you?
And now my dear, devoted husband.
[Reed groans]
It's all over, darling.
And now you are going to die.
That's right, Reed.
It's a force-field bubble
inside your body.
Growing, expanding, pressing outwards.
- [yells]
- Sue!
- For pity's sake, stop!
- Silence!
Or I will crush you too, baby brother!
I'm gettin' real intimate here
with my spleen.
You got any brainstorms, Doc?
Just one.
Stop this nonsense at once!
I'm in no mood to put up
with your silly drivel!
What? You dare speak to me like that?
Susan, I'm ordering you to be quiet!
I've indulged your tantrums for years.
But now is not the time for such games.
What? Games?
Yes, games!
I'm sick of coddling you.
Face it, you never could
carry your weight in this group.
- We all know that.
- That's a lie!
Susan, I said shut up!
- I hate you!
- Yes! Go ahead! Hate me!
You weak, silly, spineless
Very clever, Richards.
But completely wasted.
Pity, you'd have made
such exemplary fear police.
I'm afraid you're dangerously
over-qualified for the position.
Malice, release them.
As you say, master.
My achin' everything!
I take it now you'll dispose of us?
With a little assist
from my hate cannon.
A hundred times more potent
than my previous psychoray.
Shall we test it?
Master, permit me to pull the trigger!
As you wish, my dear.
Y'know, what we need here
is the worid's best marriage counselor.
- This one's for you, monster!
- What?
[Psychoman] No!
- Attagirl, Sis!
- We got her back!
Thank heavens it worked.
I forced Sue's hatred beyond her means
to hold it inside.
The psychic explosión freed her
from Psychoman's control.
You stupid, ugly, demented,
loathsome weakling!
You failed!
You're a miserable failure!
I'll destroy you! Destroy you!
He's consumed with total self-hatred.
Let him write Dear Abby.
Meanwhile, we got one minute to boogie!
No sweat! One boogie buggy comin' up.
[Reed] That's it for Psychoman
and his fear weapons.
Maybe now the inhabitants of this worid
will get a little taste of freedom.
Ben, Johnny, Reed.
- I'm so sorry about
- Oh, I know, darling.
It's just good to have you back.
Although you do look fetching in black.
- Johnny, take the controls.
- I'm all over it. Cool.
Aw, no!
Don't let the kid drive!
[Johnny laughs, Thing groans]
[Thing] I think I'm gonna flash my head.
[Thing gags]
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