Flames (2018) s02e05 Episode Script

Agar Tum Saath Ho

Children, water.. i.e. H2O..
..is of two types.
First, that doesn't have contaminants
like calcium and magnesium.
Its soft water.
And second, that contains
all these contaminants. Hard water.
You're up, dear!
Have ordered Chowmein
and Manchurian from Sharma.
there was one more
photo besides these two photos.
Where is it?
It's with me, dear.
Whenever you need it, just ask me.
Son, today's topic is
combination of capacitors.
Do you know capacitors?
We can combine two or more
capacitors in different ways.
Today, we will discuss only two ways.
Series combination
and parallel combination.
Greetings sir. - Oh.. thank you, madam.
Thank you.
Papa, are you angry?
I kept my affair with
Rajat hidden from you.
I am angry, dear.
I never gave you a reason
to hide anything from me.
..it's alright.
You must have hidden it for a reason.
Shall I tell you something?
Whenever you feel like talking, please do.
I am here!
Thank you.
Want some more? - No.
I'll have some.
After the last chapter,
Rajat and Ishita's lives..
..have also been contaminated.
And the hardness has increased,
just like water.
But children,
hardness is also of two types.
Temporary hardness and permanent hardness.
What kind exists between them,
let's wait and watch.
And children,
this is the last chapter of this term.
So just like last time,
listen with an open heart and ears.
Get your notebooks out,
note down today's date and write.
Chapter 5..
'Agar Tum Saath Ho'. (if you are with me)
NCL2. Ok children..
And children,
the syllabus will end this week.
And we will start revision from next week.
I have made a worksheet
of important questions..
..chapter by chapter.
Ask him if it is for free
or will he charge for that too?
Ok class.
And before I forget, next month..
Yes sir.. we remember. Will pay the fees.
Very good.
Son.. that you have to pay.
But actually I was about
to say that on first of next month..
..our Sunshine is completing 8 years.
So just like last year,
we will be celebrating 'Founder's day'.
In layman's term, it is a treat from me!
So surely come for
our Sunshine's birthday.
Alright. See you in next class.
Pande-ji.. come here. - Yes sir.
What s it?
Finals are in a month
and Rajat has disappeared?
Sir, don't you know?! - What?
The other day,
Rajat's mother slapped him..
..outside tuition classes in public.
Huh! - Yes.
Hey item! Where are you off to?
I am going home.
Take me along too.
How are you? - Ok.
And you?
- Are you sure you are ok?
Look, if you want to cry,
I am the best partner.
You know that, right?
I know all of Kumar Sanu songs.
My fingers are soft like a tissue.
And I can bad mouth a
boyfriend to the lowest degree.
No, thank you. I am fine.
You're fine, right.
Then let's hangout at Mr.Momos.
Now that you have
come after so many days..
..show your face there too.
No buddy, Anusha..
am not at all in the mood.
I came after so many days..
feeling tired today.
Next time for sure.
Alright. Will talk tonight. Ok. Take care.
Listen Anusha..
- Yes?
Give this to Pandu.
Ask him to return it to Rajat.
Rajjo had gifted it to you, buddy.
I know.
You know he has done this
under family pressure, right?
Yes, yes.. Anusha. I know.
Ok, bye.
- Bye.
Rajat, take the door.
Mummy, Pandu is here.
He is asking me to go out for some time.
So shall I go?
Ok, go on. But come back in half an hour.
Rajjo, what will you have?
Potato cutlets or stuffed potato?
I don't have the money. You have.
Get me two cutlets and two cups tea.
Rajjo.. met Ishita today.
How is she, ok?
Anusha met her, not me.
She has sent something for you.
- What?
Brother, my scene is just
like you and Anusha's right?
Even we will patch up, right?
Brother, we will go
to the fort once again.
Please make things alright between us,
ok brother.
I know you will do it.
Rajjo, everything will be alright.
We are here.
For the first time I
took a decision on my own.
I would be with Ishita.
I was happy, brother. You know that right.
My parents could not bear to see that too.
Such low class people they are!
Forget it Rajjo.
After your twelfth, just elope.
Here.. have a cutlet.
Hey! You are back in 20 minutes only.
You are happy, right.. only that matters.
Ok, listen..
How are Kaushal sir's worksheets?
He had called up.
He said you should at least collect
the worksheets if not attend classes.
Have made hot cases. Want some.
Alright, I will get them.
No. I will get them.
'Hi.. even I returned your gift.'
'Thanks for breaking up.
If not you, I surely would have.'
'You don't deserve me.'
What's the matter, dear?
Can't sleep, papa.
Ok, sleep here.
Papa, do you miss grandma?
Yes dear, I do.
After all she is my mother.
Don't you miss your mom?
Too much.
Papa, what do you think of mom?
What were you saying?
Your mom.. she was very unique.
She was stronger than me.
And more intelligent and matured.
She was nice.
If she was so nice,
why did you both fight so much?
Dear, after she went, I just remember
the good things about her.
I had forgotten this.
Dear, your mother was
a good person for herself.
But perhaps not for me.
I tried my best to get along with her.
Even the night before the accident,
I had convinced her to come back.
But I have no guilt about
fighting amongst ourselves.
What is the matter, dear?
Will you say something, or just keep mum.
Papa, I really feel I will be left alone.
Everyone will leave me one by one.
Dear, it is just one breakup.
There is still a long way to go in life.
And just mark my words.
One day, you will think
about this and have a good laugh.
Ok, tell me.
Jaskirath is with you since so long.
Why do you think she will leave you?
I don't know.
May be I am not good enough.
I don't deserve it.
Dear, no one is better than you.
And you deserve everything
that is best in the world.
Nothing is wrong with you, dear.
Then why didn't mom look at me?
That night when you both fought..
..mother was packing her bags
and you were standing on one side.
I was watching everything from my room.
Then mom picked her bags and just left.
She didn't turn back
to look at me even once.
I was standing right there, papa.
And then even you followed her out.
You even convinced her
to come back upstairs. But..
Papa, even before the accident mom
was ready to leave me and go.
We never fought.
I used to do everything she said.
That means something
was wrong with me, right?
Dear.. its not that way.
Perhaps she was very angry at that time.
And she did return for you.
I agree she made a mistake.
But she was the one
who loved you most, right.
Yes papa.
But if mom can make this mistake,
Jaskirath can make it too.
Even Anusha can make it.
And Rajat has already made the mistake.
So what is the use of all this?
Why should I form relationships?
Because in life, everything is a vacuum..
..without family,
friends, there is nothing.
Everything is meaningless.
I agree some relationships
will be formed and then broken.
But some will also continue lifelong.
The important thing is to
live up to them until they are there.
And these relationships can't
be made with the whole world.
Just a couple of them..
for eg. Me and you.
Isn't it?
That is why, dear.
Talk to me.. open heartedly.
Isn't it?
Papa, whatever you say, I understand.
But I still don't understand.
Do you understand?
I don't know what
is happening to me, papa.
But all the time,
I don't know what goes on in my mind..
It is always so negative.
Fine. We will do something about that too.
And now, even I have lost my sleep.
Shall we play Ludo?
Children, there are a few
fixed methods in Chemistry..
..to remove hardness of water.
Such as Clark's method,
Ion exchange method..
..synthetic reagents method, etc.
But children, in life we
don't find such methods sometimes.
That's because, in Chemistry
contaminations are acceptable..
..but not in life.
And that is why, you must take help.
Yo students.
Yo students!
That sounds good.
I am Mrs. Bakshi, Rajat's mother.
Hey Mrs. Bakshi.. greetings. Please come.
Please come. Rajat didn't come?
No. He was studying.
I came here to collect the worksheets.
Please sit for two minutes.
Even last time you came,
you left from outside only.
Worksheets are being printed.
It will take 5 minutes.
You can have a cup of tea by then.
Sit down please.
Son, order two cups of tea.
Is Rajat alright? - Yes, he is.
By the way, where do you belong from?
Now, we have been in Delhi since long.
But parents are from Punjab.
I see. I belong from Rohtak.
By the way, would you like
to hear an incident from my childhood?
It's very funny.
I don't have any option, right.
That's right!
So the incident goes this way,
Mrs. Bakshi..
We are four brothers.
There is a lake in our village.
We used to hang out on its banks all day.
Kite flying, fooling around, boxing..
everything used to go on there.
But when our father used
to catch hold of us sometimes..
..we used to get beaten up badly.
You see our father wanted
us to study hard and become officers.
He had such a hard hand!
Just one blow and
a person would fall flat!
I can still feel the pain.
Then? - Yes..
So once we were playing
'Chain Chain' game.
The closed one.
Open one wasn't allowed there.
So my elder brother Rinki
he was the only one left to be caught.
He was on the other side
of a hillock opposite to us.
We had made a chain to catch him.
He was hundred percent out.
I would have done it for sure.
But you know what he did
to save himself.. he jumped.
As soon as he jumped,
he fell on his knees..
..and there was a cracking sound.
We lifted him up and checked his knee.
His knee was fully turned.
He was in lot of pain.
So we took him home.
Mother was not home, but father was.
If he confessed the truth,
he would be beaten up all the more.
That is why,
he never said anything to father.
And whenever father used to come,
he just used to sit in one place.
He never used to walk before father.
After 4-5 days, when mom arrived..
..she saw his knee which
was swollen like a 'Sharda'.
'Sharda'? - A yellow musk melon.
When she took him to a doctor,
he said the knee could be fixed..
..but it won't be like it was before.
For we were late for the treatment.
So what is so funny about this incident?
Funny part is now.
Funny part is now.
The hospital in which Rinki got admitted..
..father came and sat next to him.
He asked, 'Why didn't you tell me?'
He said, 'Father,
a broken knee caused me so much pain.'
If I had told you,
you would have broken the other one too.
Hearing that,
all we brothers had a very good laugh.
But Mrs. Bakshi, our father didn't laugh.
God knows what he was thinking.
I know what you are trying to say.
But it would be better if you
concentrate on your tuitions and kids.
We know what is good or bad for our son.
And right now, coming for
this tuition is no good for him.
Are you sure? - I am very sure.
Thank you.
You knew..
You knew what was going
on between Ishita and Rajat.
But neither did you tell
us nor did you stop him.
Are you teaching Chemistry over here..
..or how to fool around?!
Mrs. Bakshi, sit here first.
I don't want to sit.
Even I am a teacher.
And I know a teacher's duties very well.
You couldn't manage it well. To top it..
..you are pointing a finger at us,
as parents!
Your brother broke his knee.
It was his mistake as well.
Why did he go to play
where he wasn't allowed to go?!
That means,
the kids will cheat us, lie to us..
..but we must keep our mouth shut.
Why didn't Rajat tell us?
Tell me.. why didn't he tell us?!
That is the question, Mrs. Bakshi.
Why didn't Rajat tell you?
Because Rajat..
Sir, work sheets. - Yes.
Please sit down.
Mrs. Bakshi..
when kids are in kindergarten..
..they have a habit.
They tell everything to their parents.
What they were taught,
who said something..
But the same kids as they grow up,
start hiding things from their parents.
May be it is our mistake.
But we just wish that they
should think about their future.
What else have we done?
Mrs. Bakshi,
I shouldn't tell this to you, but..
..just three months ago,
Rajat failed in a test.
I was just shutting down
the tuition classes and going home..
..when I saw Rajat hiding here.
I went to him, sat next to him
and asked him why he wouldn't go home.
He said he couldn't go
home with the failed test paper.
What needs to be thought about is that..
..the place where a child
feels most comfortable..
..he is scared to go there itself.
His own house.
Forget that. Tell me something.
Assume that Rajat had
told you about him and Ishita..
..what would you have done?
I would have scolded him and
try to tried to make him understand..
..that this was not the
time to do all these things.
He should leave her and
concentrate on his studies.
I would have stopped him!
Mrs. Bakshi.. Rajat will
do a lot many things in his life..
..that you don't want.
Whether you like it or not,
he will do them.
He will also take his own decisions.
Now it depends on you whether
you will guide him in his..
..decision making and become his guide..
..or will you reject all his decisions
and make him drift away from you.
Mrs. Bakshi, we can protect our children..
..but not control them.
Sir, the class is waiting for you.
So goodbye Mrs. Bakshi. Happy to meet you.
And here are the worksheets.
Thank you.
And Mrs. Bakshi.. one more thing.
Actually we are just 2 siblings,
brother and a sister.
The lake, father, slapping.. all that
stuff was just a story I made up.
But the lesson was good.
Has to be. Am a teacher after all.
Greetings. - Greetings.
Brother, will you go to 'E' block?
Aunty.. you will get a rickshaw
for 'E'block from outside.
Ok. Thank you dear.
Greetings aunty.
She is Rajat's mom.
Aunty, she is Ishita.
Greetings aunty. - Greetings dear.
Did she say anything to you?
Didn't hassle you, did she?
Rajat.. - Yes mummy.
Did you get the worksheets?
Yes. Worksheets.
Thank you.
What is it mummy?
Got to say something to me?
What do you think about us?
Nothing. Why?
Please tell me.
actually I don't like it at all over here.
I don't know why..
but I feel suppressed, suffocated.
Mummy, I feel as if I am
living in a stranger's house.
But just till I grow up.
Then I will leave someday.
Yes mummy. I will leave.
Kaushal sir was saying
something about founder's day.
You want to go?
As if you will allow me!
Depends if you want to go.
And are the home tuitions
going good or do you..
..want to join Sunshine again.
Want to join Sunshine again.
Go ahead.
What is wrong mummy? Are you alright?
And look.. I won't be able
to return your phone right now.
But if you need to talk to anyone,
you can use my phone.
Anytime.. with anyone..
With Pandu, Anusha.. with Ishita..
But you need to give me a promise.
Whatever you do, you will think
about me first and tell me about it.
Mummy, are you alright?
Something wrong with you?
Rajat.. I am very sorry, dear.
I will do everything I can.
I will talk to papa about your
wish to change stream after twelfth.
Yo students! - Yo!
Yo! - Yo!
So kids..
today is our Sunshine's birthday.
So wish us please!
Happy birthday Sunshine!
Happy birthday Sunshine!
Happy birthday Sunshine! Sunshine!
Happy birthday Sunshine!
So kids.. we will start today's
function with some sweet music.
We have amidst us, Jwal Hedi's cuckoo!
Adjust 500 bucks in next month.
I don't have change right now. Thank you.
"We shall overcome.. we shall overcome.."
"We shall overcome someday.."
"Oh, deep in my heart.."
"I do believe.."
"We shall overcome someday.."
"There will be peace all around.."
It's the full amount.
Go and throw it on Khanna's face after lunch.
"There will be peace all around..
What nonsense is going on?
I am going home! Bye.
"Oh, deep in my heart.."
Listen, listen.. Manan from
TTS is going to dance after this.
We will leave after seeing that.
Not my problem if he is dancing.
It is just after this, I know.
Wait for two minutes.
Yes, why not. We are here for the same!
Hey Rajjo!!
How are you, bro!!
How did all this happen?
- How come you are here?
Will tell you everything.
First, hold this.
What is it? - Just keep it.
Is it for me?
- Will be back in two minutes!
"I do believe.."
"We shall overcome someday."
"There will be peace all around.."
Thank you so much sir!
What are you saying!
- Thank you very much, sir.
I love you sir!
Sir, you and I have a carbon-carbon bond.
Of course.
"There will be peace all around someday."
I have to go on stage. See you later.
Wow! Well done!
Well done Khushbu!
Applause for Khushbu!
A loud one!
So kids, now I would invite on stage..
I mean I would like to invite,
Ramit Singh.
Come on..
Ramit Singh was my second batch student.
I used to teach a small batch
in the balcony of my house then.
And today,
Ramit Singh has cracked UPSC this year!
Well done!
Very good Ramit!
So Ramit, the stage is yours.
Come and motivate all of us.
Hi guys. My name is Ramit Singh.
And I used to study in
the Kaushalya Public School
..in the neighborhood, Lal Market.
So you see, in 11th and 12th grade,
I was very bad at Chemistry.
I mean I remember getting 23 out
of 100 marks in 11th grade first term.
So from the same day, my mom
told me I should go to Kaushal sir.
And I would be just fine.
Congratulations, bro.
Today, everything is
forgiven and forgotten.
Isn't it!
I say this tuition centre must
go on here for a hundred more years!
I put you under oath! - Why not!
So.. I know you won't
send me empty handed today.
What is it sir?
So then I started understanding organic..
..and I topped Delhi.
And without Kaushal sir,
nothing of this would have been possible.
He has supported me always..
..emotionally, mentally..
even financially.
My father couldn't
afford even my school fees.
And Kaushal sir never used
to ask me for fees for months together.
Perhaps that was not important for him.
It was his passion to
just teach children like us.
And sir, I am very happy today.
Sunshine is eight year old today.
And you are being able
to tutor so many kids.
I have got a gift for you.
Your favorite pen.
Wow! See..
Sir, you remember..
you always used to write with it.
You can do better.
So with the same pen,
I think we all can do better.
Well done! See!
Amazing, sir!
Amazing sir.. well done!
Thank you sir.
Kids.. lunch break now!
Go on.. free food for everyone outside.
Go ahead!
Ishita.. will you come for a second?
Just a second..
Anusha, I very well know
where you are taking me.
I will go myself.
Hi Ishita. - Hi Rajat.
Hi Ishita. - Hi Rajat.
Last few days were a bit difficult, right?
More so for me.
Have you ever studied for
three home tuitions in three hours?
Have you ever survived on 3 hours sleep?
Have you ever planned
to elope from your home?
Have you ever planned to ignore
everyone even after being home?
Ishita, I got beaten up by two boys.
My first fight.
I am seeing a therapist.
That means you..
Yes. It means I have been
diagnosed with depression.
What? Since when?
Is it because of me?
No, no, no! It is not because of anybody.
Just.. some personal issues I had.
So now?
So now the therapy will go on.
By the way what are you doing here?
Ishita, I was dying to tell you.
Everything is alright at home, you know!
Mummy has also agreed for stream change.
Now just one more year of IIT acting
before papa and then I am done.
Practice hard.
It is very easy to read you even now.
So now Ishita.. you and me..
Rajat.. I wish to.
But your coming and going routine..
I won't be able to take it anymore.
I mean another breakdown
and I am back to square one.
I want to be alright first.
And I really don't
know how long it will take.
So you decide if you want to wait or..
I have decided. - What?
Ishita.. on which metro
station are we right now?
On which metro station are we right now?
Which one?
Kashmiri Gate.
So what if our violet line is over?
We still have red line, yellow line..
Ishita, you don't want to patch up.
Doesn't matter.
I am with you as a friend.
Ishita, I just want to be with you.
I don't want to live
anymore like I did last week.
I love you Ishita.
No, no, no..
you don't have to say it back to me.
It's ok.
We are anyways friends.
You want to get well, isn't it Ishita?
You will.
Thank you so much for understanding.
I didn't expect this.
You actually are very cute.
What is in this?
Oh yes.
Actually, I will give
it to you when you are ready.
Ishita, I had a doubt.
Now that we are friends.. can we hug?
No, no, no.. sorry! It's ok.
Ok, we can at least side hug?
"This moment that I have with you.."
"I want to hold it
and put some knots on it."
"The moments when you are not with me.."
"I want to erase those moments."
"I want to hold this moment."
"Now that I found you, I found light."
"Life is just like fire flies."
"My dreams have bloomed is such a way.."
Rajjo.. Rajjo come fast!
Kaushal has gone crazy!
Children, I am sorry.
And I want to confess.
I want to tell you, that the raised
fees of this month that I collected..
..will be returned to you
by Valia sir in the staff room.
Kaushal buddy..
And Mr. Khanna,
thank you very much for your co-operation.
This is your place.
We won't be having classes here anymore.
Kaushal sir is great!
Yes. Kaushal sir has shown guts!
No guts shown by him, ok.
You know what sir has shown?
Damn you.. hell with you!
Children, Ishita and
Rajat's hardness was neither..
..temporary nor permanent.
Perhaps this is a hardness
that will keep coming and going..
..all through life.
Their life, my life..
and perhaps all of your lives too.
It will remind us what
the state of our matter is.
Which isotopes we have
are strong and most important..
..and what is their
place in our periodic table.
So children,
this was the last lesson of second term.
Keep practicing.
Next year you have board exams.
And the bars are going to be raised.
Hail the Goddess!
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