Frog and Toad (2023) s02e05 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 5

I do not like these cold,
rainy winter days, Frog.
I think there's something beautiful
about the rain.
I do not like it. Blah.
The day is spoiled.
Poor Toad.
This is a very hard time of year for you,
isn't it?
I wish Spring was here.
Then it would be warm and sunny.
But where is Spring, I wonder?
Toad, you just reminded me of something.
I did?
Yes, a story.
Well, go ahead. I would like to hear it.
It will distract me
from the cold and rain.
When I was small,
not much bigger than a pollywog,
my father told me,
"Son, this is a cold, gray day.
But Spring is just around the corner."
"Just around the corner."
I see.
Then we just have to find that corner.
And Spring will be on the other side.
Come with me, Toad.
We will look around corners
until we find Spring.
Frog, maybe we could look
for Spring back at home,
where it's warm and dry,
and where we have toast to snack on?
No, Toad.
If Spring is just around the corner,
we need to get out there and find it.
Very well.
I just hope Spring is not too far away.
Toad, look.
We cannot see around that big rock.
That would make it a corner!
We should look around to the other side
at once.
And maybe we will find Spring!
Hello? Spring? Are you there?
Did you find Spring?
No. There is only a pine cone
and three pebbles.
Those are not Spring.
Do not worry, Toad.
This was just the first corner
of many corners out there.
We will keep looking.
Frog, listen.
-Do you hear that snoring?
-I do.
It is coming from around that sharp turn
in the path.
Another corner to look around.
Maybe Spring fell asleep
on the other side.
Come on, Toad.
Spring! We are here!
Spring looks a lot like Inchworm.
That is because this is Inchworm.
Good morning, Inchworm.
Pardon us for disturbing you,
but we were wondering if you happened
to have seen Spring around here.
We are looking around corners for Spring.
You are pointing that way.
Maybe that is where we will find Spring.
Very good.
Thank you for your help, Inchworm.
We will tell Spring you say hello.
Toad, did you hear that sound?
Could it be Spring around that corner?
It could be.
This time, we should try surprising Spring
when we look around the corner,
so it does not get away.
Good idea.
-Frog and Toad.
Wha What's the idea,
sneaking up on me like that?
Sorry, Mouse.
We thought Spring was around this corner
and wanted to surprise it.
That makes sense.
I wish I was Spring.
I would like to be warm and dry today
instead of cold and wet.
Maybe you could join us
while we look for Spring.
Once we find Spring,
it will be warm and sunny again.
I like the sound of that. Lead the way.
Up ahead!
Another corner to look around.
And there are footprints. Big ones.
Spring is big,
so I imagine it would have big footprints.
Then we will follow these footprints
to see if they belong to Spring.
But no sneaking up this time, okay?
Yes, Mouse. No sneaking up.
You are not Spring.
Oh, no. I am Raccoon.
Apologies, Raccoon.
But we thought these big footprints
belonged to Spring.
Oh, no, I'm pretty sure those footprints
belong to me.
Would you like to help us find Spring?
Yeah, we are looking for it.
We hear it is just around the corner.
Why, sure.
I could use a little warm
and sunny Spring today. Lead the way!
Found it.
No, my scarf.
I knew it was around here somewhere.
Look over there. Some lovely flowers.
And another corner!
You know, flowers bloom
when Spring is near.
We must be close now.
-Hello, Spring.
-Oh, Spring?
Oh, my!
Hello, everyone.
Rabbit, have you seen Spring anywhere?
Maybe Spring is hiding in your basket.
Spring? Hello? Blah.
Well, I do have lots of flowers,
but I'm afraid I don't have Spring
in my basket.
We've been looking for Spring everywhere.
Around corners and more corners.
Maybe I could help you look too.
I'd love to find a warm
and sunny Spring day with you.
Thank you, Rabbit.
My father once said,
"Spring is just around the corner,"
so we will keep looking
around every corner we see
until Spring is found.
-How wonderful!
Okay, everyone. Let's find more corners!
Sorry, everyone.
Looks like Spring was not around any
of the corners we looked around.
Maybe we should try the post office again?
I might have missed a corner in there.
No more searching for Spring, Frog.
I would like to go home.
Very well, Toad.
Goodbye, everyone.
Thank you for helping us today.
-Take care.
-Stay warm.
I am so sorry, Toad.
I wanted to see you happy
on this cold, gray, wet day.
Oh, no, Frog, no.
Spending the day with you
did make me happy,
even though it was cold and wet.
I still can't believe
we never found Spring.
We looked everywhere.
Toad, look.
One more corner.
Should we look around it?
Couldn't hurt to try.
We found it!
Spring was here,
right around the corner all along.
Spring is quite beautiful, Frog.
It sure is, Toad.
I wonder when Summer will be here.
Well, my mother always said,
"Summer is just around the bend."
Here we go.
-This is so exciting.
-I've always wanted to see
-the Great Anole in concert.
-We are looking good, Toad.
We are feeling good, Frog.
Thank you for suggesting a night
at the theater.
I am looking forward to sitting back
and enjoying the show.
Me too, Toad.
I hear the Great Anole
is performing tonight. Mmm?
I can't wait!
This will be a night to remember.
This might take me a minute.
I love going out.
Woe and misery. This is terrible news.
Is everything all right, Mole?
'Tis not, I'm afraid.
I've just received word
that the Great Anole has a bad case
of the stage sniffles
and cannot perform tonight.
And without a performer,
there will be no show.
No show?
Alas, no show.
We got all dressed up for nothing. Blah.
Wait. Mole, I have an idea.
What if Toad performs tonight?
Me? Oh, no, I could never do that.
Sure you could.
You are talented in many ways,
like playing the piano and violin.
I am certain you would be wonderful.
Why, yes. Yes, of course.
Toad would save the show.
Oh, please say yes. I beg of you.
Do you really think I could do this, Frog?
Yes, Toad.
Do you really think I can do this?
Yes, Toad.
I would love to see you perform.
Will you do it for me?
All right, I will do it for you, Frog.
Wonderful! Come with me, Toad.
We will get you ready at once.
Excuse me. Pardon us.
The show will go on.
Salutations and greetings, everyone.
I am afraid our scheduled performer
is unable to make it tonight.
However, I am pleased to announce
a new and, dare I say, even better act.
Better than the Great Anole?
I'd have to see it to believe it.
Making his Moledy Hole debut,
please welcome
What is your stage name?
What do I call you?
Toad? No, no, that will never do.
You need a longer, fancier name.
This is theater.
Presenting the Amazing Toad!
Yay, Toad! Hooray!
Whoops, sorry.
The Amazing Toad will now play the piano
very well.
That's your cue.
You sound great, Toad!
I cannot play the piano like that!
Can you play the piano like that?
Isn't Toad great? Yay!
You were right.
He is better than the Great Anole.
Could I sit closer to the Amazing Toad?
It will help me see him better.
Of course, Mouse. Please, take my seat.
Yay, Toad! Hooray!
More, Toad! We want more!
Well, I suppose I could play a bit more.
The Amazing Toad will now play the violin!
Oh, my. That is very different.
Keep going, Toad!
I cannot play the violin like that.
You can do it!
Excuse me, Frog.
Could I sit closer to the Amazing Toad?
I like being near the performer.
Certainly. Take my seat.
Could I sit closer too?
I love watching the Amazing Toad.
Of course.
Keep going, Toad! You are doing very well!
Such entertainment, such talent.
Toad, I had no idea.
Yes! More, Toad. Keep going!
-More! More, Toad! More!
-Yes! Yes! More, Toad! More!
I think the Amazing Toad
would like to do more!
Wonderful! What's next?
The Amazing Toad will now
play the wooden spoons.
Whoa! Okay, Toad.
I can do more!
The Amazing Toad will now
balance spinning plates.
Toad is amazing.
The Amazing Toad will now dance
and be wonderful.
Raccoon, your tail is in the way.
He is wonderful!
That is wonderful, Toad!
I could not dance like that.
What's that, Frog? I can barely hear you.
Toad! Toad! Toad?
Incredible! Stupendous!
You have certainly given us
a night to remember.
I think the audience wants more
of the Amazing Toad.
-Yeah, Toad!
Toad, are you all right?
I am not so sure.
You can do it, Toad.
And I know the perfect grand finale.
The Amazing Toad will now
walk across a tightrope
and he will not fall down.
Sorry. These are very small for my paws.
Where is Frog?
Toad, over here!
Toad, I am here! Toad! Toad!
Toad, is something wrong?
It's not the stage sniffles, is it?
It is worse than the stage sniffles.
I cannot find Frog.
-Is Toad okay?
-No more show?
Can you continue, Toad?
No. I'm doing this for Frog.
I cannot go on performing
without him here to see me.
Frog, where are you?
Here I am, Toad!
Sorry about that, Toad.
I switched seats
with a lot of friends tonight.
Oh, Frog, I am so glad you are still here.
Your cheering gave me confidence
and I felt lost without it.
I never would have been able to do this
if you hadn't believed in me.
I still do, Toad.
This was indeed a night to remember.
It made me remember how lucky I am
to have a friend like you.
I can't get enough!
Yes, very good.
But what about the grand finale?
I have an idea.
Hit it!
Now that's entertainment.
The Amazing Frog and Toad
Are leaving!
Thank you all for coming
and for the wonderful flowers.
Well, that was a tizzy.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets
Safe with mine
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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