Gokusen (2002) s02e05 Episode Script

What's important is the strength of your heart!!

Miss Yamaguchi.
I love you.
I've loved you from
the moment I saw you.
You can't!
Don't say that.
I am the successor of
the Oedo Family.
Yes, you are. So what?
My feelings will not change.
Miss Yamaguchi
I mean, Kumiko.
Me too
I love you!
I will never let your hand go!
Ouch! Missy!
Missy! Ow
Missy, it hurts Ow
- Missy
- Minoru?
So, it was a dream?
Missy, you have to get ready now.
Why did you wake me up?
It's impossible to continue
the same dream.
I haven't seen him lately either.
Haven't seen who?
If you mean Mr Kujo, I saw him
yesterday morning.
I often bump into him. Could we be
tied by the red string of fate?
My red string of fate
is tied to you
Miss Shiratori, could you be
in love with Mr Kujo?
Yes. Miss Yamaguchi, it seems that
we are love rivals.
This is bad!
Good morning, Yankumi!
Good morning, Takeda.
Good morning
Let's do our best today too!
What's the matter? He's excited.
"Valentine's Day"
Miss Shiratori, it's February
already in the blink of an eye.
Yes, it is.
The season makes you want
to have something sweet.
Well Something like chocolate
would be great.
I agree.
Yes, it's great.
Hooray to chocolate
All right
- Miss Yamaguchi
- Yes?
Actually, I
haven't got any bad teeth.
Well, good for you.
So I can have as much chocolate
as I want without any worries.
I'm waiting for yours.
Do your best, Baba
We want chocolate
We want chocolate
We want chocolatedelicious!
Guys, do you like
chocolate that much?
What we like is girls, no doubt.
The 14th is coming, right?
Valentine's Day?
I am going to get chocolate
this year, no matter what.
I want something to remember
about my high school life!
I want some!
I don't care whether it's out of
friendship or pity, I just want it!
Good Let's do our best to get
the girls to give us chocolate!
You guys are so simple-minded.
You guys get manipulated by
kids' stuff, like Valentine's Day.
Kids' stuff?
Don't make fools of us!
Do you know how important
this day is to guys?
Oh, don't get so upset.
Do you have anyone
to give chocolates to?
Idiot, of course she doesn't.
Of course I have one or two
boyfriends too
I see.
You can't even join the match
of romance either?
We bet our everything on
the annual match between
men and women!
I can't believe myself!
I gave up having such
an important match!
That means the heartbreaks so far
were matches I lost without a fight?
What are you talking about?
Okay, guys!
We are going to win!
Don't stare at me. Shout with me!
Let's do our best!
Let's do our best!
Let's do our best!
You're all idiots.
"Make Chocolate to Have Him
Fall for You on Valentine's Day!"
I see
Miss Yamaguchi.
I heard someone shout,
"It's a match!" from 3D,
is there a problem?
No, please don't worry.
I was only having a discussion about
romance with my students.
You didn't say anything unnecessary
to the guys in 3D again, did you?
Mr Sawatari,
is romance "unnecessary"?
A life without romance
is like a movie about the yakuza
that doesn't feature Ken Takakura!
Anyway, they don't need any romance.
If they get out of control,
like dogs and cats in heat,
and cause any problems,
we'll be in trouble!
Dogs and cats?
Just pay more attention.
Okay, okay.
Just say it once!
A heart-shaped chocolate cake, huh?
Okay, I think I'll try to make this
fondant chocolat thing first.
I wonder what she is going to begin.
Miss Yamaguchi?
Oh! Mr Kujo!
Who'd have thought that
we'd meet here? It must be fate!
They look delicious.
Oh! If you don't mind, try one.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
- Can I have one?
- Sure!
Try it.
Big Bro,
I think he is the new love interest
Missy mentioned the other day.
Big Bro, take it easy!
It's delicious.
Glad to hear that! Our
I mean, the Takoyaki store here
The people who make them look scary,
but everyone says their Takoyaki
is delicious and they're popular.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
Thanks for telling me.
See you.
Oh, Mr Kujo
Do you like desserts?
I love them.
You do?
See you, then.
See you.
Take care!
He is so handsome
Okay, my mission starts now!
Let's do our best!
Hey, Minoru.
Has Missy ever given you
chocolate on Valentine's Day?
Now that you mention it
No, she hasn't.
Just as I thought.
Missy only cares about
the person she is in love with.
- Minoru.
- Big Bro.
I have made up my mind.
To do what?
If I don't get any chocolate
this year as well,
I will forget my love for Missy
What? Big Bro, can you give up
Minoru, don't try to stop me.
A man never breaks his word.
I, Tetsu Asakura,
will have my match
this Valentine's Day!
Big Bro!
Let's go!
Hey! What are you guys doing?
Idiot, be quiet!
Hey, she's cute.
Why is Takeda following
that Momo Girls' School student?
It's romance.
- She's pretty.
- Yeah.
She's beautiful.
Why are you guys here?
Hey, little Take,
you are such a cold fish.
You found a pretty girl like her
and didn't tell us.
Hey, you
Have you told her yet?
It's too early.
What's her name?
Maki Mizushima.
You know her name already?
Gosh, you are enthusiastic!
No, it's written on her name card.
This won't work.
She is so pretty,
if you are careless, other guys
will take her from you.
Many guys will compete for her.
She studies in Momo Girls',
after all.
She must be a pure, rich girl.
Will you not use your coffee cup
as an ash tray?
Why not? It's just a bit.
It's because you can't do this.
Please think about how the next
person would feel when they use it.
Her looks are so different
from her personality.
She's got some attitude.
Yeah, I saw her helping a girl
who got groped on a bus.
I thought she was nice.
It hurts
- Are you okay?
- Yes, I am.
Good. You're strong.
Hey, you do have an eye for girls.
Yeah? I do?
I think I bought too much.
But I can't be defeated by
Miss Yamaguchi!
Hey, pretty! Have a drink with us.
I'm in a hurry.
Why not? Let's go for a drink!
Give me your phone number.
Please stop it!
Hey! Stop that. She doesn't like it.
What the heck?
Don't get in our way!
II am very sorry!
Forgive our rudeness!
Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
Well then, take care.
Excuse me!
Thank you so much!
He's charming!
Thank you!
Just talk to her.
I can't.
Nothing will happen
if you just look.
Takeda, have some fighting spirit!
- Please, Tsucchi!
- What?
All right, fine!
Where is your fighting spirit?
Hey, Maki.
That's Keita Takeda.
We're from Kurogin Gakuin's
Class 3D. Nice to meet you.
I am their class teacher,
Kumiko Yamaguchi.
This is none of your business.
- Ask what her type is.
- What?
Oh, come on!
Hey, Maki, what kind of guy
is your type?
My type?
I like strong guys
and I hate weak guys, I think.
(Oedo Family)
Romance doesn't always go
the way you want it to.
Hey, Kumiko, what's that smell?
- Missy, this is
- Welcome home.
I am making chocolate.
Here, try some.
Try this?
It's my first time, so they
don't look very nice.
Hey, what's the matter, guys?
Grandpa, try one!
- Boss
- Hello!
I've come to take the bowls.
Kuma, your timing is perfect!
My brother!
Come on, have one.
- There you go.
- There.
What are these?
The chocolate that Missy made.
These are chocolate?
How dare you say that!
It's rude to Missy!
It's okay, Tetsu.
I knew this would happen,
so I tried making something else.
What would that be?
Look! The red ones are
Korean-style kimchi flavor,
the green ones are
Japanese-style wasabi flavor,
and the yellow ones are
Indian-style curry flavor!
Guys, don't hold back,
have as many as you want.
Right, I think I'll go
take my bath now.
- I think my wife is calling.
- Grandpa?
I'll continue my dreaming.
I have to fold clothes.
I have to diet!
I have to deliver food!
Hey, guys!
What, they're all busy?
"Put your love in your hands"
"and roll your heart with it."
Making chocolate is deep.
I met him for two consecutive days!
I am so lucky!
Good morning, Mr Kujo.
Good morning.
Oh, Mizushima, the university of
your first choice
Come on, what a hassle to talk about
that so early in the morning. Bye!
Good lord!
Good morning!
Oh, good morning.
She is a student in your class,
isn't she?
Yeah. Oh, do you know Mizushima?
Yes. Actually, a student in my class
has a crush on Maki.
A crush?
I mean Love.
He is in love with her.
Oh! Is that so?
In love with Mizushima, huh?
The romance between students and the
one between their class teachers.
What a coincidence!
This can only be fate!
- Miss Yamaguchi?
- Yes!
This totally is fate!
- Miss Yamaguchi?
- Wrap the heart and roll!
Throw yourself into his arms!
Nice chocolate! Nice Valentine!
Pink is the color that will
improve your luck in love.
I see.
Oh, I will let you have Mr Kujo.
I think I have met the man for me.
He is a very handsome man!
I don't know his name,
but I'm going to look for him.
We will meet again. I have a feeling
that we are linked by fate.
He must be a very nice man.
Yes! Miss Yamaguchi,
let's try our best!
Yes! I have one less rival now!
Miss Shiratori, please let me
borrow something pink!
Pink is a color that can
improve one's luck in love?
There you go.
There you go.
You have to talk to her today.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
I am busy. Please enjoy your drinks.
She's so strict!
Thanks for waiting.
Thank you.
You don't have milk in it, right?
You remember?
Thank you.
You come here often, that's why.
This is the best coffee
near my university's campus.
I guess because it's made
by someone so lovely.
Come on!
Hey Isn't her attitude
different all of a sudden?
She totally has a crush on him.
You idiot!
When do you get off work today?
Can I ask you out?
Sure. I'm glad that you are.
My, my They are going on a date.
Take, give up on the girl.
- Let's go have dinner.
- Okay.
- Is there anything you don't like?
- No.
- Really?
- Yes.
Is it really real?
Please do me a favor.
They've gone to where
that girl works again?
Yeah. He was determined
to talk to her today.
Take is too timid.
If I were Take, I would've just
made her mine.
How many chocolates
did you get last year?
No idea. About 20, I think?
Well, I got about 22, I think?
You did? Oh, I think
I actually got 30.
My granny told me that I had 45.
I was told that I had 67.
I had 84.
Wow, you guys are so popular.
And isn't your target too small?
What are you doing here?
What? I'm having my parfait.
So, how many do you expect
you will get this year?
No idea.
What about you? You'll bet
everything on it this year, right?
Me? Unlike you guys,
I am a grown-up.
I am doing my preparations calmly
and steadily, step by step.
Sorry, we're in a hurry.
- What?
- Thanks for the treat.
See you.
Thanks for the treat?
Those jerks!
Okay, let's rehearse it again.
Okay, the guy will come
walking by with Maki.
Then Hyuga and I will
make our appearance.
Hey, you seem to be
enjoying this.
You are walking with
a pretty girl, aren't you?
Hey, why don't you
have some fun with us?
Oh! Someone, please help me!
Then Take will come out
Hey, what are you guys doing here?
Who the heck are you?
Are you picking a fight?
Who do you think I am?
I am Kurogin Gakuin Class 3D's
Keita Takeda!
We admit defeat
Then, Maki, who has been watching
Wow! You're so cool!
I love a strong man!
This is perfect.
Yes, you're amazing, Tsucchi.
See you!
Sorry I'm late.
It's okay. No problem.
Is there any particular
restaurant you like?
I think I'll let you decide.
Okay. I know a good one.
Not so fast!
Hey, you seem to be
enjoying yourself.
You are with a pretty girl,
aren't you?
Hey, why don't you
have some fun with us?
Hey, what are you guys doing
Who do you think I am?
I am Sokei University
Boxing Club's Okudera!
We admit defeat
- Sorry!
- Take, he is really strong!
Anyway, let's run!
Good morning!
What the heck was that?
Some kind of harassment?
Did I do something to you?
No, it wasn't like that.
Take just
has a crush on you.
That's why you did it?
The way you did it was too dirty.
I hate cowards like you!
Don't come near me again!
What happened?
What did you do?
Takeda, what's going on?
Well, actually
- Good morning.
- Good morning!
What? A girl?
What's a girl doing here?
We got a bit too carried away.
Takeda, is that true?
You Why did you do
something so stupid?
Do you think you can do anything
you want to make her like you?
Isn't loving someone
something more straightforward?
You even dragged your friends
into it. This is horrible!
What else could I have done?
It'll never happen if I just
work hard for it.
Work hard?
How hard did you work?
You let other people do all the work
and you did nothing yourself!
Because it's useless!
I suck at fighting and I'm a coward.
I have to use dirty little tricks
to get what I want!
She won't pay attention to me
if I don't play some tricks!
Don't be ridiculous!
Of course you can't play
dirty tricks!
Stop being such a baby!
Are you useless because you're weak?
That's not the reason, right?
Your physical strength isn't
the most important thing.
It is how strong your mind is.
If you can't face your opponent
fair and square,
don't fall in love with someone
with that half-hearted attitude!
Hey, Take
And you two! You might be doing it
for a friend, but don't play dirty!
I am very sorry. My students
have caused you trouble.
Is that so? So that happened?
I won't let them do it again.
I am really sorry.
Actually, Miss Yamaguchi,
can you do me a favor?
Would you give your student
a warning just in case?
Please tell him to give up
pursuing Mizushima completely.
I am sorry, I don't want
to say this,
but our students are at the age
that makes you worry a lot.
Yes, you're right.
Thank you.
Sorry, I have to go now.
I have to look for that idiot.
It must be tough for you.
No He's a hopeless guy,
but I can't leave him on his own.
Okay, see you.
Where has he gone?
Ryu, Hayato!
Found him?
I see.
Where has he gone?
Darn you! Watch where you're going!
Are you picking a fight?
How dare you!
What's going on
Darn you!
I am sorry.
I can't hear you!
I am sorry.
Darn! Don't try to look smart!
You look so weak!
You have to look ahead
when you walk, jerk!
I've been looking for you.
Come to school tomorrow!
We'll be waiting for you!
Is that so? You punched him?
I understand how you feel.
It is pretty difficult to
teach someone
what strength of mind is.
Now it depends on whether
your student
has the power to
overcome this or not.
The boy is timid,
but he is very kindhearted.
In that case, he will be all right.
His kindness will become
his strength.
I just knocked out my opponent
the other day, like this!
Yes, counter attack
- Okudera, are you dating 3 girls?
- What?
It's four, if you count Maki
from the coffee shop.
What? Four girlfriends?
Why are you the only one
who has so many girlfriends?
Oh, don't be jealous.
Who do you really like?
Is it Maki?
Of course not!
She's still in high school!
She seems interested in me,
so I'm just playing with her.
You're horrible!
Why? She's doing it voluntarily!
What a pity!
Worked hard?
How hard did you work?
You let other people do everything
and didn't do anything yourself!
If you can't face your opponent
fair and square,
don't fall in love with someone
with that half-hearted attitude!
Hold on a second!
- Were you telling the truth?
- What?
You're the boy from the other day?
Maki is one of your four girlfriends
and you're not serious about her?
Serious about her?
She's the one who's in love with me.
Don't be ridiculous!
How can you do this to her?
She trusts you, doesn't she?
Yes, so what?
Don't mess with her
if you are not serious.
I won't forgive you if you hurt her.
Why, do you have a crush on her?
It's none of your business.
Fine, I'll stop.
- Really?
- Yeah.
If you win in a one-to-one match
with me.
Hey! Why are you bothering
with someone so weak?
It's obvious who'll win.
What will you do?
What are you doing?
What? What are you guys doing, then?
We thought Take might be here.
You guys do care about
your friend
Shut up.
Anyway, let's go and
have a look inside.
About the Kurogin student
I don't want to
talk about it any more.
I did ask his class teacher
to do something.
I said, forget it.
He doesn't seem to be here.
That high school kid is an idiot!
Fighting one-to-one with Okudera?
It's ridiculous!
He'll be knocked out
in five minutes.
No, in one minute.
The kid seems to have
a big crush on Maki, though.
What are you talking about?
Do explain.
Mizushima, wait a second.
Miss Yamaguchi?
This is bad! The guy is
really good at boxing!
Take won't be able to
fight one-to-one with him!
Did he
Do you think you can beat me
like this?
You jerk!
I haven't finished!
Leave it.
This is his fight.
I told him not to hang around me.
You have to know this.
He's doing it for you.
He's doing it for me?
Takeda is fighting for you.
He is trying to protect you
in his own way.
Take can't forgive him
for deceiving you,
he doesn't want the guy to hurt you,
that's why he agreed to fight him.
Deceiving me?
He has many girlfriends besides you.
Take can't possibly defeat
someone so strong.
can't fight any more.
That's all you can do?
Just give up!
I am not defeated yet.
You won't win this fight,
do you still not get it?
I am not defeated yet.
You are too weak,
don't try to act cool!
It's obvious who won, right?
Who the heck are you?
Are you okay?
I couldn't win after all
You did very well.
You were admirable.
Sorry for punching you yesterday.
Are you okay?
Who are you?
- I am their class teacher.
- What?
High school teachers nowadays even
meddle in their students' fights?
I will go anywhere to
protect my students.
I feel sorry for you
for having such a weak student.
You think he's weak?
Yeah, he is weak.
For the girl he loves, though he
knew he wouldn't beat the guy,
he still fought him face to face,
what is weak about him?
No matter how weak
his physical strength is,
he did his best till the end
and didn't run away!
His heart is very strong!
He is so much stronger than you!
Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
Oh, wow
- Ow
- Idiot.
Ow, it hurts.
Mr Kujo.
I don't think I can tell Takeda to
give up pursuing Maki, ultimately.
Takeda overcame this
with his own strength
and became stronger for it.
So I
I want to cheer for him
and his love.
I want to cheer for him too.
Mr Kujo
You have some good students.
Oh, watch out!
- Tetsu.
- Yes, Missy?
This is for you.
What is it?
It's Valentine's Day today, right?
Oh, no! I have to go.
See you, Missy!
- Tetsu
- Big Bro, I'm so happy for you!
Let's keep it a secret from Tetsu
that we all got her chocolate.
Yes, Boss
I couldn't find the man for me.
Miss Shiratori.
You look even more beautiful today.
Yes, I agree.
The weather is good today too.
It's a perfect Valentine's Day.
Mr Sawatari is right!
I completely forgot to prepare the
obligatory chocolates for you.
Miss Yamaguchi.
Well, Mr Baba
You are blocking my way.
(Vice Principal)
"With love, Sayuri."
Which hostess club does she work at?
(Sayuri Wanibuchi)
What is this?
It's my chocolate of love for you!
This obviously
isn't chocolate, right?
So good!
It's not as bad as it looks.
It's surprisinglygood.
Of course! I can do anything
if I'm serious about it.
It's so good
It's so good
It's so good
For me?
It doesn't mean much,
just a thank you gift.
Yes! Yes! I got this!
Yes! Wait, what if this is a dream?
It's not a dream. Yes!
She gave me chocolate!
I did it!
I should learn from you and become
a passionate and strong teacher.
Oh, come on.
You are exaggerating.
You were amazing the other day.
No, I
Actually This
Please accept it, if you don't mind.
Thank you.
We saw it! We all saw it!
Well done.
Guys! Don't make fun of
your teacher!
Hey! Stop running!
Wait! Guys, stop right there!
Stop there, guys!
We will have interviews
about your futures.
What are you two doing here?
The Oedo Family?
- It's a troupe.
- What
My parents don't matter.
You are the one who
looks the most stupid.
Don't think you can
grow up on your own!
I saw the man for me!
We will have octopus
We're students.
Okay, next.
They've all gone?
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