Hit-Monkey (2021) s02e05 Episode Script


[dramatic music playing]
[man] Akiko.
-Akiko, wake up!
-[Akiko gasps]
-Come on!
-Daddy, what's happening?
[dramatic music playing]
[fire roaring]
-Stay here.
-No, no, no, don't leave me!
-[somber music playing]
-[gurney rattling]
[Akiko sobs]
-[sirens wailing]
-[wind whooshing]
What am I supposed to do?
I'm too busy with the campaign.
I can't raise a child
[wind whooshing]
[children laughing]
Don't worry.
They'll take good care of you here.
-[spit splatters]
What are you looking at, orphan?
-[group laughs]
-[Akiko panting]
-[keyboard clicking]
-[laughter echoing]
[dramatic music continues]
Excuse me, you're not allowed
to have phones here.
-[Akiko yells]
-[water splashes]
[all laughing]
Don't look at me like that,
you little whore.
[yells] No, no!
-[dramatic music playing]
-[laughter continues]
[water splashes]
-[punches thudding]
-[girls screaming]
[Akiko] What?
[door clanking]
[dramatic music playing]
[banging on door]
[Akiko sobbing]
[food sloshing]
-[tray clatters]
-[Akiko sniffling]
[door thuds]
[somber music playing]
[Akiko] Uncle!
I'm so sorry, Akiko.
Forgive me.
[crowd cheering]
-[cameras clicking]
[cheering continues]
-[high-pitched ringing]
[Akiko gasping]
[echoing scream]
-[upbeat rock music playing]
-[flesh squelching]
True killer ♪
In the mirror ♪
Best match for a sinner ♪
A lot of things
I cannot do ♪
But I'm a sinner
and none of it's true ♪
True killer ♪
True killer ♪
[Eunice] Oh, okay. Alright.
-[sighs] Well
-[indistinct on phone]
What do you mean we "lost the bid"?
You said the job was mine, Andre.
-I bought a bomb for this, man!
-[phone beeping]
-[Bryce] Bad news?
Sounded like bad news.
I'm being punished
for your screw-up with the Vetter.
Ever since you, Monkey,
and Lady Columbo came into my life,
I have been losing contracts
left and right.
Now I'm stuck with this
$30,000 explosive coffee table!
Yeah, no. Gotcha, gotcha.
So would you say that now is
a bad time to ask for a favor?
-What do you want?
-[Bryce] Well, you know,
after that little salt stunt
I pulled at Iris' restaurant,
she got shit-canned.
So I You know, I was hoping
you could help me
find her a new job?
-Like what?
-Oh, I don't know.
Maybe potting flowers
or arranging flowers.
Oh, you know, delivering flowers.
Bryce, this is a fake business.
It's-it's fake.
-[knocking on window]
-Psst. So, like, what's the deal?
Yeah, no, it's going great. Yeah.
Please, Eunice.
Okay, she asked me for help,
and if I don't come through,
she won't ask me again.
Please, come on.
There must be something Iris can do here.
Anything. I'm desperate.
Well, Buddy is retiring soon.
Okay, fine.
She could be my new crime scene cleaner.
She can clean up
all the dead bodies and shit.
-[winces] Oh, not that though.
-Wait, what?
Boy, you better get up out my office
Oh, wait.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait, wait, wait.
That job sounds cool.
Wha No, absolutely not.
No, I won't have my daughter cleaning up
large intestines for a living.
Oh, okay. So you were good with
abandoning me at two years old,
but this is where you draw the line?
-[chuckles] Oh, fuck!
Besides, true crime is
my favorite genre,
right behind Sapphic sci-fi.
It'll be a great fit.
Bryce, let her do it.
No! No way, okay!
And what does Sapphic mean?
I don't get it.
I need a job.
She's got one.
What's the problem?
The problem is I'm your father,
and I said no.
Well, I don't know what to tell you
'cause I'm gonna take this job
whether you like it or not.
So, looks like you
better get on board, Dad.
-[Bryce clears throat]
-Why you looking at me?
This is between you two.
This is why I ain't have
no goddamn children.
Oh, yeah. I don't have kids
because I love ketamine.
Alright, fine, fine.
But you're gonna hate it.
Trust me.
Hey, Bryce, Sapphic means lesbian.
[upbeat music playing]
[clicks tongue]
[Iris] See you tomorrow, boss.
-[Double-Tap] Ho! Right here, let's go.
-Pay attention now.
The key to the perfect spiral
is the fingertips.
Let them linger on the ball
-as long as possible
-You gonna throw it or not?
And [grunts]
[laughs] Nice!
Yeah, bro, just think of it as
a grenade, minus the explosion.
There you go.
-I like the effort.
-[Amara] [sighs] Let's go again.
Focus on your follow-through.
Oh, oh, okay.
Fine, follow through
these nuts!
-Oh, my God.
-[Boone] Come on!
-[Double-Tap chuckles]
-[Double-Tap] Oh. Look at that!
-Goddammit, Double-Tap!
-[all laughing]
-That is it!
[energy thrumming]
[energy whooshing]
Slyke, I told you stop doin' that, man.
-[both laughing]
-[Amara] I'm sorry.
What, you didn't enjoy your stay?
-That's not funny.
-[all laughing]
Stop laughing.
It's scary in there, y'all.
-[bright music playing]
-[grill sizzling]
You see that?
[Monkey grunts]
It's nice to have a family, isn't it?
[inquisitive grunt]
It's from the accident.
Mommy and Daddy
were building smart stuff.
Ah, yeah, that's a bit
of an understatement.
Dot's parents were physicists responsible
for building the world's
largest particle accelerator.
They brought me to see it one day,
but something went wrong.
There was a fire.
It swallowed us all.
The explosion took away
everything she had
but gave her everything she is.
You see, every one of us has a story.
I mean, before Double-Tap
joined the Co-Op,
he had terrible PTSD.
His whole unit was killed in action.
And Amara, right?
Tell him about your father.
[sighs] His name was Erasmus.
He was a sculptor.
The best in all of ancient Greece.
He claimed he could sculpt marble
better than the gods could sculpt flesh.
As punishment for my father's hubris,
they decided to turn
his only child into a statue.
-I think you're pretty.
[Monkey chitters]
Oh, me?
No, it's too long of a story
to go through right now
and enough with all
the heavy stuff, alright?
It's a mental health day.
We're here to enjoy ourselves.
-What, you're serious?
You've never had
a mental health day before?
Ah, dude.
It's like a recharge day.
When we face The Shepherd,
it'll be like nothing
we've ever encountered.
So we need to be sharp,
physically and mentally.
Hey, I'm sharp!
Oh, absolutely.
The sharpest.
Oh, okay, tough guy. Yeah?
-Who's sharp now, huh?
-[all laughing]
Oh, you want some?
-Come here, you little furball.
-[all laughing]
Ow, ow, ow! Alright, uncle!
-I told him to leave the lights on
-[arrow thuds]
-[electricity crackling]
-Yeah, let's not do that.
-Look, I already told you.
I don't know where the monkey is.
[head thuds]
-What was that?
-Here, take a look.
-[dramatic music playing]
-[Akiko laughs]
Now let's try this one more time.
Where is Monkey?
Ugh, Bryce,
I don't need a chaperone.
Hey, I'm your father, alright?
This is your first dead body.
I wanna be there for you
to hold your hair back when you puke
a-and to say, "I told you so,"
when you quit.
Don't hold your breath.
Hey, look, there are some things
everyone expects with a corpse.
You know, maggots in the eyes,
bluish-green skin,
you know, the classics.
But what a lot of folks don't realize
is dead bodies can bloat up
so much that they just pop.
[laughs] I mean, it's like
a rotten empanada-filled balloon,
and here we are.
Iris, meet Buddy Simpkins,
your new supervisor,
until you quit this job.
Uh-huh. [sniffs]
I brought some supplies.
Oh, disinfectant wipes.
-Yeah. [uneasy chuckle]
Jeezy creezy, Buddy.
What the hell.
You asked for a nasty one, Bryce.
Look, there's no way
she's gonna want to do this for a living.
Oh, my God.
Are these holes
from a machine gun?
Oh, no.
Don't worry.
I got something that'll send her
running to the convent.
Say hello to Buddy's
patent-pending Body Burner.
Please, children,
keep your arms and legs
out of the splash zone.
Melts through flesh, bone,
anything organic in a matter of seconds.
Observe and savor.
-Oh, Lordy.
-[acid sizzling]
Isn't that a lovely bouquet?
Oh, my God, you're an artist.
-[camera flash clicking]
-What the fuck, man?
Huh, really thought that would work.
But, I mean, after all, she's your kid.
We gotta get you on Shark Tank.
Fuck! Hey, this is regular yogurt.
-I wanted Greek yogurt.
Hey, look, I know I wrote Greek yogurt
-on the grocery list.
-[Haruka] Yeah.
I mean,
why am I even making a list
if no one's gonna take it
into consideration, huh?
I wasted five minutes
of physical form to write that list.
And then everyone says,
"Ah, screw that list!"
And now you're not even
paying attention to me!
Oh, I'm sorry.
How rude of me, Bryce.
I'm just trying to avenge
the deaths of my entire precinct
while keeping ancient nuclear weapons
out of the hands of an evil syndicate
that's been holding
the world hostage for centuries.
But by all means,
please continue about the yogurt.
Oh, I got a lot more to say
about this yogurt situation
Oh, hey!
Hey, what's with the grass stains, huh?
And wait, why do you smell
like Hawaiian Punch?
-[Monkey grunts]
-Oh, I'm sorry, Capri-Sun.
I didn't realize you were rich.
Where the hell were you?
What's wrong? Nothing at all.
No, no, no.
I'm just about to chow down
on some disgusting regular yogurt
that no one asked for.
My daughter loves blood and murder,
and you've been playing
grab-ass evidently
with the Get Along Gang.
I'm great!
Wait, they don't make you feel guilty
for taking time for yourself?
Hold on, wait.
Does that mean I do?
-[Monkey grunts]
-[phone chimes]
[Monkey whines]
[laughs] Oh-ho, you're in trouble now.
Hey, you know what? Good luck
telling Eunice all about the Co-Op.
You've obviously chosen a side,
and I'm sure
she'll be very cool about it.
-[ominous music playing]
-[Bryce grumbles angrily]
[energy whirring]
-[door thuds]
-[Monkey whimpers]
[sighs] Don't worry.
He's got a lot going on.
-I'll talk with him.
-[Monkey chitters]
No way I'm going.
Eunice hates me.
She tells me she has resting bitch face,
but she doesn't make
that face at anyone else.
-[Monkey groans]
-Look, just be honest.
She'll respect that.
-[Monkey huffs]
[dramatic music playing]
[muffled grunting]
Ow, look out, she's here!
-Monkey! She's crazy!
We gotta get out of here!
[dramatic music playing]
[pots shattering]
-[pots shattering]
-[Monkey shrieks]
-[both yelling]
Get off me, you animal!
[dramatic music playing]
[Monkey screams]
You destroyed my life!
At least come out and face me!
If I hadn't met you,
my uncle would still be alive.
You are a curse, Monkey!
[dramatic music continues]
-[glass shattering]
[Monkey yells]
We were supposed to be a family.
Why did you have to kill him?
-[shovel thuds]
[Akiko yells]
-[glass shattering]
-[car alarm wailing]
-[doorbell buzzing]
-What the
Who can that be?
[machines beeping]
[somber music playing]
[Boone sighs]
I'm sorry, Monkey, but the Akiko
you knew before is, is gone.
She's consumed with rage,
thoughts that are polluted
with revenge and darkness.
-She's killing in anger.
-[Monkey chitters]
I-I wish I was wrong,
but unfortunately
I've seen this before.
Here, come with me.
Alright, should we watch a little movie?
Okay, first off, don't judge
the hair, okay? We were all doing it.
[upbeat music playing]
[crowd cheering]
Hey, guys, it's Maya,
coming at you from the last leg
of The Galaxy Boys
Malls Across America Tour.
These teen brothers are taking
the country by storm
using their powers of the mind
to steal your hearts.
Okay, if you haven't heard
of The Galaxy Boys
You're probably living under a rock.
[laughs] Hey, Boone.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, What's up, Maya?
Would you say you're
the leader of the group?
I did not tell her to say that.
-I swear.
-[Slyke] You told her to say that.
That was our last performance
as The Galaxy Boys.
Right after this was shot,
we were recruited by the government.
A dark ops division of the CIA.
They told us we'd be serving our country
and making a difference.
What 16-year-old
would say no to that, right?
But what we didn't realize
is that we'd be molded
into soulless killing machines.
[Monkey chitters]
So instead of making people dance,
I made targets walk into traffic.
Slyke absorbed heads of state,
rebel forces,
anyone who was against
America's "best interest."
Well, let me tell you what,
all that death,
it changed us.
No, you know what?
Actually, it ruined us.
But Colt
Yeah, Colt was different.
I don't know if it was his way
to cope or compartmentalize
or, I don't know,
maybe that's just wishful thinking.
But he liked the killing.
He started going overboard,
taking out targets
and anyone in the way,
like innocent children and bystanders.
I mean, it was brutal, sadistic even.
And it wasn't until years later
that we discovered
that the government was
in the pocket of the Aldermen
and we'd been doing
their dirty work all along.
-[Monkey grunts]
-This crappy video
is the last time I remember
my brother's eyes looking like that.
After we were recruited,
they changed.
There was nothing left behind them.
And that's when they came back
to Slyke and me with our next mission:
to kill our brother.
And we couldn't say no.
Look, Akiko is your fight.
It doesn't concern me,
but she took up the mantle
of Lady Bullseye to get her revenge.
That's who she is now.
When we reached that point with Colt,
we had to handle it
before anyone else got hurt.
Do you understand
what I'm saying to you?
[machines beeping]
Just remember, the ones you spare,
don't always spare you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[tense music playing]
I mean,
you should have seen her today.
Completely fascinated.
Didn't blink once at the guts
and gore and blech.
She's like if Eli Roth
and the ShamWow guy had a baby,
and that baby wasn't
like an ugly little shit.
So what's the problem?
I don't want that life for her!
You know, I've tried telling her,
but she won't listen to me.
Bryce, you've only been
in her life for, like, a week.
Yeah, but I [huffs]
I'm sacrificing a ton
to be able to talk to her, okay?
I'm not trying to be a martyr
'cause I know I've fucked up in the past,
but goddamn, lady, give me
a chance, you know? [laughs]
Bryce, she is giving you a chance.
This is what kids do.
They test you and fight you.
They don't just sit on your lap
with a glass of milk
and ask you for life lessons.
Oh, okay, I-I mean,
I didn't say I wanted that, you know.
Iris asked you for help,
and then she turned around
and threw that help in
your face to piss you off.
-That's a win.
-It is?
It means she cares.
If she didn't, she wouldn't engage.
And that's the worst possible outcome.
You seem to know a lot about this stuff
for a childless woman.
-Yeah, but no.
No, no, that's not what I meant.
Oh, Jesus, I'm an idiot.
-I'm sorry.
-[sighs] You're not.
You're a good guy.
You're trying.
You think I'm a good guy?
I do.
What? Whoa, what the hell, Bryce?
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
I misread the whole good guy thing.
That's my fault.
I was being nice.
I know, I know.
Hey, but be honest.
Is it because I'm dead?
-You know?
- What? No!
It wouldn't bother me
if the roles were reversed, but I get it.
-[machines beeping]
-[dramatic music playing]
[Akiko panting]
Huh, what?
-[door thuds]
-[Akiko panting]
[dramatic music playing]
[Akiko panting]
[water splashing]
[flies buzzing]
-[sinister laughter]
-[tense music playing]
-[Akiko gasps]
-Hi, there.
What are you doing here?
You tell me.
You're the one who put on my mask.
I did that because I need to kill Monkey.
And I didn't think
I could do that as me.
I'm not strong enough.
Not vicious enough.
Oh, honey, it's a good start.
If you add Bryce
and that cop to your list,
you've got yourself a mentor.
[Akiko sighs]
[dramatic music playing]
[pigeons cooing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[creature grunts]
-Shh, shh.
-[pigeon coos]
Time to shine, my pet.
[magic whirring]
[bird screeching]
["True Killer" by Sneaks playing]
True killer ♪
In the mirror ♪
Best match for a sinner ♪
Paddywhack ♪
Old swan ♪
Go fetch your own bone ♪
A lot of things
I cannot do ♪
But I'm a sinner ♪
And none of it's true ♪
True killer ♪
True killer ♪
True killer ♪
In the mirror ♪
Best match for a sinner ♪
Paddywhack ♪
Old swan ♪
Go fetch your own bone ♪
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