Nailed It! (2018) s02e05 Episode Script

Zoo You Bake?

I'm Nicole Byer and welcome to Nailed It,
the only baking show where home bakers
get to test their skills
on masterpieces like this.
Today, three home bakers will attempt
to recreate epic magical desserts
over two rounds of competition
for their chance to win $10,000!
- Yeah!
- Let's do it!
Let's meet our bakers.
What are we waiting for?
My name is Kelley
and I am ahorrible baker!
Kelley is my daughter.
I am her number one fan,
but she just can't cook.
My mother is a great baker.
I don't know how she does it.
I don't know.
I just want to be a better baker,
like her.
My name is John.
I am a Juilliard-trained dancer.
I've been a Broadway performer
for many, many years.
But my goals are very, very clear.
I want to become a master baker.
When it comes to baking,
I'm really great at making it taste
probably what it's supposed
to taste like,
but I'm really bad at making it look
what it's supposed to look like.
I'm Kate Christenbury.
I'm from Houston, Texas.
I am the epitome of a crazy cat lady.
Can you see the birdies and the squirrels?
But if there's anything
that I love more than cats, it's baking.
I'm just not that great at it.
So, I'm making macaroons.
I have my helper here, Scrambles.
I love the look on people's faces
when they try something
that someone has made and they love it.
It just hasn't ever happened for me.
So, I really want to get better.
Kelley, John, and Kate.
You guys ready to get your bake on?
- Yeah!
- Yes!
This is gonna be a fun one. I'm excited.
Today on Nailed It,
we're taking a delicious trip to the zoo.
That didn't come out right.
No, I mean, let me just try that again.
We're going to be eating
sweet little animals.
No, that was worse. That was way worse.
With me as always, our head judge
and my French Bulldog,
Chef Jacques Torres.
Thank you, Nicole.
It might get a little hairy today.
Let's see
Gross, Jacques, gross. Hairy?
And today we have a special guest judge,
the fabulous Chef Art Smith.
Oh, my God, you have worked
with presidents, dignitaries, princes,
and Oprah!
Can you take me to one
of Oprah and Gayle's parties, please?
I'm sure. We can sneak a cake in there.
They'll think you're part of it.
I would love to pop out
and be like, "Oprah, it's me!"
She won't think that's weird.
She would love it.
There is a major prize
for the winner of this round.
Baker's Choice.
Behind door number one
are three adorable little party animals.
You choose which one you want to nail.
Get ready to unleash your inner beast
with these
- fancy fruit animals!
- No!
This is going to be hard.
While you won't be using your ovens,
these little guys require acute attention
to detail and some serious knife skills.
You'll have to choose between
this fruit salad bowl turtle,
the wise watermelon owl,
and the fancy silhouette swan.
While cutting fruit might seem simple,
I think you'll find this
a little different
than the apple you sliced
for lunch yesterday.
Go get those critters!
So Art, you're famous
for carving watermelon.
Did they ever give you a nickname?
I was called the Melon Queen.
I kind of loved it, because everyone's
got to be famous for something.
Why the hell not be famous
for carving watermelons?
I love it!
- This is very exciting.
- It is. Thank you.
You guys, we've given you
a vegetable carving set.
Be careful.
Try not to maim these poor little guys,
or yourselves.
Forty-five minutes on the clock.
Go! Start carving!
They're doing it! They're
not baking, they're cutting.
Don't we go get it?
Don't we go get our stuff?
I'm gonna run to the pantry
and get some watermelon.
I'd be concerned about
picking out that perfect melon
that's gonna work for that design,
I'm telling you.
Jacques, how do you
cut a watermelon perfectly?
First, start with a sharp blade
to make your major cuts of the melon.
Then scoop out the correct amount
for your design.
And finally, use precision carving tools
to score and create the detail
of your animal.
You know the best-tasting watermelon?
They'd be growing in the field,
and we would actually kind of
sneak in the field and grab one.
- You cut a hole in it.
- Mm-hmm.
And you get a bottle of like, vodka,
but in those days, we did
- we used, like, that grain alcohol,
- Uh-huh.
and you just stick it down in there,
and it gets all, like, delicious.
It's like one big watermelon bomb!
Got to figure out
how to make the bottom of it flat.
Oh. See, I never cut a watermelon
'cause I don't eat watermelon.
So I don't know how to cut a watermelon.
Okay, what is she doing?
I'm so nervous, I'm shaking.
Literally I'm shaking, for real.
I work in a school
with inner-city students, and I bake,
and they don't particularly care
about the things
that I bring into the classroom.
Yes! All right.
If I win this show,
and my students see that I can bake,
and they see I've been successful with it,
they'll know anything is possible.
So Kelley already cut
a little bit too much of the owl.
It's not going to be round enough,
I guess.
It's a cool project though.
No, this is scary.
I've never done anything like this before.
I've eaten watermelon before, but
um, I've never cut into one.
I don't even know where to begin, really.
There's some verybig knives
being used out there.
Is this dangerous?
Let's try a different knife here
because that one is not working.
Oh, this one works better.
Is anyone else struggling?
No, I mean, this is a breeze.
All right.
I have a method to this madness.
I'm gonna just empty this,
and put fruit in there,
and then I'm halfway done.
I'm hashtag winning.
My station's gonna look
like a crime scene when I'm done.
Lord Jesus, what's she doing
with the vegetable peeler?
Shave it up. Got to give it some detail.
I hope.
Damn, I've still got to do
all the art to it.
My God!
Okay, what is she doing?
- Oops.
- Get that knife out of your hand, honey!
What do you think
of Kate's knife skills?
Put it this way, I wouldn't want her
to be a surgeon.
Everybody has ten fingers still?
- Everyone still has ten fingers.
- Okay, good. That's a good thing.
For me, it's scary,
working with knives and working fast
and a time limit.
Okay. The wings
are looking more like wings.
Being an artistic person,
I think I can, sort of
As a dancer, you look at something
and you mimic it with your body,
so I feel like I can look at this
and hopefully try to recreate it.
I'm gonnacarve this,
and with as many toothpicks as I can find,
I'm just gonna harpoon it together.
It's alive!
That's not bad. I'm not mad at that.
Jacques, what sound does an owl make
in France?
Oh, bonjour!
- Hoo-hoo. Hoo-hoo.
- Hoo-hoo.
Twenty minutes left, guys!
Twenty minutes! Be safe!
But just knowyour time's running out.
Oh, my God. Come on, baby.
Get down here.
Put some definition down here too.
Just gut it.
Yeah, there we go. Just pop it everywhere.
- Jacques, are you scared right now?
- I'm scared for Kate.
I'm afraid that she'll cut herself.
My concern is
how she's holding the knife.
- Yes.
- Yes.
No crazy fast knife moves, please.
Keep it safe.
Almost did it. Did I do it?
- Oh, no. Bless her heart.
- Uh-oh, Kelley cut herself.
These knives are really sharp.
Is it bad?
He should have a red light on his head
when he comes.
Like a man ambulance?
- That's the only cut?
- That's the only cut.
Almost stabbed me on this arm too,
but luckily I didn't do it.
So, is anybody surprised
that it was Kelley and not Kate
who had the medic come?
- I'm definitely very surprised.
- I'm very surprised.
I'm working on the, um, the beak.
Andcutting a curve in a melon
is actually really hard.
That's not bad.
I'm not angry at any of this.
I mean, I don't want to say
I'm killing it right now
but, you know.
One minute left, guys.
Finishing touches.
- Okay. Oh, God.
- I need fruit.
- Twenty seconds, guys!
- Ooh, shoot!
Look at this.
This is gonna make me wind my hair.
Keep going. Keep going.
You know what? I'm really proud.
This is my baby.
Ten, nine,
eight, seven, six,
five, four,
three, two, one, you're done!
You're done!
There you have it.
All right, Kelley, just to remind you,
this is the amazing fruit owl
you were trying to recreate.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
Okay. I think you did a great job.
I know it's an owl.
And I love that you put a toothpick
to put his ears
so they hold in place.
The little olive eyes are adorable.
I think you got the nose,
those little angry eyebrows.
He looks like he's about to attack.
I wouldn't cut so much off the bottom.
I would make those ears and that body
a little bit more slender.
He's just a big, broad owl.
The front, I think you had
a little bit of problems with it.
This was very difficult,
to get those diamond-shaped details,
but I tried as much as possible.
As you can see,
I botched it up a little bit.
But, like, truly? That's hard.
That's very hard.
To be fair, the example of the owl
that we gave you has a lot of detail.
Certainly, it'd take a lot of skills.
Butyour owl looks like an owl.
So, you knowgood job.
Okay, thank you. Thank you.
Thank you, all.
Well, this is more of a design challenge.
So we're not going to taste it,
'cause it's watermelon.
We know what that tastes like.
And it might have blood on it.
It could.
Okay, thank you so much, Kelley. We're
gonna move on and see what else we got!
All right, John.
Just as a reminder, this is the amazing
turtle you were trying to make.
Let's see yours!
Nailed it!
Turtle with a smile.
Oh, yeah!
Look at them eyes.
To be honest,
it kind of scares me a bit.
This is Tanya, Tanya Turtle.
She's a stay-at-home mom.
- Okay.
- But she has a date later tonight.
And I bedazzled her eyes.
So she feels special tonight.
She doesn't get out much.
- Tanya's leaning.
- Tanya's tuckered.
I like those, just, steel eyesstaring.
It looks like, from here,
that she has lipstick, you know?
But it's very pleasant.
She has a big smile.
So, you know, congratulations.
Thank you.
Considering the amount of time you had,
and the amount of pieces,
you got her together and she looks
like a turtle. You did fantastic.
Thank you, Art.
We have a third one to see.
So we're gonna move on.
Kate! Just a reminder.
This is the incredible carved swan
you were trying to make.
Let's see what you did.
Here it is!
Nailed it!
Oh, boy.
I lovingly say this,
but your swan looks like a dinosaur.
What a thick-necked dinosaur!
Yes, the initial cut is about okay.
You're not too far from the original.
And things went wrong
when you started to carve the details.
The wings arejust look like
Scrambles took one side,
and Tumbles took the other,
and just kind of scratched it.
But I will say, the shape that you carved
the wings I think is really great.
Thank you!
In terms of capturing the motion,
'cause there's a lot of motion
in that melon,
you captured that movement.
Thank you.
please scooch down.
The winner of this first round
had the watermelon that looked
the most like an animal.
It was not an easy decision,
but the winner
of the Baker's Choice round is
Yay, Kelley!
Oh, my God! Oh!
- Congratulations!
- Thank you. Oh, my God.
Art, tell her what she's won.
Well, honey,
you're gonna be slicing and dicing
and teaching all kinds of people
how to make such beautiful owls
because you have won yourself
a wonderful professional knife set.
- Oh, wow! Ooh!
- Ain't that great?
Yes, thank you!
Yes, and also
- More importantly
- Yes, more importantly,
since you are the winner,
you get to wear this incredibly,
very decadent, but also understated,
Nailed It baker's cap!
- Oh, my God!
- Bravo! Bravo!
Nowthere's someone
who didn't do as well.
Butdo not worry!
'Cause we are gonna give you
an extra helping hand during round two
which is behind door number two!
You guys, we have to make it! Quickly!
Follow me to door number two!
Forget about that last round
because everybody starts from scratch
in this next round.
The $10,000 grand prize will go
to the winner of this round.
Art, tell them
what they'll be attempting to nail.
You know, this next challenge
is probably one of my biggest fears.
But it makes the perfect birthday cake
for someone you hate.
It's slithery,
it's slimy,
and it's oh-so-poisonous.
Get ready for
- snake cake!
- Oh, my gosh!
And not only is it a snake, it's a cobra!
This serpent is dangerous
on multiple levels.
Beware of its hand-molded facial features,
because I want to tell you something.
This cobra is sure to take a bite
out of even the best bakers.
Are those little mice?
Do we have to make those?
- Oh, yeah, of course.
- Yeah, you have to make everything there.
Oh, okay. Um
We're going to give you a structure
you can put cakes around.
Think about detail.
I know this cake looks pretty dangerous,
but don't worry.
We're gonna give you a little extra help
in this round.
Each of you has a panic button
on your counter.
If you get into some trouble,
hit the panic button
and one of our expert judges will come
over and rescue you for three minutes.
- Oh, great.
- Wow.
And Kate, since you had such a hard time
in that last round,
you get an extra helping hand.
During any other contestant's panic time,
just hit your "Pardon My French" button
and Chef Jacques will switch
to speaking only French
for the rest of their panic time.
Okay, here we go.
Two hours on the clock,
$10,000 on the line.
It's time to Nail It or Fail It!
Go make a snake cake!
Go, slither!
Slither to your ovens!
Okay. Cake mix, milk, oil.
Jacques, how would you start this cake?
Okay, first you bake your cake,
and then you make your buttercream.
Cut your cake for the body of the snake.
And then you build a neck on the snake
by fitting rice cereal
around the platform rod
and shape the head
out of modeling chocolate.
Next, you create the bed of sand
around your display.
Then you place the body of the snake,
cover it in buttercream and fondant,
then decorate the cake, and you're done.
It's not an easy cake.
The snake is a very complicated shape
to pull off properly.
I am going to bake a cake,
but how do I make this cake into a snake?
One container of cake mix.
Two and a half cups of milk.
I never read recipes at home,
so it is my main focus right now
to read the recipe.
I really want to know what I'm putting
into this cake so it doesn't screw up.
Two thirds cup of oil.
There we go.
Mix on medium speed for two minutes.
Woo! Wah!
There we go.
The recipe called for cake.
It didn't say what flavor or what kind.
So I grabbed chocolate.
I noticed that the other two
were using regular cake.
Chocolate cake?
Maybe that might give me an advantage.
All right.
We're done with these cakes.
Are you guys afraid of snakes?
- My brother had a pet rattlesnake.
- Nope.
- And it bit him.
- Yeah, that's what they do.
And he had to be airlifted.
Those are dangerous, huh?
- Oh, most definitely, yeah.
- What is it, a cobra?
They've actually had some
that were released in Florida.
Cobra? In Florida?
You know what? I'm happy
right here in Los Angeles,
where there's
there's just a lot of cars.
We have the Rice Krispies Treats
coming out.
It's Christmas morning.
Make some space here.
I noticed that Kelley and John
are both using a lot of Rice Krispies
to make the head and neck of their snake.
Okay, let's see if this is going to work.
Or not.
I think that the snake
is going to fall off the armature.
So I cut up the Rice Krispies Treat pallet
into some thin strips
to hold onto that wire.
I feel like mine is, honestly,
the right proportions.
That one's really sturdy.
That one's not sturdy.
I am molding snake flaps.
- Your snake's falling apart, John!
- I mean, how rude.
This one's falling apart too.
- Kelley's snake? Yes.
- I see something moving.
I see movement.
Oh, yeah.
When it's too much weight,
that Rice Krispies justbreaks.
Oh, boy, this is a tough one.
She'll have to take everything out
and redo it.
Kelley just started all over.
Keep it light.
She's thickening the rod with fondant.
- That's not going to do much.
- No.
- Panic!
- We're in panic mode!
- Yes, I'll go.
- John hit his panic button!
It's a panic!
- I need help.
- Okay, what's the problem?
This! Oh, come on.
I'm having a hard time
keeping my head erect.
Keep squeezing.
And I need help.
- It looks like an angry sock puppet.
- That's okay.
One minute, 30 seconds
left in the panic.
My recommendation is to take this
- and finish your head with it.
- Okay.
- You see where it's falling off?
- Yes.
- Take that off and build your base.
- Right. Okay.
- 'Cause it will fall off.
- Okay.
- You'll have to beat hell out of it.
- Okay.
- Yeah, right.
- That's good.
- See? Get where I'm going there?
- Yes, I do. Absolutely.
That's it! Panic's over!
Yes! Yes!
Cakes are coming out over there,
it looks like.
This one is just ready.
They're gonna be cut up,
like a long snake.
The cakes are good.
Crunching these Graham crackers up
so this is gonna be the sand.
It has to be plush.
And plush means, you know, full.
Like, a lot.
I'm gonna grab this.
I love popcorn. It's my favorite food.
I was just kidding.
SoKate has pulled out popcorn.
Maybe she's going to dobig dirt.
I'm mixing up
two of my most favorite foods.
I want this to be the, um,
crumbly base,
like the dirt where the snake
is sitting on.
Well, she wants to get a hammer now.
Everyone else is probably
gonna use Graham crackers.
When in doubt, sprinkle it with♪
Graham cracker ♪
I don't want them to know my secrets.
Smarter than I look.
John and Kelley,
they are using just Graham crackers
to make their base
where the snake will lie.
That'sthat's plain.
That'sthat's easy.
So, I'm gonna make mine
different and delicious.
It is time to unleash the Kraken.
I want to ice the whole thing
with the buttercream icing
to make it not only delicious, but also
so that my snake can stick to it.
- What are you doing?
- I'm not telling you my secrets!
Now is crunch time.
Literally, crunch, crunch, crunch.
I've grabbed the fondue because it's
going over the top of the whole cake
andthe neck.
The'cause I'm gonna have
the Rice Krispies
and then put the fondue over that.
Forty-three minutes left.
My goal is to just, like, do strips
and then kind of form it.
Okay, so I've got that.
What happened to the damn fondue?
So, I'm making the rest of the snake body.
I think I only have a few more pieces,
- My cake is coming along.
- What are you doing with your buttercream?
I ain't doing it yet.
I forgot about the buttercream.
What the hell's going on?
The buttercream's supposed
to go somewhereso
It's going here.
So, Kelley, I think,
is freaking out a little bit.
What am I using buttercream for? I was
gonna color it and smooth it over it,
so it would look more smooth.
Put more in there. That'll make it red.
No, that made it more pink.
I think she doesn't really,
truly have a plan.
How the freak do you make red?
Oh, panic!
- Kelley hit the panic button!
- Panic! Panic! Panic!
I love the way you say it!
- How can I help?
We got a "Pardon My French" button!
- Jacques!
- Jacques, all French!
She played you.
So to make it red,
you have to put a little more color in.
If you put a little more color,
you will have the same color as that.
Put it in the cooler and it'll turn red?
No, a little more color.
Put it in the
That. Red. That isn't red.
Now it's red.
And you have more room to work in
Thanks a lot, Kate.
Thanks a lot for that French lesson.
Good luck. Thank you very much.
It won't help anyway.
I don't know what he's saying.
There's a mouse, there's leaves.
My strategy to finish this is
for the clock to run out.
Whoa, guys. 15 minutes left.
- Fifteen.
- Okay.
Show the colors of the rainbow.
This is the gay pride snake.
Got a mouse that looks
like it's been in a bloodbath.
John is just jamming decorations.
This is hilarious.
All right, here goes the mouse.
I'm just gonna wrap your little head
around this.
There we go.
What about those damn mice?
We'd love to see how you make
those tiny little mice.
I hate this.
The first thing
you have to do is the body.
These mice are almost scarier
than the snake.
This is like craft hour.
Minemine looks pregnant.
After the body,
you can make the face.
And then you make the ears.
Okay, my mouse is pretty much done.
Mine's a girl mouse.
- Oh, a girl mouse!
- Because of feminism.
One minute left.
Woo, it's down to the wire.
Polishing my turd, right here.
This is for you, Scrambles and Tumbles.
It's coming apart.
What's gonna happen?
Five, four,
three, two, one,
- you're done!
Wheel me yoursnake cake.
Okay, Kelley, you were trying to recreate
this terrifying snake cake.
Let's see what you did.
It's coming apart.
Got to let go of that snake, girl.
And it's going.
Oh, no.
Nailed itnot.
Yeah, that's a bummer.
I saw it before it fell,
and I thought it looked good.
Kelley, you know,
I've had many a cake fall.
I've had them fall for presidents.
But guess what? Once the cake's cut,
no one really gives a rat's uh-oh
what kind of cake it was, okay?
It ain't about what it looks like,
it's about how it tastes.
You know, I know, in two hours,
the time is very limited.
But we saw your cake with the head.
- I think you should be proud of yourself.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much.
We're gonna go see some other cakes!
All right, John.
Let's see what you did!
I nailed it!
Oh, boy.
This is my gay pride snake cake.
I love those buck teeth
that snake has.
That mouse, it looks
like it just gave up.
It's just like, "Just kill me."
Overall, I think's it's a party!
- I love it!
- Thank you.
For the amount of time you had
at being able to assemble it,
you did a great job.
We learned that the neck and the head
are not easy to hold,
and you got the head to stand.
- So, congratulations.
- Thank you.
We got two fun things to look at,
we got to go look at a third.
All right, Kate.
Let's see what you did!
- Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!
- Nailed it!
- Look at those mice!
- All right! Kate
you have a snake cake.
Although I feel like the head of the snake
looks like a duck!
Like, this is a bird snake.
And I'm into it.
Your snake has a bigger tail
than the front of the snake.
It's got some junk in the trunk.
She modeled it after me!
- I got a big butt.
- I didn't say that, you said that.
But where you did really well
is on the mouse.
Beautiful ears
and you did a good job with that.
- Thank you!
- What I really love is the ground cover.
I love the attention to detail.
The dirt is Graham crackers,
vanilla wafers, and caramel popcorn,
and buttercream frosting,
all my favorite foods.
So what you mean is we need to eat that.
I think you should eat this.
We have seen three wonderful snake cakes.
We are going to taste them,
so I would love for you to slice me
the perfect piece
of your terrifying snake cakes.
All right, let's start with Kelley's cake.
This cake is good, but a little bit dry.
No buttercream.
Unfortunately you forgot. It needs to be
beautiful, but it needs to be eaten.
I think you baked the cake perfectly,
I think it tastes great.
But it would be a lot better
if you had added the buttercream.
Kelley, I liked your cake!
It made me happy, it was chocolatey.
- I liked it.
- Thank you.
You know, it's all about learning.
I do that for almost 40 years.
I still learn things.
Forty? I thought you were 35!
- I love you even more!
- How were you learning in utero?
Jacques, you're magical.
All right, John?
We're going to taste your cake!
- The cake is moist.
- Okay.
I like that you put buttercream
into the cake.
I also liked the texture of your cake.
I thought it was moist,
I liked the buttercream.
But you put a dead mouse on this cake.
You plated this cake
with a dead gray mouse.
- But I liked your cake.
- Thank you.
- I think it's a little dry.
- Okay.
But I love the polka dots. I just think
the cake needs a little more work.
All right. Kate's cake, let's taste it.
This is the wildest plate of food
I've ever received.
- Get some of the dirt.
- Yeah, get the dirt.
What do you mean, "Get some of the dirt"?
I don't like dirt.
All together, it tastes pretty good.
- Yay!
- I agree with that.
Your cake was, like, a little dry.
- But I really loved your dirt mixture.
- You're right, the dirt is good.
Good, I'm glad you liked it.
You should open a business
and package that dirt,
in a little bag,
put a little ribbon on it,
put the name of your cats on it
and sell that!
You could call it kitty litter!
- Exactly!
- Yes!
Edible kitty litter.
Edible kitty litter.
I could put some, like.
some of the chocolate in there
as little poops.
That's too far.
Only one of youcan win
the $10,000
and the dangerously sexy
Nailed It trophy
where? Wes?
Wes, where is it?
- Where
- Oh, you just gave birth to it!
- I'm impressed.
- I would make a dirty joke, but I won't.
Now, silence!
The moment
we have all been waiting for.
The winner is
the cake with the kitty litter.
Kate, congratulations!
You're the winner of Nailed It,
and all of the money!
- Congratulations!
- Oh, my gosh!
You getJust hug me!
Don't leave me!
Oh, my gosh, I cannot believe I won.
I'm gonna get so many more cats
with all this money that I've won,
and I'm gonna have so much room
for all of them on the new cat-io.
- Everybody's in here?
- No.
No? No. Okay, here we go.
Thank you for watching Nailed It!
Keep watching, and keep chilling.
You know? Netflix and chill.
Let's do this, okay?
- Congrats!
- Oh, my God!
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