NCIS: Sydney (2023) s02e05 Episode Script


Once you tell me why your number's
on a Russian assassin's phone.
He had a heart attack
and then his pacemaker failed
and made it worse?
Its failure may have caused
the heart attack.
[CARTER] They can't guarantee
he comes back at this point.
[BLUE] Rankin had a listening
device inside of his pacemaker.
[MAN] There you are!
- [WOMAN 1] Up here! Up here!
[WOMAN 2] Oh, my God!
[MAN] Hey.
Did you see where those girls went?
Whoa! Sick shirt, bro.
- Check out this guy's fit.
Sorry, what's your name, bro?
[NEUROLOGIST] Our tests indicate
signs of brain function,
but what that means is
anyone's guess at this point.
I read somewhere about Ritalin
being used to rouse coma patients.
Let me stop you right there.
There is no safe way to speed this up.
For now, Colonel Rankin's fate
is entirely his own.
I'm sorry.
[JD] Hey.
How you holding up?
We, uh, wanted to give you an update.
We traced the origin of the pacemaker.
It was stolen from a shipment
of humanitarian aid
bound for Dili.
We found a listening device
inside the pacemaker.
- So
whoever put that thing inside him
was listening the whole time?
- Excuse me.
This is Mackey.
Why would anyone
Why would they do that?
They made him do things, didn't they?
Did people get hurt?
Well, your husband
had a gun to his head.
So, whatever he did,
he wasn't the man in there.
Oh, God. I feel so stupid.
Why do you say that?
The last few months,
he'd become so distant.
Was traveling all over the Indo-Pacific.
He hardly answered my calls.
I actually wondered whether
he was having an affair.
Then he started writing letters.
We hadn't done that since college.
It all makes sense now.
He knew someone was monitoring
whatever he said.
Well, do you still have the letters?
I'm not sure. They're, uh, private.
Well, that's why we need them, Natalie.
[MACKEY] Sorry. We're needed harborside.
Hang in there, okay?
We'll find out what happened.
[DESHAWN] You don't think
I can dance? I can dance.
You know, I'm like Usher
meets Timberlake.
- [EVIE] Meets Gollum?
- [MACKEY] What's the update?
[EVIE] DeShawn thinks he can dance.
[JD] Oh, come on. Everyone can dance.
You'd have some sick moves,
wouldn't you, Macka?
Cut the rug when you can.
- Boss don't dance.
- Really? How come?
'Cause boss don't dance.
Copy that.
So, um,
deceased is Petty Officer
First Class Rueben Daniels, 26.
- In town on the USS Pascal.
- Made port two days ago.
- Still had his phone and wallet.
Location services were turned off.
Someone didn't want anybody
knowing what he'd been up to.
But his recent pics
might help clear things up.
Find out who she is.
What have we got, Rosie?
Uh, well, judging by his wounds,
I'd say he's been shot multiple times.
There's no exit wounds, so
I'm thinking maybe low caliber.
We got a time of death?
It's gonna be tricky
as he's been frozen.
- Frozen?
- Yeah.
As if by Queen Elsa herself.
So I'm clear,
someone shot him, put him on ice
and then carted him here
to a public place.
- Why risk it?
- [JD] Hmm.
And why does he smell like
the fish markets on a Sunday?
Speak for yourself.
What is it?
Our killer leaves him here
with the best view in the house.
ID still on him.
Who does that?
Rueben Daniels.
Naval reservist in college.
Went into active duty straight after.
Just off a maritime security
tour in the Red Sea.
[MACKEY] Blue flamer.
Was he staying on base?
Negative. He's been on liberty
ever since he made port.
Crashing with an Aussie friend,
Craig Beachley.
- 'Creg'?
- [DESHAWN] Sure.
Like Daniel Craig.
You mean Daniel 'Crayg'.
No, he means Daniel 'Creg' 007.
Hmm. I think you'll find
it's Daniel 'Crayg' 007.
So this 'Creg' didn't report
his friend missing?
No. Neither did 'Crayg'.
Look, we did catch a break with
our mystery woman, though.
Mmm. Kim Dang. Vietnamese national.
Arrived here nine months ago
to study English
at the ASN Language College.
Okay. Find out what she knows.
I think I solved why
his clothes stank of fish.
Turns out his clothing was covered
in dried plasma from a gastropod.
Plasma, as in
As in plasma.
Um, a fluid made up of proteins.
Why was he covered in plasma?
Because when two abalone feel
very strongly for one another
The dead seaman is covered
in dead semen. From an abalone.
Okay. Didn't see that coming.
[MACKEY] So how do you suggest
we broach the idea
that our dead guy was into
the Aussie abalone scene?
Let me get this straight, there
is no Aussie abalone scene.
So you've looked into it?
No, I haven't 'cause
no such thing exists.
- At least not the way you mean.
- And which way is that?
Craig Beachley.
- Sergeant Jim Dempsey. AFP.
- Hi.
Special Agent Mackey. NCIS.
- Can we have a word?
- Yeah, sure. Wh-what's up?
Rueben Daniels. His CO said that
he's been bunking with you.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. That that's right.
[MACKEY] When did you last see him?
Oh night before last.
And he didn't come home last night?
No, I I just assumed
that he hooked up.
[MACKEY] With, um
her, maybe?
Listen, there's, uh, no easy way
to say this, mate,
but Rueben's dead.
Yeah. We found his body this morning.
Do you know of anyone
who might wanna hurt him?
[STAMMERS] Oh, no. I, um No.
Let's take this inside, yeah? Come on.
[CRAIG] Yeah.
[MACKEY] So, uh, talk me through
the timeline.
Rueben made port two nights ago?
[CRAIG] Yeah, that's right. Um
He came here. He dumped his kit
and then we went out.
You go anywhere they serve seafood?
The fish markets maybe?
They found, uh, abalone
residue all over him.
We didn't go anywhere
near the fish markets.
We grabbed a feed at the local
and then we we came back here
and just crashed.
Then you woke up the next morning
Yeah, 6am, as per. I went to work.
Yeah, that's the last time I saw him.
Here's the thing.
Rueben's phone and wallet were
on him when we found the body,
which means we can rule out robbery.
[MACKEY] And when that happens,
we usually find that
whoever committed the murder
is known to the deceased.
Wait, and you you think that
I had something to do with it?
Are you kidding? [BREATH HITCHES]
- Did you?
- Well, he's my best mate.
Ah, there she is.
Looks like she's been a student at ASN
for almost nine months now.
Okay, great. Um, is she in?
Uh, classes are finished for today.
By 10:30 in the morning?
Where were you guys
when I was in school?
We like to give our students time
to practice their language
skills in the real world.
I get it. Is Kim in tomorrow?
Classes are online tomorrow.
What about the day after?
Also online.
Can I take a look at Kim's file?
[SOFTLY] I'm just gonna Here.
Model student, huh?
She's been marked present for
the whole of this week already.
College is dodgy as. The whole
thing's an immigration scam.
- You got a line on Kim?
- Not yet.
Mobile they had for her
was bogus too.
But they did have her visa on file,
which shows she's due
to ship out in a week.
All right, so let's find her
before then, yeah?
- Hey.
What's up, Doc?
[DOC ROY] I ran an X-ray
and what I assumed were bullet holes
were actually puncture wounds.
So I'm suspecting old mate
was beaten to death.
Any idea with what?
Something wooden, for sure.
Uh, bit of furniture maybe?
Okay, so are we thinking
restaurant, old-school bar brawl?
Oh, no, unlikely.
There's no defensive wounds.
Whoever did this to him
took him by surprise.
Yeah, or he couldn't fight back.
[DOC ROY] He did go to a bar, though.
[MACKEY] We're looking for this guy,
Petty Officer Rueben Daniels.
Came through Wednesday night.
American sailor.
We're trying to establish his movements.
We get a lot of armed service
types through the club.
Well, we're only looking for one.
[RAZZIE] I don't know. Maybe.
Maybe we could ask Kim.
Don't suppose she's in today?
Kim? Over here, please, darling.
[RAZZIE] You were here Wednesday, yeah?
Do you remember this guy?
It's okay.
You're not in any trouble.
We had a drink.
He came back for a dance, then he left.
As in a private dance?
Was he in the club with anyone?
- Not that I saw.
- What time was this?
Uh 10:30.
We're gonna need to, uh, take
a look at your CCTV, Razzie.
That'll be tricky.
We delete the footage after 24 hours
if there's been no incidents.
There has been an incident.
This man has been murdered.
Any idea why a dead guy had
your picture on his phone, Kim?
Don't know.
Sometimes people give recommendations.
Now, if you don't mind, I need
to get ready for the lunch rush.
- Lunch rush?
- People got to eat.
We serve lunch.
So you only hire
young Southeast Asian women
to serve lunch, okay.
We don't hire anyone.
They're all self-employed contractors,
free to come and go as they choose.
Hmm. Many of them take English classes?
Samba classes, beauty classes,
I don't ask.
Their time's their own.
And all of them are on student visas.
Listen, Sergeant, if you can tell me
where I'm breaking the law,
I'm all ears.
Otherwise, you got a problem with people
taking their clothes off, that's on you.
[JD TAPS MENU] I'll keep this.
There's a discount for law enforcement.
- Have you seen my almond milk?
The word 'milk' would imply
that an almond has a teat
from which to extract the said milk,
and unless an almond has suddenly become
a member of the mammalian genus,
I can't imagine
what you're missing out on
is in any way milk.
- You okay?
[EVIE] Blue, have you
cracked Rueben's phone yet?
How did you do on the location data?
Yeah, location data. Interesting.
So, um, Mr. Rueben was keen
to hide his travel movements.
He, uh, turned off
his location services at 7:43pm
while he was still at Craig's place.
What he failed to realize
is that it doesn't actually
disable your phone's GPS.
And according to his,
Mr. Rueben left
his friend's flat at 8:22pm,
drove all the way across town to here.
A warehouse in Pyrmont,
leased to a [TAPS KEYS]
Marvo Armando.
Wait, you know him?
The Great Wall of China.
Notorious Sydney fencer of stolen goods.
I've tried to bust him
twice before. It's never stuck.
Hmm. Wanna try a third?
Yeah, see, in L.A., this is
where the raves would be at.
You can drop the act, D. I know
you've never been to a rave.
Girl, for real.
I crushed the ravin' scene.
[SCOFFS] Like you 'crushed' babysitting?
- [DESHAWN] Yo, check it out.
Hey, no, no, no, no.
All right. Don't shoot.
- Just a Phillips head.
Yeah? All right. Putting it down.
- There we go.
Evie Cooper as I live and breathe.
[EVIE] I thought you told the judge
you'd find a more meaningful way
to waste your life?
Oh, Coops. Water. Bridge.
You know, 'cause of you, now
I'm on the straight and narrow.
- Oh, yeah?
- [MARVO] Yeah.
G'day, mate.
So you got the paperwork for all that?
Oh, that That's me mate's.
So does your 'mate' have the paperwork?
Yeah. Of course.
Bloody hell, Coops. It's always
business with you, eh?
How do you like them moves?
DeShawn, meet the Great Wall of China.
Marvo, DeShawn.
We go way back.
[EVIE] You fencing abalone now, Marvo?
[MARVO] Are you kidding?
Albert's a pet.
Your pet abalone's name is Albert?
- Albo was already taken.
[DESHAWN] What was in
the rest of the tanks?
[GROANS] I don't know. It was stolen.
If you don't know what was in the tanks,
how do you know it was stolen?
It was stolen, I swear.
I got it all on camera, okay?
- [EVIE] Show us.
- [MARVO] All right, all right.
All right, all right. All right.
- Pause there.
- [EVIE] Is that?
[DESHAWN] That's our dead
Petty Officer Rueben Daniels.
Our murder victim was an abalone thief?
People actually eat these things?
Are you kidding? They're a delicacy.
Sensational eating.
Especially with a little
ginger shallot sauce, you know?
- Au naturel's best.
- Oh, yeah?
Ooh, yeah. That salty tang.
There's nothing like a fresh gastropod.
Whoa. Okay.
Either way, I am not eating anything
that starts with the word
'gastro', thank you.
Besides, I'm more interested in knowing
what Rueben was doing
stealing the little suckers.
[JD] Oh, worth a lot
on the black market.
Organized crime gangs
have been known to use them
as a form of currency.
Well, it's better than cash.
No need to launder it. No paper trail.
- Self-deleting.
- [JD] Hm.
Unlike old mate here.
You guys keep calling me a fence.
I'm no fence.
- Define what it is you do again?
- I'm a delivery guy.
- Hmm.
- You know, like Tom Hanks.
- In that movie Cast Away.
- You're Tom Hanks?
Before the plane crash.
Okay. So who were you delivering
stolen abalone for?
See? Now you're on the right path.
I'm the victim here.
You guys should be out
looking for the thieves.
Funnily enough, we found one of them.
Oh, I don't know anything about that.
[JD] Mm-hm.
- I've got an alibi.
- For when?
Well, for whenever it is
you guys say he was murdered.
We believe whoever you're doing
your abalone FedEx thing for
found out his gear had been
stolen and sought revenge.
Give us a name, yeah?
I don't have a name.
- I've seen Cast Away.
- So have I.
So have I.
That package Tom Hanks trucked
with him all through the movie
had a receiver's
and a sender's address.
You're saying you have neither?
You know, Tom Hanks has
got two Oscars over me too,
but do you hear me complaining?
[EVIE] We ran the plates
on the abalone thief's trailer.
- It's a hire job.
- Did you manage to track it?
You'll never guess who to.
- [MACKEY] 'Creg'.
- [JD] 'Crayg'.
Bring him in.
There you go, mate.
I'll let you rest in peace now.
[BELLOWS] Bluebird!
You care to explain this?
Um, yeah. The, um
The main fridge was overflowing and
And you are a terrible liar.
I'm actually a very good liar.
- Oh?
- See, that?
- That's one big lie.
- Your cake?
My birthday.
- What, you weren't born?
- I was born.
I just lied about when
and it ended up
on my AFP application form.
And now everyone here thinks
that today is my birthday
and they've got me a cake
and they're gonna sing me a song
and I don't deserve any of it.
So you hid the cake in here,
hoping that everything
would just go away?
I mean, a garbage bin
would have been more effective
than my autopsy fridge.
No, because then
I wouldn't be just a liar,
I'd be an ungrateful liar
with no thought to composting.
You know what I think?
I think you put the cake in there
because you knew I would find it,
which means that part of you
wants to have this conversation.
I don't
I don't actually know my date of birth.
I'm sure there's a perfectly
good reason for that.
I have to go. Sorry.
So we wanted to find where they
trucked the abalone to, right?
The trouble is he deleted
the trip logs on his nav system.
Oh, that's not sus at all.
But I did find this.
We meet again.
Whose idea was it to steal the abalone?
Come on, mate. We've got CCTV of
you and Rueben at the warehouse.
[MACKEY] Whose idea was it?
- It was mine.
- Why?
I needed money. What do you think?
[MACKEY] What happened that night?
You get in a fight?
Did Rueben give you that?
Kim Dang. Who's she to you?
We showed you a photo
and you denied knowing her.
Why did you lie to us?
Look, she's just a friend, okay?
Rueben was a friend and he's
not on your car screen saver.
[JD] She works at Razzie's,
the club Rueben went to
the night he was murdered.
You been there?
That was rhetorical, by the way.
We had a look at your bank statements.
There is a lot of
cash withdrawals at Razzie's.
[MACKEY] You're there three,
four nights a week, dropping
- [JD] Mm.
- big money.
- All on her, right?
- Well, so?
Well, so, it's a little obsessive.
Okay, yeah, make it sound like
I'm some kind of stalker, eh?
And then you stopped going
recently. How come?
- I was banned.
- [JD] Really?
Why's that?
Ooh. Oh, you got
a little handsy, did ya?
Start taking some liberties?
- You hit her?
- What? No.
No. She
The owner realized
that Kim and I were dating.
Didn't like it, I guess.
So she's your girlfriend
who you pay big money
to see every night.
It's a little unconventional, no?
- Well, no, it's not like that.
- So what's it like?
Well, I love her, okay? I want
to see her, so I gotta pay.
Two nights ago,
Rueben goes to Razzie's
and books a lap dance.
12 girls are working that night.
He could have picked any one
of them but he picks your girl.
[JD] Mm-hm.
Someone cuts my grass like that,
I'm not gonna lie, mate,
I don't know how I'd react.
I didn't kill Rueben.
So why did you clear
your car's nav history?
'Cause it looks a hell of lot like
you're covering your tracks, Craig.
- I wanna speak to a lawyer.
- You better make it a good one.
- [DESHAWN] Luminol.
Check it out.
[EVIE] Yeah, I reckon that's good.
That's it. You just, you know,
back it up. Right back.
[EVIE] Quit moving, you big baby.
There's gotta be better ways
of doing this, you know?
You would think so, wouldn't you?
I'm serious. Last time,
you got me square in the
[MACKEY] What does
the blood spatter tell us?
- Uh, not what you'd expect, no.
- Why, it's not Rueben's blood?
No, no, no, it is - uh,
in his ute and on his shirt.
But Craig did not kill Rueben.
Have a squiz at this.
There you go, uh, Bluebird.
Yes. Um Thanks.
Uh, so this linear band of blood,
it suggests that it's been
cast off from the weapon.
If it had come from Mr. Rueben directly,
it'd be more of a spray.
[DOC ROY] Craig was
definitely in the room
when the beating took place,
only he was standing meters away.
- Hmm. Watching on.
- [DOC ROY] Mm.
Oh, my
So if you knew that,
what was all this for, then?
You got a little You
JD, don't.
[JD] So you and Rueben made the finals
three years in a row.
[LAWYER] How is this
relevant to anything?
Basketball's very relevant
to your client, Mr. Todarello.
Actually, you'd know that
if you'd done some homework
before you started your billing hours.
Craig and Rueben
played together in college.
[MACKEY] What position you play?
Point guard.
And Rueben?
Well, he was a guard, I guess,
but Ruebs was everywhere
all at once.
He's the type of player
to be feeding you in the paint
at one end
and then swatting it down
at the other.
Coast to coast.
- Gotta love that.
- Mmm.
Two points down, five seconds left,
you get the ball to Rueben,
'cause you can count on him
to do something special.
There's not many people
you could trust to do that, huh?
[JD] That's what he was doing
two nights ago, yeah?
I mean, you were in a jam. You
needed some money or whatever.
You knew that he'd do anything for you.
Ultimate team player.
[MACKEY] I can't imagine
what it must have been like
to watch your best friend die like that.
We don't have to listen to this.
Your six hours are up.
Either charge my client or let him go.
Was someone holding your neck
while he was getting beaten to death?
Is that how you got that bruise?
- You don't have to answer that.
- Why wouldn't he, though?
Unless the killer's
holding something over you.
What are you scared of, Craig?
- I can't help you, I'm sorry.
- Okay. We're done here.
[MACKEY SIGHS] Six hours?
See, that's what happens when
you ask a bunch of convicts
to write the penal code.
- [JD] Mm-hm.
- [BLUE] Um, guys.
Mrs. Rankin dropped these off
for you both.
Actual mail. So vintage.
Well, not that vintage.
[BLUE] So I managed to
pull the deleted data
from Craig's nav system.
Latitude and longitude.
It's gonna take me a while
to piece everything together, though.
Okay, can you call us
when you got something?
I wanna know where
they took the abalone.
That's what got Rueben killed.
[CLICKS FINGERS] Robert that.
It's 'Roger that'.
- Since when?
- [CHUCKLES] Since always.
Huh! Note to self.
Boss. We might have something.
We went right back
through Craig's financials.
[DESHAWN] And guy's no stranger
to strip joints and brothels.
Visited damn near every one
we could find.
Didn't pick him for a sex addict.
How much is he spending each time?
15, 20 bucks a visit.
Didn't pick him for a tight-arse either.
Don't get much for 20 bucks these days.
- Apparently.
- [MACKEY] Hm.
Maybe he wasn't looking for sex.
Maybe he was looking for someone.
The question is, who?
Reckon we have another crack at Kim?
Razzie won't let us anywhere near her.
Have to be on the down-low.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Yeah, see, whatever y'all are thinking,
I'm not down with it.
No way.
[DESHAWN] Nope. Why would I be?
You might see your first naked person.
I'm good. No, just concentrate
on your American accent.
'Cause whatever you're doing
right there, that ain't it.
- [DESHAWN] Hey, my man.
Hey. 20 bucks cover charge. Each.
Girls don't get in for free?
- Not unless you're dancing.
Y'all couldn't handle what I got.
[DESHAWN] Thank you.
- Drink?
- Oh, I'm good, thanks, hon.
[RAZZIE] 40 bucks, thanks, darling.
For two sodas?!
And a slice of lemon,
ice, and a clean glass.
Well, what about no lemon
and I clean my own glass?
What about you find
somewhere else to party?
[SCOFFS] A'ight.
Look, I was, uh, you know,
thinking about my own
little private party.
Take your pick.
Her. Kim.
Let Kim know she's got company.
Thanks, Bobby.
Well, cameras in the rooms.
Monitors at the bar.
- Eyes on the whole time.
- I'll handle it.
Hey, guys. Are we all together?
Oh, just lover boy here.
Promised to get him through the door.
It's his first time. He's kinda nervous.
I'll try not to give him a heart attack.
You wait until
I've got you on your own ♪
On your own ♪
On your own ♪
You ever play for the NFL?
You look like that wide receiver
who plays for the Giants.
Mixing me up with someone.
You certainly look
jacked enough to be him.
- Navy, are ya?
- Six months at sea.
It's unnatural.
You know what I mean?
- Sounds terrible.
- Hmm.
You, um, mind if we just talk?
Aww, you are nervous.
What do you want to talk about?
Your boyfriend, Craig.
You with those officers who came before?
- Special Agent. NCIS.
- You shouldn't have come here.
You rather we take you in?
We can't just talk. They'll know.
You know, I didn't see you on the menu.
Maybe you should take it up
with management.
[WHISPERS] Maybe I will.
Two nights ago, Craig's buddy Rueben
booked a session with you.
- What happened?
- Had a dance and left.
I know what you told my buddies,
but what I need is the truth.
- Just made port, did ya?
What ship you come in on?
USS Pascal.
Destroyer, huh? [CHUCKLES]
Arleigh Burke or Zumwalt class?
You're not one of those
Navy trainspotters, are you?
No. We get a lot of US sailors
through here.
- Chatty bunch.
Get to know my ships. [LAUGHS]
And my accents.
Thing is I can't place yours.
Where you from exactly?
Which one?
[RAZZIE] Bobby, go check on Kim.
Make sure everyone's
behaving themselves.
Craig and Rueben stole
a shipment of abalone
the night he died.
So you know about that?
I told them to steal it.
- Why?
- Wrong question.
You should be asking
who we were stealing it from.
What's going on?
Did he touch you?
Did you touch her?
It's fine, Bobby. We're good.
He just doesn't like my dancing.
[SCOFFS] Pay her, then get the hell out.
We cool. Um, she just isn't what
I'm looking for. That's all.
Um, I'll just get something
so I can pay for you.
Plenty of other girls you may like more.
You should check them out.
You're not gonna believe this.
So this is the menu you got
from Razzie's, right?
We checked the girls' deets.
All here on student visas,
all legally in the country.
That's the menu Kim just gave me.
- Different girls, right?
- Last year's menu.
- So why'd she give it to you?
- See, that's what we wondered.
So we ran 'em through facial rec.
Turns out they have more in common
than just working at Razzie's.
Every one of them came over
on student visas.
All from Vietnam, all at
the same bogus language school.
So Razzie's trafficking women?
Oh, it gets worse.
Once their visas ran out,
there's no record of them
returning to Vietnam
or even leaving Australia.
They all just vanish into thin air.
Including her.
Kim's sister, Anh Dang.
We think Kim came to Australia
to find her sister.
So that's who Craig's been searching
brothels and strip clubs for.
If we wanna find Rueben's killer,
we gotta find Kim's sister.
[DESHAWN] And fast.
Kim's visa runs out in a week.
If we don't hurry, she's
in danger of vanishing too.
[JD] You've been sending peas
from your warehouse
to an address in Vietnam.
Is that a crime?
It is when what you're labeling as peas
are actually abalone.
Why would I label abalone as peas?
[JD] I don't know, because
maybe shipping
illegally poached abalone
Is illegal.
Well, lucky I'm not doing that, then.
Feb 1st, pea shipment to Vietnam.
Two weeks later, six girls arrive.
[DESHAWN] Oh. September 16th,
another shipment leaves.
Two weeks later,
guess where Kim arrives from.
[JD] You know, from where I'm sitting,
I think you send out
abalone marked as peas
in exchange for women.
You lost me at 'peas', mate.
Which makes you party
to some pretty serious
sex trafficking offenses.
Hey! I don't know anything about
sex trafficking, all right?
So tell us who does.
All the women working for me
were working here legally.
Their visas run out, I send 'em home.
[KIM] You lie, Razzie!
Where have you got Anh?
- Who?
- You don't even know her name?
My sister.
One of the women you have enslaved.
I don't know where your sister is.
12 out of 12 of your girls
overstayed their visa.
None of them have been seen
since, so you do the math.
I put every girl on a plane,
even got one of my guys
to drop 'em at the airport.
Then explain how none of them
cleared Australian customs?
None of them made it to Vietnam?
If they decide not to get
on a plane, that's not on me.
- Who drives them to the airport?
- What?
You said one of your guys
drives them out.
Which makes Bobby the last person
to see these women alive.
What have you got?
Found a freezer trailer
from the address Blue gave us.
- Get this.
The generator's still on.
Abalone on ice.
[DESHAWN] That's what it looks like.
We got company.
You better get here. Bouncer
from the club just rocked up.
Bobby's there?
[DESHAWN] And his offsider too.
Both look to be packing.
- What do you want us to do?
- Keep your heads down.
Wait for us. You, with me, now.
So you knew Razzie
was trading women for abalone?
There were whispers amongst the girls.
One night, I heard her
talking on the phone
about a deal for
the next group of girls.
I told Craig we should steal it.
To use as leverage to get Anh back.
Only you couldn't know that
Razzie didn't have your sister.
Only Bobby knew that.
Is that right?
[CRAIG] All right, well,
the abalone's all here, man.
Are you gonna tell Razzie we're good?
- Whoa! Hey, whoa, bro, bro!
Mate, there's no need for that.
I'm here, aren't I?
I've kept my end of the deal.
What deal?
[CRAIG] Look, I screwed up, all right?
Just just take the abalone
and you'll never see me again.
[BOBBY] That means I'm gonna
have to take your word
you won't go to the cops.
I'm not gonna go to the cops, man.
[BOBBY] Open the freezer door, hm?
- [CRAIG] Come on.
You killed my best friend,
you son of a bitch!
Federal agent. Drop the weapon.
[EVIE] You heard the man.
Put the gun down.
Hands behind your head.
[CRAIG] Look at me!
- Don't do this, man.
Come on, Craig. Put the gun down.
[JD] What are you doing, Craig?
He killed Rueben.
The other one held me back
while this bastard beat him
to death in front of me.
[JD] Yeah, I know.
And he's gonna go down for it,
I promise.
You gotta let us do our job, yeah?
You know, Ruebs had nothing
to do with any of this.
Yeah, and it's not gonna
bring him back, mate.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
Would Rueben want you
to spend the rest of your life
rotting in a prison cell for this dog?
- Rueben's gone.
- [KIM] Craig, please.
It's not Razzie who has Anh. It's Bobby.
If you kill him,
you're killing the only person
who knows where she is.
[JD] She's right, mate.
Give me the gun, yeah?
[JD] Come on. Hey.
Give me the gun. Give me the gun.
- [OFFICER] Get on the ground!
- Police!
[OFFICER] Don't move! Get on the ground!
- [OFFICER] All clear.
[MACKEY] Anh Dang?
[MACKEY] It's okay.
We got you.
[CRAIG] Hey, you okay?
I can't I can't
go out there, okay? It's
- Oh, come on. Yes, you can.
- No, it's not my birthday.
Well, it could be.
Today could be the day.
I mean, you've got a 1-in-365 chance.
You're not factoring in leap years.
Now you're just stalling.
Okay, how about you smuggle me
out of here in a body bag?
Well, I could do that,
but what would I tell everyone?
[BLUE] That I've been abducted
by aliens.
Do you have any intention of
coming back and working here?
Briefly abducted.
Listen, Bluebird, these people here,
they care about you.
And they want to celebrate you.
But it's not
And if you don't let them do that
you are going to let them down.
I don't wanna do that.
Then go out there and blow out
the damn candles.
- [AGENTS] Surprise!
- [BLUE] Oh, wow!
- [LAUGHS] You guys got me.
- I did not see this coming.
- Happy birthday, Blue.
Oh, and a cake that
I've never seen in my life.
This is such a spontaneous delight.
Oh, why?
Well, because I broke your other one
when I was saving Colonel Rankin.
- A cake and a present.
- Yep.
Why did You shouldn't have.
[DOC ROY] Oh, well.
A white sport coat ♪
- Did I look surprised enough?
Oh! Like a young Audrey Hepburn.
I'm all dressed up ♪
If you do ever want to talk about
why you don't know your birth date
I'm all ears.
Sport coat ♪
- And a pink carnation
Bom, bom, bom ♪
All right, I think it's time
we settled this dancing thing
once and for all.
Please. I beg of you,
this is Blue's special day.
- Let's not spoil it.
- Oh, yeah.
I see what's going on.
You know, maybe it's you
who ain't got the moves.
- Oh, it's on.
- Uh-uh. Yeah, it's on.
Learn anything new?
Uh, only that Rankin's
an unexpected softy.
Took his kids' teddy bear
with him wherever he went.
- Look.
- Sports coat
- And a pink
- [JD] Wow.
- Quite the traveler.
- Yeah.
Then one day, unexpectedly,
the teddy bear comes home,
but Rankin doesn't.
You ever interrogated a teddy bear?
- There's always a first.
Uh! All right ♪
Yeah, you not ready, baby girl.
Ooh, damn, ooh.
You move to the left ♪
And you go for yourself ♪
Quick, give me something to read.
- Uh
The dance floor beckons, me bosses.
Uh, don't look at me.
I got, uh, two left feet.
Yeah, I'm not much of a dancer,
kiddo, so
But it's my birthday.
All night ♪
Hey, you're not getting
out of this. Come on.
- Come on. Come on.
- [MACKEY] JD, no, no. JD!
Oh, yes, you do, real nice ♪
And you slide into the limbo ♪
How low can you go? ♪
Know what I said about you
not being able to dance?
Hold the phone, people.
Ha-ha! Evie Cooper's on
the cusp of a compliment.
Oh! Ooh!
It's all relative.
- Do the Harlem shuffle ♪
- Ooh!
Hey! ♪
Come on, JD. Get low.
Move to the left
Do the Harlem shuffle ♪
- Come on, Rosie. Come on.
- Come on, Doc.
Harlem shuffle, baby ♪
Do it, baby! ♪
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