Partisan (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

The Eternal Cycle

Oh, we have missed you so.
Valeria misses you so.
I miss you.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
I'm wondering
if you could think about maybe
maybe going with us.
Maybe just think about it.
I thought that
when the rats had left the ship
that they weren't coming back.
But here apparently, we have a tiny,
tiny exception.
I will go.
I didn't really hear. What was it
you said that you wanted Maud to do?
I'll go. Bengt, please, I'll go.
I'll ask once more, what was it that
you said that you wanted Maud to do?
- Can't you just move over?
- Move over?
- Yes, move over!
- Of course, I will!
- Move over, so I can get past!
- Take it easy now, you shall go.
But you wanted something.
You wanted my daughter
to do something!
My daughter!
Wanted my daughter to do something!
And I wonder, what was it?
I didn't hear! Can you answer?
I didn't hear!
I can't hear what you're saying!
Hey. Police, open up!
Who are you here to visit?
No one, open up!
If you're not listed
in our register
Open the fucking gate!
Police, what has happened?
We, we heard gunfire.
We came here and
two of our employees have been shot.
Where are the police then?
They ran up there, up that slope.
- Where? There?
- Straight up there.
Stop Mildred!
It's not what you think.
I'm not a bad guy.
You know those properties?
The ones I bought and lost money on?
I told you about them.
I needed help.
Kent helped me.
Then he wanted something.
He wanted something in return.
It was only small things,
some permit
I was supposed
to turn a blind eye.
Then it became more.
And then it was me who were
It was them.
It's their fault.
I'm sorry. I should have told you.
I didn't want you mixed up.
Those Poles. Those fucking Poles!
We haven't done anything wrong!
We acted in self-defense, you saw it!
We haven't done anything wrong,
we'll just tell it as it was.
Mildred, I'm not like that.
You know that, you have seen me!
It's okay now.
It's okay.
There, okay.
It's over.
Police! Step away! Police!
He is to be questioned.
We need a paramedic for her.
Yes, but we have that.
- No, we'll take it later.
- No, I'll gladly take it there.
Yes, of course, Susanne?
- Yes.
- Can you help her? She needs
It's alright.
- Yes, it's green.
- Yes, that's good.
Hello, can you come here?
Hello, my name is Hendrik.
I would like to talk to you
about Kent Bergström.
Preferably now, if that's alright.
Yes, of course.
You can put that over there.
Maria, can you come and hold this?
Can you say anything
about Kent's relation with Björn?
No, I really don't know anything
about Kent's relations
that he had outside of Jordnära.
But, like I said to your colleague,
you are welcome to look through
all his papers.
Oh, sorry. How's it going?
Do we need to go to a hospital?
As quickly as possible.
This is only temporary.
No, I'm fine. I'll be alright.
You, wait up. Come back.
I want to talk to you.
Why is that?
I want to talk to you.
This girl is reported missing.
The picture is taken at Jordnära.
Have you seen her?
Yes, I think I saw her with Kent
at some point.
Actually, I'm not sure.
Are you afraid of someone?
Has anyone scared you
into not saying anything?
No, no.
Is there anything else?
No, that's all.
There's nothing that ties
Maud or anyone else
to what Björn and Kent were doing.
What about Richard?
It wasn't a suicide.
Richard is dead.
This is neither yours
nor my case anymore.
We have a dead officer
that you have shot.
And about Kent's death
the investigation will tell.
Your police station is closed.
Can I do anything?
As of now, you're not in service,
pending the investigation.
Of course, I'll be there for you
and I will support you.
The case will be handled
from Stockholm now.
I'm here for you.
We'll stay in touch, okay?
I'm tired of this place.
I want to move back to the city.
But, but, but.
Or maybe if you want to rest.
Bye bye.
- Here.
- Thanks.
This is everything?
Where's all your stuff?
You know you can't just come and go
as you please.
Get it together.
If a petal falls off,
you can't just glue it back on again.
You know, you and I
must stick together.
Susanne is going to eat her up.
I have to stay.
Maybe she'll change her mind.
She's completely brainwashed already.
There are there are things
that are good here, too.
This, for an example.
There are things
that you don't notice at first.
Things that take time.
The coherence
Sense of community.
You'll like her.
You are pretty similar.
- What? We are not.
- I'm kidding.
But a little similar.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So, actually I came to say goodbye.
Then you're just leaving everything?
No, I will
I will be building everything up.
Do you really want to become
like Maud?
This is what the expansion is.
The expansion?
We have purer and healthier blood
than anyone else in all of Europe.
Now we're spreading it further.
But Victor, come on.
Yes, maybe it sounds
Maybe it sounds a little strange.
A little strange?
It's totally messed up.
It's sick, Victor.
Take care of yourself.
Be careful.
You are strong, you'll handle this.
And if there's anything, no matter
how small, reach out to me.
Do you promise?
Go now.
Go now.
It's going to be okay.
It will work out.
It will be fine.
Have you gotten the offer
for the barn roof?
Construction's already underway.
You are good.
Valeria, have you heard from her?
She's going to come back to us,
don't you think?
Could I have a cigarette?
You're not supposed to smoke, dad.
Hello! Maud, is it you in there?
Is everything okay?
Thank you.
What's your verdict?
Yeah, the final report is done
and there was a leak.
And I fixed that.
And there was too much zinc,
so I changed the filter.
It's all done.
So, there was something wrong
with the water after all.
Sure was, but like I said,
it's all fixed.
Yup, so thank you.
You're welcome.
- Okay.
- Okay, bye. Bye.
So, it turns out our special place
isn't so special anymore.
I was testing the water
at the quarry.
And I found these bacteria
in the quarry
and it's something dead emits
when it's trying to preserve itself
in water.
Pretty gross, huh?
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
There is something dead in the quarry
outside of Jordnära.
Yes, it was Johnny.
Magnus, I'm sorry.
He's been in the water
for a couple days.
Tied up, so it's obviously a crime.
We'll have to start our
investigation right away.
By the way, I think I know
who the woman in Kent's trunk is.
But we can talk more about it later,
when I'm back.
Alright, take care.
Hello there Nicole, it's you.
It's so nice that you're interested
in things like these.
If there aren't any chemicals
in the ash,
it works really well as a fertilizer.
Then you just take a thin layer
like this.
It will be very good.
Do you want to go and see? Come.
Isn't it nice?
It's so serene in some way.
What's going on?
Oh dear, has something happened?
Come, come.
I can see that something's off.
Oh, Nicole.
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