Reasonable Doubt (2022) s02e05 Episode Script

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Previously on Reasonable Doubt
Jamarion is dead
and you're facing life in prison.
I wish it were you in that casket!
But you did choose to stay.
You've never stayed with someone
longer than you probably should have?
Are you two looking
to reconcile or uncouple?
So, who was she? Someone I know?
- Toni?
- JT knocked her up.
That's crazy.
[JAX] Who is she with?
[ADRIAN HUNTER] How the hell did they
I have to be there for my friend.
- I'd like to come on as second chair.
- Welcome to the table.
You said it was my case,
and then you go behind my back
and you undermine me.
Come on, man.
Of course, I was gonna pay you.
What if Shanelle's
protecting someone else?
for over two and a half hours
before Shanelle called the police.
[JAX] Well, at least
you're not in jail anymore.
[SHANELLE TUCKER] Might as well be.
It's what I deserve.
[JAX] Is there something
you're not telling me?
Ay ♪
This shit ♪
This shit, this shit ♪
My life, my life ♪
Nigga, this shit brazy ♪
Uh, nigga, this shit brazy ♪
This shit, this shit ♪
This shit brazy ♪
This shit, this shit ♪
This shit brazy ♪
Oh, Lord, oh ♪
Nigga, this shit brazy ♪
Do you know who this is?
Uh, yeah, that's
that's Evan Gerrard.
JT's business partner.
What about him?
He and Adrian were spotted together.
And it seems Evan
was the person
who picked Adrian up when he left jail.
Uh, yeah, I know Evan's
also Adrian's business manager.
Look, I don't know a lot
about Evan though.
I mean, he came to a couple parties.
We went to dinner.
He don't really give off the best vibes.
Like a lot of Jamarion's friends,
to be honest,
they're enablers, moochers.
Hmm. Except Adrian.
Adrian saved me.
Those last few months
with Jamarion were horrible.
Adrian made them bearable.
Now he just feels bad
he couldn't protect me more.
But he did when he killed JT.
Jax, what are you
I don't think you killed JT.
I think you're protecting the person
who actually did it.
This is ridiculous.
Why would you even
Because I don't believe you.
I think you're hiding something,
which is why Lucy went for
the first-degree murder charge
because the math ain't mathing.
The maximum penalty for
first-degree murder is life in prison.
Life, Shanelle.
I need you to be straight up with me.
Did you kill JT?
You must really hate women.
Excuse me?
I mean, do you question
your male clients
as much as you do your female clients?
Wait, that's right.
You haven't had a lot of female clients.
In fact, when is the last time
you've been on a Black woman's side?
Because it certainly
wasn't Kaleesha Moore.
I mean, does it make you uncomfortable
to believe a woman against a man,
even if that man is abusive,
narcissistic, powerful, and cruel?
Shit, girl, you wonder
why I didn't tell you
about the abuse years ago.
Would you even have believed me?
Or would you have just told me,
"He's a good man, Savannah"?
Shanelle you know what?
You can believe what you want about me.
But to answer your question, yes.
If I have a client
that I think is lying to me
then I will question
him, her, them, whomever.
Why? Because the more I know,
the better chance you stand
of staying outta prison
for the rest of your life,
and at the end of the day,
that is the only goal, right?
So, go ahead, get it out,
say what you need to say.
But for the record,
deflection is not a flex.
I'm trying to help you
right now as your lawyer.
That is the only reason I am here.
From this moment on
and for the next few months,
you are my client.
This shit ain't personal, Shanelle.
Stop it.
I killed JT and that's the end of it.
So, all I need you to do is win
this case and get me outta here.
Focus on that and nothing else.
Is that a threat?
Not yet.
From La Brea to Slauson ♪
It's all us ♪
The Sun, Central Ave Jazz ♪
It's all us ♪
Where we at? ♪
Hit the Maverick Flats ♪
Leimert and right back to the ark ♪
It's all us ♪
We coastin' on the west
between sets and wealth ♪
We toast the sunset in the Dons ♪
Take flight into the night
under Cali stars ♪
In a world on wheels ♪
It's all us ♪
It's the world we feel ♪
It's all us ♪
From the hills to Hollywood ♪
It's all us ♪
It's all us ♪
Yo, yo, yo. I'm still in Atlanta.
I'm grabbing a bite to eat
before I head back into rehearsals.
Toni's pregnant.
Nigga, what?
She was fucking JT first
and Jax found out through the case.
Jax doesn't know that Toni and I,
you know, so, like, what the fuck?
[STAMMERS] What if that baby's mine?
What the fuck am I gonna do?
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Slow down.
I have a few questions.
One, you don't wear a condom, dawg?
Mostly, but there was
one time and when I
Wow. Straight people.
Y'all, y'all are wild.
Like, come on, like,
you've never slipped up once?
And I'm on prep just in case
Jason tries to slip up
like your dumbass did.
You know what, Terrence,
now's not the time
for the fucking lectures, alright?
Fine. Sorry.
you need to find out if it's yours.
If Jax found out through the case,
she'll know if it's JT's baby
before you do.
Yeah, that's a good point.
Well, I'll try to find out through Jax
because Toni didn't respond to my text.
Wait, wait. Why you texting Toni?
To find out what's going on.
What did you save her number as?
- Toni.
- Gah!
You know, how are you
my big brother, man?
Okay, first off,
as soon as we get off the phone,
change Toni's number in your phone
to something unassuming,
like Alex Dunn.
Then don't contact her again.
Be a good husband
and stay away from your mistress.
[LEWIS] She's not my mistress.
She You know what?
Okay, I'll j I'll just let
I'll let you know how it goes.
Please do, because this is giving drama
- and I am so here for
You think that Adrian killed JT,
like, in cold blood?
No, I think that he was saving her life,
but I think
she's protecting him out of love.
Okay, why would he let her do that?
Well, maybe because of this guy.
His name is Evan Gerrard
and apparently,
he's JT's business partner
and former business manager.
Adrian's also connected somehow.
- But that's all we know for now.
Adrian can't be in the spotlight
because he and Evan are up to something
that Evan doesn't wanna get out
so Shanelle is
taking the fall for JT's murder
because she's hoping
that it'll just be self-defense,
and now shit is all complicated
and she's scared
and dangerously in love.
Ooh, child, I'm tired
of just saying it out loud,
but it makes sense, right?
[COREY CASH] Okay, how about, maybe,
Shanelle is telling the truth?
End of story.
Shanelle's interview airs tonight.
She'll be able to tell her story
in front of millions of people,
which is all that matters.
No, wait, let me guess.
Look into Evan? Damn, I'm good.
You see, I can read your mind.
You know I love Corey,
despite my five-year friend rule,
but I believe you about Shanelle.
- You do?
- Of course.
I learned a long time ago:
always bet on Jax.
[EVAN GERRARD] Thank you for getting me
a nice chunk of money,
but today,
you look a little empty-handed.
Thought I made myself clear that I
needed the rest of the money soon.
As in now.
You did, but it's hard
to get to Shanelle right now
and me going to see her after everything
that's happened
wouldn't be a good look.
Look, Evan, the trial
starts in a few weeks.
Shanelle has very good lawyers.
This will all be over soon.
Does Shanelle know
I'm keeping your little secret,
cleaning up your shit so nobody knows
what really went down before JT died?
That's between me and you.
Oh, I see.
But let's not forget,
you and I are in a relationship
of mutually assured destruction.
So, if you wanna start pushing buttons
and blowing shit up,
my trigger finger itching, too.
- Okay.
- [ADRIAN] Okay.
Let's make a deal.
You need me to take care
of something for you,
you come to me.
That way you can chill the fuck out.
We can both take
our fingers off the trigger,
literally and metaphorically.
Does that sound good?
- Yeah, that sounds good.
It's okay.
Everything's gonna be okay,
right, Adrian?
I'm glad we're on the same page.
So, just talked to Tanya and,
the trailer for the interview
is going viral.
It's already making an impact.
Yeah, I've already gotten calls
from reporters, so it must be.
But is the actual interview
gonna be great for us?
Uh, Tanya thinks so, but it's for
the world to decide. Which reporters?
Oh, a couple local,
and then Sam Walker from CBN.
Okay, well, I'll call him back.
You know, it's important
that we establish who the face
of the case is gonna be early on.
Yep. Got it.
Oh, and, uh, listen,
I know that your friend is on trial.
- Yes. You keep reminding me.
- Well, it keeps coming up.
And I just wanna ensure that we
focus on our self-defense case.
I am.
But do you realize
that there are other possibilities
that we can consider?
For example, if Adrian loves Shanelle,
he might confess or turn on Evan,
and then we can find out
who really did this
and all of this goes away for Shanelle.
Yes, yes, a very compelling story
for your friend,
but it's not our story as her lawyers.
So, some advice
fewer emotions, more reason, Jax.
[NEWSCASTER] [ON TV] Stay tuned
for the exclusive interview
between our own Tanya Scoggins
and Shanelle Tucker from county jail.
I wanted people to know the truth.
At least then, they'd believe me.
[TANYA] [ON TV] You weren't aware
that JT was having an affair
with a woman named Toni Holley?
Stop. That's enough.
I still cannot believe
she surprised us like that.
Yeah, me neither.
Um, have you talked to Toni recently?
No, but I'm sure I'm gonna
run into her at carpool,
or Naima is gonna wanna
see Hattie or something
and I have no idea
what I'm gonna say to her.
Well, I guess I better figure it out
before her ass is on the stand.
You think, you think the prosecution's
gonna make her testify?
After this interview? Probably.
But that's the least of my problems.
I still don't know
what to do about Shanelle.
I mean, I wish she would just be honest.
- You know?
- Mm-hm.
I need another drink. You want one?
Yeah, sure. Uh, thanks.
Maybe, uh, maybe she was
scared to tell you the truth.
She should be scared of going to prison.
I can't do my job if Shanelle
doesn't tell me what's going on.
And honestly,
whatever she did or didn't do,
the cover-up is always
worse than the crime.
- Always.
Damn, somebody blowing you up.
Yeah, it's just,
just one of my coworkers. Uh
Well, you should probably answer it.
- It might be an emergency.
Yeah? Yeah. Yeah. [GROANS]
Hello? Hello?
- Hi. Hey. Uh Yeah.
Okay, yeah, we can
talk about it in the morning.
She's there, isn't she?
Yeah. Yep.
So, you asked me to call you
and you can't talk?
You got it. You got it.
Okay. Sounds good.
I'll talk to you in the morning. Thanks.
- Here you go.
- You good?
- Yeah.
[ERIC SHAVER] Based on the polling
over the last three weeks,
the abortion check bomb drop
during the interview
decreased the percentage of Americans
who believe she committed
first-degree murder.
[ERIC] And with the hashtag
#standwithshanelle gaining momentum,
there's a strong sentiment
of empathy from Black women
where many participants
from our focus group
highlighted Shanelle's bravery
to come forward.
Men across the board,
however, remain loyal to JT.
Yeah, see this is some
very helpful information now,
even though the interview
came out pre-voir dire.
But with these numbers,
we can at least assume
that the jury talked about the interview
with a loved one.
And we can assume
that many of our jury members
lied about seeing the interview
just to get on the jury.
Yeah, the interview has
36 million views on YouTube.
Somebody's lying for sure.
Yeah, but either way, it made an impact.
Thank you.
- big day tomorrow.
- Big day.
How's your opening
statement coming along?
Well, if you need me
to give it a once-over
before we head to court
in the morning, I'd
I do not. But thank you.
Morning, Counselor.
Hard at work as per usual I see.
You know it.
I knew I could find you here.
Ready for the trial?
Yep, just going over
my opening statement.
You know, at first I thought the
first-degree charge was overreaching,
but since Mrs. Tucker ran off
with that Adrian guy,
your judgment may have been right.
I'm glad you finally agree.
And Mrs. Tucker can have Jax Stewart,
Corey Cash, and whoever else,
but this isn't gonna be another
Brayden Miller situation.
We're gonna win this one.
- Good. We're all counting on you.
- Mm.
The last thing this department needs
is another embarrassing loss.
It is day one
of the Shanelle Tucker trial.
People are split 50/50 on whether or not
she is a survivor of domestic violence,
unfairly accused of a crime
she didn't commit,
or a trophy wife who killed
her husband in cold blood.
At this point,
it will be up to a jury of her peers
to decide her fate.
[CLERK] All rise.
On the record,
the People vs. Shanelle Ashley Tucker.
"You just made it
that much easier for me to do
what I know I have to do next."
Members of the jury, these are the words
that Shanelle Tucker texted to a friend
weeks before the victim's murder.
And I can assure you
that this is just a sample
of the overwhelming evidence
that you will hear
during this trial
proving that Shanelle Tucker
was not acting in self-defense,
but rather in cold blood
calculating exactly how and when
to make the victim Jamarion Tucker
pay the ultimate price, death.
Our evidence will show that this
wasn't some self-defense action
as the defense will claim.
No, this was a woman
who planned this crime.
In fact, our evidence will show
that she planned it so well
that she used the system as her alibi.
Now, while you may hear some things
that go against Jamarion Tucker's
beloved football image,
remember, he is not on trial here.
The defendant Shanelle Ashley Tucker
is for his murder.
We are confident
that the state of California
will prove beyond a reasonable doubt
that the defendant committed
first-degree murder.
Thank you.
"The most disrespected person in America
is the Black woman.
"The most unprotected person in America
is the Black woman.
The most neglected person in America
is the Black woman."
Ladies and gentlemen, those are
the words of the great Malcolm X.
And yet here we are today
at a trial of an unprotected,
disrespected, and neglected Black woman
Shanelle Ashley Tucker.
We will show through the evidence
and through the testimony
that Mrs. Tucker suffered
years of emotional, financial,
and physical abuse.
We will also show that in the months
leading up to Mr. Tucker's death,
he was suffering financial troubles,
his behavior was becoming more erratic,
and that Mrs. Tucker truly felt
that her life was in danger.
We'll show that she didn't plan
to murder Jamarion Tucker.
No, her plan was to simply leave him.
However, we're gonna show
that Jamarion Tucker
made that plan impossible
by using fear, money, and power
to thwart whatever freedom
Mrs. Tucker had.
And when she finally,
she finally got the chance
and the courage to just walk away
Mr. Tucker placed his hands
around the defendant's throat,
hoping to end her life once and for all.
She had no choice but to defend herself.
You'll also hear from our experts
who say that Black women
have the highest rates
of domestic violence in a system
that does not take
their cases seriously.
Which is exactly why we're here today.
Mrs. Tucker had to fight for her life.
Now she's here doing it again.
So please, don't make
the same mistake the system made.
Protect Shanelle Tucker at all costs
and find her not guilty of murder.
Thank you.
please bring up your first witness.
The People Call
Detective Jose Martinez.
Dr. Archie Golden.
And please let the jury know
why you're here today.
I'm a homicide detective
for the Los Angeles Police Department
and I'm the investigating officer
on this case.
I was the chief medical examiner
on Mr. Tucker's case
and performed the autopsy.
And can you tell us what you found?
The defendant answered the door for us.
There, we found Mr. Tucker lying
on the floor in a pool of his blood.
Next to him, was an award
that was used as the murder weapon.
There was also a trail of blood
that indicated that the body
had been moved.
Mr. Tucker had been hit
in the back of the head
causing blunt head trauma.
The blood vessels had ruptured
causing interior bleeding.
stated that Mr. Tucker was
hit in the back of the head.
What does that usually indicate?
It usually means
someone was walking away.
In your estimation,
would Mr. Tucker still be alive
if he had made it
to the hospital after being hit
and not two and a half hours later?
Quite possibly,
if immediate care was rendered.
[LUCY] Thank you.
Good morning, Dr. Golden. How are you?
- [DR. ARCHIE GOLDEN] I'm well.
- That's good to hear.
Um, there's no law in California
mandating that someone
render medical aid, correct?
That is correct.
So, Mrs. Tucker was under no duty
to save the deceased's life,
is that correct?
No, she wasn't.
Additionally, you said
that Mrs. Tucker's skin
was found underneath
the nails of the deceased.
Can skin under the nails mean
someone's choking someone?
Yes. If scratched in the process.
You said the evidence at the crime scene
was consistent with someone
covering up a crime, correct?
That is correct.
The wet shower mat
as if someone just took a shower,
the freshly washed clothes,
the moving of the body
and waiting two and a half hours
to call 9-1-1.
In the hundreds
of domestic violence cases
that you've dealt with,
could those same actions
be consistent with a victim
acting out of fear?
No further questions.
Detective Martinez,
while some of the actions
that you stated may be
irrational, out of fear,
can some of those same actions
be consistent
with those of someone
trying to cover up a crime?
That is correct.
Nothing further.
You also mentioned, you said that
a wound in the back of the head
usually means the victim
was walking away.
Well, could they be walking away
to prepare to inflict another blow?
Objection, speculation.
Nothing further, Your Honor.
Hey, Spense, let me rap
with you for a second.
- What's up?
- [LEWIS] Um
I know you've been mad at me
the last few weeks.
It's whatever.
But I was thinking and, um,
what if you switched schools?
Like what, next year?
Or next week. Check this out.
This school is, uh, McCartney Arts.
Uh, it's not far from here.
It's in Culver City,
but they have a huge arts program
and have a solid sports program as well.
Brent Faiyaz, SiR, and Kendrick
performed there last year.
- Yeah. Mm.
- That's dope.
Oh, and uh, like,
at the end of every year,
they do a showcase
where students perform original songs
and I guess they invite agents
or something.
For real?
Look, son, I'm, I'm sorry,
um, I dismissed your interests,
and it wasn't about you.
It was about me and my stuff,
and I, I would never
shoot down your dreams
Pops, it's all good, man.
For real.
Hey, can you text me this website link?
- I'ma go check it out.
- Yeah. Yeah.
For real. Appreciate you.
Appreciate, appreciate you.
Rattled? No, I'm not rattled
by the mother of the
deceased testifying.
We know that the
prosecution will play up
the emotionality of this witness,
but we plan to hammer in on the facts,
which you'll hear on our cross.
- [REPORTER 1] Thank you, Mrs. Stewart.
- [REPORTER 2] Thank you.
Thank you.
Thought we discussed
that I would be the face of the trial
since I'm first chair, remember?
Oh, well, you weren't here,
so they asked to talk to me.
And if my talking to them
will help our, keyword, our case,
then why does it matter, hm?
Fewer emotions, more reason, Corey.
Well, excuse me,
Miss Dominique Deveraux. [CHUCKLES]
I better not see this
on my credit card statement.
Well, Mama Lu gave it to me.
It was from her new boyfriend.
Oh-ho, boyfriend?
- Who is he?
- I don't know.
I only met him when he came to pick up
some food Mama Lu cooked for him.
His name is Kevin Douglas.
I don't like him.
You don't like him? Why?
Did something happen?
No, it's just
I just want Grandpa Paul back.
I know, baby. Come here.
I know, I'm sorry.
Well, you better get you
some sleep, alright?
- Okay.
- Alright.
I love you.
Love you, too.
Oh, and is that Douglas
with one "s" or two "s"s?
You know what?
Don't even worry about it.
There he is, look,
burning the midnight oil.
Corey, we're grabbing drinks.
Care to join?
Oh, man, listen, I wish I could,
but I need to finish up these
witness statements to prep for tomorrow.
Oh, man, fuck those
billable hours. Come on.
I wish, but maybe some other time?
Next time.
you guys like cigars?
[STEPHEN BINDER] I thought I knew
every cigar bar on the Westside,
but this is quite the hidden gem.
Yeah, my fraternity brother
opened this spot up last year.
You know, he wanted something
exclusive and elite.
Black and bougie.
Actually, that's why I had
to sneak y'all through the back.
No whites are allowed.
- I'm just fucking with y'all.
Jesus Christ.
[COREY] Y'all can come through
whenever you want to.
I gotta tell you, Corey,
you have been
a breath of fresh air at the firm.
Yeah, well, as you know,
the Shanelle Tucker case
is the biggest case of my career.
It's one of the biggest cases
in our firm, too.
Yeah, Brayden Miller being second.
I guess Jax is on a roll then, huh?
Hey, Jax is a fantastic litigator.
I just wish she was a little more
You agree, yes?
I don't disagree.
Listen, you close
this Tucker case for us,
make the firm look good,
I could see a very promising future
for you at BHS.
So, Corey
how can we help you win?
I'm full smoke ♪
Watching my life go down ♪
Hey, Mom, how's Kevin?
[MAMA LU] Who told you?
Spenser or Naima?
Mm-hm, don't you worry about it.
Why didn't you tell me?
- And where did you meet him?
Now, look, I am not one
of your little friends,
so I don't have to tell you anything.
But if you must know,
I took some of Paul's things
down to Shiloh Missions,
the shelter by my house.
Kevin is retired,
and he volunteers there every week.
Uh, Jax, the, the partners
are asking for you.
- Mm-hm.
- [MAMA LU] Oh, I heard Krystal.
Isn't it time for you
to get back to court anyway?
Well, there was an emergency
with the court reporter,
so we have a delayed start.
But, listen, don't you worry about it
because you are not off the hook.
We will continue this later.
[MAMA LU] There is nothing
to discuss and no case to argue.
I am happy, Jacqueline.
And it would be best
if you were happy for me too.
- Mom.
Wow. Really?
Absolut There she is.
Hi, Jax. Have a seat.
- Stephen. Vince.
What's up?
Jax, uh, lis-listen, Corey,
he, he's such a tremendous fit
for this firm.
We just wanted to thank you
for having the foresight
for bringing him in.
Yeah, it was a really good call.
We just wanna make sure
that you're being, uh,
you know, hospitable.
- Yeah.
- What do you mean?
You're second chair,
let Corey take the lead.
And support him, make him shine.
- Makes sense?
- [JAX] Hm.
Should I go buy some kneepads?
[VINCE] [LAUGHS] No, no, no.
Maybe, maybe, maybe just
tickle the balls a little, though.
- Hm.
- [VINCE] Okay.
Well, this has been very informative.
And, yes, Stephen,
this makes perfect sense.
- [DANIEL] How was court today?
- [SIGHS] Fine.
Any news on Evan Gerrard?
Uh, no, dude is clean as a whistle,
at least on paper.
Um, I can keep digging,
but it might take a while.
Yeah, well, I don't have
that kind of time,
so I'll have Krystal make an appointment
with Evan's office,
see what information he'll give me.
Thank you.
Well, you two seem
to be progressing nicely
with clear, honest communication.
Yeah, we are.
And Lewis has also been
asking more about the case and work,
which he hasn't done in a long time.
But there is one small thing.
I was a little upset
about the way you handled
the Spenser school situation.
He did research on a school
and took it to Spenser
before even talking to me about it.
I mean, after he called me out
about the whole Hamilton thing,
I, I felt like I wanted
to make it up to him.
So, I wanted to surprise him.
But you didn't have to surprise me.
He has a pattern of this.
He likes to be a good guy with the kids.
That's, that's not true.
I mean, you've been busy with the trial
and I thought I'd bring it to you
once I knew how Spenser felt about it,
but I thought that kind of initiative
should be rewarded
but now you're mad at me?
I'm-I'm not mad. Do I sound mad?
Look, all I'm saying is
include me, baby, that's all.
Because when you don't and I say no,
then that makes me the bad guy.
And sometimes,
I wanna be the good guy too.
I can understand that.
That is an excellent example
of conflict resolution.
Jax, you stated your grievance,
Lewis, you not just
heard her but listened.
Continue to put that into practice,
which is the perfect segue into trust,
which was a significant issue for you
when you first came to see me.
Particularly on your side, Lewis.
Yeah. Yeah.
I, uh Jax has been more vulnerable
and more open and so, yeah,
I mean, I, I trust her completely.
And do you trust him, Jax?
Well, I've never not trusted Lewis.
He's always been honest with me.
That's one of the things
I love about him most.
- Lewis, it's been a minute.
Hi, Toni.
Thanks for finally making some time.
Clearly, you're being sarcastic,
but things have been busy.
I just, between the kids and my job
And the trial. Yeah, same.
That interview pretty much
fucked up my life in the last month,
which is why I wanted to meet somewhere
where I couldn't be followed.
Damn, look, I'm I'm sorry.
Anyway, if this is about the baby,
we can skip to the end.
It's not yours.
- Did you get a paternity test?
- No.
Then how do you know it's not mine?
I don't, but it doesn't matter.
JT's dead. You're back with Jax.
The only person
that wants this baby is me,
so why even get a test?
[SIGHS] Okay.
But things are going
well between Jax and I
and, and I don't wanna ruin it.
And I don't mean to hurt you
when I say that.
Oh, I always knew
you'd go back to your wife,
so don't worry.
I didn't fall in love.
I've learned that shit never ends well.
So, um, anything else?
No, just thank you.
Y'all, I have been reading
the comments online
about Shanelle and they are disgusting.
I read a tweet that said,
"When are we gonna start
holding women accountable
"for their bad choices?
"You chose that man.
Deal with the consequences
of that choice."
Sadly, it's better than
it was a couple months ago.
- That's definitely true.
- [JAX] Mm-hm.
How's Shanelle doing?
Oh, she's mad at me.
Because I accused her of lying.
What makes you think that?
- 'Cause she is.
- I think so too.
I mean, the money, Adrian,
and it's not like Shanelle
hasn't been honest about things before.
I don't know.
I just think maybe she planned it
and I can't blame her.
I came here to be with my friends
and figure out
how we can support my cousin.
But what, now y'all listening
to some niggas
on The Shade Room or some shit?
- Okay, now I
- Sally
Whatever, whatever.
I'd rather go home
to a husband who hates me
than to sit here
and listen to this shit.
- Where you going?
- Sally, don't get up.
- Come on.
- Do not get up.
Girl, what? You always
She just left.
My son was a good boy.
All he did was try to
better the lives of those around him,
his team, his family.
Even some stranger on the street.
And that girl,
my God, that girl
went and took my baby's life.
I'm sorry.
No need to apologize. I understand.
Just a few more questions.
Did you have any communications
with the defendant
before your son's death?
When she came harassing me on the phone,
accusing me of knowing about his affairs
and paying women off,
which I did not do.
[LUCY] Your Honor,
may I approach the witness?
You may.
Ms. Tucker-Jones,
I am showing you what is marked
for identification purposes only
as the People's Exhibit 20.
Do you know what that is?
A text that girl sent me
a couple of months before JT
Can you read the text?
I sure will.
"You and your son are monsters.
"I promise that both of you
will pay for the
the shit you've done to me."
[LUCY] Thank you for that.
Did she explain what she meant by "pay"?
No, but my son ended up dead.
So, clearly, that's what she meant.
Objection. Motion to strike.
The question is what she witnessed,
not what she thinks
did or didn't happen.
Sustained and stricken.
Now, in the years that Mr. Tucker
and the defendant were married,
were you ever witness to any abuse?
My son never touched a hair on her head.
- She's lying.
- Okay. Shh.
Objection. Motion to strike.
Lack of foundation. Speculation.
[JUDGE ROTH] Sustained.
So, you never saw any abuse?
- Not once.
- What about my black eyes?!
Counsel, control your client.
I'm sick of the fuckin' lying.
She knows exactly what he did to me.
[JUDGE ROTH] Counsel.
Your Honor, we'd like
to request a recess.
[JUDGE ROTH] Ten minutes,
then we proceed without interruption.
[COREY] Thank you, Your Honor.
She's the one who gave me Gucci glasses
to cover my black eyes.
I know it's frustrating, but you
can't do that in front of the jury.
And she brought Jordan and Natasha.
I told her ass not to!
After Mavis testifies,
I will make it clear
they should not be here.
Yes, please.
Because I promise you
I will not let her abuse
my children the way she did hers.
Wait, what did she do to JT?
Mrs. Tucker-Jones, did you
ever discuss any marital issues
your son had with the defendant?
No, I decided it was best
to stay out of my kids' marriages.
Yes, I understand. All you can do is
raise him to do the right thing
and lead by example.
Oh, I completely agree.
Then would you say that your kids
followed your lead then?
In many ways, yes.
Would one of those ways include
being physically abusive?
I never abused any of my children.
Oh, you never burned your son
with your cigarette on his right thigh?
That was an accident.
And how dare you accuse me of child
Objection. Relevance.
[JUDGE ROTH] Sustained.
Mr. Cash, you know better than that.
Apologies, Your Honor. Nothing further.
Thank you.
Both of you.
[EVAN] Jax Stewart. A pleasure.
When I came in, I noticed
there was a lot of security
for a financial planning firm.
Oh, my clients like
to feel protected, as do I.
How can I help you?
Well, I just want to know
a little bit more about your firm.
We help athletes in every area
of their financial life.
From day-to-day management
until retirement.
The average NFL
career is only 3.3 years.
I wanna ensure my clients
have a sustainable life
when that career ends.
[JAX] I see.
So, I know you represented JT,
but what about Adrian Hunter?
He is a client, correct?
Was, now more of an associate.
Oh, what happened?
Sometimes people present one way
when they're really another.
You know, unfortunately, Mrs. Stewart,
I have got back-to-backs all day.
someone will show you out.
Have the car ready in five.
Hi. It's been a while.
What are you doing here?
Wanted to make sure you're okay.
How I can help win your case.
Why would you wanna help me?
Because your being in here
doesn't help me get what I need
which is the money I'm owed.
But I ain't got your money.
Oh, but you do.
At least according to Adrian.
Oh, he didn't tell you.
You see, Adrian is not
the man you think he is.
But that wouldn't be the first time
you made that mistake.
Would you like to know more
about the man you fell in love with?
Willgoose LLC is linked
to a sports gambling site overseas.
Now, they recruit retired players
to act as agents and recruit bettors.
And let me guess,
was one of the players they recruited
- Mm-hm. Jamarion Tucker.
- Jamarion Tucker.
Which explains how he made more money
after he retired than he did
when he was playing.
So, how's Adrian involved in all this?
I'm not sure yet.
But the fact that Adrian
deposited millions of dollars
into Willgoose in the last week,
I mean, that tells me
that he's either in over his head
with these guys or
Or he's the head
of an illegal sports gambling ring.
Yeah, see if you can track down Adrian,
or at least get his new cell number.
I need to talk to him
as soon as possible.
You got it.
Oh, um, also with your mom's
new boo, Kevin Douglas.
Uh, he checks out.
He is a tax-paying, home-owning, widower
with an excellent credit score.
He didn't have a
single moving violation.
Are you sure?
- Seems too easy.
- [DANIEL] I don't know.
I think sometimes maybe people
are just exactly who they say they are.
[ADRIAN] What the fuck did you do?
You went to see Shanelle.
Ah, she told you.
Good girl.
Yeah, she told me.
She also told me that you told her
I was gonna convince her
to hand over the 30 million
when we was on the run.
And now she is fuckin' pissed at me,
See, I thought you told her
that money didn't actually belong to JT,
but it belonged to me.
Apparently, that didn't
come up during pillow talk?
I told you not to involve her in this.
This is between me and you.
No, I believe you said
something about triggers
and threats and honestly,
I didn't like it.
I needed to rebalance the power.
I cut out the middleman,
now I have no doubt
Shanelle got the message
and will return my money.
Stay the fuck away from Shanelle.
I'd hate to bury another friend.
I've never seen this Adrian in person.
Only on the field.
But you in the house now, boy.
So, I suggest you watch your mouth.
Remember we agreed
if one of us had a problem,
the other would solve it?
Shanelle's lawyer came to see me.
- [ADRIAN] Jax?
- Asking lots of questions.
Too many.
And according to my guys,
her investigator's been snooping around.
None of this is good for me.
She needs to be contained.
In other words,
do whatever you need to do
to make sure she keeps
her fuckin' mouth shut.
That's what you got him
and 20 other dudes for.
Evan, come on, man.
- I can't
- I was loyal to you.
You know what one-way loyalty is?
It's slavery.
And while you may be
comfortable with that,
I certainly am not.
When it's done, we'll be done.
I see, the scene of the crime.
What are you talking about?
What did you say to the partners?
They call themselves reprimanding me
for how I treat you.
Okay, well,
I didn't tell 'em to do that.
Look, we went out.
They asked me specifically
about you. I told 'em the truth.
You're difficult to work with.
You gimme a hard time
about every strategy that I have,
and on top of that, you're dismissive.
Look, I didn't take this case
to fight with you, Jax.
I took it to win. Shanelle needs it.
I need it.
I hear you.
But I also feel like
you're dismissive of me
because Shanelle is my friend.
And regardless of that,
I'm a good lawyer
and I wanna win just as much
as you do, if not more.
Yeah, I know that, Jax.
Why do you think I took this case?
You're a brilliant lawyer,
but I am, too.
And I need you to trust my methods
even if they're different than yours.
You know what? [CLEARS THROAT]
I think that our strengths
are in our differences.
So, Shanelle needs us both.
And plus, we can't be
letting these white folks
get in between us, alright?
So, let's start rooting for
Everybody Black. I'm with that.
Alright, well, since we're cool now
why don't you keep it real with a nigga?
Did Brayden really do that shit?
Oh, okay. Still holding out, huh?
You don't wanna fall in love with me ♪
No, no ♪
- Mm, mm ♪
- Ooh ♪
See, you don't wanna
fall in love with me ♪
Nah-uh ♪
Not me ♪
See, you don't wanna fall in ♪
- Hey, baby.
- [LEWIS] Hey. [SIGHS]
- Oh, is that it?
- Yeah.
Where he's at?
Hey, Spenser, come out here a second.
McCartney Arts.
"Dear Spenser, on behalf of the entire
admissions team at McCartney Arts,
we are excited to offer you a place
in McCartney Art School."
- Let's go!
Yes. Congrats, baby.
- [SPENSER] Thank you.
- So proud of you.
Man. Thank y'all for
supporting me. For real.
Especially you, Pops.
- Love you.
- Love you, too.
Yeah, I, I gotta tell Naima. Yeah.
- Hey, Naima.
Oh. So, I guess my mom's
new boyfriend checked out.
Oh, that's good, right?
I guess sometimes people are exactly
who they say they are, right?
Just like you, baby.
Oh, this is a man's world ♪
This is a man's world ♪
But it don't mean nothing ♪
Nothing without a woman or a girl ♪
You see ♪
Man made the cars ♪
To take us over the road ♪
And don't forget to follow up
with that medical examiner.
- Alright.
Adrian? Where are you?
Okay. Okay, I'll be there in an hour.
- [DANIEL] Where is he?
- He's at Shanelle's house.
- That's weird.
- [JAX] Yeah, it is.
But I need to talk to him.
Find out the truth about
JT, Evan, all of it.
Wait, you want me to come with you?
No, it's okay.
I've known Adrian for a bit.
Sally trusts him and he helped us out.
[DANIEL] Well, you also think
he murdered JT.
If he did kill JT,
he's still not a cold-blooded murderer.
He's a man in love.
A scared man in love.
Actually, you know what?
You should come with me.
Yeah. Ride separately and stay outside.
If you don't hear from me
every six minutes,
call the police.
He go and make money ♪
[ADRIAN] I'm in here.
This is a man's world ♪
But it don't mean nothing ♪
Hi, Jax.
Have a seat.
I'm good.
What's up, Adrian?
[ADRIAN] We need to talk.
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