School Spirits (2023) s02e05 Episode Script

Ghost Who's Coming To Dinner

on School Spirits.
What the fuck?
If there's anything that you want
to tell me before he gets here,
you should say it now.
I actually have to go
into the school today
to clear out my desk.
Officially forfeit my teacher's license.
When was the last time
that you left this room?
This might be a great day to hijack
one of these sad skin suits
and finally bust out of here.
You staying?
[SHERIFF] Your mom tells me
you don't want to go back to school
because somebody hurt
you at that school.
One, two, got the street light ♪
Three, four, five ♪
Where we put it in drive ♪
Five, six, there is the music ♪
Seven, eight, nine,
this is how we do it ♪
Nothing but distance between us ♪
Feel it underneath you ♪
Play the music, go to the ♪
I can't believe that ghost
is in my house.
One, two, three, four
I'm in overdrive ♪
I'm in overdrive I'm in overdrive ♪
I'm in overdrive ♪
I'm in overdrive I'm in overdrive ♪
I'm in overdrive I'm in overdrive ♪
I'm in overdrive I'm in overdrive ♪
It's Simon.
He's been texting all morning.
Mads, your friends miss you.
You know, when you were
gone, they were over here,
helping me in searching for you
and keeping me from losing hope.
You sure you don't wanna call Simon?
Or let Nicole come by?
I'm not ready to see anyone.
Look, if friends feel
like too much right now,
maybe we could look into
you speaking with someone
who could give you a safe space.
You know, someone at one of my meetings
gave me the name of a therapist.
You mean like a psychiatrist?
No, thank you.
- Maddie.
- I'm not crazy.
I'm not.
If you had a professional
that you trust,
someone who would only ask you questions
that you were ready to answer
You know, we could meet several
and you can pick the
one that you click with.
Let's have my friends over for dinner.
Ask them to come over.
I want to see my friends.
I do.
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm long gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
What are you doing?
I thought if I
I mean, if I brought it out
here where the bus flipped over,
- I thought it
- That big old horn
may not be your key.
For a second, I thought it was.
I saw red, but it's just
the brake lights on the bus.
be thankful you can't get in there.
It's not a carnival ride.
What's that?
Where'd you find this?
On the ground, near the bus stop.
[CHARLEY] Where's the rest of him?
[RHONDA] I'm guessing
this is what's left.
So we think Mr. Martin escaped here
in someone else's body?
Well, I don't think he took it off
'cause he was worried about a tan line.
[MADDIE] Whose idea?
My mom's or Janet's?
[SIMON] I don't know.
Can you go back to
the dead chem teacher?
He's in somebody's body, too. Whose?
Who knows?
Can we just worry about the ghost
who took my body first?
I still can't believe my mom
doesn't know that's not me.
They look kind of comfy.
She was handing her
this bowl of popcorn.
I'm guessing they were
having a movie night.
On a Thursday?
Oh, great.
My mom's finally being
the perfect mother,
just not to me.
There's more?
[QUIETLY] I don't think Sandra
is gonna let her come
back here any time soon.
- How do we know this?
- [SIMON] Xavier's dad.
He went there for a
statement last night.
Sandra said Maddie will come
back to school when she's ready,
which I'm thinking is the 12th of Never.
Simon, we have to get her back here.
Tell my mom you're coming.
You want me to sit through a
whole meal with this person?
Um, yes.
But we need a plan.
We need to put our heads together.
You, me,
Xavier, Nicole, Claire,
Wally, Rhonda, Charley.
How many dead people am
I meeting with in one day?
Bring 'em on.
[CLAIRE] This is weird.
Did you do this?
[SIMON] I thought it might be helpful.
- They here?
- In their chairs.
They're sitting on their chairs.
How long has this person been dead?
Excuse me?
Oh, no.
You are invading my space, blue eyes.
He looks like someone
I would be friends with.
- [CHARLEY] Okay, I love her.
- That's Nicole.
Xavier, Claire.
And you guys pretty much know Simon.
Simon, this is Charley, Wally, Rhonda.
Um, nice to meet you
Guys, this is Rhonda, Wally, Charley.
- Hi.
- Hello.
I can't wait to graduate
from this creepy school.
Must be nice.
You've been here like
four years, babe. Try 40.
Simon, remind them we
can see and hear you guys.
- They heard what you said.
- Sorry.
Guys, tonight's dinner
is the perfect chance
to get Janet back here.
Even if it's just for a minute.
Long enough for Maddie and
her friends to do this swap.
Yeah, well, I'd ask
for more than a minute.
Yeah, she's right.
It took us three days
just to learn shorthand.
If you're gonna get Janet back here,
you're gonna need to
know a lot more about her.
If we're gonna get Janet back here,
we're gonna need to know
a lot more about her.
Bottom line, this girl's
a total science geek,
and she still lives in fear
of this chemistry teacher.
- I got it.
- Wally has the floor.
- Wally's talking.
- [WALLY] Okay.
I think we have to
treat this whole thing
like a hostage situation.
Janet is the terrorist.
Maddie's body is the hostage, right?
It's like Arnold Schwarzenegger
in Commando.
[RHONDA] What?
I was lucky enough to
see it because of
It's not important.
What's important is that we
need to answer this one question.
He's looking right at me. There, look.
I need eyes up here. Eyes up here.
He can't hear me.
Okay, we need to answer
this one question.
Where can we find a bazooka?
Wally, I would like to
keep this nonviolent.
- It is still in my body.
- That's a good point.
That's a bad idea.
Nonviolence is a top priority.
Okay, this might sound crazy,
but I read that ghosts hate salt.
So maybe we can pour salt
on Janet and trap her.
- [RHONDA] Oh, no.
- [CHARLEY] Yeah,
and then just use her to do body shots.
Oh, my God. I miss those.
- Where did you hear that?
- Doesn't matter.
Never mind. Never mind.
What if we make her think
that this place isn't scary anymore?
It would make her curious
enough to come back.
We don't mention the
dead chemistry teacher
until we get her away from Sandra,
and then we gently let her know
that we know that she's a ghost.
I can't believe I just said that.
- That's good. Keep talking.
- I like it.
Sis-boom-bah! The cheerleader scores.
When you get her away from my mom,
you need to let her know
that Dawn crossed over.
It's possible for her to move on.
- She'll know how that works.
- I wish we knew how that worked.
I wish we had refreshments.
She needs to know she
won't be stuck here forever.
[NICOLE] Hello? What's going on?
Which chair is talking?
Maddie says Janet has to
know there's another way out,
that it is possible to move on,
and she can give Maddie back her life.
Do we know why she took
Maddie's body in the first place?
Why was it Maddie and
not, I don't know, Nicole?
What? Why me?
Why would you say me?
Maddie wasn't really in a
great place when it happened.
- She's very devastated.
- What about now?
How's Maddie now?
She's great.
Why are people looking at us?
Can they tell we've been
talking to dead people?
Maybe they're hearing Maddie's back
and they think we know something.
[CLAIRE] We do.
I still wanna try the salt thing.
Guys, there's something I
didn't bring up at the meeting.
I found this in that yearbook.
This guy, Eugene, in
the photo is still alive.
He's in a nursing home
nearby. We should go see him.
Why would we do that?
If we're gonna get this girl
to come here without force,
we need to give her a good reason.
Maybe he's got one.
Maybe he's got gout.
Nicole, I mean, we don't
know anything about this guy.
His memory may not be reliable.
But if we got him here,
couldn't that be bait?
How many of her friends
are still kicking?
But we have no idea how
she feels about this guy.
When she doesn't like people,
she backs trucks over them.
Let's just stick to our plan.
Dude, I'm not seeing anything
about soul-swapping here.
You gotta look between the lines.
I'm reading between all the lines.
I'm just seeing a bunch of white,
as in paper.
I think we need to reverse
engineer what happened that day.
Recreate the circumstances.
You're saying that
this has to all happen
in the boiler room?
Good luck with that.
That place is a hellhole for Janet.
It is for me, too.
But if we need to know
everything about her,
then don't we need to know
what really haunts her?
Okay, so what, you think that
if you take that watch with you,
- it will open up her
- Maybe.
I mean, we all
Me, Mr. Martin, Janet all
kind of died down there.
I mean, I'm not technically
You know what I mean.
Do you want us to go with you?
- No.
- [QUIETLY] Thank God.
[MADDIE] She might be here soon.
You know, we need to divide and conquer.
- Are you sure?
- [MADDIE] Yeah.
You guys just stay here
and focus on the body swap.
There's gotta be something in there
that tells us how it's done.
We need your help decoding.
Happy to help.
So how'd the meeting go?
It was different.
Talking to people who
can't see or hear you
but nod their heads like they do.
Kind of like having
parents all over again.
You didn't wanna come?
Um, I wasn't invited.
No one sent out formal invitations, hon.
- You're part of the group.
- Not really.
You guys are tight.
You finish each other's sentences,
you're, like, joined at the hip.
Yeah, that kinda happens
when you're stuck in eternal detention.
Could you pack up a little faster?
- I hate being in this room.
- Really?
This is my favorite
room in the whole school.
I worshipped this room.
I never wanted to leave.
Yeah, well, it's not the
room so much as that cabinet,
and the crap inside it.
You're upset the Madrigals
won regionals in '78?
[RHONDA] I used to spend
a lot of time in here too.
My best friend Marjorie was a musician.
So we'd hang out and write songs.
Wait, that Marjorie?
You knew her before she was famous?
I don't think one quasi-hit
from an LP full of
duds makes you "famous."
Did you guys write songs together?
Were you music or lyrics?
Does it matter?
There's only one face in that cabinet.
Oh, God, this is driving me insane.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I need Brainy Baker.
[CHARLEY] What is a Brainy Baker?
He was this kid
who always let me cheat off his tests.
He started college in 10th grade.
I think he invented Gorilla Glue
because his glasses kept breaking, so
Uh, you left the pottery studio.
Yeah, well, um,
you told me I needed to
step out of my comfort zone,
so I'm here to help.
And return a library book
that's 47 years overdue.
Zen and the Art of
Motorcycle Maintenance.
You should check it out.
I would give you this copy,
but I smoked the last chapter.
That's a joke, obviously.
- It resets.
- [LAUGHING] It resets.
Okay, uh, why don't you join us, hmm?
What do you know about chemistry?
Besides baking pot brownies.
Oh, I actually know
a lot about chemistry.
Shut up
[MR. MARTIN] It's incredible
to see someone so young
[WOMAN] Winner of the
National Science Fair,
Janet Hamilton,
whose brilliance once
again knows no bounds.
[MAN] The scientific community
[MAN] MIT class of 1962.
[WOMAN] Janet Hamilton, a
bright, shiny new star
[MAN] Scientist Janet Hamilton
has won the Nobel Prize for
[MAN] See, the work that
young scientist Janet Hamilton
has done has really
propelled the field forward
in so many ways
[WHISPERS] I was robbed.
I'm gonna grab a physiology book.
Hey, tell me something.
I have no idea what physiology is.
Is it just me, or do you get the vibe
that he only came out because of me?
Are we talking the closet
or the pottery room?
I mean, I get the feeling
that he wants to help, right?
But if he's only helping
to get closer to me, then
Bingo, what do you mean?
That's a double win.
- Dude, relax.
- What if I'm wrong, right?
I wasn't around in 1977.
It was different back then.
You know, people met in hot
tubs and wore mood rings,
and really flirted with anything
that had a heartbeat. So
Charley, Charley.
Breathe with me, okay?
Breathe with me. Let's go.
And exhale.
Relax, okay? Oh, he's coming.
You're gonna love me.
Well, that was fast.
I had a hunch, and I was right.
The formulas Mr. Martin's writing about
are connected to serotonin and dopamine.
Okay, who are they?
Neurotransmitters that give
you the lows and the highs,
blues, nirvana. Feelings are powerful.
If he manipulated that shit,
he could carve out open
access points and
How do you know all this?
You were gone for less than a minute.
I started reading medical
books in eighth grade.
Diagnosed myself every week.
With what?
Different stuff.
Uh, mostly anxiety.
So you used the weed to self-medicate?
- More the wheel than the weed.
- Huh.
Which one killed you?
I had a panic attack
in the greenhouse that
triggered my asthma.
I snuck in after school to water
and fertilize my college fund,
and I got locked in.
The greenhouse?
I know, right?
You think a night in
the jungle would be rad.
All that oxygen,
but I couldn't get a
lick of it into my lungs.
Why didn't you just,
like, break the glass?
My asthma attack was out of control.
I couldn't feel my hands,
my arms, or my legs.
No need to explain.
Been there. Trust me.
Oh, no ♪
Play it again ♪
I had a long night ♪
With a Midwest twin ♪
I'm having a pretty crazy day.
I'm starting to feel
invisible around the people
who are supposed to be in my team.
I share an idea, they
knock it down, and I
I'm just frustrated.
I wish the world made more sense.
I'm not ready to go ♪
Hold on, hold on ♪
Hold on ♪
I'm not ready to be ♪
Done with my time ♪
Got too much to see ♪
[MADDIE] Tonight's the night.
We're here.
And we're seeing The Empty Man,
The Empty Man, The Empty Man!
I'm so geeked for it.
It's supposed to be really scary.
And Nicole is really excited, too.
- Right, Nicole?
- Yeah, I'm excited
[NICOLE] Excited.
[EUGENE] Who did you say this was for?
A school newspaper.
We're writing an article
on female students who
had an interest in science.
[CHUCKLES] Must be a short article.
Back in my day, there
weren't many of those.
[NICOLE] Right.
Um, what about Janet Hamilton?
You knew her, right?
Yes, of course I knew her.
She was a close friend.
What can you tell me about her?
That she should be sitting
right here with me now.
But she died in that accidental fire
at the school, didn't she?
Why are you asking me about Janet?
You want me to say
something I shouldn't?
No. No, I'm sorry if
I said everything I needed to.
Nobody wanted to hear it back then,
and they don't want to hear it now.
What didn't they want to hear?
Mr. Bergstrom?
Where were we?
Is Principal O'Connor not happy
we asked to meet twice a week?
Because French Club's meeting
twice a week, right, Janet?
It's not about Science Club, Eugene.
Let's get back to covalent bonding.
Mr. Martin, maybe we
should just end early today.
I don't know if I'll be able to finish
this experiment with you.
Um, Mr. Rollins will be
taking over as your new
sponsor starting next month.
- Where are you gonna be?
- Gone.
What does that mean?
I have been asked to
leave in two weeks' time.
They can't do that.
No, can. Can and done.
But it's okay. It's okay.
Hey, this is the best thing
that could have happened.
You know?
I'll finally be able
to realize my potential.
Use my knowledge of noble gases
to discover innovative compounds.
Work in a professional lab
with state-of-the-art equipment.
Be able to bounce ideas
off brilliant minds
who can elucidate a protein structure.
Open new doors in microbiology.
Mr. Martin
And I can be somewhere where
my passion for what I do
won't be disparaged or punished!
Mr. Martin, we can
continue our experiment
I said we'll continue them now!
Following Monday, he was
there, but he really wasn't.
Barely spoke to Janet.
I can't talk about this anymore.
Mr. Bergstrom
I put away everything that
had to do with that fire
and locked it up in
my storage locker here.
I can't live with it anymore.
[NICOLE] How angry was he, Mr. Martin?
Do you think your
teacher started that fire?
Janet and Mr. Martin
were very meticulous.
Neither one of them would
have made that kind of mistake.
Foolish girl ♪
Talk of town ♪
How could you let your guard down? ♪
Fell into the fire ♪
Looks like everyone's talking ♪
What are you doing?
Oh I was just
- It was right there and I
- Just curious?
Learning the tune so
you can sing me to sleep?
It's not a terrible song.
I'm glad you like it.
I've never made it
past the second verse.
Why not?
Rhonda, can you just tell me why?
Because it's about me.
My best friend forever,
pinky swear, true blue,
wrote that song mocking me
for trusting that teacher.
Why would she do that?
Because she jumped on the bandwagon
and blamed me for my own murder.
So that's how my classmates remember me.
As the sap who asked to be strangled.
- Rhonda, I'm sorry.
- You want a hit?
There's your hit.
[SIMON] Okay, I hope you can hear me.
I'm keeping you in my right pocket.
I'm gonna try not to move too much.
I'll only eat with my left hand.
What's going on?
Is this a podcast?
He called this line before he left
and then he took it off the hook
so we could listen to the dinner.
Hey, they're pulling up
to your house right now.
[SIMON] All right, we're parking.
Something I do not miss.
This is weird.
I'm about to have dinner
with my ex-girlfriend
and the girl who ran me over,
and they're the same person.
Yeah. Ready?
[SANDRA] Hey, um, she's
really excited to see you all.
Uh, I just wanted to say if
Maddie seems a little off,
or, uh, not quite herself,
just go with it.
Oh, and please, no questions
about what's happened the last month.
Okay? Just keep it light.
We're so glad that you're home.
You were right. My mom missed me.
Okay, uh, let's take a photo
before we all have spinach in our teeth.
Okay, uh, move in, guys.
Uh, closer, please.
My mom got the chain fixed.
Great. I know it means a lot to you.
Still don't know how to
use the zoom on this phone.
We should make faces like
we did on the Thunderbolt.
And what do we say in Wisconsin?
[ALL] Cheese!
Here we are.
The lasagna smells incredible.
[SANDRA] Oh, don't look at me.
I just took a number
at the deli counter.
Could you put that on my plate for me?
Oh, uh, hold on.
before we eat,
I'd like to just say
it's incredible to see all
of you around this table.
Especially you.
Can I say something?
I would just like to
apologize to everyone
at this table for what
I put you all through.
That I scared everyone,
and made them think the worst.
Especially you, Mom.
Would anyone else like to say anything?
Could someone pass the salt?
- Is this as loud as it gets?
- Shh!
Why are you shushing?
The only thing we can hear
is the lint in Simon's pocket.
[RHONDA] He's right.
If this is how Kennedy
spied on Castro, no wonder
there was a Bay of Pigs.
Pigs? What?
Like, oink, oink?
It was a Cold War hunt, not a barbecue.
Guys, Maddie needs to hear this.
[MADDIE] He said that senior year
is different than other years.
Lots of seniors take three weeks
just to do senior trips and stuff.
Okay, this landline is a piece of crap.
It's better to have old technology
than no technology.
[YURI] It does make you wonder, though.
They say we're the
top of the food chain,
but there's a spider under that table
who just built a whole
house with its butthole.
Maddie, let's see if this
stretches into the stacks.
I don't need to hear any more.
I'd give her a moment.
I don't think this is about us.
there's, like, this
alumni at Split River.
- I forgot his name.
- Mm.
Bob something.
Bob something donated all this
money to the Science Department,
and they bought this awesome telescope.
Yeah. That's why they're
offering AP Astronomy.
[SIMON] And they mounted
the telescope on the roof.
There's, like, this electronic database
that's preloaded with
40,000 celestial objects.
[CLAIRE] The images
are so crisp. Shocking.
You can see Saturn's rings
and Jupiter's cloud bands.
And it's not even that big.
It operates like this
classic Dobsonian model
that's been around since, like, the 50s.
Dobson didn't invent
his variation until '65.
The standard light bucket is Newtonian.
Mads, I didn't know that
you were into astronomy.
Yeah, it was from a book
report in seventh grade.
Well, you should let us
sneak you into the school,
and we can go up to the roof.
We could do it tonight.
I don't know about that.
[SIMON] Or you could
just take the class.
Maddie is finishing senior year online.
- What?
- [SANDRA] Yeah.
We both feel that going
to school in person
is probably not a good thing right now.
Are you okay with me being here?
Maybe she deserves it.
Maybe she'd do more with
my life than I ever would.
what are we talking about?
I got into her scar.
Probably because it's mine, too.
We both lost ourselves in that space.
- And her room was
- Hell.
Pretty close.
But also filled with
awards and notable mentions.
And an embroidered lab coat.
And for fuck's sake,
Wally, she wasn't even 17.
This person I never even met.
I feel like I saw her.
And she wanted to make a difference.
She wasn't just taking up space.
Neither are you.
Yeah, right.
I struggled to answer two essay prompts
on my college applications.
This girl, she knew
what she wanted to do.
She was brilliant.
She'll live a bigger
life than me, Wally.
Maybe she will.
Some people are destined
to do big things.
That's great.
But the rest of us
We carry the small gifts.
That's just as important
to the people whose lives we touch.
Believe me, Maddie.
I wish you would be stuck
with me here forever.
You deserve to live.
Drink up, baby, down ♪
Mm-mm, are you in or are you out? ♪
Leave your things behind ♪
'Cause it's all going off
without you ♪
Excuse me, too busy ♪
You're writing your tragedy ♪
These mishaps ♪
Are you good?
You have no idea what you're like ♪
So let go, let go ♪
Jump in ♪
Oh, well, what you waiting for? ♪
It's all right ♪
'Cause there's beauty
in the breakdown ♪
A lot of colleges place a huge
emphasis on extracurriculars.
We finally have some cool equipment.
I mean, you can watch
the stars from any roof,
- but right now nothing competes.
- [CLAIRE] Yeah.
And when we had to do the
online classes during lockdown,
there were, like, a
zillion distractions.
Would anybody like some more salad?
Oh, I'll take some. Yeah.
Oh, I got
- Oh, I'm so, so sorry.
- [MADDIE] It's all right.
I'm so sorry about that.
Making a mess.
Sandra, there's definitely pros
and cons to this online thing.
I actually think we've
landed on the best option.
Eugene Bergstrom misses you.
Is everything okay?
I just need to reheat my lasagna.
Don't you just wanna nuke that?
It'll just take 30
seconds in the microwave.
I'm not in a rush.
Who is Eugene Bergstrom?
I never heard you mention him before.
Is he a boy at school?
Did something happen
with him before you left?
You just seemed shaky when
Nicole mentioned his name.
I'm just tired, Mom.
I didn't really get
much sleep last night.
Can we just slice the pie
and let everyone take dessert home?
Sure, uh,
let me help you.
[WHISPERS] That was not helpful.
It's not like your
gaze-at-the-stars plan
was working.
We just needed to move
the needle with Sandra.
- We were almost there.
- [NICOLE] No, you weren't.
Sandra believes this is her kid.
Can you blame her? She
even laughs like Maddie.
- It's not Maddie.
- Why are you busting my chops?
You're the one who went
renegade and freaked her out.
And you're the one making salt walls
and staring at her like she's a cyclops.
She's right, man. You
gotta blink now and then.
Guys, if we want to get her back
She's not going back there, Claire.
Her dead teacher may have set
the fire that killed them both.
How do you know this?
You went to see that Eugene person.
Yeah, I did.
[SIMON] And now we're
trusting an 80-year-old dude
who probably can't remember
what he had for lunch?
[NICOLE] His memory of Janet
was pretty freaking pure.
If I were her, you'd
have to kill me again
before you take me back
to Split River High.
- Hi!
- Hi.
Uh, Maddie's not feeling great,
so I think we need to end this early.
- Can we at least say goodbye?
- Yeah, you can try.
[SIMON] Hey.
Nicole had no right to blurt that.
We didn't come here to blow your cover.
We're just trying to help our friend.
Mr. Martin's no longer at the school.
You're safe.
He's gone. You can go back now.
Dawn crossed over.
You can, too.
If that is
what you
really want.
Enjoy your pie.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
[WHISPERS] Janet, you can trust me.
It's okay.
It's time for you to go.
Yeah, the line is definitely dead.
They cut us off.
I think "they" was Janet.
The last thing I heard was gurgling.
So what now?
We sit and wait for them to call back?
We can't even answer.
We could hang in the band room.
And why would we do that?
Because I have something
I need to share with you.
I think we've done enough
sharing for one day.
It won't take more
than three minutes tops.
You can time me.
Uh, sorry. Yeah.
What's in the band room?
I'm a sucker for a free ukulele lesson.
hey, maybe we should go
look for Maddie and Wally?
They can't have gone far.
Yeah, but, I mean, we
should at least let them know
that we lost contact with the living.
Maybe they don't wanna be found.
I didn't.
Until I did.
Thank you for that
by the way.
- This isn't easy.
- Which part?
This is the first time since I got here
that I haven't been thinking
about how quickly I can get out.
You know, me, too.
For a second there, I seriously
thought I crossed over.
This is how you imagine it?
The great beyond?
- Or whatever you wanna call it?
- [WALLY] I don't know.
Maybe. A little bit.
I'll tell you what, though.
Wherever I'm going,
I seriously doubt it
gets better than this.
Oh, Maddie Nears.
Come on! You don't want to mess with me.
You don't want to mess with me.
Did she at least admit
that she is who she is?
She can't take that chance
with Sandra in the next room.
She had a knife in her
hand. Did I already say that?
Are you just gonna leave your phone?
Oh, it's already trashed.
It's definitely junk now.
There's not enough rice in the world
to say that thing.
- Hey, Sandra.
- Hmm?
That picture in there, the framed photo
of you and Maddie and the
guy in the fisherman's vest?
Yeah, that's Maddie's dad.
Taken during one of
the many fishing trips
where she insisted he throw
back everything he caught.
It was a thing between them.
- Good night, Xavier.
- Good night.
Thanks for being here.
Okay, what now?
What, we bribe Eugene
Bergstrom to sit in the chem lab
and pray that Janet wants
a Science Club reunion?
[SIMON] What do we say when
an 18-year-old blonde walks in?
I think we're going to
need a more solid plan.
[CLAIRE] So where do we go from here?
[SIMON] We'll sit here for
a minute and figure it out.
Foolish girl ♪
So I watched it all so carelessly ♪
You left your heart wide open ♪
Now you're lost in the shadows ♪
All alone in this cold world ♪
It's me who was the foolish girl ♪
You slipped right through my fingers ♪
So I miss you to pieces ♪
Time slipped away ♪
Didn't know your place ♪
You didn't know the place
you held in my heart ♪
She didn't think you
were the fool, Rhonda.
She thought she was.
"Didn't know your place.
You didn't know the place
you held in my heart."
She blamed herself
for not helping you when she could.
Maybe we've all been
looping on the wrong things.
Some of us longer than others.
Do you mind if I hold on to this?
Yeah, of course. I mean, I don't mind.
It's yours.
Thank you.
Are we wasting our time here?
I mean, that girl we
heard at that dinner
is not giving up anything,
especially Maddie's body.
You never know.
Things can change.
Might seem like she is
keeping a lid on it, but
I bet she's bugging out when
she closes her bedroom door.
Big emotions stir up
biochemical reactions.
Suddenly the ground shifts,
planets align,
people feel the need to be real.
Um, so Wally's class of '84
is having a reunion
thing tomorrow night.
It's just gonna be a
bunch of old people dancing
to Talking Heads and Tears for Fears,
but still, it could be fun.
Would you wanna go with me?
It's just a party to go to.
It's not like it's a date or anything.
Why can't it be?
[MR. ANDERSON] What the fuck?
What is happening?
[MADDIE] Mr. Anderson?
You're back.
You're alive.
Um, not really.
Oh, hello.
- Who are you?
- Wally Clark, class of '84.
Mr. Anderson, how long
have you been in here?
I don't know.
It feels like an eternity
because I took one box down,
and I put it in the car,
and I came back up to pack
this box.
But this box, it just won't pack.
[MADDIE] Wally
If he's in here, and Mr. Martin's not
Holy shit.
Is that Mr. Anderson?
[CLAIRE] What is he doing here?
I thought he would be locked up by now.
Maybe he broke out for cherry pie.
I heard Maddie's back. Here.
That's very sweet of you. What's this?
It's a novel that Maddie
and I had talked about.
Just thought she might
need a little escape.
And I know how much she
likes her twisted characters.
I'd invite you in, but
she's had a rough night.
Maybe too much too soon.
She's just not herself at the moment.
I got it.
Don't give up.
She's in there somewhere.
I'll come by tomorrow.
Good night.
[XAVIER] Oh, he's coming back.
What is he doing?
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