Sky Rojo (2021) s02e05 Episode Script

Hookers' Black Boxes

[Spanish pop music playing]
They're in there.
It's a bachelor party. I don't think
you'll have problems. They're kids.
But if they get out of line, call me.
I'll be around.
What will you do at six in the morning?
Watch the sunrise at the beach.
[Spanish pop music plays louder]
[birds chirping]
[calm, instrumental music playing]
[water echoes]
[birds chirp]
What? Wanna try?
Somehow, I don't think
I'm dressed for the occasion.
Technically, I wasn't either.
But these days underwear is like a bikini.
Latex looks like a bikini to you?
Latex, some glitz and glam,
I mean it all flies.
Come on, get in.
["Pa que me quieras" by Lali, Noriel
playing in Spanish]
Someone who didn't want to lose you
Who was happy to have you ♪
And who bravely loved you ♪
I say all of this so you love me ♪
I would run away with you
So you love me ♪
Only if you were willing to try ♪
I could make you love me too ♪
I would leave with you so you love me ♪
I would give you everything
So you love me ♪
I'm afraid of someone failing me again
But I want to try ♪
Tell me if you want that too ♪
So you love me ♪
So you love me ♪
So you love me ♪
[song ends]
- We gotta head out now.
- No!
Come on, it's not that late.
Nobody's gonna care.
I swear, I would love
to stay here all day, but I can't.
Late for church?
[chuckles] Yeah.
- I have to catch a ferry.
- Where to?
To Madeira.
To get more girls?
Not getting more girls.
So, then?
I like surfing there, to change it up.
You have
a perfectly fine beach right here.
- But there I can also do other things.
- Like what?
Getting to eat cod.
Or maybe buying cheap designer clothes.
Laundering money from the clubs for Romeo.
[soft guitar music plays]
What d'you know about money laundering?
But I do know that Madeira is a free port.
And that everyone there is smart enough
not to ask where the money's from.
- Tell me I'm wrong.
- You might be right.
What do you do? Take wads of cash
and hide it in your surfboards?
Getting warmer by the second.
[Coral] When you're up close and personal
with a woman after fucking,
it's easy to get confused
and tell her things.
Even if you don't really know her.
After all, you've just shared
a brutally intimate moment
and have carnal knowledge of each other.
So it's entirely normal
that you end up getting chatty
and confessing things
you'd never tell anyone.
Not even your girlfriend
or the woman you married.
And, above all, especially your mother.
After all, we're just prostitutes, right?
What could we possibly do
with that information? [chuckles]
But in reality,
I keep a little recorder right up here.
And you never know
if I'll use it just for fun in the future.
That van makes the rounds and hits up
Romeo's seven clubs once every month.
The only thing we need to do
is make sure we intercept it
before the ferry for Madeira gets there.
[lighter clicks]
And then,
instead of starting with no money,
we'd be starting
with at least two million euros.
Or maybe even three million.
Well, that definitely sounds
somewhat easier than the previous plan.
Yeah, the hole idea was shit.
I don't know what I was thinking.
- Hey, you!
- [Coral laughs]
Give us the motherfucking van
or I'll blow your balls clean off!
Either you give me the money
or you'll spend the rest of your life
in a wheelchair!
[Coral laughs]
Pow, pow, pow! I'm telling you
So is the plan to hold up
a van of dangerous criminals
with just one bullet?
[Coral] Yeah. We'll threaten them,
shoot out the car window,
everyone freaks out,
they'll know we're serious,
and we won't have to shoot them.
And what happens
when they hear our voices? Hmm?
What's wrong with our voices?
Where do I start?
Here we are, three random girls,
but the van will be full of macho bigots.
I mean, I'm pretty sure
Beefcake's gonna be there.
Or the Black guy. Or that Chinese guy.
As soon as we open our mouths,
they'll recognize our voices.
How do we keep that from happening?
Well, either we rob them
without actually saying words
Or we find someone else who's willing
to help and pave the way. Hmm?
[jazz music playing]
I love that.
[Coral] To pull it off, Wendy's black box
was about to come in handy.
[upbeat music playing]
[door bell jangles]
How are you, Fermín?
[Coral] Fermín del Pino,
hardware store owner
and future leader of our heist.
Do you recognize him?
Wendy didn't, at least not at first.
[Fermín] Hello, Wendy.
Did they give you a day off work?
Sorry, have we met before?
[Gina] She didn't realize she knew him
until he tried to get her
to blow him in the bathroom.
[wheel clicks as it turns]
[suspenseful music playing]
[men cheer]
[wolf whistle]
Wheel of pussy! Come on, let's go!
[suspenseful beat playing]
[Wendy] Fermín was that insanely
introverted friend we all have. Shy.
Who looks like a churchgoer
that helps his neighbor carry their bags.
But he also had that valve
that could explode at any moment.
Like when you pop open a can.
And when that happened,
he turned into a sadist
in a matter of seconds.
All we had to do was shake that can up,
and the beast caged inside
would help us carry out our plan.
[suspenseful music swells then fades]
We saw you come in.
And we just wanted to thank you
for the drinks you bought the other day.
Did you end up staying late?
My feet were killing me from dancing.
[women laugh]
I I'm not much of a dancer.
How are you? You all right?
Oh, yeah. We're great.
- Can you come grab a coffee with us?
- No
I I just opened the store.
Come on, the other day
you paid for everything.
Let us buy you a coffee.
[Coral] I'm sure you can take a break.
What do you say?
- Think he can take a break?
- Of course he can.
[all laugh]
Come on, honey!
You didn't ignore us like this
the other night.
In fact, he explicitly said
he wanted to see us again.
Please don't tell us
you were lying, Fermín?
Go out for a while, sweetheart.
Have a coffee with them and come back.
Go on.
Come on.
[door bell jangles]
- What's this about?
- Whoa, whoa. Calm down. Don't be tense.
You're so on edge.
No need to be nervous,
we're just gonna go for a walk,
and the four of us can enjoy a chat.
About what?
About how much we love these overalls.
They make you look professional.
Now you're coming with us, quietly,
without making a scene. Right?
And we can celebrate our happy reunion.
- Please don't do this. My mom's there.
- All right, say goodbye, then.
Or else she's about to watch you die.
[rock music playing]
[keys jangle]
[van doors close]
[engine revs]
You won't talk to me, huh?
Is it because of Mom? Or because
we can't just change our lives yet? Hey!
Because of Romeo?
[soft pop music playing]
Are you really gonna ice me out like that?
I can't tell
if you even hear me right now.
I wanna kick Romeo's ass
as much as you, all right?
In his defense, life's fucked him up.
[soft pop music continues]
Can you at least look me in the eye?
Romeo has always helped us.
Good or bad, that's the way it is.
He gave us a job when we had nothing.
Talk to me. What's the matter?
Mom will be fine. She will.
Romeo wouldn't hurt her.
You and I are gonna carry on as usual.
Do you understand that?
- Stop acting fucking catatonic.
- [engine starts]
Let's go back to the club and do our job.
Like nothing happened.
[reggaeton music playing]
What is it about this terrace
you chicks dig so much?
What do you think? Reggaeton, sunlight,
and vitamin D, it's good for your health.
Maybe we should open the club
for a couple more hours if you get bored.
- [woman 1] No!
- [woman 2] Fuck no.
[Moi] No way.
Look how nice your clothes look
hung out in the sun.
[reggaeton music continues over radio]
This piece of shit, whose is it?
Well, mine, obviously. [laughs]
I know it's not yours, Tsunami. Gata?
[ominous music playing]
Not mine, papi.
"Not mine, papi."
Fine. Well, let's find the Cinderella
with these tits.
Come on now, don't be shy, ladies.
I'm just doing my fucking job.
It's me doing quality control.
Show me your tits.
It's the same whether you're selling
furniture, cars, or pussy.
We gotta have standards.
I won't let the product fall below them.
Show me your tits.
All you newbies, come over here.
You haven't passed Romeo's inspection.
[Moi] Christian.
[Christian] Lift your shirt.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
Flat in the front.
Guess who's flat in the back.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Let me get this straight.
You go around the club wearing a bra
three sizes too big filled with silicone.
Promising the clients
something you can't deliver.
How do you think they feel
when they discover there's nothing there?
I'm sorry.
I won't wear it anymore. I promise.
Then what could you
possibly offer our clients?
Do you think someone comes here
to have sex with a woman
who has smaller breasts than Beefcake?
No. And I'll tell you why.
Sex is excess. It's everything.
It's pure abundance.
In the orgies, the wild parties
In the sculptures and art
of primitive civilizations before us.
The women had huge tits,
and their thighs stood thick like pillars.
Who do you think we are
to try and break with tradition?
That's why
you'll go under the knife.
- No, no, no. I don't want an operation.
- It's not really optional, sweetheart.
[Romeo] This isn't some whim.
This is a question
about being professional.
Many girls here have gone under
Dr. Guerra's knife and are really happy.
They could grace magazine covers.
Think of it
as an investment in your career.
The other one.
Here. Thanks.
Let's see.
That's so great.
[suspenseful music playing]
[tires screech]
[Gina] Come on, get out.
Hands behind your head,
where I can see them.
- Please, what are you gonna do?
- [Wendy] Come on, walk.
- Come on, walk.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- [Wendy] Don't stop!
- [Coral] Keep moving.
[Fermín] Please, I'm begging you.
[Gina] Come on. Right there.
- Get in.
- [Fermín] What?
[Coral] She said get inside.
Or I'll shoot you in your tiny balls
and you won't feel like rubbing them
on anyone the rest of your life.
I didn't know what I was doing.
I swear. Please put the gun down.
Bitch, you crazy? What are you doing?
I always thought our plan
was to scare him not shoot the guy.
Get on your knees.
Wendy, put the gun down.
We were just gonna ask him to help us.
On your knees.
[cries] I'll be happy to help,
just don't kill me.
Nah, this guy won't help us.
Because I don't want
garbage like him on my side.
Come on, Wendy,
you said you weren't gonna kill the guy.
[Gina] Please.
[Fermín cries]
I had a change of heart.
I'll do whatever you say. Please.
Whatever you want. Whatever you want.
[Fermín] I'll do anything.
[Coral] You'll do whatever I say?
[Fermín] Yes. Yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
[Coral] Fine.
We're committing a robbery
and you're helping us.
You might save your life.
It's a deal. It's a deal.
There. He said he'd do it. OK?
I can do it.
He won't do it.
He doesn't have the stones.
I'm gonna take him out.
[buzzing builds]
This is a robbery, get on the ground!
If anyone moves, you're dead!
If anyone breathes, you're fucking dead!
If you just look at me fucking wrong!
[Coral] And that's how
we set up our little band.
Impending death staring you in the face
has a way of clearing your mind.
And it erodes away
any dignity you still had left.
[ominous music playing]
How wonderful.
Ample and plentiful.
Take my word for it,
just wait and see how nice you look
filling out those summer dresses.
Tonight you're gonna have
a lot more clients.
[woman] Tonight? But
But I still have stitches, though.
That's no problem. We'll cover the scars
with Band-Aids that are flesh toned.
In a few months,
nobody will tell the difference.
But I'm in pain still,
and I think I have a fever.
- I can't raise my arms properly.
- Working will be good for your recovery.
Charlotte, give her some painkillers, too.
Or maybe hash.
You won't even notice it.
You can start earning money to pay me back
the 10,000 euros for the operation.
You said it was your investment,
didn't you?
is simply paying the money up front.
While thinking
about yourself and your future.
And now, it'll be much easier
for you to reimburse me.
You'll have to fuck way more men,
but now you're more desirable.
And you've expanded your repertoire.
Now you can offer to let them cum
on your chest or titty fuck you.
Good restaurants
always have good menus, right?
[suspenseful music playing]
She won't be getting outta here
until she's goddamn menopausal.
Our job is to retain the girls,
whether it's through operations, drugs,
or whatever it takes.
I decide when they come here.
And, more importantly,
I decide when they leave.
[engine revs]
- [seat belt clicks]
- [keys clink]
Get out.
[suspenseful music playing]
[blind beads rattle]
[soft, panpipe music playing]
[wind chimes tinkle]
This is my little brother, Christian.
I've mentioned him before.
What happened to him?
He took a hell of a beating
and he's in shock, I think.
He won't talk to me, won't look at me.
Doesn't react to anything.
I had nothing to do with the beating
but I understand in his current state,
it might be hard to accept.
- Accept what?
- [Moi] His frustration.
He also works with me.
He's a fellow driver.
Lately, our boss
is putting a lot of pressure on us.
Christian wanted a vacation.
We planned to go to the beach.
Now after the beating with his injuries,
it's just It's not happening.
[dramatic chime]
What the fuck are you talking about?
You think I'm a moron who has a breakdown
'cause he can't go to Ibiza?
- I'm a hit man like you.
- Shut your mouth.
Dude, we killed an electrician.
We put a guy in a barrel of acid.
We buried them
with three girls who were still alive.
That's the fucking life
I wanna leave behind.
Not the driver's.
[dramatic music builds]
[blind beads rattle]
Where are you going? What are you doing?
Want them to lock us up? Hmm? Us?
[inhales, yells]
You fucked me over.
Do you know what you just did?
- After all I've done for you!
- [coughs] What have you done for me?
You caught some fish and let them go?
Pick up stray dogs?
Said poverty's
what brings the girls to us?
You bring the girls, Moi.
Romeo is not our family!
We're prisoners just like they are.
Just like our mother is.
Because he's the one who gets to decide
when people come and when they go.
Fuck. We're going to jail
and it'll be your fucking fault.
You're not getting it.
Iris will call the police on us.
She's a good woman.
Where are you going?
What are you doing? Christian!
Christian, where are you going?
[jazz music playing]
What have you done?
If we don't get away from this life,
we're doomed.
[breathes heavily]
[jazz music builds then fades]
[instrumental jazz music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Katie Ward
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