Spartacus: Blood and Sand s02e05 Episode Script


Gannicus has proven himself.
Let him be rewarded with freedom.
You have earned the rudis proof you no longer stand a slave.
Your wife betrayed you one last fuck.
And we will fight until the last drop of Roman blood I am not a Roman.
Naevia is dead.
- Fucking shit! - I'll fucking kill you.
- Have you lost mind? - Naevia lives.
I will not fucking die for this.
Crixus! Let these men not fall here tonight, but in the arena, before all of Capua! Gain your father's approval to dissolve your marriage, and find me as wet with desire as you now stand.
Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Boo! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! A fine showing.
To be forever remembered by adoring crowd, as will the name Varinius, who bestows such generous gifts.
Indeed, he shall never be forgotten.
Same cannot be said of all men.
Would that more stood your equal.
A pity there is but one of him, so soon recalled to Rome.
A brief yet profitable stay.
Your games have given the city much needed distraction in these dark times.
The executions begin.
A glorious finale to our stay at Capua.
If only Spartacus were among the condemned.
The man shall be put to grass soon enough, Mercato.
My men move towards this very purpose.
Until such a time, let us send message punctuated in blood.
"Hannibal stands at our gates" a phrase used to invoke fear among the children of Rome, a specter of the Carthaginian animal who besieged this city with terror and death many years past.
Yet, as is the fate of all enemies of the Republic, Hannibal passed from this life at the end of a Roman sword! A fate that will one day be shared by the rebel Spartacus! Was it not your distant relative, Appius Claudius Pulcher, who failed to defeat Hannibal in the first battle of Capua? It was.
The gods have yet to bless us with such glorious sight.
Yet they grace us with portent upon horizon three of Spartacus's most trusted men, their deaths to serve as warning to all who would challenge Rome! Boo! Kill those bastards! Get ready to die, you fuckers! They've got to be shed ad gladium by the warriors whose victories this day have earned them position in the Primus.
Yet who shall lead the forces of Rome? Who deserves such storied mantle? There stands but one the only gladiator from this fair city to ever earn his freedom upon the sands, a true god of the arena.
I give you Gannicus! Gannicus! Gannicus! Gannicus! Gannicus! Gannicus! Fuck me, Gannicus! Come on, Gannicus, kill them all! Why would he do this? Because he's a man without honor.
We at last face each other upon the sands as Melitta always feared.
Is it true? Did you lay with her the night she left this world? Oenomaus Begin.
We should not have torn our forces.
If we had been with you at the mines Even more would lay dead within its tunnels.
Mistakes were made on both sides.
Let us place them behind us, or risk finding them repeated.
We have found something.
Finally the gods show a fucking favor.
Let us see to what extent.
Bring the others.
Search for weapons.
Something may have been left behind.
A roof over our heads.
We shall take rest, consider future.
There holds none for you in my fucking temple.
It appeared abandoned.
I stand proof it is not.
Return to where you came.
So the gods finally fuck me to the afterlife.
Care to join me? We seek only shelter nothing more.
You are Spartacus? I am.
Then I mistake fucking for blessing.
This temple has remained absent worship for many years.
It does not offer much in the way of comforts, but I would share what I have.
You would trust wine and words from a Roman shit? And what are you? A Gaul, by your lack of manners? I am no fucking Gaul.
I am Agron, from the lands east of the Rhine.
And I am Lucius, a Roman of the Caelian clan.
A pleasure to make fucking acquaintance.
Why are you here, Lucius? I did have more esteemed lodgings once a villa, land, horses, a family, struck from this world by Sulla's black heart.
Sulla? He too was a Roman, yet marched upon his own people, punishing any who dared to defy him.
A slave is so treated.
I have owned them.
If that be offense enough, have my life.
Wine's gone anyway.
Your eyes seemed to brighten when you heard my name unexpected from a Roman.
The ones I held to heart were slaughtered by the same.
They stand no kin to me now.
And yet the man who would make them suffer, I would gladly call brother.
You could not have made speech before swilling the last of the wine? If I had I known you were for this temple, I'd have stocked it to the fucking rafters.
I thought the lot of you fallen in the mines of Lucania.
Where have you heard such tales? In the streets of Neapolis, frequented for trading.
The city is afire with news of your defeat, the only survivors to be executed at Varinius's fucking games.
- Survivors? - Give names.
I know only that three stand for the sands and one by word marked as the Undefeated Gaul.
Crixus? He yet lives? Only to see sun break dawn once more.
The games come to an end when it sets, as do the lives of your men.
Spartacus yet evades death.
While we fucking embrace it.
As I will embrace Naevia when she is returned to my arms in the afterlife where Melitta awaits you.
I long for reunion and the answers it will bring.
How you will stir the crowd! Tales of the prowess of Gannicus yet fill the air, rivaling those of Hercules himself.
His labors were rewarded with immortality.
Fortunate for you, I seek more earthly payment.
To be provided upon completion of your services.
I find myself light of coin.
A few dropped in hand would anchor purpose.
Of course.
I would not wish to see wind carry you aloft short of the appointed hour.
I shall see it done.
It will be glorious spectacle.
I would present you to the Magistrate and Praetor Varinius himself.
Let them gaze upon the legend in the arena, with the rest of the howling mob.
I am for wine and the embrace of questionable women.
How did he fall? We came upon Spartacus and his men while giving chase.
The villain himself delivered grievous injury.
And yet you stand before me, drawing breath.
I came to your tribune's aid, pulling him away to staunch life flowing from wound.
Noble effort, bearing no fruit.
- Praetor - Send word to Senator Albinius.
Spartacus will not be among the slaves executed at tomorrow's games.
- And the Syrian? - Oh, he will yet have chance to afford himself in battle, in the arena, to be executed with the other worthless slaves.
Praetor, I beg of you.
Praetor! Yet another disappointment.
Spartacus evades poor Gaius once again.
I fear your games will suffer from the Thracian's absence.
Good Mercato assures me grand spectacle to be spoken of for years throughout the Republic.
I would not have your husband's failure dampen spirits.
As I would not have him remain so titled.
The very purpose of our gathering.
News of your desires towards loving daughter lifts heart.
I have invoked the god Hymenaeus to sanction the union.
His blessing is affirmed.
The gods bestow gift beyond measure.
Yet we must proceed with caution.
I would not have Gaius aware of our plans until presented with dissolution, lets he make public scene.
Let us take leave and further discuss how to proceed.
I long for constraints to be shed and our fortunes returned to Rome.
As I long for you by my side, holding position of wife.
He appears well pleased.
Remove encumbrance as discussed, and we will see this to proper end.
Encumbrance? I am to untether myself from unfortunate lineage.
You would see your child never born? A necessary thing to ensure a more worthy heir.
I am in your debt.
Spartacus told me what you have done for Nasir.
If it were not for you It's because of me that he lays near death.
They never should have come to the mines.
I did what I could to stop them.
Would that you had done more.
The hope of seeing Crixus again was all that kept me alive.
Each day I begged the gods to see him to my arms.
And this is how they fucking answer? By allowing his touch, only to be ripped from it forever? He would not be swayed from attempt.
None of them would.
I wish Lucretia had taken my life.
Then Crixus would not have to sacrificed his for something soiled and ruined.
Spartacus calls for you.
Nasir? He yet fights.
As do we all.
The Romans would have it believed otherwise.
Lucius tells of spreading word that we are all but defeated.
Let them come and find assumption false.
I would not wait for such a day, nor see our brothers fall in the arena.
You would lay attack on the arena? Our numbers are low, more so of men able with sword.
A thing known by Glaber and his soldiers.
They would never think us to make attempt.
- For good fucking reason.
- Who is more familiar with the arena than men who have fought upon its sands? What are your thoughts? These executions serve as message that Rome will smother any flame that burns against its rule.
I would send message of our own, one that will ignite the hearts of all yet enslaved.
'Tis a heavy burden stilling life that grows inside you.
I had thought deed of lighter concern.
I do not know why I pause.
A woman will always be moved to protect her child.
Yet it must be done.
Perhaps it wise to delay the act.
Your absence at the games will draw notice.
My absence? I have forced silphium on many slaves to rid the House of Batiatus of unwanted burden.
You will sicken and bleed for many days.
I will attest such to your father.
If he so presses for reason of staying hand.
You prove wise counsel.
A service I would continue to provide.
Do you wish to accompany me to Rome? I wish only to be at your side until life leaves from body.
There is yet much of the past between us.
Let us see if there is a future.
Be quick.
At last she comes.
Other matters have drawn my attention.
I would see it towards current fucking plight.
Do you think that I would allow you to perish upon the sands after all you have done for me? I will break words with Glaber.
He places blame for Spartacus evading capture.
He will not listen to you.
Yet he will heed the will of the gods, as he has so graciously in the past.
I shall whisper of them, of how you were returned to us from dark woods for a purpose, of how the gods yet have use for you, as do I.
What would you have of me now? A simple task.
There is a red vial secreted among Ilithyia's jewelry.
I would see its contents replaced with water and bitter herb.
I've seen such red vials within this house before - and witnessed their effect.
- And when none are presented, it will be taken as a sign that her child must be born.
A task easier seen by your own hand.
You are close to her and move freely through the villa.
The risk of discovery is too great.
Ilithyia must be given no reason to doubt me, or all will fall to ruin.
And how am I to do such a thing? Even free of bondage, I am no spirit able to pass through fucking gate.
Was I not the domina of this house? Gates part in remembrance.
You have a way of making a man invisible as well.
Great spectacle is being made of the games tomorrow.
Ilithyia's slaves attend her.
Most of Glaber's men provide welcome security to calm nervous city.
It should not be hard for a man of your talents to avoid the remainder.
And if I am discovered? Do not be.
I will see myself free of bondage at any cost.
Is such a thing possible? I would see it so, or fall with Crixus in the arena.
If the gods yet care, may they speed your return.
Where do we go? Nasir.
Give me a sword.
I will join you.
I would have you rest yet a while longer.
This time you stay and I go.
We must move.
The boy cheats death.
Perhaps it is a sign.
We can not rely on omen.
We must take strength in just cause and bring it to bear.
You have all heard whispers of what we attempt.
I would overtake soft voice with bold words.
We are for the arena in Capua.
What? And if you do not return? Lucius Caelius knows these lands.
If we are too long from you, I would ask that he show you safe path, far from the reach of Glaber and his soldiers.
We have suffered wound and loss.
We have been divided.
Yet we are free a thing beyond price a thing I would see condemned brothers embrace once again and in the doing of it spread word to every slave yet beneath heel that even the mighty Republic bleeds when struck! You fuck like a god.
I would share a cup to regain sense.
I have not seen you here before, have I? I've been many years from Capua.
What brings return? I come for the games.
I wish I could see them.
I would trade place.
You stand upon the sands and I will drink and fuck until the gods take me.
The sands? You're Gannicus the gladiator who gained his freedom.
Shadow of the same.
I've never heard of another who's won the rudis.
May I touch it? These markings they tell of your victories? They tell of glories long forgotten.
Why do you carry it, if it troubles mind? It must always remain at my side, even in the arena proof that I am no longer a slave reminder of choices made while I was yet one.
Please, Melitta, breathe! Let us put talk behind us.
I would fall to bed, wine and the memory of your thighs to brace against coming day.
It is a blessing to be forever removed from this fucking house.
May it crumble in our wake.
See them delivered to the arena, prepared for execution.
Praetor, apologies.
I would have word.
You draw breath only because Lucretia cautions the gods yet foretell of your worth.
Press me, and see prophecy ignored.
I but wish to fulfill it this very day.
- Ready? March.
Speak then, and let us gauge divinity.
My eyes fell upon most curious sight, witnessed from my cell your wife's slave stealing through the night, in her hand a thing familiar to me, one I fear you may have no knowledge of.
See the litter well stocked with water and wine.
I would not stand before Varinius parched from this fucking heat.
Yes, Domina.
I thought you for the arena with your men.
Have the gods ever beheld such beauty? You flatter.
Leave us.
We will be past the appointed hour.
They will wait, as I have waited for blessings longed for.
'Twill be a glorious day.
One you would see never arrive.
- Gaius - Do not fucking attempt lie! I know what I hold and the intent it carries! Why? Because you are not worthy of an heir.
You are not worthy of me.
Have we drifted so far from the love we once held? It is a speck upon distant shore, too small to draw notice.
I will hold my child in my arms and you will play part of dutiful mother and wife.
I will not.
You will do as your husband commands! Then I pray Varinius gives them with softer voice.
Varinius? My father dissolves our marriage in favor of more promising opportunity.
I return with him to Rome at the close of the games.
You conspire against me.
We do what we must in face of growing disappointment.
I will have words with your father.
To what end? He allowed you my hand only because I begged with teary eye, wet with thoughts of love.
They now stand dry, a desert deprived of rain.
Is there nothing left between us? Memories only.
Yet they too shall fade.
Come, let us present ourselves as husband and wife for the last time.
The crowd has turned to sour mood.
We can place no blame, except perhaps upon cause of delay.
My husband found himself distracted by unexpected concerns.
Matters of great import then, to keep honored guest and all of Capua waiting.
It was of a pressing nature.
I would condemn such transgressions to distant past and turn eye toward more deserving future.
Such thoughts kept sleep at bay.
I pray the conclusion of this day brings you comfort, as you have brought to all touched by your divine presence.
Let us begin, and see it come to pass.
- What are we waiting for? - Get on with it! Citizens of Capua! We gather this day to witness an end to the storied games of your humble editor Publius Varinius.
And in their closing, know that I have not foregone the mores of noonday execution but rather find tradition exalted to position of the Primus.
And each contest that leads us to it shall determine which men stand worthy to deliver the justice of Rome.
Let spectacles of blood no longer hold pause.
Enter Mycter Samnite! Enter Abiron Murmillo! May the gods bless us with a day forever etched upon memory.
Begin! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! A display to shake the heavens.
You possess a gift for the pairing of gladiators, Mercato.
Have you ever considered plying such trade in Rome? You honor me, Praetor.
Yet my fortunes are tied to Capua.
Is it your intent to spirit away everyone of note? I have thoughts toward but a few.
Your husband's eyes betray darkening storm.
He has made unfortunate discovery within my bedchambers.
Unfortunate indeed.
We reach final contest before the Primus.
Who shall prove himself a god, worthy to take vengeance against the enemies of Rome? Enter Masonius, Hoplomachus! Enter Strabo, Murmillo! Kill! Kill! Kill! A fine showing.
To be forever remembered by adoring crowd, as will the name Varinius, who bestows such generous gifts.
Indeed, he shall never be forgotten.
Same cannot be said of all men.
The executions begin.
Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Two against an army? I do not care for your odds.
You will see them towards our favor.
You are clear to your purpose? We will see it done.
It gives strength knowing you stand with me.
We must work quickly.
If any of you hold faith in any gods, now would be time to fucking entreat them.
"Hannibal stands at our gates" a phrase used to invoke fear among the children of Rome, a specter of the Carthaginian animal For many years I have dreamed of my return to the arena.
It is an honor to stand beside you upon the sands.
Hannibal passed from this life at the end of a Roman sword! Your time has come.
A fate that will one day be shared by the rebel Spartacus! They give us swords absent fucking edge.
Absent hope of victory as well.
Then let us prove them fools for giving us swords at all.
Boo! Kill those bastards! You'll die, fuckers! I want to see your insides, prisoners! This day grants us undeserved honor.
I have longed to share the sands with Gannicus the greatest champion ever to enter the arena.
There stand no champions here, only men and their fates.
Yet who shall lead the forces of Rome? Who deserves such storied mantle? - You're from the House of Batiatus.
- There stands but one.
A lifetime ago.
And now you take to the sands to claim the lives of your brothers? If they must fall, I would see them to honorable death A true god of the arena.
Given by one who yet holds them to heart.
I give you Gannicus! Gannicus! Fuck me, Gannicus! Kill them, Gannicus! Kill them all! Gannicus! Gannicus! Gannicus! Gannicus! Gannicus! Gannicus! I begin to question fucking plan.
We are committed.
Steel nerve and be ready for She was my wife and you my brother.
He is mine.
This is the place.
You there! Veronius, send for more men! Halt! The Gaul finally nears his end.
A fate long overdue.
They take too long.
We must wait or see effort fail.
I never wanted to feel what I felt for her.
I never wanted any of this.
Rhaskos! - Fuck.
- Wait.
Kill! Kill! Kill! It's not working fast enough.
The chains wrap them around the supports.
Boo! Yeah! Pull! Pull! I will send you to her arms, brother.
Pull! Now! What's happening? Let's get out of here! Clear way! Clear fucking way! Mercato! Mercato! Mercato! I would see us gone from here, brother.
Kill them! Give hand! Spartacus.
Cossutius! The path is clear! Spartacus once again makes fool of you.
Your days in the Senate have found their end.
Spartacus, we must move! No.
We must find Oenomaus.
This way.
Help me, please.
Help me, please.
I'm not the fool you and your daughter think me.
Help me with him.
I will follow.
I have had my fill of games.
Let us leave this arena forever.
Citizens! Citizens, calm yourselves! Gather your fucking men.
I would see you safe to the villa.
Gaius, where is my father? He has fallen at the hands of Spartacus.
We will survive this together as husband and wife.

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